IRC log for #brlcad on 20130726

01:04.09 *** join/#brlcad FLOSSrookie (
02:47.31 brlcad heh, just a little bias there
03:32.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56229 (brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/helplib.tcl brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Drawable.tcl and 3 others): more .pl to .plot3 conversion
03:57.43 FLOSSrookie I just installed brl-cad from source using cmake. Umm...What do I type in at the terminal to start it?
03:59.40 FLOSSrookie Never mind.
03:59.57 FLOSSrookie I needed to add it to the path. Forgot.
04:05.04 *** part/#brlcad FLOSSrookie (
04:47.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56230 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob fixed/changed archer to now respect and propagate the LIBRT_BOT_MINTIE environment variable. previously, the existing archer preference for that variable would override if a .archerrc file even got saved and users would still have to set the environment variable for sub-process rt/rtedge invocations. now the preference will pass down to sub-processes and it respects
04:47.41 Notify the env var if it's set.
04:50.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56231 brlcad/trunk/NEWS: erik upgraded libpng to 1.6.3 from 1.6.2 (from 1.5.12). the subsequent upgrade makes the prior 1.6.2 work no longer user-visible.
04:52.00 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
07:53.47 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
09:28.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Level zero * 5831 /wiki/User:Level_zero/GSOC13/logs: /* Week 6 */
09:37.46 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (~Ch3ck@
09:52.50 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
11:30.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 5832 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* 22 July - 28 July */
11:37.38 brlcad Ch3ck: you really need to stop yourself every time you send an e-mail
11:42.30 Ch3ck I don't understand.
11:43.38 brlcad Ch3ck: there are still problems with your e-mails ... :)
11:44.07 brlcad your very last e-mail, you 1) top-posted and 2) included the entire message in reply
11:44.30 brlcad and this is AFTER we've just talked about this exact point several times now
11:45.08 brlcad Do you understand now?
11:47.20 Ch3ck yes i get But i usually try to delete the previous message before writing the reply
11:47.21 Ch3ck But i see some ...(3 dots) below i don't know if thats the previous message
11:47.21 Ch3ck i need to delete..
11:48.09 brlcad Ch3ck: what is your e-mail program?
11:48.24 Ch3ck i reply straight from gmail.
11:48.40 brlcad dear lord then why does every e-mail have a problem? :)
11:48.49 brlcad gmail is built to do this right
11:49.28 brlcad "Respond inline: If you want to see the previous message within your reply, scroll down until you see the "Show trimmed content" icon and click it.
11:49.33 brlcad THAT
11:49.42 brlcad is from here:
11:49.47 Ch3ck ok
11:49.49 Ch3ck i see ..
11:49.51 brlcad basically, you should always click that ...
11:50.02 Ch3ck ok
11:50.07 *** join/#brlcad Izak_ (~Izak@
11:50.09 brlcad and then insert your replies, and delete the portions not relevant
11:50.15 Ch3ck was never clicking it just used to reply directly.
11:50.16 Ch3ck ok
11:50.16 brlcad no need to copy-paste anything
11:50.36 Ch3ck ok
11:50.53 brlcad send me a test message
11:51.04 brlcad I e-mailed you in private yesterday
11:51.20 brlcad e-mail me back and respond to two separate sentences, delete the rest
11:51.46 Ch3ck ok
11:52.20 brlcad Ch3ck: and again, really truly impressive work with the libbn change validation
11:52.22 brlcad nice work
11:52.32 brlcad what made you think to rewrite those functions?
11:52.54 Ch3ck well just looked at them and thought code was just so complex
11:53.07 Ch3ck since I need them for the pull
11:53.25 Ch3ck guessed i should make them better and integrate into the pull
11:53.35 brlcad the reason for that is probably just because they were written once long ago and not much uses them
11:53.56 brlcad most of libbn is decently optimized if it's at all used
11:54.10 brlcad but yeah, that was definitely a cool improvement
11:54.27 brlcad would make sense to audit and see where it can be put to use more
11:54.51 Ch3ck yeah
11:55.08 Ch3ck currently working on debugging the -x option for the new push routine
11:55.22 Ch3ck then later continue with cleaning up the xpush from the src
11:55.34 Ch3ck before getting back to finishing the pull routine..
11:55.46 Ch3ck then as you said i'll take a good look into libbn
11:55.54 Ch3ck and see how much improvements i can make.
11:56.09 Ch3ck since code base is pretty old actually
11:56.17 brlcad we'll see
11:56.43 brlcad heh, and 'old' means what?
11:57.14 Ch3ck just a way of saying some improvements need to be made thats all
11:57.21 Ch3ck :)
11:57.40 brlcad age of code never implies that
11:57.45 brlcad I gave a talk on that just last week
11:57.56 brlcad code can ALWAYS be improved
11:58.02 Ch3ck yeah.
11:58.04 brlcad and different times merely focus on different issues
11:58.34 brlcad I could easily see those functions having a VERY different performance profile 20 years ago
11:58.41 Ch3ck well i'll take a look into libbn and try optimising most math routines the best I can
11:58.44 brlcad your division operations used to be taboo, for example
11:58.58 brlcad they would have killed the performance
11:59.00 Ch3ck :) really
11:59.48 brlcad what libbn is lacking most is not performance, but validation
11:59.55 brlcad a methodical review
12:00.23 brlcad to go over each function and ask, "Is this one right?" and then proving it with a unit test
12:00.43 brlcad if it can be opitimized during the process, even better
12:00.58 Ch3ck ok
12:02.10 brlcad Ch3ck: another consideration is platform variability
12:02.16 starseek1r brlcad: could that "loop over random matricies" test be worked into a standard template for unit testing libbn?
12:02.23 brlcad for example, here are the results from your program on my system:
12:02.31 brlcad My implementation:
12:02.32 brlcad <PROTECTED>
12:02.32 brlcad <PROTECTED>
12:02.32 brlcad libbn implementation:
12:02.32 brlcad <PROTECTED>
12:02.35 brlcad <PROTECTED>
12:03.07 Ch3ck ok
12:03.07 brlcad that was for determinant, this is for inverse:
12:03.09 brlcad My implementation: 560 cycles minimum 560 cycles median
12:03.12 brlcad libbn implementation: 532 cycles minimum 672 cycles median
12:04.00 Ch3ck So this means when doing the checks I'll have to consider the code running on different platforms right>
12:04.01 Ch3ck ?
12:04.09 brlcad starseeker: sure, a header even
12:04.51 brlcad Ch3ck: well just to be very cautious with anything you assume (i.e., don't assume anything)
12:05.03 brlcad ask someone to test it for you
12:05.12 starseeker doubt we want it to run for a minute in the unit test context by default, but we could probably make that a parameter to be passed in...
12:05.23 brlcad someone not using the same compiler or operating system or (best) hardward
12:05.37 Ch3ck yeah thats true..
12:06.01 Ch3ck i'll ask some friends to test on their hardware too..
12:06.02 brlcad starseeker: heh, true .. though what ran for him in a minute ran for me in less than a second
12:06.54 starseeker <snort> well, we could aways use the new timer - exercise that at the same time we're testing libbn...
12:06.57 brlcad plus the random number generation is included in the wallclock timing, needs to get pulled out
12:07.33 Ch3ck well what machine specifications should i check for when i'll want to start the tests..
12:07.51 Ch3ck any way i'll be ready for that. I'll let you know.
12:08.25 brlcad Ch3ck: the machine you're sitting at is always a good one to start with
12:08.32 Ch3ck ok
12:09.50 Ch3ck I've seen the mistake i was making on Gmail
12:10.12 Ch3ck discovered the small little icon at the bottom where i can edit and reply as needed
12:10.14 Ch3ck thanks
12:11.13 brlcad excellent
12:11.21 brlcad did you send me that test?
12:11.55 Ch3ck sending..
12:12.17 Ch3ck but I had uploaded them and sent to you yesterday. i think
12:14.21 Ch3ck should see it now..
12:16.16 starseeker Ch3ck: if you want to integrate libbn tests into our overall testing harness, take a look a how the tests in libbu/tests and libbn/tests are set up - the code you have written to test your matrix functions should be fairly easily adaptable to that framework and could become part of the "standard" unit tests for libbn
12:18.22 starseeker robustness testing of libbn functions is of broad benefit to all of BRL-CAD, so if you want to do more work along those lines I'd be all for it
12:19.30 Ch3ck ok
12:19.38 brlcad hmmm...
12:20.00 starseeker for example, you said your matrix code succeeded in some cases where the existing libbn functions did not - those would be excellent candidates for specific tests in libbn unit test definitions for those functions
12:20.01 brlcad Ch3ck: i've reworked your cycle timing since I had my doubts about it...
12:20.10 brlcad and now I'm getting very different numbers
12:20.15 Ch3ck ok better
12:20.16 brlcad at least for determinant
12:20.26 brlcad it's calculating much slower
12:20.37 Ch3ck yeah there was really no big change in the determinant tests compared to the
12:20.41 Ch3ck inverse routine
12:20.49 Ch3ck so it should not be that surprising.
12:21.05 brlcad it's surprising that it's slower ;)
12:21.38 brlcad your test loop was completely nearly instantly for me, just a few ms, and this is on a very old laptop
12:21.43 Ch3ck yeah i'm surprised that its slower..
12:21.47 starseeker didn't you say for one of those functions you were doing a fully general approach where the libbn function was doing something else?
12:22.01 starseeker reads emails...
12:22.24 brlcad when I increase the numbers and remove the calculation portions that weren't relevant, it really changes the profile
12:23.05 Ch3ck startseeker: I don't think so.
12:23.52 Ch3ck brlcad: so what results does it give now..
12:23.52 starseeker ah, I'm thinking about the inverse: "mine does a full 4x4 matrix inverse, and the old libbn one something else"
12:24.01 Ch3ck is it slower of faster.
12:29.47 brlcad Ch3ck: give me a couple minutes to confirm
12:33.13 brlcad need to test in a couple more places as well
12:47.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56232 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: Use a struct to represent the overlap segments. Split the curves with the intersection points (with other curves), so that we can get closed regions.
12:55.53 *** join/#brlcad mpictor_ (~mpictor_@2600:1015:b112:5514:0:46:bb5:201)
13:13.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 5833 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* From July 22th to July 27th */
13:21.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56233 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: right might be NULL, causing sub_curve() to crash. Fix this by returning NULL.
13:29.50 ``Erik *readreadread* yeah, div used to be ~20x as slow as mult in the way-long-ago (80486dx/80586)
13:31.11 ``Erik there's a decent (and very fast) random number generator in libbn, a mersenne twister ripped from old adrt
13:32.50 ``Erik *readreadread* for performance testing, one thing I've done in the past is set an alarm and have each call of a function increment a counter... downside is that the slower machines get way less accurate
14:00.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 56234 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Fix Qt compilation enablement logic - the only time to override the user setting is when we can't do what they asked due to system limitations.
14:24.14 ``Erik starseeker: is 56234 going to address the dm-qt issue I saw on my ubuntu box, and do I need to blow away my cache?
14:36.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD:erikgreenwald * 56235 (brlcad/trunk/include/db5.h brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h and 3 others): Apply patch 207 from Izak
14:38.19 ``Erik they seem to be getting their shit together
14:38.48 ``Erik (about time, we're up on the midpoint)
14:57.11 brlcad Ch3ck: where's that test e-mail?
14:57.23 brlcad or maybe you misunderstood me again
14:57.51 brlcad I see you sent me the bn test, but we were not discussing that -- we were discussing your ability to reply to an e-mail and comment on sections
14:58.37 brlcad 07:51 < brlcad> I e-mailed you in private yesterday
14:58.38 brlcad 07:51 < brlcad> e-mail me back and respond to two separate sentences, delete the rest
15:01.00 brlcad I think I have a good grasp on the numbers now, your cpu cycle timer just wasn't very accurate/relevant
15:01.36 brlcad your new determinant is clearly a lot slower, your new inverse is clearly a lot faster :)
15:16.59 brlcad if anyone else would like to test how your system evaluates, I've uploaded an updated tarball to
15:17.26 brlcad you'll have to update the paths in the Makefile so it finds our headers and libs
15:25.39 brlcad zero_level: congratulations
15:25.48 brlcad and thanks :)
15:27.24 zero_level brlcad :you are welcome! But I am not sure what is this about ?
15:36.50 brlcad zero_level: see your e-mail
16:16.14 zero_level brlcad: :-)
16:17.53 brlcad zero_level: so go ahead and make a test commit now just to get that over with, make sure you're set up correctly
16:21.33 zero_level brlcad : I am doing a fresh checkout.
16:21.46 brlcad didn't need to :)
16:21.50 zero_level ok
16:22.38 zero_level i did svn status and apparently there are lots of file which are deleted so it shows '?' in front of lot of files
16:22.56 brlcad ? means it doesn't know what those files are
16:23.10 brlcad files you created directly or indirectly
16:23.36 zero_level yes.! all the files which are not under svn
16:24.36 brlcad ? files are ignored and will continue to be ignored until you tell svn otherwise
16:24.50 zero_level alright!
16:24.51 brlcad they're not deleted
16:25.09 brlcad if you want to delete them, you can easily with: svn status | xargs rm
16:25.26 brlcad of course, assumes you ONLY have ? files
16:25.38 brlcad otherwise that'll delete any modified or added as well
16:26.00 brlcad if you want to be more safe: svn status | grep '^?' | xargs rm
16:28.22 zero_level alright I just ran a script to delete all them
16:28.25 zero_level did svn up
16:31.13 *** join/#brlcad mpictor_ (~mpictor_@2600:1015:b112:5514:0:46:bb5:201)
16:33.18 zero_level brlcad : I am making the following first commit
16:33.19 zero_level - * Functions provided by the LIBICV image conversion library.
16:33.19 zero_level + * Functions provided by the LIBICV image processing library.
16:33.29 zero_level just wanted to be 100% sure
16:35.22 starseeker ``Erik: with any luck that'll avoid building the dm-qt code unless you specifically turn it on - I don't think you'll need to remove your cache
16:38.35 Ch3ck brlcad: just came back from a break. I understand what you said now..
16:43.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD:mohitdaga * 56236 brlcad/trunk/include/icv.h: Changing the scope of libicv to be a image processing library. This increases the purview of libicv to contain the image processing APIs.
16:44.39 ``Erik zero_level: commit and we will yell at you later :D
16:45.06 ``Erik the upside of a decent vcs is we can 'undo' any damage
16:45.07 zero_level zero_level : :D
16:45.40 zero_level i think in the absence of notify, email is the right place ;)
16:45.45 zero_level did it!
16:46.08 zero_level ready for your yellings now ;)
16:47.08 ``Erik absense of notify? eh?
16:47.40 zero_level ops ! didnt notice the notify !
16:48.01 zero_level r56236 it is!
16:51.28 ``Erik grats! and work on, just be prepared when you get chewed out a bit for a bad commit and understand that it's not a personal attack, we're merely trying to do the best for the project :)
16:54.04 zero_level alright! Thanks :-)
16:54.46 zero_level assures everyone.
16:55.33 zero_level Also If I will not be certain about a commit I will talk to you here or on the list.
17:02.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 5834 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* 22 July - 28 July */
17:04.27 brlcad zero_level: so this raises the bar significantly
17:04.46 brlcad we'll expect to see LOTS of small frequent commits
17:05.07 brlcad throughout the day, basically about as often as you save the file and it compiles cleanly, you should probably be committing
17:05.29 ``Erik welcome to the next level :D
17:06.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 5835 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* From July 22th to July 27th */
17:07.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 5836 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* From July 22th to July 27th */
17:12.45 zero_level brlcad, ``Erik I am thinking to work on using this weekend to commiting the already written codes.
17:28.17 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
18:09.55 brlcad zero_level: why not now? :)
18:10.03 brlcad kesha: what are you up to?
18:11.35 zero_level Iam counting (today) friday in it.
18:12.17 Ch3ck brlcad: will check the code.
18:12.19 zero_level just working on putting every thing right for the new code i have written.
18:12.44 zero_level I mean the first commit regarding the new icv_struct.
18:32.45 zero_level starseeker : I want to discuss about r50507 in rt/src/viewedge.c
18:34.02 zero_level You seem to have removed icv_save_save_open from viewedge.c
18:34.50 zero_level The primrary reason being "It was called in do.c, thus creating a failure"
18:35.32 zero_level Do we also remove icv_image_save_close(bif) at L849in viewedge.c
18:36.08 zero_level correction// rt/src/viewedge.c // src/rt/viewedge.c
18:44.17 Ch3ck brlcad: Fixed the bug hanging in the new push routine
18:45.06 Ch3ck but given the given state of the routine it can push only an object at a time but the previous push could push many objects at a time so should and wait till I add this option or I should upload the current patch?
18:50.41 brlcad Ch3ck: you should ALWAYS upload a new patch, hasn't this been stated many times already?
18:51.07 Ch3ck ok just wanted to make sure i'm doing the right thing. :)
18:51.22 brlcad you say the status of the patch in your comment, and do your best to make sure it works as best as you can right NOW
18:53.31 Ch3ck thanks.
18:53.35 Ch3ck will do.
19:12.37 *** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~vladbogo@
19:23.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 5837 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* 22 July - 28 July */
19:25.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 0 /wiki/File:Testing_new_push_routine.png: This shows tests of new push command with -x support
19:27.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 5839 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* 22 July - 28 July */
20:02.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 0 /wiki/File:Tkqt.png:
20:03.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 5841 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs: /* Week 6 */
20:07.14 brlcad kesha: and that we can discuss here
20:07.16 brlcad to obtain commit access with brl-cad, you have to make brl-cad patches
20:08.03 brlcad remember to always default to open, unless it's a private matter
20:08.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 0 /wiki/File:Tkqt1.png:
20:08.31 brlcad refactoring is one of the best ways to learn, but you have to really put in effort to understand each of the issues you're working on and why
20:09.06 brlcad like your question a few weeks ago about why a program wasn't working right, printing a char[] buffer that you only wrote one byte into
20:09.20 brlcad but printing lots of characters
20:09.28 brlcad kesha: did you ever understand that issue?
20:10.46 kesha ya. Later I realized that it was passing the pointer to starting of character array and not just asking for char[0] as I interpreted at that time
20:11.40 brlcad and why did it print so much?
20:13.11 kesha the buffer got flushed when it encountered end of function/return 0;
20:15.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 5843 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs: /* Week 6 */
20:15.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 5844 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs:
20:15.51 kesha whenever specified field width, it will take input till that field. and consider that string as a pointer to that string
20:16.39 kesha Anyways, I get your point of digging up the issue thoroughly
20:17.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 5845 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs:
20:26.03 brlcad no
20:27.28 brlcad the buffer did not get flushed then, buffering of I/O is independent of most function calls
20:27.54 brlcad the question actually has nothing to do with buffering
20:28.09 brlcad you told it to print something, and it did
20:28.16 brlcad why did it print what it printed?
20:28.34 brlcad perhaps first off, what exactly did it print and what did you expect it to print?
20:35.01 kesha I had tried about 20-25 different codes and I don't remember which exactly are you talking about? ?
20:36.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 56237 brlcad/trunk/TODO: remove 2 man pages done
20:37.08 brlcad yep, that one has the issue regardless
20:37.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 56238 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add.c: improve basic usage statement
20:37.56 brlcad kesha: so that printf probably prints more than "kesh" I'm better, at least if it's not an unoptimized compile
20:38.11 brlcad s/better/betting/
20:38.43 kesha I think it was this one
20:40.34 brlcad sure, related problem albeit subtle difference
20:41.22 brlcad so what's the problem there?
20:43.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56239 (brlcad/trunk/NEWS brlcad/trunk/TODO): cliff added a -w 'wrapping' option to the comb command in r56221 that will create a child comb under the top level comb and move all contents of the toplevel comb into that sub-comb. the feature pertains to dave's old wrapper script and is in response to numerous user requests. needs to be documented still.
20:45.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56240 brlcad/trunk/TODO: tcl scripts generate via cmake now and src/other should be vanilla
20:46.53 kesha The sscanf line says accept three characters ("%3s") from the input pointer passed as first argument instring, skip in between chars and next integer in c.
20:48.28 brlcad so if you ran that program under a different environment, it would potentially crash
20:49.00 kesha ya ..on windows gcc compiler I got "t:)" in place of "thi"
20:49.03 brlcad but yes, that is basically what sscanf says
20:49.13 kesha I tried on windows
20:49.16 brlcad so still, what's the problem?
20:49.31 brlcad i'm gathering you didn't figure it out? :)
20:49.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 56241 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add.c: ws cleanup
20:49.52 brlcad understanding this is necessary for knowing the proper fix
20:50.47 brlcad it's a common C mistake, btw
20:51.33 brlcad I can tell you that the error in your understanding is actually spelled out on line 12
20:57.22 zero_level brlcad : I want to ask a naive question. Do we have any script that removes trailing white space ? ;)
20:59.27 brlcad kesha: don't fester in confusion .. if you don't know, you can say that after thinking about it and searching for a little bit
20:59.41 brlcad I've pointed you to a line, did that help?
20:59.49 brlcad zero_level: yes, sh/
20:59.59 brlcad or get a better editor :)
21:00.28 brlcad emacs and vim can both be configured VERY EASILY to display trailing whitespace in bright red
21:00.47 brlcad it's worth doing to know where you're dropping turds
21:01.10 brlcad if only to not waste other people's time, but it's just a disorderly waste regardless
21:01.26 kesha Cant get it.
21:03.34 brlcad "scanfBuf is a string with length 1"
21:03.45 brlcad that is not correct, why might that be?
21:04.19 kesha I tried with printf("%d",sizeof(scanBuf)); and it showd 1
21:05.23 brlcad and that is correct
21:05.42 brlcad so then what's wrong
21:05.58 brlcad what remains in that statement?
21:06.43 kesha "still when ssacnf() has %3s as argument, it accepts and shows "thi" from the instring as output. "
21:07.10 brlcad don't get distracted, stick with "scanfBuf is a string with length 1"
21:07.40 brlcad you confirmed that scanBuf is length 1 (byte) with sizeof()
21:07.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD:vladbogo * 56242 brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-qt.cpp: Sanity checks, ws, log calls
21:07.44 brlcad so what remains wrong?
21:08.15 kesha string ?
21:08.27 brlcad yes
21:08.50 kesha string pointer ?
21:08.56 brlcad nope
21:10.16 brlcad it's not "a string"
21:10.28 brlcad what is a C string?
21:10.57 brlcad careful googling for that ;)
21:12.22 brlcad
21:13.53 *** join/#brlcad kesha__ (31f8f459@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:14.01 brlcad gah
21:14.47 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
21:15.11 brlcad kesha: what was the last thing you saw?
21:15.37 kesha nope
21:15.45 brlcad 17:10 < brlcad> it's not "a string"
21:15.45 brlcad 17:10 < brlcad> what is a C string?
21:16.03 brlcad and you can read web pages later .. now is time for discussion
21:16.45 kesha string - char *c
21:16.57 brlcad that is a character pointer
21:17.10 kesha and then str(c)
21:17.11 brlcad later you should read this:
21:17.26 brlcad notably this statement: The only support for strings in the C programming language itself is that the compiler will translate a quoted string constant into a null-terminated string, which is stored in static memory.
21:17.46 brlcad this is at the heart of the misunderstanding:
21:18.00 brlcad C strings are merely null-terminated string by convention
21:18.19 brlcad your scanBuf is an array of characters
21:18.46 brlcad if it's size is 1, it only has enough room to store a nul byte
21:19.08 brlcad i.e., it can only ever store "" to be considered a string
21:19.51 brlcad hello?
21:19.58 kesha ya. so how come printf("%s",scanBuf);
21:20.02 kesha gave "this"
21:20.25 kesha s/thi/this
21:20.31 brlcad well first off, you gave it scanBuf and you told printf that scanBuf is a string
21:20.46 kesha hmm
21:20.49 brlcad what does %s tell printf to do in terms of bytes?
21:21.24 kesha store all bytes till null char is encountered
21:21.35 brlcad right
21:21.59 brlcad rather, "PRINT all bytes till null char is encountered", right?
21:22.11 kesha right
21:22.47 brlcad so it reads the first byte, which was not a nul
21:22.59 brlcad so it keeps reading bytes that follow
21:23.18 kesha hmm, then ?
21:23.20 brlcad scanBuf is how big?
21:23.34 kesha 1
21:23.55 brlcad so what happens when printf reads the second byte, since the first was not nul?
21:24.28 kesha it will look for next
21:24.36 brlcad buf scanBuf doesn't have a next
21:25.10 brlcad what did it read?
21:25.27 kesha 'h'
21:25.36 brlcad not the value
21:26.03 kesha the second byte of instring
21:26.05 brlcad what memory did it read if scanBuf was only 1 byte long
21:26.30 brlcad you don't know that
21:26.35 kesha addof(scanBuf+1)
21:26.41 brlcad better
21:27.02 brlcad yes, it just read whatever byte happens to be after scanBuf's memory
21:27.44 kesha I was wondering how did it then stop after 3rd
21:27.44 brlcad all you know is that it's NOT scanBuf
21:27.51 brlcad it's random memory, it could be literally anything
21:27.59 brlcad well, when does %s stop?
21:28.21 kesha finds NULL
21:28.32 brlcad right (sort of)
21:28.39 brlcad so it found a nul character
21:29.13 kesha but there is still 's' at scanBuf+4 then a NULL
21:29.32 brlcad in your case, it just happened to be the case that the next four bytes were 'h', 'i', 's', and '\0' (nul)
21:29.51 brlcad or 'h', 'i', '\0' actually
21:30.16 brlcad so it got the 't' from scanbuf, then two more bytes, then finally encountered a 0
21:30.19 kesha hmm..yes..
21:30.27 brlcad note that it's not "NULL" .. that means something else
21:30.42 brlcad it's a nul character ... a '\0' byte
21:31.39 kesha ya .. I know it.
21:32.10 brlcad do you really?
21:32.21 brlcad shall I query you on what NULL means too? :)
21:33.01 kesha '\0'=NULL but was it beacuse of %3s that " 'h', 'i', '\0"
21:33.51 brlcad you just said you know it .. so then stop saying '\0' is NULL! ... it's not
21:34.32 zero_level NULL = 0
21:34.38 brlcad '\0' is a nul character, there's a difference and it's sometimes important
21:34.49 brlcad NULL is not necessarily 0
21:34.50 kesha NULL byte
21:35.29 brlcad nul byte
21:35.33 brlcad nul != NULL
21:36.08 zero_level brlcad : I applied the new icv_struct and changing the functions for commiting
21:36.09 kesha I was confused here nul == NULL !
21:36.37 brlcad uhm..
21:36.38 zero_level It turns out to be whooping 900 lines in a patch.
21:36.45 brlcad 17:30 < brlcad> note that it's not "NULL" .. that means something else
21:36.46 brlcad 17:31 < kesha> ya .. I know it.
21:36.57 brlcad kesha: then what was that? :)
21:37.00 zero_level Although I can remove 100 lines or so.
21:37.22 zero_level but this is really a large one :-)
21:37.32 zero_level And dont see a alternative
21:37.50 kesha :P
21:37.51 brlcad zero_level: okay, just dont' break anything ;)
21:38.00 zero_level alright
21:38.15 brlcad you should make them as small as possible, even if it means more work for you to do changes incrementally
21:38.23 brlcad but that's not always possible
21:38.28 brlcad it's far easier to review commits either way
21:38.30 zero_level I am not sure about one thing.
21:38.40 zero_level Which requires help of starseeker
21:38.49 brlcad kesha: it's a fair question -- I can't help you if you tell me you understand when you don't :)
21:38.53 zero_level but using my intution there
21:39.09 brlcad fortunately you immediately contradicted your understanding ;)
21:39.21 brlcad kesha: read this quick: 17:31 < kesha> ya .. I know it.
21:39.23 brlcad oops
21:39.27 brlcad this:
21:40.29 brlcad kesha: SO ...
21:40.43 brlcad 17:33 < kesha> '\0'=NULL but was it beacuse of %3s that " 'h', 'i', '\0" <-- YES
21:41.08 kesha yes, had it clear now .
21:41.09 brlcad you overwrote the scanBuf buffer there, and wrote to memory that was not part of scanBuf
21:41.10 kesha :)
21:41.15 brlcad classic buffer overflow
21:41.33 brlcad once you went 1 byte over, a program might crash, might not
21:41.37 brlcad the memory can be anything
21:42.00 kesha hmmm
21:42.41 brlcad when you pass a buffer or a pointer to any function that expects a "C string", it's assuming you've properly nul terminated the string and has no way of knowing the length (without you telling it)
21:42.59 brlcad even functions like strlen() are just going to read until they find a '\0'
21:43.29 brlcad think about it some, read those two wikipedia pages
21:43.37 brlcad ask questions if you have them
21:43.46 brlcad this is an important concept to understand very clearly
21:43.58 kesha okay. I will read up webpages.
21:43.59 brlcad it's a fundamental tenant of C
21:44.31 brlcad probably can find some "C string tutorials" that might help too, write a couple test main() programs until you're confident you understand it
21:45.47 kesha if I get some problems, will come again to eat up your head. ;)
21:55.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 5846 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs:
22:15.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:mohitdaga * 56243 (brlcad/trunk/include/icv.h brlcad/trunk/src/libged/screengrab.c and 9 others): Changes the icv library to accomodate double type data. Also changes the existing use of icv in the rt, rmrt, libged
22:28.02 starseeker zero_level: hmm?
22:31.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD:mohitdaga * 56244 brlcad/trunk/include/icv.h: Added DOXYGEN comments to the tweaked functions
22:32.00 zero_level starseeker can u quickly see src/rt/viewedge.c now
22:33.04 starseeker what about it?
22:33.35 zero_level 14:32 < zero_level> starseeker : I want to discuss about r50507 in rt/src/viewedge.c
22:33.38 zero_level 14:34 < zero_level> You seem to have removed icv_save_save_open from viewedge.c
22:33.40 zero_level 14:34 < zero_level> The primrary reason being "It was called in do.c, thus creating a failure"
22:33.43 zero_level 14:35 < zero_level> Do we also remove icv_image_save_close(bif) at L849in viewedge.c
22:33.46 zero_level 14:36 < zero_level> correction// rt/src/viewedge.c // src/rt/viewedge.c
22:33.58 zero_level I have removed icv_save_image_close
22:34.10 zero_level from viewedge.c
22:34.48 zero_level because as per your comment in r50507 u mentioned that opening is handled by do.c
22:34.49 starseeker If I recall correctly, I removed the open call from viewedge.c because it was also being invoked in do.c
22:35.04 zero_level yeah! exactly.
22:35.07 starseeker I don't know that do.c also handles closing
22:35.11 starseeker did you look?
22:35.16 zero_level yes
22:35.19 zero_level it does
22:35.38 zero_level check L923 in do.c
22:36.44 starseeker so you're wondering if we still need the close call in viewedge.c? Or is that call causing a problem?
22:37.13 starseeker ``Erik: do you remember the details of the icv stuf in the rt tools?
22:37.23 zero_level I am nt sure how to test viewedge.c
22:37.28 starseeker rtedge
22:37.32 zero_level Moroever
22:37.34 starseeker that's the command that uses it
22:37.53 zero_level As per the new api of icv we do it the following way
22:37.58 zero_level icv_create(..)
22:38.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 56245 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: ON_zaxis is obsolete
22:38.24 starseeker zero_level: check out the man page for rtedge - that should tell you how to write out to an image
22:38.45 starseeker brlman rtedge
22:38.54 zero_level do // write line, write pixel//
22:39.00 zero_level and icv_save
22:39.43 starseeker zero_level: I'm not intimately familiar with the details of how icv is used in the rt tools - your best bet is to test
22:40.17 zero_level yes
22:40.44 zero_level just working at finding the man details
22:41.09 starseeker zero_level: there's a command
22:41.11 starseeker brlman
22:41.30 zero_level found that
22:41.39 starseeker so you can see the man page?
22:42.50 zero_level oops Neither man page viewer nor Tk graphics available - man page viewing is not supported.
22:42.53 zero_level Neither man page viewer nor Tk graphics available - man page viewing is not supported.
22:42.59 zero_level Neither man page viewer nor Tk graphics available - man page viewing is not supported.
22:43.09 zero_level sry for repited copying.
22:43.11 starseeker blinks - what platform are you on?
22:43.24 zero_level linux
22:43.33 starseeker does the command "man" work?
22:43.34 zero_level flavour=ubuntu
22:43.46 zero_level yes
22:44.40 starseeker um
22:44.57 starseeker the brlman script should work then
22:44.59 zero_level downloading tk
22:45.26 zero_level rather installing it through synaptic
22:45.40 starseeker the message you got is what happens when tcl can't run either "man" or "bwish"
22:47.26 starseeker if you're just installing Tk, you'll have to re-compile BRL-CAD with Tk enabled
22:47.56 zero_level yeah i am doing that. can u pm me the man of rtedge. In the meanwhile i will try to test this
22:51.20 starseeker notes with some surprise that we don't seem to have an online version of our man pages in html...
22:52.37 starseeker
22:52.45 starseeker use that until you get your compile going
22:54.22 zero_level starseeker I have never used rt. I now it doews raytracing but can u help me write a basic command ?
22:54.40 starseeker zero_level: are you familiar with how to read man pages?
22:54.53 zero_level alright, on to this ;)
22:55.09 starseeker the synopsis gives you a basic idea of how to run the command
22:55.48 zero_level i am wondering from where can i get a .g file
22:55.55 starseeker in the case of rt (or rtedge) you'll need a .g file, the name of the object within that file you want to raytrace, and any options you want to provide (in you case, how to output an image)
22:56.13 starseeker the BRL-CAD compilation creates several
22:56.50 starseeker they are placed in the directory "share/db" in your build directory
22:57.41 zero_level meanwhile even after installing tk the cofig reports says this
22:57.42 zero_level Compile Tk ............................: OFF
22:58.09 starseeker zero_level: never mind fiddling with that, just pass the option -DENABLE_ALL=ON to cmake
22:58.14 starseeker that will build Tk for you
22:59.50 starseeker brlcad: interesting - I get this line when doing a moss.g raytrace:
22:59.59 starseeker shade_inputs(cone.s) flip N xy=168, 218 ID_TGC surf=1 dot=2.04196e-05
23:00.27 starseeker zero_level: here's a basic rt command to get you started:
23:00.36 starseeker ./bin/rt share/db/moss.g all.g
23:01.16 starseeker the man page will tell you how to write the image to an output file (what you're looking for to test) rather than having the image show up onscreen
23:05.37 zero_level starseeker can u r56243
23:05.42 zero_level ^compile
23:06.09 starseeker zero_level: what error are you seeing?
23:07.03 zero_level I am not sure but it gave a seg fault
23:07.20 starseeker zero_level: compiling the code?
23:07.46 zero_level I ran this rtedge -s 1024 -Fnew.pix havoc.g hav
23:08.02 zero_level one of the examples there
23:09.36 starseeker -Fnew.pix is not correct
23:10.00 zero_level compile r56243
23:10.25 starseeker sorry about that...
23:10.31 starseeker sees the man page is at fault
23:10.47 starseeker try this: rtedge -s 1024 -o new.pix havoc.g havoc
23:12.01 starseeker zero_level: ok, something's wrong
23:12.05 starseeker give me a minute...
23:12.31 zero_level I got an output file new.pix
23:12.40 zero_level 1024x1024 dim
23:15.12 zero_level it looks like an edge of a helicopter.
23:15.17 zero_level did pix-png
23:15.26 starseeker that's correct
23:15.34 starseeker is still seeing a problem here though
23:16.54 starseeker ah, nevermind
23:17.04 starseeker zero_level: ok, so you've got it generating an image
23:17.26 starseeker now, if you change the .pix file extension to a .png, you should be able to have rtedge directly output a .png file
23:17.32 starseeker that will test icv
23:17.39 zero_level alright
23:18.15 zero_level but i have removed png-save for a while
23:18.26 zero_level will be adding in the next revision
23:18.36 starseeker zero_level: if you want to test whether it's reaching the icv close function call if you remove it from viewedge.c, you can use gdb and add a break on that function name
23:18.58 zero_level ok
23:20.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 56246 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/rtedge.xml: Use -o for a file, not -F
23:20.52 zero_level also, since this was able to save new.pix dont u think it has done this in do.c
23:21.10 zero_level because i am running this on r56243
23:21.15 starseeker sure, but your question was whether you needed the extra close statement in viewedge.c
23:21.41 zero_level so doesn't that answers this ?
23:23.02 starseeker no - you need to figure out a) whether the close call in do.c is actually being called (i.e. can you recognize the problem if the close function is *not* called) and b) whether the viewedge.c call is ever needed
23:23.45 starseeker I don't know the answer to either, offhand
23:24.14 starseeker ``Erik might, but either way that sort of exploration and reading of the code is something you need to learn how to do - it's a never-ending part of working with pre-existing code bases
23:24.49 zero_level alright :)
23:25.24 zero_level also what was the problem u saw?
23:30.52 zero_level I just ask so, that i can improve upon.

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