IRC log for #brlcad on 20130823

00:36.44 starseeker phooey - FreeCAD didn't like the shape representation definition - guess I'll have to put both styles of shape definition in
01:39.39 brlcad starseeker: for what it's worth, I've heard numerous commentaries about opencascade's STEP support being pretty terrible
02:15.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57084 brlcad/trunk/src/other/stepcode/include/ordered_attrs.h: Take a stab at exporting the orderedAttrs functions for Windows.
02:21.09 starseeker brlcad: fair enough, but it can load the Rhino export of the same geometry
02:21.25 starseeker so it's clearly worth adding the extra header entries
02:21.44 starseeker it's not hard, just a bit tedioius to hook up ;-)
02:23.08 starseeker it's a bit tricky sorting out what the actually *requried* parts of the STEP files are from the informational entries we probably don't care about
02:23.43 brlcad sure, not saying the course of action you mentioned wasn't worth it
02:23.52 starseeker longer term it might be worth seeing about establishing some attribute conventions for _GLOBAL or something that map to the STEP bits I'm seeing
02:24.20 brlcad just that freecad is unreliable in terms of correctness
02:24.30 starseeker is currently mired in figuring out exactly why his step export doesn't import when Rhino's does
02:24.49 starseeker there are geometry differences in that we are (currently) not splitting closed loops
02:24.56 starseeker er closed curves rather
02:25.25 starseeker but I can't tell whether I'm just not handling them correctly writing them out, or step-g isn't reading them in correctly
02:26.13 starseeker agrees freecad isn't a benchmark of correctness
02:27.07 starseeker they are the most logical open source export target for our geometry though (maybe even the only other realistic one)
02:27.21 starseeker at least, as far as NURBS are concerned
02:28.11 starseeker the OCE guys were intersted in looking at stepcode at one point, so once we've got our stuff polished up it may make them take another look
02:29.02 starseeker takes another run at the bu_semaphore test as long as he's here...
02:32.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57085 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/tests/CMakeLists.txt: Whatever needs to go in the WINMM entry, it's gonna have to be part of the ADDEXEC line...
02:41.22 starseeker blinks
02:41.41 starseeker brlcad: that might have done it - I just got a successful build of tester_bu_semaphore on MSVC
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13:44.57 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || GSoC 2013!
14:32.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 57103 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/hrt/hrt.c: remove trailing blanks/tabs; fix spelling; supply periods in 'e.g.'
14:50.25 brlcad heh
14:52.48 brlcad hickoryknoll: you around? like to get a copy of your various codes and talk about what's next :)
14:53.08 Ch3ck_ sipping a bottle of coke!
15:25.25 zero_level_ hey can anyone help me switch off [-Werror=array-bounds] flags ?
15:28.55 Ch3ck_ brlcad: i've just submitted the patch for stubbing an empty pull into BRL-CAD could you please apply it so I could proceed with generating for pull_comb() subroutine?
15:40.17 zero_level_ Izak__ : I am not sure why this is happening on my pc.
15:40.31 zero_level_ smthing to do with hrt.c
15:42.36 zero_level_ at line 502 and 517
15:45.29 Izak__ Hoping someone helps zero_level: turn off those flags
15:46.56 Izak__ ``Erik: How do rt_xxx_plot() functions work?
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17:20.11 ``Erik Izak_: they generate a list of line segments to approximate the wireframe of the geometry in 3d space, which something like the mged display window uses to draw the geometry using GL_LINES... like for a BoT, it just draws the edges of the triangles, for a sph it draws edges in a latitude/longitude style...
17:21.49 ``Erik quantum computing explained
17:22.00 ``Erik (by the dude who does phdcomic)
17:22.42 ``Erik starseeker:
17:31.48 starseeker ``Erik: heh, that's awesome - thanks!
17:36.04 starseeker "Visual Basic - a car that drives you"
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17:36.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 57104 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/nmg/g-nmg.c: remove unneeded brace pairs, and re-implement -P argument in ***Usage*** statement (why did that revert from my earlier commit?)
17:36.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 6028 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* August 19th to August 24th */
18:05.38 zero_level_ brlcad : Can you please help me regarding the "array-bounds" flag ?
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18:22.40 brlcad Izak_: the answer is NOT to turn off the flags
18:22.56 brlcad they are messages intended for you to fix the problem the compiler identified
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18:29.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 6029 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs: /* Week 10 */
18:40.03 *** join/#brlcad zero_level_ (0e8bf3a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:40.28 ``Erik :o it worked!
18:45.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 57105 brlcad/trunk/src/libicv/bw.c: remove trailing blanks/tabs
18:50.04 *** join/#brlcad Izak (~Izak@
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18:57.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57106 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/g-step/ON_Brep.cpp: Add more top-level shape definition logic. Seeing differences in how these are defined, so need to give a little thought as to what best practices would be...
18:59.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 57107 NIL: create a branch where indianlarry can commit nurbs work in progress without any interference to/from trunk development.
19:00.43 Izak__ brlcad:My compiler shows me no errors. The sextic equation has 6 roots and 7 coefficients, just as the torus' final equation has atmost 4 roots and 5 coefficients. So I don't understand how to fix an error I am not experiencing
19:02.14 brlcad Izak__: newer versions of gcc are better at warning
19:02.47 brlcad if you are to believe the warning, what was it saying was the problem?
19:03.11 brlcad (and you should believe the warning, it's a real issue)
19:03.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57108 brlcad/trunk/doc/html/CMakeLists.txt: Add logo ico file to CMake logic
19:03.54 brlcad ``Erik: suspense is killing
19:04.01 Izak__ It says I provided more elements than an array could carry: BUT I never did that
19:04.45 ``Erik ?
19:04.45 brlcad 14:40 < ``Erik> :o it worked!
19:04.45 ``Erik oh, notify came back with no action on my part
19:04.45 brlcad ah, awesome
19:04.51 brlcad Izak__: but you did
19:05.01 brlcad again, believe the message .. now to understand it
19:05.24 brlcad what exactly was the message and/or line of code
19:05.41 Izak__ I am using gcc 4.4.6.
19:05.54 brlcad yep, that's ancient in gcc terms ;)
19:06.18 brlcad gcc 4.7 and 4.8 started adding and enabling some pretty advanced bug detection infrastructure
19:06.42 ``Erik recent clang is pretty impressive with bug spotting and static analysis, as well
19:06.52 brlcad yeah
19:07.11 brlcad they both have a variant of the research that coverity is built around
19:07.13 Izak__ Mohit says it is line 502 and 517 of hrt.c
19:07.20 ``Erik (fwiw, fbsd is using a fork of gcc 4.2.1 due to license issues, so all this new shiney bug stuff is 'different' there)
19:07.40 brlcad Izak__: what's 502 (and do you have a log to see the exact message?)
19:08.56 Izak__ brlcad: This is what mohit showed me
19:10.11 zero_level_ brlcad : in the meanwhile can you inform me how to switch off the flag.
19:10.37 zero_level_ I searched using grep, add_definitions , dont see any settings ! O.o
19:14.10 Izak__ What's happening ?
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19:21.51 brlcad sago is fuxed today
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19:22.11 Izak__ why?
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19:22.24 brlcad these network problems
19:22.36 brlcad their entire network keeps going down
19:23.03 brlcad somebody is probably attacking them, having some friday fun
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19:23.38 brlcad Izak__: okay, hopefully our discussion doesn't get derailed again but lets start with the first one, hrt.c:502:9
19:24.00 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (
19:24.09 brlcad what is the error?
19:24.12 zero_level_ Izak__ to smothen your discussion .
19:24.15 zero_level_ cf is of dimension 5
19:24.34 zero_level_ fastf_t cf[BN_MAX_POLY_DEGREE+1];
19:24.44 brlcad zero_level_: the point is for him to figure this out, no? :)
19:24.59 zero_level_ where BN_MAX)POLY_DEGREE = 4
19:25.08 zero_level_ brlcad : ok.
19:25.08 brlcad appreciated, but opportunity lost
19:25.16 zero_level_ oops.
19:25.53 brlcad Izak__: so there, see if you understand the problem now
19:26.06 *** part/#brlcad n_reed_ (
19:26.32 zero_level_ brlcad : but by the look of the code i couldnt figure out if we needed that stuff from 502 to 525 in hrt.c
19:28.07 brlcad well one has to know what "that stuff" means to figure that out, yes?
19:28.26 Izak__ zero_level: Are you saying the sextic equation does not have roots or what? I dont follow
19:28.51 brlcad Izak__: if you didn't follow what he just told you, lets continue :)
19:29.02 brlcad he basically gave you the answer to what the problem is
19:29.47 brlcad but if you don't see it, we can walk through the problem to make sure you understand exactly what the compiler is saying
19:30.22 zero_level_ brlcad : sure.
19:30.30 zero_level_ brlcad : let me help Izak_ here.
19:30.43 zero_level_ I will try to guide him step by step.
19:31.07 brlcad zero_level_: go for it, appreciated
19:31.39 zero_level_ Izak__ : since compilers are right. (always). And I face this problem. So there is a problem.
19:31.40 brlcad ~zero_level++
19:32.16 Izak__ listening
19:32.29 zero_level_ Izak__ : If you look at the kde.paste link
19:32.59 zero_level_ there is a error on line 502. at 9th col.
19:33.18 zero_level_ do u see this ?
19:33.38 zero_level_ why do u think that is a problem ?
19:33.41 Izak__ seen it
19:34.19 Izak__ cause 5 > BN_MAX_POLY_DEGREE
19:34.28 zero_level_ no.
19:34.41 zero_level_ do u use grep.
19:34.46 Izak__ yes
19:34.55 zero_level_ what is s ?
19:35.10 zero_level_ replace by s by S.
19:35.22 zero_level_ so what is S ? Which data type it is ?
19:35.54 Izak__ a polynomial
19:36.12 zero_level_ ok. what is ?
19:36.52 Izak__ Array of polynomial coefficients
19:36.54 zero_level_ also find out where is the polynomial data type defined ?
19:36.58 zero_level_ ok.
19:37.06 zero_level_ what is the length of the array ?
19:40.29 Izak__ 5
19:41.39 Izak__ there?
19:42.21 zero_level_ can u see find if any where in the complete src repository we have more than 4 degree of polynomial. ?
19:43.37 Izak__ I think from bn.h the maxmum order of a polynomial is 4 so I don't think we have more than a 4 dgr poly
19:44.04 zero_level_ i did grep -r "dgr = 6"
19:44.18 zero_level_ and only got hrt.c
19:45.00 starseeker yipe - gqa isn't happy (regression tests failing with a stack smash)
19:45.00 zero_level_ was just wondering if there is a way to handle poly. with 5 or more degrees
19:52.10 brlcad so that's the issue Izak__
19:52.14 brlcad there is a compile-time limit on the maximum size of polynomials
19:52.32 brlcad that limit is set with BN_MAX_POLY_DEGREE
19:52.52 brlcad do you see how the compiler message is right?
19:53.00 Izak__ yes
19:53.20 brlcad do you see how just turning off the message would be bad? :)
19:53.37 Izak__ yeah
19:54.02 brlcad you're indexing beyond the compile-time defined size of that cf array
19:54.06 brlcad So...
19:54.11 brlcad how to fix this
19:54.20 brlcad what's the first idea that comes to mind?
19:54.49 Izak__ my compiler has to be upgraded
19:54.58 brlcad heh
19:55.04 brlcad well all that will do is give you the error
19:55.08 brlcad you have the error
19:55.19 brlcad what's the first idea that comes to mind for fixing the error?
19:55.40 Izak__ Making the root_solver accomodate sextic polynomials
19:56.29 brlcad well, yes, you obviously need to accommodate this particular sextic polynomial
19:56.53 brlcad but that implies the current implementation won't handle them, which you do not know
19:57.23 Izak__ Increment BN_MAX_POLY_DEGREE to 6
19:57.41 brlcad that would be the first step
19:57.52 brlcad that will increase the array size and at least make your lines not be errors
19:58.18 brlcad won't mean it'll evaluate correctly or at all, but that definitely has to happen just from a C data structures perspective
19:58.38 brlcad that, however, is a pretty major change...
19:58.39 Izak__ Work on roots.c
19:58.42 brlcad you'll need to test it
19:58.56 brlcad the problem won't be compilation
19:59.17 brlcad you have to make sure that increasing the size to 6 doesn't break any of the 4th order polynomial evaluations
19:59.29 brlcad fortunately, we have unit and regression tests to confirm it
19:59.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57109 (brlcad/trunk/src/other/stepcode/src/express/test/print_attrs.c brlcad/trunk/src/other/stepcode/src/express/test/print_schemas.c): Wrap unistd.h as well.
19:59.49 brlcad start there, set it to 6, compile, then run "make test" and "make benchmark" and make sure both pass without any failures
20:00.08 brlcad make sure they pass without failures BEFORE you set it to 6 too, obviously...
20:00.16 brlcad to make sure it's in a working state before you "compare"
20:00.25 brlcad Izak__: make sense what you need to do?
20:06.08 Izak__ thankful to brlcad: and zero_level
20:07.23 brlcad the next step will be to confirm whether the root solver can actually handle a stable sextic equation
20:07.53 brlcad I suggest editing the unit test
20:08.03 brlcad in src/libbn/tests is a roots tests
20:08.33 brlcad you can add a 6th order test (after confirming that BN_MAX_POLY_DEGREE=6 doesn't break anything)
20:08.38 Izak__ was thinking of that
20:08.49 brlcad something with known input/output values like the real example in
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20:13.53 Izak__ understanding what " that's what made your gsoc proposal interesting in the first place" means
20:24.58 zero_level_ Izak__ , brlcad : in libbn/poly.c i dont see any function which solves sextic polynomial.
20:25.06 zero_level_ looks like we have to implement one.
20:25.18 Ch3ck_ you could get started.
20:25.19 Ch3ck_ ;)
20:25.39 Ch3ck_ since i know it's really complicated writing a root solver of order 6
20:26.36 zero_level_ Ch3ck_ : I understand the complexity.
20:26.48 zero_level_ Just brought in because of the discussion.
20:27.19 zero_level_ Izak__ : Its ok. n
20:27.23 Ch3ck_ well will check on some recent math on resolvingthe problem.
20:36.10 starseeker brlcad: looks like enabling the stack protection flags is giving gqa a fit - that's when the gqa regression test starts failing (r56758)
20:36.15 Ch3ck_ brlcad: starseeker: waiting for the empty pull routine patch to be applied so I could create the one for pulling combinations in the pull
20:39.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 6030 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* 19 August - 25 August */
21:03.24 *** part/#brlcad Ch3ck_ (~Ch3ck@
21:04.41 Ch3ck gotta home get some rest now probably take on Prison Break ;)
21:09.26 brlcad zero_level_: there's no specific support for sextic, but it may or may not matter (for this particular primitive)
21:09.41 brlcad the routine used is in src/librt/roots.c
21:11.07 brlcad Izak_: the test program I was thinking of was actually src/util/roots_example.c
21:11.35 brlcad that's basically a unit test, but it predates the current unit test infrastructure
21:11.52 ``Erik a more generalized root solver would be nice to have in libbn
21:12.04 brlcad if our solver doesn't work for sextic, we'll look at integrating something more generalized (that already exists, like gmp)
21:12.21 brlcad but hopefully not gmp
21:12.27 brlcad it's a pig
21:12.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 0 /wiki/File:Pull_Combination.png: this pulls an unpushed object
21:14.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 0 /wiki/File:Pushed_pulled_object.png: This restores the object to original state after push is applied
21:15.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 6033 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* Coding Log Report for GSoc 2013 */
21:17.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 6034 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* = Test Results */
21:33.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 57110 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c: do not tokenize over spaces
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22:06.46 ``Erik Neil deGrasse Tyson #@neiltyson If you need to invoke your academic pedigree or job title for people to believe what you say, then you need a better argument
22:14.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57111 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c: Fix stack smash where strtok was reading beyond the limits of optarg (Sean found it)

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