IRC log for #brlcad on 20140405

00:03.08 *** join/#brlcad ries (~ries@
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02:56.09 hcurtis brlcad: Sean, are you available?
03:37.52 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
03:46.22 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60387 brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/CMakeLists.txt: Gah. Ubuntu is apparently adding --as-needed to ld linking by default now ( which in turn messed up the openscenegraph linking for BRL-CAD. Better solution here is to figure out *why* it's concluding it doesn't need those libraries, but
03:46.24 Notify until then here's a temporary work-around...
03:49.01 starseeker what the hey...
04:41.51 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
05:08.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Krajkreddy * 7015 /wiki/User:Krajkreddy/GSOC14/proposal: /* Update Timeline. Remove Primitives which are not used. Also add a detailed plan for BREP. */
05:10.34 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Krajkreddy * 7016 /wiki/User:Krajkreddy/GSOC14/proposal: /* Refactor style */
05:14.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Krajkreddy * 7017 /wiki/User:Krajkreddy/GSOC14/proposal:
05:23.58 brlcad hcurtis: note this:
05:24.00 brlcad ~ask
05:24.00 infobot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
05:27.26 *** join/#brlcad ries (~ries@
05:36.12 brlcad starseeker: if you had to add -no-as-needed, then the build flags are wrong somewhere
05:37.26 brlcad that stackoverflow is a little bit misguiding (not just because of LD_PRELOAD, but the command-line args are ordered wrong)
05:37.44 brlcad
05:39.49 brlcad basically, it's linking an exe that doesn't use OSG (which is true, probably only libdm is using it OSG)
05:42.31 brlcad so the lib gets the symbols but the app should not, nor should libs using the lib (unless they directly have osg symbols being referenced)
05:43.13 brlcad it's like our headers -- each lib and exec link line is supposed to only list exactly what is actually used
06:11.13 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
07:23.10 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
07:59.02 FreezingCold I'm thinking of writing/paying for a project that generates and simulates the path of a cartesian robot, would brlcad be a decent base to start off of?
08:01.03 archivist FreezingCold, vismach in linuxcnc
08:04.07 FreezingCold that seems to only be a visual simulator
08:04.13 FreezingCold not a path generator or anything
08:07.16 archivist path generation depends on use
08:20.50 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
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11:11.50 brlcad FreezingCold: what are the outputs o your simulation?
11:13.47 brlcad certainly wouldn't be hard at all with brl-cad as a base to set up a model and performs route/path planning (e.g., using ray tracing to find paths)
11:17.48 brlcad in fact, I had high school students with very little experience that wrote a very similar program -- the created maze geometry and an automatic path finder that would find a route from a defined start and end point
12:17.49 *** join/#brlcad ries (~ries@
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13:33.04 starseeker brlcad: I didn't have to add it to successfully build, but the osg display manager crashed unless I built with it
13:33.36 starseeker which probably indicates I'm doing something else wrong, but I can't imagine what
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13:41.34 *** join/#brlcad Denis_ (~denisilie@
13:54.04 starseeker brlcad: we may be dealing with that "Initializers and Deconstructors" case, although I'm not sure yet - src/other/openscenegraph/src/osg/GraphicsContext.cpp:47 in a debugger shows that s_WindowingSystemInterface is non-NULL without the --as-needed, and NULL with it
14:06.20 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot__ (~gagan@
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14:38.40 brlcad starseeker: it's the "Failure in execution, undefined symbols" case
14:39.37 brlcad that init and destructor case is very specific -- you'd have to only create objects and not make any other function calls, and that's clearly not what you've written
14:40.26 brlcad the problem is described in that section: "a directly-linked library did not link one of its dependencies"
14:41.36 brlcad in this case, you're linking libosg or some library, but their build system is not properly specifying a library that it's using (demonstrated by your debugging find)
14:47.15 *** join/#brlcad caen23 (~caen23@
14:47.40 starseeker brlcad: OK, I'll experiment
14:48.17 brlcad just looked through their sources and that does look to be the point where they bind to the host interface graphics system
14:48.50 brlcad and they're doing it through some obfuscating reference pointer masking, which is almost certainly why it's a getting lost as a runtime crash
14:51.35 starseeker is a trifle confused - the windowing specific stuff is in osgViewer, but that requires osg (not the other way around)
14:53.14 starseeker is tempted just to build all these pieces into one big osg library...
14:53.48 starseeker but I suppose that wouldn't address the problem if we use a system version of osg, which will be set up similarly
14:54.35 starseeker looks at the original CMake build for osg - perhaps I mistranslated something
14:55.06 brlcad what about just adding --no-as-needed to their build?
14:55.15 brlcad or did I misread and that's what you did?
14:55.26 brlcad thought it was to our build
14:55.34 starseeker yeah, added it to our build
14:55.41 starseeker I can try it in theirs and see if that fixes it
14:55.46 brlcad it should
14:56.05 brlcad they're the one not specifying their own lib breakout fully and that's almost certainly the cause
14:56.29 brlcad i mean, they have 20 libs and they'd have to fully specify all of them IN THE PROPER ORDER
14:56.41 brlcad get just one dep wrong and you'd see this issue
14:58.01 brlcad building our stuff with as-needed is actually a pretty good test of our build logic .. that was hard to get working right with autotools too
14:59.12 brlcad there are some platforms where there is no concept of --no-as-needed, so you HAVE to fix the linkages (aix I think is like this)
15:00.37 starseeker joy
15:00.50 starseeker wonder if osg will accept patches
15:02.46 brlcad well, they should fix their build by not using no-as-needed
15:03.18 brlcad but that's going to be more tricky and likely require one of their devs that is more familiar with their symbols and deps
15:03.20 starseeker would be surprised if they specify that... probably just "getting away with it"
15:04.04 starseeker growls... was having enough fun without this on top of it...
15:04.25 starseeker nope, didn't do it
15:05.46 starseeker libdm's ldd output is still showing only
15:05.52 starseeker didn't bring in the others
15:06.42 brlcad eh? you call other symbols?
15:07.06 brlcad libdm should only show libs that it directly calls symbols on
15:07.46 starseeker well, somehow (not clear to me how) when MGED starts up some of osgViewer's routines are used to initialize things
15:08.13 starseeker if that doesn't work, that seems to be what results in s_WindowingSystemInterface being NULL
15:08.44 brlcad sure, but it's whether dm actually calls osgViewer functions or whether it calls an osg symbol that calls osgViewer symbols
15:09.01 brlcad my quick look seemed like the latter was going on
15:09.02 starseeker but osg will never pull in osgViewer, since osgViewer depends on osg
15:09.10 starseeker per the build system
15:09.58 brlcad well that would likely be an issue, perhaps the issue
15:10.09 brlcad if there's a cyclic lib dependency for example
15:10.28 brlcad they both depend on each other is a valid state they could be in
15:10.30 starseeker that's going to be a problem even with a system version of the libs
15:11.12 starseeker so... should libdm do something to make sure osgViewer is brought on-board somehow?
15:11.56 brlcad I'd only expect that if it calls osgViewer functions
15:12.04 starseeker growl...
15:12.08 brlcad what happens if you just tell their build that osg depends on osgViewer?
15:12.19 starseeker then the build system has a cyclic dependency
15:12.22 brlcad or not depends, but actually add it to osg's link line
15:12.33 brlcad so?
15:12.39 starseeker which one does Make build first?
15:13.50 brlcad I would expect osgViewer and their depends is wrong
15:14.18 starseeker tries osgViewer without osg to see what happens...
15:15.24 brlcad could also test what happens if libdm is told to link both osg and osgViewer
15:16.01 brlcad but I suspect it's the way that osg is linked that is the problem
15:16.22 starseeker is telling libdm to link both now - it's not enough
15:16.33 starseeker the as-needed thing seems to be striping it out
15:20.32 brlcad right, that's what I figured
15:21.04 brlcad that s_WindowingSystemInterface is problematic, it's untyped
15:21.28 brlcad so the linker needed to know when osg was built what it needed to be
15:21.56 brlcad you did specify them in the right order, yes? :)
15:22.07 brlcad (when testing libdm linking both)
15:22.32 starseeker no idea
15:23.18 starseeker ok, even when I built osg after osgVIewer and explicitly added osgViewer to osg's library list, ldd *still* doesn't show osgViewer as hooked up to libosg
15:24.23 brlcad ldd shouldn't matter -- libosg becomes resolved
15:25.30 brlcad maybe a relatable example: I could build a librt that does NOT depend on libbu/libbn/etc, fully resolving all of the symbols when I build librt
15:26.11 starseeker erm. Wouldn't that take some special options to make happen?
15:26.23 starseeker kinda thought that's what static libraries were all about
15:27.27 starseeker continuing with build to test and see...
15:28.09 brlcad it's very similar to static libs, but you can actually construct a lib that resolves it's symbols without colliding symbols (at least on some platforms)
15:28.24 brlcad and that are not static libs
15:28.41 ``Erik -F/dev/osg ? does this mean no ogre or mged-v3?
15:28.58 brlcad so you write an app that uses -lrt .. and you can't call bu_log without adding -lbu, but all of the bu_log's in -lrt are fully resolved
15:29.00 starseeker ``Erik: right now, trying openscenegraph
15:29.18 starseeker brlcad: ah, gotcha
15:29.37 starseeker ``Erik: doesn't impact 3rd gen interface
15:30.18 ``Erik hm, gonna try to wedge BRL-CAD in under VSL if this dm pans out? :D
15:30.35 starseeker VSL's use of it is one of the factors
15:30.38 brlcad which is basically what you're doing .. you've got an -losg and you're saying it needs symbols from osgViewer but they're not resolved so you're getting a runtime crash
15:30.48 brlcad ``Erik: of course that's exactly what he's doing :)
15:31.22 starseeker still crashing
15:31.26 starseeker let me commit what I tried
15:31.39 ``Erik heh, and watch it become the new tcl/s2 problem down the road O:-)
15:32.10 brlcad starseeker: well if this goes much longer, can just try at least isolating --no-as-needed to libdm instead of everything
15:32.37 brlcad yay, black box found
15:32.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60388 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/other/openscenegraph/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/other/openscenegraph/src/CMakeLists.txt and 2 others): Try to get osg to be aware of osgViewer from the get-go (didn't seem to work...)
15:32.55 ``Erik the malaysian flights?
15:33.15 brlcad yeah,
15:33.56 brlcad starseeker: note that this is all predicated on your assertion that osg needs osgViewer ... which I didn't directly see
15:34.19 starseeker let me pastebin the backtraces
15:34.25 starseeker maybe I'm reading it wrong
15:34.36 brlcad i mean it fits the symptoms that there are symbols in one of their other libs, but unclear which
15:35.17 starseeker nods - I'll put together the path I've been following
15:35.27 starseeker wouldn't surprise me at all if I'm off in the weeds
15:37.35 brlcad starseeker: I'm REALLY surprised that adding --no-as-needed to CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS didn't do the trick on a clean rebuild
15:38.03 brlcad did you confirm that it was 1) a clean build and 2) actually using no-as-needed when linking libosg and friends?
15:38.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60389 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/other/openscenegraph/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/other/openscenegraph/src/CMakeLists.txt and 2 others): Put things back for now, since osgGA seems to be a requirement for osgViewer...
15:38.42 starseeker brlcad: I'll double check in a few minutes - let me get my initial setup reproduced before I rework it again
15:39.43 brlcad also know that as a C++ API, they very well could have the constructor/initailization problem that you first suspected .. very unlikely but possible with all their reference pointer hiding
15:40.24 brlcad but still, adding --no-as-needed in their build really *should* work...
15:42.01 brlcad this shows --as-needed working:
15:42.48 brlcad looks like they specifically added it in 3.0.0-2
15:43.36 starseeker maybe it's how I'm calling it then...
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15:45.54 starseeker it's possible too if the library ordering is critical I might have messed it up when I reworked the build
15:46.44 starseeker can't help thinking that such ordering *really* shouldn't be necessary - that's very difficult to track in some situations...
15:47.05 brlcad heh, it's most definitely necessary
15:47.55 brlcad gnu didn't do anyone favors by making their ld search for symbols anywhere on the link line, so much badness
15:48.24 brlcad used to be more common to encounter a system where ordering was required for proper resolution
15:49.05 brlcad so in a way, kind of refreshing to see --as-needed getting enforced
15:49.38 brlcad it'll be easy to tell if you have the ordering right -- what's libdm's link line look like?
15:50.39 brlcad should be all the .o's followed by a bunch of our -llibs followed by -l's for system libs (and there should be -losg near the end)
15:51.26 starseeker here's the initialization backtrace:
15:54.32 starseeker link line:
15:56.36 brlcad and that link line works, yes?
15:56.44 starseeker yes
15:56.55 *** join/#brlcad Denis_ (~denisilie@
15:56.57 starseeker as long as --no-as-needed is present
15:57.31 brlcad right, can you try manually running that link without no-as-needed and remove the first instance of libosg (there are two)
15:57.39 starseeker one second...
16:00.29 starseeker hmm
16:00.37 starseeker that *seemed* to have worked
16:00.47 starseeker so the question is where that first osg is coming from
16:10.05 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
16:12.22 starseeker doesn't work when I take the --no-as-needed out of the toplevel
16:12.33 starseeker growl...
16:14.15 starseeker huh, *that's* interesting... - when I add it back in to libdm, I see the debug message from the plug-in dir setting but it still doesn't work
16:15.28 brlcad this is more and more looking like it's almost certainly an ordering issue
16:15.31 brlcad try eliminating all of the osg libs and just add -losg to the end
16:16.26 brlcad all of their libs must be ordered correctly if it's actually needing them all
16:17.17 brlcad ordering issue would also explain why adding --no-as-needed to osg didn't do anything (and the fact that they've been building with --as-needed for a long time now without others running into this problem)
16:17.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60390 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libdm/CMakeLists.txt and 2 others): Getting closer - don't need the toplevel set
16:17.32 starseeker nods
16:17.57 brlcad just a matter of binary searching the lib ordering now ;)
16:19.01 starseeker still thinks requiring that is a FAIL on the part of the tool chain - at the very least there should be some tool that takes a list of libs and does that testing automatically to generate the right ordering
16:19.08 starseeker or, worst case, report why its impossible
16:19.10 brlcad also, if this is the first --as-needed compile, keep an eye out for ordering of our libs that could be wrong .. might recheck the stack trace periodically
16:19.49 brlcad you can have the same symbol in multiple libs, which should it use?
16:20.36 starseeker nods - that's fine if it can't decide (that would in fact be one of the undecidable cases) but a detailed report on what symbols and which libs would be a big help
16:21.13 starseeker assuming the dev has full knowledge of all such issues from all libs they're using in this day and age is likely to be a Bad Assumption
16:21.33 brlcad but it can decide
16:21.44 starseeker based on ordering, sure
16:21.44 brlcad and decide determinisitically
16:23.04 starseeker but if I've got too 3rd party libs, both of which define FOO and BAR, and I want FOO from the first one and BAR from the second, I've got a problem
16:23.08 brlcad the problem is that it can pick libA .. and linking that libA comes with it's own set of symbols that it has to hunt down .. and so on recursively
16:23.38 brlcad and it's not strictly a tree, it's any possible network topology
16:23.47 brlcad cycles are valid
16:23.55 starseeker winces
16:23.58 brlcad undesirable, but valid
16:24.20 brlcad and with runtime loading, you can't even know when you have certain topologies
16:25.53 starseeker wouldn't a coverity-style analysis of the code allow a tool to investigate the runtime possibilities?
16:27.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60391 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/other/openscenegraph/CMakeLists.txt): OK, it's down to libfb and libdm
16:27.36 starseeker doens't buy it that there exists a situation where the developer can keep track of such interrelatedness and the computer can't... there must be some solution
16:35.13 brlcad as long as you prohibit loading a library at runtime by filename, yeah sure .. and some plaforms do that
16:35.56 brlcad if you're going to allow runtime symbol insertion, you have to have deterministic symbol resolution ... which is ordering or some explicit table or some other method (all of which exist too)
16:36.15 brlcad gets off the dead horse :)
16:36.22 starseeker brlcad: narrowing down - libfb is what's providing the first set of osg libs
16:36.38 starseeker can turn off libdm's and still work, so that's were the problem can be resolved
16:41.26 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60392 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libdm/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libfb/CMakeLists.txt): Narrow down on the problem - libfb is providing the first set of osg libs, and libdm doesn't have to factor in - solve the issue in libfb, and we've got it.
16:50.14 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60393 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libfb/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/other/CMakeLists.txt): Try adding other osg libraries explicitly in case the ordering needs to be explicit...
16:54.23 starseeker brlcad: osg by itself doesn't work. osgViewer by itself does, but only if I keep the no-as-needed
16:59.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60394 brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libfb/CMakeLists.txt: I can get away at this stage with supplying *ONLY* osgViewer as a library, but I still need the no-as-needed flag or the initialization changes (I don't see my debugging line indicating the plugin directory has been loaded when starting MGED.)
17:00.15 starseeker I tried including osg before and after osgViewer, doesn't seem to make a difference...
17:04.29 starseeker brlcad: thanks for taking the time to help me work through it
17:05.08 starseeker will keep digging, but at least worst case that linker flag can be confined to libfb/libdm
17:11.34 starseeker brlcad: another data point, fwiw - windowingSystemInterfaceRef is called even before main in MGED in the working scenario, and never called at all otherwise
17:12.04 starseeker can that happen as a consequence of ordering?
17:13.14 starseeker or, perhaps a better question, if there *is* in fact a change in initialization per that gentoo page, is there any to make a definitive test for it that will either confirm it or rule it out?
17:26.49 starseeker wait a minute...
17:36.36 starseeker AH HAH!
17:39.08 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 60395 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libdm/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/src/libdm/dm-osg.cpp and 2 others): Went too low level in the APIs and wasn't getting the initialization code I needed to call. Short term, create and delete a viewer to make sure all the right setup is called. Longer term, study how the osgviewerFLTK example works in osg and find out if it makes
17:39.10 Notify sense to retool how we are embedding osg in Tk.
17:39.35 starseeker does happy dance
17:39.42 starseeker brlcad: thanks for your help!
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18:22.18 infinite__ brlcad: Hi! Just wish to enquire if this task is open, because bu_semaphore.c already exists.
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19:36.07 infinite__ can anyone explain what does the argument stand for in nirt -e {fmt r "start (%g %g %g)\n" x_orig y_orig z_orig}
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20:21.37 Rich80 Hi, I am a newbie progra
21:05.02 *** join/#brlcad Rich80 (
21:10.15 Rich80 I am new to programming however I would like to develop a geometry converter between .g files and an XML format called Geometry Description Markup Language. Any help/guidance would be much appreciated.
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22:08.40 hcurtis brlcad: Hi, Sean. Thanks to your and starseeker's guidance, I have come a long way. Incidentally, I've made additional improvements to my proposal on Melange, and I'm working on a patch.
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23:20.33 hcurtis brlcad: Hi, Sean. I'm working on this as a first patch. Do words like "funcs" and "args" count as spelling mistakes?
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