IRC log for #brlcad on 20120915

00:32.27 brlcad elf_: what is the first error you see in ?
00:33.20 brlcad that error is you mistyping what I said to add.. :)
00:33.45 brlcad the other problem is you're trying to kill something that you didn't even add
03:44.01 starseeker woot - built the Qt5 beta, Ogre 1.8, and the qmlogre demo
03:48.12 starseeker
03:59.57 brlcad neat
04:02.09 starseeker first time I've ever gotten that complete stack built on my Linux box
04:03.04 starseeker not that it does us much good in its current form, but it would be interesting to see how much of the old gsoc work could forward port to a modified qmlogre
04:08.23 starseeker really really really wishes the Qt guys would move to a CMake based build after they get Qt5 out the door...
04:09.19 starseeker not that we're ever likely to include it in the svn tree, but I can think of one or two nice ways to make it easy to build iff it's present in src/other
04:11.24 elf_ line 17-19
04:11.25 elf_
04:15.33 brlcad elf_: yes, what does that error mean?
04:15.46 brlcad looks like you fixed the other two issues
04:17.36 elf_ damn the server is not starting
04:17.48 elf_ I forgot to add the first line you told me to add haven't I?
04:18.13 brlcad starseeker: at the point that we are *shipping* something using qt and/or ogre, it becomes strong incentive for having a separate repo for external dependencies
04:18.32 brlcad elf_: :)
04:20.14 elf_ okay added fbserv -W 360 -N 640 5 /dev/X & at the beginning but I get a complete black image
04:20.43 brlcad it should be black until the first rt
04:25.31 elf_ it's still black after 5 iterations
04:25.33 elf_
04:25.50 elf_
04:31.16 brlcad elf_: first up, change the kill line to this:
04:31.16 brlcad kill `ps auxwww|grep [f]bserv | awk '{print $2}'`
04:31.46 brlcad second, do the image2.png files look right or are they black too?
04:31.58 brlcad you just have to debug it, figure out what's wrong
04:32.18 brlcad walk through each piece of your script and verify that it's doing what it should be doing
04:32.32 elf_ I did an 5 step iteration all of the images are black like the one I posted
04:33.05 brlcad run fbserv manually and render into it, just to make sure you understand how that works
04:33.17 brlcad read the rt log files that your script is saving
04:34.09 brlcad see if there's an error messsage in there
04:36.23 elf_ I think the database is corrupted again, I mentioned it that if the scripts run over 190steps the database gets corrupted and after you have to create another one
04:36.25 brlcad starseeker: you can see the nurbs bug in my ~sean/tmp folder
04:36.38 brlcad elf_: woah, that's bad!
04:36.50 elf_ I know
04:37.32 brlcad that might be the first place to start after you finish the animations
04:37.55 elf_ it's from the simulate command, no matter for how long you seem to run the simulation after the 191 image it doesn't generate anymore images, you get the database corrupt failure
04:38.05 brlcad need to move on to other things next week, so hopefully you can get them rendered up and the tutorial finished by then
04:38.54 brlcad you'd have to figure out what exactly is "corrupt" and what is failing
04:39.13 starseeker brlcad: erm. yeah, not good - that one may need Keith's debugging skills
04:39.43 brlcad impressive, handled all those surfaces well otherwise
04:42.04 brlcad been keeping an eye out for a great model that really calls for nurbs
04:42.13 elf_ The database was not the problem this time
04:42.26 starseeker wonder if there's something odd about that surface - doesn't look like it should be a problem
04:42.58 brlcad that one turned out to be a bit too sexy, but was still impressed that it converted so well
04:43.09 brlcad it's a lot of surfaces
04:43.51 starseeker we may need to put something together that will let us extract surfaces hit by a ray into their own individual breps
04:44.05 elf_ I get this after every simulation
04:44.16 elf_ every step of the simulation*
04:46.11 brlcad elf_: !
04:46.19 brlcad elf_: and what does that mean...
04:46.57 brlcad or you mean you get that error after 191
04:47.51 elf_ No, this is the error I get now, when running the simulation for 5 steps
04:48.12 brlcad ah, and what is it saying?
04:49.14 elf_ overlaps?
04:49.22 brlcad no
04:50.03 brlcad ls -la /home/brlcad/brlcad/s3.g
04:50.28 brlcad mged /home/brlcad/brlcad/s3.g ls
04:52.00 elf_ bb_reg_sim_cube.r/ cube sim.c/
04:52.00 elf_ bb_reg_sim_gp.r/ cube.r/R sim_cube.r/R
04:52.00 elf_ bb_sim_cube.r gp sim_gp.r/R
04:52.00 elf_ bb_sim_gp.r gp.r/R
04:52.55 brlcad elf_: so you need to take a step back and make sure you understand each and EVERY step in your script
04:53.01 brlcad by running them outside the script
04:53.07 brlcad forget the loop
04:53.32 brlcad you should be able to start up an fbserv, render rt into it, render rtedge into it, and close the fbserv
04:53.35 brlcad try to do that
04:53.49 brlcad if you can't, then there's something you need to learn
04:54.33 elf_ okay :)
04:55.30 brlcad start simple, just one object like cube.r, no custom view, default size, etc
04:56.15 brlcad assuming you get that working
04:56.45 brlcad then just change ONE thing, like making the size match 360x640, and see if it still works
04:57.14 brlcad make sure they'll render non-black window without fbserv
04:57.59 brlcad make sure rt will render into an fbser
04:58.09 brlcad do the same with rtedge independently
04:58.20 brlcad then try rt+rtedge using the ov=1 overlay option
05:05.50 elf_ It did work when I tried the commands one after the other in the terminal
05:06.37 brlcad keep goin
05:07.17 brlcad should eventually get to running the *exact* same command and it'll work .. or you'll find the bug
05:08.37 brlcad just keep adding each option/feature/step one at a time
05:09.32 elf_
05:09.46 elf_ this is what it looks like without the -M option though
05:10.03 elf_ with rt+rtedge and ov set
05:10.27 brlcad so maybe you messed up the view script
05:10.35 brlcad it was working, obviously
05:10.41 elf_ yep
05:13.41 elf_ that's not it, I redid the view script, and I still get completely black images
05:16.08 brlcad well this one I can't find for you, you're just going to have to keep looking, rebuild the script, add debugging messages, etc
05:16.18 brlcad good luck :)
05:18.56 elf_ I just observed that the rtedge command when I run it out of the script it takes effect only the second time it is run
05:19.14 elf_ like you have to run it 2 times in a row to take effect once
05:21.16 elf_ Okay that wasn't it, solved it
05:21.55 elf_ but it looks a little strange the image 360X640.... like the little cube is smashed on the sides maybe another dimensions size will look better
05:27.33 brlcad brlman rt
05:28.02 brlcad see the -V option, you need that
06:40.41 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Simulation 256x256.gif]]"
06:49.22 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (~starseeke@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
06:49.22 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
07:10.58 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
07:10.58 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (~starseeke@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
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09:43.26 *** join/#brlcad elf11_ (~elf11_@
09:49.22 elf11_ Am I the only one who can't access the website?
10:16.07 *** join/#brlcad [1]elf11_ (~elf11_@
10:51.37 ``Erik the server seems to be down
11:27.29 *** join/#brlcad elf11_ (~elf11_@
12:48.39 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
16:07.52 *** join/#brlcad elf (~elf@
16:19.24 *** join/#brlcad elf_ (~elf@
17:38.48 elf_ Hmm the server looks still down...
17:51.59 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r52449 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/libpng/ (52 files in 7 dirs): Update libpng to 1.5.12 - CVE-2012-3386
18:20.09 *** join/#brlcad vsrinivas (
18:40.43 *** join/#brlcad ohworkshop (
18:40.49 ohworkshop waves to vsrinivas
18:43.32 vsrinivas hiya folks!
18:43.46 vsrinivas hi BRL-CADders ... the website seems down.
18:43.59 elf_ hello, yes it's down
19:14.29 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r52450 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_botpatches.cpp: Don't expose the internal patch processing in the final patch numbers assigned.
19:47.36 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
19:51.34 *** join/#brlcad todayman (~paul@
20:02.46 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
20:17.15 brlcad elf_: you video killed the web serer :)
20:17.20 brlcad server even
20:17.37 brlcad more specifically, imagemagick is to blame
20:21.45 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/delete: deleted "[[Image:Simulation 256x256.gif]]"
20:28.07 brlcad hi todayman
20:28.39 brlcad recognizes that ip address anywhere
20:31.32 todayman hello brlcad
20:33.26 brlcad how'd the event go?
20:33.37 brlcad (I presume it's still going?)
20:36.56 todayman It's still going
20:37.29 todayman I think i'm the only one looking at brlcad right now, since the website was not responding earlier
20:45.46 brlcad sincerest of apologies about that -- ISP was giving hell today and the server was misbehaving in a big way
20:45.50 brlcad took hours to sort out
20:50.53 paulproteuss waves to todayman
20:51.55 todayman I found a bug ~30 mins ago, but I've become more confused by it since then.
20:52.55 todayman I'm running "mged -c cup.g" and telling it to create an ogl display manager.
20:53.29 todayman The black background is entirely transparent - I can see the windows underneath the mged window
20:54.49 todayman In fact, I can drag another window on top of the mged window, then select the mged window, and watch the other window become unfocused
20:55.16 todayman It appears to me that the background is not getting drawn at all
20:56.27 paulproteuss Well that's good, at least.
20:56.40 todayman However, I have modified ogl_setBGColor() to print out when it gets called (it does in fact get called)
20:56.56 todayman and also make the background cyan and set the alpha value to 1.0
20:57.03 todayman I still get the same behaviour though
20:57.57 todayman paulproteuss: I'm really confused by your comment.
20:58.11 paulproteuss I mean, finding a bug is good.
20:58.13 paulproteuss At least you can report it.
20:58.16 todayman ok
20:58.25 paulproteuss From my pedagogical perspective, that's a good thing!
20:59.02 todayman I'm not even completely sure that this is a BRL-CAD problem -
20:59.14 paulproteuss What does brlcad think?
20:59.55 todayman I find the windows underneath the mged window changing to be very unsettling
21:00.48 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r52451 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_botpatches.cpp: Generate brep edges, not just nurbs curves.
21:01.49 brlcad todayman: you're the second person in as many days to report a background issue
21:02.29 todayman I also get different behavior when I run it through gdb
21:02.43 brlcad so it's very likely that you have encountered a very-recently introduced bug
21:03.31 brlcad at least it's possible, I'd need a little more information with exact steps to see if we can reproduce the issue here
21:03.34 todayman In that case, the mged window doesn't update the same way
21:04.11 brlcad if you run "rt" within mged, it should pop up a window -- does that window have a background?
21:04.35 brlcad you can try a variety of windowing methods
21:04.58 brlcad rt # uses the default windowing mechanism
21:05.09 brlcad rt -F/dev/X
21:05.14 brlcad rt -F/dev/ogl
21:05.29 todayman Do I need to pass anything to rt?
21:05.43 brlcad you have to have drawn some geometry
21:05.54 brlcad if you have a database open, can just run "make sph sph"
21:05.58 brlcad if not, opendb test.g
21:06.32 brlcad otherwise, run "draw ..." or "e ..." to display something first
21:06.34 todayman made the geometry
21:06.43 todayman running just "rt" does not have a background
21:06.58 brlcad can you paste a screenshot somewhere?
21:07.16 todayman running with "rt- F/dev/X" does have a background
21:07.29 todayman I also get the background when I select the X display manager at the initial prompt
21:08.00 brlcad can paste here:
21:08.47 brlcad what about -F/dev/oglD ?
21:09.45 todayman oglD does not have a background
21:10.00 todayman I don't have a screenshot program on my laptop right now, so I'm working on that
21:10.25 brlcad you have x11? :)
21:10.44 todayman yes
21:11.10 brlcad x11 has an ancient tool for screenshotting, xwd
21:11.51 brlcad if you run xwininfo
21:12.12 brlcad and click in one of the transparent mged or rt windows, it'll dump window information
21:12.35 brlcad xwd -id window_id | convert xwd:- window.png
21:12.43 brlcad (assuming you have image magick installed
21:13.15 brlcad or "xwd -root | convert xwd:- screenshot.png" for your whole screen
21:13.40 brlcad if you don't have imagemagic, can pipe it through xwdtopnm
21:13.57 brlcad xwd -root | xwdtopnm | pnmtopng > screen.png
21:14.19 brlcad stops :)
21:14.32 todayman They're at
21:15.07 todayman Venkatesh remembers something like this with NVidia drivers from a while back
21:15.09 brlcad wow, that's worse than I was imagining
21:16.37 todayman I'm not sure how this bug is able to determine the difference between the pixels drawn by glClear and how the lines get drawn
21:17.18 todayman I'm not sure what part of the graphics stack would know that and mess it up
21:17.31 brlcad yeah, that is bizarre
21:18.11 brlcad well, the good news is that is pretty isolated code
21:20.20 brlcad and it's gotta be something new/simple
21:20.41 brlcad the only change that comes to mind isn't even in that library
21:21.06 brlcad so fixing that bug would be awesome if you can figure out what's going on -- glad to help point you at the sources involved
21:24.15 brlcad todayman: out of curiosity, does the "archer" command line tool start up with a background?
21:26.10 todayman archer looks OK:
21:26.39 brlcad so that's telling and even more perplexing -- they're using almost identical display code
21:27.32 todayman I'm wondering if it is worth attempting to restart with different GL drivers
21:27.45 brlcad so the directories involved are src/mged and src/libdm (and src/libfb for the windows that pop up when you ran "rt")
21:28.22 brlcad the rt framebuffers should be easier to debug if they exhibit the problem
21:28.59 brlcad because you can run those outside of mged and it's literally just a couple files to look at
21:29.15 brlcad you said "rt" gave a transparent window?
21:29.17 todayman I looked at src/libdm/dm-ogl.c a little bit
21:29.28 todayman yes, "rt" gave a transparent window
21:30.07 brlcad okay, so that's probably best then -- outside of mged, can run "rt file.g sph" and it should give the transparent window
21:30.38 brlcad if so, then whatever is going wrong should be isolated to src/libfb, probably to the if_ogl.c file
21:31.15 todayman "rt file.g sph" gives the transparent window
21:35.58 *** join/#brlcad todayman1 (~paul@
21:38.51 todayman1 I've just set breakpoints on glClear and glClearColor while I ran "rt cup.g sph" and they didn't get hit
21:44.41 todayman1 glClear does get called when I run mged, though
21:46.31 brlcad that's interesting for the fb window
21:46.50 brlcad glClear should get called on expose events and on directed ogl_clear() calls
21:47.26 brlcad so your window manager might not be sending an expose event, or something may be needed to provoke it
21:48.12 brlcad ogl_do_event() is where the Expose callback should be coming after calling XCheckWindowEvent()
21:49.25 brlcad could add breaks on ogl_clear and on expose_callback to see if either are called
21:49.37 brlcad does the "fbhelp" command display a transparent window?
21:50.19 brlcad "fbclear 255 0 0" should display a red window
21:55.03 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r52452 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_botpatches.cpp: Generate loops - not doing anything with them yet, as we need to generate faces and surfaces first, but restore basic loop building logic with BrepEdge input. Still need to rework outer loop detection.
21:55.30 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (~starseeke@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
21:57.55 starseeker wow - haven't had to restart screen in a while
21:58.30 brlcad starseeker: yeah, server went through hell in the AM
21:58.36 brlcad lost our screen sessions
21:59.04 starseeker glad it's back :-)
21:59.14 starseeker 's withdrawal twitching subsides :-P
22:03.08 brlcad missed out on a nice opportunity, though -- a crash course on contributing to open source was going on at jhu today and we were set up for it
22:04.14 elf_ brlcad, how was that possible, I don't think it was over 1mb...
22:11.27 brlcad elf_: it's not, but somehow it made imagemagick massively misbehave
22:12.02 brlcad I'd hold off on uploading another until it can be tested more carefully
22:13.02 elf_ okay, so I won't upload it then, will just modify the script, to the latest version and will add the youtube links
22:22.45 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4439 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
22:31.58 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r52453 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_botpatches.cpp:
22:31.58 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: Move the surface fitting code into its own function, add in some edge points
22:31.58 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: from the nurbs curves to the fit, change the face generation to not
22:31.58 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: automatically create loops for the surfaces. This currently produces an invalid
22:31.59 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: brep with a 'has no loops' error, but that's expected - we now need to generate
22:31.59 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: our own trimming loops using the surface/loop/edge information and
22:32.00 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: pullback_curve.

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