IRC log for #brlcad on 20140524

00:00.00 clock nd the density of their agents seems high
00:00.11 clock like in new york seems like every few streets
00:00.18 clock and here in switzerland the density similarly high
00:31.24 hcurtis Sean (and whoever else that may be interested), I have the C version of the program using malloc() working. Its link is here:
00:32.08 hcurtis Also, I have a conio.h-free version of the C program using an array:
00:49.33 clock brlcad, Western union send online from credit card or bank account, to a bank account, costs fees $5
00:51.14 clock brlcad, from US to Switzerland
00:54.08 clock brlcad, oh! If you send $10 as you said, the fee is only $0.99!
01:05.38 clock brlcad, Oh! And if you send me $1000.01, you pay only $0.00 in fees!
01:05.46 clock Yes you see right - zero!
01:05.52 clock A great way how to save money on transfer fees!
01:05.57 clock Send me $1000.01!
01:21.25 clock brlcad, I added a comprehensive table of western union fees :)
01:37.09 clock hcurtis, hi
01:37.13 clock what do you do around brlcad?
01:37.53 hcurtis Hi, clock. I am a GSoC student.
01:38.03 clock google summer of code
01:38.12 hcurtis Yes
01:38.17 clock you develop brlcad?
01:38.49 hcurtis It depends on what you mean.
01:39.01 clock I see your coding in C
01:39.53 hcurtis I am trying to make a contribution, but I still have a lot to learn.
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03:17.36 brlcad hcurtis: those look very good on both counts, and I see you got it c89 compliant which is also good
03:18.29 brlcad hcurtis: next comes the next hard leap and you'll almost certainly need to ask questions, but first did you have any questions on static vs. dynamic memory allocation?
03:19.01 brlcad do you feel like you understand how those two do the same thing, but the memory used in that integer array is managed slightly differently?
03:22.22 brlcad hcurtis: if you don't have any questions, then the next big step is to convert your dynamic version to using our libbu library API instead of the standard library
03:23.58 brlcad to do that, you'll include our bu.h header and call bu_malloc and bu_free instead of malloc and free
03:24.46 brlcad libbu's API is identical except they take an extra string argument, so malloc(i*5) becomes bu_malloc(i*5, "alloc something times five")
03:25.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Clouddrift * 7113 /wiki/User:Clouddrift/GSoC2014/Logs: Created page with "== Community Bounding == '''Get the commit access''' '''Read the relavant Codes''' == Week 1 == '''Monday, May 19''' OK. '''Tuesday, May 20''' OK. '''Wednesday, May 21..."
03:25.47 brlcad the edits are easy, the tricky part is having brl-cad installed and figuring out how to tell your compiler where our bu.h header resides, and where the libbu library is at so it can link/use it
03:26.19 brlcad it will probably be far easier to do this in the VM than in MSVC, but use whatever you like
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03:42.27 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
03:43.48 clock brlcad, I found for you, western union can do the transfer for just $0.99 is that cheap enough for you?
03:46.14 hcurtis brlcad: Hi, Sean.
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03:52.49 hcurtis brlcad: Thanks for the feedback on my programs.
03:55.09 hcurtis Here's an update on what I've been doing. After I got the C programs working in my compiler, I tried to do research to understand what I needed to do to get them working using the libbu API. I wanted to impress you by figuring it out myself, but unfortunately, that didn't work out. Thank you for the info you just gave me about bu.h and such. It was exactly what I was trying to figure out. I'll continue working on it right now.
03:59.30 hcurtis brlcad: By the way, I think I now understand the difference between static and dynamic memory allocation, and hopefully I can turn that into some real results.
04:01.43 hcurtis Also, did you see my question about the progress reports?
04:10.08 *** join/#brlcad piyushparkash (~piyushpar@
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04:34.43 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
04:34.53 hcurtis brlcad: I was just now examining bu_malloc and the alloc function it is based on. Kinda cool. I imagine this is a bit like gross anatomy lab in med school but with code.
05:03.59 *** join/#brlcad piyushparkash (~piyushpar@
05:10.26 hcurtis Sean (and anyone else who's curious), I've made the edits, and I'll try compiling and running the program in the VM. Here is the new version:
05:13.19 *** join/#brlcad oana_ (
05:18.57 hcurtis I see that if (myPointer == NULL) exit (1); won't be necessary, so I'll remove it from the VM version.
05:40.54 hcurtis I tried to compile my program in the VM, and it said "fatal error: bu.h: No such file or directory. compilation terminated." I admit that I have not yet run "svn up brlcad-svn-trunk" to put the latest source code in my brlcad-svn-trunk directory. My best guess is that I need to do so, but unfortunately, that update might take a really long time. Before I do that, can anybody tell me whether that is what I need to do to get my pro
06:00.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Clouddrift * 7124 /wiki/User:Clouddrift/GSoC2014/Logs: /* Community Bounding Period */
06:09.33 mihaineacsu hcurtis: it couldn't locate that header file. how did you try to include it?
06:21.46 *** join/#brlcad raj12lnm (31cd6b50@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:30.52 hcurtis mihaineacsu: Hi, mihaineacsu. I am responding to you only now because I was away from my computer. I tried to compile this program:
06:38.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Clouddrift * 7125 /wiki/User:Clouddrift/GSoC2014/Logs: /* Week 1 */
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06:49.53 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~hsrai@
06:55.41 oana_ hcurtis, where do you have the bu.h file? and do you know the difference between including headers between <> and including them between "" ?
06:56.13 oana_ this might be a good start to understand headers and such
07:00.09 hcurtis Hi, oana_. I include the bu.h header in this program that I am trying to compile:
07:01.04 hcurtis By the way, thank you for the information.
07:05.23 oana_ yes, hcurtis I've seen it, but the idea is that for #include <bu.h> the compiler will look for your header in a set of directories pre-designed by the compiler, but it won't find it there - cause I don't think you put it there. When you use #include "bu.h" the linker looks for the header file in your current folder/the folder where your .c/.cpp file is.
07:05.59 oana_ Here's another explanation of the difference between the 2
07:06.15 hcurtis Ok
07:06.25 hcurtis Wow. I had no idea.
07:06.53 oana_ So look where your "bu.h" file is in the brlcad project relative to your file and include it, correctly
07:07.32 hcurtis Ok
07:31.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 60840 (brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_fcut.c brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_fuse.c): change fuse and face-cut routines to fit new nmg structure.
07:34.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 60841 brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_mesh.c: change nmg mesh routines to fit new nmg structure.
07:47.18 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
08:16.39 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
08:23.33 hcurtis Update: I replaced the #include <bu.h> in my program with #include "brlcad-svn-trunk/include/bu.h" and tried again to compile. The compiler found bu.h. Bu.h has a line that says #include "defines.h", and defines.h has a line that says #include "common.h". However, that's where the compiling stopped. Apparently, common.h is supposed to be in the same directory as defines.h, but in the source files I have, it is not. (I did f
08:25.25 oana_ hcurtis, so what you mean is that you don't have the defines.h file, right?
08:28.39 hcurtis No, I do have the defines.h file. The problem is that the common.h file is not in the directory that the defines.h file says it should be in.
08:33.59 oana_ hcurtis, what error do you get?
08:34.49 oana_ actually bu.h has #include "./bu/defines.h" meaning that the defines.h file would be found in the default include folder under the "bu" folder that is found there
08:35.27 oana_ and defines.h has #include "common.h" meaning that the common.h file would be found in the include folder directly
08:35.32 oana_ so that sounds okay to me
08:35.37 oana_ what error do you get?
08:40.42 *** join/#brlcad hoiji (671b082a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
08:42.31 hcurtis oana_: In file included from brlcad-svn-trunk/include/bu.h:56:0, from GSoCDynAllocBRL-CAD.c:8: brlcad-svn-trunk/include/./bu/defines.h:54:20: fatal error: common.h: No such file or directory. compilation terminated.
08:52.26 hcurtis I suspect that the code was written under the assumption that the top-level directory is the include/ directory. On Sourceforge, the top-level directory is the include/ directory. However, the code downloaded to my computer into a directory called brlcad-svn-trunk/. That is the top-level directory, and the include directory is inside that.
09:04.23 oana_ hcurtis, actually I think that it has to do with CMake and the way the includes are structured in brlcad. I might be wrong,and you might want to ask a second opinion on that one. But the files from the include folder are build as public headers that are after included as such in projects, using CMake. You can look at brlcad-svn-trunk/include/CMakeLists.txt and then take as an example one of the modules build in brlcad, mged for example, and look at brlcad-
09:04.24 oana_ svn-trunk/src/mged/CmakeLists.txt and see how those include files are being added using CMake.
09:05.28 oana_ I am not sure though if you are supposed to do it like that or not or what exactly brlcad told you to do. And you should read about CMake and how to use it to understand what those files actually do, google CMake there are a few tutorials out there...
09:06.27 hcurtis oana_: Ok. Thank you very much for all of your help.
09:07.09 oana_ hcurtis, welcome. Talk with brlcad I am sure he could tell you more.
09:24.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 60842 brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_ck.c: change rest checking routine 'nmg_ck_vs_in_region' to 'nmg_ck_vs_in_shell'
09:28.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 60843 brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_index.c: remove rest index routine 'nmg_merge_models'.
09:44.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Hcurtis0010 * 7127 /wiki/User:Hcurtis0010/GSoC2014/logs: /* Week 1 */
09:47.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 60844 brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_mirror.c: change mirror-relavant routines to fit new nmg structure.
10:46.29 *** join/#brlcad albertcoder (~albert@
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11:36.50 raj12lnm hi aall
12:00.53 *** join/#brlcad ries (~ries@
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12:27.08 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 60845 (brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/include/raytrace.h brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_bool.c): change bool routines to fit new nmg sructure.
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15:45.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 60846 (brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/TODO brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/include/raytrace.h brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_misc.c): change miscellaneous routines to fit new nmg structure. but the routine 'nmg_fix_normals' is just commented now, it should be rewrite later.
16:14.54 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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18:16.23 maths22 brlcad: more is more or less up and running now; however, I had to reset your password as you were the only admin; I can make myself an admin and then you can reset your password
18:39.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Albertcoder * 7130 /wiki/User:Albertcoder/GSoC2014/logs: /* Development Period */
18:47.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Ankeshanand * 7131 /wiki/User:Ankeshanand/GSoC14/logs: /* Log update */
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21:37.26 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Inderpreet * 7133 /wiki/User:Inderpreet/GSoC14/logs: fixed a typo
22:03.38 ries brlcad: ping
22:26.39 *** join/#brlcad ishwerdas (~ishwerdas@
22:36.03 ``Erik book to take you from beginner C to fairly advanced by implementing a lisp
23:31.53 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@

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