IRC log for #brlcad on 20140121

00:15.48 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
00:27.42 maths22 The Advantage of a Belief in Providence: Relief from the Burden of Responsibility in Shakespeare?s Hamlet
00:27.45 maths22 Jacob Burroughs
00:27.47 maths22 AP English Mr. Swanson
00:27.50 maths22 1/21/2014
00:27.53 maths22 ?
00:27.55 maths22 ?Conscience does make cowards of us all, / And thus the native hue of resolution / Is sicklied o?er with the pale cast of thought? (III.i.83-85). With these words in his famous ?To be or not to be? soliloquy, Hamlet, the protagonist in William Shakespeare?s Hamlet, concludes that thought prevents individuals from taking action. Throughout much of the play, Hamlet suffers from such negative consequences of thought. Hamlet?s tendency to
00:28.02 maths22 Hamlet first reveals his newfound faith in divine assistance when he describes to Horatio the recently aborted voyage to England. Hamlet relates his departure from his cabin in the middle of the night to search Rosencrantz?s and Guildenstern?s cabin and then digresses:
00:28.06 maths22 Rashly,
00:28.08 maths22 And praised be rashness for it ? let us know,
00:28.11 maths22 Our indiscretion sometime serves us well
00:28.13 maths22 When our deep plots do pall, and that should learn us
00:28.16 maths22 There's a divinity that shapes our ends,
00:28.18 maths22 Rough-hew them how we will ?
00:28.21 maths22 (V.ii.6-11)
00:28.23 maths22 Hamlet, referring to his decision to search his companions? cabin, knows he acted ?rashly,? in contrast to his frequent reliance on deep thought prior to action. He further decides that his action was not just rash, but ?indiscre[et],? implying that if he had thought about what he was doing, he would not have acted. Hamlet then ?praises? his rash behavior, a marked contrast to the ?regret? (III.iv.173-174) he expresses when he acts ras
00:28.30 maths22 In contrast, Hamlet indicates that rash actions may often lead to success. Through the word ?serves,? Hamlet suggests that, like a servant, indiscreet behavior can help Hamlet rather than harm him. Hamlet believes that his own indiscretion in searching Rosencrantz?s and Guildenstern?s cabin benefits him, since his rash behavior allows him to preserve his own life: when Hamlet enters the cabin, he finds ?an exact command ? that ? [his]
00:28.37 maths22 Reflecting on this successful action, Hamlet believes that God enabled him to find the original letter and perform this replacement. He explains that such benefits of indiscretion should ?learn,? meaning teach, individuals to believe in divine intervention, as these benefits are provided by ?divinity,? or God, ?shaping our ends.? The ?ends? shaped by ?divinity? can refer either to individuals? deaths or to the goals individuals seek to
00:28.44 maths22 Before Hamlet?s aborted journey to England, however, he holds an entirely different view of divinity, as Hamlet does not trust in divine assistance and believes that he is fully responsible for his actions and their consequences. Reflecting on the presence of his father?s ghost, Hamlet decides that he alone is responsible for fixing the corruption in Denmark. Shortly after he first observes the ghost and learns that Claudius murdered h
00:28.51 maths22 The responsibility he feels as a result of this obligation, however, overwhelms Hamlet, as he fears the consequences of failure, leading to further inaction. In seeking to fulfill his duty, as he enters Claudius? private chapel, Hamlet draws his sword to kill Claudius and begin the process of eliminating Denmark?s corruption. He thinks, ?Now might I do it pat, now he is a-praying, And now I?ll do ?t,? but, upon further reflection, chan
00:28.58 maths22 The ensuing incident in Gertrude?s chamber highlights both Hamlet?s belief that he is alone in his mission and his fear of the consequences of his actions as a result of the duty he posesses. After mistakenly murdering Polonius, thinking he was killing Claudius, Hamlet states ?but heaven hath pleased it so / To punish me with this and this with me, / That I must be their scourge and minister? (III.iv.174-176). By using the verb ?be,? H
00:29.05 maths22 Hamlet?s opinion of divine intervention changes, however, during his journey to England, as he comes to believe that heavenly powers will assist him in reaching the goal of a cleansed Denmark. This new view allows Hamlet to stop hesitating and start acting. In Hamlet?s mind, Providence has provided him with another opportunity to attempt to fulfill his obligation to kill Claudius. In addition to believing that his interception of Rose
00:29.12 maths22 This sense of shared responsibility enables Hamlet to willingly engage in riskier behavior than he has previously. After considering Claudius? plan for a duel between Hamlet and Laertes, Hamlet remarks ?Since no man of aught he leaves knows, what is ?t to leave betimes? Let be? (V.ii.195-196). Hamlet indicates that individuals should ?let be? and not overthink the consequences of their actions, given that divinity ?shapes [their] ends?
00:29.19 maths22 This new willingness to act without deep thought permits Hamlet to finally kill Claudius even as Hamlet dies himself. During the duel, although Hamlet is fatally wounded, he realizes ?The point envenomed too!,? and he ?hurts the king? by stabbing him (V.ii.301). Subsequently, when the king claims ?O, yet defend me, friends! I am but hurt,? Hamlet forces him to ?drink off this potion? containing poison (V.ii.303-305). Hamlet has stoppe
00:29.26 maths22 Ultimately, through Hamlet?s pattern of inaction and action, before, during, and after his journey toward England, Shakespeare suggests that individuals struggle to act when they feel the burden of responsibility. Shakespeare further argues that individuals who believe in Providence do not suffer from this burden to the same extent and thereby act more freely than those who do not have faith in a divine being. Consequently, through his
00:29.33 maths22 I seem to have paste problems
00:29.36 maths22 sorry
01:16.36 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
02:17.54 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
03:18.03 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
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03:56.58 brlcad maths22: haha, that's awesome
04:00.29 brlcad maths22: your (partial) report will forever be logged now ;)
04:01.11 brlcad maths22: as for the lag, you wouldn't happen to be behind comcast would you? I've been working with two different ISPs for the past few days and they're both pointing fingers at each other
04:01.34 brlcad the only confirmed issue I've been able to observe is one with a lossy comcast router
04:18.53 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
05:19.37 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
05:57.49 brlcad looks like the network issues seem to be faily specific to route
07:06.29 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
08:08.33 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
08:20.22 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
08:20.24 brlcad maths22: i still have more tests to run, but the more I look, the more it seems the problems I'm seeing are tied to my cable modem or local office
08:22.01 deepak Brlcad: Task related online geometry viewer mock-up completed can I show here to you?
08:28.24 brlcad deepak: sure
08:30.18 deepak brlcad: Apologies if something went wrong here is the even I added download and demo link inside it, please also review that :) Thanks.
08:36.36 brlcad deepak: that looks good, can you introduce / describe what all you did?
08:37.32 brlcad deepak: I see you put a lot of work into it, overall this looks compelling and well integrated -- I presume this is a WP install?
08:38.13 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
08:43.05 deepak brlcad: Okay, Basically I used compass and html to make this mock-up. My main motive is to make OGV landing page best. When I review OGV website and else, it seems odd to me, so I planned to make good landing page which attract users.
08:45.26 deepak On header I put about, download, demo, documentation, sign-up and community which tell everything about our brlcad like what OGV & E can do, you can download script, download full package, before use user test it as demo, join community, about community etc.
08:47.37 deepak In near future if editor functionality added to it, by keeping in mind I added one slide for OGE, I know that future is just behind the corner :)
08:51.52 brlcad deepak: what are they downloading?
08:52.33 brlcad i'd generally expect an archive of geometry, but this seems to be the website files and a script -- is it just filler files?
08:53.34 brlcad the geometry in the viewer will quickly become too quick to dowload all of it (already several GB if everything were posted)
08:54.49 deepak brlcad: When you click on download it download OGV package with script which is for linux or other linux (I clone that package from harmanpreet github account)
08:54.59 brlcad another question is whether this is intended to be integrated into our upcoming new website or if it's meant to be a separate site
08:55.21 brlcad if it's separate, matching the theme might actually be confusing (e.g., separate login credentials)
08:55.56 brlcad so download is basically the sources to the website, the ogv site code
08:57.01 deepak Brlcad: yes download contain source code + I added script that I was made for linux or other linux.
08:58.27 brlcad what's the purpose of making that download front and center consideration? I suspect most people creating an account will be loaoking to use the interface for viewing geoemtry, not caring about the code behind the site
08:59.41 brlcad not a big deal, but a fresh design should have as few options as necessary getting presented to the user
08:59.55 brlcad the looks more than enough to get feedback from others too
09:00.40 brlcad suggest sending a summary of what you did, why you did it, and solicit critique on the mailing list
09:01.12 deepak If any developer want to contribute or want to improve OGV functionality he/she easily get source code instead of searching here and there, for that purpose I added it.
09:02.25 deepak Okay i'll post it to mailing list.
09:05.04 deepak Brlcad: I want to one more question, I made script for OGV installation can we add it to our main OGV source code?
09:05.18 deepak * want to ask
09:44.01 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
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10:04.27 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
11:55.41 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
12:54.52 maths22 I do have comcast
12:56.33 maths22 However, I also have problems at school
13:14.46 ``Erik maths22: might try a handful of traceroutes from both locations, see if there's a hiccup that both happen to hit?
13:15.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 59478 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: sleep needs the config_win.h (MS Visual C)
13:16.51 ``Erik has seen similar symptoms in the past, traceroutes showed both office and home routes went through an alternet router in DC that was dropping packets
13:16.53 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
13:45.09 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
14:26.07 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~chick_@
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16:19.21 *** join/#brlcad maths22 (
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16:24.19 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (
17:03.06 brlcad maths22: what's your MTU size?
17:03.22 brlcad if I lower mine, the problem goes away completely
17:06.28 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck_ (
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17:17.46 brlcad (which still points at a failing router somewhere, or one misconfigured)
17:26.39 maths22 brlcad: can you query me most of your traceroute
17:34.26 brlcad maths22: to/from what?
17:56.56 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59479 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Don't need to configure_file twice
18:37.24 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (~Ali3nwar3@
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20:03.52 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
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20:21.30 ``Erik some awfully fun driving out in northern md today O.O
20:24.10 ``Erik I've never noticed mtu frame size to be an issue with broadband ssh (though I did tune it like mad doing quakeworld on a dialup), I'd imagine the only change it would make is with frag reassembly and missing fragment resends? in which case, every 10th packet being lost vs every 10th fragment being lost, still plenty of resend requests, no? O.o
20:27.32 brlcad yeah, i'm guessing it's just helping it recover enough to let the connection through
20:29.32 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
20:30.29 ``Erik could be, if a gimpy router is dropping 1/3 and every third packet is being dropped, the P() is ... not pleasant :)
20:31.32 ``Erik er, that was redundant, if a fragment is 1/3 of a packet and every third frag is being dropped
20:32.27 brlcad quite frustrating
20:32.34 brlcad sago says it's comcast
20:33.00 brlcad comcast is employed by idiots so it's hard to get escalation
20:33.28 ``Erik (fast subject change to blind people to the fact that it's been a very long time since he's worried about such things) so openjdk is marked broken on the latest port upgrade due to a bug that can damage the host os, I believe jenkins is the only java requirement on bz, is jenkins still considered important?
20:33.52 brlcad heh
20:34.05 ``Erik comcast has an army of idiots who are responsible to keep your issue away from an army of idiots who are responsible for keeping your issue away from someone with a clue
20:34.05 brlcad well it was our forefront interface for CI
20:34.27 brlcad but we could switch to buildbot in a heartbeat
20:34.28 ``Erik the old jdk is still running, jenkins should still be going ok, we just can't upgrade it right now
20:34.42 brlcad you migrating to 10?
20:35.07 ``Erik which means my "upgrade everything" sudo breaks and I have to do several sudo's for the others... I'm sure you've noticed :)
20:36.29 brlcad i haven't noticed anything .. I've been debugging this network issue for several days
20:40.24 ``Erik I've not noticed a network issue, but I'm using verizon
20:42.19 ``Erik comcast is celebrating the latest defeat of net neutrality a little much? :> (seriously, I've seen no connectivity issues to bz from this site)
20:43.38 ``Erik ya'll may be in the "suck it up and wait it out" phase :(
20:44.09 brlcad yeah, the timing was quite aligned
20:44.27 brlcad oddly only seems to occur with my ssh sessions
20:44.44 brlcad web access to the server is unaffected
20:54.52 ``Erik ssh handshake is a lot of packets, http is not quite as many (but still a lot), could be that the http slips through a significant portion of the time and the ssh just always bites it
20:56.09 ``Erik <-- dons a superman pajama jumpsuit and starts packing on winter gear for a hike to the sledding hill O.o bbiaw
20:57.45 ``Erik my money is on a gimped router at a very high level and you just get to suffer until they decide to unwedge it, comparing traceroutes from multiple sources will test the first half, comparing your annual income in billions of dollars will test the second. :(
23:38.44 maths22 ``Erik: fisheye uses java

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