IRC log for #brlcad on 20130102

00:09.33 *** join/#brlcad milamber (
00:19.11 Notify 03GCI: Dobromir Ivanov: Create an artistic screenshot - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
01:35.06 Notify 03GCI: Johannes Schulte: Calculate plate-mode triangle mesh (BOT) surface areas - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
01:40.21 *** join/#brlcad KimK_laptop (
01:46.48 Notify 03GCI: Johannes Schulte: Calculate plate-mode triangle mesh (BOT) surface areas - Next try So, I hope, my code is now right intended and I implemented your hints right. The "transferring data" section has been reorganized, but is doing in fact the same as earlier, namely bringing the different vertices from the rt_bot_internal, into an...
03:41.31 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - Initial Deadline passed Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has set the task status to ActionNeeded. The student has 24 hours to submit the work before the task is reopened and sent back to the pool for other students to claim.
03:42.40 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Compile with -Wwrite-strings, fix warnings that ensue - Initial Deadline passed Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has set the task status to ActionNeeded. The student has 24 hours to submit the work before the task is reopened and sent back to the pool for other students to claim.
03:44.07 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Design a prototype CAD GUI layout (#3) - Initial Deadline passed Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has set the task status to ActionNeeded. The student has 24 hours to submit the work before the task is reopened and sent back to the pool for other students to claim.
04:03.20 *** part/#brlcad zultron (
05:08.10 Notify 03GCI: Gauravjeet Singh: Design a prototype CAD GUI layout - Re: icons At first I just made a layout, where the sidebar had only names, but that looked a bit incomplete to me. After some research, I figured out that if there were icons, the design would look great. The icons in the sidebar are related to their title, for example For heading...
05:29.49 Notify 03GCI: javamonn: Create a flex+bison tutorial - List of changes: I added in a paragraph and a half about tokens and how they are used in this utility, as well as in general. I also added info about what can be a token and how they are named. I added in a line about the end goal of the calculators function in the intro paragraph, I don't know...
05:30.09 Notify 03GCI: javamonn: Create a flex+bison tutorial - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
06:43.04 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Create a flex+bison tutorial - Task Closed Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
06:53.59 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Calculate plate-mode triangle mesh (BOT) surface areas - Task Needs More Work One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
07:03.43 Notify 03GCI: Sean: Calculate plate-mode triangle mesh (BOT) surface areas - Better but incomplete That is better but you didn't address all of the points I raised. Please address all comments and questions. :) Also noticed that you removed the vague comment altogether. If it needs to be explained, and it does, then you should explain it with a...
08:01.27 Notify 03GCI: javamonn: Create a flex+bison tutorial - Perplex+Lemon Let me know when you get the Perplex+Lemon task up, it sounds pretty interesting. Flex and Bison was alot of fun.
08:33.01 *** join/#brlcad Suryajith (
08:43.26 *** join/#brlcad libero (
08:46.37 *** join/#brlcad libero (
09:49.00 Notify 03GCI: Alexandur Osenov: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - check new log i`ve generated the project> aaand?
11:15.01 *** join/#brlcad Suryajith (
11:26.08 Notify 03GCI: Plamen Hristov Nikiforov: Categorize all of BRL-CAD's commands into a spreadsheet - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
11:27.19 Notify 03GCI: Plamen Hristov Nikiforov: Categorize all of BRL-CAD's commands into a spreadsheet - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
13:18.19 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
13:18.45 *** join/#brlcad Suryajith (
13:56.34 *** join/#brlcad milamber (
14:31.04 *** join/#brlcad Silvrous (4f704459@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:32.36 Silvrous should be done within the hour, but I still need to compile one more time to check for errors, which takes a long time on my machine. Is it possible to get another extension?
14:48.11 Notify 03GCI: Erik: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for vert_tree.c - Deadline extended The deadline of the task has been extended with 0 days and 2 hours.
14:48.32 Silvrous Thank you.
15:02.57 caen23 Silvrous: you can compile only parts of the program (i.e. libbn), which is way faster
15:06.51 ``Erik cd src/libbn && make -j3
15:07.34 ``Erik or simply mkae the executable name if it's just one program, like 'make tester_bn_vert_tree'
15:11.09 Silvrous Oh. i didn't know that, I assumed that it would need all the functions it calls to be compiled as well.
15:11.33 ``Erik it'll build required dependancies as needed
15:11.58 ``Erik bn should only build bu and tcl (maybe zlib)
15:12.09 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
15:26.08 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
15:27.38 *** join/#brlcad milamber (
15:50.06 Notify 03GCI: Silvrous: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for vert_tree.c - Ready for review The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:51.09 Silvrous caen23: thanks for the tip
15:51.22 caen23 sure
15:51.22 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Modify IRC notifier output - Initial Deadline passed Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has set the task status to ActionNeeded. The student has 24 hours to submit the work before the task is reopened and sent back to the pool for other students to claim.
15:51.59 Silvrous Are you from Iasi? Your name sounds familiar :P
15:53.07 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Add a command-line option that sets an object color temporarily - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
15:53.08 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Web interface (AJAX?) to MGED - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
15:56.40 Notify 03GCI: Harmanpreet Singh: Web interface (AJAX?) to MGED - Task Assigned This task has been assigned to Skriptkid. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
16:03.27 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Web interface (AJAX?) to MGED - SaaS Are we looking at Software as a Service?
16:08.19 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (~DarkCalf@
16:42.48 Notify 03GCI: Skriptkid: Web interface (AJAX?) to MGED - Or... Maybe I haven't understood this right. What exactly am I supposed to do? By web interface to Mged, do you mean that I have to create an interface to interact with Mged from a browser? The user types in mged commands into the browser, which is parsed by Mged on a certain computer and an...
16:48.42 ``Erik starseeker:
17:00.47 *** join/#brlcad milamber (
17:15.59 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
17:25.56 Notify 03GCI: V Rahul: Find and Fix 5 spelling mistakes in at least 40 different files (#2) - Extra time please!! I've been working on the documents, and I'm almost done. I think I'll need about a day or two, to meet the required specifications. Can I get a 48 hour extension please? I'll be uploading a few files shortly.
18:20.20 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for vert_tree.c - No more Work can be submitted Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
18:27.04 Notify 03GCI: amit.daBeast: Find and Fix 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files (#2) - not working i read the compiling page, but as everytime i finish with all the steps and run the quick test, it opens up the mged modeler thing and says it is a read only copy, and when i make a patch file it still says the patch file is not a working...
18:48.58 starseeker ``Erik: heh - "bleh"
18:55.15 ``Erik starseeker: "there are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors."
18:56.58 Notify 03GCI: Melange: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for vlb.c - Task Reopened Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
18:57.10 ``Erik but the lexical closure to hold the value through the continuation is awesome
19:07.08 Notify 03GCI: Arjun Govindjee: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for vlb.c - Task Claimed I would like to work on this task.
19:08.14 Notify 03GCI: Arjun Govindjee: Create a utility library (LIBBU) API unit test ... for vlb.c - Forgot Sorry, I forgot I had claimed this task and I've been busy that past 2 days. I am almost done, just working out one segfault issue. I should be done in the next 10 minutes actually.
19:22.16 Notify 03GCI: amit.daBeast: Find and Fix 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files (#2) - Claim Removed The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
19:22.21 Notify 03GCI: amit.daBeast: Find and Fix 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files (#2) - ??? its never works for me???, always getting svn: '.' is not a working copy
20:02.25 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54125 (brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/asc2g.xml brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/g2asc.xml): remove trailing blanks/tabs & fix spelling
20:05.05 DarkCalf waves to brlcad
20:15.58 *** join/#brlcad milamber (
20:27.49 *** join/#brlcad milamber (
21:49.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:r_weiss * 54126 brlcad/trunk/src/other/tnt/jama_lu.h: Update to file "jama_lu.h" to allow the tnt library to compile with Visual Studio 2010.
21:52.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD:r_weiss * 54127 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp: Update to file "brep.cpp" to prevent a name conflict with the Windows macros "max" and "min".
22:06.33 Notify 03GCI: Nikita Abraham: Design a prototype CAD GUI layout (#3) - Extension and Clarification? May I receive an extension on the assignment. I have been busy the past couple days wth schoolwork, and have also been confused with what interface to work with. When I looked at another student's example of the same assignment, he had mentioned...
23:16.55 *** join/#brlcad milamber (

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