IRC log for #brlcad on 20141021

00:26.26 *** join/#brlcad bjrohan (
00:26.30 bjrohan hi
00:35.24 starseeker howdy
00:48.30 bjrohan I had been a machinist for 12 years, ending about 5 years ago. I was asked today to help an old co-worker. His shop is new, and he has no CAD program (goes completely off of prints). I am looking for a FOSS Cad to verify dimensions on 2d dxf / dwg files on a Linux machine, will BRLCAD be able to do this fairly easily?
00:48.42 bjrohan intuitively I should say
00:49.04 starseeker intuitively, probably not
00:49.15 starseeker for 2D, I'd suggest looking at librecad
00:50.09 starseeker dwg files are likely to be a problem for most FOSS software, but dxf should be OK
00:50.48 bjrohan ok
00:51.58 bjrohan That makes sense.
01:28.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 63194 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: Surface BoundingBox() routine was failing for a planar surface for some unknown reason. Implement a fallback for when the routine fails.
01:36.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 63195 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: want uv point, not 3d point
01:59.27 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 63196 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: fix typo
02:16.21 bjrohan starseeker: well, I tried LibreCAD and FreeCAD, I had downloaded a random dxf file, and neither of those showed the dxf as I expected. I am trying to import into BRL-CAD, I enter dxf-g /home/bjrohan/Downloads/Mechanical_Sample.dxf Mechanical_Sample.g and I get the error message that dxf-g unknown command
02:16.26 bjrohan any suggestions?
03:47.44 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
04:12.31 brlcad bjrohan: you'll need to make sure your path is properly set to run command line applications, or provide a full-path to dxf-g
04:13.04 brlcad e.g., if brl-cad is installed in /usr/brlcad/rel-7.22.0, the full path to dxf-g is probably /usr/brlcad/rel-7.22.0/bin/dxf-g
04:14.42 bjrohan brlcad: is there a way to specify this in a config file?
04:14.55 bjrohan vs entering the entire path to dxf-g
04:16.36 brlcad absoultely, that was the first option (make sure your path is properly set to run command line applications)
04:17.06 brlcad how to do that depends on your shell (and has nothing to do with brl-cad) ;)
04:19.00 brlcad running "export PATH=/path/to/that/bin/dir:$PATH" will do the trick for bash-based shells, you can put that into a ~/.bash_profile if you're using bash ... but really this depends on the shell you're using
04:20.45 brlcad make sure it runs full path, to make sure you know which path you need to be adding, then figure out how to update your PATH for your shell (read your shells docs, or ask for help here if someone is around, or search the web .. this is an intro/faq linux topic), then make the change and confirm it works with a new shell
04:31.38 bjrohan brlcad: I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with bash
04:36.40 bjrohan brlcad: on my system /usr/brlcad contains: bin etc include lib share version, I am searching for dxf-g now
04:44.29 brlcad so full path is probably /usr/brlcad/bin/dxf-g
04:45.35 bjrohan Yep
04:45.55 bjrohan to add this to my path is:
04:45.56 bjrohan export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin/dxf-g:$PATH
04:45.58 bjrohan ?
04:54.55 bjrohan brlcad: In my /etc/profile.d is a file which includes the correct path, however, dxf-g isn't recognized
04:56.15 brlcad that is not the way to update PATH
04:57.14 brlcad bjrohan: suggest reading
04:57.17 brlcad or
04:57.41 brlcad you specify directories to PATH
04:58.00 brlcad rather, PATH is literally a list of directories
04:58.14 brlcad places to look for applications
04:58.34 brlcad adding to /etc/profile.d sounds wrong/unnecessary
04:59.19 brlcad you can set the path in your own config files that live in your home dir
05:00.21 brlcad if you did want to set them for all users, that might be how your system is set up (see 'man bash'), but you shouldn't be doing any editing until you did those other steps I mentioned
05:00.54 brlcad i.e., make sure it runs full path, to make sure you know which path you need to be adding, then figure out how to update your PATH for your shell (read your shells docs, or ask for help here if someone is around, or search the web .. this is an intro/faq linux topic), then make the change and confirm it works with a new shell
05:01.00 brlcad you jumped to the last step and got it wrong
05:01.27 brlcad good luck
05:03.17 bjrohan Thank you. Ubuntu I think has unusual settings. my .profile has only a few lines to it, and not a typical PATH variable
05:07.31 *** join/#brlcad metal-machine (~metal-mac@
05:11.14 metal-machine kanzure: I am able to install belcad-dev but yet not able to install Python bindings for BRL-CAD.
05:13.57 kanzure brlcad-dev
05:14.22 brlcad starseeker:
05:14.56 brlcad bjrohan: it doesn't matter if there are lines already for changing the PATH ... you add your path settings to your config file
05:16.26 bjrohan I am not seeing the PATH variable in my .profile file or .bashrc in my home dir, do you know where it may be? Aren't those 2 places where it typically resides
05:17.01 brlcad you didn't read those links, did you? :)
05:17.14 brlcad doesn't matter if you don't see the PATH variable
05:17.33 brlcad you misunderstand how this works, what it is for
05:17.44 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~mihaineac@
05:17.50 brlcad you make it reside where you want it to reside
05:18.08 brlcad sometimes someone else does this for you but they certainly don't have to (and in your case, they have not)
05:18.32 brlcad you really should read those urls I posted or search the web for some other tutorials
05:19.07 brlcad this is basic/faq command line setup understanding that is good to know well
05:19.15 bjrohan I have searched the web, there appears to besome differences with Ubuntu (again), for instance, the 1st link shows env | grep PATH
05:19.37 bjrohan when I do this in my terminal I get:
05:19.39 bjrohan Command 'env' is available in '/usr/bin/env'
05:19.41 bjrohan The command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
05:19.42 bjrohan env: command not found
05:19.44 bjrohan Command 'grep' is available in '/bin/grep'
05:19.45 bjrohan The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
05:19.56 bjrohan I can see in
05:19.59 bjrohan echo $PATH
05:20.01 bjrohan /usr/brlcad/bin/dxf-g:/usr/brlcad/bin/dxf-g
05:20.15 brlcad "The command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable" <-- this means you screwed up PATH earlier
05:20.26 brlcad yes, you broke PATH
05:20.35 bjrohan crud
05:20.39 bjrohan I have a backup :)
05:20.50 brlcad you need to undo any edits your made to config files and close that terminal session (in that order)
05:21.15 bjrohan The only way I edited it was via the commandline
05:21.21 brlcad this is why you need to read and understand a little better what it is you're doing .. these steps are very stateful meaning if you do anything wrong, the future steps will not work right
05:21.26 bjrohan I don't know which one it edited
05:21.40 brlcad so open a new terminal, echo $PATH
05:22.19 bjrohan In a new terminal I get
05:22.21 bjrohan echo $PATH
05:22.23 bjrohan /home/bjrohan/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/bjrohan/bin:/usr/local/java/jdk*/bin:/home/bjrohan/bin:/usr/local/java/jre*/bin
05:22.34 brlcad okay, so then you can "start over" there ;)
05:22.46 brlcad close the broken one
05:23.05 bjrohan all are closed except for the new one that returned the above
05:23.07 brlcad that is a list of directories
05:23.10 brlcad you have one more to add
05:23.14 bjrohan Okay
05:23.36 bjrohan and enter:
05:23.37 metal-machine kanzure:yes
05:23.38 brlcad re-read the two links and that list of dirs might make more sense now
05:23.38 bjrohan export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin/dxf-g:$PATH
05:23.38 metal-machine I have compiled it from source using this
05:23.39 bjrohan ?
05:24.02 kanzure i don't know if it's compatible with compiling from source
05:24.07 kanzure i suspect brlcad would know
05:24.14 kanzure also, i am sleeping
05:24.20 brlcad too :)
05:24.22 bjrohan I do understand the list of directories, those are where exectuables reside so that instead of me typing the entire path, I can simply type the executable, and bash knows where it is
05:24.36 kanzure brlcad: his problems sound like path problems, btw
05:24.46 brlcad kanzure: metal-machines?
05:24.50 kanzure yes
05:25.09 kanzure i tried telling him that before but either he didn't listen or it didn't help
05:25.13 kanzure but if it didn't help i'm out of ideas
05:25.44 brlcad I didn't see him actually share what his problems were other than problems understanding "svn up"
05:26.14 kanzure
05:28.02 brlcad that's very vague
05:28.49 kanzure oh i think someone added a hardcoded version check ugh
05:28.52 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
05:28.54 kanzure that could be the answer
05:28.58 kanzure sleeps4real
05:29.04 brlcad but you're probably right .. probably built from svn, but hasn't set anything up beyond running "make" .. maybe "make install"
05:30.38 bjrohan brlcad: FWIW I have no exisiting .bash_profile as the last link woudl like me to work with
05:43.02 brlcad bjrohan: you create that file
05:43.10 brlcad just like how you create those lines
05:43.18 brlcad reading "man bash" has more details
07:09.35 *** join/#brlcad stefanmirea (
07:35.54 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:09.11 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
08:09.23 sofat brlcad, hi
10:04.09 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:09.42 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
10:09.48 *** join/#brlcad clock (
10:24.50 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
10:31.09 *** join/#brlcad clock (
11:32.19 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:24.12 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
22:24.12 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || GCI winners: Jacob Burroughs and Peter Amidon! || GSoC 10th Year Reunion, 7 CAD community members meeting up in California!
23:46.44 ``Erik huh,
23:47.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 63200 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: use tolerance argument when checking intervals
23:54.53 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)

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