IRC log for #brlcad on 20130627

00:20.02 zero_level brlcad, ``Erik i am stuck at changing the existing usage of libicv
00:24.47 zero_level as discussed the new structure icv_image doesnt have information regarding filename , fd and has a double* data .
00:25.51 zero_level the current usage of libicv in rt usage them heavily.
03:22.06 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
05:33.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 55866 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: Merge the overlap events that are continuous, and eliminate the intersection points that are inside the overlap events.
06:26.57 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:04.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 55867 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/test_curve_intersect.cpp: Add another test for overlaps.
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08:35.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 55868 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/test_curve_intersect.cpp: Remove the debug message.
09:31.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 55869 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: Some special handling for linear curves.
09:37.29 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~vlad@
09:39.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 55870 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: remove trailing ws.
09:45.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 55871 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: gcc doesn't support using ON_X_EVENT::TYPE::xxx, so we use ON_X_EVENT::xxx directly.
09:57.55 vladbogo hi all
09:59.04 vladbogo it is not very clear what framebuffer the new display manager should use
10:01.38 vladbogo I saw that there are already specific framebuffers for X11 and openGl but I don't know if any is appropriate for the new display manager. I would be really grateful if you could give e a hint about this issue.
10:32.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 5527 /wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2013/Reports: /* Week 2 */
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10:52.34 d_rossberg vladbogo: i recommend to start with a null or text framebuffer, in the final state a Qt framebuffer would be desirable
10:53.14 vladbogo d_rossberg: thanks for your reply
10:54.19 vladbogo also i assume that it is ok if the qt dm source it's a c++ one but just wanted to be sure?
10:57.40 d_rossberg yes, it's necessarily so, and qt-dm interface functions have to be extern "C"
10:59.06 *** join/#brlcad yiyus (
11:00.43 vladbogo d_rossberg: I've successfully integrated Qt in the cmake build but there are some warnings in the Qt files.
11:02.11 vladbogo how can I allow warnings for those files so that it can successfully compile without strict compilation being turned off?
11:10.05 d_rossberg did you commited your changes?
11:11.07 vladbogo d_rossberg: not yet. I did't want to commit changes that are not complete
11:13.02 d_rossberg but you could commit the search and integration of the Qt libraries into the CMake build?
11:14.14 vladbogo ok. I will. Also the search for Qt only works at the moment by specifying the path to Qt installation in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
11:14.32 d_rossberg remember to "commit very frequently" ;)
11:20.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD:vladbogo * 55872 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Additional test for Qt installation. Only works if CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is set to Qt installation path.
11:24.58 starseeker vladbogo: is find Qt5Widgets a new module? are they getting rid of the "find_package(Qt5 ...." approach?
11:27.02 starseeker ah, I see it is
11:27.40 vladbogo starseeker: find_package(Qt ...) I saw it only works for Qt 4. For Qt 5 as I researched there should be a find_package for every module. And Qt5Widgets is a new module that groups Qt5GUI and Qt5Core and probably more.
11:29.34 starseeker vladbogo: does your work need Qt5, or would 4 work as well? (OK if it needs 5, but if it can use 4 it changes the search logic)
11:31.56 vladbogo starseeker: brlcad told me to use the latest Qt version but I guess Qt4 would work too
11:33.28 starseeker vladbogo: no, that's fine
11:33.44 starseeker Qt5 has some nice features that will be of considerable interest down the road
11:34.04 starseeker Hmm... looks like you're taking the right approach:
11:36.16 vladbogo starseeker: that's the page I used. Still there are some things that need to be clarified regarding the cmake version
11:36.48 starseeker vladbogo: stick with the newer/modern approach
11:37.22 starseeker if we have to support older CMake versions we can address that later
11:37.42 starseeker pwd
11:37.45 d_rossberg requirering Qt4 could be a big obstacle for many systems
11:37.45 starseeker whoops
11:37.59 starseeker yeah, Qt5 is fine
11:38.09 starseeker requiring that actually *simplifies* the CMake logic
11:38.16 d_rossberg sorry, i mean requirering Qt5
11:38.37 vladbogo I've tried the cmake 2.8.11 approach and even though theoretically the fPIC flag shouldn't be required(from the example on the link you provided) it still does not work
11:38.42 starseeker well, if we end up *requiring* Qt we'll have to get it working as a subbuild
11:39.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55873 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Don't print the verbose warning if Qt5 isn't found.
11:40.21 d_rossberg starseeker: that's not the whole story: Qt4 is shipped with many Linux etc. but for Qt5 there isn't even a FreeBSD port
11:41.01 starseeker d_rossberg: that's what I mean - we'd have to make Qt5 a viable src/other subbuild, like we've done for Tcl/Tk
11:41.24 d_rossberg starseeker: please don't do this!
11:41.38 starseeker d_rossberg: we can keep the repository separate
11:42.21 starseeker there are a couple viable approaches for that
11:42.31 d_rossberg squeezing all the "other"s into our CMake build is a mess
11:42.54 starseeker in what sense? I thought we actually manage that quite well now
11:45.26 d_rossberg at least the MSVC build is horrible slow, too many projects i don't need
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11:46.15 starseeker d_rossberg: there should be specific targets you can invoke to get just what you need
11:46.54 starseeker d_rossberg: if you have system versions of src/other pieces you want to use on MSVC, you can try that - you just have to set the BRLCAD_BUNDLED_LIBRARIES variable to AUTO
11:47.03 d_rossberg this works for the gcc makefiles but not for ms
11:47.30 d_rossberg (selecting the target)
11:47.32 starseeker we default to "ON" for bundling on MSVC because it's rare for such systems to have much of anything that we need, and the configure process is inherently slow on Windows
11:48.03 starseeker really? if you select libbu as the build target from the MSVC list it builds the whole thing?
11:48.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:vladbogo * 55874 (brlcad/trunk/include/dm.h brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/CMakeLists.txt): Changed dm-qt source to C++ file. Integrated Qt in the cmake build. Modified dm.h so that there are no warnings in the dm-qt.cpp.
11:48.44 d_rossberg for gcc you can write "make libbu" but in MSVC you have to open the solution file with althe targets first
11:49.15 vladbogo d_rossberg: I've finished committing the changes
11:49.30 starseeker d_rossberg: ah, sure. But if you set the appropriate flags up front, most of those targets won't be there
11:51.14 starseeker (cmake flags)
11:53.08 d_rossberg starseeker: then after starting the build of libbu it needs 40s to see that there is nothing to do
11:53.10 starseeker d_rossberg: in the CMake gui, use the "Add Entry" button before running configure to define "BRLCAD_BUNDLED_LIBS" as a STRING with value "AUTO" and BRLCAD_EXTRADOCS as a BOOL with default value unchecked (OFF)
11:53.40 starseeker d_rossberg: that's inherent to the dependency managing done by the CMake/MSVC combination
11:54.15 starseeker d_rossberg: that's why the Ninja build tool is gaining a lot of fans, in fact - it gives CMake builds blazing fast incremental rebuilding
11:54.25 starseeker I believe it even runs on Windows
11:55.25 d_rossberg but then why i don't have these problems on linux? (cmake with gcc makefiles)
11:55.59 starseeker because MSVC is a *lot* slower than gcc and make
11:56.28 starseeker Ninja is faster than Make too, even on Linux, it's just less noticable
11:58.01 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo_ (~vlad@
11:58.42 starseeker If you want to *really* build a minimal subset of BRL-CAD, there is the BRLCAD_ENABLE_TARGETS variable
11:59.10 starseeker Setting it to "1" (i.e. build level 1 targets) will build only what is needed for librt
11:59.53 starseeker level "2" will build the libraries but not most of the tools
12:01.45 starseeker looking at the BrlcadCore library link list I'd guess a level 2 build is probably what you'd need
12:02.52 *** join/#brlcad mpictor_ (
12:03.30 d_rossberg probable, needs some tests
12:03.31 starseeker as far as I know we've never tried the more minimal BRLCAD_ENABLE_TARGETS settings on MSVC, so you may find a problem or two - if so we can straighten them out
12:03.54 starseeker d_rossberg: but that'll most likely be the best way to make the MSVC build more tolerable
12:04.20 d_rossberg because i can't fix msvc at the moment - back to Qt: i would still consider Qt5 as exotic and Qt4 as well established
12:04.49 d_rossberg and if i remember correctly Qt4 code should run with Qt5 too
12:05.47 vladbogo d_rossberg: I think so. I've only see that there are differences in the cmake procedure
12:06.38 starseeker possibly. FWIW, I do know Meshlab had to do some work to get running on Qt5
12:07.20 starseeker d_rossberg: remember, we aren't going to be ditching our other systems for an exclusively Qt solution anytime soon
12:08.22 starseeker Qt will represent the "cutting edge" of development, but people operating on that edge should be up to getting Qt5 installed and working
12:09.57 starseeker once vladbogo has a working solution in Qt5 we can look at how much (if anything) is needed to also make it work with Qt4 - if it's minimal (and hopefully it would be) then I agree supporting both is a good idea
12:10.10 starseeker but for the initial development efforts I would say don't worry about it
12:12.08 starseeker (Qt5 has some features that are extremely interesting for long term CAD gui development - take a look at
12:19.20 vladbogo when I try to use the ogl display manager I get a completely transparent window which seems quite weird. I did not have time to see why this behavior so I want to ask you if it's the desired result or something is wrong?
12:20.37 starseeker that's not typical - I've seen it now and then, I think it has something to do with opengl settings or drivers on the system?
12:22.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55875 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/other/CMakeLists.txt): Mark a few variables as advanced so they don't clutter the default CMake GUI display
12:27.20 vladbogo starseeker: I don't have any opengl custom settings but it might be the problem.
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12:30.21 d_rossberg vladbogo: starseeker: it's not about ditching the other systems then rather the other way round: i've only an "experimental" Qt5 on one machine which doesn't run smoothly
12:31.43 d_rossberg vladbogo: do you want to use opengl in qt?
12:36.09 vladbogo d_rossberg: yes
12:40.42 d_rossberg why? you don't need ogl for simple graphics, is there something what requires a special ogl feature? i personally only remember having trouble with ogl, especially on linux, system crashes included
12:45.21 starseeker opengl will be faster, but it *would* be nice to be able to fall back on non-openGL based canvas/drawing if opengl isn't available or working
12:47.05 vladbogo well the reason is that I have worked with opengl before and being new Qt seemed to be best choice.
12:47.19 d_rossberg opengl *could* be useful if it's for handling shaded geometries, but wireframes ...
12:49.03 vladbogo in this case I will not use it
12:50.23 d_rossberg vladbogo: the intention i have with Qt is that this is a GUI library for a very wide variety of platforms, i wouldn't recommend to water it down for no reason
12:59.32 vladbogo I understand so I will keep that in mind
13:06.43 d_rossberg vladbogo: next question: what is Qt5Widgets? don't you need an include and a librariy directory?
13:12.25 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~vlad@
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13:12.44 vladbogo d_rossberg: sorry about that, internet problems
13:12.55 d_rossberg no problem
13:14.00 d_rossberg btw, you should have a look at the __BEGIN_DECLS, __END_DECLS macros; they are used in almost every header file
13:14.43 vladbogo Qt5Widgets is a new module that groups all the Qt widgets and also includes the dependencies for QtCore and QtGui
13:15.42 vladbogo the necessary files are in Qt5Widgets_INCLUDE_DIRS
13:17.33 vladbogo found the __BEGIN_DECLS and __END_DECLS macros and I will use them. Thanks for the tip
13:18.27 d_rossberg because of the DECLS: i was a little bit confused, but the "#ifdef __cplusplus" should be redundant in a .cpp file and the extern "C" shouldn't be necessary there because it's already in the declaration in the .h file
13:19.39 vladbogo d_rossberg: open function is declared and used in dm-generic.c so it has to have extern "C"
13:20.54 vladbogo about the ifdef __cplusplus I've read that there is a good practice to use it even in cpp files so that's why I used it
13:24.52 d_rossberg so what's your value for Qt5Widgets_INCLUDE_DIRS?
13:28.22 vladbogo the Qt5Widgets dir which includes a .h for all widgets, Qt5Core dir ad Qt5Gui dir - that's what I read about
13:29.42 vladbogo it may be too much but I don't know exactly what I will use and for the test application I made was necessary
13:30.04 d_rossberg i.e. /usr/include/Qt5 ?
13:31.36 vladbogo I have installed Qt5in the home dir but it should be path_to_qt/include/QtWidgets,path_to_qt/include/QtCore and path_to_qt/include/QtGui
13:34.31 d_rossberg ok, on Linux you don't need the libs for the build
13:36.03 vladbogo ok so should I omit the libs?
13:37.00 d_rossberg for the moment ;)
13:37.10 vladbogo also the set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) I've read that only works on cmake 2.8.9 and higher
13:37.53 vladbogo should I set the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS instead?
13:39.57 d_rossberg that's something different, you shouldn't need it when working with .so libraries, do you have .a (i.e. static) libraries?
13:40.57 vladbogo well Qt5 needs the -fPIC flag
13:42.24 d_rossberg but you build Qt5 independently of BRL-CAD? and you got some files?
13:42.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55876 brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/CMakeLists.txt: have SCL avoid stomping the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE cash when acting as a subbuild.
13:43.29 vladbogo I haven't build Qt5 independently
13:44.28 vladbogo after installing Qt I got also some .so files
13:45.03 d_rossberg ? didn't you used their configure and than make?
13:46.48 vladbogo no. I've downloaded an executable file that installed Qt
13:47.18 d_rossberg (btw, there is really an -fPIC issue in the BRL-CAD build but it shouldn't influence the use of other libraries)
13:48.05 vladbogo without the fPIC flag I couldn't successfully compile
13:48.49 vladbogo I've read that in cmake 2.8.11 specifying the fPIC flag is not necessary so I've installed cmake 2.8.11 to test it and it does not work
13:49.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55877 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/other/CMakeLists.txt): More tweaks for CMake GUI manipulation of values
13:51.54 d_rossberg ok, this is something from my to-do list: add BRLCAD_CHECK_C_FLAG(fPIC) and BRLCAD_CHECK_CXX_FLAG(fPIC) to misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake
13:53.34 d_rossberg nevertheless it's strange ...
13:54.47 vladbogo here it's a slight explanation about the fPIC and fPIE flags
13:55.46 vladbogo it says that this happens because in Qt5 "-reduce-relocations" configure option is the default
14:01.10 d_rossberg does adding BRLCAD_CHECK_C_FLAG/BRLCAD_CHECK_CXX_FLAG work?
14:04.45 vladbogo now testing: it seems to take a while to compile
14:10.00 vladbogo d_rossberg: it seems to work
14:12.34 d_rossberg then, can you commit the changed CompilerFlags.cmake? (i.e. after adding a nice comment etc.)
14:12.44 vladbogo yes it works
14:12.54 vladbogo ok I will immediately
14:17.09 vladbogo ready:)
14:17.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:vladbogo * 55878 (brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/CMakeLists.txt): Enable position independent code in misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake instead of in src/libdm/CmakeLists.txt. Position independent code is required for Qt5.
14:19.39 d_rossberg you should add a comment in CompilerFlags.cmake too, look at all the other BRLCAD_CHECK_C_FLAG/BRLCAD_CHECK_CXX_FLAG entries
14:19.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55879 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/opennurbs_ext.cpp: more tweaks to make the knot and non-knot code look similar.
14:20.30 vladbogo d_rossberg: ok, I will immediately
14:27.26 Notify 03BRL-CAD:vladbogo * 55880 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake: Added a comment to highlight the need of the position independent code flag.
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14:55.29 brlcad zero_level: available to discuss if needed, but you have to approach this VERY incrementally working with the initial structure first
15:00.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:vladbogo * 55881 brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-qt.cpp: Use __BEGIN_DECL and __END_DECL macros instead of extern "C".
15:02.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 55882 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/opennurbs_ext.cpp: Don't define things we aren't using...
15:02.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55883 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/mged02_opciones_vistas.xml: fix spelling of Spanish word 'acimut'; trailing 'h' was removed
15:02.53 vladbogo d_rossberg: I've tried to remove the libs from the build but it does not compile successfully anymore.
15:03.49 d_rossberg which libs?
15:05.31 vladbogo Qt libs: you said that are not required for Linux
15:08.27 d_rossberg i was just wondering why CMake asks for the headers but not for the libs, but there is a "find_package" functionality behind which apparently looks for the libs
15:10.18 d_rossberg and the libs are definitely required to run the program
15:10.26 brlcad so just blindly adding -fPIC is going to be a problem
15:10.51 brlcad that make is only possible to make shared library object files
15:11.10 brlcad if someone requests a static build, it's going to fail
15:11.49 brlcad (this is one of the reasons why libtool compiles everything twice, once with -fPIC and once without)
15:11.57 d_rossberg brlcad: the other way round: static build needs this -fPIC, i tried it with the
15:13.36 d_rossberg when you combine two static libs in one binary it's very likely that you have to shift positions
15:13.41 brlcad hm? is a shared lib
15:14.10 d_rossberg as a proto type on my computer: yes
15:14.37 d_rossberg needs only some minor changes, -fPIC was one of them
15:14.38 zero_level brlcad: today last day i wrote new functions for creating image. writing pixel and saving.
15:15.33 d_rossberg ah: contains librt.a, libbu.a ...
15:18.24 vladbogo brlcad: there is also the qt5_use_modules macro that encapsulates all of the variable usage required to use a Qt module using with I've made a successful cmake without setting the -fPIC flag but I don't know yet how to integrate it in the brlcad cmake procedure. Should I give it a try?
15:24.58 brlcad vladbogo: if it means getting rid of -fPIC, sure
15:25.55 brlcad my original suggestion remains to do the bare minimum for the build (or to be comprehensive and do it properly)
15:26.16 brlcad somewhere in between those two options is a dangerous valley to be in
15:26.51 vladbogo brlcad: I know but without setting the "-fPIC" I cannot compile
15:27.17 brlcad so when you can't compile, you have to say what and why and understand why
15:27.44 brlcad otherwise saying you cannot compile could simply be because you don't have a compure or lack fingers or it was raining inside or ... I shouldn't have to guess
15:28.04 brlcad uninformative to ever just say a compile failed
15:28.15 brlcad :)
15:29.13 brlcad vladbogo: so my response then is "why?"
15:29.21 vladbogo as I read the problem is that Qt5 has the "-reduce-locations" configure option by default which means that the compilation is run with the "-Bsymbolic-function" which makes function pointer comparison ineffective
15:29.35 vladbogo unless the -fPIC flag is provided
15:29.59 brlcad compilation of qt5 itself or things using qt5?
15:30.44 vladbogo things using Qt5
15:31.49 brlcad we're a "thing using Qt5" right?
15:31.59 vladbogo yes
15:32.00 brlcad we do not add -Bsymbolic-function or do we know somehow?
15:32.05 brlcad s/know/now/
15:33.50 vladbogo explicitly not but I guess that it is already added in the Qt which has to be used
15:34.17 brlcad guessing won't do, we need to understand what's going on to address this
15:34.28 brlcad so lets take a step back and look at what's actually going on when whatever fails
15:34.36 brlcad first, what fails?
15:35.10 brlcad and is it a compilation failure or a linker failure (you'll need to learn the difference if you do not)
15:51.04 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~vlad@
15:51.32 zero_level the issue now is .. in the rt/view.c , viewedge.c viewxray.c and do.c these data are written in uchar* format.
15:51.56 zero_level so i will have to conver this in the following way
15:52.13 zero_level convert to double in rt/.. (files)
15:53.04 zero_level create image. (by calling icv_create)[allocates memory for structure and data and zeros the image]
15:53.15 zero_level store the double values.
15:53.21 zero_level save the image
15:53.59 zero_level Now in save if it is ppm, bw, pix the data is again covnerted to uchar. from double.
15:54.51 zero_level brlcad, ``Erik I find this redundant here. converting uchar->double and double->uchar
16:02.09 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo_ (~vlad@
16:06.49 vladbogo_ brlcad: tested with cmake 2.8.11 and there is no problem which is quite weird because I am 100% sure I've tested it before and did not work. So I will remove the fPIC flag and will try to solve this issue later for other versions of cmake if necessary
16:07.42 brlcad vladbogo_: I completely believe that you ran into a failure, that's easy :)
16:08.05 brlcad but need to know exactly what that error was and under what conditions, and understand the problem
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16:08.22 brlcad in order to do something about it
16:08.36 brlcad vladbogo_: are you having connection issues or something?
16:08.49 vladbogo__ brlcad: unfortunately yes
16:08.50 brlcad what is it with connection problems this year, it's insane...
16:09.12 vladbogo__ so I think I've received just part of your answer
16:09.54 vladbogo__ saturday I will be moving so there won't be any connection problems from saturday on
16:10.13 brlcad zero_level: that sounds perfectly reasonable, but you might want to address the file pointer first
16:10.26 brlcad vladbogo__: okay that's good to hear
16:10.52 brlcad vladbogo__: I just basically said that we need more information to do anything about the problem, and I don't doubt there is a problem
16:10.57 brlcad that's why -fPIC is dangerous
16:11.13 brlcad it will work in some places and will outright fail under other platform conditions
16:11.26 brlcad and is dependent on several other compiler flag settings and library settings
16:11.53 brlcad you can't just turn it on everywhere
16:12.05 vladbogo__ brlcad: I know that's why I haven't committed the changes earlier
16:12.45 brlcad vladbogo__: you should be committing .. and doing so very frequently
16:12.54 brlcad just a matter of committing in a way that keeps us moving forward
16:13.33 vladbogo__ brlcad: I know but I've just wanted to discuss with you the issue
16:13.33 brlcad it takes some thought and planning while you code
16:14.12 brlcad okay, and?? :)
16:14.28 vladbogo__ I mean I knew that could be a problem so I did not want to put it there before talking to you
16:14.28 brlcad of course you should discuss issues.... not sure what that has to do with how one commits ;)
16:14.44 brlcad well, that's my point
16:15.15 brlcad say you determined that it was 100% necessary but knew it also might be a problem
16:15.21 brlcad so what do you do
16:15.29 brlcad you don't need to wait on me to move forward
16:15.37 brlcad you CERTAINLY don't need to wait to commit something
16:15.46 brlcad that something just shouldn't be turning it on
16:16.02 brlcad that's what I mean about you have to think it through and plan
16:16.20 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo_ (~vlad@
16:17.00 vladbogo_ well cmake 2.8.11 solves the problem(no fPIC) so as you initially suggested I will leave it like this
16:17.05 brlcad you could commit the flag check commented out or protected by an if () test, for example and then write the mailing list asking for help testing
16:17.34 brlcad do you know why cmake 2.8.11 seems to solve the problem?
16:17.47 vladbogo_ brlcad: that's good to know
16:18.12 vladbogo_ not yet. I was planning to do a little research tonight
16:18.18 brlcad then you cannot say that :)
16:18.41 brlcad all you can say is that the problem is not observed
16:18.55 brlcad claiming that cmake did anything isn't necessarily true
16:19.46 vladbogo_ I saw on the that this is solved by cmake but it didn't say why
16:20.12 brlcad simply, you don't know why it's working now ... and that's okay, but don't jump to conclusions until you understand the failure (and the reason it works)
16:20.25 vladbogo_ brlcad: ok :)
16:20.31 brlcad are you familiar with the verbose flag?
16:20.43 vladbogo_ not really
16:20.57 brlcad so by default, cmake hides everything
16:21.09 brlcad which isn't at all helpful when you're dealing with low-level compilation issues like this one
16:21.35 brlcad you need to know exactly what preprocessor, compilation, and linker flags are being used
16:21.55 brlcad and know whether an error you're reading is a preprocessor failure, compilation failure, or linker failure
16:22.12 vladbogo_ that would be useful
16:22.21 brlcad it's not going to tell you which
16:22.26 brlcad that's your job to figure out :)
16:22.37 brlcad and it takes time to learn
16:22.47 brlcad but to get that information from cmake, you have to compile verbose
16:22.50 brlcad make VERBOSE=1
16:22.59 vladbogo_ yes but it would be easier to find
16:23.01 vladbogo_ thanks:)
16:23.33 brlcad you just have to get comfortable finding and reading a compile/linker line and understanding the messages that come back
16:25.21 vladbogo_ thanks a lot for your help
16:25.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD:vladbogo * 55884 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake: Removed position independent code flag.
16:26.13 vladbogo_ finally done with the cmake integration and I can start working on embedding Qt in Tk window
16:29.03 brlcad excellent
16:29.56 vladbogo_ thanks again for your help and clarifications
16:54.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55885 brlcad/trunk/include/icv.h: remove trailing blanks/tabs; fix spellings
17:11.54 zero_level brlcad to handle file issues.. i am doing it this way. icv_create_image (instead of icv_save_open) and then do all the processing then icv_save (instead of icv_save_close)
17:18.52 brlcad any way to shorten those function names consistently would be good
17:19.06 brlcad this is the time to be thinking about API usability
17:19.10 brlcad cleanliness of the names
17:19.51 brlcad e.g., having icv_create_image() implies you might have the ability to icv_create_somethingelse() later ... is that true?
17:20.13 zero_level no plans as such
17:20.28 brlcad otherwise, maybe icv_create() or icv_image() becomes more appropriate and more API-friendly
17:20.30 zero_level i guess that cld be trimmed to icv_create
17:20.36 zero_level yes
17:20.38 brlcad should think about that for every public symbol name
17:21.50 brlcad and if you have a create or construction function, it should pair with another destroy/delete/close/whatever function unambiguously
17:22.16 zero_level i have done this icv_free_image
17:33.27 brlcad which again implies there's something other than images to free
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18:14.20 brlcad zero_level: what's the status of patch 171?
18:16.48 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo__ (~vlad@
18:21.02 brlcad zero_level: looks like 176 has the same issue and is ... basically the same patch??
18:21.31 brlcad you're not making this easy to review
18:30.10 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo_ (~vlad@
18:56.56 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 5528 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* From June 24th to June 28th */
19:10.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 5529 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* 24 June - 30 June */
19:47.56 zero_level brlcad: for all the patch informatio please see this
19:48.11 zero_level the convert patch is now at 197 and 198
19:48.23 zero_level it has the split versions
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19:57.28 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 55886 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/bot_wireframe.cpp: remove trailing blanks/tabs; fix a spelling
20:01.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 5530 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs:
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22:53.38 ``Erik zero_level: if you dig into rt/view.c just a tiny bit more, you'll see that it gets the rgb data from ap->a_color which just happens to be 3 doubles.
23:03.21 zero_level ok.
23:04.16 zero_level ``Erik currently i have written image create, image load, image save functions
23:04.29 zero_level for pix,bw,ppm formats
23:05.22 zero_level what do u suggest should i attemppt for png format or refactor the old usage as per the new functions?

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