IRC log for #brlcad on 20121223

00:43.44 Notify 03GCI: Jackie: Find and Fix 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files (#2) - Error While Importing I get this error when I import BRL-CAD VM: Failed to import appliance C:/Users/Jackie/Desktop/BRL-CAD_7.21.0_ubuntu_10.04_LTS_x86_r49726.ova. Could not create the clone medium 'C:\Users\Jackie\VirtualBox...
00:51.50 *** join/#brlcad chanho (7c376cb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:59.31 maths22 ``Erik: i use screen. However, ssh on osx is rather odd.
01:00.07 maths22 Also, I need the list of usernames and passwords to migrate./lastlog mysql
01:00.25 maths22 Sorry about the post
01:09.24 Notify 03GCI: Nikita Abraham: Find and Fix 20 spelling mistakes in at least 5 different files (#2) - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
01:10.05 Notify 03GCI: Nikita Abraham: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#4) - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
01:15.43 Notify 03GCI: Nikita Abraham: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#4) - My Experience I have experience creating Mockups and took an online course from Stanford University, Human Computer Interaction, which focused on making interfaces for web or mobile applications. I would love to give this a try, I'm sure I would be successful. Can I...
03:44.51 Notify 03GCI: Vibhav Pant: Implement a primitive volume function ... for gridded volumes (VOL) - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
04:53.45 *** join/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/fellow/louipc)
06:46.43 Notify 03GCI: Sharan: Create an Halfspace Model and Diagram - I think i get it Instead of 'N' vector there should be a 'd' scalar.And 'N' should be the sphere
06:57.07 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Design an MGED command spreadsheet - not sure I'm not sure what to make of your spreadsheet... Can you explain it for me? What are the three columns after command supposed to represent?
06:57.08 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Design an MGED command spreadsheet - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
07:26.19 *** join/#brlcad chanho (7c376cb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:36.13 *** join/#brlcad Alexandur (d40588c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:39.20 Alexandur some explanation about this line in my gci taks ->
10:39.22 Alexandur This task involves attempting to compile BRL-CAD using the Dev-C++ IDE
10:48.28 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
11:09.02 *** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
11:40.52 Alexandur any gci mentor?
11:41.14 andrei hey
11:41.24 andrei what do you need help with, Alexandur ?
11:43.37 Alexandur this is my task -
11:43.56 Alexandur i need to know if i should compile the cad with cmake and select dev c++ compilers or
11:43.59 Alexandur with dev c++
11:45.50 YatharthROCK brlcad, Are color pixel files those encoded normally or those encoded in ASCII Hex files?
11:46.01 andrei I think you should compile with cmake and select dev++ compiler
11:46.52 andrei Alexandur: because you can't (or is very difficult) to compile brlcad without the cmake logic.
11:47.23 YatharthROCK andrei, Stupid question: Why do you need Dev C++ to compile BRL-CAD? Can't cmake and make do everything?
11:48.30 andrei YatharthROCK: cmake isn't a compiler, it s a builder. For example, for C files, you need a C compiler
11:49.51 YatharthROCK andrei, Ohh... another stupid question. I'd compiled/built BRL-CAD on my machine w/o Dev C++. How were the C files (which are most of BRL-CADs utilities) compiled here?
11:50.07 YatharthROCK andrei, Also, color pixel files those encoded normally or those encoded in ASCII Hex files?
11:50.38 andrei YatharthROCK, Dev C++ isn't the only compiler. If you have gcc it would have compiled fine
11:50.39 andrei :)
11:50.46 andrei or g++
11:51.18 andrei and regarding color pixel files, I'm not sure I understand the question
11:51.27 YatharthROCK andrei, I used gcc. I didn't really know what it did then, though.
11:52.43 andrei GCC stands for gnu c compiler. It is opensource aswell and it is mostly found on unix based systems
11:53.01 YatharthROCK I was documenting asc2pix. In the wikis, it said asc2pix and pix2asc were used to encode and decode color pixel files. These commands take pics in bainry form and convert them to hex ASCII ones. I wanted to know whther color pixel files referred to the ASCII files or the binary one to...
11:53.31 YatharthROCK andrei, What are these C files compiled into?
11:54.06 andrei well, a computer can't read the code as we write it
11:55.10 andrei C files are translated in binary files
11:55.22 andrei binary files are files that contain code that is "readable" by a computer
11:55.47 andrei try writing some simple program, compile it. Then run hexdump on the compiled one ( object)
11:56.18 andrei What I said is a "simplified" version of what really happens
11:56.38 andrei so I might have eluded important aspects acidentally, if anyone can corect me, please feel free to do so :)
11:56.45 YatharthROCK andrei, I know. What is binary? As in, how is it represented or what reads and executes it? The OS? The chipset or something?
11:57.06 YatharthROCK OK, trying right now
11:57.34 andrei binary code is ultimately a succesion of 1's and 0's
11:58.38 andrei as for what reads and writes, it s usually the hdd.
11:59.09 YatharthROCK andrei, Hard Disk Drive?
11:59.26 andrei yes
11:59.33 andrei the execution isn't that straight forward I believe
11:59.45 andrei as both CPU and RAM are implied
11:59.50 andrei (not that RAM executes anything)
12:00.40 YatharthROCK andrei, Wait, the RAM is like a desktop for your drawer, a container for things you'r working on right now. Random Access Memory.
12:00.54 YatharthROCK CPU is the thing that executes everything else, right?
12:01.21 YatharthROCK And a HDD is just a storage medium. How can it execute anything?
12:01.29 andrei I never sait it executes
12:01.33 andrei I said just it reads and writes
12:01.36 YatharthROCK BTW, any ideas on the color pixel question?
12:01.48 YatharthROCK Oh sorry, misread
12:03.10 andrei I have only worked with pgm images so far
12:03.22 andrei And there a pixel was an positive integer value
12:04.09 YatharthROCK All this befuddles my brain, at the lowest level, someone must have coded up a chipset in 1s and 0s. Then that went into making Assembly. That was leveraged by the OS. It's code was used by custom compilers. These are then used by programmers like us. It's useful as it abstracts away everything. But lower down *someone* must have written 1s and 0s, right?
12:04.33 YatharthROCK andrei, pgm images?
12:05.38 andrei YatharthROCK, if you want to learn about it try reading about punched cards
12:05.53 andrei and pgm is a image format. Just like jpg or gif
12:06.31 andrei oh, hold on I didn't see one of your replies, sorry.
12:12.12 andrei I'm looking at the file right now
12:15.08 andrei well, both the output and the input seem binary.
12:15.55 andrei that is actually a map function that is applied to each pixel in a file
12:21.18 YatharthROCK andrei, Yeah, but the output can be encoded in ASCII and it's portable, right?
12:22.23 andrei well, I believe so :)
12:24.41 Alexandur how should i compile brlcad with cmake and native compilers or with toolchain file ? (the gci task to compile with dev c++)
12:25.43 Alexandur also if i choose the native compiler option which generator should i use
12:33.51 Alexandur any mentor?
12:37.44 caen23 Alexandur: have you read doc/README.Windows?
12:38.07 caen23 it's explained properly, but you'll have to replace MSVC w/ Dev-C++
12:38.50 Alexandur i checked it out , but will look closer
12:38.59 Alexandur thanks
12:40.16 Alexandur the first thing that comes to me is -> do i need visual studio to be installed on my system??
12:40.23 caen23 nu
12:40.26 caen23 no*
12:41.10 caen23 do you have a copy of the brlcad trunk?
12:41.38 Alexandur i have source i think 7.22.0
12:41.57 Alexandur from sourceforge?
12:42.53 caen23 i don't think the sources are up to date. you need to download TortoiseSVN and then download the brlcad from svn, which has the latest modifications to the source
12:44.07 Alexandur well i followed the links from my task
12:44.07 caen23 "the brlcad" <-- awesome
12:46.17 caen23 what you have is the code for version 7.22.0 of the program. that was released in september, but from september until today many changes have been made to the source
12:51.56 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
12:51.56 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by services.
12:52.06 Alexandur ok this wasnt stated anywhere in my task so i cant know about it :D
12:53.15 Alexandur can i get the lastest version frim git?
12:54.21 caen23 i think there was a git repo, but brlcad uses subversion for version control
12:54.58 caen23 for this purpose, it's almost the same thing
12:56.03 Alexandur ok can you pm me link for the svn coz i`ll searching for ages for it
12:56.30 caen23 search for TortoiseSVN
12:58.17 caen23 then from the command prompt, you can do `svn checkout brlcad` to download the latest sources
13:00.53 *** join/#brlcad stevenkou (~stevenkou@
13:03.16 stevenkou for my task on, what can i try to work on to get the compiling working?
13:05.11 andrei well, where is it failing?
13:05.38 andrei have you checked the logs provided?
13:05.58 stevenkou during make, it fails due to 2 errors on zlib, 1 in the makefile
13:06.25 andrei you need to be a bit more specific
13:07.26 stevenkou I don't quite understand what logs provided, the latest 2 txt files that I have submitted contains more specific details regarding my problem, I can paste the essential portions here if required
13:08.28 stevenkou # First zlib error originates from /src/other/libz/CMakeFiles/zlib-static.dir/flags.make at line 10 with the flag -w
13:08.28 stevenkou # Second zlib error originates from /src/other.libz/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/flags.make at line 10 with the flag -w
13:08.28 stevenkou # Third error occurs due to line 147 of makefile
13:08.42 stevenkou That is my conclusion so far
13:15.42 andrei from your build log
13:15.50 andrei [ 0%] /usr/bin/windres: invalid option -- w
13:15.50 andrei Usage: /usr/bin/windres [option(s)] [input-file] [output-file]
13:16.04 stevenkou -w is not accepted by windres.exe
13:16.37 andrei brlcad might not compile entirely by cygwin and that's ok, but I think the issues should be further down
13:17.25 andrei well, note your issue there, try fixing the error
13:17.27 andrei and move forward
13:17.28 andrei :)
13:17.57 stevenkou I can skip zlib to avoid these errors but I don't think I should do that, the error that I don't understand is at the end of every failure, it talks abou "all"
13:19.37 andrei I m not sure if you could skip zlib( I don't know what it does)
13:20.15 stevenkou It can be skipped if the system has it already, but it is missing from cygwin, which is why I am not skipping it
13:22.11 andrei see if this helps you :
13:25.02 Alexandur caen23: How to specify different generator ? It seems like its available in the GUI version
13:26.21 Alexandur ?
13:27.38 caen23 let me check
13:28.37 andrei Alexandur, what do you need help with?
13:28.38 Alexandur or its not available
13:28.56 Alexandur gci task compile brl-cad with dev c++
13:31.28 Alexandur so far i`ve downloaded cmake and selected the lastest project ,, i`ve also selected a proper build path
13:31.56 Alexandur and when i click configure and select microsoft visual studio as a generator nothing happens at all
13:32.13 Alexandur <PROTECTED>
13:33.08 Alexandur andrei or caen any idea?
13:34.09 caen23 andrei: i think he needs to use mingw as the generator, but on windows brlcad only has an msvc generator? i could be wrong, though
13:34.53 Alexandur i can choose mingw makefiles
13:35.18 Alexandur and recieve a ton of errors..
13:43.04 andrei I have never compiled brlcad on windows so I m slow in investigating the issue
13:51.50 Alexandur my mentor is Sean Decembe
13:51.59 Alexandur i need my time to be extended
13:52.25 Alexandur coz i have 20 hours left and it seems i am nowhere near completing my task
14:00.55 Alexandur caen23, any idea?
14:01.24 andrei Alexandur, I can extend your deadline
14:01.30 andrei but you need to have put some work into it :)
14:01.49 Alexandur andrei, like i am not but i am here coz i need big help
14:02.17 *** part/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
14:02.17 Alexandur why i have the feeling that i need ms studio to be installed?
14:03.15 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
14:03.43 andrei why would you need ms studio for this task ?
14:04.58 andrei Also, there is plenty of time left, the extension will be most likely given a few hours before deadline
14:05.19 andrei but don't worry, if you managed to get some progress the deadline will be extended :)
14:09.33 maths22 <PROTECTED>
14:51.54 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
14:57.52 Skriptkid brlcad: The buildbot is talking to your master. I had shutdown the slave yesterday(which probably made you think it wasn't.) If otherwise, please let me what needs to be done.
15:01.46 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid_ (~Skriptkid@
15:02.10 brlcad Skriptkid: indeed
15:02.13 brlcad what version of gcc is that?
15:02.19 brlcad or is that llvm?
15:03.12 Skriptkid GCC 4.2.1
15:03.22 Skriptkid LLVM build
15:04.13 Skriptkid Is there a problem?
15:04.27 brlcad well, just the build failure is unexpected :)
15:04.32 Skriptkid (excpet of course that bug in strict mode, which I'm fixing now)
15:04.34 brlcad Skriptkid: that's good, mark it complete :)
15:04.42 brlcad oh, and upload your config
15:04.50 Skriptkid Gimme a little time. I'll try fixing it.
15:05.55 Skriptkid The master config? It's on the server itself. There's no config file for slave. Only some info files(Admin name, email addr)
15:06.08 brlcad i meant a client one, interesting
15:06.22 brlcad so it just contacts yours on whatever port is specified
15:06.37 brlcad what was the comment about blamelist?
15:07.18 Skriptkid When you open the page of a build, there's a section called 'Blamelist.' Erik's name appears in it. I just said I have nothing to do with this.
15:07.44 brlcad Skriptkid: you can mark it complete, we can create another task to properly fix the mac build failures
15:07.47 brlcad okay
15:08.07 brlcad I think that's buildbot trying to figure out who caused the error
15:08.11 brlcad erik was last to commit
15:09.09 Skriptkid Ah..I see
15:09.58 Skriptkid On your slave question("So it contacts on…") - Slave contacts the master on the port specified in the master cfg file on the port specified, with an authentication name and password.
15:12.08 brlcad Skriptkid: except the master can also invoke a build request down to configured slaves, so I'm curious how that interaction works
15:13.13 Skriptkid there's an object called "Forcebuild" in the cfg file. That might answer that question(Not sure though, as this is a guess.)
15:13.46 brlcad how long did it take to set everything up?
15:14.29 brlcad new task: fix mac buildbot errors:
15:15.10 caen23 brlcad: so with strict and release enabled, i now get 4 errors. three are related to out of bound arrays and one is an uninitialization. how can i check to see what causes the array "out of bounds" error? i solved one by making the array larger (50 instead of 40), but i don't think this is the correct way to do it
15:15.42 brlcad caen23: the out of bounds arrays are almost certainly a bug
15:15.48 caen23 gcc bug?
15:15.54 brlcad no, bug in our code
15:15.56 Skriptkid brlcad: 30 mins. Took time to download the src. And fix errors.(And also because it was late night when I started it and had to go sleep.)
15:16.27 Skriptkid 2 hours, including everything
15:16.51 brlcad Skriptkid: okay, yeah, then definitely close it out
15:16.58 brlcad evens out with all the affinity work ;)
15:17.19 brlcad which, by the way, there are additional tasks written up for that, just not published until we get your patch integrated
15:17.20 Skriptkid Hehe :)
15:17.26 Skriptkid Ok
15:17.29 brlcad so close it out
15:17.37 brlcad claim the other if you like or can move on ;)
15:17.52 brlcad should be an easy fix
15:17.53 Skriptkid brlcad: Closed. Sorry I couldn't fix that bug though
15:18.21 Skriptkid Which is the "other" one?
15:18.25 caen23 brlcad: is there a way i can see where gcc finds it? one happens inside the loop of a function, so the values are set elsewhere. can i see where using some sort of debugger?
15:18.32 brlcad 'inline' is set up by brlcad/misc/CMake/CheckCInline.cmake
15:18.47 Skriptkid Oh, and by the way, that error pops up only in strict
15:18.51 brlcad that should be testing and ensuring that 'inline' is set to a proper keyword
15:19.07 brlcad strict is the default, what we expect to work everywhere
15:19.33 Skriptkid ok. I closed it
15:19.43 Skriptkid and which si the other task you were talking about?
15:19.46 Skriptkid *os
15:19.55 Skriptkid *is
15:20.08 Skriptkid :-$
15:20.26 brlcad what do you mean?
15:20.51 brlcad caen23: gcc only reports the end state so you have to trace backwards
15:21.19 Skriptkid nothing, nothing. "discussed on IRC" answered it
15:23.39 caen23 brlcad: yes, but if i have something like "void f(int n) { for(i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = 1; }" and it's called in three files, but in one of them, the call is f(20) and a only has 10 elements, can i use a tool to find out which file called f(20), or do i have to find it by hand?
15:32.34 *** part/#brlcad stevenkou (~stevenkou@
15:37.09 *** part/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
15:37.32 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
15:51.18 *** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
15:51.38 YatharthROCK caen23, Are you Sean, by any chance?
15:51.52 caen23 YatharthROCK: no, Sean is brlcad
15:52.13 YatharthROCK caen23, Ohh... that solves one mystery
15:52.39 YatharthROCK brlcad, Can you review my task please?
15:53.40 YatharthROCK BTW, how are you always online?
15:53.53 YatharthROCK Maybe we're just in similar timezones... where do you live?
15:54.42 caen23 he's not always online, he just never closes irc. but he's not always at his computer
15:55.10 YatharthROCK caen23, Are you a mentor?>
15:55.15 caen23 no
15:55.33 YatharthROCK caen23, GCI student?
15:55.36 caen23 yes
16:00.01 YatharthROCK caen23, Cool, how many tasks have you done? All from BRL-CAD?
16:00.22 caen23 20 or so and yes, all brl-cad
16:00.26 YatharthROCK caen23, And how old are you? Where do you live? What technologies do you work with?
16:00.58 caen23 17, romania, mac and whatever software i need
16:01.10 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid_ (~Skriptkid@
16:01.12 YatharthROCK caen23, Cool, I think that's like the 2nd highest in BRL-CAD. Best of luck winning the grand preize!
16:01.30 caen23 thanks
16:01.43 YatharthROCK andrei, Can you close this task?
16:01.51 *** part/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
16:01.56 *** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
16:03.30 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
16:09.19 Skriptkid YatharthROCK: Is there a GCI leaderboard anywhere?
16:10.07 caen23 Skriptkid: per organization
16:10.16 caen23
16:11.17 Skriptkid Thanks :)
16:12.57 caen23 sure
16:25.28 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid_ (~Skriptkid@
16:26.27 *** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
16:33.11 Skriptkid brlcad: Might need some help on fixing that issue. I tried adding a "typedef unsigned int foo_ut" and then another two function with this type. But no result. Still fails.
16:39.29 caen23 are the errors related to inline?
16:39.48 caen23 Skriptkid: the ones here?
16:40.23 Skriptkid yes
16:40.30 caen23 see if this helps
16:40.42 caen23 i think it's clang that's causing this error
16:42.04 Skriptkid thanks :D I'll see that
16:43.51 Skriptkid hmm…nope. But thanks anyway :)
16:46.15 brlcad Skriptkid: can you explain to me what the error means?
16:48.23 Skriptkid well…no
16:48.55 *** join/#brlcad Al_DC_Best (
16:49.05 Skriptkid brlcad: What does it mean?
16:49.44 brlcad caen23: gcc's not quite that good yet, but there are other tools (static analysis)
16:50.04 brlcad gcc does detect that case you mention, so usually it's just a matter of backtracking
16:51.06 Skriptkid So I do a static program analysis now?
16:51.07 brlcad visualize the call tree -- it's almost always either a fixed value like f(20) or it's a function that sometimes takes a dynamically allocated array and in that one file theres a int g[10]
16:51.15 brlcad Skriptkid: that's for caen23
16:51.19 Skriptkid ok
16:51.42 brlcad Skriptkid: you need to understand the error or you can't really have a hope of fixing it, right? :)
16:52.12 Skriptkid Yep :)
16:52.16 brlcad start with the error message, and parse it
16:52.27 brlcad what don't you understand, what do you think you understand
16:53.03 Skriptkid I understand that it's something to do with inline unsigned int. I don't understand the "extension used"
16:58.59 caen23 brlcad: thanks
16:59.28 Skriptkid brlcad: ??
17:04.27 YatharthROCK brlcad, Can you review my task please?
17:37.56 brlcad Skriptkid: very much has to do with inline unsigned int
17:38.05 brlcad more specifically, which word is the arrow under
17:38.10 Skriptkid inline
17:38.33 brlcad that is the extension
17:38.50 brlcad C hasn't always had that keyword
17:38.56 brlcad c99 has it
17:38.58 brlcad c89 did not
17:39.29 brlcad c89 DID have it if you enable certain extensions to the compiler
17:39.38 brlcad and that was different from compiler to compiler
17:40.03 Skriptkid so my gcc build is based on C89?
17:40.22 brlcad if you compiled with VERBOSE=1, you'd see the actual compile line
17:40.44 brlcad it has an option specified that says something like -std=c89
17:41.03 brlcad so the compiler is correctly saying "well, you want to compile in strict c89 mode, but c89 didn't have 'inline'"
17:41.15 brlcad that's where the cmake file comes it
17:41.17 brlcad s/it/in
17:41.52 brlcad it should have found that out and defined inline to be something else
17:42.01 brlcad so something's not right in the build system
17:42.09 Skriptkid ahh…so this requires editing of CompilerFlags.cmake?
17:43.19 brlcad maybe
17:43.26 brlcad that's certainly a place to start
17:43.41 brlcad looking at your cmake output to see what the results of those tests were
17:44.12 brlcad you can also look in your build directory CMakeFiles directory where you'll find two text files with output and errors
17:44.22 brlcad see what you find relating to the inline tests
17:44.50 brlcad even better, start by reading CompilerFlags.cmake and see if you understand what it's doing
17:46.44 Skriptkid I'll do that. What does the flag "-Wlanguage-extension-token" do?
17:49.22 brlcad all of the -W flags enable or disable a particular warning
17:49.52 brlcad that one tells the compiler to warn if it sees we're using language extensions
17:50.29 brlcad the general idea is to still compile in c89 strict mode, but then use a mechanism that doesn't invoke a warning
17:50.39 brlcad there's almost certainly a way
17:52.07 YatharthROCK brlcad, Can you review my task please?
17:52.33 brlcad YatharthROCK: you do realize there is a queue, yes?
17:52.48 brlcad asking repeatedly is not very polite
17:54.07 YatharthROCK brlcad, Sorry. I wanted to start working on another task as our winter hols started and I didn't have anything to do all day. Getting no response, I thought maybe you hadn't seen or noticed it or something. Sorry again...
17:54.15 brlcad I'd just reviewed it a few minutes ago, a little patience goes a long way
17:55.24 YatharthROCK I got an e-mail notification some seconds after I asked you right now -_-
17:55.59 Skriptkid brlcad: So make is complaining that the language extensions have been used and are not supposed to be used in strict mode?
17:56.07 brlcad YatharthROCK: asking me to do something will frequently get no response -- asking how long you might expect before it'll be reviewed might get you a more specific response ;)
17:56.16 YatharthROCK For the example, I should include a example workflow, yes? As in a sample situation where the command might come handy.
17:56.30 YatharthROCK I'll keep that in mind. Sorry again...
17:56.48 brlcad workflow, no. example, yes
17:57.02 YatharthROCK And yes, I did choose that task so I wouldn't have to do any real work ;)
17:57.44 brlcad it's a very simple command, an example should be very simple too -- just needs a real world example
17:58.01 YatharthROCK brlcad, I mean like I should give a command outputting a pix file. Then one that converts it to ASCII. Then one that converts it back. That's it
17:58.06 YatharthROCK k, I
17:58.11 YatharthROCK 'll work on it
17:58.15 brlcad also, you can start on another task before we mark a task completed
17:58.18 YatharthROCK Darn that Enter key
17:58.54 brlcad it's not like dozens disappear daily :)
17:58.55 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid_ (~Skriptkid@
17:59.08 brlcad YatharthROCK: that example would be fine, sure
17:59.26 brlcad could include that example in the old man page too
18:00.05 brlcad Skriptkid_: basically yes
18:00.31 brlcad Skriptkid_: the trick, though, is that you can usually use those features without using the "extension" (i.e., "inline")
18:00.39 brlcad that's where reading that cmake file should help
18:00.50 brlcad you'll see how it tries a variety of variations on 'inline'
18:01.06 brlcad does __inline work, does __inline__ work, ...
18:01.26 brlcad if "inline" by itself worked, then the compile flags are wrong
18:03.07 Skriptkid_ Does the check loop in the cmake break if it encounters a problem with one of those three different variations?
18:41.04 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
18:56.09 Notify 03GCI: Yatharth Agarwal: Add missing documentation for any one command (#4) - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
18:57.39 Notify 03GCI: Yatharth Agarwal: Add missing documentation for any one command (#4) - patch-v2 uploaded I added an example situation where the commands might come in handy, and I used more semantic tags instead of <emphasis> tags everywhere.
18:58.28 brlcad YatharthROCK: would you upload one of the html files so I can quick-check it?
18:58.33 YatharthROCK brlcad, Around when can I expect my task to be reviewed? I added an example workflow and also used more semantic tags rather that <emphasis> everywhere.
18:58.42 YatharthROCK Sure, give me a sec
19:01.01 YatharthROCK brlcad, What format are the man files compiled from the DocBook in?
19:01.40 YatharthROCK Cuz I'd prefer uploading them. The HTML output is not what I expect, as in, not as pretty and controllable as I'd like
19:02.22 YatharthROCK No worries, I found it
19:02.33 YatharthROCK brlcad, Mind if I upload a man page instead?
19:04.42 YatharthROCK So the DocBook files are converted back into troff macros on compilation?
19:06.40 YatharthROCK I ran cat `find .build/ -name 'asc2pix.1'` and that's what I found
19:06.49 YatharthROCK brlcad, Uploaded the man page
19:08.57 YatharthROCK I'm posting the example here for convenience:
19:26.52 Notify 03GCI: javamonn: Compile with -Wwrite-strings, fix warnings that ensue - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
19:58.35 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Compile with -Wwrite-strings, fix warnings that ensue - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to javamonn. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
20:13.46 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Add missing documentation for any one command (#4) - html Would you submit the html output? Also, glancing at the text of the manual page, it does not appear to be accurate. It mentions using the -O option, please verify for accuracy.
20:13.51 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Add missing documentation for any one command (#4) - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
20:48.27 caen23 brlcad: i still can't figure out how to solve the out of bounds warnings. here's the function where the errors occur it goes out of bounds at line `knot_vec[i+srf->order[idx]] = param2`. but i don't understand why that is. `srf->order[idx]` can be at most 19 (otherwise, bu_bomb() is called), so `i + srf->order[idx]` can be at most 37, so it should never go past 40. how can it go out of bounds?
22:19.48 *** join/#brlcad milamber (
23:20.04 Notify 03GCI: Chan Ho Jun: Design an MGED command spreadsheet - Missing commands The compiling stuffs took the most out of the two days, and I would be able to finish the remaining commands if i were to know what those commands do. The blank commands I could not find through the the "help" command nor through the MGED commands site. What shall I do...
23:22.27 *** join/#brlcad milamber (

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