IRC log for #brlcad on 20130205

02:17.13 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
03:32.28 *** join/#brlcad starseek1r (
05:31.28 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
07:25.16 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
09:41.11 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
10:08.26 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
10:17.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:CeletteTusa * 0 /wiki/User:CeletteTusa:
10:35.19 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
11:41.41 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
11:44.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 54300 rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/Combination.cpp: somehow the windows.h min/max macros are causing trouble again - use the FMIN/FMAX macros from common.h instead
11:47.57 *** join/#brlcad osfd (
12:19.55 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~hsrai@
12:55.54 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
13:01.50 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
13:16.02 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
13:29.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Nemirilewly * 0 /wiki/User:Nemirilewly:
14:12.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD:indianlarry * 54301 brlcad/trunk/src/other/libvds/CMakeLists.txt: Added install target for VDS libraries. These were missing causing upstream test to fail.
14:24.37 *** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
14:40.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Campos1722 * 0 /wiki/User:Campos1722:
15:05.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 54302 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw.c: The ged_display_list pointer needs to be updated before calling db_walk_tree in _ged_drawtrees/
15:21.56 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54303 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_bot2nurbs.cpp: remove trailing blank or tab
15:42.26 maths22 Should I make a scrape?
15:48.17 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
15:50.56 n_reed mark
15:51.29 n_reed knew I was going to say mark sooner or later
15:52.47 n_reed still like the though (thanks ``Erik)
16:05.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Maths22 * 4946 /wiki/GCI_Tasks: Testing screen scrape
16:07.27 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Maths22 * 4947 /wiki/GCI_Tasks: Testing screen scrape
16:09.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 54304 (brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/TgcEditFrame.tcl): Fixed tgc editing of H and HR. The previous code wasn't accounting for the view_z location of V. That is, it was using a view_z computed using the object's center.
16:26.54 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
16:26.54 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || Thanks to all of our GCI participants for their fantastic work! Join brlcad-news to see when your changes get rolled out...
16:28.29 brlcad maths22: it may not be needed
16:28.54 brlcad it looks like the gci site includes the description in the dump
16:29.01 maths22 I'm making it anyways during CS class
16:29.04 brlcad more a matter of reformatting the dump into new wikitext
16:29.05 maths22 I'm almost done
16:29.11 brlcad hehe, okay
16:30.40 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
16:30.41 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || Thanks to all of our GCI participants for their fantastic work! Join brlcad-news to see when your changes get rolled out...
16:33.30 brlcad if you're up for another challenge, I'm really interested in getting more GCI stats
16:35.44 brlcad graph of time v claims, graph of time v closes, graph of time v open, graph of time v comments, total # comments, total # claims, average time from final claim to close, table of time per task, AND total time (hours)
16:36.39 brlcad the last one is the real interest kicker, wanting to know how many hours or days of time were collectively worked
16:44.58 *** join/#brlcad EricPoehlsen (
16:53.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Maths22 * 4948 /wiki/GCI_Tasks:
16:53.42 maths22 I have put them up at
16:58.53 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
17:02.28 brlcad maths22: that's awesome
17:03.45 brlcad wonder if mediawiki has any way to help categorize them
17:04.19 brlcad like an advanced sortable table of contents
17:05.23 ``Erik might be a plugin, but I doubt sortable
17:05.40 ``Erik feeding the data to d3js might be awesome, though
17:05.40 brlcad put them into one of the top-five groupings but many tasks belong in multiple groups (which we denoted in the gci interface)
17:06.15 ``Erik an entry in wikimedia can have several [category:] tags, right?
17:06.24 brlcad the html table wrapping did help with readability I think (on the deucs page)
17:06.50 brlcad a page can, but we don't want to have 100+ pages do we?
17:08.29 brlcad something like this:
17:11.51 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
17:23.25 brlcad maths22: any ideas?
17:24.15 brlcad something like with no TOC might work
17:29.30 brlcad hmm, the default tables in 1.9+ might work by making the description collapsible and having a column for the type
17:31.24 brlcad be nice to see your scrape script so I can try to pull some of those other stats too ;)
17:32.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 54305 (brlcad/trunk/src/other/libvds/dynamic.c brlcad/trunk/src/other/libvds/render.c brlcad/trunk/src/other/libvds/vds.h): allow some of the vds callbacks to take user data
17:43.52 ``Erik if your'e sick in the head, here's the core of a common lisp web scraper that drives my comic aggregator:
17:44.08 ``Erik two lines of lisp, booah
17:46.44 ``Erik (ok, more than 2 lines, added the rest ... there's some fu for gzip compressed urls)
17:52.08 ``Erik brlcad: I haven't gotten email on the old machine in a couple days, has delivery been migrated, or is something busted?
17:52.55 brlcad ``Erik: no, I just turned off the mail daemon
17:53.26 brlcad you need it?
17:54.04 brlcad easier to point your mail alias to, get set up on new machine
17:54.18 ``Erik nah, just curious, I think a week is the 'long' delivery retry time, so kinda on the clock for lost email
17:54.48 brlcad if you're going to lose e-mail, I can just turn it back on
17:55.08 brlcad i wasn't receiving anything I cared to retain there (or worried about getting rejected)
17:55.17 ``Erik <-- gets a handful each day, probably not important, but probably not alone *shrug*
17:56.08 ``Erik does the web ui allow an easy mass migration?
17:56.40 brlcad you're the only one receiving directly on .bz via the alias -- the rest point external
17:56.53 ``Erik aight, migrate me please :D
17:57.08 ``Erik if you don't mind
17:58.40 brlcad done
18:00.01 ``Erik thnx
18:00.04 brlcad i'll have to check, but that might keep things simple if we don't have to support any inbound
18:00.17 ``Erik <-- all off of bz now
18:00.38 brlcad it's been doing a full disk rsync for the past four days
18:01.03 ``Erik hopefully my rm -rf doesn't flip rsync out any
18:01.19 ``Erik SCORCHED EARTH, YO! (in a jesse from breaking bad voice)
18:05.00 brlcad fortunately, user dirs were completed several days ago ;)
18:05.08 brlcad looks like it's done, sweet
18:05.24 ``Erik do... do we launch the old machine into space?
18:17.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 54306 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/bot.c: implement adaptive plot routine for bot using libvds
18:43.12 maths22 I will look in a minute
18:43.28 maths22 I wrote a simple java program to tdo it
18:44.27 maths22 ?/sc/scroll end
18:57.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54307 brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/if_X24.c: provide for long unsigned int
20:00.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54308 brlcad/trunk/doc/brep.txt: add apostrophe
20:01.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 54309 (brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Arb4EditFrame.tcl brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Arb5EditFrame.tcl and 6 others): Pushed a bit of the primitive specific logic out of Archer::handleObjCenter and into GeometryEditFrame and its subclasses.
20:12.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54310 (brlcad/trunk/doc/html/manuals/mged/animmate/animate.html brlcad/trunk/doc/html/manuals/mged/animmate/tscript_doc.html): remove apostrophe from 'its'
20:30.31 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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20:33.45 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
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20:44.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54311 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/convert.c: add 's' to comment
20:48.10 *** join/#brlcad osfd__ (
20:49.06 osfd__ HI there. Let's say I'll try to use brl-cad. Though, I wonder how you do go from brlcad modeling to 2D drawing... ?
20:49.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54312 (brlcad/trunk/TODO brlcad/trunk/ and 24 others): remove apostrophe from 'it's' if it is found that 'its' is called for
20:50.51 osfd__ say you design a model and you want to send it to production and hence you need a 2d drawing like the one produced by librecad and /or qcad
20:51.40 osfd__ doing cuts
20:51.53 osfd__ see top, left, right on a 2d projection
20:52.12 osfd__ with dimensions and so on
20:57.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Talpspoodia * 0 /wiki/User:Talpspoodia:
21:02.45 brlcad osfd__: hi
21:02.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 54313 (brlcad/trunk/NEWS brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_light.c): fixed an infinite loop. turns out if you subtract your only light source from the scene, the tracer thinks it's there but can't shoot visibility rays at it. there was a retry loop based on the assumption that we might need to retry since the light radius/angle is random number generated. that seems to be an unnecessary bias,
21:02.54 Notify though, and is clearly unhelpful when there is no light to be hit.
21:03.22 osfd__ brlcad: Hi !! :)
21:03.30 brlcad osfd__: modeling for drafting purposes isn't one of our strong points, but you can render hidden line drawings/projections with our rtedge tool
21:04.10 osfd__ freecad does that not too bad
21:04.52 osfd__ What I need is 3d modeling, assembly and then @D drawing/projection
21:05.02 brlcad one example:
21:05.49 osfd__ s/@/d
21:05.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54314 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_ck.c: use capitalized 'OK'
21:06.40 brlcad ah, better here:
21:07.39 brlcad osfd__: we know our limitations, working on improvements -- it requires a lot of fundamental infrastructure that wasn't originally our focus
21:08.13 brlcad freecad and qcad are better at drafting and terrible at some other aspects that we're exceptional at, tradeoffs
21:08.53 osfd__ I don't discuss that. I'm very interested at brlcad
21:09.02 osfd__ s/at/in
21:09.04 brlcad so the short summary, you can get the top, left, right, etc projections -- but they'll be unannotated
21:09.32 osfd__ so what is brlcad for ?
21:10.16 brlcad we're working to be a full solid modeling system suitable for what you mention, but are currently specialized in engineeering analysis
21:10.54 osfd__ hhmm, ok
21:11.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54315 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/GeometryEditFrame.tcl: remove 2 apostrophes and add 2 occurrences of 'is'
21:11.33 brlcad osfd__:
21:11.38 osfd__ so my turnaround would be to export to dxf for example, reimport in an other soft and then make my 2d proj and dimension there
21:11.39 osfd__ ?
21:12.19 brlcad it depends on what you're trying to model
21:12.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54316 brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/surfaceintersect.cpp: add semicolon and remove comma
21:12.36 brlcad qcad, for example, doesn't really handle 3d dxf
21:12.46 brlcad it's a 2d system
21:13.10 brlcad plus our dxf export is going to tessellate the model, which is undesirable for dimensioning
21:13.44 brlcad can work with some of the expensive systems, but I doubt freecad will show anything but a jumbled mess
21:13.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 54317 (brlcad/trunk/doc/html/manuals/mged/animmate/anim_track.html brlcad/trunk/misc/libtool.m4 and 6 others): remove apostrophes
21:14.09 brlcad most effective would probably be to manually add the dimensions in an image editor
21:15.08 brlcad we're should have an annotation capability later this year as it's a hot topic, but that's waiting behind our nurbs-csg evaluation work
21:15.34 brlcad gotta run, be back in an about an hour if you want to discuss more
21:15.50 osfd__ later'
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