IRC log for #brlcad on 20130905

00:42.19 *** join/#brlcad FLOSSrookie (
05:30.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 57439 NIL: Begin a new branch intended to sit as an intermediary between unstable trunk development and STABLE point releases. As a release window nears, trunk will be merged to this new branch, documented, tested, fixed/reverted, stabilized, and finally merged to STABLE when complete. for now, intentionally using just this one branch (not one per release). Here's a pictorial view:trunk
05:30.17 Notify -o-o-o-o-o--o-o--o-o--o-o--o--o--o-o--...\ \ \ \RELEASE \ \ o---o-o-o------o-o---...\ \ / \ \STABLE o---o---o-----------o--------o-...\ \ \ \ \tags o o o o o
05:33.55 brlcad yep, looks just like that
05:36.16 n_reed I can see the plaintext in gmail - I think it's a good diagram, very helpful
05:47.23 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
05:47.56 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
05:59.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 57440 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: Flip the face if necessary.
06:15.37 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 57441 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: It seem that FilpFace() has no effect... Change vnormal directly.
06:36.55 *** join/#brlcad kesha_ (~kesha@
07:10.41 *** join/#brlcad FLOSSrookie (
07:23.11 *** join/#brlcad kesha__ (~kesha@
08:16.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 57442 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: Don't append to intersect[] directly, because the pointers in pts_on_curves[] may be invalid if the capacity of intersect[] is enlarged. And use ON_ClassArray instead of dynamic allocated pointers.
08:35.36 kesha__ Hello brlcad
08:36.02 kesha__ I tried with some more geometry conversions. Still some queries ..
08:37.05 kesha__ Many a times, when I do export, some objects are exported correctly, but it shows a message of segmentation fault(core dumped) and stops (almost 40-50% of those I tried)
08:37.15 kesha__ The material property disappears after conversion. The mater and color related information is lost after conversion.
08:37.38 kesha__ I tried from
08:37.50 kesha__
08:38.46 kesha__ I also installed freecad.
08:39.56 kesha__ Whenever you are free, can you please walk me through 1 or 2 examples of *perfect 3D model importing* ?
09:09.33 *** join/#brlcad FLOSSrookie (
09:50.23 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck_ (~Ch3ck@
11:15.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 6089 /wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2013/Reports: /* Week 12 */
12:21.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 57443 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add_t.cpp: initial implementation of tclap arg parsing
12:54.05 *** join/#brlcad Izak__ (~Izak@
12:55.04 Izak__ brlcad: My research indicates that only numerical analysis methods can find the roots for the sextic equation in rt_hrt_shot
12:58.08 ``Erik sooooo, slap together a quick newtonian solver or regula falsi or something :D
12:59.28 Izak__ Erik: A Newtonian solver? The issue with that is determining the first root in the first place
13:00.41 brlcad Izak__: did you actually try a sextic with our solver? what did it do?
13:01.20 Izak__ I did not do that because bn_sextic... was not implemented yet
13:02.27 Izak__ I consulted 2 mathematicians on the sextic equation and they said we can only approximate the roots. A solution in radicals is inadmissible
13:06.40 brlcad so...for a week you've been reading papers and talking to people
13:07.07 brlcad without doing a quick compile to demonstrate how the existing solver behaves?
13:07.42 brlcad bn doesn't have support for sextic, but that's not the solver
13:08.10 Izak__ I was ill too.
13:08.40 Izak__ I had to go to hospital for my left eye
13:08.49 brlcad I saw that in your log
13:08.57 brlcad that was basically a week ago too :)
13:09.42 Izak__ I dont understand what you mean by a quick compile
13:10.05 ``Erik librt/roots.c has an iterative polynomial root solver that looks like it might do arbitrary order polynomials
13:10.34 brlcad the whole point of increasing the limit in bn.h from 4 to 6 was to try and see what it does
13:10.44 brlcad we talked about this two or even three weeks ago
13:11.02 brlcad first to compile with just the poly limit increased, make sure everything behaves
13:11.19 brlcad then to try a sixth order in our solver
13:11.54 ``Erik wonders if the iterative poly solver should be moved from librt to libbn
13:12.32 brlcad extending src/util/roots_example.c with a sixth order was the next step, not investigating ways to implement a sixth order solver
13:12.38 Izak__ For the compilation with the poly limit increased, I did that
13:13.07 Izak__ later on saw that Mohit at also committed it
13:13.23 brlcad that was just the 10 minute first piece to a long discussion on how to proceed
13:13.42 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, it should but is waiting on another patch and some data types before getting migrated
13:14.05 brlcad the coefficients are in the wrong order, that needs to be fixed (we have a patch)
13:14.39 brlcad Izak__: right, editing 4/6 and compiling was not a big deal -- the point was to run the tests and confirm
13:14.42 brlcad then change the example
13:15.29 Izak__ brlcad: I am sorry if I didnt get your instuctions right the first time but you should understand i was ill at the time
13:16.27 brlcad I get that you were ill, glad that you're better
13:16.35 brlcad but this was more of a communication problem
13:17.54 brlcad this should have been discussed here and on the mailing list on the 22nd/23rd
13:20.29 brlcad Izak__: okay so lets move forward, I'd just ask that you please take a more active invovlement in communicating progress and activity beyond your logs
13:21.10 brlcad especially when activity takes a major turn away from coding, towards having to do research
13:22.58 Izak__ I just couldn't progress with the coding without looking into solving the sextic equation
13:23.11 brlcad I could have told you about the problems solving general sextic equations long before you talked to your math teachers, knew this issue before your proposal was even accepted
13:23.46 Izak__ mathematician Tito tested the sextic in rt_hrt_shot and it coulnt be solved in radicals , that is, precise solutions
13:24.33 Izak__ So he said only numerical algorithms could be used to approximate this.
13:25.08 Izak__ These mathematicians were not prompt to reply me too so that is why it took a while
13:25.14 brlcad and guess what, our solver is a numerical algorithm
13:25.25 Izak__ what
13:25.42 Izak__ roots.c ?
13:26.05 brlcad again, this is why this is frustrating, none of this is new information and is a discussion that should have happened (really months ago)
13:26.32 Izak__ months ago ? brlcad: common
13:27.07 brlcad yes, because this really is at the heart (no pun intended) of implementing your primitive, it's the central piece that is the major unknown
13:27.29 brlcad implementing all of the other callbacks are pointless if shot() cannot be resolved, so in a way, it should have been first
13:27.37 brlcad which means this discussion would have been first
13:27.45 brlcad not a critical issue, though, lots has been learned
13:28.04 brlcad the issue was just once you finally got to the hard part, you disappeared instead of discussing it
13:28.21 brlcad this was well known to be THE defining problem of implementing this particular primitive
13:28.39 Izak__ I was told that as concerns shot I am the expert
13:28.42 brlcad the goal and plan was never to implement a sextic solver even if ours is determined to be inadequate
13:29.38 Izak__ So i had the impression that solving rt_hrt_shot was my responsibility alone
13:30.43 brlcad you're basically saying that your mentors have no business .. mentoring you?
13:31.06 Izak__ No that's not what I am saying
13:31.14 brlcad it's certainly your responsibility to try and implement it as best possible, but that's not in a vacuum
13:31.19 brlcad communication is expected
13:31.39 Izak__ The thing is I asked Erik:and he said I was the expert for rt_hrt_shot
13:32.19 brlcad sure, as far as the code is concerned, nobody knows that code right now better than you
13:32.41 Izak__ even you and Erik ?
13:33.09 ``Erik we haven't written any of it, we didn't design it, we just occasionally glance at it to make sure it's not completely wrong...
13:33.12 brlcad we may understand the bigger picture better, what you're doing and why, how it fits in
13:33.15 brlcad but you wrote it
13:33.30 brlcad still, what's the point?
13:33.42 Izak__ yes i did and I take responsibility for that
13:34.34 brlcad is a dead link, btw
13:34.43 ``Erik I grok that there's a 6th order polynomial to define the trace line of the shape, but I don't know which coefficient causes which changes in the surface (I do know we have code to estimate roots of nth order polynomials and fast code for 3rd and 4th order)
13:36.12 ``Erik for the hrt_shot() bit, you're the expert, but it'll use other bits of code where you're not the expert *shrug* :)
13:36.37 Izak__ Okay i get it.
13:38.17 brlcad Izak__: let me frame this another way -- I don't think you have the time or background to implement a sixth order solver in the time remaining, and I would have told you that a month ago even had I thought you'd try going down that route
13:38.32 brlcad and that's not intended to be offensive
13:38.40 brlcad it's a very hard problem
13:39.04 brlcad that could have been a gsoc proposal all by itself
13:39.57 brlcad that's why it was/is necessary to determine how the existing solver behaves, and if it doesn't work, we need to document that and THEN discuss what to do about it
13:40.11 brlcad make sense?
13:41.21 Izak__ So I need to test if the root solver actulally solves sextics
13:42.35 brlcad not any sextic
13:43.03 brlcad your specific sextic, which is a dramatically different question
13:44.07 Izak__ So should I use the equation in rt_hrt_shot ?
13:44.08 brlcad ours numerical method is based around an assertion that there is at least some surface correllation with stability in the second order derivatives
13:44.19 brlcad your shape predominantly does have stable second order derivatives
13:45.31 brlcad so it'll either blow up dirty fast and give crap, or it'll give 90% good probably screwing up on the top lobes, or 100% adequate
13:45.49 Izak__ So how am i supposed to do that
13:45.55 brlcad assuming you decomposed that massive equation perfectly .. yes ;)
13:46.09 brlcad i'm hard-pressed to believe there's not a typo in there somewhere ;)
13:46.29 brlcad all it takes is one missing '-' and it'll all go to hell
13:48.49 Izak__ brlcad: Are you saying I should re check the coefficients of the equation
13:49.08 brlcad how: edit src/util/roots_example.c, add your polynomial, and query a specific root -- ideally one that you are certain has roots
13:49.25 brlcad if you've not already done that, *absolutely*
13:49.37 brlcad or even express it in two forms
13:50.24 Izak__ like in the torus ?
13:51.21 brlcad mmm, no
13:51.26 brlcad like in rt_tgc_shot()
13:51.54 brlcad see the comment on 741
13:52.39 brlcad like that where it's expressed in unexpanded math terms and in theory is identical, just slower
13:55.00 brlcad don't sweat it if you can't describe it that way, but if you can, that would be a great validation that there's not a simple typo
13:56.26 brlcad so you then test the solver via roots_example.c just to see what it does, then let shot() get called and see what image results, how many "failed to converge" messages are given, or what else happened
13:56.32 brlcad s/happened/happens/
13:57.42 Izak__ ok
13:58.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57444 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/g-step/ON_Brep.cpp: Get NURBS form of rev surface for export.
13:58.42 brlcad know that it "probably" won't work, but we got to at least see what it does
13:59.00 brlcad there's >1% chance that it'll just work too ;)
14:20.21 *** join/#brlcad mpictor_ (~mpictor_@2600:1015:b102:9b5f:0:4a:bf99:2901)
14:50.43 Izak_ f
16:13.45 *** join/#brlcad FLOSSrookie (
16:21.16 *** join/#brlcad kesha__ (~kesha@
16:39.42 *** join/#brlcad Izak (~Izak@
17:15.01 *** join/#brlcad Izak__ (~Izak@
17:15.32 Izak__ brlcad: i have built the sextic polynomial again
17:15.40 Izak__ like in the tgc shot
17:16.22 Izak__ I have tested in the archer/mged interface and it keeps saying raytrace failed and rt_hrt_plot not implemented yet
17:16.40 Izak__ Does the image depend on rt_hrt_plot ?
17:20.02 Izak__ Erik: brlcad : please take a look at . I built the sextic equation gradually like in rt_tgc_shot()
17:31.01 brlcad Izak__: don't plot it
17:31.31 brlcad running the "draw" command depends on plot() being implemented
17:31.45 Izak__ I ran the rt command instead
17:31.57 brlcad you don't need to draw it, or you could draw a point or a line or set of lines or something simple
17:32.19 brlcad rt run from within mged uses what is "draw"n by default
17:32.26 Izak__ I created a heart shape and ran 'rt' on it
17:32.29 brlcad so if you can't draw it, you can't run rt
17:32.36 brlcad but you can run rt from outside mged
17:32.40 Izak__ I am editing roots_example.c now
17:32.47 brlcad that's good
17:32.57 brlcad that's really the next step I think, before running the trace
17:33.13 brlcad just to make sure the evaluator doesn't crash or run off into an infinite loop
17:33.40 brlcad whether it solves a root will entirely depend on the ray you use (try to hit it dead on center)
17:33.51 brlcad (where it's most "flat")
17:34.22 Izak__ ok Just wanted to check that my coefficients were correct
17:34.22 Izak__ have you looked at the code on kde paste ?
17:35.18 Izak__ How should I hit the center say?
17:37.49 brlcad Izak__: yes, the paste is certainly easier to read than the other form
17:38.06 brlcad whether it's right or not, is not something I'm going to see just glancing through the file
17:38.31 Izak__ okay I justb wanted you to appreciate the method
17:38.32 brlcad I don't see anything obviously wrong, but it's not like I'm going to notice a missing minus sign in 200 lines of math code :)
17:38.45 Izak__ :)
17:39.54 brlcad so if you call bn_pr_poly() on that paste 'S' polynomial and the one current committed, are they identical?
17:41.14 brlcad that's really the validation going for -- reducing the liklihood that there's a typo
17:42.30 brlcad so if something isn't working, we know it's more likely the solver or initial math than it being a typo
17:43.12 Izak__ I really took time to work through this one with accuracy and I checked again you know
17:44.00 brlcad I don't doubt that you did
17:44.42 brlcad if they're the same, it's a confirmation validation
17:45.00 brlcad if they're different, then likely something wrong in the expanded/fast version, but worth checking into
17:47.05 brlcad you can test putting them both into roots_example, and see if calling bn_pr_poly() prints the same
18:01.20 Izak__ brlcad :It means I will have to choose arbitrary values for dprime and pprime right ?
18:04.53 Izak__ Or did you mean I should test at the center (0,0,0) ?
18:23.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 57445 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add_t.cpp: initial subclass experiment
18:29.51 brlcad Izak__: it depends on the primitive parameters
18:30.05 brlcad so no, not arbitrary values for dprime/pprime
18:30.33 brlcad carefully selected values that should (hopefully) result in a stable evaluation
18:31.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 57446 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add_t.cpp: since it's all within a try/catch block now, count is used potentially uninitialized
19:00.45 Izak__ brlcad: Have just compiled roots_example.c, how do I test to see its values generated
19:00.45 Izak__ ?
19:13.14 brlcad you run it
19:16.22 Izak__ does the regular make compile it or do i have to usee gcc
19:21.38 Izak__ brlcad: This is what I get
19:22.01 Izak__ when I complie given the command in the roots_example.c comment
19:24.03 brlcad it's integrated into the build system, you should not need to build it by hand
19:24.48 brlcad you certainly can fix those errors, but it's easier to just run make && bin/roots_example
19:31.21 Izak__ brlcad: System says there is no file called roots_example
19:36.49 brlcad Izak__: where are your source and build directories located?
19:37.54 Izak__ My source is in /home/Izak/Code/ and build in /home/Izak/Code/brlcad-build/bin/
19:38.02 brlcad went through this same discussion with Ch3ck, where were you? :)
19:39.46 Izak__ I was surely doing sth else at the time
19:40.07 brlcad bin/ is not your build dir, that would be probably /home/Izak/Code/brlcad-build/
19:40.27 brlcad how are you compiling?
19:41.29 Izak__ I dont understand ?
19:41.32 brlcad what commands are you running
19:41.42 brlcad walk me through what exactly you are typing
19:42.02 brlcad or show me a log or something
19:42.14 Izak__ cmake ../brlcad -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
19:42.17 Izak__ make
19:42.26 Izak__ make benchmark
19:42.30 Izak__ make install
19:42.50 brlcad okay, and no errors on any of those?
19:43.00 Izak__ in the /home/Izak/Code/brlcad-build/ directory
19:43.07 brlcad nods, good
19:43.09 Izak__ No errors
19:44.01 brlcad ah, i bet i know the problem
19:44.17 brlcad yeah, that's it
19:44.50 brlcad if you look in brlcad/src/util/CMakeLists.txt, you'll see that roots_example is marked NO_INSTALL
19:45.04 brlcad which means ... *drumroll* don't put it into the bin directory
19:45.11 brlcad so this:
19:45.26 brlcad ~/brlcad-build/src/util/roots_example
19:46.25 brlcad the binary is left in the build subdir since it's just for testing
19:46.36 brlcad it used to be in bin/
19:56.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 6090 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* August 26th to August 31st */
20:00.25 Izak__ Need to do some debugging
20:52.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 6091 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs: /* Week 12 */
21:01.40 *** join/#brlcad mpictor (~mark@2601:d:b280:3d4:d63d:7eff:fe2d:2505)
21:12.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 57447 (brlcad/branches/RELEASE/AUTHORS brlcad/branches/RELEASE/BUGS and 899 others): merge trunk from r55755 through r57446 into the release branch, beginning preparations and testing for release 7.24.2
21:46.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:jordisayol * 57448 brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/changelog: update debian changelog
22:07.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57449 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/g-step/ON_Brep.cpp: Work on figuring out how to properly export a rational curve
22:19.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 57450 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add_t.cpp: add more of TCLAP code to customize
22:31.05 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57451 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep_debug.cpp: Add ability to print specific 3D curve info
22:32.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 57452 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/g-step/ON_Brep.cpp: Multiplicity (at a minimum) isn't right.
22:44.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 57453 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add_t.cpp: eliminate showing '--' or '--version' args
23:09.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 57454 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add_t.cpp: demo '?' arg when we have no long help (same as '-h')
23:17.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 57455 brlcad/trunk/src/util/dsp_add_t.cpp: TCLAP takes care of no-arg situation
23:28.37 *** join/#brlcad FLOSSrookie (

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