IRC log for #brlcad on 20130430

00:31.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 5130 /wiki/User:Level_zero/proposal: Draft 1
00:36.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 0 /wiki/File:Fil1.png: file for proposal
00:50.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 5132 /wiki/User:Level_zero/proposal: /* BRL-CAD's IPT(s) Information and Current Status */
02:59.03 brlcad waves
03:01.31 brlcad zero_level: you have questions?
04:04.39 *** join/#brlcad Iordanis (
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08:50.57 *** join/#brlcad navdeep (~chatzilla@
09:02.37 navdeep I need previous source code of material database.
09:02.51 navdeep want to see current status of website
09:13.39 zero_level navdeep: you may want to look at previous year Gsoc
09:46.34 *** join/#brlcad navdeep (~chatzilla@
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13:28.00 brlcad zero_level: you get your questions answered?
13:33.12 zero_level _brlcad I read ur emails on the forum. and studied the code organisations of CxImage library
13:33.27 zero_level i hope my current approach in integrating looks fine?
13:33.56 brlcad zero_level: so you keep mentioning the cxlibrary... why? :)
13:36.07 zero_level I understand the use of icv library and criticalities of that.. in the future use of in BRLCAD.. the current tools are very primitive therfore i belive integrating with such a library wourld be useful. earlier i thought of opencv library.. but then found few drawbacks that is because this library is very huge.. it involves a lot of functionaities which are divergent to the utilities of brlcad
13:36.09 zero_level ..
13:37.16 zero_level Also.. integrating with this will ensure added functionalities and enhance usability of the tools
13:37.22 brlcad so "why cximage" is basically "because opencv is worse"?
13:37.34 brlcad you can make those statements with almost any library
13:38.21 brlcad there are a half dozen incredibly popular image processing libraries out there
13:38.31 brlcad why cximage
13:38.32 zero_level but i believe this contains all the functions in our current utilities...
13:38.46 brlcad and the others don't?
13:39.20 brlcad I'm not agreeing or disagreeing
13:39.46 zero_level ok
13:39.50 brlcad if you're going to propose putting cximage underneath one of our libraries, you need to be able to answer the comparative questions about why
13:40.15 zero_level ok
13:40.16 brlcad not just because it's something you thought of or found
13:40.28 zero_level Apart from the library issue..
13:40.37 brlcad that's not the way to do dependency management for starters
13:40.45 zero_level can i ask you
13:40.47 zero_level ..
13:40.48 brlcad and more specifically doesn't exactly address a compelling need by itself
13:41.38 brlcad can you?
13:45.04 zero_level there are some utilities in the /src/utl which directly doesnt perform an image processing task.. for example.. bary, buffer, dunncolour.. fix_polysolids.. texturescale.. random.. terrain etc..
13:45.20 zero_level what do u propose of these..
13:45.26 zero_level *suggest
13:51.19 brlcad what do I propose? :) what do you propose?
13:51.41 brlcad src/util is general utilities, not all are image processing and that's okay
13:52.09 brlcad it'd make more sense to move the image processing specific tools out as they are refactored
13:52.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55268 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_rt_segs.c: fix warning about 'long int' format
13:53.27 zero_level ok.. i have made a list of those utilities and the plan for groups.. so u suggest putting that in the proposal to..
13:53.52 zero_level of the non image processing utilities i thought of putting that under BU
13:54.33 zero_level so is BRLCAD open to changes to libbu.. and other libraries for adding these utilties..
13:54.55 zero_level though other libraries will have to be identified.. in that case..
13:55.30 brlcad zero_level: I do not suggest putting that, whatever that is, into your proposal
13:55.45 brlcad you've not being very clear
13:56.10 brlcad non-image processing utilities should not go under BU as they are not part of that library
13:56.17 zero_level can u tell.. which line ?
13:56.26 zero_level i will try to reframe..
13:56.27 brlcad they are utilities, which is why they are in the util directory
13:56.37 zero_level ok..
13:57.24 brlcad past years experience has told me to interpret "ok.." as "I do not understand"
13:58.04 brlcad what problem are you solving, what is the project?
13:58.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55269 brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_light.c: fix warning about long unsigned
14:00.02 zero_level so do, you mean i should stick my focus to consolidation of image processing tools.. and live the rest in the src/util untouched..
14:00.11 brlcad what problem are you solving, what is the project?
14:00.42 zero_level to consolidate IPTs(Image Processing Tools) into icv library
14:00.47 brlcad you're lacking focus/clarity/goals, until you figure that out, the questions you're asking cannot be answered
14:02.01 brlcad okay, so that should answer some of your questions
14:02.09 brlcad what does the "buffer" utility have to do with consolidation of image processing into a libicv?
14:03.14 *** join/#brlcad rays2pix (~deepak@
14:05.24 zero_level yes.. i got your point... that is what i thought(therefore didnt include in my proposal).. but wanted to confirm from you about the fate of other utilities.. and the list i was talking was the list of the ipt libraries and the groups and there linkage with the library i propose to use.. (i hink i didnt make myself clear thre)
14:06.42 zero_level *(icv tools and grouped them and there linkage..)
14:07.20 brlcad zero_level: there still must be some misundersanding though
14:07.44 brlcad pix-png for example is in util and is an image processing tool
14:08.02 brlcad I hope you're not proposing to move that tool to the icv directory
14:08.44 brlcad the goal as I originally understood it was to migrate image processing functionality to libicv
14:08.58 brlcad in that case, that would be some means to read in pix files and some means to write out png files
14:12.17 brlcad starseeker:
14:15.22 zero_level indeed i was proposing that..because as i read in the project idea page. here ( there is a need of finding a simple conversion function for images..
14:16.13 zero_level apart from consolidating these ip tools in the icv folder..
14:17.19 brlcad zero_level: you use "..." WAY too much buddy :)
14:17.34 zero_level :)
14:18.08 zero_level I find that there 35+ such tools and prepared a list of them as well.
14:18.15 brlcad that's good
14:18.38 brlcad but the project shouldn't obsess on the tools, it's on the functionality
14:18.45 brlcad the functionality needs to be put into the library
14:18.51 brlcad and the tools updated to use the library
14:19.07 brlcad that's very different from moving the tools as a goal
14:21.20 zero_level but the problem in using any library (say for instance cxImage.. i will do my HW on why it is good or use the better one.) is that we BRLCAD has primitive representation of images. therefore using any library will require conversion from one to other.
14:21.45 zero_level also i had a question about icv's current status..
14:22.29 brlcad that is a problem in using any library
14:22.55 brlcad that's why using any library wouldn't be the top of my list of priorities without a lot of validation and demonstration that it's actually better
14:23.19 zero_level ok.
14:23.36 brlcad just because someone else's steaming pile of poo is bigger than ours doesn't mean it's better or right for us
14:24.07 zero_level ;) ok
14:24.08 brlcad prove it
14:24.27 brlcad or don't make that the focus
14:24.45 brlcad you could do that entire project and not integrate any external code
14:24.59 brlcad migrating functionality and refactoring
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14:32.33 zero_level i think i will work a little bit and revert to you.
14:32.41 zero_level anyways thnx
14:32.55 brlcad sue
14:32.57 brlcad sure
14:33.06 rays2pix how do i get the width and height of a pix file
14:35.28 brlcad rays2pix: from the user
14:35.43 brlcad they are raw data
14:36.25 brlcad API-wise, the image dimensions will have been specified or inferred at some point
14:36.43 brlcad we have a function that attempts to identify common size patterns
14:37.04 rays2pix We have certain pix files in ./pix folder in brlcads source tree. How can i estimate its dimensions
14:37.20 brlcad e.g., 2359296 bytes is probably a 3-channel interlaced PIX file at 1024x768
14:37.33 brlcad those are all the default, 512x512
14:38.08 rays2pix brlcad: thanks that helps
14:38.20 brlcad if there's a good chance it's a square image, look at the byte size
14:38.34 brlcad notice they are all 786432 bytes
14:38.39 brlcad ~786432 / 3
14:38.39 ibot 262144
14:39.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 55270 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/tests/test_ssi.cpp: Use the CVs as vertexes of the pipe, some clean up, and print information of the intersection curves.
14:40.07 brlcad so 262144 pixels ..
14:40.09 brlcad take the square root
14:40.12 brlcad you get 512
14:40.26 rays2pix Got that.. thanks!
14:42.18 zero_level also for example see pix-png.c there is a complete functions which get the args and determine the width and hieght accordingly
14:42.32 zero_level function : get_args
14:43.40 rays2pix zero_level: thanks
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16:38.59 Izak Il y a quel qu'n ?
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17:51.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5133 /wiki/User:Izak: GSoc Project Proposal : Implementing a heart primitive
17:55.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5134 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
18:00.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5135 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
18:05.28 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5136 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
18:07.14 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5137 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
18:08.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5138 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
18:09.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5139 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
18:12.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5140 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
18:12.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 55271 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/PipeEditFrame.tcl: Minor cleanup of PipeEditFrame::initEditState
18:13.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5141 /wiki/User:Izak: /* ANYTHING ELSE? */
18:14.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5142 /wiki/User:Izak: /* LINKS TO CODE OR ALGORITHMS WHICH YOU INTEND TO USE */
18:15.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 55272 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_type.c: Updated ged_get_type to recognize metaballs.
18:15.44 *** join/#brlcad priyanka (~priyanka@
18:18.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5143 /wiki/User:Izak: /* LINKS TO CODE OR ALGORITHMS WHICH YOU INTEND TO USE */
18:19.56 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5144 /wiki/User:Izak: /* LINKS TO CODE OR ALGORITHMS WHICH YOU INTEND TO USE */
18:23.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5145 /wiki/User:Izak: /* LINKS TO CODE OR ALGORITHMS WHICH YOU INTEND TO USE */
18:24.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5146 /wiki/User:Izak: /* LINKS TO CODE OR ALGORITHMS WHICH YOU INTEND TO USE */
18:24.56 priyanka hello
18:27.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5147 /wiki/User:Izak: /* PROJECT DESCRIPTION */
18:29.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5148 /wiki/User:Izak: /* PROJECT DESCRIPTION */
18:38.47 *** join/#brlcad Guest45138 (~Izak@
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18:47.23 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (~Ch3ck@
18:47.33 Ch3ck Hey
18:47.33 Guest45138 Il y a quel q'un?
18:47.39 Guest45138 How far?
18:48.59 Ch3ck i'm there
18:51.06 *** join/#brlcad coderrr (5f9c3cc0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:51.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5152 /wiki/User:Izak: /* PROJECT DESCRIPTION */
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18:56.32 priyanka Can anybody tell me any startup for changing framebuffer. What does if_X24.c file actually doing?
18:58.21 Ch3ck well
18:58.28 Ch3ck i have not heard of that file
18:58.38 Ch3ck btw in which library is it found?
18:59.04 *** join/#brlcad Black_Rabbit (~Black_Rab@
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19:04.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5153 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
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19:18.18 Ch3ck_ Hey
19:19.34 Guest45138 Are u there?
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19:29.53 priyanka4 Sir its in src/libfb folder
19:30.14 Ch3ck_ yup.
19:30.35 Ch3ck_ priyanka4: well i'm not a Sir i'm a student like you
19:30.44 priyanka4 ok
19:30.46 Ch3ck_ check the read me files.
19:31.06 Ch3ck_ there should be some information concerning the libfb
19:31.19 priyanka4 Its library for framebuffer
19:31.59 *** join/#brlcad Black_Rabbit (~Black_Rab@
19:34.24 priyanka4 Do you know anything about it?
19:35.30 Ch3ck_ well i don't really know much about that.
19:35.40 Ch3ck_ but have you read the header files related to that library?
19:35.53 Ch3ck_ since the src library
19:36.02 Ch3ck_ is /src/libfb
19:36.13 Ch3ck_ there should probably some fb.h
19:36.21 Ch3ck_ is there anythx like that?
19:40.56 priyanka4 yes. it is
19:46.04 Ch3ck_ then you should probably read it.
19:46.13 Ch3ck_ and understand it well..
19:47.03 priyanka4 Ok. Thanks for help :)
19:47.56 Ch3ck_ yeah no prob
19:48.06 Ch3ck_ programmers help each other thats the culture..
19:48.42 priyanka4 On which module, you are working?
19:56.58 *** join/#brlcad Iordanis__ (
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20:04.43 Ch3ck_ priyanka4: on a pull routine for reverse matrix push operation..
20:14.13 rays2pix If we plan to do all image processing with double precision , whether we will start with double-precision raw format or convert the existing 1byte/channel to a 4byte/channel representation
20:15.20 Ch3ck_ hmm.
20:16.11 rays2pix brlcad: Also a doubt with png, I am trying to convert a pix in to rgba with 4bytes/channel. Is it possible to have 4bytes/channel in png ?
20:21.23 Ch3ck_ well i don't think brlcad is online at the moment..
20:27.15 rays2pix Ch3ck_: he may answer it when he is back.
20:27.28 Ch3ck_ aight..
20:47.26 *** join/#brlcad zero_level (0e8bf3a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:53.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 55273 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/IntersectionCurve.cpp: implement LoadONBrep for intersection curves
21:32.17 *** join/#brlcad Kseniia_ (2e625134@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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