IRC log for #brlcad on 20121121

01:37.55 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:37.55 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || logs: || We're participating in Google Code-In 2012! Help itemize our list with 2-hour tasks!
01:48.56 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
08:11.29 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
08:11.29 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || logs: || We're participating in Google Code-In 2012! Help itemize our list with 2-hour tasks!
11:15.27 *** join/#brlcad rspencer (
13:56.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 53793 (brlcad/trunk/src/libged/translate_extrude.c brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ExtrudeEditFrame.tcl): Updated the extrude edit panel by getting rid of "Rotate H" and adding "Move End HR". Also added code to _ged_translate_extrude() to move H while maintaining perpendicularity among H, U and V without the random flipping of vectors as seen in tgc (fixing this next).
14:20.05 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 53794 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/translate_extrude.c: Tidy up a bit.
14:31.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD:erikgreenwald * 53795 (brlcad/trunk/include/config_win.h brlcad/trunk/include/ add nextafter[lf]? compatibility macros for msvc
15:18.57 brlcad hm, those are c99, might be better to wrap them in ulp.c
15:19.08 brlcad s/better/good/
15:21.16 ``Erik 'cept msvc's c99 support is shoddy, those came into existance with msvc2010 and only on the 64b version
15:21.27 ``Erik according to some googling O.o
15:24.24 brlcad i know, that's why it might be a good idea to wrap it
15:24.37 brlcad we don't (yet) require c99 (or at least aren't supposed to be)
15:24.48 brlcad so might make sense to wrap it
15:35.03 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
16:25.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 53796 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/translate_tgc.c: Update _ged_translate_tgc() to move H while maintaining perpendicularity among H, A and B without the random flipping of vectors.
16:44.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 53797 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: fix spelling of a name
16:49.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 53798 brlcad/trunk/src/brlman/ standardize on use of 'Usage:'
16:51.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 53799 brlcad/trunk/src/fb/fbcmap.c: remove a blank after 'Usage'
16:53.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 53800 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/tests/bu_dirname.c: insert colon
17:10.18 ``Erik lgpl c++ 'geometry engine'
18:22.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53801 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pipe/pipe.c: expand comments, rename variables, and rearrange statements for clarity
18:43.12 *** join/#brlcad v4 (
18:43.54 v4 hallo i have a very simple question.
18:43.57 v4 may i?
18:44.37 v4 i just downloaded the bel-cad package for mac.
18:44.58 v4 when I double click on the app icon
18:45.17 v4 it start the mged
18:45.56 v4 but i wanted to import a .stl file … and looks like it's not possible from here ...
18:46.13 v4 it's like i should start another application (the proper BRL-CAD)
18:46.28 v4 but i just don't know how to do that ...
18:46.52 v4 can anybody, maybe help me somehow?
18:46.55 v4 thank in advance
19:13.08 n_reed v4: MGED is the main app, but it only edits .g files
19:13.20 n_reed open a terminal and run stl-g on your .stl first
19:14.05 v4 yeah, i was just arrived at his point … searching on the net … should i execute the command as root?
19:14.18 v4 (by the way thank you)
19:15.28 v4 this is the output received
19:15.33 v4 <PROTECTED>
19:15.34 v4 dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/brlcad/rel-7.22.0/lib/libwdb.20.dylib
19:15.35 v4 <PROTECTED>
19:15.36 v4 <PROTECTED>
19:15.37 v4 Trace/BPT trap: 5
19:17.24 starseeker v4: are you using the dmg image from sourceforge?
19:17.32 v4 yes
19:18.55 starseeker I'm not sure why it's looking for the library there when we've got an app bundle...
19:19.18 starseeker you can probably make it work if you install BRL-CAD in the /usr/brlcad/ directory
19:20.23 v4 ok thanks, i'll try this then
19:22.35 v4 shall I have to install the content of the package in the /usr/brlcad ? Or just drag the icon, as usual?
19:23.31 starseeker I'm not sure - however you do it, try to get the contents of Contents/Resources/rel-7.22.0 into /usr/brlcad/rel-7.22.0
19:25.53 v4 ok, but same error
19:25.58 v4 dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/brlcad/rel-7.22.0/lib/libwdb.20.dylib
19:26.00 v4 <PROTECTED>
19:26.01 v4 <PROTECTED>
19:26.02 v4 Trace/BPT trap: 5
19:26.03 v4 logout
19:26.30 starseeker is the file /usr/brlcad/rel-7.22.0/lib/libwdb.20.dylib present?
19:28.38 v4 yeah, good question … and nope.
19:29.00 v4 i only have these:
19:29.01 v4 libwdb.20.0.1.dylib
19:29.15 v4 libwdb.a
19:29.30 starseeker hmm...
19:29.52 starseeker well, you can try symlinking libwdb.20.0.1.dylib to libwdb.20.dylib
19:30.18 v4 seems reasonable ...
19:30.41 starseeker if libwdm's link is messed up, there may be more that are messed up...
19:30.54 v4 how is that possible?
19:31.02 v4 I just downloaded the whole package
19:31.05 starseeker ln -s libwdb.20.0.1.dylib libwdb.20.dylib
19:31.13 starseeker v4: it would be a problem with our package
19:31.22 starseeker brlcad is our expert on that
19:31.23 v4 ah, ok …
19:31.53 starseeker this would be a temporary manual fix, but it would get you running
19:32.06 v4 i'll try in a few sec
19:32.53 v4 similar problems with another library
19:32.54 v4 dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/brlcad/rel-7.22.0/lib/librt.20.dylib
19:33.16 v4 you got it right … maybe more is messed up ...
19:33.40 starseeker ok, same solution - ln -s librt.20.0.1.dylib librt.20.dylib
19:34.11 v4 yeah, there's more
19:34.16 v4 i try to correct 'em all
19:34.29 starseeker v4: that ought to work, once you've got 'em all
19:35.36 v4 ok!
19:35.43 v4 (hope so)
19:41.57 v4 ok the command stl-g now works
19:42.13 v4 but my .stl file must have some errors
19:42.52 v4 … but this is definitely not a software problem (at least i guess so)
19:43.06 starseeker what type of stl file is it? (ascii text or binary?)
19:43.47 v4 i'm sorry: today was the first time i use this kind of files and software … i do not have any idea of that …
19:44.33 v4 tomorrow i will work at the same 3d scan workstation, i'll be more prepared ...
19:44.34 starseeker if you open your .stl file in a text editor, what do you see? (i.e. does it just look like garbage, or is there content you can recognize)
19:44.44 v4 i'll try this
19:44.50 starseeker alternately, what was the error you saw?
19:46.30 v4 the terminal just got crazy when i prompted the stl-g input.stl output.g
19:46.36 starseeker oh
19:46.41 starseeker did you specify an output file?
19:47.07 v4 yes … shouldn't i do that?
19:47.11 starseeker yeah
19:47.20 starseeker oh - that was your literal command?
19:47.22 v4 anyway the text editor is garbage … as you said
19:47.29 starseeker try adding the -b flag
19:47.34 v4 ok
19:47.38 starseeker stl-g -b input.stl output.g
19:48.10 v4 way better :)
19:48.23 v4 Using solid name: s.stl
19:48.24 v4 2067731 facets
19:48.24 v4 Making region (r.stl)
19:50.30 v4 the .g file is now openable
19:50.46 v4 but i don't see anything when i try to open it in mged
19:50.58 starseeker you won't by default.
19:51.04 v4 ah, ok
19:51.08 v4 … so it's ok!
19:51.18 starseeker try the command "tops"
19:51.24 starseeker what is listed in the terminal?
19:51.39 v4 answered all/
19:51.52 starseeker OK - to see a wireframe, do "draw all"
19:52.06 v4 wow!!!!
19:52.09 v4 yep!
19:52.11 v4 :)
19:52.19 v4 i got to thank you, man ...
19:52.27 starseeker if you want the shaded version, I think it's "draw -m1 all"
19:52.41 starseeker (you will also want to turn on lighting if you do that...)
19:53.14 v4 may i ask you one last thin, seeing you were so kind?
19:53.34 starseeker lighting is under the Misc menu in MGED, at the bottom of the menu
19:54.19 v4 yeah … now i see it even better!
19:54.24 starseeker sure - what's the question?
19:54.47 v4 what i really have to do, is to try to draw some lines directly on the 3D scan … i mean not converting the file I got from the scan into a 2D ...
19:55.01 v4 do you think is possible? with this or other software?
19:55.37 ``Erik sunny beaches, mail parsing makes xml ... attractive. :(
19:55.52 starseeker Um... we shouldn't be converting to 2D now...
19:56.01 starseeker do you you want a 2D line drawing output?
19:56.27 v4 i mean … i have this lines on the scan (it's a wall!) i have to draw them on the 3d
19:56.36 v4 and then maybe have a 2d output
19:56.49 v4 (this last part is still not completely clear()
19:57.04 v4 but the most important is to draw the lines directl
19:57.07 v4 on the 3d
19:57.10 v4 file
19:57.28 starseeker we don't have a way to just straigt-up draw 3D lines in MGED... you can "fake it" by doing thin cylindars
19:57.36 v4 ok ...
19:58.09 v4 now i will tell a stupidity … there is not a tool such a brush
19:58.16 v4 (i mean like photoshop …)
19:58.48 starseeker ok, brace yourself...
19:59.06 starseeker MGED's primary mode of geometry creation is command line input
19:59.28 ``Erik "mged -c" for the pure experience O:-)
19:59.28 v4 yes
19:59.35 v4 ok!
20:00.10 starseeker If you haven't seen it yet, you want to read
20:00.32 v4 i think i have to study it, pretty hard ...
20:00.44 v4 you mean .. i have to "create" such a tool?
20:01.15 ``Erik BRL-CAD's legacy is in CAE/CAA, not CAD... if it's not a physical 3d bit of geometry, it doesn't fit in very well, so we don't have good support for things like lines
20:01.18 starseeker I'm afraid so. The quickest way I can think of to get a "3d line" would be to make a tgc, and then edit its shape to be long and have a small radius
20:01.43 v4 ok, got it.
20:01.55 ``Erik meh, just call it an rcc, less knobs to twiddle
20:02.01 v4 @erik … you should change its name then ;)
20:03.13 v4 just kidding of course ...
20:03.22 v4 thank you alls for your patience with a super newbie
20:03.33 v4 all*
20:03.38 starseeker we're getting there, little by little - the problem with most of the features associated with "modern" CAD is it requires a lot of behind the scenes work
20:03.49 starseeker v4: not at all - thank you for trying it out!
20:04.09 v4 :)
20:05.06 starseeker v4: the introduction to MGED book should get you going with the basics, and once you're familiar with them you should be able to produce some decent images
20:05.37 v4 ok, i'll read it with big attention
20:24.09 v4 by guys … i think i will pass from here in the future, if i go on with this software …
20:24.13 v4 bye*
20:54.42 ``Erik I wonder if it's safe to say that a section begins with '^[A-Z][A-Za-z ]*:'

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