IRC log for #brlcad on 20140606

00:04.44 brlcad andrei__: I didn't just say "investigate dbl_epsilon" ...
00:04.47 brlcad andrei__: I said "look for other uses of NEAR_ZERO and IF you cannot find any, use dbl_epsilon"
00:05.18 andrei__ I know, but I don't understand what to use NEAR_ZERO for?
00:05.36 andrei__ I assume NEAR_ZERO is a macro that checks if a value is very close to zero
00:07.24 brlcad starseeker: fft is actually a good example of a succinct set of routines that stand on their own ...
00:07.29 brlcad I also don't think it's a good idea to end up with monolithic libraries
00:08.35 brlcad if something is organized enough that it could very well live on it's own, especially dependency-wise (it does not depend on libbu or libbn structures) we should let it ... it's a move towards library modularity
00:11.54 andrei__ I was looking in librt/primitives/ell/ell.c on how NEAR_ZERO it's used, but I would need to subtract and then compare to zero with that. I'm probably missing the point, but this way doesn't make any sense to me
00:17.16 *** join/#brlcad ries_ (~ries@
00:32.42 raj12lnm hi brlcad !
00:33.07 raj12lnm do you think that email which I sent on the group. Is that a bug ?
00:33.52 raj12lnm Also, When I change that on my local machine and run the build. And then try to run the python code. (it works :))
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01:28.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 61152 brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/libged/nmg_simplify.c: change simplify routines to fit new nmg structure.
01:58.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 61153 brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/libged/shells.c: change routines about shells to fit new nmg structure.
02:15.39 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
02:26.08 brlcad hcurtis: you must build before you can link against and use BRL-CAD functions
02:27.40 brlcad hcurtis: don't bother with creating a cmakelists.txt file, it's important to build by hand first so you understand how compilation and linking work and what the options mean
02:28.15 hcurtis brlcad: Ok
02:28.39 brlcad raj12lnm: ignore mk_constraint for now, that's new API that will likely change
02:29.09 brlcad hcurtis: you don't need to install, but you do need to build and know where/how to link against the libs you built
02:30.29 hcurtis The good news is that I started the build quite a while ago. The bad news is that it's still going. It takes hours.
02:30.33 brlcad raj12lnm: haven't gotten a chance to look into whether it's a bug yet
02:30.50 brlcad it will take a while
03:12.00 hcurtis brlcad: It is still building. To find and use bu.h for my program, I considered using the gcc -I option, but my research seemed to say that it wouldn't be "clean" enough of a technique. A lot of information sources named the use of a cmakelists.txt file as a good alternative.
03:22.08 hcurtis To tell the compiler where to find bu.h for use with my program, should I use the command gcc -I? If not, would any of you be willing to steer me in the right direction?
03:34.47 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
03:38.49 brlcad hcurtis: i'm not sure I understand what is unclean about using the -I option
03:40.19 brlcad you only need gcc, stick to using the compiler
03:40.28 brlcad tell it what to compile and how to compile it
03:47.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 61154 brlcad/trunk/TODO: update for release, g_ tools were renamed
03:48.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 61155 brlcad/trunk/sh/ remove authorship
04:01.47 hcurtis brlcad: Ok
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07:00.06 alisha #freecad
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09:15.18 pandrei !seen brlcad
09:15.57 pandrei meh, can't remember infobot command
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09:18.36 oana_ ~seen brlcad
09:18.39 infobot brlcad <> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 5h 38m 11s ago, saying: 'tell it what to compile and how to compile it'.
09:18.55 pandrei ah, thanks
09:19.00 pandrei it's with ~
09:19.07 oana_ you're welcome :)
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10:50.11 d_rossberg andrei__: to find out where rtip->rti_tol.dist_sq you could try: grep -R "\.dist_sq =" *
10:50.54 andrei__ in brlcad or rt^3?
10:51.23 d_rossberg in src/librt
10:53.50 d_rossberg you'll see it's a product, then what is your next grep search?
10:54.06 andrei__ src/librt/tol.c
10:54.08 andrei__ it's here
10:55.06 andrei__ I am very confused at this point. I don't understand if the tolerance is something hardcoded of a certain value(in Arb8 it's 0.0001) in tol.c it's 0.0005
10:55.24 andrei__ or if it s something I have to get from the database, something that the database functions set
10:55.36 andrei__ cause you have that Object parameters that are inherited
10:55.40 andrei__ like m_internalp
10:56.30 d_rossberg it's really hardcoded, and the bad news is the result of "grep -R rt_tol_default *"
10:57.19 andrei__ then it's much, much simpler than I imagined
10:58.04 andrei__ rt_tol_default is in the same file
10:58.06 andrei__ in tol.c
10:59.04 d_rossberg it's the function defined in tol.c, and this file is the only hit for the search, this means ...?
10:59.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 61161 (brlcad/branches/d-binding/misc/d-bindings/D.g4.txt =================================================================== and 1377 others): add D grammar in BNF form
10:59.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 61159 rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/FileDatabase.cpp: no db_dirbuild() after db_create()
10:59.59 andrei__ that the epsilon I should use is
11:00.10 andrei__ rt_tol_default(my_tol_var)
11:00.23 andrei__ so that if the hardcoded value changes
11:00.29 andrei__ my code still fits to it?
11:01.53 d_rossberg no, the functionality defined in tol.c is nowhere used ==> you have to look again for the right place in the code
11:02.52 andrei__ I tend to consider brlcad(collection of sources) and rt^3 two separate entities
11:03.45 andrei__ in rt^3, there were two places I found anything connected to that tolerance
11:03.48 d_rossberg this is not the question, you want to find out what the value of dist_sq is in sphere.c
11:03.48 andrei__ the ConstDatabase
11:04.09 d_rossberg so you serch with grep for it
11:04.25 d_rossberg you found one promising place in tol.c
11:04.41 d_rossberg but this is dead code, nowhere used in librt
11:04.53 d_rossberg so, how to prceed?
11:05.28 d_rossberg you already know that dist_sq = dist * dist
11:05.44 d_rossberg therefore lets look for dist:
11:05.46 andrei__ so I need to look for dist?
11:05.55 andrei__ cause there's no other result for dist_sq
11:06.18 d_rossberg "grep -R "\.dist =" *" or "grep -R ">dist =" *"
11:06.59 d_rossberg most of the hits are special settings for primitives, one is in tol.c
11:07.18 andrei__ ok, 1 min, I'll reboot,got an kernel oops
11:09.13 *** join/#brlcad pandrei (~pandrei@
11:09.23 pandrei there, ok, let me see
11:10.22 pandrei ok, that grep returned a few primitives
11:10.30 pandrei but not the one I'm looking for
11:11.45 d_rossberg yes, you are looking for the one in prep.c
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11:12.22 pandrei sorry for asking but, why?
11:12.48 pandrei I mean, how could I have figured this on my own
11:14.15 pandrei nevermind, I'll note it down somewhere and ask you when there's more time
11:14.40 d_rossberg at the end you had only two choises: prep.c and wdb.c
11:15.36 pandrei there is a nmg/nmg_*
11:16.04 d_rossberg yes, but this is only relevant for the nmg primitive
11:17.09 d_rossberg and in prep.c you have the rt_new_rti() function which gives you exactly the stucture you handle with in rt_sph_prep()
11:17.42 pandrei well, thanks. I doubt I would've figured without you
11:18.02 d_rossberg :) it's called lerning
11:18.13 d_rossberg the solution for your code is simple: 0.0005 * 0.0005
11:18.22 pandrei yes, I was updating the patch
11:18.25 pandrei just now
11:18.29 d_rossberg the way to get the solution isn't
11:19.25 pandrei well, now I know not to look necessarily for a direct connection when searching for an answer
11:19.39 pandrei maybe that'll help at some point
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11:30.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 61162 (brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/include/raytrace.h brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_mk.c): reorder the routines in nmg_mk.c to fit declaration.
11:30.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 61156 (brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/include/raytrace.h brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/libged/bev.c and 8 others): change rest routines in libged to fit new nmg structure.
11:31.39 clock read first "change chest routines"
11:31.45 clock maybe does too much gym
11:31.59 pandrei hahaha
11:32.14 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 61163 (brlcad/branches/d-binding/misc/d-bindings/ =================================================================== and 378 others): rename file to relect its purpose; add capability to handle on of two grammars: C or D
11:32.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 61157 brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/mged/edsol.c: change mged routines to fit new nmg structure.
11:32.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 61160 rt^3/trunk/include/brlcad/Combination.h: for convenience's sake: a simple test for NULL, public default constructors
11:32.57 Zhao_Anqing d_rossberg: hi, daniel. I find some warning C4251, should I try to fix them?
11:33.12 Zhao_Anqing in librt
11:33.35 clock I was wondering about writing an article about modeling in BRL-CAD
11:38.40 d_rossberg Zhao_Anqing: it looks like it's a cmake thing which is changing frequently
11:39.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 61164 brlcad/branches/d-binding/misc/d-bindings/ update the comment
11:39.14 d_rossberg something with dll-interface
11:42.25 Zhao_Anqing Yes, It appears when dll-export class using stl classes, e.g. list<>, queue<>.. I search the solution from the webpage which suggest just disable the warning C4251.
11:45.39 d_rossberg you should ignore this warning
11:46.04 Zhao_Anqing Ok. I see.
11:48.21 d_rossberg stl via dll can rally be a problem, but with a c-runtime dll and sam version of the stl on both sides as in BRL-CAD it should be ok
11:51.20 Zhao_Anqing Fine.
11:52.24 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:53.37 Zhao_Anqing d_rossberg: Then, I hope to consult you about how to change the function nmg_merge_regions(nmgregion*, nmgregion*, const struct bn_tol *)
11:54.03 Zhao_Anqing now, there is no nmgregion struct.
11:54.15 Zhao_Anqing so should I replace it by struct tree*?
11:55.14 Zhao_Anqing It become nmg_merge_regions(union tree*, union tree*, const struct bn_tol *)?
12:01.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:zhaoanqing * 61158 (brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/include/raytrace.h brlcad/branches/nmgreorg/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_fuse.c and 2 others): routine 'nmg_isect_ray_shell's input parameter list needn't second one. it can be replaced by the shell in 'ray data'.
12:11.39 d_rossberg as far as i can see nmg_merge_regions() isn't an nmg-shell function, it's simply the union of two combinations
12:13.03 d_rossberg if you need it as a function it would be something for the comb/
12:13.21 d_rossberg with tho rt_comb_internal as parameters
12:15.42 d_rossberg i.e. rt_comb_merge(r1, r2)
12:18.09 Zhao_Anqing OK. So is it true that I can use the method you taught me yesterday to deal with this function?
12:18.57 Zhao_Anqing and where should this function located at? still in nmg_mod.c or any other place?
12:20.12 d_rossberg the place would be src/librt/comb because it operates on combinations
12:22.02 d_rossberg and yes, the function would have to be similar to _ged_combadd2(), but with adding a whole boolean tree
12:25.13 Zhao_Anqing OK. Thank you. Now I understand and will try it.
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14:46.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Krajkreddy * 7215 /wiki/User:Krajkreddy/GSOC14/summary: /* Week3 */
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14:57.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 61165 brlcad/branches/d-binding/misc/d-bindings/ continue making mods to handle C or D grammar
14:57.36 *** join/#brlcad alisha (~alishajai@
14:58.22 Notify 03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 61166 (svn:ignore ## -3,6 +3,8 ## and 18 others): update ignored filesProperty Changed:----------------brlcad/branches/d-binding/misc/d-bindings/
15:06.48 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
15:08.10 mihaineacsu ~seen brlcad
15:08.14 infobot brlcad is currently on #brlcad (4h 36m 8s) #bzflag (4h 36m 8s) #stepcode (4h 36m 8s) #gsoc (4h 36m 8s), last said: 'tell it what to compile and how to compile it'.
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15:50.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 61167 (brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/BUGS brlcad/branches/openscenegraph/CHANGES and 1067 others): Update openscenegraph with trunk changes through r61164
16:22.41 Zhao_Anqing hi, I want to ask the description of a routine should be writen in *.h file, not at *.c. Am I right?
16:44.50 clock ThI would guess so, in h is where the using programmer looks
16:53.09 Zhao_Anqing clock: thank you. I ask this because I find most descriptin about nmg part is at *.c, not *.h.
17:12.06 *** join/#brlcad ishwerdas (~ishwerdas@
17:14.32 ``Erik interface should be in the .h file, implementation documentation can live in the .c files where it makes sense... (and nmg is not exactly a golden example. Check out libbu for a better "how to do it" for those kinds of questions)
17:19.21 clock Zhao_Anqing, to be 100% sure, write two mutually contradictory descriptions, place one into *.c and another into *.h :)
17:20.36 ``Erik /* that jackass in nmg.h doesn't know what he's talking about, the REAL deal is ... */ O:-)
17:21.25 Zhao_Anqing @@
17:22.39 Zhao_Anqing OK. So should I take some time to move the comments about nmg from .c to .h?
17:23.25 Zhao_Anqing clock: I don't understand, you mean write two mutually contradictory description...should be avoid?
17:23.38 ``Erik if the comments are about the exposed interface, yes... the .h is where you go to see how to use it, the .c is where you go to see how it works inside
17:25.08 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
17:25.46 Zhao_Anqing Yes, that's my point.
17:26.40 clock Zhao_Anqing, I meant it as a joke... of course contradition in descriptions is wrong
17:29.35 Zhao_Anqing Aha~, I guess that's a joke, but not quite sure. I am not good at English enough. you know that's not my mother tongue. however, thanks for your help. :)
17:30.06 Zhao_Anqing I understand this question completely now. :)
17:34.33 ``Erik sorry if my 'jackass' joke contributed to the confusion.. libbu would be the example to look at if you need to see 'the right way', a lot of attention was paid to making it 'right' as far as style, documentation, convention, etc
18:45.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 7216 /wiki/User:Shainasabarwal/GSoC14/logs: /* Week 3 */
19:42.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 7217 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2014/Logs: /* Week 3 */
19:44.53 *** join/#brlcad alisha (~alishajai@
19:51.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Popescu.andrei1991 * 7218 /wiki/User:Popescu.andrei1991/devlogs2014:
19:52.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Popescu.andrei1991 * 7219 /wiki/User:Popescu.andrei1991/devlogs2014: /* Week 3 */
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20:12.46 pandrei anyone else familiar with the coreinterface? Except Daniel?
20:21.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 61168 (brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/mann/en/search.xml brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db_diff.c and 3 others): Add a -param option to search (needs more testing.) This will allow searching based on internal parameters of an object (as opposed to general attributes) provided those internal attributes have a tcl list representation. It has so far successfully used 'mode' as a filter for listing
20:21.53 Notify volume and plate BoT primitives, and a couple other parameters. Probably will need to add a table listing the valid parameters available for the various primitives to the search man page, since it's not immediately obvious what the possibilities are.
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20:43.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 61169 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/search.c: Refactor part of the avs checking code common to both param and attr functions.
21:00.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 7220 /wiki/User:Krajkreddy/GSOC14/summary: /* Week3 */
21:37.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 61170 (brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/hex.xml brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/imgdims.xml): use different style for command name at start of sentence
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.