IRC log for #brlcad on 20141102

00:23.01 Stragus clock, publishing your own distro sounds like a lot of work. Anything special you are aiming at?
00:25.33 Stragus I also don't want Qt on my boxes, except in a little sandbox somewhere for a project from work. I'm unsure regarding GTK as I googled how to achieve a specific need and the information was lacking
00:26.27 Stragus Not that wxwidgets was much better, but I'll have to pick one and figure things out eventually. Unless I just build the GUI out of OpenGL.
00:41.55 clock Stragus, I am aming at that it actually works and that its clear for users under which conditions is it supposed to reliably work, how to install it, and how to use it for common tasks people use PC for
00:42.04 clock I actually don't make a distro but a PC
00:42.10 clock cause distro without PC is useless
00:42.14 clock PC without distro is useless
00:42.20 clock its the whole thing that is useful
00:42.35 clock I am making neither a heater nor a plastic shell.
00:42.38 clock I am making an iron
00:42.46 clock Which you can actually use to iron clothes
00:43.34 clock Stragus, and I am aiming at copying the "bureaucracy" of the distro from human brain
00:44.23 clock The brain has at least hundred million years of history of success at managing behaviour
00:44.31 clock so its kinda... proven
00:44.47 clock And I don't feel like inventing a wheel again when u have a model which has such long history of success
00:45.03 clock So one thing is for example that I don't have a database of installed packet
00:45.21 clock thats follows from copying the brain design
00:45.33 clock It has a nice side effect - it cant get corrupted
00:45.38 Stragus So... you are building a distro organized like a brain? :) I'm probably not following the concept
00:45.48 clock Its really difficult to corrupt a database which doesn't exist ;-)
00:46.06 clock Stragus, yeah exactly
00:46.11 clock brain can do things right?
00:46.30 clock like complex actions assembled from simpler actions right?
00:46.44 Stragus A brain doesn't have much structure or design, it evolves and learns towards greater dopamine rewards
00:47.33 clock I feel disrespected when you say " A brain doesn't have much structure or design"
00:48.24 Stragus As any neural network, every brain is unique, it's organized in its own chaotic way learning toward a goal
00:48.47 Stragus And I'm not sure how the concept can be transfered to a Linux distribution
00:53.44 clock Stragus, and do you want to know it?
00:56.02 Stragus I'm curious, though perhaps the anology meant something else than what I'm assuming
00:58.24 clock OK its copied pretty straightforward from the brain
00:58.41 clock just rip the circuit out of the brain and replace with different content
00:59.17 clock like say instead of drinking from a mug, writing a letter or eating an apple I put making sure that firefox is functional, making sure that libreoffice is functional, making sure that brl-cad is functionaö
01:00.11 clock Stragus, I give you an example how it works
01:00.22 clock example: we want to achieve a reliable operation of BRL-CAD
01:00.42 clock Will BRL-CAD operate reliably if the RAM of the PC is unreliable?
01:02.04 Stragus The RAM needed depends on the operations that have to be performed, and only BRL-CAD knows that
01:03.34 clock I feel disrespected when I get an answer which is in my opinion to a different question. I haven't asked whether the RAM needed depends on the operations that have to be performed or whether BRL-CAD knows that the RAM needed depends on the operations that have to be performed, but whether BRL-CAD will operate reliably if the RAM of the PC is unreliable.
01:03.39 clock Will BRL-CAD operate reliably if the RAM of the PC is unreliable?
01:05.32 Stragus Well no, of course. Pretty much nothing will operate reliably if the RAM is unreliable
01:05.52 clock yes exactly - its obvious
01:06.11 Stragus So obvious that I thought you were asking something else ;)
01:06.32 clock So one of the conditions needed for the BRL-CAD to operate reliably is that the RAM is reliable AT THE MOMENT WHEN THE BRL-CAD runs
01:07.33 Stragus One of the conditions needed for a working operating system is also that the RAM is reliable
01:07.41 clock that too
01:08.12 clock So there must be some kind of system in place - no matter whether automatic or through manual testing by the user - to CONTINOUSLY ensure that the RAM is reliable
01:08.38 clock I had one laptop where the RAM was new, good, tested, running few years, then developed defects
01:09.02 clock Another requirement for BRL-CAD is I assume a working X Window System
01:09.19 clock Again, it doesnt matter whether there is a valid entry for X Windows System in the system package database
01:09.24 Stragus As you know, EEC memory is meant to detect (and correct) issues, warning the user when it's getting bad
01:09.31 clock What matters is that the X Windows actually works
01:10.16 clock You may have a good entry in database but broken X Window System - for example, through library update which causes failure to load of dynamic library, or through corruption of executable upon power loss and file system corruption
01:10.34 clock Stragus, yes - ECC memory is one way how to ensure continously that the RAM is good
01:10.39 clock another option is periodic testing
01:10.50 clock Or there is option in kernel to test memory on every boot
01:11.14 clock And please notice BRL-CAD will work reliably even when you don't have any package database on the system
01:11.24 clock The package database is absolutely irrelevant for operation of BRL-CAD
01:11.41 clock It is the proper operability of the X Window system that is actually relevant
01:11.51 Stragus As any other software, it's happy if it finds its dependencies, the package management (if any) doesn't matter
01:12.02 clock well find is not enough
01:12.25 clock whats necessary that the software actually works
01:12.37 clock like... dependency test may test for presence of some header or library to link
01:12.55 clock but it may test for maybe 10% of the files in the package and the package itself may be broken
01:13.20 clock Stragus, my system, like the brain is robust
01:13.38 Stragus Sure. The user then has to fix dependencies, although that's generally the job of package managers
01:13.47 clock You silently delete or corrupt an executable, and what the system does, it just recompiles the bad software and replaces it
01:13.50 clock its like self-healing
01:14.04 clock but the kind oif self-healing you have to shoot really heavily to actually bring it down :)
01:14.16 Stragus How does it detect a bad dependency?
01:14.48 clock Well it actually tries to run it
01:14.55 clock if it doesnt execute, its bad
01:15.45 clock so it ensures its good
01:15.46 Stragus And let's say it crashes, it was linked to libpng of a different version than assumed due to direct access into PNG structs (which is deprecated)
01:15.48 clock compile again
01:15.50 clock replace the bad one
01:16.13 clock if it crashes, test fails, the bad software gets replaced
01:16.58 Stragus What do you replace? The software calling libpng?
01:17.13 clock The software that malfunctions
01:17.36 clock fails? chug it, replace with a new one! :)
01:17.40 Stragus The software could function perfectly and the problem being in any of its dependency due to a version mismatch
01:18.33 clock Stragus, its me who decides which versions of software and libs are on the system
01:18.41 clock I must not allow this. This would be a bug in my product.
01:19.05 Stragus Well... You know, package management is a real pain
01:19.11 clock I don't find it
01:19.26 clock I don't find it pain
01:19.46 Stragus Installing software A demands library X being version > N, but software B was compiled against version N, so software B would also have to be recompiled if you update N
01:20.03 Stragus Except that installed software C doesn't actually work at all if X has version > N
01:20.24 Stragus And it gets a lot more complicated than that. Distribution package management is a little nightmare
01:20.42 clock Stragus, well real life has a ton of "impossible" situations like that
01:20.56 clock Human brain has of course methods how to deal with this
01:22.05 clock Typical situation is you want to go to cinema (SW A) and shopping (SW B)
01:22.15 clock Cinema is in floor N and mall in floor M
01:22.25 clock A demands your body be in floor N B demands your body be in floor M
01:22.32 clock impossible to satisfy at once
01:24.10 Stragus I guess I'm not seeing where the brain comes into play in all this
01:24.40 clock Stragus, brain has a universal structure to solve all kinds of dependencies like this
01:24.44 clock I just take it over
01:25.09 clock Cause I believe its proven, elegant, fast, robust, reliable,...
01:26.00 Stragus I really have no idea how that's going to work, but good luck :)
01:26.19 clock Stragus, I believe the reason package management is a nightmare people try to program package management in a serial, von-neumann approach which I believe is grossly unsuitable for that
01:26.39 clock Stragus, I think u already know very well how it works :)
01:26.45 clock Please watch yourself doing any kind of task
01:26.48 clock cleaning teeth
01:26.58 clock u see how it works...
01:27.16 Stragus I understand neural networks, I understand how they work and learn. But I don't understand how you want to apply that concept to package management
01:27.41 clock Stragus, I dont put a self-learning neural network inside. I just copy the already learned product
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12:52.32 ries Stragus: our experience is that using Qt allows you to create a UI on different platforms very easely
12:52.44 ries A lot of thing’s ‘just work’
12:53.33 ries I know compilation is a bit ‘odd’ if you are used to autotools (hehehe) but on the other hand the same build instruction can be issued for mac, windows and linux
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14:10.08 starseeker vladbogo: thanks. I started exploring what it will take to re-create Archer's level of functionality, so I haven't gotten too far yet
14:12.02 starseeker vladbogo: you can build on what is there if you want, but it might still be worthwhile to implement the minimalist MGED interface and resolve some things like key binding mapping there. I would suggest re-using the cadconsole stuff for a command prompt, since there's no particular point in redoing that when it seems to be working...
14:13.16 starseeker The Qt dock widget isn't *quite* what we need - it's very close, but when the windows de-dock they need to turn into full fledged toplevel windows instead of the "floating dockwindow" thing they've got going on right now
14:14.27 starseeker I'm not sure how hard it will be to make our own modified version of QDock, so for now I'm going to focus on other things and return to that later
14:17.03 starseeker the tree widget is critical to get right, since Archer handles that very well now - that and figuring out how to structure the edit panel look like the most complicated UI bits to deal with at this point
14:17.40 starseeker I figure that should be fairly orthogonal to your work building up from the Qt dm/fb, and hopefully we can meet in the middle
14:20.34 starseeker one note about the console - I deliberately stripped it down compared to the Paraview version, but it may prove I took that too far - scroll history has to have a limit regardless (even xterms have such a limit) and we may end up wanting the richer features of the fancier text environment if we want to add GUI integration to the console (things like clicking on objects in output of the tops command, for example, to draw them)
14:21.17 starseeker for now we'll stay simple - stuff like that is for *after* we get MGED/Archer level fuctionality working - but I wanted to point it out for later
14:23.00 starseeker rather likes that idea because it will hopefully be simpler than adding a filter system to the tree view - just do a search for what you want on the command prompt and have the search results be clickable to select things in the tree...
14:30.38 vladbogo starseeker: that's what I thought too to reuse the console and get a minimal drawing functionality at first. That said I will start working at this approach and come back with updates.
14:31.36 starseeker vladbogo: cool. With any luck the basic drawing will be quite simple (in theory it should be easier to use "proper" Qt interaction bindings than shoehorning in Tk stuff)
14:32.53 vladbogo that's what I hope too
14:34.20 starseeker Qt menus are also quite simple, and feel free to use standard Qt dialogs anywhere it makes sense (File open and save are definite, and I suspect QColorDialog will be an improvement over the Tk version:
14:38.20 starseeker Don't worry about most of the dialogs that are custom in MGED at this stage - a lot of those are quick hacks that need re-thinking, and I know that the Build Pattern tool (for example) needs to be massively refactored into C and have its interface re-thought
14:41.04 starseeker that will actually be the fun stage of all this - when we have the foundation in place, we can start to think about what the *good* ways to do UI bits for BRL-CAD are instead of what the *quick* ways are :-)
14:45.08 starseeker one think I don't know for sure yet is whether the native Qt HTML support can usably display our help documentation, or whether we need an all-up webkit window to handle the CSS formatting.
14:45.17 starseeker s/one think/one thing/
14:46.37 starseeker in principle it would be nice to avoid needing webkit for the help system, but if the choice comes down to building webkit as part of Qt or porting tkhtml3 from Tcl/Tk to Qt... urk
14:47.42 starseeker another option would be a stand-alone CSS "pre-processor" that could feed finalized HTML to a renderer, but if one exists I haven't found it yet
14:49.10 starseeker anyway, first things first.
14:56.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63269 (brlcad/branches/qtged/src/qbrlcad/cadtreemodel.cxx brlcad/branches/qtged/src/qbrlcad/cadtreemodel.h and 2 others): Add headers to the cadtree code
15:14.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63270 (brlcad/branches/qtged/src/qbrlcad/main.cxx brlcad/branches/qtged/src/qbrlcad/main_window.cxx brlcad/branches/qtged/src/qbrlcad/main_window.h): Move the dock widgets' initialization to main_window.cxx
15:18.55 teepee runs screaming after reading "qt dock widgets" ;)
15:51.17 starseeker teepee: have you had problems with them?
15:51.56 teepee well, problems is maybe too big a word
15:52.11 teepee mostly ask 3 users and get 5 answers how it's supposed to work
15:52.18 teepee like "i don't want them to undock"
15:52.24 starseeker heh
15:52.25 teepee "the title bars are too big"
15:52.58 teepee i've ended up with so far :)
15:53.38 teepee or "i can't make them as small as previously" (before it was a dock widget)
15:54.29 teepee there were some big issues in Qt5 on MacOS and in case of multi-monitor usage
15:54.39 teepee I think most are solved now
15:55.19 starseeker teepee: I was a little surprised there doesn't seem to be an option to make the undocked windows full toplevel windows, but perhaps that's too strange a use case
15:56.01 teepee yep, that would be awesome. I do understand they are not supposed to be that way, but it would help in some cases
15:56.19 starseeker for us it will be essential
15:56.29 teepee undocking to separate top-level is not too much code
15:56.39 teepee but it's annoying having to write it manually
15:56.57 starseeker nods - I'm guessing if there is a problem, it will be recognizing the correct placement for a re-docking
15:57.49 teepee I'm still thinking about having to GUI modes where the main window is a different widget
15:58.06 starseeker you mean as opposed to docking?
15:58.20 teepee depending on how the user works, the main widget is either the text editor or the output view window
15:58.43 teepee more like a combination of both due to different usage
15:59.00 teepee when using an external editor, the viewport is pretty much the main window
15:59.03 starseeker that's why I want the ability to un-dock to toplevel windows - if that's working, in theory either could be treated as the "main" window
15:59.36 teepee well, one has to have the toolbar :)
15:59.47 starseeker can't they both have toolbars?
15:59.58 teepee ok, it would be possible to copy that and use the "same" everywhere
16:00.04 teepee but you can't set the same instance
16:00.54 teepee I have no idea how MacOS and Unity (with common menu bar) handle that then, probably switching when the window changes
16:01.14 starseeker is it critical to do so? I suppose if you have elements on the toolbar reflecting state that could be tricky, but if you used signals and slots to make have all instances of a button "listening" for a state change wouldn't that work?
16:01.57 teepee when using actions the state->menu-item should be fine
16:02.28 teepee the other direction should work too, I guess one just has to make sure not to create circles when triggering changes
16:02.38 teepee but then that could happen with single menu/toolbar too
16:02.46 starseeker is a little surprised the dock isn't more mature than this - is it a relatively new feature in Qt?
16:02.56 starseeker or just something only now getting wide use?
16:03.15 teepee don't know, it's at least in 4.8, so it's not very new
16:03.34 teepee I think they really just see it as "Tool" window like for graphics editors
16:04.08 starseeker ah
16:04.26 teepee they do have that "MDI" mode, but it's modeled like on Windows which pretty much nobody wants to have :D
16:04.31 starseeker nods
16:04.55 starseeker yeah, I really like what they do have for docking aside from that "not a toplevel window" bit
16:05.28 starseeker and that's mostly because MGED has established the tradition of the console and display both being toplevel.
16:06.04 teepee yup, mostly it's fine. I have to try if the awful drawing problems with Qt5 are still there (I'm not sure if we cause this ourself or if that's really Qt5 bugs)
16:06.54 teepee sometimes after redocking it just draws in some random rectangle in the main window that has nothing to do with the actual docked widget
16:07.06 teepee with Qt4 that never happened
16:07.18 starseeker huh
16:07.31 starseeker yeah, that's not good
16:08.06 teepee it's easy to fix by just touching anything that resizes the window or parts of it
16:08.44 starseeker ah - so a "safe" workaround might be to trigger some sort of re-draw on the main window?
16:09.14 teepee could be, I did not have much time to look at that
16:09.31 teepee maybe it's something we do in the signal handlers
16:09.48 teepee I guess the only way to find out would be to just do a tiny sample application
16:09.56 starseeker nods
16:10.27 teepee but getting all compiling fine is higher on the todo list ;)
16:10.32 starseeker heh
16:10.43 teepee it really gets funny if both Qt4-dev and Qt5 dev is installed on a Linux system
16:11.10 teepee like compiling against Qt5 but some lib is compiled against Qt4
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16:11.26 teepee that's easy to notice though
16:11.34 teepee instant crash on application start :/
16:11.39 starseeker nods - CMake tends to do pretty well with that in my experience
16:12.14 teepee are you using cmake for the Qt app too?
16:12.30 teepee we still use qmake for the main app and cmake for the test cases (that do not link Qt)
16:12.44 teepee which is not really the ideal way ;)
16:13.28 starseeker yes - see
16:14.30 starseeker our toplevel CMake Qt setup is here:
16:17.13 starseeker CMake does too many nice things at this point for us to switch without *very* compelling reasons - we've build some features on top of CMake that to my knowledge are unique in CMake land (in-src make clean support, distcheck, sophisticated third party dependency management, etc.) and would be a lot of work to duplicate elsewhere
16:17.13 teepee cool, I guess I'll try that in case I have some spare time :)
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16:17.25 teepee having both build tools is not really perfect
16:18.55 teepee I guess if a cmake developer has a look at our CMakeLists.txt that will cause instant heart attack
16:19.01 starseeker CMake gives us some bits that are very nice for Windows portability - it can handle file copying, decompressing archives, run scripts, etc. in a portable fashion. Normally it's the kind of thing you rely on standard tools like tar and sh for, but on Windows you can't count on anything
16:19.07 starseeker heh
16:19.08 teepee ctest is quite nice tho
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16:19.41 teepee ahh, right we currently don't have a native Windows built
16:19.45 starseeker has little doubt our CMake logic is scary - I don't like that, but if you want advanced features you just end up not looking very vanilla in your code
16:20.12 starseeker yeah, we did a *LOT* of work to get Windows support working cleanly
16:20.26 starseeker including switching from flex/bison to re2c/lemon for portability
16:20.40 teepee true, like I always try to tell some people it's not possible to solve complicated issues in a simple way ;)
16:21.15 starseeker We don't have a portable sh that we can use to run our scripts, and windows doesn't have termlib so programs still using that don't build, but on the whole we're very close to full-featured building
16:21.48 teepee nice. how do you handle the dependency builds in that case?
16:22.28 starseeker has thought occasionally about trying to build with CMake...
16:23.09 starseeker our dependencies are spelled out in CMake - it usually resolves them for us without trouble, including building tools it needs to build sources for libraries and such
16:23.12 starseeker very nice
16:24.18 starseeker Visual Studio projects are our only working target at the moment for Windows, but I would really like to see if I can get ninja working on Windows
16:24.32 teepee ninja?
16:24.47 starseeker
16:24.56 teepee yet another build system :)
16:25.00 starseeker CMake can generate build files for it
16:25.08 starseeker no, in this case it's basically a make replacement
16:25.17 Stragus I profoundly dislike how Qt wants to take over the whole build system, enough to make me stay away from it entirely. Am I missing something or it's really required?
16:25.43 Stragus I assume it's required due to their weird C++ "extensions"
16:26.33 gurwinder brlcad: Hi. I am still trying to get the whole information of our BRL-CAD's .g file. Want to know how information is stored( header, flags all other things ). Its not related with g-pov. Please provide me right way to get it.
16:26.40 starseeker Stragus: I haven't found it too bad - you need moc as part of the build, but CMake manages that once you set up the right logic and after that it's not a big deal... it was more complex to get re2c/lemon build set up in my experience
16:27.34 Stragus Let's suppose I would like to compile with a bash script, not any CMake magic to be compatible with Qt
16:27.36 starseeker As I understand it those extensions are what allow object introspection, which is essential to how Qt works.
16:27.59 starseeker Stragus: ah, yes if you are using bare bones build tools it will be more complicated
16:28.06 teepee it basicall generates the signal/slot stuff
16:28.08 Stragus Yes... Traditional callbacks aren't good enough for Qt, they want to send "signals" based on slots registered as strings of text
16:28.26 starseeker has found it to be very powerful, so far
16:28.29 Stragus (Totally inefficient, but no one cares I guess)
16:29.03 starseeker I suspect it's seldom a performance bottleneck, since it's concerned mostly with user interaction...
16:29.43 Stragus Probably so, but it doesn't seem like a good reason to mess up the build system to implement an inferior solution (to my eyes)
16:30.04 Stragus Is there a way to write the signal/slot in plain C++? A lower-level interface?...
16:30.14 teepee that moc thingy is ancient :)
16:30.20 starseeker I think it depends on which version of C++ we're talking about
16:30.35 starseeker yeah, when Qt started the answer was a flat "no" as I understand it
16:30.42 teepee it's possible to write even in C (see glib) and as no-moc C++ (libsigc++ or what it's called)
16:30.58 starseeker today you might check this out:
16:31.30 Stragus Of course I know it's possible. :) But I wonder if Qt makes it possible, not if it can be implemented in a different context
16:32.06 starseeker I don't think the moc is optional unless you're willing to do without most of Qt's advanced features
16:32.16 teepee I don't think it's possible and even Qt will not touch it as they are moving away from the Widget stuff anyway
16:32.36 gaganjyot brlcad, if BRL-CAD participates under GCI this year will it consider LibreCAD too ?
16:32.44 Stragus Meh, I see. All right, I think it's going to be GTK+ or wxwidgets
16:34.01 starseeker Stragus: if you're not too concerned about native platform integration, what about fltk?
16:34.30 starseeker If Qt wasn't a possiblity for us I'd be looking hard at fltk
16:35.05 Stragus That one didn't seem to natively implement something I expected to need: a long list with multiple columns, the cells of some columns holding images, dropdown menu and such stuff
16:35.30 Stragus ... something I expect* to need
16:35.53 starseeker fair enough - fltk is minimalistic (by design)
16:36.07 Stragus Yes, it seemed so
16:36.37 Stragus Even GTK+ and wxwidgets seem to barely support what I just described, relying on new and poorly documented features
16:37.12 starseeker yeah, that sounds like enough of an application specific widget that most people would assume it's something the application would do
16:37.30 starseeker even with Qt we're going to have some custom work to do things like the edit panel
16:37.42 Stragus I wouldn't mind that, I have just zero experience with GUI :)
16:37.57 Stragus Except some win32 about... 15 years ago, and GUIs written from scratch in OpenGL
16:39.03 starseeker Stragus: then you might want to write small programs in the various options to get a feel for them - for anything non-trivial you can pretty much count on having to do some custom work regardless, so you might want to get a sense of what framework best fits your style
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16:39.45 Stragus Yes, that sounds wise. I have no experience with the whole concept of creating new widgets from scratch within a toolkit (OpenGL doesn't count)
16:40.27 starseeker realizes he'd better stop putting off the chores...
16:40.41 Stragus :) Go ahead, thanks for the tips
16:41.21 Stragus And it's probably weird that I'm tempted to just write GUI in OpenGL again. Somehow, it seems "easier", ten times the code but nothing to learn
16:44.37 starseeker Stragus: if you go that route, you might want to look at this guy's work:
16:45.51 Stragus Ohhh! Unicode freetype rendering library written in C
16:45.57 Stragus That is nice.
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16:48.58 Stragus Thanks starseeker, very interesting
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