IRC log for #brlcad on 20130414

00:35.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55159 brlcad/trunk/src/other/togl/src/CMakeLists.txt: Copy/paste strikes again.
00:37.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55160 brlcad/trunk/src/other/tk/CMakeLists.txt: add m library to tk library linkage
00:47.23 brlcad down to just 50 reviews remaining
00:47.45 starseeker awesome
00:48.01 starseeker has sympathy for brlcad's brain - that's a job and a half
00:48.15 brlcad alas, i've already been through half of those and there were flagged issues
00:48.38 brlcad mostly just news line missing, but some suspects
00:49.14 starseeker nods
00:56.21 starseeker fwiw, the step-g converter bombed the same way with stepcode and our step fork
00:56.37 starseeker will see if he can interest nreed in it next week...
00:56.57 brlcad crashed or something else?
00:57.13 starseeker complained about some stuff then segfaulted
00:57.20 starseeker hang on, I'll pastebin
00:57.29 brlcad stacktrace would be good too
00:57.39 brlcad that should be easily fixable
00:59.30 starseeker this is the test file:
00:59.40 starseeker
01:01.42 starseeker stacktrace:
02:45.06 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~hsrai@
04:26.20 *** join/#brlcad rays2pix (~deepak@
05:02.54 rays2pix Linker is unable to find the library
05:03.30 rays2pix cc -I../brlcad/svn/install/include/brlcad/ -L../brlcad/svn/install/share/lib -licv fileformat.c
05:04.08 rays2pix can some one help me with what I am missing. [I am just trying to use the existing library a function in libicv]
06:51.12 *** join/#brlcad rays2pix (~deepak@
08:26.48 *** join/#brlcad anirban (cb6ef7dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:29.03 ``Erik viku: please keep discussion to public channel... the channel topic has a link for GSoC students that includes a pre-application checklist, that should be adequate to get you started up
12:03.13 ``Erik hm, havok is semi-opening up, sorta
12:03.24 ``Erik
12:38.54 *** join/#brlcad caen23_ (~cezar@
13:04.32 *** join/#brlcad nestor_souler (
13:05.13 *** part/#brlcad nestor_souler (
13:59.31 *** join/#brlcad rays2pix (~deepak@
14:53.30 rays2pix I am trying to run the utility bwfilter within brlcad,due to file format I am getting errors when I use a random grayscale image. Do we have any images within our source tree which works well with it?
15:03.43 brlcad rays2pix: where did the bw file come from?
15:03.50 brlcad it's expect a raw file
15:04.45 rays2pix brlcad: I took some grayscale images from the web in .png format
15:05.00 brlcad did you run png-bw ?
15:05.12 rays2pix brlcad:No will do that now
15:05.17 brlcad that's the problem
15:05.24 brlcad png is not a raw format
15:06.00 rays2pix brlcad:thank you!
15:06.03 brlcad you could also run png-pix and run pixfilter instead if you want to keep 3-channel data vs 1-channel (bw)
15:07.37 rays2pix brlcad:I see , in this case I need 1-channel data, th code in bwfilter handles only 1-channel for now
15:12.52 rays2pix brlcad: I got the conversion done by png-bw. fread returns 0 indicating "Inappropriate ioctl device".
15:43.58 *** join/#brlcad anirban (cb6ef7dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:44.29 brlcad rays2pix: that sounds highly suspect
15:47.07 brlcad rays2pix: what are you trying to do?
16:03.16 rays2pix brlcad: sorry had to take a break. i am running './bwfilter -fla >' with no changes in code(taken from svn)
16:17.23 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
17:01.24 rays2pix I am getting "Inappropriate ioctl device" when I run 'bwfilter -fla>' fread seems to be offensive here returning zero. Help appreciated
17:03.26 brlcad try redirecting input
17:03.37 brlcad bwfilter <>
17:04.37 brlcad the code is very simple, so not sure what might be causing fread to fail without more info/testing
17:05.12 rays2pix brlcad: ok. checking it
17:12.19 rays2pix brlcad: Ran it inside gdb. Sorry . My suspicion on fread was wrong.fread gets through
17:12.55 rays2pix brlcad: And filtering also occurs..just that "Inappropirate ioctl device" is printed on stderr for some file operation
17:24.35 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~cezar@
18:36.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Almamaterit * 0 /wiki/User:Almamateri:
19:12.12 *** join/#brlcad anirban (cb6ef7dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:12.20 anirban hi all
19:12.59 anirban I am Anirban Majumdar, a pre-final year undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
19:13.38 anirban I was going through BRL-CADS ideas page and the NURBS project got my attention
19:14.58 anirban I have undergone a course in CAD-CAM as part of my academic curriculum and I know C,C++.
19:15.11 kanzure
19:15.12 anirban I believe I can contribute to this project.
19:15.19 kanzure hmm nurbs intersection is still an available project :\
19:16.30 anirban yes I have gone through the Intersection project
19:16.47 anirban I believe there are two links given where it has been implemented
19:17.08 anirban
19:17.11 kanzure see "int K_PATCH :: intersect(K_PATCH& p)" in
19:17.16 anirban
19:17.37 anirban ok
19:20.53 brlcad anirban: we have a bunch of projects that we have yet to post as well (and you're welcome to propose something we need too)
19:24.54 anirban will be looking forward to the new projects as well and if I come up with a bright idea, i'll surely let you know
19:26.51 anirban kanzure: i am going through the K_PATCH :: intersect(K_PATCH& p) is part of the ESOLID src, which according to the ideas page has performance issues
19:27.10 anirban I was curious to know the scope of the project.
19:27.40 brlcad anirban: have you worked with nurbs before?
19:29.20 anirban I have done a course on CAD-CAM in Marine Design, where NURBS were covered as part of my academic curriculum
19:46.09 *** join/#brlcad aks001 (uid10889@gateway/web/
20:17.26 kanzure brlcad: i have put some esolid things into a git repo,
20:17.41 kanzure brlcad: just some basic file cleanup, typo correction, etc. i think i also have a patch from 2011 to make this compile.
21:02.20 starseeker kanzure: is the license still an issue with esolid?
21:02.39 kanzure the license is still unknown
21:02.58 starseeker yeah, that's no good then
21:03.03 starseeker and BOOLE is out too
21:03.23 kanzure i sent out emails to john keyser a few years ago but he never replied about licensing status
21:03.28 kanzure maybe i will call him on monday
21:03.46 kanzure i think he is 979-458-0167 John Keyser <>
21:04.14 starseeker unc is generally not terribly useful when it comes to open source projects
21:04.33 starseeker as a university they seem to be very intent on making sure they get a piece of any commercial developments from their code
21:04.37 kanzure hmm "The Bradley Fighting Vehicle Model was provided courtesy of the Army Research Lab."
21:04.44 kanzure isn't that.. isn't that you guys?
21:06.54 starseeker kanzure: the published papers from the BOOLE and ESOLID efforts may be helpful, but we've got to stear away from the code unless/until a miracle happens and unc licenses it explicitly under terms we can use
21:07.51 kanzure would it be enough to see a confirmation in email from john keyser?
21:08.08 starseeker in many cases yes, but in the case of unc I would say no
21:08.27 starseeker (prior experience trying to clarify BOOLE's status)
21:08.35 kanzure it looks like the development of esolid happened both at unc and at tamu, does that change your concerns about unc?
21:08.59 starseeker that would be something to ask Keyser, if you can reach him
21:09.58 starseeker "developed primarily at the University of North Carolina" isn't encouraging:
21:11.42 kanzure the other problem with esolid is that i don't think the code is production ready anyway
21:11.52 starseeker nods - that's why I say look to the papers
21:12.06 kanzure well, i have some of the papers here:
21:12.11 kanzure
21:12.34 kanzure including my notes on BOOLE apparently.. hrm. maybe i should read these.
21:16.21 *** join/#brlcad filipt (~filip@
21:24.11 kanzure starseeker: what's the plan of action for getting this? i tried my hand a few times at writing the code necessary, but i ran into a number of problems.
21:24.25 kanzure starseeker: i think it would be really helpful to have access to a former student that implemented these libraries.
21:24.36 kanzure starseeker: or to come up with a plan in case that doesn't happen..
23:17.13 filipt a quick compiling question: what should the file CMakeLists.txt contain?
23:20.15 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (~cdk@
23:26.25 filipt anyone?

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