IRC log for #brlcad on 20121212

00:06.01 Notify 03GCI: Arjun Govindjee: Implement mutex locking for Windows - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
00:06.43 *** join/#brlcad rptynan (
00:11.37 Notify 03GCI: Arjun Govindjee: Implement mutex locking for Windows - Sorry Wow...svn is really messing me up... Basically here is the whole story: I downloaded the "source" package from sourceforge instead of using svn originally. That package did not yet have the typo fix for aquire, so when I used the version from svn to make the patch, it...
00:17.19 Notify 03GCI: Arjun Govindjee: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for gridded volumes (VOL) - Question regarding the task Is this task to write a centroid function for a raytrace or just a primitive? Also for the task "Implement a primitive volume function": For a raytrace or for any primitive?
00:19.23 *** part/#brlcad rptynan (
01:03.09 Notify 03GCI: Arjun Govindjee: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for gridded volumes (VOL) - oh i see! Sorry for the silly sounding question, I didn't quite understand what raytracing was in BRLCAD. I understand now.
02:33.26 Notify 03GCI: Richard Akira Heru: Combine letters for "BRL-CAD" into one 3D model - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
04:22.36 Notify 03GCI: Richard Akira Heru: Create an Elliptical Paraboloid Model and Diagram - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
04:44.07 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
05:02.26 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an Elliptical Paraboloid Model and Diagram - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Richard Akira Heru. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
05:08.24 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
05:23.38 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
05:42.11 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
06:01.55 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
06:43.15 Notify 03GCI: Richard Akira Heru: Create an Elliptical Paraboloid Model and Diagram - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
07:36.44 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
08:02.09 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
08:23.16 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
09:04.02 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
09:23.03 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
09:53.39 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
11:17.18 Notify 03GCI: Aaron Keesing: Implement a primitive volume function ... for hyperboloids of one sheet (HYP) - Hyperboloid Volume I have created a document which hopefully shows you how I came to my formula for the volume: Regards Aaron K
12:44.59 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
13:02.26 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (~DarkCalf@
13:03.22 Notify 03GCI: Katelin Huber: Create an artistic screenshot - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
13:05.45 *** join/#brlcad sharan (3bb144da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:26.23 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
13:29.34 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
14:13.24 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
14:51.59 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Implement mutex locking for Windows - No more Work can be submitted Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
14:54.41 Notify 03GCI: Cezar: Implement a portable bu_gethostname() function - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
15:00.03 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an Elliptical Paraboloid Model and Diagram - nice work Nicely done, Richard. Note that you unioned a region into a region which is technically a modeling error. Either arrows.r shouldn't be a region or the objects under arrows.c shouldn't be a region.
15:00.17 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create an Elliptical Paraboloid Model and Diagram - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
15:10.37 *** join/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
15:18.31 *** join/#brlcad Sharan (3bb39f11@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:19.10 Sharan Can i talk to Sean?
15:22.49 Sharan I want to talk to Sean, so that he can review my task which was completed 24 hrs ago by me, i want to do an another task.
15:25.45 brlcad Sharan: they're all being reviewed as we speak
15:28.12 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (~DarkCalf@
15:34.28 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create the BRL-CAD Logo in BRL-CAD (#3) - not symmetric? Sharan, I apparently didn't even notice in your first example that they're not symmetric. It becomes *very* apparent when you joined them together. The two left/right holes should be the same distance from the "center" hole. Also, your model has a modeling error in part3.r...
15:34.33 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create the BRL-CAD Logo in BRL-CAD (#3) - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
15:34.48 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create the BRL-CAD Logo in BRL-CAD (#3) - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.
15:36.11 d_rossberg brlcad: i' currently investigating the mutex task
15:36.21 brlcad d_rossberg: okay, great :)
15:36.37 brlcad i was looking over the cygwin task (again)
15:39.46 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Compile BRL-CAD on Windows using Cygwin - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
15:42.16 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Compile BRL-CAD on Windows using Cygwin - So it's a mixed bag Brenden, thanks for all your efforts. Compiling on CMake seems to either be a substantial issue right now or your Cygwin setup is horribly configured. We may post the task again for someone else to give it a go, but your efforts and logs are appreciated. Either way,...
15:45.31 brlcad new task: cygwin compile redux:
15:45.33 Notify 03GCI: Harmanpreet Singh: Implement a portable bu_gethostname() function - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Cezar. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
15:48.41 brlcad caen23: interesting choice ;)
15:49.28 caen23 brlcad: i'm taking a break from the mged issue, and i've also got windows installed inside a vm, so i figured it would be a nice task to complete
15:50.50 brlcad I can appreciate that ;)
15:51.08 brlcad you might find some helpful leads on
15:51.14 Notify 03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Implement mutex locking for Windows - This could work The patch has to be tested more extensively than I did but this would be a different task. So far: Well done!
15:51.24 Notify 03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Implement mutex locking for Windows - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
15:52.09 caen23 brlcad: nice, i didn't know about that website :D
15:52.38 brlcad it's the old site, but they bought them out / replaced them
15:53.32 caen23 bookmarked it, thanks
15:54.53 brlcad of course a good ol' google search for "filetype:c hostname" along with other keywords can help, but be careful to not just pull code you find (plagerism and licensing concerns of course) but to just use it to learn
15:56.22 caen23 hmm… can i not use gethostname in unistd.h? do i have to rewrite that from scratch?
15:58.24 brlcad you can use it if it's available ... but it may not be depending on compilation settings
15:58.36 brlcad looks like it's posix 2001
15:59.04 brlcad the way to test is to add the function to the top-level CMakeLists.txt file and then wrap the usage in #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTNAME
16:02.05 brlcad src/libbu/progname.c and src/libbu/fchmod.c are other examples where we do this
16:02.25 caen23 what i'm currently doing is, if i'm on windows, i include winsock2.h. otherwise, unistd.h. works on mac, and i'm currently testing on deb. i'll then test on windows. i'm guessing it's older operating systems that are not posix 2001 and should be tested on?
16:03.16 brlcad see if what you need is in bin.h (networking) or bio.h (i/o)
16:03.25 brlcad those can be included without ifdef
16:04.21 brlcad anything that's not part of c89 should usually be tested for, even some c99 constructs
16:04.29 brlcad posix functions often fall in that boat
16:05.06 caen23 hmm… bio seems to include winsock2, and bin includes unistd :-?
16:06.03 Notify 03GCI: Andrei Tudorica: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - finals it is finals week in my highschool and i don't have much time to work on the task but I am almost there. It would be nice of you to give me a bit more time. Thank you, Andrei
16:06.03 brlcad sounds like you have that reversed
16:07.05 caen23 yes, i do. but i'm thinking of including both bin and bio instead of what i'm currently doing (checking if i'm on win or not)
16:07.15 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 2 days and 0 hours.
16:07.45 brlcad including both is fine
16:07.46 caen23 gethostname is declared the same way on both win and linux
16:07.55 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - Sure, but last one No problem, but this is the last extension since you've claimed the task twice now.
16:08.01 brlcad so gethostname may be safe to use outright
16:08.05 brlcad it's POSIX.1
16:08.10 brlcad which started in c89
16:09.32 caen23 i also thought of seeing how python does it, if they use those headers or not
16:10.23 brlcad if it works on windows, mac, bsd, and linux, that should be good enough to avoid a cmake function test
16:11.27 brlcad windows would have been the tricky risky one
16:11.49 caen23 i can test on windows, mac and linux, but i know that os x is based on a flavour of bsd, so doesn't it count as working on bsd? :D
16:19.39 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Doxygen cleanup ... for LIBBN - some cleanup needed Mrowqa, that output looks better but it doesn't look like you did any cleanup? Note how multipoly isn't included in the libbn group. The 'Fort' group is odd, but that's deprecated code so we can ignore it. Looking through the list, animation looks great but axis is empty. When...
16:19.44 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Doxygen cleanup ... for LIBBN - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
16:19.59 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Doxygen cleanup ... for LIBBN - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.
16:20.02 brlcad yeah, doesn't count :)
16:20.12 brlcad someone else can test it
16:20.24 brlcad given that's an old bsd 4.2 function, it probably works just fine ;)
16:34.23 caen23 brlcad: ok then. it works on deb, too, so now i need to compile and run on windows
16:39.11 caen23 ook, now i get the 'brazillian real' joke
17:04.42 brlcad :)
17:16.48 Notify 03GCI: James: Find and fix at least 20 spelling mistakes in at least 5 different files - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
17:17.54 Notify 03GCI: James: Find and fix at least 20 spelling mistakes in at least 5 different files - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
17:51.40 brlcad new task: graph logs:
17:56.40 *** part/#brlcad harmanpreet (~chatzilla@
18:26.43 brlcad new task: webged:
18:34.20 Notify 03GCI: Sharan: Create the BRL-CAD Logo in BRL-CAD (#3) - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
18:38.06 Notify 03GCI: Sharan: Model a Fresnel lens - Can you give some references More on how the lens looks Should we use CSG in this? would it be better?
18:41.52 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Investigate performance of setting thread affinity - AWESOME! Amazing to hear that! :D Look at per3.patch and per2.patch. I've made some fixes. I've added #if defined()s. So only if pthread support and gnu source are found, that function will be run, else, it won't even have a prototype.(Tell me if there are styke coding...
18:48.55 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Investigate performance of setting thread affinity - Difference Difference between the two patches is that per2.patch contains some unecessary addition and deletion(of the same) lines. I know that has to be fixed, but just use this to test the compilation. per3.patch has all those issues addressed.(But maybe malformed.) And...
18:50.35 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Investigate performance of setting thread affinity - ** LAST TWO PATCHES. DO NOT USE FIRST TWO *** Use the last two per2.patch and per3.patch. Not the first two.
18:52.21 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Investigate performance of setting thread affinity - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
18:55.57 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Create an ISST screenshot or animation - Task Reopened Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
19:56.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 54049 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_subdivision.cpp: checkpoint
20:03.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54050 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_subdivision.cpp: remove trailing blanks
20:44.02 caen23 brlcad: i tried running bu_gethostname on windows, and it seems to compile, but i've also written a test function and when i try to run it, i get a missing dll error (libbu.dll). I get the same error when trying to run other test functions, such as tester_bu_redblack. i don't really know how this works on windows/msvc, and i followed doc/, so is there an easy way to link the dll?
20:45.47 Notify 03GCI: Tony Jojan: Convert NEAR_ZERO() macro calls to NEAR_EQUAL() and EQUAL() - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
21:07.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54051 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/stl/stl-g.c: fix spelling of routine name in 'bu_' comments
21:39.20 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
21:52.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 54052 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw.c: Fix draw color selection. r53495 inadvertently changed behavior by failing to set solid region id before attempting material color lookup.
22:16.33 *** join/#brlcad andrei__ (~andrei@
22:25.54 Notify 03GCI: Jacob B: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
22:27.43 *** join/#brlcad gcimaths (
22:47.02 Notify 03GCI: BrendenD15: Compile BRL-CAD on Windows using Cygwin - Glad to help Thanks, I was more than happy to help. You may be right about my Cygwin, but as I did some searching to fix the problem I found several cases where the "make" command failed much like how mine did. So it may be a problem with the program itself. Thanks again for all of...
22:47.05 caen23 so apparently, if i move the dlls from one folder to the folder where the tests are, it no longer shows that error, but i'm not getting a proper hostname. i'm pretty sure something's wrong with how i compile on windows. could i upload the patch on gci and have someone try it on windows?
22:49.03 *** join/#brlcad javamonn (
22:58.35 *** join/#brlcad rptynan (
23:04.26 javamonn So, can anyone help me work out an issue with subversion? I can't get it to pick up the changes I made to the checked out project. I think this is because I used a script to overwrite the files, and I guess it doesnt show that in the history. Is there a way I can get diff to look at all files, regardless of whether it shows they've been edited?
23:05.18 javamonn It's interesting because as soon as I go in and add a space to a file I edited with the script, it will show up on the diff with the appropiate edit.
23:06.38 javamonn It just wont pick up those edits made by the script for some reason, I guess since it doesn't show that the file has been edited.
23:37.12 Notify 03GCI: Richard Akira Heru: Create an Elliptical Paraboloid Model and Diagram - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
23:42.19 Notify 03GCI: Lachlan P: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for backtrace.c - What is required? Hi, What need I do to test this function (bu_backtrace)? Is the output of this function always standard (it says something about gdb), or does it vary from platform to platform? Thanks, Lachlan
23:42.34 Notify 03GCI: Lachlan P: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for backtrace.c - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
23:43.04 ``Erik 'svn diff' at the root should show all the changes, regardless of what program made them
23:43.19 ``Erik if the script creates new files, you'll need to do an 'svn add' to them
23:47.03 javamonn Do I just navigate to the root and type svn add with the path? I mean they have the same name as the old version, but the way I wrote the script it would delete the file, then rewrite it with the appropiate changes.
23:47.43 javamonn But I checked out a fresh version, and it won't pick up the changes if I run a simple perl find and replace script, so I dont know whats going on
23:47.58 ``Erik if the pathname doesn't change, then it should be picked up with svn diff...
23:48.14 ``Erik if you check out a fresh version, it's a fresh version and doesn't have your changes...
23:48.41 ``Erik mona lisa in 50 polygons
23:49.01 javamonn well yeah, I mean I checked it out and ran the perl script on it to do the same changes, to see if the problem was with the way the other script deleted/rewrote the file
23:49.14 javamonn but it wont pick up either
23:50.18 javamonn I mean the scripts are definitely changing lines of code, I can look at a particular file before and after running it and its changed
23:52.56 caen23 brlcad: here's how python does it from their comment, i take it what i'm doing is correct, i don't think we need a unicode string, right?
23:55.57 brlcad caen23: yeah, ansi version is fine, DNS name is fine
23:58.28 brlcad ``Erik: that's basically what our 'beset' tool does in 3D :)
23:59.03 brlcad javamonn: so I'm guessing that you're running a recursive find script
23:59.31 javamonn brlcad: very much so
23:59.35 brlcad javamonn: the problem is you're corrupting your svn checkout book-keeping files

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