IRC log for #brlcad on 20130124

01:35.40 maths22 what is ibot?
02:03.52 brlcad
02:03.59 brlcad ibot: ibot
02:03.59 ibot i guess ibot is not a help system
02:04.03 brlcad heh
02:04.49 brlcad ~infobot
02:04.49 ibot rumour has it, infobot is me, // The original infobot is no more, it has been replaced by the latest version of blootbot, accompanied by a rename back to infobot // apt/ibot/infobot/purl is now an infobot run by TimRiker
02:10.48 maths22 I have had some fun asking ibot questions, but I was not sure what it acutally was.
02:11.17 brlcad there's a lot of nice little tricks she has up her sleeve
02:11.40 brlcad basic math, to actions, to info, all customizable
02:11.56 maths22 now that I know where the source is, I can look at it and do some fun things.
02:12.04 maths22 I like it's response to ~ask
02:12.08 brlcad ~lart maths22
02:12.08 ibot nabs the moon and broadsides maths22 with the sea of tranquility
02:12.19 brlcad ~feed maths22
02:12.19 ibot ACTION offers maths22 some toe-jam
02:12.20 maths22 ~kill me
02:12.20 ibot ACTION shoots a super-inverse anti-positrino gun at maths22
02:12.50 brlcad ~maths22++
02:12.59 brlcad ~karma maths22
02:12.59 ibot maths22 has karma of 2
02:13.07 maths22 ~karma brlcad
02:13.07 ibot brlcad has karma of 1
02:13.13 brlcad ah, he fixed it
02:13.31 brlcad used to be one of a few hard-coded to a negative number
02:13.45 brlcad ~karma tupone
02:13.45 ibot tupone has karma of 166
02:13.58 maths22 ~karma ``Erik
02:13.58 ibot ``erik has karma of 3
02:14.13 brlcad mostly used by the bzflag and debian communities iirc
02:14.17 maths22 now I have a new way to waste my time :)
02:14.50 brlcad factoids are the most useful aspect, stash little shorthand bits of info
02:14.55 brlcad ~cadsvn
02:14.55 ibot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
02:15.11 brlcad ~pastebin
02:15.11 ibot A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:15.26 brlcad and I'm sure you saw ~ask more than a few times ;)
02:15.45 brlcad ~factoids
02:15.45 ibot factoids are information that ibot can learn and then reply with. "/msg ibot help" for more info.
02:16.52 brlcad ~botmail for maths22: she has a lil mailbox system too
02:18.06 brlcad ~status
02:18.06 ibot Since Sun Jan 20 17:51:05 2013, there have been 2 modifications, 162 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 84 commands. I have been awake for 3d 8h 27m 1s this session, and currently reference 118884 factoids. I'm using about 23912 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 588.78/13.94 child 0.01/0
02:18.20 brlcad ~nickometer maths22
02:18.40 brlcad not too bad ;)
02:19.34 brlcad ~bzflist
02:19.53 brlcad ah, must be old protocol
02:22.47 maths22 ~nickometer brlcad
03:59.20 DarkCalf ~nickometer DarkCalf
03:59.37 DarkCalf ibot is lame
04:18.30 maths22 ~nickometer ibot
09:57.42 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
10:12.04 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
10:20.20 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
11:30.20 ``Erik !notify todo add user specified factoid irc commands (replace :ask with a table, maybe make commands channel specific)
11:30.21 Notify OK
11:31.51 ``Erik !notify todo add public todo url to response line
11:31.52 Notify OK
13:18.58 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (~Eric@
13:30.02 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
13:53.34 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 54199 (brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Arb4EditFrame.tcl brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Arb5EditFrame.tcl and 5 others): Enhanced Archer's move-arb-face editing ability by allowing the face being edited to be changed via the mouse while in translate mode. This makes it simpler and faster to move arb faces by reducing the user's interaction with the GUI.
14:49.30 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
15:24.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:AleshaplmbfbdzdvBormes * 4942 /wiki/AleshaplmbfbdzdvBormes: New page: Covent Garden Hotels inside London are a must-see along with must-stay place for anybody browsing investment. It's positioned in one's heart with the busiest a part of London and also bo...
15:58.49 ``Erik ~nickometer ``Erik
15:59.05 ``Erik pets his stealth marks
16:08.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:AleshaplmbfbdzdvBormes * 4943 /wiki/AleshaplmbfbdzdvBormes:
16:11.12 brlcad I thought they were two pointy hairs (horns), just both on the same side of your head
16:13.57 caen23 nickometer arithmetic would crash on fps servers, lol
16:22.10 brlcad asks if alan cox wants to get back to work on brl-cad ;)
16:22.29 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
16:35.43 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
16:55.18 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
17:05.21 brlcad caen23: how is it feeling to decompress? :)
17:16.21 brlcad TO ALL: now points to the new server
17:16.39 brlcad that's particularly relevant to those of us that ssh in and connect via screen+irssi
17:17.18 brlcad the old server is still for the time being, so can join that way but at some point, you should all migrate to logging in via and holding a screen session there
17:17.29 brlcad files are going to be sync'd one more time
17:45.45 *** part/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
17:46.04 *** join/#brlcad n_reed_ (
17:54.40 caen23 brlcad: can't really say i'm decompressing, it's almost the same except for more sleep :) and less focus :( i'm currently reading a book on c to fill some gaps
18:25.38 ``Erik brlcad: are they going to update the PTR record, too? are the db's fully migrated?
18:26.09 ``Erik starts fidgeting with the thermite cap and eyes bz O.o
18:31.26 ``Erik are the mx records shifted, too? O.o should probably do some test emails to verify the sendmail can receive all the right hostnames
18:47.25 brlcad caen23: which book?
18:48.36 brlcad ``Erik: I'll fix RDNS when all's said and done
18:49.38 caen23 brlcad: head first c. it's not necessarily comprehensive on the language, but it's a good intro to related stuff such as make, static/dynamic linking, and c-specific sockets, threads and ipc
18:49.39 brlcad db's should be fully migrated, but I'm making sure one by one
18:49.54 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
18:50.09 ``Erik 'k, just did a test email to and it went to bz, not crit
18:50.49 brlcad caen23: huh, yeah .. that's not a book that would have jumped to mind
18:52.57 brlcad ``Erik: that's because your MX (and only yours apparently) goes to
18:53.03 caen23 it's not heavy material, but i wasn't looking for that
18:53.09 brlcad which will be the last thing to flip
18:53.43 brlcad caen23: there are lots of other books that aren't heavy but do a great job ;)
18:54.16 brlcad as far as the language goes, it's hard to beat the original C book
18:54.22 brlcad but yeah, doesn't cover the "other stuff"
18:54.46 brlcad otherwise, generally considered one of the best programming books ever written
18:55.59 ``Erik used gmail, figured it'd be safe
18:56.33 brlcad it was :)
18:57.50 ``Erik does the same :/
18:58.56 caen23 brlcad: i stumbled upon a list of more serious books yesterday on esr's web site and i'm very interested in reading those, but they're focused on unix. haven't read the entire k&r yet (i tried starting with that one, but it seemed too difficult when i started, especially as i had done no programming before), but i plan to. my first book on c was kn king's, if you're familiar with that one. it still seems both comprehensive and accessible to a beginner
18:59.19 ``Erik same for work O.o
19:04.35 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
19:49.21 maths22 I'm excited that we are on the new server!
19:49.22 brlcad ``Erik: you mistunderstand something
19:49.50 brlcad *your* MX record points to a address, so mail to erik@brlcad goes to .bz
19:51.19 brlcad i'd have to change your mx record to be a different alias (or perhaps remove it altogether so it delivers to
19:51.42 brlcad maths22: in no small part to all your efforts, great work :)
19:52.10 maths22 thanks.
19:52.17 brlcad I did have to just upgrade once again (there've been two security-fix drupal updates since you migrated), but it went mostly smooth :)
19:52.34 maths22 Minor drupal upgrades are easy.
19:52.45 maths22 The major ones are the ones that take the effort.
19:52.48 brlcad it was also ignoring our synopsis markers, fixed that
19:53.00 maths22 What are those?
19:53.04 brlcad drupal 7 bug
19:53.43 brlcad when you write a story, you can tell it how much goes onto the main page with a <!--break--> marker
19:54.46 maths22 thanks.
19:57.01 brlcad also was some apparent problem with a mediawiki extension and one other drupal module, iirc, but all figured out in a couple hours
19:57.11 brlcad would have made a good gci task ;)
20:07.04 brlcad ``Erik: ah, I see my terminology (or understanding) was off -- the MX record how i've set it up goes to our DNS host (zoneedit) which in term forwards as specified (so the forwards stay private/unpublished)
20:07.30 brlcad their interface just presents it all as MX management
20:07.35 ``Erik 'k, so it is a forward, aight
20:08.42 ``Erik saw and listed as the mx records when I did a 'dig mx', thought it was weird... any reason to use their forward service instead of using the machine and enabling sendmail .forward files?
20:09.59 brlcad originally didn't provide mail
20:10.02 brlcad only aliases
20:10.12 ``Erik ah, legacy
20:10.36 brlcad still have a lack of faith in my own ability to secure sendmail/qmail with confidence for outbound
20:10.54 brlcad why it was (supposed to be) inbound only
20:11.22 brlcad still have my doubts that we're secure there even on .bz
20:28.46 maths22 Oh well. If you have any other problems like that, feel free to let me know and I will try to fix it.
20:31.39 maths22 by the way, any old gallery links will no longer work.
20:32.19 maths22 Gallery 3 uses a different system for URLS, and it is at
20:33.01 brlcad any reason we can't just copy it?
20:33.25 brlcad (assuming we move the old one out of the day)
20:33.28 brlcad s/day/way/
20:34.21 maths22 I can move it. I will do that now; the urls are still different
20:44.32 maths22 i have moved it. I fixed the link on the drupal site to point to the new location as well
20:54.46 brlcad ~maths22++
20:54.50 brlcad awesome :)
21:16.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54200 (brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/clutter.c brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/pyramid.c brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/room.c): simplify the expression for sine of 60 degrees; would pyramid.g be able to spot M_PI ?
21:40.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54201 brlcad/trunk/src/libfft/fftest.c: simplify 2 expressions by carrying out division of constants
22:18.07 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
22:18.42 starseeker is now logged in on screen+irssi from rather than bz

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.