IRC log for #brlcad on 20140106

00:32.44 maths22 this is what I have done so far
00:32.57 maths22 It has taken several hours, so I'm not sure how much more I should do
00:37.54 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5873716877590528 Create a precise modeling transcript for modeling a simple toy car: Initial Deadline passed - Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has...
00:38.24 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5332162035318784 Write a wiki page on joining the BRL-CAD project: Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
00:49.20 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5902558589616128 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14: first was better - Morkor, this is certainly a 'different' design so kudos for being innovative yourself, but this design could still use...
00:49.56 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5902558589616128 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy...
00:55.39 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
00:55.41 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: aef file? - What uses an aef file? I'm not familiar with that one. The .flv file doesn't seem to be playing correctly...
01:05.56 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
01:15.25 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5865810849431552 Write draft of BRL-CAD application interface design guidelines not sure what to make of...
01:15.45 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5865810849431552 Write draft of BRL-CAD application interface design guidelines: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s)...
01:16.16 brlcad looks like only two remaining, maths22 and palindrome
01:18.14 maths22 can you answer my question above?
01:18.48 brlcad working on it ;)
01:21.41 brlcad actually, working on responding to your last comment first
01:22.14 brlcad for the top-five participants, all tasks will basically be given a score
01:22.52 maths22 Ok
01:22.55 brlcad how that score shakes out depends on the type of task, the quality of the work, and another factor that escapes me at the moment (which is what I was trying to find)
01:23.06 brlcad possibly the "impact"
01:33.16 brlcad there it is, still in my inbox
01:34.40 brlcad "comprehensive body of work" involving the quality, thoroughness, creativity of their work, community participation, and other factors
01:35.53 brlcad picking just two is really going to suck because all five truly have been exceptional -- I'd hope any of them continue their participation with open source, whether with us or others (but hopefully with us!)
01:55.07 brlcad maths22: I would keep your Wconversion warnings to a minimum .. that's a dangerous warning
02:02.50 brlcad e.g., just adding a cast when the types don't match will mask any type errors in the future
02:04.33 brlcad basically each one has to be inspected to try and eliminate the need for a cast altogether, which is far too much work for a gci task
02:06.21 maths22 What do you mean by to a minimum
02:06.38 maths22 My thought was that adding a cast will make it clear that they don't match
02:06.54 maths22 Should I do a different flag instead?
02:07.11 brlcad I mean I don't want you to waste all your time if we cannot ultimately apply the patch or if other changes are needed
02:07.56 brlcad I would have recommended a different task -- you've certainly done enough to call this task complete/accepted, but it's just a tricky one
02:08.05 maths22 Should I submit what I did (so we know what work will need to be done outside of GCI)?
02:08.29 maths22 I wasn't sure what to claim, and I had a minute to do it, so I picked something
02:08.42 brlcad adding a cast does more than making it clear they don't match -- it tells the compiler to turn the right hand data into that type, which is quite a powerful assertion
02:11.10 maths22 It was already doing it, but we weren't warned about it
02:11.31 brlcad right, but now with a cast in place, it will never ever warn again
02:11.39 maths22 That is true.
02:11.39 brlcad it will do the conversion, even if it's wrong
02:11.48 brlcad e.g., if a variable's type is changed
02:11.58 brlcad that makes such casts exceptionally dangerous
02:12.29 maths22 the biggest diff was size_t and int
02:12.39 maths22 Why are there so many being stored in each other?
02:13.31 brlcad because we're in the middle of converting as much as possible to size_t, but that's thousands of variables that need to be updated
02:13.39 maths22 that makes sense
02:13.53 maths22 That also explains why some of the include files felt wrong
02:14.11 maths22 the function declarations did not match how the local variables were used
02:15.29 brlcad the types in headers (the API) has to be changed more intentionally due to our change policy and external applications that call our libraries
02:15.51 maths22 I understand
02:16.16 maths22 I wish I had known before I spent my afternoon on this :(
02:16.21 maths22 Oh well
02:17.08 maths22 by the way, would you have recommended a different flag or a whole different task?
02:17.35 Notify 03GCI:Jacob B * 5839014548471808 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue #4: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
02:18.56 brlcad maths22: it depends on your time and motivation
02:24.19 brlcad in terms of task utility, it's already useful in that it tells us that Wconversion is going to be quite tough or even impossible to enable usefully across the entire codebase
02:27.23 brlcad so if you want, we can close it out and it'll get ranked accordingly
02:32.03 brlcad that said, another flag that we can enable permanently that fixes a set of issues is considerably more valuable, resulting in a better task ranking
02:38.38 brlcad don't know how close the rankings will be but recall that each completed task will get ranked, that's the part that's up to you
02:39.29 brlcad if you imagine each completed task giving you, say between 1 and 10 "points" .. Wconversion as a learning exercise and something else awesome could be a useful difference
02:39.54 brlcad you have 14 hours to think about it ;)
02:43.19 maths22 could you needs more work it
02:46.48 Notify 03GCI:Andromeda Galaxy * 5803108621877248 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
02:53.19 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5839014548471808 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue #4: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s)...
03:02.35 brlcad maths22: just to put things into context, you've completedly 20 other tasks, so in all practicality this last task will be a nominal change to whatever your overall score ends up being.
03:02.39 brlcad probably less than 1%
03:02.49 *** join/#brlcad Rishabh (~chatzilla@
03:06.25 brlcad I sincerely hope the rankings don't end up that close ...
03:06.49 brlcad but everyone did fantastic, entirely possible they will
03:19.39 *** join/#brlcad Rishabh (~chatzilla@
03:42.00 *** join/#brlcad Ignacio` (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy)
03:42.26 Ignacio` good night
03:42.26 gcibot Ignacio`, good night!
03:42.29 Ignacio` good bye :)
03:42.58 Ignacio` *good bye all
03:42.58 gcibot Ignacio`, good bye!
03:43.00 Ignacio` thx gcibot
03:43.03 Ignacio` gcibot, thx
03:43.03 gcibot Ignacio`, you're welcome ✔
03:43.04 Ignacio` xD
03:48.47 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5803108621877248 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s)...
03:54.05 maths22 I know, but I can always just send it back without work
03:54.29 maths22 no reason, however, to close it with lessthan optimal effort
03:57.12 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5803108621877248 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue: compile failure - When I attempt to compile with this patch applied, I get a build failure because the...
04:00.10 brlcad ah, my count was off .. seven tasks still being worked
04:03.32 Notify 03GCI:Andromeda Galaxy * 5803108621877248 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
04:10.54 maths22 by the way, how should I sumbit an improved logo file
04:51.23 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5803108621877248 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue: intended to be complete or partial - Is this intended to be a complete or partial fixing of the warnings? I...
04:59.07 brlcad maths22: the logo is good -- the changes I'd want to see require some more modeling work (to actually make them attach together like links on a bike chain), so don't worry about it
05:13.12 Notify 03GCI:Andromeda Galaxy * 5803108621877248 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue: partial - the c++-compat fixes are complete, but the strict-prototypes are only partial because I...
05:35.42 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5803108621877248 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue different set No problem...
05:38.13 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5803108621877248 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
05:48.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 6401 /wiki/Mailing_Lists:
06:00.59 *** join/#brlcad andromeda-galaxy (~user@
06:01.33 andromeda-galaxy I was thinking about working on one of the pdf image sizing tasks; can someone explain how I am supposed to get the correct width?
06:07.47 brlcad alas, I'm not familiar with that task or its status other than some of the past work which involved adding in render-specific stylization hints for html and pdf output to say they should be "100%' of width or whatever else is needed for a given image
06:08.00 brlcad might help to look at some of the completed ones
06:09.30 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: did you see the log I posted with additional c++-compat issues?
06:10.14 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I did, I will fix those last issues before I commit
06:10.47 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: they weren't there when I put it up last night, probably commits since then included a few more things that need to be fixed
06:11.10 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I am looking for one more task to do before end of code in and having trouble finding one...
06:22.25 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: I don't think you can claim any more
06:22.51 brlcad afaik, the deadline to claim passed about 13 hours ago, the time remaining is to submit
06:23.44 brlcad you're certainly welcome and encouraged to keep working, though, as your "entire body of work is considered"
06:24.18 brlcad and, of course, the point is to get you working on open source because it's fun, not just for a trip to cali ;)
06:24.40 brlcad hopefully you've been having fun
06:25.52 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I agree, I want to work on open source because it is fun, I view the contest as a way to get a list of introductory-level tasks
06:28.22 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I was wondering if it would be useful to implement a numerical integration library post code-in; it could be used for things like elliptical integrals, which would allow something more like what the standard mathematical definitions are for surface area of ellipsoids...
06:28.54 andromeda-galaxy but if no-one is interested and/or some people think that would be a bad idea, I don't want to implement it... so I was wondering what your opinion on that is
06:31.26 brlcad it really depends on finding uses cases that really calls for that approach vs some other approach and how it fits into a big picture
06:31.52 brlcad the holy grail is surface area of nurbs surfaces, which are far more complex, and might warrant numerical integration
06:35.08 brlcad it's usually best to let an end-user feature drive a decision like that, work on a feature and in the process of coming up with the best solution, determining that direction being the best approach to take
06:36.47 brlcad certainly wouldn't be opposed to having something like that implemented but there's often a way to avoid numerical integration, which tends to be incredibly slow
07:22.18 *** join/#brlcad Rishabh (~chatzilla@
07:48.58 Notify 03GCI:AdityaGulati * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
07:55.24 Notify 03GCI:AdityaGulati * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: files - Sir, I have uploaded two new files:- comp1~1.avi It is the file that you can actually veiw. 2....
09:02.20 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
09:16.12 *** join/#brlcad andromed` (~user@
09:32.02 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
09:43.19 Notify 03GCI:AdityaGulati * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: new file - sir, I have uploaded another file with sound. Its name is 'brlcad.avi'. sir, since the time left...
10:31.52 Notify 03GCI:AdityaGulati * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: new file - sir, I have uploaded another file which is slower than the other files.It is 1.59min long. Its...
10:45.49 Notify 03GCI:AdityaGulati * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: new file - sir, I have uploaded another file which is slower than the other files but the music speed is...
10:48.54 Notify 03GCI:AdityaGulati * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: why too many files - sir, I was confussed about what would be right,so I have uploaded 5 files each has...
10:51.59 Notify 03GCI:AdityaGulati * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: name of the file - Sir, The name of the file with slow video & normal audio is not 'slow.avi',but...
10:55.18 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
10:58.31 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
10:58.32 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || Ask us about Google Doc Sprint 2013 || GCI has begun! If you're participating, be patient when asking questions... we're very busy and sometimes have packed schedules. We will respond if you are still on IRC: learn screen+irssi.
11:04.52 Notify 03GCI:AdityaGulati * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: None - review fast
12:07.44 *** join/#brlcad Rishabh (~chatzilla@
12:56.17 *** join/#brlcad svineet (~svineet@
13:14.20 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
13:18.51 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: do not worry about the review time - The review time is yours to submit, not ours to review. Asking us to review it...
13:20.31 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
13:32.10 Notify 03GCI:Jacob B * 5839014548471808 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue #4: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
13:32.16 maths22 I won't have time to do a new task, so i have submitted it
13:34.17 maths22 /task/flag
13:54.49 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
13:54.55 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 6387756011880448 Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4: creative - This is creative, thank you. Feel free to post it to youtube and share your link with us.
13:55.50 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5839014548471808 Enable a new compiler warning, fix any issues that ensue #4: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
13:57.37 brlcad maths22: I didn't notice that the other flag you enabled was Wdeclaration-after-statement, even though that didn't detect anything, that is a useful flag
13:57.53 brlcad we normally don't catch those issues until we sync a windows build
14:29.31 *** part/#brlcad svineet (~svineet@
14:31.09 Notify 03GCI:Morkor Quarshie * 5902558589616128 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:34.54 Notify 03GCI:Morkor Quarshie * 5902558589616128 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14: None - Please ignore. I clicked the button accidentaly.
15:04.49 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (~Ch3ck@
15:13.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59282 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/test_srcs/ The casting warning flag broke the time delta mechanism. Made a stab at reworking the timeend_delta file to use floating point to avoid casting to int, but this requires fmod which in turn requres M_LIBRARY on platforms that use a math library. This is an unfortunate complication to the time delta
15:13.25 Notify calculation logic, which needs to be as simple and self-contained as possible for portability. It may be time to look at using the new CMake functionality for timestamps and simply skip the timing check on any CMake too old to support it - the maintenance overhead of maintaining our own portable C code for this is probably not worthwhile if CMake's functionality can indeed supply a viable alternative.
15:22.27 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59283 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: For the moment, since we aren't using the connectivity graph logic, remove it to improve source readability. Doing it in a single isolated commit to make it easier to add back in later if/when needed.
15:35.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59284 (brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ Eventually we'll want to enable unit testing as part of distcheck, but the tests are currently too much in flux - disable as part of distcheck until we have the resources available to get all the tests working properly.
15:41.06 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
15:47.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59285 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_Targets.cmake: Until we sort out how to get build-dir Windows binaries to see DLLs in somewhere other than their current directory, we have to conditionalize this. A possible option might be to base it on RPATH support, to avoid the WIN32 specific logic...
15:56.28 maths22 brlcad: I did that one first, but it was one of the ones which had no errors
15:56.38 maths22 I thought it would be useful
16:20.06 *** join/#brlcad adnana (cb6ef316@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:26.12 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
16:35.15 Ignacio` well.
16:35.19 Ignacio` brlcad, I want to know brlcad :)
16:37.14 Ch3ck Ignacio`, funny statement looks like a palindrome ;)
16:37.32 Ignacio` :)
16:37.43 Ignacio` I finish in GCI
16:37.50 Ignacio` So, I want to know new things
16:39.21 maths22 20 minutes until GCI ends!
16:39.26 Ignacio` *-*
16:39.33 Ignacio` 14 days for know winners xD
16:39.43 Ignacio` I finish my tasks minutes ago
16:44.21 Ch3ck God Ignacio`
16:44.28 Ch3ck very good there ;)
16:44.33 Ignacio` :)
16:45.01 Ch3ck I'm actually working on getting many of my buddies to work with BRL-CAD for GSoC this year
16:45.28 Ignacio` oh
16:45.50 Ignacio`
16:45.51 Ignacio` looks
16:46.00 Ch3ck starting work on BRL-CAD during GSoC
16:46.16 Ch3ck my code is not yet complete have some bugs to fix tho ;)
16:46.26 Ignacio` umm
16:46.32 Ignacio` brlcad, you're te web mantainer?
16:46.34 Ignacio` broken images
16:46.45 Ignacio` *the
16:47.41 Ch3ck nahh just a developer
16:47.50 Ignacio` xD
16:47.56 Ignacio` What are the "admin" of project?
16:48.16 Ch3ck well the admin is Sean
16:48.17 Ignacio` oh my god *-*
16:48.18 Ignacio`
16:48.27 Ch3ck yup
16:48.43 Ch3ck so Ignacio` so you're below 18 right?
16:48.54 Ignacio` yes
16:48.55 Ignacio` Ch3ck, 14 :)
16:49.15 Ch3ck wow! never seen a <18 kid do programming
16:49.25 Ch3ck at least here tho' so when did you start coding?
16:49.50 Ignacio` I start to learn python at 11 :)
16:49.53 Ignacio` but, I don't know C
16:49.59 Ignacio` I want to learn it
16:51.49 Ignacio` why?
16:51.55 Ignacio` I can't user "ignacio" username :(
16:52.37 Ch3ck probably some one has it already ;)
16:52.44 Ch3ck well that's good Ignatio
16:52.58 Ch3ck do you know how to get the C compiler (gcc)?
16:53.03 Ch3ck for linux or windows
16:53.08 Ignacio` sudo apt-get install gcc? xD
16:53.14 Ch3ck gr8
16:53.25 Ignacio` gr8?
16:54.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD * 0 /wiki/
16:54.14 Ignacio` *-*
16:55.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59286 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/mann/en/brep.xml: n->nged, refsect1->refsection
17:00.35 maths22 and gci has ofically ended!
17:00.48 brlcad maths22: yeah, usually they're not useful if they give no warnings -- that just happens to be one we manually fix constantly
17:01.07 brlcad no warnings usually means it doesn't apply is or already captured by -W or -Wall
17:01.17 maths22 aha; good to know I happened upon a good one
17:01.26 maths22 I checked that it was not in wall or wextra
17:01.33 Ignacio` brlcad, you see my message?
17:01.41 Ignacio` brlcad, broken images
17:02.48 maths22 Ignacio`: fixed
17:02.59 maths22 the files dir had been deleted (my bad)
17:03.17 Ignacio` :)
17:03.17 brlcad ah
17:03.24 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
17:03.29 brlcad no I hadn't but glad to see it's fixed ;)
17:04.30 maths22 we should not keep files in that dir
17:05.00 maths22 it is not "accepted" by drupal, and the upgrade directions led me to get rid of it
17:05.16 brlcad Ignacio: looks like you were almost passed up by daniel
17:05.29 maths22 they should be some subdir(i'm not sure which) of sites
17:05.30 brlcad maths22: hm, yeah I don't recall who first did that
17:05.34 Ignacio :)
17:05.40 ``Erik fwiw, I just pulled a new drupal 7 on bz, ya'll might wanna check any uri's that depend on it O.o
17:06.17 brlcad I don't think our install is using the system version (wouldn't that be nice)
17:06.25 brlcad happy new year ``Erik
17:06.29 brlcad and what not :)
17:07.17 maths22 system version of what?
17:07.32 brlcad drupal
17:07.46 ``Erik merry xmas, happy new year, etc etc etc :) got the newsletter, laughed a bit at the excessive design oriented effort ;) but awesome stuff and a perfectly written copy
17:07.47 brlcad won't matter as we migrate to the new site
17:07.54 maths22 true.
17:08.03 maths22 Have you looked at the wp theme installed?
17:08.10 brlcad ``Erik: would you expect anything different?
17:08.22 brlcad I was very disappointed at the paper quality and border on the printing
17:08.28 maths22 I think
17:08.29 brlcad the design is supposed to go to the edges
17:08.31 maths22 yes
17:08.41 Ignacio brlcad, what are a good project for start?
17:08.44 maths22 yes to my own "I think"
17:08.50 ``Erik wordpress has been updated as well, but my personal use is to make a personal copy, git it and when an update happens, cp and git add/git commit to upgrade... so if the system version is crap, my personal one works
17:08.52 brlcad well, "very" is an exaggeration I supposed, just disappointed
17:09.08 maths22 Ignacio: leftover gci tasks :)
17:09.11 brlcad Ignacio: what interests you?
17:09.22 Ignacio brlcad, I don't know C
17:09.24 ``Erik brlcad: it was inkjet on some fairly normal stock, no? were you expectin laminated cards stock? :D
17:09.33 brlcad Ignacio: so do you want to learn C? :)
17:09.40 Ignacio Yes :)
17:09.45 ``Erik professional inkjet printers are freaky beasts
17:09.59 ``Erik Ignacio: do you know any other languages?
17:10.01 brlcad it's really not like it's any harder than python, just completely different things to worry about
17:10.04 brlcad like memory and pointers
17:10.20 Ignacio ``Erik, python!
17:10.24 brlcad lots of segfaults and crashes you didn't have before and a thousand things you didn't know that you'll have to learn
17:10.29 Ignacio :S
17:10.49 brlcad but .. not really hard -- just takes time and experience (lots of coding)
17:11.14 ``Erik Ignacio: you can probably find an easy C course online and hammer through it fairly quickly, something like code academy... I'd recommend working with a huge package (like BRL-CAD) at first, it can be a bit like drinking from a firehose :)
17:11.17 brlcad Ignacio: what OS do you use?
17:11.29 Ignacio brlcad, Linux, Xubuntu 13.04
17:11.35 brlcad k
17:11.44 ``Erik er
17:11.47 Ignacio (I reinstall it in few hours)
17:11.51 ``Erik I'd recommend AGAINST working with a huge package
17:11.57 Ignacio AGAINST?
17:12.35 brlcad working with a large codebase with no experience is like me giving you the keys to a train and saying "here, go for a drive"
17:12.39 Ignacio No entiendo mucho :S
17:12.43 ``Erik one tiny word, goddamn O.o BRL-CAD has a huge number of macros, structs, some very advanced C usage, some very archaic C usage... until you're comfortable with things like structs, unions, pointers, etc... it'll just hurt
17:13.04 brlcad Ignacio: no se te preocupes ;)
17:13.19 Ignacio Hay algo más además C?
17:13.25 Ignacio ¿Html?
17:13.32 ``Erik (and BRL-CAD in particular has a handful of places where even a competent modern C programmer will get confused due to archaic style/usage)
17:14.22 brlcad Ignacio: do you know any scripting languages like shell scripts?
17:14.28 brlcad posix shell perhaps?
17:14.32 Ignacio No :S
17:14.38 Ignacio I'll try to learn Cobol xD
17:14.42 ``Erik if your interest is more in BRL-CAD than C, there is a swig layer on a lot of BRL-CAD (include/brlcad.i I believe?), and I think another hand-rolled python<->BRL-CAD layer floating around
17:14.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59287 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/tests/bu_sort.c: Not sure what exp_9 and arg_9 are intended to be, but causing a 'may be used uninitialized' error
17:15.35 maths22 Ignacio: porque no usas acentos regulares en IRC? (así)
17:15.52 Ignacio maths22, puedo hablar en español?
17:16.07 maths22 si, estoy en español ap este año
17:16.15 Ignacio Bien
17:16.18 Ignacio Es que no me gusta mucho el inglés
17:16.22 Ignacio Y apenas se escribirlo :)
17:16.55 maths22 pero eso no explia su uso de acentos
17:17.18 ``Erik no comprendo, so goes back to making his pirozhki's :D
17:17.25 Ignacio A que acentos te refieres? :S
17:17.37 maths22 acentos as'i, y no así
17:17.49 brlcad acentos en IRC sucks.. utf-8, utf-16, ... ´níéí
17:18.04 maths22 tienes sentido.
17:18.09 Ignacio Ah pero el inglés no tiene tildes
17:18.28 maths22 A mi computadora lo gusta
17:18.38 Ignacio Yo tengo tildés
17:18.40 maths22 Uso el teclado US - International
17:19.04 maths22 es una opcion en muchos sistemas (pienso que incluye linux)
17:19.10 Ignacio Bueno
17:19.22 Ignacio brlcad, existe una forma de ayudar que no sea programando en C?
17:19.55 brlcad Ignacio: asi lo que recomiendo es que empiezas con algo sincillo, primero aprendo un poquito de nuestro tools, y despues geometria
17:20.20 Ignacio Este año me toca aprender geometría :)
17:20.42 brlcad yeah, we have many portions not in C... la question es si quieres aprender C o no? :)
17:20.53 Ignacio Me gustaría :)
17:21.06 brlcad pues seguramente es posible
17:21.45 Ignacio Es que no se como empezar
17:21.48 brlcad he entrenado muchas estudiantes sobre losa´nos a aprender los basicos s de C
17:22.08 brlcad you just need simple goals
17:22.38 Ignacio Por ejemplo?
17:22.58 brlcad first, you have to know the context you're working in, un poquito de contexto
17:23.12 brlcad lee esto:
17:23.12 Ignacio what is context?
17:23.17 Ignacio ok
17:23.36 Ignacio wow
17:23.39 Ignacio POr donde empiezo? :P
17:24.01 brlcad 1, 1.1, 1.2 ... despues download el "Introduction to MGED" y haga algunos de los ejercisios
17:24.34 brlcad OH .. y los tenemos en español
17:25.54 Ignacio donde? :S
17:26.10 brlcad a ver el 'intro' en espa´nol, tienes que obtender los sources y hacer una cocompilacio`n
17:26.18 brlcad ~cadsvn
17:26.19 infobot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
17:27.11 Ignacio Bien
17:27.12 brlcad alas, we don't yet have them on the website yet .. that would have been a good gci task
17:27.19 Ignacio Esta tarde empezaré
17:27.39 ``Erik brlcad: those commands sent to notify the other day, none were wired in... it'd be trivial to wire in new commands (into the running bot, even), if you have a list of useful things you'd like added... fwiw, the "hey you" is !notify
17:27.45 ``Erik !notify week
17:27.46 Notify BRL-CAD: brlcad:16, starseeker:16, j-schulte:8, peter-sa:6, n_reed:4, agkphysics:2, carlmoore:2, bob1961:1
17:27.47 Notify BRL-CAD Wiki: Anitaleung:4,, Jimrcross1941:1, Snobot2014:1, Maths22:1,,
17:28.01 Ignacio brlcad, this afternooon I reinstall Xubuntu
17:28.11 brlcad ``Erik: I was just trying to get the bot to identify itself, to find the website url
17:28.17 brlcad Ignacio: okay
17:28.21 ``Erik the /whois info has that
17:28.54 brlcad ~info
17:29.03 brlcad ~identify
17:29.03 infobot Extensible Integrated Development Environment. URL:
17:29.08 brlcad heh
17:29.20 brlcad ~ibot
17:29.20 infobot hmm... ibot is not a help system
17:29.26 brlcad ~infobot
17:29.26 infobot extra, extra, read all about it, infobot is an IRC bot written in perl. Sources available on
17:30.06 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
17:31.48 ``Erik ok, added two more commands
17:32.02 ``Erik let's test them and see if the bot explodes :>
17:32.04 brlcad Ignacio: despues de leer el overview y hacer el compilacion, los tutoriales están en ls -la share/doc/html/lessons/es/mged01_crear_figuras_primitivas.html
17:32.05 ``Erik !notify info
17:32.06 Notify Just your friendly neighborhood commit notification bot, check out for more info
17:32.14 ``Erik !notify version
17:32.15 Notify Notify beta, official site at and source code at
17:32.22 Ignacio brlcad, bien, necesito algo offline
17:32.23 brlcad ~version
17:32.23 infobot methinks version is for the kernel "uname -r", for your distro "cat /etc/*-release" or "lsb_release -d". For other applications, try running it with a --version command.
17:32.47 brlcad yeah, infobot is too overloaded to tell if those even have real info underneath
17:34.29 ``Erik (is Ignacio saying he needs to /quit soon?)
17:35.01 Ignacio I haven't internet connection on my house, just now I'm on scholl :P
17:35.35 brlcad yeah, school day is up
17:35.37 Ignacio *school
17:35.41 Ignacio No, summer here
17:35.47 Ignacio But, School have wifi :)
17:36.03 brlcad theif! (muy bien) :0
17:36.30 brlcad ~spell thief
17:36.54 ``Erik Ignacio: imma shut up so you can grill brlcad for info and finish downloading anything you need to take home for the eve ;) been there, done that... if anyone has requests for modifications to the notify bot, shoot me an email, works reasonably well if you don't look like spam :)
17:37.20 ``Erik also; rolling dough and filling with delicious meats :D
17:37.29 Ignacio Lo siento, no entendí
17:38.12 brlcad ``Erik: when you bringing the family down for dinner?
17:38.32 brlcad ponders buying a generator today
17:40.18 brlcad Ignacio: solo dijo que iba a dejar de molestarte, para que pudiera terminar de hacer tus descargas
17:40.30 Ignacio realmente
17:40.37 Ignacio Necesito una lista de que debo descargar
17:40.58 Ignacio No se que descargar :S
17:41.25 brlcad y que está cocinando su cena, rodando masa llena con carnes deliciosas ;)
17:41.44 Ignacio :P
17:41.49 brlcad descarga los sources .. es mucho
17:42.06 Ignacio ¿Cuantos mbs?
17:42.37 brlcad ... pero eso es lo que estaria en share/doc/html/lessons/es despues de hacer la compilacion
17:43.24 Ignacio brlcad, el paquete *.deb ya viene con eso?
17:44.11 brlcad no se
17:44.42 brlcad pero de todas maneras recomiendo descargando cadsvn
17:44.59 Ignacio Hay no entiendo ni que descargar
17:44.59 Ignacio :S
17:45.07 Ignacio -Acepto lista de links-
17:45.12 brlcad y haga la compilacion .. si vas aprender C, tienes que empezar haciendo compilaciones más
17:45.20 brlcad ~cadsvn
17:45.20 infobot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
17:45.21 brlcad eso
17:45.52 brlcad that will obtain the source code (and documentation)
17:46.05 Ignacio ok
17:48.41 Ignacio Estoy viendo cuanto pesa
17:49.18 Ignacio brlcad, usa java?
17:52.08 Ignacio brlcad, yo no puedo descargar 730mb
17:56.05 *** join/#brlcad Rishabh (~chatzilla@
18:10.57 ``Erik brlcad: I'll talk to my fiance about it O.o
18:11.44 *** join/#brlcad adnana (cb6ef316@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:17.54 Notify 03GCI:Sean * 5902558589616128 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy...
18:20.39 Ignacio I like it
18:20.40 Ignacio
18:20.41 gcibot Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14
18:20.42 gcibot Status: NeedsWork (5 days, 18 hours left)
18:20.43 Ignacio :P
18:20.54 Ignacio gcibot,
18:20.57 gcibot Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14
18:20.57 gcibot Status: NeedsWork (5 days, 18 hours left)
18:21.05 Ignacio no mentors?
18:21.09 brlcad hm?
18:22.28 brlcad ``Erik: OH, congratulations! I think that's the word.. hehe.
18:22.28 *** part/#brlcad Ignacio` (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy)
18:22.39 *** join/#brlcad Ignacio` (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy)
18:25.00 *** join/#brlcad gcibot_vacations (
18:25.16 Ignacio` ouch
18:25.21 Ignacio`
18:25.23 gcibot_vacations Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14
18:25.23 gcibot_vacations Status: NeedsWork (5 days, 18 hours left)
18:26.14 *** join/#brlcad gcibot_vacations (
18:26.18 Ignacio`
18:26.21 gcibot_vacations Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14
18:26.21 gcibot_vacations Status: NeedsWork (5 days, 18 hours left)
18:26.31 Ignacio` this didn't show mentors :S
18:26.46 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
18:27.34 *** join/#brlcad Ignacio` (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy)
18:30.29 brlcad Ignacio`: sounds like a problem with the bot
18:30.36 Ignacio` Yes
18:31.12 brlcad no matter, we do group mentoring so assinging mentors only confused people anyways
18:31.29 brlcad if there were an easy quick way to script it, I would have assigned all mentors to all tasks
18:34.43 *** join/#brlcad GCIBot_Vacations (~ignacio@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
18:37.11 *** part/#brlcad GCIBot_Vacations (~ignacio@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
18:41.19 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (~gcibot@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
18:44.03 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (~gcibot@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
18:44.15 Ignacio` gcibot, thx for all :)
18:44.15 gcibot Ignacio`, you're welcome ✔
18:47.34 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
18:52.22 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
19:05.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59288 brlcad/trunk/src/sig/dfft.c: Initialize cbsum
19:06.20 starseeker ``Erik: indeed, congrats!
19:17.28 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 59289 (brlcad/trunk/TODO brlcad/trunk/include/bn.h and 3 others): remove trailing blanks/tabs; fix spellings
19:21.02 brlcad starseeker: curious about r59282, the timedelta fix
19:21.19 brlcad I'd think there'd have to be a simpler way to appease the compilation
19:22.14 brlcad integer time was fine, the warning is issued when going from a function returning float to a non-float variable
19:22.40 brlcad if the fix that was added wasn't good enough, all that should have been needed was a two-liner -- set the return in a separate variable
19:34.47 brlcad Ignacio`: how hard would it be to get the leaderboard to parse 2012 and 2011 too?
19:35.08 brlcad an org-centric view would be pretty useful
19:48.26 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 59290 (brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/avs.c): convert AVS to using size_t instead of int for sizes
19:55.27 starseeker brlcad: I thought any cast from float to int would trigger that compiler warning?
19:58.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59291 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ Attempt to handle the case where an empty file is initialized but not populated for some significant period of time.
19:59.45 starseeker it was griping even with an explicit (int) cast in place...
20:02.13 maths22 casts should only make it unhappy if they are on functions
20:02.23 maths22 Variables should be ok with functions
20:02.29 maths22 /functions/casts
20:03.04 starseeker which flag was this again?
20:03.23 starseeker finds that an odd distinction to make, but OK...
20:03.53 brlcad starseeker: nope, just from function
20:04.05 starseeker weird
20:04.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 59292 brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: expand the docs for the three bit-vector sizing macros and make the macros safer if passed negative values (and implicitly make them all evaluate to a size_t type)
20:04.22 brlcad the warning is predominantly trying to catch the more common error where a header isn't included and the return type becomes an int
20:04.51 brlcad a cast will hide that error
20:05.53 brlcad tried a simple solution since that's infrastructure, but I apparently didn't do a good job
20:06.03 brlcad thought it would be happy, wasn't
20:06.14 starseeker let me try the variable thing here
20:06.25 starseeker if that works I'll do a quick revert/update
20:06.37 brlcad I can do it since I committed the break
20:06.43 brlcad maybe try the compile when I'm done
20:07.08 starseeker brlcad: I'd advise adding a comment specifying why the variable assignment - to the casual eye there wouldn't be a reason for it
20:07.22 starseeker or to this casual eye, anyhow...
20:10.36 brlcad yep, been doing that
20:11.20 brlcad and having the warning always on helps too, it'll be obvious if someone tries to remove it
20:11.49 starseeker cool - thanks for fixing
20:12.08 starseeker trying to get distcheck going again, that was a bit of a rocky start ;-)
20:12.43 brlcad it's a good discussion to have regardless
20:12.55 brlcad looks like we're going to have about four new warnings enabled now
20:13.11 brlcad one we were doing manually with windows builds
20:13.19 starseeker that'll be awesome
20:13.36 starseeker loves anything that decreases time spent on Windows
20:14.43 starseeker brlcad: so on principle do you prefer to stay with our manual time delta stuff, or if CMake's timestamp functionality proves adequate would you be OK with gradually migrating to that?
20:15.46 starseeker concedes what we're doing now is less build tool specific, which is a good thing, but so far it's been something of a nuisance maintenance wise
20:17.12 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
20:31.14 maths22 brlcad: which 4
20:32.48 brlcad i don't have their names handy
20:34.32 maths22 OK
20:34.58 maths22 did you get my email? I think the shorter logo looks better
20:41.49 starseeker if anybody feels like mucking around on Windows, it looks like our executables will need to make use of SetDllDirectory in combination with bu_brlcad_root or some such in order to "properly" support not putting all of our binaries in the same toplevel directory (i.e. if we want the test binaries on Windows to stay in their test subdirectories rather than end up in bin)
20:44.04 brlcad maths22: yes, it was received -- very nicely done
20:44.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 59293 (brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/bitv.c brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/vls.c): more size_t propagation where it doesn't affect API or change behavior. eliminate a lot of unnecessary casts in the process.
20:44.32 maths22 What I would like to do is figure out a better way to do that rectangle
20:44.55 maths22 I wish I could define it based on other features
20:45.29 brlcad what do you mean?
20:46.41 brlcad by the way, if you're curious nearly all of my commits today are in response to reviewing your Wconversion patch -- as I feared, most of the "proper" fixes were not to add casts but to propagate a different type or make some other change that avoids the type conversion issue altogether
20:46.46 maths22 I don't remember exactly what I did, but I had to calcuate the numeric position of each corner
20:47.06 starseeker ah, worth reading:
20:47.15 brlcad a few of them look like they might be outright unquellable without a wrapper (e.g., FD_SET())
20:47.40 maths22 I figured that was probably the case; if I had more experience, I would have tried to figure out what I could change more like you did
20:48.39 maths22 I just was trying to leave the include .h files alone
20:48.45 brlcad starseeker: PATH may very well be the easiest portable way -- we could just appeand the lib dir to PATH on startup
20:49.23 brlcad no impact on other platforms, no security issue raised that isn't otherwise there, no problems on linux/bsd/mac that I can think of
20:49.33 brlcad unless we start putting in private binaries into the lib dir
20:49.34 starseeker brlcad: I'm determined to avoid mucking with environment variables if there's any other way
20:49.39 maths22 I should figure out a way to script the logo (and add extra links [in grey?] on the ends)
20:51.05 brlcad starseeker: without hard-wiring "I'm on windows, do these things instead" into the front-end, the alternative begs for some sort of libbu interface to "set" our data directory at runtime
20:52.25 brlcad maths22: or... modify the model so that it can also be 3d printed ... if you got that working, I'd send you the logo printed ;)
20:52.46 brlcad (so that it doesn't fall apart nor is a rigid structure)
20:53.10 starseeker brlcad: indeed. a libbu function that all the exes call may be the best alternative available, if we aren't OK with Windows specific fu at the exe level (which I admit I'd rather not do)
20:53.11 brlcad should pivot 90 degrees or something
20:53.12 maths22 How would it need to be modified? you mean so the middle hinges around the side?
20:53.51 maths22 I will mess with that later today (I think I get what it would look like)
20:54.26 brlcad starseeker: the PATH hack could be done transparently without any exec modification ;)
20:54.50 brlcad just make a static function that reads PATH, looks if it's added, adds it if it's not
20:55.20 brlcad hm, that won't work, at least not how I was originally thinking of doing it
20:55.20 starseeker brlcad: but that would alter the PATH for the users whole environment, not just the one applicaion yes?
20:55.23 brlcad just the one app
20:55.30 brlcad and just the current runtime
20:55.43 brlcad once app shuts down, PATH is back to what it was
20:56.05 starseeker but wouldn't the applications have to call that function?
20:56.10 brlcad linux works the same way, you can muck with the environment variables .. the changes only exist in the subshell's lifetime
20:56.44 brlcad the problem is that it would have to do this search in the front-end, so it'd have to exist as a header macro or static binding
20:56.58 brlcad which is about as fugly as new API
20:57.14 brlcad meh
20:57.29 starseeker prefers new API - then we can hide anything relevant, PATH, SetDllDir, whatever behind it
20:58.33 starseeker bu_brlcad_init or some such, ala bu_brlcad_root
20:59.41 starseeker it's not a big deal at the moment, just figured it would come up when you noticed I had to conditionalize leaving the NO_INSTALL binaries in their build directories
21:03.22 starseeker brlcad: oh, bty, are we still interested in turning on the astyle-based formatting enforcement sometime soon-ish?
21:05.38 brlcad nods, same thoughts
21:06.14 brlcad though I've intentionally tried to avoid introducing an initialization function, trying to not introduce library statefulness anymore than we already have (trying to eliminate state)
21:06.49 brlcad yeah, very soonish
21:12.50 brlcad didn't get it in before GCI started, so I didn't want to inject that midwau
21:28.33 *** join/#brlcad Rishabh (~chatzilla@
21:30.54 starseeker brlcad: if we don't want that logic at the library level, how do we want to handle duplicating the necessary logic among all the exe binaries?
21:31.13 starseeker a C file that gets included for compilation?
21:35.32 starseeker src/brlcad_init.c and #include "../brlcad_init.c" inside the main() functions of the executables?
21:37.11 starseeker woot - successful distcheck-full
22:07.37 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (~gcibot@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
22:08.16 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (~gcibot@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
22:17.05 maths22 brlcad: how should I send you the interlinked one?
22:19.03 maths22 It should be printable and swing approx 180 degrees
22:20.19 maths22 By the way, is there an interactive raytracing geometry viewer?
22:22.46 maths22 note that the scale of the file is horrible (it has the pieces being one meter tall and 2 meters in diameter
22:26.21 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (~gcibot@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
22:31.21 maths22 emailed
22:31.35 maths22 Let me know if the walls are too thin
23:31.12 *** join/#brlcad ncsaba__ (
23:33.03 ncsaba__ kanzure: Hi Bryan, finally finished the python-brlcad surgery to move configuration in a config file, please have a look at my github pull request !
23:33.16 kanzure okay i will look in a bit
23:33.19 kanzure bug me by email if i don't
23:33.27 ncsaba__ Oh, cool, you're around :-)
23:33.46 ncsaba__ it's quite some change, but I hope it worths it
23:34.32 kanzure i haven't been doing too well today
23:34.37 kanzure i seem to have discovered a form of time travel
23:34.42 kanzure write a line of python and wake up 5 minutes later
23:34.52 kanzure (apparently i fell asleep..)
23:35.05 ncsaba__ hmm, doesn't sound good
23:35.20 ncsaba__ perhaps you need some rest then...
23:35.28 ncsaba__ my stuff is really not urgent :-)
23:36.11 ncsaba__ but I have to go now, otherwise I'll have the same fate ;-)
23:38.01 ncsaba__ in any case, if you look at something, then at the python-brlcad.cfg file first - that is the main change, to have all configuration out of code and at the user's reach
23:39.15 ncsaba__ there's some more magic to find the brlcad installation based on different things (PATH, configured/standard dirs), and to match the installed version to a configured version
23:40.09 ncsaba__ that allows us to configure different versions with different set of libraries and perhaps other options if needed, and still work with any installed version we support
23:40.57 ncsaba__ the side-effect is that I think windows will be easier to configure too
23:41.15 ncsaba__ but I didn't fully test that yet
23:41.55 ncsaba__ I get strange errors with pip on windows even before it gets to the post-install script at all, so I have to figure that out first
23:42.34 ncsaba__ ok, I'll leave now - mail me if you have any feedback...
23:42.39 ncsaba__ bye !
23:44.18 kanzure i do not enjoy supporting windows

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.