IRC log for #brlcad on 20140619

00:01.31 *** join/#brlcad hcurtis (b82d1964@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:03.19 hcurtis I have been trying to re-write my dynamic allocation code for fast4-g.c so that it will be good enough to turn into a patch. I am rereading my notes and identifying their most important and helpful pieces of information so that I can accomplish this task.
00:34.14 hcurtis One thing that is holding me back as I work on this task is that I don't have a fully clear picture of how fast4-g.c converts fastgen4 format to BRL-CAD format. Likewise, I don't see how we determine how large the allocated memory is supposed to grow when it needs to grow.
00:35.38 hcurtis I have tried to research this (for example, one helpful resource I found was the BRL-CAD glossary, which explained to me what groups and regions in BRL-CAD are), but I am having a hard time knowing what new code to write to solve fast4-g's problems.
00:36.38 hcurtis How do we know how large the allocated memory is supposed to grow to when it does need to grow?
00:42.23 hcurtis Well, now that you've heard the bad news, some good news is that I think that the following line of code might be the right foundation for where I need to go:
00:42.57 hcurtis static struct wmember *group_head = (struct wmember *) bu_malloc(sizeof(struct wmember), "alloc heap memory for wmembers"); /* Lists of regions for groups */
01:05.06 kanzure so is that mk_metaball function broken?
01:20.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 61351 brlcad/trunk/src/other/CMakeLists.txt: Get rid of hv3 and sqlite - we're not currently using them, and svn has the history if we need it someday.
01:25.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 61352 (brlcad/trunk/misc/tools/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/other/CMakeLists.txt): dom2dox probably fits better in misc/tools
01:33.52 hcurtis I understand that to reallocate memory in the corrected fast4-g.c, there needs to be code whose logic is this:
01:36.21 hcurtis if (you don't have all of the memory you need for the wmembers) static struct wmember* newMemorySpace = (struct wmember *) bu_realloc (group_head, someNumberWhoseOriginWeDontKnow, "a string")
01:36.51 hcurtis I just have to figure out how to code the if statement and determine what someNumberWhoseOriginWeDontKnow is. How do I do that?
02:03.29 *** join/#brlcad hsrai (~hsrai@
02:08.49 hcurtis Fast4g.c uses bu_malloc to allocate memory for the region name, faces, thickness, facemode, and gridpoints. This means that the program will need to be able to bu_realloc memory for some or all of these.
02:15.47 hcurtis All of these elements that I just mentioned are pointers, of course.
02:25.08 hcurtis Likewise, fast4g.c uses bu_calloc to allocate memory for the region list, bot_ip.vertices, bot_ip.thickness, and bot_ip.faces. This means that the program will need to be able to bu_realloc memory for some or all of these pointers.
02:48.25 hcurtis brlcad: Am I getting warmer? ;)
02:56.44 hcurtis I have been fixated on repairing the fast4-g.c element called group_head because that was the stack-allocated item that the last person who attempted this task tried to make dynamic. However, it is possible that to improve fast4-g correctly, I need to convert some other thing to dynamic allocation. What do you (anyone who would like to comment) think?
03:19.10 hcurtis Oops. I take back what I wrote about how it might be incorrect to focus on group_head. I re-read Sean's comments in commit 60592, and in them he said that fast4-g should not be manually recreating the wmember list. Apparently, that wmember list is group_head.
03:29.22 hcurtis Why does the original group_head array in fast4-g.c hold 11 elements? Why 11 in particular and not some other number?
03:44.50 hcurtis Here are two things I need to answer to complete this fast4g task but have not been able to:
03:45.43 hcurtis 1. How do we know when we need to resize the heap memory allocated for the group_head?
03:46.21 hcurtis 2. Once we've determined that, how do we know what new size it needs to be?
03:51.05 hcurtis By the way, the bu_realloc argument called someNumberWhoseOriginWeDontKnow that I referred to earlier is the new size (in bytes) of the heap memory for group_head.
04:31.49 *** join/#brlcad bakom (75d430b0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:32.05 bakom hello
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04:32.46 bakom i have some problem,
04:33.42 bakom i want to convert g file into vrml format using g-vrml but file is not converting properly
04:34.49 *** join/#brlcad gurwinder (~khalsa@
04:35.15 gurwinder hello brlcad
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04:54.21 hcurtis I have written a new draft of my code to convert elements of BRL-CAD's fast4-g.c from stack allocated to dynamic. Any feedback is welcome.
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06:21.07 raj12lnm kanzure: I think yes.
06:21.25 raj12lnm I have added a patch at
06:22.13 raj12lnm I have explained the same on the mailing list.
06:23.12 raj12lnm Waiting for the response.
06:23.15 raj12lnm Its been long though.
06:24.42 kanzure hello raj12lnm
06:24.55 raj12lnm Hi kanzure.
06:26.56 raj12lnm The issue is the following.
06:26.59 kanzure i merged your branch into master, haven't done a pypi release yet
06:31.00 raj12lnm Ok. .
06:31.15 raj12lnm In metaball the issue is the following
06:31.22 raj12lnm int *a[5] and int (*a)[5] are two different things
06:31.49 raj12lnm And metaball arguments require the later.
06:32.18 raj12lnm But the former is written which indeed is a bug
06:32.46 raj12lnm kanzure: thanks for the merge.
06:32.47 kanzure so nobody has used metaball?
06:32.58 kanzure why is it important to test for metaball? i noticed the failing test in python-brlcad. otherwise i wouldn't mind.
06:32.58 raj12lnm I think yes.
06:33.45 raj12lnm Because the code I have written. Assumes that the change gas been made in the brlcad c repository.
06:34.08 kanzure ah, my question is more like, why test for things that nobody uses
06:34.25 raj12lnm OK.
06:34.49 raj12lnm But the primitive is used. and not mk_metaball(..)
06:34.55 kanzure oh
06:35.07 raj12lnm Like it is created using the in command
06:35.33 kanzure i am sleeping in a few minutes, but one of my goals is to switch away from file-based wdb and only use in-memory wdb
06:35.57 kanzure so that modeling does not require file storage until the user calls a save routine
06:36.33 kanzure and so that multiple wdb scenes can be modified simultaneously (at the moment, python-brlcad is using globals...)
06:36.50 raj12lnm Can you elaborate that further.
06:37.50 kanzure example: when you execute the unit tests, it generates files on the file system. whereas with the in-memory wdb functions in brlcad, it wouldn't have to generate files.
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08:49.55 pandrei there's something I don't understand regarding bezier segments
08:50.21 pandrei specifically bezier_seg which has a *ctl_points array
08:50.41 pandrei that struct has no size param, how do you know when you've filled it?
08:50.54 pandrei as far as I know C sizeof() doesn't work on pointer
08:51.04 pandrei since gibberish can be valid array content
08:51.20 pandrei ?
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11:02.20 gurwinder hello
11:02.44 andrei_ hello
11:02.44 gurwinder i want to convert .g file into some another format
11:03.17 gurwinder which format is more accurat so that i can render it in POV-ray
11:05.46 gurwinder hello andrei, I want to convert .g file into some another format. Which format is more accurate? So that i can render it in POV-ray
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15:26.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 61353 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/3dm/3dm-g.cpp: cleanups in 3dm-g
15:38.37 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 61354 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/3dm/3dm-g.cpp: use bool in 3dm-g
15:40.36 *** part/#brlcad ishwerdas (~ishwerdas@
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15:50.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 61355 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/3dm/3dm-g.cpp: remove unnecessary code
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18:20.21 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || GCI winners: Jacob Burroughs and Peter Amidon! || GSoC 2014 selections are announced! Thank you to all we got to work with. Remember that SOCIS is coming up right around the corner and you don't need a summer of code to get involved with open source.
18:23.07 *** join/#brlcad piyushparkash (~piyushpar@
18:31.48 raj12lnm kanzure: I have made metaball independent of mk_metaball function.
18:31.56 kanzure okay
18:32.09 raj12lnm The test will run.
18:32.38 *** part/#brlcad ishwerdas (~ishwerdas@
18:34.57 raj12lnm The earlier version of metaball primitive worked with my local repository.
18:35.15 raj12lnm Because the mk_metaball bug was corrected in my local repo.
18:36.16 raj12lnm brlcad : your kind attention is required.
18:38.04 raj12lnm Mk_metaball function has a bug and it requires changes as per ticket no 278 on sf.
18:38.43 raj12lnm The reason being int *a[5] and int (*a)[5] are two different things
18:39.14 raj12lnm <PROTECTED>
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19:12.53 kanzure spam on this page:
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22:08.51 *** join/#brlcad hcurtis (b82d1b9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:12.00 hcurtis I am working some more on my fast4g.c task. Understanding the way pointers work is an important part of this endeavor. I thought my familiarity with them was solid, but I have come to realize that there still are gaps. Before continuing to code, I am reading a good article on pointers (one that is appropriate for my skill level) in order to improve my understanding of them.
22:15.13 hcurtis By the way, I have written a new draft of my code; I am trying to convert elements of fast4-g.c from stack allocated to heap allocated. Any feedback is welcome.
22:24.34 hcurtis I have tried hard to answer the following important questions for my task, but I have not been successful. I will continue researching them, but I need to ask for help. Do any of you know the answers to these?
22:25.12 hcurtis 1. How do I know when the heap memory allocated for the group_head needs to be resized?
22:25.30 hcurtis 2. Once I have determined that, how do I know what new size it needs to be?
22:26.13 hcurtis 3. Why does the group_head array in fast4-g's commit 56495 hold 11 elements in particular and not some other number of them?
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22:56.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Inderpreet * 7315 /wiki/User:Inderpreet/GSoC14/logs: /* Week 5 */
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23:13.02 hcurtis It turns out that dereferencing was one of the concepts that I referred to earlier.

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