IRC log for #brlcad on 20140309

00:01.14 javampire kanzure: please look at my newest commits on python-brlcad, I definitely need your feedback...
00:02.04 kanzure oh that was a week ago huh
00:02.10 kanzure well i blame the time warp i fell into
00:02.15 javampire :-)
00:02.30 kanzure i'm looking at
00:02.33 javampire I was worried something happened :-)
00:04.09 javampire unfortunately and because of my lack of git experience, now that pull request contains a combination of commits with very diverse topics
00:04.54 kanzure you can pluck a single commit into a separate branch by switching to the separate branch and running "git cherry-pick commit-id" to bring it into the current branch
00:05.18 javampire well if needed I will do it
00:05.45 kanzure i think my largest concern with merging was something about windows, but i'm not able to tell what's wrong anymore
00:05.56 kanzure i think i need to setup automatic testing infrastructure for windows stuff
00:06.07 kanzure probably something from or
00:06.15 javampire hmm, I figured out the windows port is broken, but it's not because of the new commits
00:06.30 javampire it was always broken I guess
00:06.52 kanzure regarding unrelated work, you can always switch to another branch with "git checkout -b newbranchname" and then switch back to another with "git checkout otherbranchname"
00:06.56 javampire install works, but actually writing geometry will result in broken files
00:07.19 kanzure wow what? were there errors (other than the incorrect output file)?
00:07.25 javampire yes, I was just lazy
00:07.42 javampire for windows it seg-faults on some test cases
00:08.01 kanzure i'm gonna go ahead and assume that's an upstream brlcad issue
00:08.07 kanzure hmm
00:08.10 javampire no, it's our problem
00:08.24 kanzure but i like those the least
00:09.01 javampire ctypesgen uses other system headers as what brl-cad used when compiling
00:09.41 javampire problem is that except if we actually get those system headers, it's impossible to make sure they will be the same
00:10.02 kanzure why would they be different?
00:10.20 javampire it's cygwin/msys vs M$ stuff
00:10.40 kanzure so, the python-brlcad readme says not to use cygwin because there's no cygwin build of brlcad anyway
00:11.04 kanzure oops wait, i mean, not to use the cygwin headers
00:11.19 kanzure i think you can still use cygwin if you armtwist it somehow, in a way that does not use the cygwin env variables etc
00:11.29 javampire on my system the cygwin headers define some 64-bit structures differently
00:12.00 javampire yes, but I couldn't figure out how
00:12.35 javampire it will probably need the ms headers - I don't have them
00:12.38 kanzure tbh i was just using cmd32 or whatever when i was manually testing python-brlcad on windows
00:13.15 javampire could you please test it again, just run the python files in the "tests" subdir ?
00:13.33 kanzure well at any rate, i'll prioritize some testing automation stuff for windows, since neither of us seem to care a lot about windows, and there needs to be non-manual tests anyway..
00:13.47 javampire ok, good !
00:14.20 javampire in any case, if the stuff in "tests" works without seg-fault in windows, then it's all ok :-)
00:14.36 javampire on my VM it doesn't
00:15.32 javampire on another note: I managed to add libged too as a WIP
00:16.52 javampire and: we might have a GSOC student apply for python-brlcad work
00:18.23 javampire kanzure: readline seems not to be available on windows ... again :-)
00:23.37 kanzure could you respond on the github comments instead (i'm bad at this too)
00:23.48 kanzure because eventually we are going to look at this again and then wonder where the other half of the conversation is
00:24.51 javampire yes, I'm checking in code in response
00:31.24 kanzure okay, i'm done making comments for now
00:32.00 kanzure anyway feel free to fight me on anything, some of this stuff is nitpicking others not so much etc
00:33.57 *** join/#brlcad rotad (~user@unaffiliated/rotad)
00:40.57 javampire kanzure: before going further, please read my last mail regarding interactive vs. scripted use of libged !
00:41.45 kanzure oh hrm
00:42.12 javampire so all those gimmicks are because "with" is not really usable interactively
00:42.36 javampire I actually tried to mimic mged's behavior
00:42.45 kanzure why are you using a context manager?
00:42.58 javampire in scripted code it is cleaner
00:43.26 javampire interactively it is not helping
00:43.47 javampire I tried both :-)
00:46.35 javampire you can use the GED object as it is implemented now both interactively using the ged_open/ged_close globals (which in turn use the _GED_INSTANCE global to store the instance they work on), or directly instantiating it
00:46.56 kanzure your emails show up as comments by the way. it wasn't clear to me whether or not there are additional emails outside the context of your review comment replies.
00:47.01 javampire ged_open global is really not doing much more than setting up an instance
00:47.34 javampire ok, sorry, I was not aware of that
00:47.35 kanzure i am not sure i like how github forces a multi-comment review to involve multiple emails. why not just one email per review? what a silly system.
00:47.54 javampire well..
00:49.14 kanzure so now it's probably triggered multiple emails to anyone else receiving notifications. icky. maybe i'll switch to a mailing list eventually, and just write emails against diff files.
00:49.26 kanzure anyway, i've read your replies, and these things make sense to me
00:49.58 kanzure i'm willing to merge it now or i could hold off for a bit, up to you
00:52.27 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
00:52.45 javampire wait shortly so I can read all comments
00:52.54 javampire I will push some changes based on them
00:53.50 javampire btw, what is a named-tuple ?
00:54.48 javampire for that DBType thing, I was considering a dict, but I like better the dot notation to access the members than the dictionary lookup
00:55.13 javampire I guess there is a better way to get that than a class, but I'm not aware of it
00:59.23 javampire kanzure: the logging setup in instead of print is still a valid comment ? It was thought for interactive use, not sure if logging is valid there... you will also find some "raw_input" in that method, ged is really for interactive use...
01:27.00 kanzure logging is valid for interactive use.. you can bind certain logging handlers to console/stdout.
01:27.22 kanzure bleh, i don't really like interactive use anyway, can't we just force the user to use an interpreter
01:27.42 kanzure like, why not use an interpreter and just use the native brlcad objects instead of an interactive-use library on top of brlcad
01:28.50 javampire I'm not sure I understand this with the interpreter
01:28.57 javampire python is our interpreter ?
01:28.59 kanzure i am specifically commenting about the existence of ged
01:29.23 javampire well it is thought for ad-hoc building of geometry
01:29.40 javampire you type "ged_in()" and it prompts for the right things
01:29.48 javampire try it :-)
01:30.30 javampire it's actually useful if you don't bother looking up what params an rcc needs for example
01:30.38 kanzure not convince d:)
01:30.55 javampire if you want to script things, wdb is the way to go
01:31.45 javampire brl-cad is huge and it covers lots of use cases
01:32.26 javampire and I would actually do some ad-hoc things, for example viewing the geometry is always pretty ad-hoc
01:33.09 javampire so next I would like to get viewing the goemtry work, and ged has quite some features to help doing that
01:33.40 kanzure pythonocc did an okay way of interactive geometry scripting with opencascade and viewing at the same time, one moment
01:33.42 javampire but that's perhaps also a good scope for a GSOC project :-)
01:33.59 kanzure
01:35.22 kanzure (this is using a python interpreter with the qt event loop i think)
01:35.28 kanzure (for rendering while also allowing user input)
01:36.29 javampire ok, interesting
01:38.07 javampire I was planning similar for python-brlcad, will have a look at pythonocc
01:38.27 javampire happen to know what license it has ?
01:39.26 kanzure pythonocc is a pile of wrappers around swig wrappers around opencascade
01:39.37 kanzure opencascade recently became lgpl
01:40.12 kanzure but also it's poorly written, poorly maintained, full of bugs, very limited testing, and written in english/french/russian over the past ~25 years since matra datavision
01:42.38 kanzure matra datavision:
01:42.58 javampire oookey...
01:43.20 javampire then I might prefer to roll my own
01:43.33 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:44.06 kanzure yes i would say it's "incompatible" with python-brlcad, except for looking at how tpaviot/jelle implemented the qt loop
01:44.16 javampire kanzure: I pushed some changes, in particular the min_brlcad_version is renamed, please have a look
01:44.57 javampire actually it's rewritten, not renamed
01:45.11 kanzure cool
01:45.39 javampire I would change the DBType too, do you have some tips how to achieve dot notation without a class ?
01:46.09 javampire I found that's the easiest way to do it...
01:51.50 kanzure it's okay for now, i'll grab it when i do a pass soon
01:53.27 javampire ok, thanks
01:54.50 javampire BTW, what about adding python-brlcad properly set up to the BRL-CAD virtual machine ?
01:55.35 javampire that could get some new users and more testing...
01:56.18 kanzure i would say no, but i wouldn't mind including instructions or hints on how to use vagrant to get a base image
01:56.31 javampire hmm, why no ?
01:56.44 kanzure installing python-brlcad is really just "sudo apt-get install build-essential brlcad python-setuptools" and then "sudo pip install --upgrade brlcad" on ubuntu
01:56.58 kanzure because repackaging a virtual machine for every conceivable build or release of the project is just poor planning and not good
01:57.00 javampire on ubuntu sure
01:57.08 kanzure you don't see firefox releasing a new vm for every build artifact
01:57.26 javampire but the VM is mostly used by windows people I guess
01:58.02 javampire ok, admittedly it will be then as easy to set up inside the VM
01:58.48 javampire in fact Raj (the GSOC candidate) managed to set it up pretty fast, so it must be OK
01:59.54 javampire ok, enough for today (it's 3:00 here)
02:00.04 javampire I mean 3AM
02:02.33 javampire see you Bryan !
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03:32.44 brlcad supposedly any minute now
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04:25.28 tofu and so it really begins
05:21.50 *** join/#brlcad caen23_ (~caen23@
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05:54.51 *** join/#brlcad raj12lnm (75d284ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:03.18 raj12lnm Hi all.
07:27.03 *** join/#brlcad esornep (~amit@
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16:40.09 *** join/#brlcad raj12lnm (75e4b2ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:40.54 raj12lnm hi all.
16:41.20 raj12lnm javampire : I have changed the pull adding facilities in the pull.
16:41.26 raj12lnm Did you notice them ?
16:42.29 raj12lnm javampire: In the pull request. you will see my last commit which has found a mechanism to handle the matrix.
16:42.37 raj12lnm javampire : I am adding the test now.
16:42.46 raj12lnm Can you help me writting the tes ?
16:43.25 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
16:44.15 raj12lnm hi kesha.
16:44.31 raj12lnm are you a contributor at brlcad ?
16:44.35 javampire raj12lnm: hi, I have seen the new commits, added already some comments
16:45.16 raj12lnm javampire when i add the test i see the following error!
16:45.24 raj12lnm AttributeError: WDB instance has no attribute 'vol'
16:45.50 raj12lnm can u help where i am possibly wrong.
16:45.50 javampire you need to install again python-brlcad
16:46.16 javampire just run the "python install --user
16:46.33 raj12lnm javampire i have already and able to run the tests
16:46.41 raj12lnm but when i add a tests for the vol.
16:46.44 raj12lnm I see that issue.
16:46.56 javampire yes, your changes need to be deployed each time
16:47.14 javampire whenever you change anything in python-brlcad, you need to deploy the changes
16:47.30 javampire the tests will see the deployed version, not your sources
16:47.54 raj12lnm ok. so i rerun the setup ?
16:47.56 javampire yes
16:49.11 raj12lnm ok javampire thanks.
16:49.19 javampire did work ?
16:49.30 javampire you will have some more errors ;-)
16:51.09 raj12lnm i do. :-)
16:51.16 raj12lnm I am trying to fix.
16:51.30 raj12lnm AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'VOL'
16:51.53 javampire do you know how to fix ?
16:52.25 raj12lnm I dont.
16:52.31 raj12lnm atleast havent found yet.
16:53.01 raj12lnm your help will be good.
16:53.14 javampire raj12lnm: hint: look at what is in the __all__ list and then look at the imports
16:53.48 raj12lnm ind or in the tests ?
16:54.04 raj12lnm got it.
16:54.05 raj12lnm :)
16:54.30 javampire basically the __all__ list will tell python what names should be available if you do "from module import *"
16:54.47 javampire but those names must be defined in the module
16:55.01 javampire by importing it you also define it as part of the module
16:55.16 raj12lnm ok.
16:55.27 raj12lnm and it imports all the functions.
16:56.28 javampire so, in "brlcad/primitives/ you need to add VOL to the __all__ list, and to import it
16:56.37 javampire I guess you figured it out already :-)
16:59.41 raj12lnm Actually I already had it.
17:00.20 raj12lnm I also added vol.s to brl_db.region
17:00.24 raj12lnm but I am stil not able to run the tests.
17:00.37 raj12lnm sees same error.
17:00.48 javampire re-deployed ? ;-)
17:01.06 raj12lnm yeah.
17:01.38 javampire raj12lnm: I talked to Sean about GSOC proposals, and it seems that the philosophy is that the student should come up with the idea/scope, the project page is just an initial help
17:02.03 javampire I will also do official mentoring if you want to go for it
17:03.00 javampire so the bottom line is: you should actually own the ideas, it's not a hire job ;-)
17:03.36 javampire ok, back to VOL - check in and push your tests, I will have a look
17:04.53 *** join/#brlcad raj12lnm_ (7aa68b01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:05.27 raj12lnm_ javampire I saw this at last
17:05.30 raj12lnm_ 22:32] <raj12lnm> ok. [22:32] <raj12lnm> Thanks for taking to him. [22:32] <raj12lnm> *talking.
17:05.47 raj12lnm_ javampire : couldnot see anything after that !
17:06.19 raj12lnm_ javampire: I will start working on the application from next week (tommorow)
17:06.22 javampire -> go to the end
17:06.27 raj12lnm_ First I would like to wrap a primitive.
17:07.41 javampire well I still think the best would be if you are also interested at least theoretically about 3D modeling, all we do here is to make that easier...
17:09.28 *** join/#brlcad raj12lnm (75e00d22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:16.06 raj12lnm javampire : as you said you could mentor officially also.
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17:16.11 raj12lnm Will you mentor me ?
17:16.14 javampire yes, sure
17:16.33 raj12lnm Although I am too far from being selected
17:16.57 javampire well all you need is to have a vision of what you want to accomplish
17:17.22 javampire and there it will help you to try out what brl-cad can without python, and what you imagine it could be doing with :-)
17:18.20 raj12lnm javampire, before we discuss more on the application can you help me with the test ?
17:18.28 javampire as Sean already told me, the ideas should ultimately be yours, you should do it as a pleasure work...
17:18.28 raj12lnm I would want to complete the first contribution. :-)
17:18.32 javampire yes, sure
17:18.41 brlcad servers are back online
17:19.33 javampire raj12lnm: if you get in trouble with anything, please check in to git, push to github, then I can see your code and test too
17:21.11 *** part/#brlcad tofu (
17:22.29 raj12lnm javampire : you can see the code in the pull request now.
17:22.42 javampire ok, will check
17:25.10 *** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
17:25.31 javampire raj12lnm: ok, that's the wrong test case, it's my fault, sorry...
17:26.00 javampire please roll back your changes in that file, add them to tests/
17:26.34 javampire if you will do "git fetch --all -v" you will see I got rid already of that file
17:27.58 javampire you might need to also do "git merge javampire/master" (replace javampire with whatever you called my remote)
17:29.31 *** join/#brlcad raj12lnm__ (~androirc@
17:37.20 raj12lnm__ javampire :
17:37.31 raj12lnm__ I have issues with my network here.
17:38.44 raj12lnm__ Sorry. Regarding the delay.
17:38.54 raj12lnm__ Can u give some time 15 mins
17:39.32 javampire raj12lnm__: take your time, I'm not in a hurry :-)
17:39.51 javampire must be late in your time-zone
17:39.58 raj12lnm__ javampure : thanks
17:40.11 raj12lnm__ Javampire : today is off.
17:40.21 raj12lnm__ So slept till late ;-)
17:40.29 javampire ok :-)
17:44.46 *** join/#brlcad raj12lnm (75fc9624@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:52.39 raj12lnm is back.
17:53.03 raj12lnm javampire : I see that you have changed the complete testing infrastructure.
17:53.15 raj12lnm is working to fetch your changes in my local repository.
18:04.46 raj12lnm was able to fetch the repository but dont find it in sync with the repo of ncsaba on github.
18:05.55 javampire raj: then you might do the merge I mentioned
18:05.58 raj12lnm javampire : I am done with fetching.
18:06.23 javampire I think you will need to merge my changes...
18:06.32 javampire into your own mater branch
18:06.35 javampire master
18:16.01 *** join/#brlcad maths22 (
18:16.06 maths22 and the move is done!
18:16.43 javampire so it's checked in ?
18:27.29 *** join/#brlcad hongth (~hongth@
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18:45.00 raj12lnm javampire : I have merged.
18:45.10 raj12lnm Thanks for the support.
18:45.17 javampire welcome
18:45.39 raj12lnm javampire : I found that mk_vol is not is used in the main source code.
18:45.45 raj12lnm I grepped the code.
18:46.27 raj12lnm brlcad could you shed some light on it ?
18:46.29 javampire well it is meant to be used by external code, most mk_* methods are used in examples if inside BRL-CAD code
18:46.45 raj12lnm ok.
18:46.55 raj12lnm s you mean you cal the code from the archer ?
18:47.04 javampire wdb is the interface you can use if you want to build your own geometry
18:47.38 javampire not exactly, archer is for interactive use, where you do it using the GUI
18:47.53 javampire wdb is for writing a program which generates geometry based on parameters
18:47.59 raj12lnm so wdb has another interface.
18:48.18 raj12lnm ok.
18:48.46 javampire look at this project for an example I actually want to use for building a real world object:
18:49.51 *** join/#brlcad raj12lnm_ (75fc9624@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:49.54 javampire you can compare the "" file which does mostly the same as "returnboard.tcl"
18:50.27 javampire I abandoned the TCL version pretty early, and started to work on python-brlcad so I can use python to do the work :-)
18:50.46 raj12lnm_ ok. javampire.
18:51.02 raj12lnm_ the last i saw was this
18:51.03 raj12lnm_ [00:15] <javampire> hmm, I suspect it is not widely used
19:11.33 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gagan@
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19:34.56 brlcad raj12lnm_: what javampire said -- the mk_*() routines are for external codes and procedural geometry apps
19:35.09 brlcad we don't have any proc-db apps that create vol at the moment
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20:16.10 raj12lnm__ brlcad : ok
20:16.37 raj12lnm__ I will try to get familiar with procedyral geometry
20:16.51 raj12lnm__ So that i can get a sense of the developmwnt.
20:17.35 raj12lnm__ Vrlcad : Can you help me with few doable task with the procedural geometry.
20:17.44 raj12lnm__ brlcad :
20:30.01 *** join/#brlcad mizurow (~mizurow@
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21:28.09 brlcad raj12lnm__: to what end?
21:28.15 brlcad starseeker: wb
21:48.31 maths22 brlcad: the dns temp change seemed to go smoothly (except when I accidentally tried to log on to the temp server)
21:49.05 *** join/#brlcad FreezingAlt (~FreezingC@
21:49.17 brlcad maths22: yeah, actual downtime was very limited
21:49.42 brlcad maths22: I tried for a couple hours to get the new site running
21:50.13 brlcad ultimately ran into some problem getting it to talk to the database that I couldn't resolve in time
21:50.39 brlcad so I just ran with a static site backup
21:58.57 *** join/#brlcad dervan (5bbc6348@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:00.21 dervan hello, I'm writing with question about GSOC
22:02.33 brlcad ~ask
22:02.33 infobot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:02.54 brlcad dervan: how can we help you?
22:06.26 dervan yes, yes: I think about task with OpenGL, but I worked mainly with math GPU-accelerated algorithm, not with computer graphics... To complete this task I must have quite good skills in computer graphics?
22:08.31 dervan It's a pity, but in task list it's summarized only with few words...
22:10.43 brlcad dervan: you mean OpenCL?
22:11.12 maths22 I wonder what was up with that
22:11.59 brlcad maths22: yeah, I'm not sure -- the databases were imported, users imported, confirmed I could access their data manually with the login info
22:12.09 dervan mainly CUDA, but I also wrtote few lines in OpenCL
22:12.45 brlcad maths22: but wp and mw both just gave me bad a generic "some problem occurred" message
22:13.25 brlcad dervan: i'm having trouble understanding you -- you said you were thinking about a task with *OpenGL* ... did you mean that or did you mean OpenCL instead of OpenGL?
22:13.34 brlcad we have OpenGL projects and an OpenCL project
22:13.35 maths22 was the /etc/brlcad part set up?
22:13.41 brlcad maths22: yes
22:14.44 brlcad dervan: to answer your question regardless of which you mean, you do not need to have strong computer graphics familiarity (data is just data)
22:15.01 dervan ohh, sorry, I don't recognized this.... All right I'm thinking about OpenCL
22:15.15 maths22 I'll mess with that on my local computer (doing a db transfer and svn co)
22:15.32 maths22 I wonder if the apache error log had anythign
22:16.00 brlcad nope, logs were all silent
22:17.03 brlcad that's basically where I lost a couple hours trying to figure it out, before deciding that the static site was good enough for a sunday morning :)
22:17.14 maths22 what version php and mysql
22:17.28 brlcad I needed to put mw and/or wp into a debug mode to figure out where it was getting stuck
22:17.29 maths22 I want the site to be able to transfer painlessly, so I'm trying to figure it out
22:17.52 brlcad looks like it was PHP 5.3.26
22:18.27 brlcad latest mysql download (actually mariadb)
22:18.44 brlcad Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.36-MariaDB
22:18.51 maths22 what is mariadb?
22:19.04 brlcad fork of mysql
22:19.43 brlcad (by the guy that started mysql)
22:19.52 brlcad
22:20.56 brlcad basically, in response to oracle trying to screw the open source community (or more aptly, ignoring)
22:21.37 brlcad dervan: did that answer your question?
22:21.53 brlcad dervan: that's a very high-priority interest so glad to hear you're interested in it
22:24.37 dervan yes, but I have also next question: I don't know where I should look for more details about this taks... I must be more precise in my application, so I must first study source code of this functions? (btw, can you tell me what exactly means "primitives"?)
22:26.05 brlcad dervan: if you stay on irc for a while, I will gladly give you LOTS of more details about what we had in mind
22:26.18 brlcad so you can write a precise detailed application
22:26.28 dervan ok, no problem, I'm waiting
22:26.48 brlcad i'll also add more details on our wiki
22:27.10 brlcad but basically, primitives are "objects" .. spheres, torus, boxes, pyramids, etc
22:28.12 brlcad each primitive already has code that describes them in detail and this task is basically to convert 1 of them from C to OpenCL (easy right?)
22:28.42 brlcad OR to change our front-end processing to handle data a little differently (with or without OpenCL) -- that's the coherent raytracing task
22:28.44 dervan ahh, this primitives... I'm really sorry, I misunderstand you...
22:29.08 brlcad
22:29.18 brlcad each of those is a "primitive"
22:31.52 brlcad one of those is a sphere, for example .. and the C function to be converted is an intersection function, which is basically solving the quadratic equation (-b +- sqrt(b^2 -4ac)) / 2a
22:32.23 brlcad in fact, that one is already done in OpenCL so you have a great example for converting the other primitives
22:32.54 dervan and wait... changing front-end processing with OpenCL will cover first and second task?
22:33.07 brlcad no, no
22:33.16 brlcad you can either change the front end or change the back end
22:33.25 dervan ok
22:33.26 brlcad those two tasks are separate projects
22:33.48 brlcad notice this:
22:34.21 brlcad and specifically:
22:35.12 brlcad is an OpenCL version of rt_sph_shot() in sph.c
22:35.44 brlcad the OpenCL task is to do exactly that for as many of our other primitives as possible
22:35.48 brlcad make sense?
22:36.06 brlcad stick around and ask more questions .. we're here all the time, but sometimes take a while to respond
22:36.17 dervan and in this task I will write such function for every primitive?
22:41.23 dervan kernel lauch will be same/similar for every primitive and it is written (because it work with sphere)?
22:42.37 *** join/#brlcad FOSScookie (
22:58.55 kintel OpenSCAD 2014.03 just released. Now ready for GSoC :)
23:01.04 dervan brlcad: Thank you for responding to my questions, now I know that I'm really interested in this project. I will play a little with this code tomorrow. Goodbye ;)
23:05.00 *** join/#brlcad DJ_FF (29cd1635@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:12.27 brlcad kintel: awesome
23:26.37 brlcad DJ_FF: hi
23:26.52 *** join/#brlcad dennisy (~dennisy@216-165-63-152.DYNAPOOL.NYU.EDU)
23:27.20 DJ_FF Hi!
23:27.29 dennisy hello
23:28.17 dennisy i'm interested in getting involved in the brlcad project
23:28.19 brlcad welcome
23:29.06 brlcad dennisy: lots of really easy ways to get involved -- what's your interest?
23:30.14 dennisy brlcad: i'm hoping to apply for the google summer of code program
23:30.33 DJ_FF brlcad: i am interested in the project of adding the exec function to the search option
23:31.02 brlcad dennisy: hoping? you are in full control of whether you apply ;)
23:31.20 brlcad DJ_FF: excellent, what do you know about it?
23:31.30 dennisy brlcad: well
23:31.52 dennisy brlcad: as part of the process i was working on fixing a bug i found on the tracker
23:32.51 dennisy brlcad: when using nirt from the mged command line, the additional options to nirt don't get passed on the first call
23:33.36 brlcad really? heh, didn't know about that one
23:34.09 dennisy brlcad: yeah, apparently the ray is shot first, and then the options are applied
23:34.25 dennisy brlcad: so to get the intended effect you need to shoot a second ray right after
23:34.35 dennisy brcad: and ignore the first output
23:35.15 brlcad I'd investigate why the options aren't be applyed in the first place
23:35.18 brlcad the first time
23:35.58 brlcad if that behavior truely is required, then supression of the first would make sense but I see no reason why that'd be the case
23:36.16 brlcad probably some stupid state or bogus initialization
23:36.42 dennisy brlcad: yes, the bug report also mentioned it's likely because the command to shoot a ray is passed to nirt before the user's additional options are passed
23:37.33 dennisy brlcad: anyway, my question is, how does mged pass the commands to nirt?
23:37.37 brlcad that doesn't make a lot of sense to me ;)
23:38.28 dennisy the closest i could figure it out was that it seems to use the signal() function
23:39.07 brlcad from memory, nirt is invoked through a subprocess (via execl() or similar)
23:39.30 brlcad this is a great intro for implementing search -exec actually
23:39.50 brlcad it'll probably take you a day or two to understand the code, but this is a succinct issue
23:40.08 brlcad have you first 1) compiled brl-cad from source and 2) run mged and 3) run nirt in mged? :)
23:40.18 dennisy yep
23:40.20 brlcad gotta reproduce an issue if you have to fix it ;)
23:40.23 brlcad excellent
23:41.17 dennisy i also noticed passing a debug argument like -X 0x001 to nirt makes it take a very long time to respond
23:41.33 dennisy though that may be intended
23:41.45 brlcad ooh, yeah
23:41.48 brlcad that's a debug flag
23:41.58 brlcad makes it print a ton of statements
23:42.09 dennisy tons
23:42.35 dennisy so what would the best way to get familiar with the code base be?
23:42.46 brlcad you familiar with using a debugger?
23:42.57 brlcad best will probably be to step through the code
23:42.58 dennisy yes, i know gdb
23:43.22 dennisy though i've mostly used it for very low level stuff
23:44.14 dennisy is most of the mged logic located in mged.c?
23:44.28 brlcad if you know how to set a breakpoint and step, you probably know enough to fix this
23:44.58 dennisy that's reassuring
23:45.06 brlcad so quick path to discovery ... you'd search src/mged for nirt and hopefully you'd see that there's a big command table in setup.c
23:45.24 brlcad it references an f_nirt function, which is what is invoked when someone types nirt
23:45.42 brlcad find that function, break on it in the debugger, and you're set to begin understanding the issue(s)
23:46.04 dennisy ok
23:46.14 dennisy i will get to working on that
23:46.21 dennisy thank you for your help
23:46.31 brlcad src/mged and src/libged are the two places of interest when it comes to mged commands
23:46.47 brlcad note that things are slightly different if you use nirt within archer
23:46.54 brlcad can you reproduce the bug in archer?
23:47.02 dennisy i haven't tried it in archer yet
23:47.10 brlcad if not, you might get really lucky and can just replace f_nirt() with ged_nirt()
23:47.48 brlcad but have to look and compare both functions, see what f_nirt's doing that is different
23:48.18 dennisy mhm
23:48.43 brlcad f_nirt might even call ged_nirt, but doing other work
23:48.52 brlcad just have to look
23:52.17 dennisy ok. seems like calling nirt from inside archer has the same issue

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