IRC log for #brlcad on 20121105

02:01.17 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~quassel@
03:29.42 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
04:48.33 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
06:03.27 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
06:23.33 brlcad ``Erik: starseeker: need one or both of you to sign up at and send me your link_id
06:23.47 brlcad it's separate from the one for gsoc
06:24.57 brlcad if anyone is interested in being a mentor for GCI this year, let me know (pm or public, whatever)
06:26.42 brlcad GCI is high school, and the tasks are well-defined simple mini-projects that are estimated to take an average student less than two hours to complete
06:27.05 brlcad so help formulating ideas is also appreciated! :)
06:27.39 Stattrav I wrote the most concise explaination of the project
06:28.16 brlcad Stattrav: heh
06:28.49 brlcad that's not exactly what I'd call concise, but it'll certainly work ;)
06:41.45 Stattrav brlcad: I started working on the frontend now
06:42.12 Stattrav I was just messing around with some templating engines so as to have a proper display
06:43.10 Stattrav off to go to a class, I shall inform you about that soon.
06:43.55 brlcad awesome, thanks -- look forward to the update
06:44.33 brlcad has been working on the underlying benchmark infrastructure tremendously of late ..
06:45.29 brlcad I did just make a change to the output log just yesterday, but shouldn't affect parsing if that was done right... :)
06:54.22 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
07:01.07 Stattrav totally
07:34.21 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
08:37.32 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
09:26.07 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
11:26.19 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
11:37.48 ``Erik brlcad: (looking at gci, I seem to be attached already...) php?
11:37.59 ``Erik that for the drupal stuff?
14:17.19 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (
14:17.19 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
14:21.26 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, any of the web work
14:21.36 brlcad I guessed or your link_id and it seemed to work :)
14:21.54 brlcad the app isn't done, I just stubbed it in with some previous language
14:39.58 crdueck brlcad: yes, of course. My last midterm is this tuesday, if I submit by thursday will that be alright?
15:17.18 ``Erik we could probably chop up the windows threading work into 2-3 bite sized tasks
15:19.31 ``Erik (I'd imagine anything this small that we'd think of would mostly be the 'dirty' trivial stuff that our arrogance prevents us from doing)
15:23.46 ``Erik mebbe improvements to util/terrain (should that be procdb?) or an lsystem tree generator?
15:24.24 ``Erik convert a shell script to tcl so it can run on winderz?
15:25.07 ``Erik (like, say, benchmark... or regress...)
16:02.27 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
16:56.49 brlcad crdueck: okay
16:57.14 brlcad ``Erik: unlike previous years, this year they are 2- hour tasks..
17:14.49 brlcad "trivial stuff" is very much the scope
17:15.16 brlcad I'm looking to do a task decomposition on the existing Quickies page to make them even smaller
17:15.30 brlcad or at least to make sure they're doable within a couple hours
17:22.34 ``Erik yeah, I'm just thinking that any ~2hr task we'd want done would be done unless there was some ick to it, like msvc/win32... *shrug* decomposition is another way to find those sized tasks, or 'fresh eyes' type tasks, like reviewing
17:23.16 brlcad moving comments from source to headers is a good one
17:23.46 brlcad unit tests are good
17:25.33 brlcad unit tests for all of libbu and libbn make for about 100 tasks
17:26.05 brlcad currently about 20 of 113
17:27.53 brlcad would be easier to track if they were 1:1 instead of N:M
17:28.29 brlcad there's probably a few bugs that are <2 hrs
17:38.34 ``Erik hm, identifying library functions that aren't used in any of our executables might be handy, too (then the "dead code" vs "third party utility" decision could be made by someone more familiar)
17:38.50 brlcad I have a script for that
17:40.01 brlcad for libbu, for example
17:40.15 ``Erik speaking of small bugs, 'make test' locks up in the libbu rb tree stuff
17:43.01 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~quassel@
17:43.07 brlcad waves to crdueck
17:43.13 brlcad er, and cristina :)
17:43.50 cristina waves back :)
17:44.24 brlcad ``Erik: since when? I don't think that's changed recently..
17:45.11 ``Erik been doing it for a while, try a "make test"
17:45.42 brlcad all of my builds right now are single-precision fastf_t builds, so I wouldn't trust them
17:46.03 ``Erik I assumed the dude working on it was in progress on it and would fix it, *shrug*
17:46.27 brlcad the rb tests are done afaik
17:47.01 brlcad worked for me a couple weeks ago when I last ran them
17:49.09 ``Erik heh, the test program halts waiting for input.
17:55.11 brlcad oh right
17:55.46 ``Erik cia is mia
17:56.03 brlcad i thought I'd fixed that
17:56.13 brlcad you know cia went down, right?
17:56.41 ``Erik haven't been paying attention... like permanently? or until someone attends the host?
17:57.19 brlcad like as in someone accidentally fdisked the virtual host partition without making a backup
17:58.10 brlcad long complicated story, but they're working on restoring service
17:58.32 ``Erik nice
17:58.53 ``Erik at the beginning of october, looks like
17:59.10 brlcad it was a mess before it went down with an ancient django and other issues, and it was apparently a bit beyond the abilities of the latest maintainer's hands
17:59.37 ``Erik and no brlbot for local needs? :D
17:59.50 brlcad I last worked on it with bearperson about two years ago and he may have a backup (I may too, but on a disabled drive)
17:59.56 brlcad go ahead ;)
18:00.29 brlcad commit mails are flowing, so someone would just need to set up a procmail on bz to notify irc
18:00.44 ``Erik fires up slime and looks for cl-irc O.o
18:02.22 brlcad libirc will do the trick easily enough with probably 100 lines of code
18:02.33 brlcad (if you wanted to do it in C)
18:02.40 ``Erik but it wouldn't have a cl- in front of it
18:02.57 ``Erik
18:12.58 brlcad whatever floats your boat, anything is great if it's reliable :)
18:21.49 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
18:27.35 *** join/#brlcad andrei__ (andrei@
18:28.30 brlcad waves to andrei__
18:29.09 andrei__ I have to learn how to do this purple writing :(
18:31.08 brlcad purple?
18:31.40 andrei__ well when you waved me it looks like a different type of writing and I don't know how to do that
18:31.46 andrei__ looked*
18:31.51 brlcad ooooh, hah
18:31.58 brlcad just type /me says hello
18:32.07 andrei__ says hello
18:32.10 brlcad there ya go ;)
18:32.11 andrei__ aah, now I know !
18:32.37 brlcad does a backflip
18:32.43 brlcad falls on his face
18:33.28 brlcad I thought you were perhaps learning to write purple prose:
18:34.21 andrei__ Im currently using mIRC and in mIRC that command is displayed purple
18:37.35 ``Erik yeah, it's an 'action' with ctcp flags and all O.o
18:38.10 ``Erik rfc1459 if you want to see the nitty gritty guts of how irc works :D
18:38.23 andrei__ irc is defined in rfc ?:o
18:38.47 ``Erik the protocol is, yes
18:40.44 ``Erik brlcad: was cia using commit emails or a svn post commit hook?
18:41.32 brlcad essentially, yes
18:42.20 brlcad it was it's on hook,
18:43.50 brlcad actually think sent the data via XML RPC, not e-mail .. but I don't know which sourceforge configured it for
18:44.00 brlcad probably rpc
18:44.41 ``Erik cool, so I can plug in a ucw app to catch the xml rpc message, break it down and shoot it to irc... easy O.o
18:45.16 ``Erik (you do have permission to shove a modified ciabot script in, right? mebbe as a second hook in case returns?)
18:45.50 brlcad I don't think so
18:46.14 brlcad we can't define our own hooks, that was one sourceforge provided everyone
18:46.33 brlcad the script is obviously wired to send to
18:46.52 brlcad an e-mail hook is the easiest
18:46.57 brlcad then it can just live on .bz
18:58.56 ``Erik parsing the generated emails might be ugly
19:06.48 brlcad shrug -- they're simple enough to extract with a couple regex
19:07.06 ``Erik multiline comments foul that up
19:07.08 brlcad the only problem is when the commit message is really long, truncating it
19:08.22 brlcad I don't think anyone would cry if the message was sent through 's/[:space:]+/ /g'
19:26.20 brlcad ``Erik: gci application completed if you want to review it -- I'm working on the tasks next
20:47.11 ``Erik the beginning of the 'why would your org like to participate' doesn't feel quite right to me... apologetic with a hint of glibness O.o mebbe put a positive spin by saying how we're prepared instead of saying that we weren't prepared before?
20:47.56 ``Erik other than that, looks great... damn your wordsmithing and copy writing fu
20:49.34 ``Erik thinks he has the receiver, parser and infrasture together for brlcia, will verify tomorrow after some commit emails and put the irc bot part in place
20:52.36 brlcad awesome!
20:57.50 ``Erik mwahaha
21:01.18 brlcad reworded why participate intro, thanks
21:01.54 brlcad heh, neat
21:41.14 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
21:44.41 brlcad okay template in place, breaking up the old topics to 2-hour chunks
23:16.40 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:16.40 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || logs:
23:39.36 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
23:50.02 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (andrei@
23:58.51 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (
23:58.51 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)

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