IRC log for #brlcad on 20130517

00:15.03 brlcad caen23: the bu_offsetofarray change from a while back seems to be rather problematic
00:15.15 brlcad see r55483 for an example
00:15.28 brlcad the size parameter is the size of an array element, not the array itself
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02:53.11 brlcad haha,
02:53.36 brlcad
02:54.06 brlcad mo' performizzle yo
02:54.28 brlcad 20 muthafuckin yearz of actizzle pimpment
04:45.01 *** join/#brlcad zero_level (~androirc@
05:16.44 *** join/#brlcad caen23_ (~caen23@
05:29.31 caen23_ brlcad: i think i see what you mean. sorry about that, i'll try to fix it later today
05:44.10 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
05:52.44 *** join/#brlcad navdeep (~chatzilla@
06:51.17 *** join/#brlcad navdeep (~chatzilla@
07:06.26 navdeep hi
07:07.31 navdeep I choose this open status path "User end utility to post the log file
07:12.56 navdeep patch "user end utility to post the log file"
07:14.20 navdeep from description of patch , I feel that i need to create a user end script which posts the log file to web API
07:17.47 navdeep I need to know about which type of log file and about web API used in it.
08:41.43 *** join/#brlcad priyanka (~priyanka@
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10:09.21 *** join/#brlcad navdeep (~chatzilla@
11:02.58 priyanka hello, can anyone tell me where are the logs of framebuffer written?
11:16.43 *** join/#brlcad ajQD (~ajQD@gateway/tor-sasl/ajqd)
11:22.49 brlcad priyanka: they are written to your screen
11:23.07 brlcad ajQD: we talk openly
11:26.55 ajQD Ok, so my questions were those actually.. If the requested information was just defining goals and possible deadlines
11:26.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55487 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/eto/eto.c: In the eto case using point_t and vect_t in bu_offsetofarray offsets is moot, since all are being multiplied by X (i.e. 0) but go ahead and change the types - leaving point_t and vect_t might be confusing, since it gives the impression that those slots need to have those types assigned.
11:27.18 ajQD and also if I still on time for defining them
11:27.40 ajQD Because in the comment you (I think it was you) said before Friday
11:27.56 brlcad I'm not clear on what your actual question is
11:28.37 ajQD Am i still on time for updating the proposal with the requested information?
11:29.12 brlcad I did say before Friday and it is now friday, so no you are not on time, you are late
11:29.26 brlcad does that mean you shouldn't do it, not necessarily -- I would
11:31.49 priyanka @brlcad On mged screen, logs are of raytracer.
11:32.38 brlcad caen23: it's all good -- I can see the problem you were fixing for llvm, just a lil off on the indexing
11:33.07 brlcad caen23: it was obscure to even detect that a change happened and that it was because of that
11:33.28 brlcad starseeker has a couple of them fixed already, he might get to them before you
11:34.03 brlcad priyanka: a "log" in our parlance is just a string of text
11:34.18 brlcad for most purposes, bu_log == printf
11:34.59 brlcad so the output is just printed messages
11:35.30 brlcad if you don't see your messages, you did something wrong
11:35.36 brlcad and you'll have to figure that out...
11:36.43 priyanka Ok, got it. Thanks for instant reply.
11:37.11 brlcad priyanka: just a bit of advice, you need to be prepared with very specific questions
11:37.49 priyanka Ok, I will take care of it next time.
11:37.57 brlcad asking vague or leading questions to try and get someone to tell you how to do something isn't a productive approach
11:38.26 brlcad if you need something explained AFTER you've looked at it for a little bit and you really don't understand, then you can say exactly that
11:38.54 brlcad "I've looked at this and that but I still don't seem to understand where bu_log() logs to, can anyone help explain where the output goes?"
11:39.01 *** join/#brlcad navdeep (~chatzilla@
11:39.10 brlcad note, very specific, concise and gives me something to respond to
11:39.44 brlcad lets me know what you've looked at, hopefully what you understand too, so a response can be similarly specific and with the proper context
11:43.23 priyanka I will ask specific questions next time with all the attempts that I made to get my answer.
11:47.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55488 (brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ehy/ehy.c brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ell/ell.c and 10 others): Looks like half was the only primitive with a non-zero multiplier in argument 4 of bu_offsetofarray, which was why no other behaviorial changes were introduced. Change the offset types to fastf_t anyway.
11:51.40 brlcad priyanka: here is a details article from RMS on this very subject -- it's long but very insightful if you can spare the time to read through it all:
11:51.47 brlcad s/RMS/ESR/
11:57.16 starseeker on a semi-related note - why do the SHDR_AO defines in liboptical call bu_offsetofarray with only two arguments? For that matter, what are they doing there if they aren't used?
11:57.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55489 (brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_air.c brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_billboard.c and 7 others): SHDR_AO doesn't seem to be used anywhere - remove it.
12:04.32 ``Erik ooh, confusing esr and rms, bad nerd
12:07.10 starseeker is a little surprised bu_offsetofarray was able to quell warnings, seeing as it just does the original call anyway as part of its definition...
12:15.03 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:15.15 brlcad ``Erik: heh
12:15.56 brlcad starseeker: it's not the call to offsetof, it was indexing into an array with [] during offsetof
12:16.18 brlcad almost certainly just a compiler warning
12:16.35 brlcad the [] was basically moved outside the offsetof (which is technically more correct)
12:23.44 navdeep I critically review material database project and making report on it.
12:24.20 navdeep I am confused with patch submission.
12:24.58 ``Erik were you able to generate the patch file and review it using a text editor?
12:26.34 navdeep please suggest me any work relevant to my proposed project (material database)
12:26.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 55490 brlcad/trunk/TODO: Clear bu_offsetofarray issue.
12:27.09 ``Erik wait, the 'patch submission' you're talking about is the report, not a patch?
12:27.31 brlcad ``Erik: no, he means a patch -- doesn't seem to understand what he needs to do
12:27.54 brlcad navdeep: you find something simple to work on, you work on it, you make code changes, you submit those code changes (as a patch file)
12:28.10 brlcad it does not have to be related to your project
12:28.18 brlcad i replied to your mailing list post
12:28.34 brlcad (with some possibilities)
12:30.12 navdeep brlcad: thanking you
12:30.16 brlcad navdeep: you're really going to need to step up your game, take more initiative to figure things out, if you're going to participate in gsoc
12:31.16 brlcad that doesn't mean ask questions, but having us do work for you is unproductive
12:31.22 brlcad we're not a professor giving you work
12:31.34 brlcad you're joining a development team helping to make things better
12:32.27 brlcad asking us to suggest any work relevant to your project implies you've not done any research or inspection yourself, and that's not a good thing
12:34.53 navdeep I review material database project and on that basis I am making report and update prposal
12:35.07 brlcad we have literally HUNDREDS of open development suggestions in numerous places ... surely you can find just one that you're capable of doing
12:36.12 navdeep ok, I will take care in future.
13:07.14 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~vlad@
14:11.33 starseeker some neat presentations here:
14:27.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 5277 /wiki/User:Izak: /* ANYTHING ELSE? */
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14:31.29 *** join/#brlcad priyanka (~priyanka@
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16:29.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 55491 (brlcad/trunk/include/dm-Null.h brlcad/trunk/include/dm.h and 15 others): Removed (o|w)glMakeCurrent calls from several ogl/wgl display manager functions. When calling these functions the application should have already set the current context. Added dm_makeCurrent to libdm's API to allow the application to set the current context when necessary.
16:59.38 ``Erik :o neat! doing an s2 smoketest and I get this: bu_log: write error
17:00.02 ``Erik and an empty (BRL-CAD)-29630-bomb.log
17:04.08 ``Erik ah, device out of space, heh
17:16.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55492 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw_calc.cpp: Initialize avg_curve_len (clang noticed it)
17:26.34 n_reed blushes
18:06.57 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
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20:05.39 starseeker hmm: src/conv/intaval/glob.h:55:2: error: anonymous types declared in an anonymous union are an extension
20:05.55 starseeker any reason for that particular nested structure?
20:07.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5283 /wiki/User:Izak: /* PERSONAL INFORMATION */
20:16.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55493 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/asc/g2asc.c: this SEEMS to work if .g file is read-only
20:18.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55494 (brlcad/trunk/src/conv/intaval/glob.h brlcad/trunk/src/conv/intaval/read_dra.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/conv/intaval/write_brl.cpp): Unless there proves to be a reason not to do it, try flattening the nested structures in the intaval glob.h header. Avoids a clang warning about nested anonymous types.
20:45.36 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
20:46.54 starseeker nuts
20:47.49 starseeker clang static analyzer doesn't recognize that BU_CKMAG handles the case when _ptrval == 0
20:48.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5284 /wiki/User:Izak: /* DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE */
20:50.25 *** join/#brlcad mpictor (
20:53.17 starseeker granted it handled it by wiping out, but still...
20:53.43 starseeker analyzer is following a path that doesn't make sense
20:53.46 starseeker mutter...
21:02.43 starseeker suppose I'll need to boil it down for a test case
21:02.55 starseeker bug report in order
21:09.01 starseeker brlcad: bu_badmagic takes down the program when it gets called, correct?
21:09.47 starseeker wait a minute...
21:19.58 starseeker O.o
21:27.10 starseeker maybe I'd better walk a test case through the debugger
21:33.41 starseeker either it can't tell bu_badmagic calls bu_bomb which ends up calling exit, or bu_badmagic somehow isn't failing in their "'_ptrval' is equal to 0" case
21:50.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 55495 (brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db_open.c): document db_open() and introduce two defines so we can get away from the inconsistent (because it was undocumented) calls throughout the code. kinda parallels fopen() but not really.
21:55.44 brlcad starseeker: thanks, those are some interesting presentations
21:58.21 jasleen_ hello brlcad
22:01.20 brlcad is compelled to write an llvm backend
22:01.25 brlcad hi jasleen_
22:01.33 jasleen_ brlcad: I want to dicuss my project with you
22:02.23 jasleen_ brlcad: My project is Making a Cross Platform Display Manager
22:03.30 brlcad starseeker: bu_badmagic() only calls bu_bomb() if a check triggers it -- that is what does the check
22:04.09 jasleen_ brlcad:In project's main page, it is written to embedd qt within a tk window
22:04.27 brlcad what main page?
22:04.46 brlcad your project proposal or our ideas page or something else
22:05.02 jasleen_ brlcad:project's page
22:05.08 jasleen_
22:05.50 jasleen_ exit
22:06.24 brlcad well that was a short discussion
22:06.27 *** join/#brlcad jasleen (~chatzilla@
22:06.49 brlcad okay, so the ideas page
22:06.59 jasleen brlcad: yes
22:07.04 brlcad jasleen: that's not the "project's page" ... it's YOUR project
22:07.32 brlcad that's a page describing an idea for a project, just an idea that is expected to be expanded upon and customized as needed :)
22:07.47 jasleen brlcad: ok
22:08.24 jasleen you commente in my proposal about integration of qt and tcl
22:09.23 jasleen to make a cross platform display manager, I will some some binding to integrate tcl and qt
22:09.34 brlcad yeah, so my comments were more about the specific plan
22:09.57 brlcad at _some_ point it will need to coordinate with tk so that it can be exposed via our archer editor
22:10.14 brlcad however, that certainly does not need to be the first step
22:10.38 jasleen ok
22:11.22 brlcad if you get that far, and I hope you do, that'll be a good problem to have
22:11.43 brlcad but my comments were about scope reduction, demonstrate it working without tcl/tk before you involve the beast
22:11.49 brlcad you also seemed to have some misunderstanding about tcl
22:14.36 jasleen ok. I will take care of it, and will update there
22:25.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 55496 brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/g_transfer.c: no longer need to call rt_init_resource()
22:36.08 brlcad jasleen: you should explore how a display manager works at a really low level
22:36.21 brlcad maybe try to write a simple test program that just opens a display manager window
22:36.45 brlcad we might have an example of that in src/util or elsewhere, just hunt around for the dm open call
22:36.54 jasleen ok
22:39.39 jasleen brlcad: Is code od current display manager of both mged and archer in libdm?
22:44.58 jasleen brlcad: libdm folder has many files. From where should I start?
22:45.43 jasleen brlcad: Is there any developer documentation?
22:46.13 jasleen or any heirarchical file structure?
23:00.01 jasleen just found the developers documentation.
23:13.37 starseeker brlcad: but the case of "'_ptrval' equal to 0" should be covered by the existing logic, correct?

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