IRC log for #brlcad on 20121204

00:08.24 zero57 RONNCC: Sean did say that they had a git repo running though
00:08.40 RONNCC zero57: maybe it's just me ... doesn't look updated but idk
00:08.43 zero57 anyways, I installed svn and are using it right now
00:09.34 zero57 yeah, that's why I asked ;p it didn't seemed like an updated version of brlcad
00:10.17 *** join/#brlcad lachlanp (
00:29.08 RONNCC ... anyone here? any mods?
00:40.44 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
01:03.43 RONNCC .......
01:03.45 RONNCC ok seriously no one?
01:09.14 *** join/#brlcad GrantMercer015 (~GrantMerc@
01:09.41 lachlanp seems like no mods atm
01:10.42 GrantMercer015 how long should i generally expect to wait before knowing if my task is complete (task requires code modification). I'm super excited to find out if i finished the task. =
01:15.38 lachlanp it depends greatly
01:15.49 lachlanp on the mentors available
01:18.21 GrantMercer015 its been about 15-16 hours since i submitted it, you think i should be hearing my answer pretty soon?
01:18.28 lachlanp hmm probably
01:18.32 lachlanp thats getting on a bit
01:19.04 lachlanp wonder what Notify bot is doing... nothing being posted here
01:19.20 lachlanp maybe its turned off
01:20.04 GrantMercer015 could be going under an update, maybe a task was to modify a part of the bot and they're switching out O.o
01:20.25 lachlanp ~6h ago i had a task marked complete
01:26.09 GrantMercer015 aww, mine still has that "needsreview" label. Oh well, i bet they'll eventually get to it!
01:27.39 lachlanp yeah
01:27.50 *** join/#brlcad kanzure (~kanzure@
01:28.14 lachlanp brlcad wanted to start a rumor that you can't do any more tasks if you miss the deadline ;-)
01:28.28 lachlanp well sortof
01:28.59 RONNCC ...
01:29.06 RONNCC yeah i don't know why no one is here -.-"
01:29.13 RONNCC they were here ... yesterday and at 12
01:29.14 RONNCC but not now
01:29.29 RONNCC anyone wanna try beeping thme?
01:29.30 RONNCC *them
01:30.05 lachlanp patience
01:30.08 lachlanp :-)
01:30.13 lachlanp they will eventually be here
01:30.49 lachlanp (+ they don't like a large backlog of "where are the mods" etc)
01:32.30 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
01:47.08 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
01:48.28 RONNCC .....
01:48.29 RONNCC but :c
01:54.08 *** part/#brlcad zero57 (
01:59.47 Skriptkid Review needed. Task key: 7983225. SA of one sheet hyperboloid
02:06.06 RONNCC ... no one is here :(
02:06.12 RONNCC can i have my own party :P
02:18.43 RONNCC ... la di dah di da
02:18.51 RONNCC dances with himself in a circle .____.
02:59.49 RONNCC ..
02:59.52 RONNCC ok actually?
02:59.54 RONNCC no one?
03:43.15 RONNCC guys
03:43.18 RONNCC i will melt here
03:43.24 RONNCC like just melt all over the code
03:45.58 lachlanp whats your question?
03:47.22 lachlanp or problem etc
03:49.22 *** kick/#brlcad [RONNCC!~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ] by brlcad (behavior not cool, second warning to please read and stop asking if people are here)
03:49.36 brlcad sighs
03:51.02 lachlanp :-(
03:51.49 lachlanp is the notify bot down? no comment/revision noise around
03:55.04 brlcad apparently, he's been working on it lately and it gets stuck
03:55.20 lachlanp ok
04:03.12 brlcad !notify week
04:03.13 Notify BRL-CAD: carlmoore:298, brlcad:98, starseeker:88, n_reed:62, bob1961:19, jordisayol:16, caen23:14, r_weiss:12, erikgreenwald:11, popescuandrei:5, d_rossberg:4
04:03.14 Notify BRL-CAD Wiki: Sean:31, Minichrispy:24, Gala:11, Jacksixb:6,, YolandeskzwvwzbwjStumph:1, Erik:1,
04:03.29 brlcad so it's not dead dead, but not posting
04:24.58 *** join/#brlcad twitch (~javamonn@
04:26.26 twitch So, I'm working on a 'B' model, and I worked out the problem of fitting it all into one region, but I can't figure out how to convert the .g to ascii like Mr. Rossberg suggested. Can anyone help me out?
04:27.48 javamonn I guess this nick would be better
04:28.57 lachlanp hi brlcad: have you got any conventions on defining functions at the top of the code and then declaring them later?
04:29.06 lachlanp (or the other way round if i've got it wrong)
04:29.16 lachlanp it might make reading the tests easier
04:30.39 javamonn I'm pretty sure you declare at the top anyways as just a C convention, makes thing easier on the compiler
04:30.44 javamonn don't ask me though
04:31.46 lachlanp is there such a thing as 'making things easier' for the compiler? ;-)
04:32.03 lachlanp it lets you define them out of order then
04:32.10 lachlanp but its probably mostly for the people
04:37.48 *** join/#brlcad RONNCC (ad49766b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:38.14 javamonn C has always been funky like that. Your supposed to declare all your functions as far up as you can with the proper return type otherwise the compiler will just pick the first call of the function as the signature, I believe. Things get screwy when you start to overload functions.
04:38.25 javamonn good ol' K&R
04:38.26 RONNCC brlcad: why? I was loitering for some 8 hours now.. i joined and disjoined a few times. that's why the multiple ones... not because i keep asking ~ i thought i may have missed someone
04:38.38 RONNCC except for the dancing part
04:38.41 RONNCC that was me
04:40.21 *** join/#brlcad mansi22 (~Mansi@
04:42.09 RONNCC brlcad: anyway i can check if people have joined in between when i leave or something? ex. restart computer? --> sorry for the multiple asking. yeah i read the irc thing yesterday
04:50.13 *** join/#brlcad RONNCC (ad49766b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:50.17 *** join/#brlcad RONNCC (ad49766b@unaffiliated/ronncc)
04:50.17 *** join/#brlcad RONNCC (ad49766b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:50.30 RONNCC what's the size of the GCI code check queue at the moment?
05:13.51 *** join/#brlcad GrantMercer015 (
05:14.49 mansi22 hi all
05:14.56 lachlanp hi
05:15.19 RONNCC lachlanp: they're not here Q_Q
05:15.35 RONNCC lachlanp: brlcad was here for like 1 minute to kick me off for too many "where is everyone" or something :(
05:15.46 mansi22 i'm getting issues while open VS project. It stucks. I'm assuming i did something wrong with CMake
05:17.51 lachlanp visual studion
05:17.54 lachlanp *studio
05:18.04 lachlanp of the brlcad source
05:31.23 brlcad RONNCC: this is seriously your last warning, your being an asshat
05:32.01 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
05:32.34 RONNCC brlcad: ok. approve my patch please
05:32.50 RONNCC brlcad: this is also the most unresponsive org in GCI i've seen so far
05:32.56 brlcad do you act like this in person?
05:33.16 RONNCC brlcad: oh jees this is painful. please just tell me whats wrong with my patch or approve it so we can get on with this
05:33.23 brlcad we've been crazy responsive all week and monday was the first day there has been a slight backlog
05:33.49 brlcad RONNCC: I think you should just withdraw your work and move on if it's that painful to you
05:33.59 brlcad we're allotted 36 hours
05:34.05 brlcad most of our tasks are reviewed within 12
05:34.06 RONNCC brlcad: this is true. my bad
05:34.27 RONNCC i didn't see monday sorry about that
05:34.34 brlcad most of our students have been patient and curteous as well
05:34.48 RONNCC i see
05:35.15 RONNCC so what is the queue now?
05:37.09 brlcad answering that will not help you be more patient nor help me review remaining tasks more quickly
05:37.18 brlcad as has been obvious, you'll just keep asking where you're at
05:37.20 brlcad i can share
05:37.35 brlcad that they'll all be reviewed within the hour
05:37.39 RONNCC wow
05:38.29 lachlanp do you have a life atm brlcad?
05:39.19 brlcad lachlanp: I've put in around 90 hours into gci over the past 8 days
05:39.27 brlcad lachlanp: so not entirely ;)
05:39.43 lachlanp ok :-)
05:39.48 lachlanp big commitment
05:40.06 brlcad that's also why patience it thin for people that aren't respectful of the time of others, we're all volunteers working hard and (usually) having a great time :)
05:41.01 brlcad few people get on a bad side, that's frankly the first warranted kick we've had in our channel in over a year at least
05:41.20 brlcad and now back to reviews
05:44.34 RONNCC ahh.... sorry about that brlcad: i thought you did this sort of part time and shared it with the other devs here
05:44.44 RONNCC brlcad: sorry to wear on your patience >___<
05:49.50 brlcad other devs are also contributing massive amounts of time as well
05:50.23 RONNCC yup. sorry mate
05:50.29 brlcad it's a big undertaking to be interacting with a 100, well, newbies simultaneously
05:50.41 brlcad we love the interaction, huge potential
05:50.54 brlcad we were the org that has already granted commit status even
05:51.36 RONNCC brlcad: oh holy snap there's 100 of us O_O
05:51.52 RONNCC brlcad: really sorry then mate. i've only seen like 3 or 4 people when i'm here
05:52.12 brlcad many don't find their way to IRC
05:52.33 brlcad some require private discussions because they're working on production web infrastructure
05:52.41 brlcad others just need .. help
05:55.11 RONNCC ... don't understand your last sentence but ok. by the way who makes the deuces? they seem very self encapsulating
05:56.58 brlcad our dev team did
05:57.38 brlcad last sentence was just implying that some students require substantially more help than others
05:59.30 brlcad some basically none at all, some we have to help find our website
05:59.34 brlcad and everything in between
06:00.05 RONNCC mhmm continuous distribution :D
06:00.11 RONNCC would you say it's gaussian
06:04.02 brlcad hard to say at this point, but probably
06:11.22 *** join/#brlcad Ashish101 (73b874cc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:12.48 GrantMercer015 task updated with a patch instead and ready to be reviewed(for real)! sorry about the confusion
06:16.08 Ashish101 Is there any other page where the bugs are reported apart from this one ??
06:20.06 brlcad Ashish101: also our BUGS file
06:20.37 Ashish101 U mean this -
06:20.40 Ashish101 ?
06:23.57 Ashish101 OK yes yes this is the one Any other (If any)
06:26.49 brlcad no others that count
06:35.22 Ashish101 thanks
06:37.00 mansi22 lachlanp: yes, Visual Studio
07:00.22 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~tcc@
07:03.29 brlcad waves hello to hsrai
07:04.56 hsrai Hello
07:09.39 brlcad almost all caugh up with reviews, but I have to call it a night for now :)
07:09.45 brlcad s/caugh/caught/
07:12.32 Ashish101 :)
07:15.03 *** join/#brlcad bhlegm (6cb41b13@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:15.08 brlcad rather, all have been reviewed, but several need morew work
07:16.17 Ashish101 Yup i had given mine just for chekup - is it right or wrong ..
07:19.39 bhlegm brlcad you don't like pink? or how things are placed? in piwigo
07:22.59 brlcad bhlegm: heh, don't worry about the style
07:23.08 bhlegm im just wondering xP
07:23.13 brlcad we'll fold that into our main website when the time comes and rebrand it :)
07:23.20 brlcad but yes, both :)
07:23.43 brlcad Ashish101: which task?
07:24.04 Ashish101
07:24.19 lachlanp i like the title of that one
07:24.22 brlcad crash archer, right?
07:24.44 brlcad ah, yeah
07:24.48 bhlegm and ya there are other themes on how things are placed :P
07:25.42 Ashish101 yes that one
07:25.53 lachlanp hey Ashish101 - i'm getting that error all the time on my brlcad... its doing that for heaps of buttons
07:26.07 brlcad Ashish101: so for starters, please no .doc or .docx or other microsoftness ;)
07:26.16 brlcad Ashish101: text files work great ;)
07:26.26 Ashish101 :) KK PDF ??
07:26.28 brlcad or rtf even
07:26.34 brlcad editable is good
07:26.37 lachlanp he's got images in it
07:26.45 lachlanp screenshots
07:26.47 brlcad yeah, so rtf
07:26.58 brlcad or rtfd even
07:27.14 Ashish101 KK I see Should i upload the test file again ??
07:27.23 brlcad no, for future reference
07:28.06 brlcad Ashish101: so you certainly found a run-time error, but did that bring down archer?
07:28.42 brlcad that's a tcl error, which sucks and is something to fix, but not exactly what the task prescribed ;)
07:28.50 Ashish101 no That just didnt let me use that function
07:29.21 brlcad try to crash it ;)
07:29.29 brlcad should be easily doable with archer
07:29.39 Ashish101 Oh OK So i have to do something to just kill Archer and not find internal bugs
07:29.40 brlcad as it's not undergone much robustness testing
07:29.44 brlcad right
07:29.49 Ashish101 yes
07:30.10 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
07:30.15 *** join/#brlcad mansi22 (~Mansi@
07:30.24 brlcad keep your page, though and remind me later to create a task that makes sure all menu options and all panel options in archer don't give a tcl error :)
07:30.31 brlcad or to report all that do, etc
07:31.10 Ashish101 KK
07:31.15 brlcad time to hang the hat up
07:31.20 brlcad cya all in a few
07:31.23 brlcad goes walkabout
07:31.26 lachlanp whats your local time?
07:31.37 brlcad 2:30am
07:31.42 lachlanp ah :-)
07:32.07 Ashish101 God u r late ...
07:32.13 Ashish101 Its just 1 PM here
07:32.25 lachlanp 6PM here
07:32.27 lachlanp ;-)
07:33.13 brlcad Ashish101: couple of the other mentors are near you, so you're in great hands
07:33.25 Ashish101 thanks :)
07:36.20 bhlegm its 11:30 pm here
07:39.59 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
07:58.59 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~tcc@
08:04.47 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
08:09.24 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~quassel@
08:13.02 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~quassel@
08:16.52 *** join/#brlcad hsrai_ (~quassel@
08:25.38 *** join/#brlcad mansi22 (~Mansi@
08:27.13 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~quassel@
08:34.26 mansi22 AUTO BUNDULED SYSTEM, which one should i use in CMake
08:36.31 d_rossberg mansi22: the default one which you have when you don't touch the parameter (usually the AUTO one)
08:37.34 mansi22 alright, but when the project file is made. VS crashes :-/
08:37.42 mansi22 i have no idea why
08:40.50 *** join/#brlcad xavortm (xavortm@
08:54.58 mansi22 visual studio crashes as i run the BRLCAD project file. need help.
08:56.50 d_rossberg mansi22: does it crash or hangs it?
08:57.09 mansi22 hangs
08:58.27 d_rossberg visual studio needs a lot of time to load all BRL-CAD projects, therefore be patient
08:59.25 mansi22 as soon as i minimize it i can't see the window
09:01.01 d_rossberg ??? isn't this the expexted behavior?
09:01.56 mansi22 :P if i try to maximze, it doesn't shows up. anyways i'll wait for a while.
09:03.43 mansi22 ahh, used administrator mode. it's working ;)
09:04.26 mansi22 now compliing....
09:35.51 lachlanp hi
09:35.55 lachlanp where does the bu_log output go?
09:36.21 lachlanp or shouldn't i test the bu_avs_print (which dumps the attribute/value set to the bu_log)
09:36.57 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
09:37.14 lachlanp and should i test the bu_avs_add_vls (which adds a Variable Length String)
09:43.00 d_rossberg the bu_log output goes to a hook-function (you can define your own), usually the console
09:43.08 lachlanp ok
09:43.44 d_rossberg and yes, please test all bu_avs_~ functions
09:43.57 lachlanp testing if it prints properly would be a bit of work... (defintely doable though)
09:44.02 lachlanp just a pain
09:44.18 lachlanp yes will test bu_avs_add_vls
09:45.05 lachlanp sorry was that a "yes test it" for bu_avs_print?
09:45.50 d_rossberg you could define your own hook-funktion which writes the output to the memory
09:46.08 lachlanp ok
09:46.23 d_rossberg and then compare this memory content with the expected resule
09:46.37 d_rossberg result
09:47.24 lachlanp ok willdo
09:57.47 lachlanp whats the point of the bu_avs_add_unique function?
09:57.55 lachlanp where will you ever know it has a duplicate?
09:58.00 mansi22 Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Validating DocBook source with xmllint:"
09:59.30 lachlanp afaik it will only show up when you print it out
09:59.48 lachlanp or if you use the remove function
10:17.48 d_rossberg mansi22: problems with building the documentation aren't unusual under visual studio
10:30.03 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~quassel@
10:34.16 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
10:42.36 *** join/#brlcad mansi22 (~Mansi@
10:42.46 mansi22 THANKS :)
11:11.18 *** join/#brlcad mansi22 (~Mansi@
11:13.34 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
11:15.05 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
11:27.32 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
11:45.34 Skriptkid d_rossberg: What do I do about the One-sheet Hyperboloid Surface Area equation?
11:48.32 d_rossberg the point is: i don't know if the formula is ok, but maybe another mentor knows
11:49.01 Skriptkid Do I wait now?
11:49.36 d_rossberg however, you should know if your equation contains the area of the elliptical surfaces at the top and bottom of the solid
11:50.33 Skriptkid erik said that except some changes in code everything else wa fine
11:50.39 Skriptkid *was
11:51.22 Skriptkid but hang on. this is a hyperboloid. Not elliptical
11:53.40 d_rossberg i meant the 2 end-surfaces
11:55.10 d_rossberg the solid is buils from 3 surfaces: one hyperboloid and two elliptical
11:55.58 Skriptkid I dont know about that. Do I have to write another function for the elliptical surfaces also?
11:56.15 Skriptkid I guess it's already there in ell.c
11:58.24 d_rossberg you have to write a surface function for the hyp solid, and the surface of this solid can be stripped down to 3 parts ...
12:00.06 d_rossberg giving only the hyperbolic part would be not enough
12:01.17 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
12:01.46 Skriptkid So what do I need to do now?
12:02.15 Skriptkid Call the ell_surface_area and multiply it by two and add it to this?
12:05.18 d_rossberg first, you should add a reference for the formala to the source code (if possible), it looks like it's not trivial
12:05.56 Skriptkid it's there in the comments. I got it from WolframAlpha. Hang on. I'll send it here
12:05.59 d_rossberg for the elliptical surfaces: are they always identical?
12:06.11 Skriptkid
12:08.10 Skriptkid I don't know. But I guess even the elliptical surfaces are included, as the formula is for the SA of the whole hyperboloid
12:09.20 d_rossberg hyperboloid is a surface, not a solid - but hyp is a solid, i.e. you need the closing surfaces in addition
12:12.10 Skriptkid I know that. Take a look at this: Have I got the right thing?
12:14.56 Skriptkid
12:14.57 Skriptkid So
12:15.03 Skriptkid the top and bottom are not closed
12:15.13 d_rossberg you see
12:15.22 Skriptkid you mean to say that they need to be closed?
12:15.34 Skriptkid Now hollow as in the wikipedia page
12:15.35 d_rossberg close them and you have the hyp solid
12:15.36 Skriptkid ?
12:15.37 Skriptkid *not
12:15.41 Skriptkid Ok
12:15.53 Skriptkid So the top and bottom surfaces are ellipses
12:15.54 Skriptkid ?
12:16.43 Skriptkid the closing surfaces, I mean
12:17.20 d_rossberg i'm not entirely sure, but as everything is quadratic these should be quadratic surfaces (in the plan), therefore elliptical
12:19.00 Skriptkid Ok. So, now, shall I port the rt_ell_surface_area to this function, so that I get the area of closing surfaces also? I have the SA of the hyperboloid, I now get the SA of the top and bottom elliptical closing surfaces and I'll just add them. I have the SA of the hyp solid
12:21.04 d_rossberg i'm afraid that rt_ell_surface_area() won't help much as this computes the area of a 3D ellipsoid solid
12:21.21 d_rossberg this is different from a plane ellipsis
12:23.19 *** join/#brlcad xavortm (xavortm@
12:23.23 Skriptkid All the task says is I need to compute Surface area of a one-sheeted hyperboloid. The description and references and my research didn't point to the closing surfaces at all. So could I please get an extension if there's more work?
12:24.01 Skriptkid That wasn't pointed out by any mentor either before.
12:27.32 d_rossberg i'm quite sure that the area function should return the area of the whole solid not only a part of it, but you may ask anothe mentor as well
12:28.14 Skriptkid Alright. I'll do the whole solid. Could you tell me what the closing surfaces are again?
12:28.23 Skriptkid ellipsoids?
12:29.59 Skriptkid d_rossberg: or just plane circles, as I'm see in some images.
12:30.05 d_rossberg
12:30.46 d_rossberg just plane circles: maybe
12:31.50 Skriptkid d_rossberg: What do I calculate the area for. Circles or Ellipses?
12:32.04 Skriptkid Or 2 seperate funcs for both?
12:33.14 Skriptkid If it's circle, major axis = minor axis, else, ellipse, right?
12:33.39 d_rossberg right
12:33.51 Skriptkid okay. Thats it? or anymore work needed?
12:45.42 d_rossberg maybe we should ask another mentor: in the data of the hyp (rt_hyp_internal) are a semi-major and -minor axis: does this mean the hyperboloid isn't rotation-symmetrical?
12:49.59 d_rossberg
12:51.44 brlcad Skriptkid: yep, the whole solid (I would have thought the trimming surfaces are implied, otherwise it's just infinity no?)
12:53.20 Skriptkid brlcad: So is my formula for the hyperboloid surface wrong?
12:54.36 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
12:56.37 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
12:56.43 Skriptkid @d_rossberg: Do I need to find a different one?
13:03.30 d_rossberg i'm afraid yes, we don't have a "Hyperboloid" but an "EllipticHyperboloid" here. and by the way: ip->idb_ptr isn't hyp_specific but rt_hyp_internal
13:06.01 Skriptkid crap. ok. need some help. I found this: But I don't understand what 'u' and the 'v' are, which are being differentiated
13:08.45 xavortm hey, brlcad, i uploaded some work on the page, can you check and say me if its ok and if not, what i should work on?
13:11.05 *** join/#brlcad M0J0E (
13:14.28 d_rossberg Skriptkid: these are the parametrization a the surface: u is a length and v an angle
13:16.03 Skriptkid The angle isn't there in rt_hyp_internal or hyp_specififc. How do I get it?
13:16.22 Skriptkid I'm unable to find any other formula for SA of ellipticla hyperboloids
13:17.38 Skriptkid tan inverse of c(Slope of asymptote cone)?
13:18.38 *** join/#brlcad Silvrous (4f706699@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:18.48 Skriptkid or sine inverse of (z/c). That gives v according to 'z = c sinh v'
13:19.55 Silvrous There's been a change to the wiki front page, changing the content to "how to stop coughing"
13:20.12 d_rossberg there is no closed formula for the area, only for dA which needs to be integrated (where v goes from 0 to 2pi)
13:20.15 Silvrous I assumed it was vandalism, and reverted it
13:21.20 Skriptkid d_rossberg: Didnt understand that
13:21.33 d_rossberg Skriptkid: at the moment the math doesn't look trivial to me
13:22.42 d_rossberg dA(u, v) gives the change of the area in the point (u, v), i.e. A = integral dA
13:23.29 Skriptkid Oh. But I'm unable to find any surface area formulae for elliptic hyperboloids other than that.
13:29.19 d_rossberg all i can say is: it would cost me some days to undestand the formulas and develop a solution ;)
13:30.32 Skriptkid d_rossberg: LOL :) There are descriptions everywhere on the web but nowhere the formula.
13:31.12 Skriptkid d_rossberg: Guess I'll unlcaim this and move on to some other task. Wasted 4 days on this.
13:32.26 d_rossberg Skriptkid: i support this decision :-}
13:33.57 andrei Silvrous: nice :) thanks
13:34.18 Skriptkid d_rossberg: So finally, when you said "I don't think the math is trivial at the moment," did you mean you didn't know it would be this hard when the task was set? Or is it just that I couldn't ind anything?
13:34.26 Skriptkid *find
13:35.44 d_rossberg we didn't know it would be this hard
13:36.47 Skriptkid d_rossberg: Oh, okay. It's just that I don't wanna feel like a douche ;) Thanks for all your help. :) Continuous Integration, here I come!
13:36.59 andrei Skriptkid, have you spoke with Matt, as far as I know he is more keen on math
13:37.02 andrei ?
13:37.09 Skriptkid Nope
13:37.45 andrei Skriptkid: he might be able to help with mathematical issues (regardless of task, I believe)
13:38.32 Skriptkid andrei: I'll do that. But I'll move on now to another task and come back to this(or a similar SA/Vol/Centroid task) later.
13:38.39 Skriptkid andrei: thanks, anyway :)
13:38.46 andrei sure, you're welcome:)
13:39.46 Skriptkid one little help. Could you please assign the CI task to me? Ive claimed it now
13:40.14 andrei yes, will do that now :)
13:40.25 Skriptkid thank you, andrei :D
13:40.48 Silvrous Well, I just claimrequested a similar task earlier. Guess I'd better read up on my integrals :P
13:42.06 andrei hm, I was waiting on notify but it seems there were several claimrequests undealt with
13:44.47 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
13:45.28 Skriptkid d_rossberg: but then, do I get any credit for my effort? ;)
13:46.11 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid1 (~Skriptkid@
13:57.30 *** join/#brlcad mansi22 (~Mansi@
14:04.59 brlcad Silvrous: thank you :)
14:06.04 brlcad Skriptkid_: since you're getting into "real" development issues, you may want to join the brlcad-devel mailing list where some of the other devs reside
14:06.40 brlcad you can share progress and ask questions that are more technically involved there, and reach a couple devs that are rarely on IRC
14:06.59 brlcad as for whether your equation is right or wrong, I haven't looked at it
14:14.30 Skriptkid Brlcad: will do. I'm not on the SA task anymore. I'm doing CI now
14:15.01 brlcad starseeker: looks like windows now chokes on "Validating DocBook source with xmllint:"
14:16.15 caen23 brlcad: can you show me an error?
14:16.23 brlcad Skriptkid: okay, just in general -- you're proving capable of asking good questions, just want you to be aware that there are more resources available to you than IRC ;)
14:16.45 brlcad caen23: for what? the windows failure?
14:16.51 caen23 brlcad: yes
14:17.05 Skriptkid brlcad : Wow. Thanks for that :D
14:17.13 brlcad a student just reported that a few hours ago
14:17.21 caen23 did he include logs or anything?
14:17.25 brlcad nope
14:17.41 brlcad it makes sense, it's probably just set up to try and run xmllint, which isn't installed
14:17.49 caen23 is it possible his setup is broken?
14:17.59 brlcad needs to test for the tool any only try to run it if available
14:18.28 brlcad more than likely, our build files are just not set up properly for a platform without xmllint
14:18.50 caen23 oh, ok then
14:21.03 caen23 and regarding my current task ("close mged when both windows are closed"), i think this might be a feature, not a bug? i think it was purposely written so that everything is deleted when the graphics window is closed, so fixing it would require quite a lot of work
14:21.29 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~quassel@
14:24.13 brlcad caen23: so yes it was purposely written that way, but then the "bug" is that the two windows are inconsistent. closing the command console does not delete anything.
14:24.39 brlcad the task could be to make them consistent first, so closing either shuts down mged
14:25.08 brlcad there are good use cases for allowing either to remain open, though, so the ultimate goal is as it describes
14:25.35 brlcad if you have a sense for what all the work required is, perhaps you can document what that work is and we can see if it can be described in terms of a series of tasks
14:25.49 brlcad or at least be documented for when someone has time to do it
14:26.59 caen23 i believe that currently, the command window is a child of the graphics window, but i'm not entirely sure. also, i've noticed that closing the cmw window does delete the menu bar, perhaps so that you can't use the menu inside the graphical window to open the command window
14:27.56 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
14:28.25 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
14:39.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 53971 brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: credit phillips lachlan with his work contributing a libbn unit test
14:39.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 53972 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: repost to fix comment, bob parker added preliminary support for interactive editing of sketch objects in archer
14:39.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 53973 (brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h and 4 others): apply the arb8 centroid patch from GCI student Ashwin Lokkur (, untested.
14:40.02 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
14:40.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD:jordisayol * 53974 (brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/archer.desktop brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/mged.desktop brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/rtwizard.desktop): Set mged as kde default
14:40.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD:jordisayol * 53975 (brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/brlcad.postinst brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/brlcad.postrm brlcad/trunk/sh/ Improve Linux install/remove scripts to set mged as Gnome default app.
14:40.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 53976 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Ged.tcl: Update cadwidgets::Ged::end_data_poly_move to call the clip routine regardless of the presence of overlaps. This lets the clip routine identify holes.
14:40.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Hstop Coughing * 4726 /wiki/Main_page: How To Stop Coughing
14:40.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 4727 /wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: /* Final Editorial Review */
14:40.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Silvrous * 4728 /wiki/Main_page: Undo revision 4726 by [[Special:Contributions/Hstop Coughing|Hstop Coughing]] ([[User talk:Hstop Coughing|Talk]]) rv vandalism
14:40.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 0 /wiki/Special:Log/block: blocked [[User:Hstop Coughing]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked): Spamming links to external sites
14:41.00 Notify 03GCI: Titi: Compile and run BRL-CAD on a Raspberry Pi - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:41.01 Notify 03GCI: An: Find and fix at least 5 spelling mistakes in at least 40 different files - Something is wrong with your git repo Hi, I figured out that something is wrong with your git repo, because when cloning, it should say "remote: counting objects: xxxxx, done ... etc" but for me, it doesn't because it's just stuck at "Cloning into 'brlcad'",...
14:41.02 Notify 03GCI: Gmercer015: Design an MGED command spreadsheet - Spreadsheet extension Does the spreadsheet need to have a specific extension? I would hope to be able to use OpenOffice spreadsheets as opposed to microsofts spreadsheets
14:41.03 Notify 03GCI: Shomiron Ghose: Find and fix at least 5 spelling mistakes in at least 40 different files - No from my understanding BRL uses apache svn ... not git... look at their build from source repo on their website.
14:41.04 Notify 03GCI: An: Find and fix at least 5 spelling mistakes in at least 40 different files - Shomiron Ghose Yes, but Sean just said that they already had a git repository running, check his last comment. Anyways, I'm currently cloning using "svn co" So it's fine now.
14:41.05 Notify 03GCI: Monika: Find and fix at least 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files - Thanks Thanks so much! Unfortunately I haven't been able to find enough misspellings
14:41.06 Notify 03GCI: Monika: Find and fix at least 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
14:41.07 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Convert Gallery to Piwigo - No more Work can be submitted Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
14:41.08 Notify 03GCI: BrendenD15: Compile BRL-CAD on Windows using Cygwin - I might be on to something It looks like I will have to determine a way to satisfy each variable that CMake is unable to automatically create. However, it is possible that it is infact my OS's fault CMake is having these difficulties. I have noticed that other programs not designed...
14:41.09 Notify 03GCI: Lachlan P: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for avs.c - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:41.10 Notify 03GCI: Lachlan P: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for avs.c - CMakeLists.txt Hi, Is it necessary for me to write tests that are parameterised? By that I mean that you supply data using the CMakeLists.txt. For this test (testing the attribute/value set) I don't think it will be very easy... (Looking at some of the existing...
14:41.11 Notify 03GCI: reikaze: Fix closedb - Where are the commands processed? In particular I've been looking for "opendb" and "closedb". I looked at tcl.h, several tcl.c's, and cmd.c without success...
14:41.12 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Compile BRL-CAD on Windows using Cygwin - No more Work can be submitted Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
14:41.13 Notify 03GCI: fernozzle: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - Centroid examples Here are some examples of the exact same centroid procedure in action (amazing balancing acts!): "If a physical object has uniform density, then its center of mass is the same as the centroid of its...
14:41.14 Notify 03GCI: BrendenD15: Compile BRL-CAD on Windows using Cygwin - Good News and Bad News I'll start with the bad news first. It really isn't bad, just inconvenient. The Compatibility Settings didn't solve anything. Which means that I still have to determine the missing variables. Good news is though, once the CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM and...
14:41.15 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Add a primitive surface area function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - Src If patch16.patch doesn't work at all, could you please use the source files in table+hyp.tar.gz. they're updated to the latest revs and they compile(tested). I've fixed the bugs. So, they're bound to work.
14:41.16 Notify 03GCI: reikaze: Fix closedb - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:41.17 Notify 03GCI: reikaze: Fix closedb - Use the second patch! The first one has bad paths...
14:41.18 Notify 03GCI: Willie Zhu: Implement a primitive volume function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:41.19 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - No more Work can be submitted Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
14:41.20 Notify 03GCI: Ashish: Crash Archer reliably - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:41.21 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for avs.c - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Lachlan P. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:41.22 Notify 03GCI: Chris Kloehn: Crash MGED reliably - Question Is this the proper link to the download I need to compete this task?
14:41.23 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for avs.c - depends on the unit Hi Lachlan, it depends on what you're testing but in general no. It doesn't have to be parameterized but strictly speaking, it'd still be parameterized just with zero parameters. ;)
14:41.24 Notify 03GCI: Matt S.: Implement a primitive volume function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - I don't think this will work... Aside from the fact that the code is not formatted correctly, I think what you have attempted to do is implement the formula given here: correct? If so, this will not...
14:41.25 Notify 03GCI: Matt S.: Implement a primitive volume function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you...
14:41.26 Notify 03GCI: Matt S.: Implement a primitive volume function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.
14:41.27 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Crash MGED reliably - hat works For this task, that link will certainly work since it was the last binary release. Since you're on Mac OS X, if you can get MGED to crash, a detailed log should be created for your automatically. Be sure to include that along with steps that reliably reproduce the crash.
14:41.28 Notify 03GCI: javamonn: Model a "B" using BRL-CAD - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:41.29 Notify 03GCI: javamonn: Model a "B" using BRL-CAD - Worked out one problem... So I fixed the problem of it being multiple regions. I can't figure out how to export it as an ascii database though. Where do I run that command? I cant seem to export it as an ascii database either, every time I try to save it somewhere it doesn't show up. The spec says...
14:41.30 Notify 03GCI: Chris Kloehn: Crash MGED reliably - Thanks Thank you, Ill get right on the quality assurance, but what would you like me to do in the case that your program doesnt crash?
14:41.31 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Crash MGED reliably - hen you didn't try hard enough We're not foolish enough to think that our software won't crash. You might have to hunt for a couple hours, but finding a crash should be possible. I get it to crash regularly just through normal use, without even trying. That said, this task is like our spelling mistake...
14:41.32 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Crash Archer reliably - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Ashish. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:41.33 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Compile and run BRL-CAD on a Raspberry Pi - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Titi. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:41.34 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Compile and run BRL-CAD on a Raspberry Pi - IRC Please join me on IRC for login credentials or e-mail me via morrison ->
14:41.35 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Make mged 'tables' command not call system() - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
14:41.36 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Make mged 'tables' command not call system() - not in patch format So from our discussions and what you wrote in your changelog notes, this looks like it's probably good but it's not feasible to review it as-is. Changes need to be submitted in patch format, otherwise they take far too long to review. See these for help on making...
14:41.37 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Make mged 'tables' command not call system() - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.
14:41.38 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Make mged 'tables' command not call system() - fyi The follow-up task to fix the cat system() call is here, assuming someone doesn't claim it before you can fix up this patch:
14:41.39 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Write BRL-CAD News article on .deb/.rpm builds - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
14:41.40 Notify 03GCI: Ambar Pal: Compile BRL-CAD using GCC 4.8 - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:41.41 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Write BRL-CAD News article on .deb/.rpm builds - nicely done John, That looks fantastic, almost perfect. Just a couple minor requests and this should be good to go: remove the reference to the CPP, just refer to the interview informally or quote Gala directly. the cpp is like going backstage, you don't talk about it. include a...
14:41.42 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an artistic screenshot - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
14:41.43 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an artistic screenshot - not artistic So that's certainly a screenshot, but I think it fails the artistic criteria. That blob is not graphically interesting and it's not "pretty" or visually impressive to say the least. I suggest converting some impressive 3rd-party geometry (using our stl-g importer, for example) and...
14:41.44 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Create a technical screenshot - Initial Deadline passed Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has set the task status to ActionNeeded. The student has 24 hours to submit the work before the task is reopened and sent back to the pool for other students to claim.
14:41.45 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Fix closedb - on the right track So I think you're on the right track and have pinpointed the cause of the command elimination, but your change injects a bug at the same time it fixes the other. The gedp needs to be closed out because it's still referring to the previously open database. Perhaps the issue is just the setting of...
14:41.46 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Fix closedb - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
14:41.47 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create geometry database with one of every primitive - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:41.48 Notify 03GCI: Gmercer015: Make mged 'tables' command not call system() - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:41.49 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create geometry database with one of every primitive - good enough Donny, there are a few more issues, but you've definitely put great effort pulling this .g file together. I went ahead and approved it because of that effort, but I'm hoping you can send me your other files. Some of your .g file objects reference other files that...
14:41.50 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Set up StatSVN - looks good There are definitely some options I'd want to include, like ignoring all of our src/other hierarchy (our 3rd party sources skew the results in a major way), but you've certainly shown what is possible. How long did it take to process the entire history?
14:41.51 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Set up StatSVN - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:41.52 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Convert Gallery to Piwigo - ouch That theme is terrible. I presume piwigo provides options for customizing the look and feel and maybe even the layout? What's your impression of the administrative interface? Thanks for your efforts, that's a great proof of concept.
14:41.53 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Convert Gallery to Piwigo - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:41.54 Notify 03GCI: Will Bensky: Add missing documentation (for any ONE command) - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:41.56 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:41.56 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - likely follow-on We'll likely have a follow-on task to confirm that your implementation works (maybe a unit test), but it looks reasonable at a glance. For reference, it really helps us if you create a patch file that includes all changes together (not...
14:41.57 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for polyhedron with 4 to 8 sides (ARB8) - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:41.58 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - follow-on We'll likely have a follow-on task to confirm that your implementation works (maybe a unit test), but it looks reasonable at a glance. Thanks for your efforts and bonus points for updating the analyze command call and identifying that existing...
14:41.59 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - blah sorry, ignore that last "follow-on" post. browser cache woes with the melange interface.
14:42.00 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for polyhedron with 4 to 8 sides (ARB8) - follow-on task We'll likely have a follow-on task to confirm that your implementation works (maybe a unit test), but it looks reasonable at a glance. Thanks for your efforts including bonus points for cleaning up analyze command and identifying...
14:42.01 Notify 03GCI: Ashish: Crash Archer reliably - Am i doing it Right This is just a test file to Please tell me is this what i am supposed to do ??
14:42.02 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - real name fernozzle, if you provide your real name, we'll include it within our authorship file to reflect your code contribution.
14:42.03 Notify 03GCI: fernozzle: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - Real name My real name is Michael Huang. Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it!
14:42.04 Notify 03GCI: fernozzle: Implement a primitive volume function ... for right hyperbolic cylinders (RHC) - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:42.05 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Model a "B" using BRL-CAD - g2asc The g2asc command (outside of mged) will convert a .g file to a .asc file, but you made it into a single region regrardless. The shader you chose is funky with those discontinuities, but we'll not get picky on aesthetic quality. ;) Thanks for your effort!
14:42.06 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Model a "B" using BRL-CAD - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:42.07 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Set up Jenkins continuous integration for BRL-CAD - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:42.08 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Set up Jenkins continuous integration for BRL-CAD - follow-on tasks Moin, thanks for your efforts getting it set up. I think the original description may have been a little over-ambitious, so I'm not holding that against you. ;) Thanks for the fantastic write-up too, that should help the next person continue, whether that's you...
14:42.09 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Reduce duplicate code in htonf.c - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
14:42.10 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Reduce duplicate code in htonf.c - non-conformant style Thanks for your efforts but the latest patch still has style conformancy problems. See our HACKING file at the top-level of our source distribution for details, but basically the indentation is inconsistent in some places, wrong in others, and and you have an opening brace...
14:42.11 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Add missing documentation (for any ONE command) - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
14:42.12 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Add missing documentation (for any ONE command) - incomplete While the write-up itself looks okay (at a glance, didn't review in detail for accuracy), the patch is incomplete and the file is invalid XML. You need to add your file to the doc/docbook/system/man1/en/CMakeLists.txt and files so that it will compile. Doing...
14:42.13 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - quick to accept femnozzle, I was apparently way too quick to accept your task... :) Your table.c.diff file is rather incorrect (read it, did you change all of that? it says you did!) because you apparently worked on an old version and then diffed against a...
14:42.14 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Crash Archer reliably - IRC Discussed on IRC, we're looking for crashes that take the application down, not Tcl errors.
14:42.15 Notify 03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Compile BRL-CAD using GCC 4.8 - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Ambar Pal. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:42.16 Notify 03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Implement a primitive volume function ... for right hyperbolic cylinders (RHC) - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to fernozzle. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:42.17 Notify 03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Add a primitive surface area function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - patch16.patch compiles but I don't know if the formula is ok or if the elliptical cut-surfaces are already included.
14:42.18 Notify 03GCI: fernozzle: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for extruded bitmaps (EBM) - Patch Sorry about that. I had generated those previous patches on the locked-down Windows machines at school and hurriedly had to jump through all sorts of hoops to do so. Now that I'm at home, however, I have submitted a proper patch (which I have...
14:42.19 Notify 03GCI: fernozzle: Implement a primitive volume function ... for right hyperbolic cylinders (RHC) - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:42.20 Notify 03GCI: Silvrous: Add a primitive surface area function ... for right hyperbolic cylinders (RHC) - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:42.21 Notify 03GCI: Anshul: Find and fix at least 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:42.22 Notify 03GCI: Lachlan P: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for avs.c - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:42.23 Notify 03GCI: Lachlan P: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for avs.c - Oops Sorry, I missed something and therefore resubmitted the patch. Please use the latest :-) Thanks, Lachlan
14:42.24 Notify 03GCI: Ambar Pal: Compile BRL-CAD using GCC 4.8 - Password Required I have downloaded and run the image provided here Now when I try to compile and enter the command sudo make install it asks for the password of the current user. Please tell me the password. You can mail it to me if you want ambarpal 1 9 9 6...
14:42.25 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Add a primitive surface area function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - What Now? Do I need to find another formula? Or wait till you verify that?
14:42.26 Notify 03GCI: John: Write BRL-CAD News article on .deb/.rpm builds - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:42.27 Notify 03GCI: Petar Stanev: Create an artistic screenshot - I have problem with stl-g importer I have problem with stl-g importer. Where i can see tutorial how to use it ?
14:42.28 Notify 03GCI: javamonn: Make tables.c not call system("cat ...") - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:42.29 Notify 03GCI: Shomiron Ghose: Reduce duplicate code in htonf.c - Now? Ok i used vim and to the best of my knowledge used the Hacking guide. the only thing that would be possibly non-compliant is the switch statement since it is not addressed in the hacking guide explicitly - i lined it up with the function statement as it is not specifically a...
14:42.30 Notify 03GCI: Shomiron Ghose: Reduce duplicate code in htonf.c - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:42.31 Notify 03GCI: Petar Stanev: Create an artistic screenshot - I upload a file from .stl to .g I upload a file from .stl to .g ,but when i start it on Archer i cant see it.
14:42.32 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Tudorica: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:42.33 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Add a primitive surface area function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
14:42.34 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Set up BuildBot continuous integration for BRL-CAD - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
14:42.35 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Popescu: Find and fix at least 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Anshul. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:42.36 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Popescu: Make tables.c not call system("cat ...") - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to javamonn. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:42.37 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Popescu: Add a primitive surface area function ... for right hyperbolic cylinders (RHC) - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Silvrous. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:42.38 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Popescu: Set up BuildBot continuous integration for BRL-CAD - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Skriptkid. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:42.39 Notify 03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Add a primitive surface area function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - The hyp solid is an elliptical paraboloid Before requesting a claim be sure to have the right formulas handy and to have them understood.
14:42.40 Notify 03GCI: Petar Stanev: Create an artistic screenshot - I try I try .ply to .g same problem.
14:44.50 ``Erik <-- didn't say skriptkids patch was ok except for those changes, just that there were those changes...
14:45.12 *** join/#brlcad Skriptki_ (~Skriptkid@
14:53.51 caen23 brlcad: the menu bar seems to be a child of the cmd win, so perhaps decoupling those would be a good first step. also, i think the close window event should be overriden to only "hide" the window, rather than close it
14:54.35 caen23 as for closing mged when either window is closed, that can be done in one line
15:09.19 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
15:25.25 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
15:30.08 Notify 03GCI: Awesomeness: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
15:31.53 Notify 03GCI: zncurtis: Find and fix at least 20 spelling mistakes in at least 5 different files - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
15:33.49 Notify 03GCI: Harmanpreet Singh: Find and fix at least 20 spelling mistakes in at least 5 different files - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to zncurtis. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
15:35.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Jacksixb * 4729 /wiki/User:Jacksixb/Independent_Study_2012-13_Log:
15:36.20 brlcad caen23: so if you can define the task that would get us closer to the goal as described, write that up and post it as a comment suggesting it as the goal
15:36.32 brlcad we can then give the go-ahead and work on this task in chunks
15:37.20 brlcad my thinking was something along the lines of close merely hiding the window and just keeping track if this is the last window, do cleanup and shutdown
15:40.21 caen23 brlcad: i thought of something similar earlier, but at that point i didn't know how it all worked so i scratched the idea. i'll see if i can do that now
15:40.39 Notify 03GCI: HS Rai: Write BRL-CAD News article on .deb/.rpm builds - A few correction John, You did a remarkable work. Just make following corrections: 1) In 2nd paragraph, replace "in" to "on" at two places; as it is "based on" and not "based in". 2) In 3rd paragraph, replace "working in BRL-CAD" "working with BRL-CAD" 3) In 3rd paragraph,...
15:42.04 Notify 03GCI: Ashish: Crash Archer reliably - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
15:42.14 Notify 03GCI: zncurtis: Find and fix at least 20 spelling mistakes in at least 5 different files - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
15:42.19 Notify 03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Awesomeness. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
15:47.21 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 53977 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/sscanf.c: windows is being royal. apparently we need I64 with newer versions of MSVC to get properly sized size_t/ptrdirr_t types.
15:47.55 Notify 03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Implement thread creation for Windows - Please provide a patch file and take our coding conventions into account (the HACKING file).
15:50.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 53978 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/sscanf.c: we don't have puts, use strcat
15:50.11 Notify 03GCI: Awesomeness: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
15:53.56 Notify 03GCI: HS Rai: Write BRL-CAD News article on .deb/.rpm builds - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
16:03.46 Notify 03GCI: Ashish: Categorize all of BRL-CAD's commands into a spreadsheet - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
16:08.12 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - No more Work can be submitted Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
16:09.29 *** join/#brlcad didi_bike (~didi_bike@
16:15.04 *** join/#brlcad maths22 (
16:16.06 maths22 brlcad: is not reading .htacess files. The upgrade is othewise done. (the .htacess does url rewriting)
16:16.18 Notify 03GCI: Petar Stanev: Create an artistic screenshot - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:16.20 maths22 I meant .htaccess
16:17.17 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
16:21.18 *** join/#brlcad Ashish101 (75c225d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:22.57 Ashish101 @brlcad: I didnt have any previous experience of crash testing, was finding it very difficult .. So i quite it and joined this one - please assign this task to me
16:24.49 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Tudorica: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - Please Andrei Popescu, can I have your email adress please> as I see you take care of several tasks I plan to work on and I may need some help.
16:25.53 brlcad maths22: it is enabled, just not in user home-directories
16:26.15 brlcad at least, it should be
16:26.22 maths22 Mine is in the directory
16:26.58 maths22 It is not parsed, as I tried inserting garbage and did not get a 500 error.
16:27.53 brlcad ah, my bad -- someone did have an old config there
16:28.24 brlcad try now
16:29.05 Notify 03GCI: Harmanpreet Singh: Categorize all of BRL-CAD's commands into a spreadsheet - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Ashish. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
16:29.28 maths22 It is parsed. I will now make it work.
16:30.27 Ashish101 @Harmanpreet: Thanks for assigning the task... it is mentions that a template will be provided- Any downoad links for that ??
16:31.41 *** join/#brlcad xavortm (xavortm@
16:33.41 maths22 The site is now live at Beware: the wiki and gallery links do not yet work.
16:33.48 brlcad Ashish101: I can do that, but it'll take me a little time to dig it up
16:34.03 brlcad maths22: you mean crit? :)
16:34.10 maths22 yes.
16:34.45 Notify 03GCI: Jacob B: Upgrade Drupal website - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:36.23 Ashish101 KK till then ill start with the work -- what format u want it to be in ?? Cause there are lots of option but i dont know which ones u prefer
16:37.22 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 53979 (brlcad/trunk/bench/benchmark.1 brlcad/trunk/bench/pixcmp.1 and 10 others): remove trailing blanks/tabs (understood to exclude files like
16:42.32 xavortm Hey, brlcad, can you tell me if my job is done?
16:44.02 brlcad xavortm: not right now unfortunately
16:44.30 brlcad there are other mentors working on tasks, you'll just have to be patient or look at your work yourself and see if you can think of any ways to improve it
16:45.56 xavortm Well, if there is no feedback i wont be able to fix the issues. I mean ... there is deadline and i do nothing for more than 30 hours.
16:45.57 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
16:46.36 brlcad xavortm: unless you find the issues yourself
16:47.07 brlcad i'm surprised how many times I've been finding really basic problems with submissions where the submitter didn't bother to compiler or read what they submitted
16:47.15 brlcad have you checked your work?
16:47.35 brlcad which is your task?
16:47.54 xavortm
16:48.07 xavortm i did all the things you said to me (i hope i understood well)
16:48.38 brlcad AH, so xavortm that's part of the problem
16:48.48 brlcad if you think you're done, you need to denote that
16:49.06 brlcad according to that page, you just uploaded some work but aren't done with it
16:49.40 brlcad how are the mentors reviewing supposed to know when you're done or are expecting a review? they're not all on IRC
16:50.24 brlcad also, rar files are rather annoying.. can you make it a tar.gz or tar.bz2?
16:50.54 brlcad it's fine if that's all you have, but not a common compression format amongst most open source folks
16:51.41 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
16:51.58 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create prototype CAD GUI layout diagram - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.
16:53.01 andrei xavortm: Sean should correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know the "safest" format for you to use is .zip
16:53.40 starseeker brlcad: the Windows build should be building the xmllint tool
16:53.50 xavortm Well i didnt know that sorry, i am looking for a way to save it as tar.gz now. I will reupload it after a few minutes.
16:54.51 starseeker brlcad: i.e., it's guaranteed the same way xsltproc is guaranteed
16:54.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 53980 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/arb8/arb8.c: fix spelling in a comment
16:54.59 brlcad andrei: even windows will unpack a tgz/tbz2, so I'd go with the better compressor :)
16:55.09 brlcad starseeker: so then something's busted
16:55.23 andrei ah, I didn't know windows works with tgz
16:55.25 starseeker we have no report of a failed command?
16:55.27 brlcad unfortunately, no build log, just a report
16:55.45 starseeker checks the only thing he can think of, based on xsltproc experience...
16:55.46 brlcad report that it failed trying to run xmllint
16:55.51 brlcad maybe the lint itself failed
16:56.16 xavortm *.tar is ok?
16:56.56 brlcad 4:58 < mansi22> Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Validating DocBook source with xmllint:"
16:57.04 brlcad xavortm: compress it...
16:57.32 brlcad .tar.bz2 or .tar.gz, either
16:57.53 mansi22 ???
16:58.17 Skriptkid brlcad: I've claimed the CI task. Need help getting set up.
16:58.18 brlcad mansi22: you're back -- do you have details on that error?
16:58.23 brlcad mansi22: perhaps a full build log?
16:58.45 brlcad Skriptkid: you don't already have a web account right?
16:59.04 mansi22 someone replied it's a documentation error. Is it nessary for it to work?
16:59.07 starseeker mansi22: there are a couple of possibilities for xmllint failing on Windows - it's quite finicky
16:59.11 Skriptkid brlcad: On?
16:59.28 brlcad our web server
16:59.32 Skriptkid Nope
16:59.46 starseeker mansi22: the more detail we can get on how the tool failed, the better
17:01.35 starseeker mansi22: to answer your question - yes, it needs to work
17:01.53 starseeker at least, I would regard the failure you've decribed as a build failure that needs to be fixed
17:03.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 4730 /wiki/Dog_Collars_-_What_You_Need_To_Know: New page: Vitamin D is a hormone that many medical experts say can not only prevent fractures in the elderly but also prolong their life expectancy. It is one of the recommended hormonal supplements...
17:03.17 mansi22 alright, i'm compiling it again. then will add it on pastebin
17:03.49 andrei mansi22: use something else than pastebin, try or :)
17:04.44 xavortm Ok, i uploaded the file (2 images + 2 psd files)
17:10.06 Skriptkid brlcad: next?
17:10.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Jacksixb * 4731 /wiki/User:Jacksixb/Independent_Study_2012-13_Log:
17:12.09 mansi22
17:13.24 starseeker mansi22: are you using the latest svn checkout?
17:13.58 mansi22 lemme check
17:14.14 starseeker doesn't look like it to me - some of those are validating, some arent
17:14.31 starseeker caen23 did a lot of work recently to make everything validate
17:14.35 mansi22 Release 7.22.2
17:15.16 starseeker that doesn't make any sense - newest release is 7.22.0
17:15.26 starseeker dev release (current development trunk) is 7.22.1
17:15.55 mansi22 readme file says so
17:16.21 starseeker readme file is cheating - check include/conf
17:16.27 starseeker MAJOR MINOR and PATCH files
17:16.41 starseeker mansi22: plus that won't tell you if your subversion repository is up to date
17:17.02 starseeker you should run svn update and see what revision number is reported
17:17.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53981 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/sscanf.c: at least since .NET 2003 (v7.1) no width specifier is needed for size_t or ptrdiff_t
17:19.03 caen23 as far as i can see, it complains about the "info" tags we added to fix the warnings. but the reference says it's ok:
17:19.21 mansi22 ah, it's MAJOR - 7 MINOR - 22 PATCH - 1
17:19.35 starseeker mansi22: what about svn update?
17:20.10 mansi22 doing i
17:20.14 mansi22 doing it
17:20.31 starseeker is it pulling any docbook updates?
17:20.49 mansi22 revision 53981, am i right track?
17:20.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53982 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/sscanf.c: typo
17:20.58 starseeker mansi22: yes
17:21.09 starseeker mansi22: did it grab any xml file changes when you ran it?
17:21.41 mansi22 yes, and also docbook you mentioned before
17:21.42 starseeker if so, you may want to re-try the build
17:21.52 mansi22 you mean CMake?
17:22.08 starseeker re-run CMake, then try to compile again
17:22.14 mansi22 alright
17:28.23 *** join/#brlcad hsrai_ (~quassel@
17:36.38 *** join/#brlcad Silvrous (4f706699@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:37.21 Silvrous Any idea why I can't view my completed tasks list anymore?
17:38.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 4732 /wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: /* Linux Release Packaging Process: A mission for Jordi Sayol */
17:38.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53983 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/vls_vprintf.c: handle z and t width specifiers the same way
17:40.27 brlcad Silvrous: could be related to the leaderboard
17:43.22 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
17:44.36 Silvrous @brlcad: I see. Another thing... well, this is awkward, but in the sourceforge commit you credited Ashwin Lokkur with the arb8 centroid patch, but I was the one who actually did it. I'm already listed as contributor, though, so it doesn't really matter.
17:45.02 brlcad Silvrous: gah, really?
17:45.13 brlcad I'm sorry about that
17:45.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53984 (brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pipe/pipe.c brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/tgc/tgc.c): change minimum curve counts
17:46.56 brlcad oh, I see what happened, that person claimed before you and gave up
17:47.24 Silvrous No problem, as I said, it doesn't really matter since I'm already there, but I wanted you to know just in case.
17:48.04 xavortm i Hope i am not anoying with only asking but, did you checked it? Is this what you told me to do yesterday? :)
17:48.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 53985 brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: arb8 primtive centroid was NOT contributed by ashwin lokkur, it was from silvrous (Ungureanu, Silviu) who is already credited for a previous contribution.
17:48.52 brlcad Silvrous: authors is but one place that will get documented, and the history of that files matters so we need to get it right
17:49.16 brlcad you'll also be credited in our NEWS file in our next binary release of BRL-CAD
17:49.50 brlcad which gets posted all over and sent out to variou snews channels
17:50.10 Silvrous Whoa. That's awesome :)
17:56.55 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
17:59.06 caen23 brlcad: regarding my task, i'm almost done, but i was trying to have the closed window come back with "Tools->Graphics/Command Window". it works for bringing back the Command Window, but if i delete the graphics win and try to bring it back up with the same menu, the app crashes. i haven't been able to figure out why, and i don't know how to debug the script (or at least get a log of what happened). is there any (proper) way i can debug?
17:59.49 caen23 googling hasn't helped much except for "puts"
18:04.44 brlcad caen23: so yes (and posting the crash backtrace might be a valid submission for the task), you can run gdb --args mged -c
18:04.55 brlcad mged will run in classic console mode
18:05.07 brlcad run the "gui" command and you'll have the tcl/tk gui displayed
18:05.17 brlcad if it crashes, you'll be in mged
18:05.23 brlcad er, gdb
18:05.55 caen23 thanks, let me try
18:06.34 brlcad if you haven't used gdb before, a tutorial may be in order
18:06.43 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Set up BuildBot continuous integration for BRL-CAD - SSH figured out Read up on SSH. Logged in and created dir "Skriptkid" in the home folder(Just to test). What do I need to do next? If I need to come on IRC, I'll be there at about this time(or a bit before) tomorrow.
18:06.47 brlcad run command starts, backtrace will tell you where you crashed
18:07.17 brlcad list will show you the code on the line it stopped on
18:07.28 brlcad break function will set a breakpoint on function() calls
18:09.45 caen23 i am familiar with gdb, thanks :D it seems to have crashed with "error: xp_attach_gl_context returned: 2"
18:12.53 caen23 googling the error, it seems most of the results are related to os x. hmm… could i upload a patch to gci and have someone see if it crashes on linux, too?
18:19.35 Notify 03GCI: Mitsuhide: Create an RTWizard screenshot - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
18:26.36 Notify 03GCI: Harmanpreet Singh: Create an RTWizard screenshot - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Mitsuhide. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
18:28.01 brlcad caen23: sure
18:35.17 Notify 03GCI: Cezar: Close MGED when both windows are closed - Testing on Linux I've written the patch on OS X, but mged seems to crash if you follow the steps described inside `osx_crash_log.txt`. Since this appears to be a Mac/XQuartz-specific error, could someone on a Linux machine please try running it to see if it still crashes?
18:35.45 caen23 ugh, really need to install virtual ubuntu/windows
18:41.23 Notify 03GCI: Shayantan: Layout "MGED Interface" Reference Document - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
18:43.48 Notify 03GCI: Mitsuhide: Create an RTWizard screenshot - Import hello :) I am a 3d designer and I would like to know can I import a model in BRL CAD from 3ds max
18:45.12 *** join/#brlcad maths22 (
18:58.48 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
19:13.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53986 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/arb8/arb8.c: replace macro and avoid extra magnitude calculation
19:21.48 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Add missing documentation (for any ONE command) - Task Reopened Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
19:22.18 Notify 03GCI: Will Bensky: Add missing documentation (for any ONE command) - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
19:23.03 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Popescu: Layout "MGED Interface" Reference Document - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Shayantan. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
19:23.23 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Popescu: Add missing documentation (for any ONE command) - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Will Bensky. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
19:30.32 *** join/#brlcad M0J0E (
19:41.05 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
19:59.34 Notify 03GCI: John: Write BRL-CAD News article on .deb/.rpm builds - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:05.39 Notify 03GCI: Giovanny Gongora: Reproduce any 10 unconfirmed open bug reports - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
20:06.49 Notify 03GCI: Giovanny Gongora: Reproduce any 10 unconfirmed open bug reports - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
20:09.44 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Set up BuildBot continuous integration for BRL-CAD - wrong dir The directory you created will not help you. The directory you start in is already your home directory. You need to create a directory specifically called public_html and you can install buildbot there. You will be able to access that directory at...
20:17.30 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
20:17.51 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyX (~DarkCalf@2002:ade7:2862::ade7:2862)
20:22.17 Notify 03GCI: Mitsuhide: Create an RTWizard screenshot - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:25.15 starseeker mansi22: any luck?
20:40.11 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
20:44.21 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
20:53.40 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Create an artistic screenshot - No more Work can be submitted Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
20:57.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53987 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/tgc/tgc.c: use a more accurate dimension estimate when choosing number of connecting lines to plot
21:04.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 53988 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pipe/pipe_brep.cpp: fix sentence (removing 's' and fixing 'endedge' -- notice it is only a comment)
21:04.48 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an RTWizard screenshot - almost there Almost there. Note this in the original description: "Don't just pick the most basic mode, pick one of the more complicated multi-pass renderings and showcase the entire interface." The screenshot looks great, though I would suggest dropping the console window so you can emphasize the...
21:05.07 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an RTWizard screenshot - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
21:06.33 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an artistic screenshot - you have to tell archer You have to tell archer what you want it to display. Notice the hierarchy view on the left. There's a label that says "all". Try double-clicking or right-clicking that.
21:06.34 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an artistic screenshot - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
21:07.33 Notify 03GCI: Diana Boyadjieva: Create an ISST screenshot or animation - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
21:07.48 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.
21:12.43 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Tudorica: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - ... is the prototype ok? if it isn't,any advice on what I should repair?
21:13.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 53989 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/FbPage.itk: fix spelling of 'height' -- OK there, RIGHT??
21:18.09 Notify 03GCI: Johannes Schulte: Add a primitive surface area function ... for triangle meshes (BOT) - Deadline As I don't want to get into trouble with the deathline, I have submitted now my first patch. The algorithm itself is really ready for review. As I didn't got an answer to my error questions fast enough, I chose to easiest way, just...
21:18.24 Notify 03GCI: Johannes Schulte: Add a primitive surface area function ... for triangle meshes (BOT) - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
21:19.04 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - not understanding the task? Andrei, I think you might not be understanding this task. Your latest image makes for an interesting visual aid that might make for an interesting diagram of some sort, but it's not what is being expected for this task. The emphasis is on *prototype*. Assume you...
21:19.14 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
21:20.09 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Reduce duplicate code in htonf.c - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
21:23.49 Notify 03GCI: Matt S.: Add a primitive surface area function ... for triangle meshes (BOT) - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 2 days and 0 hours.
21:24.15 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Reduce duplicate code in htonf.c - still not conformant If you're using vim, you should be able to ":set modeline" to have it parse our footer, then you can auto-indent the entire file. Note the body of the two functions, for example -- you do not indent the convert_float() calls and they should be. Similarly, your latest version...
21:24.25 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Reduce duplicate code in htonf.c - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 0 days and 12 hours.
21:25.25 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
21:26.06 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Tudorica: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - Q Would it be good if I make the bleprints of a memory stick rendering the side view, front view and top view on a landscape A4...? Or I get this all thing wrong and the idea is to describe generaly a A4 blueprint?
21:35.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53990 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ehy/ehy.c: space curves evenly
21:51.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 53991 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ehy/ehy.c: choose curve points based on estimated curve length
21:51.38 *** join/#brlcad lachlanp (
21:52.48 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (~cdk@
21:53.17 caen23 brlcad: hmm… i've tried my patch on debian 6, and the error does seem to be xquartz-specific
21:53.29 caen23 so i think the patch should be good to go, i'm marking the task as complete
21:53.59 Notify 03GCI: Cezar: Close MGED when both windows are closed - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
21:58.04 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (
22:07.51 Notify 03GCI: reikaze: Fix closedb - It doesn't look like it's any code in particular I've tried commenting out sections of ged_close, and the bug persists. If I comment out just the NULL line, it crashes in vls.h with a null pointer error or a mismatch error.
22:08.31 Notify 03GCI: Johannes Schulte: Add a primitive surface area function ... for triangle meshes (BOT) - Deadline extension Did you extend the deadline to give yourself more time to review my patch or do you expect action from me. If you expect action from me, it would be great, if you answer my questions, because otherwise, I don't know, what I have...
22:09.02 *** join/#brlcad reikaze (4c45450b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:11.17 Notify 03GCI: reikaze: Fix closedb - The error message if you comment out the NULL assignment ERROR: 0xffffffffffffffff mis-aligned bu_vls pointer, file /home/quincy/gcodein2012/FIX CLOSEDB/brlcad-7.22.0/src/libbu/vls.c, line 188 So I guess I should be looking there, huh...
22:23.36 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
22:36.15 reikaze Hey, anyone know what bu_badmagic does?
22:36.30 lachlanp is it a function?
22:36.42 reikaze Yep.
22:36.54 lachlanp will look it up :-)
22:39.10 lachlanp seems like it just checks the magic number of a structure
22:39.17 lachlanp and bu_bombs if it's not right
22:39.40 lachlanp probably shouldn't be called by itself... use BU_CKMAG instead
22:48.12 *** join/#brlcad maths222 (
22:50.36 reikaze I see... thanks.
23:14.52 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create prototype 2D CAD drawing(s) - wrong question What geometry you use doesn't matter at all (in fact you could complete this task with no geometry, but it helps). It matters more what goes on the page, where they are placed on the page, how much space they consume, and most importantly WHY a particular layout. That's why ASME...
23:21.33 Notify 03GCI: Matt S.: Add a primitive surface area function ... for triangle meshes (BOT) - Stupid Mobile Phone... I could not enter text from my phone on this site for some reason, but what I wanted to say is that I find myself with very little free time this week. Thus, since you were concerned about the clock running out an I didn't think I'd be...
23:23.03 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Fix closedb - progress, but not understanding So that's progress, but that's not yet understanding of any particular bug that can be fixed. You'll need to trace through the code with print statements or (better) a debugger to see where the misaligned pointer is coming from or going even further back to understand the cause. If...
23:38.13 *** join/#brlcad reikaze (4c45450b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:45.06 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Add a primitive surface area function ... for triangle meshes (BOT) - more questions Johannes, There are obviously lots of ways, but keeping the interface minimal is our usual approach. Since we don't yet know of multiple types of errors (and even this one suggested is temporary), the only cases we know about are unimplemented,...

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