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starseeker |
Zhao_Anqing: it is expected (indeed,
inevitable) that NMG changes will have impacts elsewhere |
14:59.54 |
starseeker |
that's one of the aspects of that particular
task - to make the necessary changes in the libraries that use
15:02.23 |
Zhao_Anqing |
and now, I fix all the compile bugs in librt
after removing nmgregion(but some place is just
walkaround). |
15:02.33 |
starseeker |
workaround? |
15:03.04 |
starseeker |
Zhao_Anqing: that's a good first step,
certainly |
15:03.11 |
Zhao_Anqing |
yes, they are not fixed totally, I will check
them again carefully. |
15:03.41 |
Zhao_Anqing |
now just no compile errors in librt. |
15:04.20 |
Zhao_Anqing |
then I will deal with the bugs in
libged. |
15:04.40 |
starseeker |
the real test will be whether functionality
that uses NMG (the facetize command in MGED I belive has an option
to use NMG, for examlpe) succeed |
15:05.18 |
Zhao_Anqing |
OK, I get it. |
15:05.59 |
Zhao_Anqing |
is it true that I should make sure everything
goes with no problem before provide a patch? |
15:07.02 |
starseeker |
you should be able to compile with strict
flags (the default) and not introduce any functional regressions
(make regress) |
15:07.49 |
Zhao_Anqing |
Ok, thank you. I will remember it. |
15:08.53 |
Zhao_Anqing |
by the way, I cannot find some docs in Wiki's
document page about how to using NMG functions in MGED. |
15:09.23 |
starseeker |
nmg functions aren't used directly - for the
most part, they are lower level functions that are called by higher
level commands |
15:10.09 |
Zhao_Anqing |
but I see the NMG button in MGED.... |
15:10.14 |
starseeker |
for example, facetize -n sph.bot sph.s will
take a sphere and create an NMG version of that sphere |
15:10.41 |
starseeker |
ah. I believe that was an early attempt to
add some support for NMG editing that was never finished |
15:11.35 |
starseeker |
we have virtually no ability to directly edit
NMG primtives - they are typically generated from other CSG
primitives during conversion |
15:12.43 |
starseeker |
support for editing NMG objects would be a
"nice to have" but at this stage they primarily come into play
during geometry conversions |
15:14.43 |
starseeker |
it may prove necessary to add an "nmg" command
similar to the "brep" command we have for NURBS, if serious
debugging of NMGs proves to require graphical and data
introspection |
15:15.16 |
Zhao_Anqing |
OK..I see. |
15:16.17 |
Zhao_Anqing |
So, anyway, I will continue to my bug fixing
and test about removing the nmgregion. |
15:16.22 |
starseeker |
sounds good |
15:17.14 |
starseeker |
remember when posting to the IRC channel you
want to post in #brlcad, and you may not always get a real-time
response. We keep logs of the channel, and it is normal to get a
delayed response to a question |
15:18.03 |
Zhao_Anqing |
That's Ok, Thanks for your kind help and
patient explain. |
15:18.17 |
Zhao_Anqing |
^-^ |
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Notify |
03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60284
brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/GeometryIO.tcl: Be case insensitive
about file extensions, and exit if we don't know what to
do. |
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Notify |
03BRL-CAD Wiki:EvelintcisfuxzaiBlazon * 7009
Created page with "As we age, it is actually natural to observe a
decline in how the brain function. We don't learn interesting
things as quickly. We are likely to forget quicker, or anything
el..." |
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