IRC log for #brlcad on 20121106

01:48.46 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (
01:48.46 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
03:20.56 *** join/#brlcad tanjhid (
03:43.46 starseeker eyes and ponders libgvm backend possibilities...
03:48.48 starseeker "libgit2 builds cleanly on most platforms without any external dependencies" - drool...
03:48.54 starseeker CMake to boot
03:50.49 starseeker big question is whether their feature set has reached a point where it does what we would need... they suggest it's "quite feature complete..."
04:57.33 brlcad GPLv2 with a special Linking Exception
04:58.05 brlcad nice to see git libs finally coming along for other platforms, though
04:58.23 brlcad finishes up with the deuces ideas list for now
04:58.53 brlcad if anyone else wants to add any itmes or correct any mistakes i injected
04:58.58 brlcad or otherwise improve it
05:31.57 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
06:33.39 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (andrei@
06:34.49 *** join/#brlcad tofu (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
08:08.28 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~quassel@
10:38.29 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (
10:38.29 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
11:34.12 ``Erik bleh, procmail wasn't wired in right
12:48.20 tofu ?
13:06.35 *** join/#brlcad cl-irc (
13:13.31 starseeker brlcad: is GPLv2 + Linking Exception a no-go for us?
13:15.57 *** join/#brlcad brlbot (
13:32.03 *** join/#brlcad brlbot (
13:37.22 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
13:44.04 brlbot 11010001100101110110011011001101111
13:44.15 ``Erik awesoem
13:54.55 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (andrei@
15:14.48 brlcad waits impatiently
15:15.10 ``Erik hold up, maildir did something unexpected
15:16.49 brlbot erikgreenwald:53471 cast to fix signed/unsigned warning
15:17.08 brlcad woot
15:17.45 brlcad starseeker: any plans to work on "fix 64b detection across platforms. Fix rhel 32/64 confusion" this month?
15:59.25 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
16:12.11 brlbot carlmoore:53474 change eg to e.g., and fix spellings
16:43.18 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
17:11.07 brlbot <PROTECTED>
17:14.56 brlbot <PROTECTED>
17:15.51 andrei_ Exterminate? Oh my :(
17:17.53 ``Erik working on getting the color printing right, trying to emulate the old cia look a little
17:31.18 andrei_ I think it's a good idea that you didn't test this during the GSoC application period :)
17:31.40 ``Erik this is new as of last night
17:32.43 ``Erik
17:40.03 ``Erik starseeker:
17:44.54 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
18:18.25 brlbot 03carlmoore * 53475 brlcad/trunk/include/bio.h: fix spelling
18:27.43 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (
18:47.16 brlbot 03carlmoore * 53476 brlcad/trunk/include/nmg.h: fix spellings
19:28.30 *** join/#brlcad brlbot (
19:45.52 *** join/#brlcad brlbot (
19:47.17 brlbot 03carlmoore * 53475 brlcad/trunk/include/bio.h: fix spelling
19:47.17 brlbot 03carlmoore * 53476 brlcad/trunk/include/nmg.h: fix spellings
20:19.32 starseeker brlcad: no plans to work on that this month... (sorry)
20:19.46 brlcad no worries, just going through the list
20:20.00 starseeker ``Erik++
20:20.08 starseeker welcoms brlbot - woot!
20:20.14 starseeker welcomes even
20:20.30 brlcad ``Erik: how about a better name? :)
20:20.56 ``Erik xuul? darlek-prime?
20:22.09 ``Erik I started abstracting some stuff out so it can do other stuff, like a cia replacement but less lame than irker
20:22.12 ``Erik :D
20:22.17 starseeker hehe
20:23.09 starseeker ``Erik: interesting news about FreeBSD - I didn't realize they where that far along on the clang conversion
20:23.18 starseeker blinks
20:23.31 brlcad freenode just kick it?
20:23.42 ``Erik doh
20:24.08 starseeker ``Erik: guess we may have to start actually caring officially about clang support now...
20:24.25 brlcad likes xuul
20:25.24 ``Erik unfortunately the lambda character isn't available in utf8
20:27.59 starseeker tries to google xuul and isn't finding much...
20:28.12 ``Erik zuul, woops
20:28.48 starseeker ah
20:35.22 ``Erik hm, zuul is registered, CIA has a 30 second window to identify
21:28.58 ZUUL 03n_reed * 53477 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw.c: update solid's vlist length at the same time as its vlist rather than waiting for it to be a side-effect of the bounding routine
21:32.42 starseeker ``Erik: well, we could always go back to xuul... close enough ;-)
22:02.34 ZUUL 03carlmoore * 53478 brlcad/trunk/include/tie.h: fix spelling
22:09.59 ``Erik d'no, a dr who theme might be more entertaining O.o
22:10.11 ``Erik or mebbe h2g2
22:27.04 ZUUL 03carlmoore * 53479 brlcad/trunk/include/vfont-if.h: fix spelling
22:28.02 starseeker ``Erik: how about HAL?
22:29.35 ZUUL 03carlmoore * 53480 brlcad/trunk/include/optical.h: fix spelling
22:38.45 HAL9000 I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that
22:40.59 HAL9000 yet another registered nick
22:41.20 starseeker hmm
22:41.46 starseeker ``Erik: MULTIVAC?
22:41.58 ``Erik 6502!
22:42.17 ``Erik wonder if WOPR is taken
22:42.32 ``Erik yup, with a user on it right now heh
22:42.32 starseeker how can you tell if a nick is taken?
22:43.19 HAL9000 This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname,
22:43.52 starseeker I suppose M5 is out?
22:45.54 ``Erik ST:TOS?
22:46.03 starseeker yep
22:47.03 starseeker if I did that right, M5 isn't registered
22:47.09 starseeker nice and short too
22:50.00 starseeker ``Erik: can we register a name for a bot?
22:52.29 brlcad "SS" .. sonic screwdriver
22:52.37 brlcad or better, just "ss"
22:53.19 brlcad and of course, secret service ;)
22:53.43 ``Erik inn use, of course
22:53.52 ``Erik as is tardis
22:54.04 starseeker is rather surprised M5 isn't, actually...
22:54.29 ``Erik I had to google what m5 was... not exactly on the forebrain of most geeks
22:54.41 starseeker <snort> depends on the geek
22:55.02 starseeker zuul didn't do squat for me until I googled it
22:55.04 ``Erik "most" :D *duck*
22:55.19 ``Erik mebbe BillyPPipersMoustache
22:55.27 ``Erik s/PP/P/
22:55.35 starseeker ?
22:56.34 ``Erik billy piper is an actress who was a companion on the dr who reboot, supposedly she can grow an impressive moustache :D
22:56.52 starseeker the trick is actually to find something both "well known to geeks" and not already registered, preferably something computer related...
22:56.58 ``Erik billie, even
22:58.35 starseeker ``Erik: TR-1 - first transistor radio.
22:59.29 starseeker
23:00.00 ``Erik looks at
23:00.13 starseeker nods - was looking at that myself
23:00.25 starseeker that's were the M-5 idea came from
23:01.28 starseeker registered
23:01.38 ``Erik ayup
23:03.03 MAGI hmm
23:03.28 starseeker that one is available
23:03.58 ``Erik red dwarf style, yo
23:06.13 starseeker not bat
23:06.16 starseeker not bad rather
23:06.38 ``Erik registered, but I'm running out of fucks to give
23:07.31 ``Erik BlackBetty is probably safe, but only the 3 people who watched the dilbert tv cartoon would get i
23:07.31 ``Erik t
23:07.58 starseeker *is* out of touch - a ST:TOS reference would once have brought instant recognition...
23:08.20 starseeker feels old
23:09.25 starseeker ``Erik: ultimately, you wrote it, so it's your call
23:10.54 starseeker is *really* happy to see the commit messages return - I didn't realize how nice that was until it went *poof*
23:15.00 ``Erik yeh, a lot of people were upset, esr spent 2 weeks "putting the finishing touches" on a python equivalent he's calling "irkerd"
23:15.32 ``Erik but it seems to be a "here's the software, set up your own server" dealie, writing this thing probably took less time than figuring out his stuff :D
23:19.51 ``Erik shove in an s-xml parse and use that to generate my commit objects and I can set up an xml-rpc type receiver via ucw, hm

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