IRC log for #brlcad on 20130531

01:09.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 5349 /wiki/User:Level_zero/GSOC13/logs: /* Introduction */
01:09.56 brlcad starseeker: okie dokie
01:10.08 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 5350 /wiki/User:Level_zero/GSOC13/logs: /* From 31st May to 5th June */
01:10.12 brlcad zero_level: high
01:10.17 brlcad hi even
01:10.40 zero_level hi brlcad
01:11.19 zero_level brlcad i would remain unavialable on the internet for few days
01:11.20 brlcad just fyi, I won't generally respond via PM or public if all you say is hi
01:11.34 zero_level ok :-)
01:11.37 brlcad not being rude, it's actually irc etiquette to not say hi because it doesn't scale
01:11.52 brlcad and for gsoc and open source, private discussions are bad
01:12.00 brlcad (usually)
01:12.45 zero_level brlcad: i hope you got my mail regarding acceptance of the terms
01:13.52 brlcad if I didn't, I'll certainly be chasing you down
01:14.03 brlcad you also need to reply to the melange comment
01:14.22 brlcad as well as the two or three other things asked of everyone in the e-mail
01:14.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 5351 /wiki/User:Level_zero/GSOC13/logs: /* From 31st May to 5th June */
01:15.13 zero_level i hope and
01:15.26 zero_level are these your email ids ?
01:15.40 brlcad probably
01:16.28 brlcad it's generally also bad online etiquette (irc, e-mail, whatever) to paste people's e-mail addresses
01:16.47 brlcad spam and privacy to name some issues
01:17.12 zero_level ok
01:17.44 zero_level i thought those are public :-)
01:19.07 brlcad what would make you think that?
01:19.49 brlcad even if they were, it's still not polite because it increases spam harvesting whenever an address is publicly posted
01:20.08 brlcad no matter whose address it is, no matter if it's already somewhere else even
01:21.11 brlcad if you need to talk about an address, you can at least try to obfuscate it in a non-parseable manner
01:21.17 brlcad like saying my address is brlcad
01:21.30 brlcad at mac dot com
01:21.50 brlcad nothing will likely parse that out of an IRC log
01:22.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 5352 /wiki/User:Level_zero/GSOC13/logs: /* From 31st May to 5th June */
01:22.37 brlcad across multiple lines with jibberish in between helps
01:27.48 zero_level brlcad :i think i will learn a lot through your mentoring this summer.
01:28.26 brlcad hopefully everyone does
01:28.32 brlcad and it won't just be through me
01:28.52 brlcad zero_level: and you still didn't answer my question... I really am curious what would make you think that?
01:29.55 zero_level i saw them on brlcad website and i brlcad-devel mailing list is also publicly accessible
01:30.15 brlcad where?
01:31.03 zero_level
01:31.16 zero_level no in the format i wrote.
01:31.39 zero_level I am sorry for that
01:31.42 brlcad and that makes ALL the difference
01:33.07 zero_level brlcad: about my brief description of the project
01:33.09 brlcad addresses from the mailing list are also not publicly accessible ... you know them because you subscribed
01:33.30 brlcad even the online archives scrub the addresses for the same reasons
01:34.43 ``Erik lisp editor on ios
01:36.14 zero_level it looks fine to me for all the computer Science background people
01:36.29 zero_level hi ``Erik
01:37.37 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 5353 /wiki/User:Level_zero/GSOC13/logs: /* From 31st May to 5th June */
01:38.10 brlcad zero_level: relevance?
01:38.35 zero_level for brief description ?
01:39.12 brlcad what is the relevance of you telling me that you think your brief description looks fine
01:39.29 brlcad if you're looking for affirmation, ask for it :)
01:39.42 brlcad why are you telling me that?
01:41.06 zero_level one of our task was to review the brief description of the project
01:41.14 brlcad yes it was
01:41.26 zero_level yes asking for affirmatition. :)
01:41.40 zero_level *affirmation
01:42.28 brlcad so having it look fine to a computer scientist is good and all, but it should also make at least some sense to someone not familiar with code
01:43.15 brlcad have someone else you consider smart but not necessarily a programmer read it and see if they understand it
01:43.25 brlcad if they can explain it to you correctly, it's probably fine
01:45.08 brlcad my quick read says it's not bad, but then I'm not the target audience
02:00.28 *** join/#brlcad milamber (
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07:06.42 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:26.08 *** join/#brlcad starseek1r (
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07:52.04 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
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09:38.56 starseek1r
09:39.57 starseeker sketchup probably not the best format for something like that...
09:46.25 starseeker heh - this one looks like concept art for a Mars colony:
09:49.27 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
10:17.44 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~chatzilla@
10:56.29 brlcad starseeker: yeah, I love the wikihouse project -- found them a year or so ago after they'd completed a structural analysis of one of the completed houses (and someone built it)
10:57.10 brlcad I'd love to make that be the third floor to my house if I could ever get the permits
11:13.08 brlcad
11:13.59 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
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11:31.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 5354 /wiki/Talk:BRL-CAD_Primitives:
11:37.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 5355 /wiki/Talk:Creating_primitive_objects:
13:12.49 *** join/#brlcad aks001_ (uid10889@gateway/web/
13:15.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55614 brlcad/trunk/db/pinewood.asc: Tweak the pinewood car subtractions so the faces of the subtraction arbs aren't exactly on the faces of the solid arb - more robust.
15:38.32 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
15:54.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD:r_weiss * 55615 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw.c: Fixed a bug in libged 'draw.c' function 'append_solid_to_display_list' which corrects 'autoview' in mged.
16:21.34 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55616 brlcad/trunk/src/util/azel.c: remove 'Bad option' message (go with bu_getopt instead); Ch would be '?' anyway if we got here
16:25.20 *** part/#brlcad viku__ (uid11086@gateway/web/
16:52.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55617 (brlcad/trunk/include/ged.h brlcad/trunk/src/conv/bot_dump.c and 45 others): Convert libged struct elements to pointers from inline bu_list structures. ged_close no longer frees the top level gedp pointer automatically, in case callers want to close stack-allocated ged structures.
16:56.26 Notify 03BRL-CAD:r_weiss * 55618 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c: Improve the speed of libged 'gqa' by reducing semaphore locking in function 'plane_worker'.
17:26.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:bob1961 * 55619 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pipe/pipe.c: Initial min and max in pipe_elements_calculate(). Also removed the PIPE_MM macro.
17:33.42 *** join/#brlcad avneet__ (318ad542@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:24.05 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (295cd3cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:26.44 Ch3ck Hi every one i wish to know the email address of my mentor Clifford Yabb
18:26.55 Ch3ck i wish to send him my acceptance..
18:54.35 Ch3ck any one there?
18:54.37 starseeker Ch3ck: see pm
18:54.53 Ch3ck ok thanks
18:55.39 starseeker Ch3ck: congrats on making the cut
18:56.05 Ch3ck yeah
18:56.26 Ch3ck would be delighted to contribute greatly to brlcad
18:56.47 starseeker that's expected :-)
18:56.52 Ch3ck currently working on a TODO list exercise to get commit access.
18:57.02 starseeker very good - be sure you've read HACKING
18:57.13 Ch3ck well i submitted my code patch and have not gotten any feedback yet..
18:57.25 Ch3ck during my gsoc application
18:57.39 starseeker it may take a little bit - we're currently preparing a release, so we're a bit busy
18:57.58 Ch3ck it was just a basic function that decomposes a 4x4 matrix to its scale, rotation .ets parts.
19:00.20 Ch3ck so i just wanted to know if its enough to get commit access or i actually enough
19:00.51 Ch3ck or i actually need to work on one of the todo list projects..
19:35.32 starseeker sweet - regress passed on Linux 64-bit and Mac
19:39.39 ``Erik starseeker: trunk or stable?
20:42.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55620 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dpix-pix.c: fix comments (including changing a 'larger' to 'smaller'
21:17.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55621 brlcad/trunk/src/sig/dsel.c: improve the Usage message, and implement -h and -?
21:24.02 *** join/#brlcad mpictor (

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