00:21.17 |
*** join/#brlcad sitkov
(~sitkov@ |
00:50.09 |
*** join/#brlcad YuGin
(~IceChat77@ |
01:22.09 |
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(~Palindrom@adsl-108-129-124-131.aby.bellsouth.net) |
01:26.43 |
*** join/#brlcad Palindrome
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01:55.26 |
maths22 |
andromeda-galaxy: see https://github.com/lhr0909/IGESParser |
01:55.37 |
maths22 |
IGES5-3_forDownload.pdf |
02:06.43 |
Notify |
03GCI:Arjun * Create an utility library
(LIBBU) API unit test for any file: Ready for review - The work on
this task is ready to be reviewed. |
02:08.30 |
Notify |
03GCI:Melange * Create an utility library
(LIBBU) API unit test for any file: No more Work can be submitted -
Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work
can be submitted.... |
02:09.15 |
Notify |
03GCI:Arjun * Create an utility library
(LIBBU) API unit test for any file: Clicked the wrong file... - I
accidentally uploaded the wrong patch, namely the one I made when I
was half-done and... |
02:23.51 |
*** part/#brlcad Palindrome
(~Palindrom@adsl-108-129-124-131.aby.bellsouth.net) |
02:33.44 |
*** join/#brlcad maths221
(~maths22@66-118-151-70.static.sagonet.net) |
02:59.33 |
Notify |
03GCI:Sean * Investigate permuted vertex
lists from g-iges + iges-g: Task Needs More Work - One of the
mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the
mentor(s) assigned to this task to... |
03:03.29 |
Notify |
03GCI:Sean * Investigate permuted vertex
lists from g-iges + iges-g: more detail - More details please?
It's not clear to me why the container would cause permuted
vertices if they are iterated to... |
03:04.44 |
Notify |
03GCI:Sean * Create an utility library
(LIBBU) API unit test for any file: Task Needs More Work - One of
the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the
mentor(s) assigned to this... |
03:10.14 |
Notify |
03GCI:Andromeda Galaxy * Investigate permuted
vertex lists from g-iges + iges-g: Hopefully a clarification -
Because I cannot find a specification for the IGES file format, I
could only look at... |
03:16.58 |
Notify |
03GCI:Jacob B * Investigate permuted vertex
lists from g-iges + iges-g: Standard - For the standard, see my
comment on IRC (nick maths22). You will need to download the zip of
the github repo I... |
03:20.19 |
Notify |
03GCI:Sean * Create an utility library
(LIBBU) API unit test for any file: done - Done Arjun, just let us
know when you're done. As for your questions, you do indeed have
the right repo and your... |
03:39.22 |
Notify |
03GCI:Andromeda Galaxy * Investigate permuted
vertex lists from g-iges + iges-g: thanks - Thank you for the link
to the standard! |
03:42.07 |
Notify |
03GCI:Andromeda Galaxy * Investigate permuted
vertex lists from g-iges + iges-g: More clarity - Thanks to Jacob
B.'s helpfully provided standard, I think that the problem is
that... |
03:43.43 |
Notify |
03GCI:Andromeda Galaxy * Investigate permuted
vertex lists from g-iges + iges-g: Ready for review - The work on
this task is ready to be reviewed. |
03:46.47 |
*** join/#brlcad gcibot
(~gcibot@elsalvador.media.mit.edu) |
03:49.09 |
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03:50.41 |
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04:10.06 |
brlcad |
maths22: that looks much better .. and
crazy-informative |
04:25.08 |
maths22 |
it will be messed up once the cron job takes
effect until a patch is submitted |
04:25.13 |
maths22 |
I will do that tomorrow |
06:46.09 |
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07:14.02 |
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08:13.08 |
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09:00.54 |
*** join/#brlcad FOSScookie
(~brian@107-200-34-111.lightspeed.tulsok.sbcglobal.net) |
09:05.32 |
*** join/#brlcad merzo
(~merzo@user-94-45-58-138-1.skif.com.ua) |
09:13.01 |
*** join/#brlcad d_rossberg
(~rossberg@66-118-151-70.static.sagonet.net) |
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11:37.12 |
*** join/#brlcad YuGin
(~IceChat77@ |
12:47.28 |
Notify |
03GCI:Deep Inder Singh * Fix at least 8
spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files: Task Claimed - I
would like to work on this task. |
13:28.01 |
*** join/#brlcad witness
(~witness12@ |
13:28.56 |
*** join/#brlcad witness
(~witness12@ |
14:01.10 |
*** join/#brlcad infobot
(~infobot@rikers.org) |
14:01.10 |
*** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD
|| http://brlcad.org || logs:
|| Ask us about Google Doc Sprint 2013 || GCI has begun! If you're
participating, be patient when asking questions... we're very busy
and sometimes have packed schedules. We will respond if you are
still on IRC: learn screen+irssi. |
14:05.46 |
*** join/#brlcad infobot
(~infobot@rikers.org) |
14:05.46 |
*** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD
|| http://brlcad.org || logs:
|| Ask us about Google Doc Sprint 2013 || GCI has begun! If you're
participating, be patient when asking questions... we're very busy
and sometimes have packed schedules. We will respond if you are
still on IRC: learn screen+irssi. |
14:12.19 |
*** join/#brlcad gcibot
(~gcibot@elsalvador.media.mit.edu) |
14:14.40 |
*** join/#brlcad gcibot
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14:17.03 |
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14:33.17 |
*** join/#brlcad arjunyg
(~arjunyg@c-67-188-244-50.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
14:59.35 |
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(~gcibot@elsalvador.media.mit.edu) |
15:02.54 |
*** join/#brlcad ejno
(~ejno@unaffiliated/kazaik) |
15:05.41 |
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(~molto_cre@66-118-151-70.static.sagonet.net) |
15:06.23 |
Notify |
03GCI:Vipul Sharma * Implement a surface area
function for gridded volumes (VOL): Task Claimed - I would like to
work on this task. |
15:10.45 |
Notify |
03GCI:Mandeep Kaur * Implement a surface area
function for gridded volumes (VOL): Task Assigned - This task has
been assigned to Vipul Sharma. You have 72 hours to complete this
task, good luck! |
15:39.19 |
*** join/#brlcad Ch3ck_
(~Ch3ck@ |
15:53.39 |
*** join/#brlcad jschulte
(~johannes@p4FDF84CB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
16:18.43 |
jschulte |
Hello, when doing this task(http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2013/6170669171605504),
I was told to remind you of creating tasks for fixing some
qsort-uses, it would be great if someone could create
them. |
16:19.02 |
jschulte |
Moreover, I just wanted so state, that I'm
strongly interested in the reworking for C++ compiling, so if there
are any suitable GCI-tasks for this, don't hesitate to create them,
I would love to support this process |
16:29.13 |
Notify |
03BRL-CAD Wiki:Tetravision * 0
/wiki/User:Tetravision: |
16:31.11 |
d_rossberg |
jschulte: i couldn't find a way to create any
task; ask brlcad what's wrong |
16:33.47 |
jschulte |
thanks for your efforts, I'll ask
him |
16:42.58 |
brlcad |
jschulte: thanks for the reminder |
16:43.08 |
brlcad |
only the admin can add new tasks, so I'll get
that done today |
16:46.44 |
jschulte |
thank you |
16:50.39 |
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17:59.40 |
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(~androirc@p4FDF84CB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
18:26.43 |
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03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 58884
brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/rtexample.xml): fix
spellings; remove trailing blanks/tabs |
18:42.08 |
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(~milava@ |
20:50.31 |
*** join/#brlcad Palindrome
(~Palindrom@adsl-108-129-124-220.aby.bellsouth.net) |
21:55.46 |
*** join/#brlcad jschulte
(~androirc@p4FDF84CB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:03.53 |
*** join/#brlcad Palindrome
(~Palindrom@adsl-108-129-124-220.aby.bellsouth.net) |
22:23.57 |
*** join/#brlcad Palindrome2
(~Palindrom@adsl-108-129-124-220.aby.bellsouth.net) |
22:27.51 |
*** join/#brlcad Palindrome
(~Palindrom@adsl-108-129-124-220.aby.bellsouth.net) |
23:21.55 |
Notify |
03GCI:Alex * Write a manual page for MGED's
''brep'' command: found out - I have found out about the source
repository and can now see all the docbook links reffered to. I
found the CMakeLists.txt... |
23:39.13 |
Notify |
03GCI:Alex * Write a manual page for MGED's
''brep'' command: None - I now have subversion installed but still
have the same problems |
23:42.08 |
Notify |
03GCI:Alex * Write a manual page for MGED's
''brep'' command: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready
to be reviewed. |
23:42.35 |
*** join/#brlcad Palindrome
(~Palindrom@adsl-108-129-124-220.aby.bellsouth.net) |
23:43.44 |
Notify |
03GCI:Alex * Write a manual page for MGED's
''brep'' command: None - I know the patch file hasnt been uploaded
but i uploaded the 'cmakelists.txt' to extend the time so you could
get back to me on... |
23:49.02 |
*** join/#brlcad agkphysics
(~aaron@118-93-160-93.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) |
23:54.04 |
Notify |
03GCI:Melange * Fix at least 8 spelling
mistakes in at least 8 different files #3: Task Reopened - Melange
has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened
the task. |