IRC log for #brlcad on 20140311

00:45.11 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
00:45.47 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:07.43 *** join/#brlcad rotad (~user@unaffiliated/rotad)
01:46.13 brlcad maths22: so is the svn module still needed then?
01:46.31 brlcad or is that your staging ground for the live site?
01:59.01 *** join/#brlcad FOSScookie (
02:05.31 maths22 It should not be needed
02:05.40 maths22 Do you know why php exec would not work on the server?
02:41.49 brlcad maths22: security restrictions
02:55.15 maths22 Would there be any way for it to be enabled either for a special subdomain or directory?
02:55.22 maths22 git webhooks
03:48.37 *** join/#brlcad ries (~ries@
03:56.45 *** join/#brlcad inderplus_ (~inderplus@
04:19.20 *** join/#brlcad FOSScookie (
05:06.15 *** join/#brlcad inderplus_ (~inderplus@
05:15.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 6552 /wiki/Summer_of_Code/Checklis: completely redo and revamp the checklist this year, more generalized, distinctly call out our collaborator resources where needed
05:34.21 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 6553 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: link images to their respective sections
05:37.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 6554 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
06:48.09 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
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08:01.13 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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08:41.27 *** join/#brlcad pandrei (~pandrei@
08:42.17 pandrei Hello
08:43.10 pandrei is anyone working on this project for gsoc : Object-oriented interfaces ?
08:53.27 *** join/#brlcad inderplus_ (~inderplus@
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09:15.02 d_rossberg pandrei: at the moment nobody is working on any gsoc project ;) so, you are interested in the object-oriented interface and would like to work on it?
09:15.13 pandrei yes
09:15.25 pandrei I have a few(perhaps irrelevant) questions
09:15.52 pandrei do I still have commit access? would it be a good idea to submit a few patches related to that part of the codebase
09:16.00 pandrei before still writting the proposal
09:16.43 pandrei I just co and built brlcad a few moments ago
09:31.25 *** join/#brlcad javampire (
09:31.37 d_rossberg pandrei: you probably still have commit access, but nevertheless it would be a good idea to submit a patch first
09:32.24 d_rossberg did you already compiled the core interface?
09:33.14 pandrei I'm not sure, I compiled brlcad
09:33.28 pandrei I don't know if it's included or it's in a different repo
09:34.04 d_rossberg that's not enough, you need to check out the rt^3 branch first (parallel to brlcad)
09:34.23 d_rossberg i.e. rt^3/trunc
09:42.01 pandrei ok, I got that branch now
09:42.15 pandrei and tried to run cmake ../rt3, it complains it cannot find brlcad
09:42.22 pandrei (it is installed in /usr/brlcad)
09:43.03 pandrei is it looking for the brlcad trunc, and not the binaries?
09:48.53 d_rossberg it needs both: the trunc and the binaries
09:51.18 pandrei it asks me to set BRLCAD_BASE_DIR
09:52.10 pandrei I should change it in cmake/FindBRLCAD.cmake I assume
09:58.17 d_rossberg that's odd, i can't find a BRLCAD_BASE_DIR here and i have no problem with the cmake configuration
09:58.45 d_rossberg maybe it's because i've checked out brlcad and rt^3 side-by-side?
09:59.04 pandrei I have them on the same dir level, aswell
09:59.44 pandrei I have the brlcad(trunc), brlcad-build, rt3 and rt3build on same level
10:00.15 pandrei and the relevant binaries are at /usr/brlcad/dev-7.24.1
10:05.39 d_rossberg this should be ok, did you tried the cmake gui?
10:09.33 pandrei I didn't know cmake has a gui
10:12.12 d_rossberg i think it's called cmake-gui
10:13.58 d_rossberg looking again at the cmake files it looks like the brl-cad source trunk isn't necessary
10:14.59 d_rossberg the brlcad-config is important (BRLCAD_CONFIGEXE cmake variable)
10:15.48 d_rossberg is /usr/brlcad/dev-7.24.1/bin in your path variable?
10:16.23 pandrei nope
10:16.33 pandrei you're right, that might be one of the issues
10:17.17 pandrei haha, now it worked
10:17.47 pandrei thanks a lot !
10:18.36 d_rossberg ok, in the build directory type "make coreinterface"
10:19.14 d_rossberg you'll run into an error there, maybe a chance for a first patch
10:19.35 pandrei yes, the BU_UNSETJUMP problem
10:19.54 pandrei well, as you said, it's a great starting point
10:19.55 pandrei thanks!
10:20.31 d_rossberg ? i got another error, however
10:21.28 d_rossberg there is a small example program in rt^3/tests/coreInterface using this c++ interface
10:34.23 pandrei it's weird that I get 'was not declared in this scope' for all BU_UNSETJUMP occurences
10:34.35 pandrei SET/UNSET even
10:40.26 pandrei those are defined in include/bu/parallel.h
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11:14.52 khmarehman Hello Everyone
11:18.17 khmarehman I am Abdur Rehman from Pakistan and I am Mechatronics Engineer
11:31.13 *** join/#brlcad javampire (
11:50.32 javampire kanzure: Hi Bryan, I added one more commit to the pull request:
11:51.18 javampire it is about caching the _bindings directory between re-installs, configurable from the ~/.python-brlcad.cfg file
11:52.52 javampire the reason is that when I'm not explicitly working on the bindings install code, I want only to reinstall the higher level python code, which takes <1 second versus the 10+ seconds it takes to process the bindings
11:53.09 javampire if I repeat that often enough, it becomes annoying...
12:35.30 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
12:52.46 *** join/#brlcad richa (uid11933@gateway/web/
13:03.47 d_rossberg pandrei: ... as i've said: i got another error, trying to find out what's wrong ...
13:05.16 pandrei I'll try to rm everything and pull them again, to see if this works. However, should I have ran make in rt^3 before make coreinterface?
13:45.31 d_rossberg i think i got the cause for the BU_UNSETJUMP issue ... and no, "make" doesn't work, i would say
14:09.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60114 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/include/dm/dm-osg.h brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/include/dm.h and 8 others): Start trying to figure out the puzzle of the framebuffer windowing. Got a long way to go.
14:10.53 *** join/#brlcad kesha_ (~kesha@
14:18.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60115 brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libfb/if_osg.cpp: Need Tk before we can do any windowing.
14:21.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 60116 (rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/Arb8.cpp rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/Combination.cpp and 15 others): after the break out of bu.h in many small headers raytrace.h doesn't provide all bu symbols needed hereincluded bu/parallel.h for the defines BU_SETJUMP and BU_UNSETJUMP
14:32.14 *** join/#brlcad pandrei (~pandrei@
14:32.50 pandrei d_rossberg: sorry, d/c ed
14:44.31 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
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14:52.50 d_rossberg pandrei: you sould update your rt^3 copy
14:56.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 60117 rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/CMakeLists.txt: added a hint for the TCL include directory, that's necesary when the TCL bundled with BRL-CAD is used, otherwise tcl.h won't be found
15:04.35 pandrei d_rossberg : yes, that did it, thanks!
15:04.44 pandrei however, make coreinterface succesfully compiles now
15:06.14 *** join/#brlcad cstirk (
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16:15.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60118 brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libfb/if_osg.cpp: Switch out more of the glX calls.
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17:19.27 pandrei so, how should I proceed next, since you apparently fixed that error for me ?
17:45.16 richa Isn't BRL-CAD's wiki based on mediawiki engine?
17:45.38 richa Just wondering because I couldn't see a Powered by mediawiki image at the bottom
17:47.00 kanzure javampire: why is it part of the same pull request? what about making a different branch so that i can consider it separately from the other work..
17:53.16 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck_ (
18:02.24 ``Erik (d3d->opengl bridge from valve)
18:11.12 richa Where will I get the source code for BRL-CAD's wiki?
18:13.08 pandrei richa : svn co brlcad
18:27.37 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
18:46.40 *** join/#brlcad ejno (~ejno@unaffiliated/kazaik)
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19:37.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60119 brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libfb/if_osg.cpp: Use the toplevel window - actually got a working raytrace, although none of the controls are operational yet.
19:41.02 *** join/#brlcad DJ_FF (29cd1635@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:56.22 brlcad richa: for the wiki?
19:56.41 brlcad it's a current mediawiki installation
19:57.00 brlcad pandrei: that's our source code to BRL-CAD, not for our wiki
19:57.18 pandrei oh, sorry
19:57.20 brlcad np
19:57.26 richa brlcad: Isn't it
19:58.03 brlcad richa: yeah, it's there but not for much longer -- just moved to github yesterday
19:58.10 brlcad see the checklist, there's a link there
19:58.21 brlcad
19:59.07 brlcad if you're developing a module for it, a basic mediawiki download/install should be suitable
19:59.15 pandrei brlcad: you plan to move to github other modules aswell?
19:59.38 brlcad maths22: possible, sure, but would have to investigate the implications
19:59.51 richa Why am I getting internal server error with
20:00.00 brlcad some of the features disabled are for a reason (that specific one, I'm not sure about)
20:00.15 richa I am not able to run it locally
20:00.56 brlcad richa: why not?
20:01.58 brlcad richa: i don't get an internal error with that url, so not sure -- are you logged in or trying to check out that url?
20:02.11 brlcad pandrei: I just realized who you are :)
20:02.36 pandrei I forgot to change my nick, I just realized that
20:02.56 richa brlcad: I mean I am not able to set up that code locally
20:04.23 richa Does it require some configuration files to be set up first?
20:04.34 brlcad richa: that code refers to configuration files and a database that you almost certainly do not have
20:04.37 brlcad or know about
20:05.03 brlcad e.g., it'd be pretty terrible to check in our database information and passwords
20:05.28 brlcad i'm confused as to what you're doing though
20:06.08 richa brlcad: Just trying to set up BRL-CAD's wiki locally
20:06.56 brlcad richa: you can't :)
20:07.04 richa brlcad: ohh
20:07.23 brlcad at least not in any meaningful sense
20:07.31 brlcad you need the database
20:08.09 richa Then for a standard mediawiki install would be fine, right?
20:08.12 brlcad we'll need to automate a database dump some place for you to be able to do that
20:08.20 brlcad yeah, perfectly fine
20:08.30 richa ok
20:08.46 brlcad you'll more need to download the sources to brl-cad, compile, and install those
20:08.51 brlcad so you have access to the docs
20:09.09 brlcad docbook lives in the svn url pandrei gave you
20:09.33 richa yeah, I have the docs
20:09.48 brlcad richa: remember that is only the starting point for an idea -- it's ultimately YOUR project that you're proposing
20:10.01 brlcad so think about what you want to accomplish, talk to us about that
20:10.13 richa yeah, sure.
20:10.24 richa I was just trying out pandoc
20:10.46 brlcad do you have a grasp of our current conundrum?
20:10.56 brlcad hasn't read the wiki/Sync... page yet
20:11.04 pandrei brlcad: poke me when you've got a bit of time to talk about the interface project
20:11.39 pandrei this one : Object-oriented C++ Geometry API
20:12.42 brlcad pokes pandrei
20:12.46 pandrei oh
20:12.49 pandrei that's fast
20:13.32 brlcad you've learned some C++ since two years ago?
20:13.43 richa While converting docbook to mediawiki syntax, pandoc misses out some markups
20:13.43 brlcad or knew some then
20:13.59 brlcad richa: yep
20:14.08 pandrei I've started using it a few months ago
20:14.09 richa So, its not worth to use it
20:14.17 brlcad richa: if it were THAT easy, we would have already done it ;)
20:14.24 pandrei switched from java
20:14.59 brlcad richa: well, it's certainly a possibility to extend pandoc too, or inspect our unsupported markup to see if it's really required
20:16.05 brlcad don't get "too" myopic on docbook itself
20:16.29 brlcad there are other possibilities too like converting docbook to another format that might more directly round-trip translate to mediawiki
20:16.46 brlcad there are myriad interested involved here
20:16.57 *** join/#brlcad harshkothari (~harshkoth@wikimedia/Harsh4101991)
20:17.04 brlcad pandrei: good lad
20:17.20 pandrei haha
20:18.50 richa brlcad: Designing parser functions?
20:21.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 6555 /wiki/Summer_of_Code/Checklis: Add OpenSCAD user manual and dev-wiki links
20:24.40 pandrei brlcad : related to that project, I was thinking a reasonable proposal would include most(if not all) class interfaces for the proposed primitives
20:24.49 pandrei and some sort of order/logic in which to be implemented
20:30.58 brlcad richa: parser functions or chaining together multiple tools, or extending an existing tool like pandoc or mediawiki for different formats, etc
20:31.14 *** join/#brlcad isolated (~isolated@
20:31.32 brlcad pandrei: have you looked at how far rossberg has gotten yet?
20:31.37 brlcad he has several primitives already implemented
20:31.41 pandrei yes
20:31.50 brlcad no way you'd get all of them done during gsoc .. I think :)
20:31.59 brlcad some of the few remaining are monsters in comparison
20:32.09 pandrei I don't think I understood you
20:32.19 brlcad and some beg for changes in librt, not just wrapping what we have
20:32.36 pandrei I haven't looked in detail in each file, but aren't those that already exist fully implemented
20:32.53 brlcad pandrei: implementing a class interface for ALL of brl-cad's primitives .. even just the ones remaining .. is a lot of work
20:33.08 brlcad you're wrapping the class, but you have to define the interface
20:33.31 brlcad define an interface for creating a DSP .. not so simple
20:33.40 brlcad or worse, NURBS
20:33.58 brlcad i could be wrong
20:34.01 richa brlcad: I am still confused with one thing, when a user will choose the edit option he will get wiki markups
20:34.02 brlcad prove me wrong :)
20:34.19 brlcad richa: he will?
20:34.25 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
20:34.26 richa brlcad: Where will he be provided with the XML?
20:35.10 brlcad richa: will he?
20:35.27 pandrei brlcad: I think I first have to get a good grasp of what the project really is, I think it's not what I assumed.
20:35.39 brlcad richa: i'm not trying to be obtuse .. but your questions assume a particular solution, and there is no solution defined ;)
20:35.43 pandrei by class interfaces I meant "This is how the rest of the primitives will be looking"
20:36.44 richa brlcad: I will try to figure it out
20:37.23 brlcad richa: the edit option could kick into wiki markup, xml, asciidoc, markdown, markdown+, ...
20:38.23 brlcad there's motivation in our documentation to support at least two markup formats -- we need docbook for our bigger complicated docs
20:38.45 brlcad we could benefit from a lighter-weight markup for smaller texts
20:39.36 brlcad there are tools that can be run on the backend to prepare / process our docs into other formats, things that can be done before the data gets to mediawiki
20:39.37 maths22 brlcad: only one script would need it to call git and rsync
20:40.12 brlcad or maybe mediawiki looks at the docbook xml directly, and just presents it in an edit dialog as a media type (like the pdf or svg plugins)
20:41.43 brlcad maths22: it's a matter of how to turn on that exec without enabling it for the entire server .. imagine some unpatched web app on one of the dozens of sites hosted on the server having some vulnerability that does unnoticed/unpatched whereby that can call exec and do whatever they want on the system
20:42.17 brlcad that's a concern, because we cannot reasonably police or keep all potential web content up-to-date all the time for every possibile vulnerability that comes out
20:43.32 brlcad it's also a DoS attack vector .. simple request keeps the machine busy
20:43.36 brlcad maths22: what you mention sounds like something that could run as a cron job too .. why does it need to be exec'd by someone outside the server?
20:44.08 brlcad could have the web interface drop a file, and a cron job watch for that file to do the git+rsync/whatever
20:44.38 maths22 I found a version that does that... I'll tell you more later
20:44.56 brlcad k
20:58.11 starseeker richa: it might be worth seeing if Beacon does anything useful:
20:58.46 starseeker would probably be higer profile if it did, but definitely something to check out
20:59.06 pandrei brlcad: I'm currently looking at the Ellipsoid class
20:59.08 starseeker maybe even worth finishing it to do a "direct edit" of the DocBook srcs
20:59.15 pandrei and from what I see, it mostly contains geometrical handling functions
21:03.30 brlcad pandrei: ellipsoid is probabaly the easiest object possible, just so you know
21:03.42 pandrei haha, I picked it randomly
21:04.15 brlcad pandrei: do you remember the mged 'in' commands at all?
21:04.41 pandrei in dsp2.s dsp f Ex2.dsp 152 150 0 ad 1 0.005
21:04.44 pandrei like this one?
21:04.47 brlcad right
21:04.55 pandrei that creates a dsp object
21:04.57 brlcad that's basically an object interface
21:05.01 brlcad every primitive is different
21:05.22 brlcad you can take any one of those and turn them into a C++ constructor easily enough
21:05.27 brlcad ...when they exist ;)
21:05.37 pandrei aah, I think I understand now
21:05.45 brlcad we have several primitives that are too complicated to be described by the 'in' command
21:06.04 brlcad like defining a polygonal mesh (bot)
21:06.27 brlcad which daniel may have already implemented .. if so a good example of something more complex
21:06.41 richa starseeker: Yeah, I saw it partially. Is down currently or they do not have a live demo right now?
21:06.41 pandrei so basically the 'interface' is something to hide the implementation details and provide a unique api for object handling
21:06.54 pandrei like libvirt, if you know of it
21:07.32 brlcad don't
21:07.46 brlcad waves to ejno
21:08.23 pandrei the remaining primitives are those that cannot be adapted to the interface?\
21:08.24 ejno hello brlcad
21:15.55 brlcad pandrei: no
21:16.03 brlcad which interface are you talking about?
21:16.25 brlcad for both the C++ and 'in' interface, the ones remaining are simply "harder"
21:18.25 pandrei so I need to decide which ones to implement first, and which ones to focus my gsoc project on
21:21.48 *** join/#brlcad ankesh11_ (sid8015@gateway/web/
21:24.32 brlcad pandrei: bingo
21:24.46 brlcad maybe even try to do just one as a patch
21:24.56 brlcad s/patch/commit/
21:25.52 brlcad there's almost certainly one or two really easy ones still remaining
21:26.02 brlcad I know the easy ones only took rossberg a day or two
21:26.48 pandrei I'll submit a patch first, long time since I haven't looked at HACKING guide BRL-CAD
21:27.07 pandrei do you happen to know d_rossberg's time zone?
21:28.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 6556 /wiki/Summer_of_Code/Checklis: add numbers to not be confused with needing to print this out, pad out margin slightly
21:29.03 brlcad pandrei: germany, so probably gmt+3 or something
21:29.15 pandrei that's great since I'm gmt+2
21:29.55 brlcad got to run, ttyl
21:30.59 teepee germany is gmt+1 right now
21:31.13 teepee we are not that much east :)
21:31.20 brlcad ahh :)
21:32.01 brlcad if germany were in the americas, it'd almost certainly span multiple timezones
21:32.11 pandrei O_o
21:35.50 brlcad ahh, not with the vertical orientation.. fits in nicely
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22:13.31 maths22 brlcad:
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