IRC log for #brlcad on 20130529

07:07.11 *** join/#brlcad cstirk (
08:49.50 *** join/#brlcad viku__ (uid11086@gateway/web/
09:20.56 *** join/#brlcad zero_level (0e8b5206@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:46.01 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~chatzilla@
09:48.46 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
11:31.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Ravivaghela * 0 /wiki/User:Ravivaghela:
12:30.42 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_desk (
13:52.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 5341 /wiki/Emacs:
14:10.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 55576 brlcad/trunk/include/vmath.h: fix two macros that referenced a non-existent 's' parameter
15:41.28 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Don.brutzman * 0 /wiki/User:Don.brutzman:
15:42.44 brlcad now there's a surprising name
15:42.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 55577 (brlcad/trunk/src/util/bw-ps.c brlcad/trunk/src/util/rle_args.c): historic comments about the prior state of code are not necessary.
15:44.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 55578 brlcad/trunk/src/fb/fb-rle.c: one more, don't document the past
17:08.36 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:08.36 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || GSoC 2013!
17:26.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55581 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwhist.c: implement h,?
17:31.00 *** join/#brlcad rays2pix (~deepak@
17:33.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55582 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwmod.c: implement h,?
17:40.57 rays2pix Hi I am Deepak and would like to receive feedback on my proposal
17:43.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55583 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwrot.c: implement h,? as help; 'h' for high-res is replaced by 's 1024'; usage statement already had h removed
17:44.30 brlcad rays2pix: you are next on my list
17:44.57 rays2pix brlcad: thanks.Will wait for it
17:45.17 brlcad since you didn't specify on the mailing list, would you like it public or private, irc or via e-mail?
17:46.06 rays2pix I prefer IRC, but if you dont see me around when you have time, you can send me a public email
17:52.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55584 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwscale.c: remove high-res ('-s 1024' replaces it), and add h and ? for help)
17:56.23 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (
18:04.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55585 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwshrink.c: go with bu_getopt error messages; high res changes from 'h' to '-s 1024'; implement h and ? for help
18:08.06 *** join/#brlcad zero_level (~androirc@
18:09.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55586 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwstat.c: implement use of h and ?
18:23.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55587 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwthresh.c: implement h and ?
18:29.48 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (295cd36f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:29.58 Ch3ck Hi everyone...
18:30.14 brlcad rays2pix: okay so looking over my notes for your proposal now
18:30.20 brlcad Ch3ck: hi
18:30.26 rays2pix brlcad:cool
18:30.28 Ch3ck hi
18:30.47 Ch3ck brlcad: nice being with you all for this summer of code
18:31.01 brlcad rays2pix: your level of detail was good, very good
18:31.41 Ch3ck just wanted to know what perculiarity sorted me out
18:31.48 brlcad rays2pix: it was a technically useful and interesting proposal, you expanded on our idea well enough
18:31.59 Ch3ck brlcad: some feedback on how my proposal looked on the panel..
18:32.16 brlcad rays2pix: you were tied for ranking with several other students as well, so it was a close/tough call
18:32.55 brlcad Ch3ck: if you hang around, I can hopefully get to yours before jetting off
18:33.12 Ch3ck ok thanks brlcad
18:33.28 Ch3ck be right here just having a failing network thats all..
18:33.35 rays2pix brlcad: Thanks. I want to know what could be have been better.
18:33.43 brlcad rays2pix: getting to that ;)
18:33.55 rays2pix listening:!
18:34.43 brlcad rays2pix: so first critique was your response to my early feedback
18:35.19 brlcad rays2pix: even ignoring that it took you almost week to respond, you didn't seem to address the concerns raised
18:36.27 brlcad rays2pix: your proposed schedule is impossible, attempting to do WAY too much in a very short amount of time
18:37.05 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
18:37.42 rays2pix brlcad: I revised that after your comments. I agree on be being late and not addressing other parts (you mean testing?)
18:37.43 brlcad rays2pix: you basicallly proposed integrating a format a day for an entire month, several of which are completely new formats that will be very difficult
18:38.50 rays2pix brlcad:mm listening**
18:40.40 brlcad rays2pix: you needed a drastic revision, e.g., no new formats or only one or two new formats and no old formats -- as written, you're basically claiming to be able to integrate and refactor/rewrite AND test nearly 200k lines of code in under a month ... that is basically impossible
18:41.41 rays2pix brlcad:okay
18:41.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55588 brlcad/trunk/src/other/libregex/regex.h: Don't (re)define off_t unless we have to - try sys/types.h first except in the case of Windows.
18:41.51 brlcad rays2pix: it indicated either completely unrealistic expectations or misunderstanding of the complexity involved -- which is fine, that's why feedback was given -- but then you didn't seem to take that feedback into as serious consideration as it called for
18:43.07 *** part/#brlcad vladbogo (~chatzilla@
18:43.54 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~chatzilla@
18:44.14 rays2pix brlcad:I did go through samples of encoders and decoders of the formats I included - I take in this feedback will try to be realistic in my estimates
18:44.55 brlcad rays2pix: your patches could have been better, it seemed like something you pulled together without much effort
18:45.09 rays2pix brlcad: Response to feedback - I did modify my schedule and work plan as per your comments. Still didnt understand where you felt it was irresponsible
18:45.38 rays2pix brlcad:Patches - I agree, it was just a re-write
18:46.15 brlcad rays2pix: rather, you just moved a function and didn't even make the bwfilter tool use your function to demonstrate that it works
18:47.34 rays2pix brlcad:ok
18:48.18 brlcad rays2pix: patches are expected to be demonstrations of your ability so if the task is predominantly moving/refactoring code, it needs to be complete or improved or somehow requiring effort and though on your part
18:48.34 brlcad your patch didn't really demonstrate much at all other than you could move a function from one file to another
18:48.55 brlcad super aggressive schedule warranted a super aggressive patch, didn't deliver
18:49.38 rays2pix brlcad: :(! Agreed. Will spice up my coding and estimation skills
18:50.04 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (295cd36f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:50.40 Ch3ck hi..
18:50.42 brlcad rays2pix: so to your earlier comment, you did modify your schedule, but it was still "crazy" ambitious ... :)
18:51.13 brlcad you reduced it from 200k lines to like 100k, but you needed it get it down to something like 10-20k
18:51.26 brlcad Ch3ck: you don't need to say hi every time ;)
18:52.14 rays2pix brlcad: mm. Looks like I lost my time mostly on collecting details. Next time I will restrict that to what fits in time line
18:52.19 Ch3ck aight..
18:53.23 brlcad rays2pix: yeah, like I said earlier too -- we could have worked with that, further reduced the scope even more .. but it was just too little too late and there wasn't code to back up your ability
18:53.53 brlcad had you come in the channel a couple weeks earlier or responded more quickly, we might have been able to address the scope problem or you might have had more time to work on a better patch at least
18:54.02 rays2pix brlcad: I agree with that. if i had got in to review process a little early, we could have found out this problem
18:54.02 brlcad open source is all about communication
18:54.11 brlcad early, often, better, more
18:54.59 rays2pix brlcad: Sure. Its my mistake. I was checking melange everyday still around 10th, but some how lost on it. My mistake that I failed to turn on email notification as well
18:55.00 brlcad you were on the cusp, just too many issues and enough students that didn't have quite as many before all slots were filled up
18:56.37 brlcad there's still plenty of opportunity to get involved this year if you're able and interested, gsoc orgs love to see prior participation as a vetting of ability
18:56.58 brlcad rays2pix: did you have any specific questions?
18:57.34 rays2pix brlcad: thanks Sean for your time.That really helps. I enjoy being around here and would come up with patches.
18:57.59 brlcad thank you for your interest, hope you do contribute
18:58.46 brlcad I've seen many students get rejected one year only to begin participating with an org and get a solid acceptance the next year ... many times
18:59.44 rays2pix brlcad: Sure. Your feedback was very valuable. I treasured the mentoring opportunity more than the cash and I am sure its still available!
19:00.04 rays2pix Will find an area to work on and get you guys on mailing list
19:00.10 brlcad sounds great
19:00.29 brlcad pick something really small ;)
19:00.49 brlcad the smaller the better
19:01.34 rays2pix huh sure:). Learnt it hard way
19:03.06 rays2pix brlcad: Once again thanks for your time and bye for now
19:03.13 brlcad rays2pix: you're quite welcome
19:03.18 brlcad see you around
19:03.24 vladbogo hi all
19:03.38 brlcad vladbogo: hi
19:03.55 vladbogo first of all i want to say that I am really enthusiastic about working with you all
19:04.07 brlcad good :)
19:04.27 zero_level vladbogo : same is true for me :)
19:04.41 vladbogo brlcad: i would like to ask you to give me some feedback when you have time
19:06.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55589 brlcad/trunk/src/mged/cad_boundp.c: provide for ? and h, and exit program immediately if those or an illegal option are detected
19:09.32 vladbogo also i saw on the melange page that my assigned mentor is D. Rossberg. Can you tell me his email address in order to contact him?
19:09.40 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (295cd36f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:18.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55590 brlcad/trunk/src/mged/cad_parea.c: move Usage to stderr; remove Output(0.0)
19:31.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55591 brlcad/trunk/src/fb/cell-fb.c: h and ? provided for help; use '-S 1024' for high-res)
19:45.42 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (295cd36f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:49.31 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo_ (~chatzilla@
19:51.04 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo_ (~chatzilla@
20:11.48 brlcad vladbogo: some review feedback for you, overall a very strong proposal (both of them really)
20:12.09 brlcad vladbogo: if you end up doing aspects of both over the summer, that really is fine as they're both desireable activities
20:13.06 brlcad vladbogo: your first patch looked spot on, your follow-up patches were gravy -- I hope to have them fully reviewed/applied after our upcoming release is out
20:14.52 brlcad vladbogo: you had competition for your proposal topic but you did well demonstrating an understanding of the complexity involved in your task and the technical problems to be overcome
20:15.34 vladbogo brlcad: thanks for your feedback
20:16.47 brlcad vladbogo: I have my doubts that you'll be able to get to any embedded framebuffer aspects, but it's not a bad goal to set in the schedule
20:16.47 vladbogo as it comes to patches the last one i can't say that it proves any skills. I've just submitted it following your request on the mailing list
20:17.24 brlcad your difficulty will probably be your availability before gsoc begins, to ensure you get all of the preliminary work out of the way (some of which you've already done well with)
20:17.45 brlcad vladbogo: being able to address little quick problems like that demonstrates skill
20:17.50 brlcad and initiative
20:19.14 vladbogo brlcad: that's the most unclear aspect of the project. I hope that all the features will be implemented and i will do my best to do so.
20:20.42 brlcad vladbogo: just remember the desirability criteria on ... that last point in particular
20:20.52 brlcad you've got a complicated but succinct project
20:21.05 brlcad you just want to make sure that it's always "done" every step along the way
20:21.28 zero_level brlcad: can i have a feedback regarding the uses of icv library for BRLCAD
20:22.30 *** join/#brlcad Izak (~Izak@
20:22.33 vladbogo as it comes to the second patch i tried to do my best to eliminate all the #ifdefs in dm-generic. If you think that my approach it's better then the existing one, the patch has to be fully implemented.
20:22.43 brlcad zero_level: maybe later, vladbogo is up next/now
20:22.47 brlcad but yes, you cad :)
20:22.51 brlcad s/cad/can
20:22.55 brlcad jeez, can't type
20:23.12 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
20:23.20 brlcad vladbogo: yeah, that patch has to be studied more carefully
20:23.25 brlcad I took it at face value
20:23.42 vladbogo brlcad: thanks for your advice. I plan to test every aspect and then move to the other
20:24.32 brlcad that's good, but what coding complete usuallly means is not putting problems off for later
20:24.42 Guest72124 Izak:How can I know who my Project mentor is?
20:25.03 vladbogo that's what i meant
20:25.07 ``Erik izak: you're the heart primitive, right?
20:25.11 brlcad vladbogo: like if you figure out how to open up a Qt window, but have trouble figuring out how to minimize/restore the window
20:25.33 brlcad vladbogo: coding complete would generally have you spend the time to figure it out before moving on to something else
20:25.40 vladbogo got it:)
20:26.06 Guest72124 Yes I am
20:26.28 *** join/#brlcad Guest72124 (~Izak@
20:26.30 brlcad basically don't leave crumbs/turds that someone else will have to clean up later
20:26.45 brlcad even if that someone else is you and later is tomorrow, don't do it ;)
20:27.17 brlcad Guest72124: your mentor is everyone with commit access
20:27.20 ``Erik izak: I believe I'm the mentor administratively, but technical issues should be discussed in public and whoever is available/capable will step up and help
20:27.55 brlcad yeah, and maybe try "/nick Izak"
20:27.57 Guest72124 Thank you Erik
20:28.08 ``Erik bbiab, half to pick up a lil'un from daycare O.o
20:28.14 brlcad cya
20:29.03 Guest72124 brlcad What does /nick mean?
20:29.17 vladbogo brlcad: just read your mail an the mailing list. Is there a wiki page with all mentor's emails? I can't find D Rossberg's email.
20:48.40 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
20:56.27 brlcad vladbogo: you shouldn't need to e-mail him directly
20:56.31 brlcad didn't you read the e-mail? :)
20:57.07 *** join/#brlcad Izak_ (~Izak@
20:59.08 vladbogo brlcad: it says to send an e-mail back to you and your assigned mentor stating my agreement with the participation requirements
21:01.20 *** join/#brlcad Izak_ (~Izak@
21:01.50 *** join/#brlcad Izak_ (~Izak@
21:09.04 zero_level vladbogo: are u talking of the mail sent on brlcad-devel group
21:09.07 ``Erik vladbogo: for the most part, communications should be public... (mailing list or irc)
21:09.51 zero_level vladbogo: or you got a personalized mail ?
21:10.09 vladbogo zero_level: yes I am talking about the email send on the brlcad-devel-group
21:14.06 zero_level vladbogo but i didnt find info to reply back ?
21:14.07 *** join/#brlcad Izak_ (~isaac@
21:14.40 vladbogo `Erik: i know that we should make public communication. That was related to our participation requirements that I understood that we have to send to our assigned mentor
21:15.15 vladbogo zero_level: "SEND AN E-MAIL back to me and your assigned mentor stating your agreement with our participation requirements" that's a transcript from the email
21:18.15 brlcad right right, my bad for forgetting that detail
21:18.25 brlcad i guess I should read it again ;)
21:19.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55592 (brlcad/trunk/src/anim/chan_add.c brlcad/trunk/src/anim/chan_mult.c brlcad/trunk/src/anim/chan_permute.c): implement h and ? for 3 chan_* utilities
21:20.28 brlcad vladbogo: you can just e-mail me and I'll pass it along
21:20.30 Izak_ `Erik: You said you are my administrative mentor , right ?
21:20.38 vladbogo brlcad: thanks for your help
21:21.16 vladbogo also i will be waiting for the patches feedback
21:21.48 vladbogo do you think that I should start working on a new patch in order to get commit access?
21:22.55 ``Erik Izak_: yes, is there an issue already? :D
21:27.57 Izak_ No no. I am good.
21:41.14 brlcad vladbogo: your welcome and it can't hurt (patches), maybe revisit your existing ones to make sure they are pristine (run the sh scripts on them)
21:45.11 vladbogo brlcad: thanks again. I will start revising the existing ones because i'm really short of time these days. i'm in full exams period (4 more to go :) )
21:45.26 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 55593 (brlcad/trunk/src/anim/anim_track.c brlcad/trunk/src/anim/anim_turn.c and 3 others): usage functions should be static, top-level function scope curlies go on their own line, and indent first level with 4 spaces not tab.
21:53.45 brlcad vladbogo: then yeah definitely just revisit what you have and make sure your public description is clean
21:54.09 brlcad 2-3 patches is plenty IFF they have no problems ;)
21:55.38 ``Erik (for those without a lot of formal logic study, 'iff' is code for "if and only if")
22:00.38 vladbogo thanks again for your help. I have to go now because it's quite late here. Speak to you soon
22:01.26 *** part/#brlcad vladbogo (~chatzilla@
23:23.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55594 brlcad/trunk/src/other/libregex/regex.h: Haiku's sys/types.h doesn't use protective wrappers around its off_t definition, so check directly.
23:54.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55595 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/affinity.c: Avoid a set-but-unused warning.
23:57.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55596 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/heap.c: PAGESIZE is defined in Haiku's limits.h file - check to avoid a define conflict.

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