IRC log for #brlcad on 20130712

02:13.51 zero_level ``Erik : that is what i am to. But then do we change the utilities to use the icv library.
02:59.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56017 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: The original code cannot deal with elliptical arcs that cross the point where t=0, and fixed this problem.
03:48.40 brlcad zero_level: yep, maintaining duplicate functionality, even briefly, is very undesirable
03:56.18 zero_level ok brlcad
03:59.23 *** join/#brlcad evgeny (~Miranda@
04:05.06 brlcad waves
05:31.08 *** join/#brlcad caen23_ (~caen23@
05:46.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56018 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: Use max_dis_u (v, s, t) seperately as the scale of their domains may differ a lot.
06:11.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56019 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: Eliminate unnecessary collinear points on the polyline curves.
06:13.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56020 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: -----------
06:34.21 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 5670 /wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2013/Reports: /* Week 4 */
06:35.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 0 /wiki/File:Epa_good.png:
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06:37.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 5675 /wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2013/Reports: /* Week 4 */
06:43.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 5676 /wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2013/Reports: /* Test Results */
06:44.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 5677 /wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2013/Reports: /* Test Results */
06:46.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 5678 /wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2013/Reports: /* Test Results */
07:44.00 *** join/#brlcad evgeny (~Miranda@
08:03.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Izakkayems * 5679 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* From July 8th to July 13th */
08:06.34 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Izakkayems * 5680 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs:
08:23.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Izakkayems * 5681 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* From July 8th to July 13th */
08:34.21 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Izakkayems * 5682 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* From July 8th to July 13th */
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13:55.47 brlcad that's a lot of awesome status pics from wu
14:33.33 zero_level hi brlcad:
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16:05.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56021 brlcad/trunk/pix/CMakeLists.txt: the lackluster lgt examples are pretty much useless at 91, 128, and 64 dimensions, serve no useful purpose. remove them.
16:11.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56022 brlcad/trunk/pix/CMakeLists.txt: remove the other three example images as they're no longer interesting or impressive. if we're to ship demo renderings, we should establish quality criteria and a fixed image size. for now, the website gallery suffices leaving only the benchmark images remaining.
16:14.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56023 (brlcad/trunk/db/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/pix/CMakeLists.txt): move the cube.rt script over with the model
16:31.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56024 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: carl's vengence on help option consistency continues to rage on.
16:32.12 brlcad zero_level: (hi!) not sure how it happened, but patch 197 (already applied) apparently didn't compile... should that fd have been bif->fd?
16:33.26 zero_level corrected by starseeker
16:34.59 brlcad right, but was that the right fix?
16:35.16 zero_level yes
16:35.36 brlcad did you not test the compilation? :)
16:36.40 zero_level actually i had to remove a redundant variable (bif).
16:36.57 brlcad i'm sure it was just an oversight, but that's the attention to detail that will be needed when you are committing directly (and even more so when making patch files)
16:37.06 brlcad you should always test your compile
16:37.52 zero_level alright :-)
16:38.12 brlcad hacking talks about this, that mistakes will happen and are expected, but especially as a new contributor you should be testing every time
16:38.24 brlcad nobody wants a broken build :)
16:43.02 *** join/#brlcad ejno_ (~ejno@unaffiliated/kazaik)
16:54.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56025 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/TODO brlcad/trunk/doc/CMakeLists.txt): move shaded-display todo into doc/ subdir with the other existing todo.brep and reference where it's at in the main TODO file.
17:02.12 *** join/#brlcad yiyus_ (
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17:18.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56026 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/bench/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/bench/ change to a crazy long legacy. now that there are nothing but benchmark reference pix and log files in the top-level pix/ directory, move that directory to bench/ref/ and update accordingly. keep installation as pix/ though so we preserve the current installation hierarchy.
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18:25.07 zero_level brlcad, will ensure this doesnt happen in future. Indeed this was the reason I have not submitted the patches of new ICV functions and structure definition.
18:25.32 zero_level a) It will not compile cleanly because of existing use of ICV.
18:26.47 zero_level b) If I incorporate the changes in the exiting code in a patc, either this will make lots of patches or a single patch will be very large.
18:38.27 *** join/#brlcad cstirk_ (
19:00.11 *** join/#brlcad avneet (~avneet@
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19:09.37 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56027 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: we might not care, but implementers of qsort() care, which is what opennurbs ultimately ends up passing this callback to. future We might care too, so cover our bases.
19:12.58 brlcad zero_level: so a/b raises a good discussion point about how to structure changes
19:13.18 brlcad because we want changes to compile cleanly AND to be as small as possible
19:13.23 brlcad whether they are patches or commits
19:13.53 brlcad so the question is how you can structure the changes (incrementally) such that each incremental step is clean, applies cleanly, compiles, etc
19:18.42 zero_level I have changed them in a private trunk on my machine this needed chaning rt/do.c rt/ext.h rt/view.c rt/viewedge.c remrt/rtsrv.c libged/screengrab.c
19:19.13 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (~DarkCalf@
19:19.14 zero_level and ofcourse icv.h and fileformat.c
19:19.54 zero_level for fileformat.c i have devided it into different files
19:20.18 zero_level image.c (has functions to create image, zero_image, save/load image)
19:20.55 zero_level pixel.c has function for pixels (write line and write single pixel)
19:21.02 brlcad I think you're missing my point
19:21.16 brlcad you've made lots of changes
19:21.22 zero_level yes
19:21.22 brlcad that's fine, that's development
19:21.45 zero_level i was coming to your point and the minimum we can do here
19:21.51 brlcad the topic is HOW those changes are contributed
19:22.19 brlcad just because you changed a lot doesn't mean a lot should be changed at once
19:22.26 zero_level that said i mean, the smallest commit /patch size will require
19:22.31 zero_level the following
19:23.56 zero_level all the files with the existing use of icv functions (will require changing 5-6 lines in each file )[7 files in total]
19:23.59 zero_level icv.h
19:24.04 zero_level and fileformat.c
19:24.16 brlcad that's fine
19:24.24 brlcad if that really is the smallest possible chunk
19:25.09 zero_level And ofcourse chaning the current files were tricky.
19:25.14 brlcad the point is just to make sure that you're thinking about it at the smallest possible piece
19:25.37 brlcad like if you have a structure and you can get by changing just one field, then not grouping that field with others
19:25.46 brlcad just an example, it's not always possible
19:25.49 brlcad often is
19:26.14 brlcad if you've done it that way, then your patches should review cleanly/quickly
19:27.13 zero_level brlcad as per our discussion the two modifications we brought (removing the file info and changing data pointer)
19:27.51 zero_level it was required that we change the function definitions.
19:28.06 zero_level and thus it required chaning the exisitng use
19:28.27 brlcad this will make more sense with a concrete example if there's a problem
19:28.31 zero_level for instance previously icv usage was
19:28.48 zero_level icv_save_open(...)
19:29.00 zero_level .. do pixel write ...
19:29.06 zero_level icv_save close
19:29.12 zero_level but now it is
19:29.17 zero_level icv_create_image
19:29.28 zero_level pixel write..
19:29.35 zero_level icV_save_image
19:29.47 brlcad sure
19:30.00 brlcad good example
19:30.28 brlcad so if the two functions MUST be changed simulataneously, then they obviously go together in a patch
19:30.46 brlcad if it's possible to just update icv_save_open() first, then it might make sense for two patches
19:31.00 zero_level yes. I think u got the point
19:31.03 brlcad it might make sense to change the struct field as a patch, then two more patches for the function names
19:31.12 brlcad it all depends
19:31.46 zero_level but the moment i change the structure definition it will give errors because the file field is used
19:32.12 brlcad when I say change the field, that means updating all of the places that field is used too
19:33.09 zero_level but then the input parameters of icv_save_open will have to change thus changing the file where it is used
19:33.18 brlcad i.e., I can change the field and update the callers as one patch, I could change the function names as another, and change function arguments as yet a third
19:33.21 brlcad whether it makes sense to do that depends on the code
19:34.20 brlcad zero_level: it's okay really! :)
19:34.44 brlcad i saids that IF they MUST be changed simulataneously, then sure .. it makes sense to put them together
19:35.06 brlcad all I'm suggesting is to look at the changes from a minimalism perspective
19:35.13 brlcad and perhaps you already have done this
19:35.19 brlcad if you have GREAT! :)
19:35.28 brlcad if you have not, it's something that most people have to learn
19:35.37 zero_level thanks for understanding this.
19:35.49 brlcad I'm hoping YOU are understanding what I'm trying to tell you
19:36.01 brlcad I get what you're saying, and you're being defensive
19:36.02 zero_level Actually i wrote these sometimes around the starting of the last week
19:36.06 brlcad you don't need to be defensive :)
19:36.11 zero_level sure
19:36.25 zero_level and was thinking about the contributing changes.
19:36.46 zero_level But I refrained from submitting it in a patch. Because of the size.
19:37.13 zero_level and then i made all the notes regarding minimum changes i have to make.
19:37.21 zero_level and this included the existing files
19:37.30 zero_level so. Here we are.
19:37.36 brlcad the question to ask yourself is "can I separate any part of it into a separate patch?"
19:37.58 brlcad if you cannot, then it's approaching a perfect succinct commit
19:38.34 brlcad a "minimal" patch can be 10 lines ... and it can be 100000 lines
19:38.48 zero_level thats the beauty of the word ;)
19:38.57 brlcad the point is thinking about what REALLY is minimal
19:39.13 zero_level depends in situations.
19:39.17 brlcad sometimes you can change the way you change the code and get incremental changes
19:39.23 brlcad yes, depending on the situation
19:39.34 brlcad sometimes it'll even be slightly more work
19:39.51 zero_level Earlier I submitted a patch with all the load functionality (pix,bw,png)
19:40.02 brlcad yep, I remember
19:40.05 zero_level but ``Erik advised me to do minimum
19:40.11 zero_level and thus i splited
19:40.16 brlcad clearly breaks into at least three different patches
19:40.21 brlcad maybe more
19:40.53 zero_level one of then is still at 210
19:41.04 zero_level waiting to be reviewed
19:41.53 brlcad nods
19:42.08 brlcad last two weeks have involved extensive release preparations
19:42.38 brlcad why I was pressuring people to get those patches in and reviewed before GSoC, we knew it was going to get busy
19:42.57 brlcad still, I'll be reviewing lots more today and tomorrow so will be getting to whether are next in the queue
19:42.58 zero_level yeah. I saw on the IRC. and ``Erik also told me about his compilation for different OSs
19:43.01 brlcad hopefully all clean :)
19:43.31 zero_level yeah still we have time.
19:44.03 zero_level Actually I did nt account for changing exisitng function in the time line
19:44.25 zero_level but i am done with them now.
19:44.38 zero_level feels relieved
19:56.01 *** join/#brlcad cstirk (
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20:42.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56028 brlcad/trunk/include/common.h: restructure the logic so that we clearly assert expectation that this header will always be included before system headers. this is particularly important on Windows, thus we should not need pragma warnings. conveniently, it's a few lines shorter and reduces a scope too.
20:44.31 brlcad zero_level: thanks for updating them
20:47.07 zero_level Although those two patches apply cleanly and compile as well. But I have implemented them with the new icv_structures.
20:47.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 5683 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* 8 July - 14 July */
20:47.43 zero_level and functions properly ;)
20:50.37 zero_level Also now 209, 210 are the only ones.
20:56.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 5684 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* From July 8th to July 13th */
21:23.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:KeshaSShah * 5685 /wiki/User:KeshaSShah/GSoC13/Reports: /* Week 4 */
21:24.24 DarkCalf waves to brlcad
22:39.42 ``Erik zero_level, brlcad: I am finishing up packing for vacation, I will be out of touch for about a week
23:19.53 *** join/#brlcad cstirk (
23:25.30 brlcad ``Erik: safe travels

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