IRC log for #brlcad on 20141201

00:09.33 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~textual@
00:57.59 maths22 brlcad: I will fix that
00:58.22 maths22 brlcad: have you added any new ones let
00:58.27 maths22 s/let/yet
01:11.20 maths22 brlcad: if a task is created the new way, it can now be edited/copied the new way; if it was bulk imported, it can be edited/copied the old way
01:13.44 *** topic/#brlcad by maths22 -> Topic for #brlcad: BRL-CAD || || logs: || Welcome GCI 2015 participants! If you're participating, be
01:14.12 *** topic/#brlcad by maths22 -> Topic for #brlcad: BRL-CAD || || logs: || Welcome GCI 2014 participants! If you're participating, be patient when asking questions... we're very busy and sometimes have packed schedules. We will respond if you are still on IRC: learn screen+irssi.
01:14.18 maths22 Got the year right for the topic
01:32.19 maths22 brlcad: I dropped the table, but I backed up the data in case you had added things (modified/created times are now tracked)
01:39.37 maths22 brlcad: they are all imported
01:51.31 maths22 brlcad: export should be good to go as well; I might try it
02:44.46 brlcad maths22: are you going to be around for a bit?
02:46.22 maths22 Yes
02:47.56 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~textual@
02:58.17 brlcad maths22: great, I've been working on getting our initial list in place and have been going back and forth from the cake interface and a spreadsheet
02:59.13 maths22 OK. I really should have a bulk import, but I have not figure out what makes the most sense.
02:59.35 maths22 If you end up with a final list, I can import it into the cake interface
02:59.36 brlcad can you help me find my way around the code? if the formatting/styling needs changing for example
02:59.39 brlcad (export)
03:02.01 maths22 I think export is now fixed, but if not, it is in [appdir]/Controller/TaskController.php
03:02.15 maths22 [appdir]=/usr/web/
03:02.40 maths22 it is actually TasksController.php
03:05.36 maths22 brlcad: I am creating a github repo for this
03:05.47 maths22 What license should I put up with it
03:06.45 brlcad maths22: I think what I was looking for is in app/Model/Task.php?
03:07.11 brlcad where you stylize the different sections into one description
03:07.13 maths22 Yes
03:07.19 maths22 I thought you meant the CSV output
03:09.04 brlcad I meant that too ... the columns look right, but not the ordering (should be key, title, desc, time, mentors, type, and tags if anything uses numeric positioning)
03:09.17 maths22 It doesn't-it uses the headings now
03:09.30 maths22 it=melange
03:09.55 brlcad okay
03:10.18 brlcad any ideas on how to autopopulate the mentor, round-robin assignment?
03:10.21 maths22 I think that is in the bulk upload directions.
03:10.36 maths22 Can you send me a list of mentors-I will add that feature
03:10.43 maths22 I will make it manually editable
03:11.24 maths22 brlcad: I think random will be easier to quickly do than round robin. Is that OK? (Otherwise I will come up with a mechanism based on the id
03:11.27 brlcad no opinion on the license, it's yours to decide; I'd merely recommend something simple, perhaps compatible with melange
03:12.01 brlcad yes, a mentor must be assigned, and the name must match their melange name exactly
03:12.11 brlcad always been a pain
03:12.23 brlcad usually upload them all as one user, then change them in melange
03:12.34 brlcad and just pick randomly as new tasks get added
03:12.57 maths22 I can pull the list... one second
03:13.57 maths22 brlcad: can there be multiple mentors
03:14.38 brlcad there can
03:14.43 brlcad comma separated list
03:14.59 maths22 OK
03:14.59 brlcad we only need to assign one, frankly doesn't matter for us, but melange requires
03:15.06 brlcad assigning does help motivate the mentors
03:15.24 brlcad could be useful to auto-assign two randomly
03:15.39 maths22 OK
03:15.53 brlcad s/could/would/
03:22.12 brlcad maths22: okay, I'm going to give the list one quick pass through before adding any more and test an upload
03:24.20 brlcad a helpful workflow change when you get users exported/imported is a task save button (that stays on that task) along with buttons for next task and previous task (using the sort from the main task view)
03:25.19 maths22 I am currently taking care of the mentor assigment (it is right now broken, but give it a few minutes)
03:28.29 brlcad nods
03:28.41 brlcad how much time do you have before you disappear for the night? :)
03:29.24 brlcad I can fall back to a spreadsheet if needed for tomorrow and we can sort out export/updating if you need to go
03:30.33 maths22 I have a good bit of time
03:30.34 maths22 rx
03:37.15 brlcad okay, great .. I suspect I'll be working on this through the night here
03:38.20 brlcad (copy button doesn't seem to work)
03:39.58 brlcad (task view now giving fatal errors too) :)
03:44.58 maths22 brlcad: that should be fixed-now I just need to rotate through the mentors
03:45.55 brlcad maybe just assign them on export if the field is empty?
03:46.24 brlcad that'd be a useful way to set/reset them
03:46.47 brlcad copy still doesn't seem to be working too
03:46.58 brlcad pops up the query but doesn't create the tasks
03:53.39 brlcad I assume you're doing something with task 1 mentor assignment? I unset my name once on it earlier, hope I didn't mess you up
04:04.59 maths22 brlcad: can confirm copy is broken with numbers greater than 1. Will fix
04:05.12 maths22 All tasks now have 2 mentors sequentially assigned.
04:05.42 maths22 I will add the algorithm for new tasks
04:09.58 maths22 brlcad: also, import broke the categories: will go through and manually fix
04:11.44 brlcad main view busted again
04:11.52 brlcad and fixed :)
04:12.30 brlcad maths22: so the problem I see is that the same mentors are now paired everywhere .. that is not desirable if any mentor is flakey
04:12.55 maths22 What assignment method should I use then?
04:13.44 brlcad random assignment would be fine
04:14.11 brlcad just randomly pick two mentors ... it'll average out unless your random index range is buggy ;)
04:14.56 brlcad I don't know if it matters, but I've been using a convention to not put #1 on series of tasks (starting with #2)
04:16.05 maths22 OK
04:18.21 maths22 brlcad: assignment is now random
04:20.18 maths22 brlcad: will now fix cloning
04:20.55 maths22 It will only do random assignment if a mentor is not manually chosen, and it will not do random assignment on edit, only on create
04:22.56 maths22 brlcad: will be back in a few minutes
04:33.58 brlcad assignment is working awesome (just created a couple tasks)
04:34.40 brlcad TasksController syntax error, you working in there?
04:34.47 brlcad ahh, apparently
04:35.59 maths22 brlcad: now copy works
04:36.21 maths22 Although it may create too many (I'm not sure)
04:37.06 maths22 Actually, it works OK
04:38.26 maths22 brlcad: save now doesn't redirect
04:38.28 maths22
04:41.24 maths22 brlcad: currently working on next/prev task buttons
04:53.34 brlcad maths22: cool, thanks
04:54.20 brlcad maths22: when you finish with that, can you check on the References and Modify formatting (see )
04:55.40 brlcad or point me to the file and I can try (if app/Model/Task.php was right)
04:57.04 maths22 brlcad: done
04:57.07 brlcad that task also raises an issue for how I should put in additional lists (see the Action block)
04:57.40 maths22 brlcad: I will fix that formatting
04:57.49 brlcad nice!
04:57.56 brlcad (prev/next)
04:58.53 brlcad uh oh, looks like categories got wiped out?
05:03.59 maths22 brlcad: it splits better
05:04.05 maths22 I am about to fix the categories
05:04.25 maths22 It got broken when I did the mentor assignments (bad validation)
05:04.44 maths22 For lists within any other block, just do the HTML manually
05:16.39 brlcad I updated the actions view to resort the options a little
05:18.46 maths22 brlcad: looks good, but the actions should each be in their own li
05:21.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 63575 brlcad/trunk/TODO: there is a gqa manual page
05:21.56 maths22 brlcad: all tasks are fixed
05:26.48 maths22 brlcad: you must manually do line breaks in HTML within the text boxes: I am fixing the docbook ones
05:33.49 maths22
05:38.55 brlcad maths22: yeah, I saw .. next/prev naturally fit a left/right pattern so I was hoping to get them side by side
05:40.11 brlcad how is it going to distinguish html from <-- notes within the text boxes
05:40.29 brlcad or just not matching because it's not <!
05:40.35 brlcad <!--
05:41.00 maths22 it takes it literally
05:41.35 maths22 dont give it bad input. it will break
05:45.35 brlcad :)
05:46.42 maths22 Ideally i would filter input, but not yet
06:01.54 brlcad maths22: when I create copies, can you make it assign random mentors too
06:02.03 maths22 Sure
06:02.15 maths22 Once I do that, should I randomly reassign mentors
06:02.28 maths22 also, I got the next/previous buttons to go side by side
06:03.38 brlcad I saw, looks fantastic
06:03.47 brlcad been using it heavily :)
06:04.28 brlcad bug noticed: title is displayed blank when you save a task (at least after assigning mentors)
06:04.42 brlcad it's still there if I leave and come back, but presumably would get wiped if I saved again
06:04.48 brlcad (haven't tested that theory)
06:07.19 maths22 brlcad: What exactly do you do to get that behavior
06:07.35 maths22 Also, it now randomly assigns mentors to copies
06:12.16 maths22 brlcad: are you wrapping each line in a div?
06:17.30 maths22 never mind- it looks like you are copying from last year's melange
06:27.21 brlcad you got the random assignment working beautifully timed to when I started using it :0
06:27.24 brlcad :)
06:27.44 brlcad yeah, I just pulled the popular design tasks forward
06:28.10 brlcad I have about 100 new tasks to write up but they'll be last
06:28.14 brlcad (after doing an import)
06:28.35 maths22 I would suggest you try a bulk import now so we can make sure my export works
06:28.43 brlcad :D
06:28.57 brlcad I tested export earlier and it was working well
06:29.09 maths22 Do you know if it was accepted by melange?
06:29.12 brlcad but not imported specificially into melange (because it's a pain to delete)
06:29.30 brlcad but it was parsed by the same framework (gdocs)
06:29.40 maths22 OK
06:30.08 brlcad hm, okay, so we may be good to go ... am I forgetting anything..
06:30.33 maths22 Not that I know of...
06:30.46 maths22 hopes there isn't anything obvious missing
06:32.04 brlcad hrm, minor bug .. if I try to add more tasks to an existing set, it's not renumbering from the highest
06:32.29 brlcad pick the base, and it creates 2,3,4
06:32.46 brlcad pick the last (#7) and it creates #7 #2, #7 #3, #7 #4
06:33.13 maths22 Can you give me a specific example?
06:33.24 brlcad interesting, and won't let me manually edit the title
06:33.34 brlcad Identify and eliminate dead code
06:34.38 maths22 brlcad: that is because that group was bulk imported-the numbering was part of the original import
06:34.51 maths22 It does not know that those tasks are related
06:35.17 maths22 it works will all the ones at the bottom that were duplicated through the system
06:35.20 brlcad did you change that logic? I thought you had it working based on the title/convention
06:35.47 maths22 It was always based on a base item-that is how it knows what number to use as the starting point
06:36.03 maths22 it tracks how many duplicates have been made of the base item
06:36.48 maths22 Otherwise it would not easily know what number to use next without scanning through the whole list of tasks
06:37.00 brlcad I expected it to scan :)
06:37.24 brlcad minor issue, can make do
06:39.57 *** join/#brlcad GitHub192 (~GitHub192@
06:39.57 GitHub192 [13gci-task-manager] 15maths22 pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02
06:39.57 GitHub192 13gci-task-manager/06master 14e019ec3 15Jacob Burroughs: use library function for getting 2 random element instead of my own, worse algorithm
06:39.57 *** part/#brlcad GitHub192 (~GitHub192@
06:42.57 brlcad heh, that was quick
06:43.16 maths22 what is that?
06:43.18 brlcad maths22: okay so bulk *almost* worked... looks like the input data has changed
06:43.24 maths22 In what way
06:43.38 brlcad mentors, expecting their username, not display name
06:43.47 brlcad do you have access to that list?
06:43.53 maths22 No-do you?
06:43.57 brlcad of course
06:44.08 maths22 Message me it, and I will get it in the db
06:46.08 maths22 brlcad: I have changed the export and table structure to have a separate username field
06:46.54 brlcad couple extra mentors just added too
06:47.05 brlcad feel free to wipe them all and reassign random
06:47.16 maths22 OK
06:47.41 maths22 I have a way to get the username, but it will be easier if you sent me the list
06:47.50 brlcad the export structure was correct
06:48.00 maths22 What was the issue then?
06:48.08 brlcad it looked up each mentor value, but was expecting a username
06:48.16 brlcad e.g., "brlcad" instead of "Sean"
06:48.42 brlcad "hsrai" instead of "Hardeep Singh Rai"
06:48.43 maths22 right-so can I have a list of those usernames & mentor values
06:48.52 brlcad send it to you
06:48.57 maths22 OK
06:49.05 brlcad ahh, you have two irc's attached
06:49.28 maths22 what do you mean by two ircs?
06:49.53 brlcad never mind, I just had an old window open for you
06:50.10 brlcad where you were maths22_
06:50.37 maths22 OK
07:00.35 brlcad let me know when you want me to try again
07:02.11 maths22 brlcad: go ahead
07:04.09 *** join/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
07:04.09 notify-web [13gci-task-manager] 15maths22 pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02
07:04.09 notify-web 13gci-task-manager/06master 14cac42ce 15Jacob Burroughs: changed to use username field instead of display name
07:04.09 *** part/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
07:05.56 maths22 brlcad, ``Erik: do we know if notify is ready to parse GCI messages?
07:08.59 maths22 I forgot to update the mentors; they are now updated.
07:14.21 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
07:15.08 brlcad maths22: w00t! they all imported
07:15.14 maths22 I see
07:16.15 maths22 They look good
07:16.30 maths22 Now lets hope syncronization looks like it should
07:17.09 maths22 Sadly, you still have to manually publish each one
07:17.18 brlcad yes
07:17.28 brlcad and it pointed out a couple other issues
07:17.48 maths22 Like what?
07:18.23 maths22 s/looks/works
07:21.37 brlcad had duplicates of all the sticker tasks
07:21.58 brlcad surprisingly with different appearance and categories too
07:22.21 brlcad couple dozen missing tags (almost certainly imported that way)
07:23.11 brlcad and the one issue that you probably can fix is the styling on the References and Modify sections
07:23.26 maths22 Oddly there are not sticker duplicates in the original data
07:23.53 maths22 the tags issue is the original source
07:23.53 brlcad no, I probably created a second set, overlooking that they were already there
07:24.04 maths22 Did you then delete them?
07:24.27 brlcad it is, not worried about them -- easy to fix, just not evident in the view since I'd have to visit them to see that
07:24.43 maths22 What is wrong with the references/modify styling?
07:24.49 brlcad <-- here
07:25.07 brlcad should I manually add the html?
07:25.43 maths22 It just needed to be re-saved to be re-parsed
07:25.44 brlcad or can it be made smart to see one per line?
07:25.49 brlcad ahh
07:26.13 maths22 it parses on save to allow for better compatiblity with imported 1-piece descriptions
07:26.13 brlcad so action has to be manual, I presume?
07:26.24 maths22 I can force a re-parse of everything...
07:27.00 brlcad it's just missing newlines on that manual list .. but yeah, that'd probably screw up something already html-formatted
07:27.13 maths22 just that 1, or other ones?
07:27.24 brlcad there were a couple others
07:28.19 brlcad more importantly, though, there needs to be a "References:" header before the references list and "Modify:" too
07:28.42 brlcad (instead of Code: ... it's only Code if it's a code task and it's a file path...
07:30.41 brlcad maths22: how hard would it be to add the same footer to all tasks descriptions (on export)?
07:31.00 maths22 brlcad: done
07:31.05 maths22 What sort of footer
07:31.11 maths22 It would be very easy.
07:31.27 maths22 References and modify are now properly labeled
07:31.46 brlcad If you recall last year, we manually contacted everyone
07:32.07 maths22 With what (I don't remember)
07:32.15 brlcad needs another blank before Modify:
07:32.47 maths22 brlcad: done
07:33.29 brlcad cool
07:33.32 brlcad that looks better
07:33.55 maths22 What sort of footer do you want?
07:37.38 maths22 brlcad: I also might see about increasing the number of non-beginner tasks
07:37.50 maths22 Remeber that each student can only do 2 beginner tasks
07:38.22 maths22 I know we have enough for now, but for later ...
07:38.47 brlcad you have some ideas?
07:38.57 maths22 I will come up with some tomorrow
07:39.10 maths22 Mostly thinking aloud now
07:39.21 brlcad cool, your perspective will be better than mine ;)
07:40.00 brlcad I've been going on what tasks require the fewest skills / experience so far
07:42.45 maths22 I'm going to get some sleep now, but you should be able to upload the latest export and it will update the existing tasks
07:43.49 maths22 to force a reparse: /usr/web/ task force_reparse
07:44.13 maths22 to randomly assign mentors: /usr/web/ task assign_mentors
07:46.32 *** join/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
07:46.32 notify-web [13gci-task-manager] 15maths22 pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02
07:46.32 notify-web 13gci-task-manager/06master 143d94b8e 15Jacob Burroughs: added option to re-generate descriptions and updated generated output
07:46.32 *** part/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
07:53.44 brlcad footer is a couple sentences, ideally in a smaller font, to say something like: <a href="">Join IRC</a> for interactive chat. Join <a href="">brlcad-news</a> to see work showcased. E-mail your name and postal address to for free BRL-CAD stuff post-GCI. Agree to our <a href="...">license requirements</a> before submitting work.
07:54.00 brlcad maybe in a box, one per line
07:54.07 brlcad checkbox style
07:55.24 brlcad maths22: thank you for all your help
07:58.58 brlcad another side-effect of not basing increments on the name .. if I delete a bunch of copies (e.g., 2-5), update the description, and recreate new copies, it numbers from where it left off (6-9)
08:11.16 *** join/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
08:11.16 notify-web [13web] 15sofathitesh opened pull request #1: Modified files for theme (06master...06master) 02
08:11.16 *** part/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
08:37.37 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:46.36 *** join/#brlcad ejno_ (~ejno@unaffiliated/kazaik)
08:46.40 *** join/#brlcad maths22_ (
09:29.51 *** join/#brlcad ries (
11:03.13 *** join/#brlcad Stragus (
11:45.58 *** join/#brlcad deepak_ (~chatzilla@
12:14.03 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~textual@
12:18.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Gauravjeet * 7812 /wiki/Brlcad-logo: /* Created a page that contains link to all new BRL-CAD logos. */
12:57.41 ``Erik pdf ocr (might be useful for old reports?)
12:59.45 ``Erik (notify should handle gci stuff, the regex was generalized last year)
13:20.33 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:32.58 maths22_ brlcad: I can do that footer; once you send me the exact text, I will add it in.
13:34.10 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:37.14 *** join/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
13:37.14 notify-web [13web] 15maths22 pushed 2 new commits to 06master: 02
13:37.14 notify-web 13web/06master 14b6d88c3 15sofat: Modified files for theme
13:37.14 notify-web 13web/06master 146b511ff 15Jacob Burroughs: Merge pull request #1 from sofathitesh/master...
13:37.14 *** part/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
13:40.20 *** join/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
13:40.20 notify-web [13web] 15maths22 created 06revert-1-master (+1 new commit): 02
13:40.20 notify-web 13web/06revert-1-master 14b931265 15Jacob Burroughs: Revert "Modified files for theme"
13:40.20 *** part/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
13:40.33 *** join/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
13:40.34 notify-web [13web] 15maths22 opened pull request #2: Revert "Modified files for theme" (06master...06revert-1-master) 02
13:40.34 *** part/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
13:40.40 *** join/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
13:40.40 notify-web [13web] 15maths22 closed pull request #2: Revert "Modified files for theme" (06master...06revert-1-master) 02
13:40.40 *** part/#brlcad notify-web (~notify-we@
13:44.41 maths22 brlcad: is there any logic to which tasks are currently published and which ones are unplublished?
13:49.40 *** join/#brlcad ries (
13:55.57 maths22 brlcad: Also, rerun the bulk import if you have time before 9:00 pst
13:56.10 maths22 That should update broken descriptions
14:13.01 maths22 ``Erik: Does BZ have 1 or multiple ips?
14:24.13 *** join/#brlcad npcwarrior (~NPC@
14:24.21 npcwarrior Hi
14:24.51 npcwarrior I was wondering what kind of work I'd be doing for BRL-CAD during GCI?
14:25.27 maths22 npcwarrior: The task list will become available in ~2.5 hours
14:26.19 maths22 Before then, if you want to get a sense of some tasks, I would look at
14:26.41 maths22 This has a sampling of the many tasks that will be available
14:29.24 npcwarrior maths22: Thanks, unfortunetally, the day is closing for those of us who live on the Estern side of the world
14:30.24 maths22 Get started tomorrow then-You won't be at any sort of a disadvantage.
14:31.47 npcwarrior maths22: I'm not worried, just over-excited
14:32.11 maths22 That was me last year (I am now a mentor, was a student)
14:33.07 maths22 To get a better sense of BRL-CAD, you can take a look at
14:35.08 npcwarrior maths22: Cool. This is my first time. I'm a bit nervous because looking at the level of coding a lot these projects require I am NOT prepared
14:35.25 npcwarrior maths22: But I'm eager to learn
14:35.49 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
14:35.52 maths22 Take a look at some complete tasks from last year:
14:36.44 maths22 Some involve coding, but a lot are documentation, and design, and other tasks
14:37.20 npcwarrior ,aths22: Probably going to start with documentation just to ease into things, but my heart is in code
14:37.46 maths22 In that case, documentation sounds like a good place to start
14:38.06 maths22 It can let you take a look at the code and understand it better before you need to modify it.
14:39.33 npcwarrior maths22: That's the plan
14:40.02 npcwarrior maths22: I'm defiantely shooting for a chance to go to mountain view
14:40.15 npcwarrior maths22: But I really just want to get into coding
14:40.29 maths22 npcwarrior: That is more or less what happened with me
14:41.10 npcwarrior maths22: There is no in my community involved in any sort of programming
14:41.41 npcwarrior So it'll be nice to have some help from people who know what they are doing
14:41.54 npcwarrior maths22: Like I said, I'm excited
14:42.51 maths22 npcwarrior: I hope you enjoy it
14:45.14 npcwarrior maths22: Thanks. Are you mentoring in general or for some organization?
14:45.45 maths22 for brlcad
14:48.32 npcwarrior maths22: The organization page mention something about a virtual machne; what exactly would that entail?\
14:50.46 maths22 there is a preconfugured vm you can download from the brlcad downloads page
14:51.14 npcwarrior maths22: Thanks, I'll go do that
14:52.57 npcwarrior This is the first time I've really used IRC (I actually first downloaded it a few days ago) man it's a blast!
14:59.05 mihaineacsu You're doing great!
15:03.40 npcwarrior Thanks
15:12.30 *** join/#brlcad deepak_ (~chatzilla@
15:20.31 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
15:20.37 sofat maths22, hello
15:27.12 maths22 sofat: hi
15:27.30 sofat maths22, please explain what you don't like in theme i am only update the menu and sidebar of theme so what kind of updates you want
15:27.34 sofat please tell me
15:29.42 *** part/#brlcad npcwarrior (~NPC@
15:30.15 maths22 sofat:
15:30.23 maths22 This does not look good
15:32.15 sofat check this
15:32.15 sofat
15:33.17 sofat i am working on this theme
15:33.18 sofat
15:33.27 maths22 sofat: That looks better (although the logo looks very distorted)
15:33.40 sofat ok
15:33.47 maths22 Also, your changes broke the homepage
15:34.08 maths22 That is: the stuff below the menubar changed
15:34.21 maths22 Also, why did you change the links in the menu bar?\
15:34.51 sofat where ?
15:35.20 maths22 For example, documentation used to point to a mediawiki page
15:35.29 maths22 Same with community
15:35.39 maths22 And gallery used to point to /gallery
15:35.39 sofat yes but this just example
15:36.13 maths22 This change is OK when testing, but it should be fixed in the pull request
15:36.48 *** join/#brlcad albertcoder (~albertcod@
15:36.52 sofat hmm
15:37.30 sofat first tell me which theme you are right now used
15:37.41 sofat in repo i found two themes
15:38.04 sofat first one this
15:38.06 sofat
15:38.11 sofat second one
15:38.27 sofat
15:38.37 sofat i am working on first
15:38.41 sofat theme
15:39.29 maths22 sofat: it is using the first one
15:40.02 sofat ok
15:42.34 sofat
15:42.37 sofat on this
15:42.53 maths22 yes
15:43.30 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
15:44.11 sofat ok i found some error in this page because i not update this page according to style
15:44.11 brlcad maths22: not sure I understand your questions
15:44.26 brlcad they're all published
15:44.42 brlcad which descriptions are broken?
15:44.45 maths22 brlcad: see
15:44.47 sofat so give some more time i will do this all updates
15:45.07 maths22 brlcad: the descriptions we looked at last night (unless you manually fixed them or reimported already)
15:45.37 brlcad maths22: and I see you're being humble ... :)
15:45.57 brlcad "I am now a mentor, was a student" .. instead of "I won" :)
15:46.27 brlcad I did regenerate and reimport last night, several times
15:46.30 maths22 OK
15:46.44 brlcad your command line cleanup is pretty awesome
15:47.05 maths22 Then there shouldn't be broken ones, but tells me a lot are unpublished
15:47.24 maths22 cakephp offers an easy way to make console commands interact with the DB
15:47.40 maths22 basically I just re-save all the entries, and that regenerates the descriptions
15:47.54 brlcad maths22: ahh, good catch!
15:47.59 brlcad one of the annoyances of melange
15:48.09 maths22 I think you published the first page (of 50)
15:48.10 brlcad it resets the task view every page update
15:48.21 brlcad EVERY freaking time
15:48.33 maths22 Lovely
15:48.57 brlcad and of course the "select all" checkbox only works on the ones you're looking at
15:49.02 brlcad that's bit us several times before
15:49.07 brlcad there, all published
15:50.12 maths22 thank you
15:50.55 brlcad thank you for noticing that
15:52.38 brlcad maths22: I noticed that the break I asked you to insert made things look worse on melange
15:53.14 maths22 example?
15:53.15 brlcad apparently the stylesheet there adds padding before <ul>, just a difference in presentations of gci-dev and melange html styling
15:53.38 brlcad all the "Modify:" blocks
15:54.22 brlcad vs
15:55.40 maths22 what exactly should be changed then?
15:58.56 brlcad nothing, just had to realize they are quite different and to pay no attention to the appearance
15:59.09 brlcad it'd be nice if they matched but no biggie
15:59.28 maths22 Not now then, but I will try to clone the relevant part of their stylesheets
15:59.35 brlcad looks like basically ul and ol have some padding differences
16:00.11 brlcad gci-dev's ul needs more left padding, and ol needs bottom padding
16:00.30 brlcad (or needs some zero-padding unset)
16:01.13 maths22 Yeah
16:08.25 *** join/#brlcad npcwarrior (~NPC@
16:09.34 *** join/#brlcad albertcoder (~albertcod@
16:10.38 *** join/#brlcad maths22 (
16:19.33 sofat maths22, i cound not found the home page coding
16:19.42 sofat you know where is?
16:20.42 maths22 I think it is a mediawiki page
16:22.08 sofat please explain me i am not able to understand
16:23.19 maths22 Never mind
16:23.21 maths22 I was wrong
16:23.29 sofat i know
16:23.45 maths22
16:23.53 sofat ok
16:25.28 maths22 CTCP -proxy- IRSSIPROXY BACKLOG SEND
16:26.31 maths22 BL
16:29.17 *** join/#brlcad albertcoder (~albertcod@
16:33.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63576 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/pixblend.xml: touch-up of pixblend manpage, including shortening of -S remark
16:37.45 brlcad maths22: is export going to work or were there other changes that might cause problems?
16:38.12 brlcad don't want to do a mass update that might break anything, but want to get back to adding more tasks
16:43.25 *** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@unaffiliated/yatharthrock)
16:52.24 maths22 brlcad: export should still work (I didn't touch it_
16:53.10 *** join/#brlcad albertcoder (~albertcod@
17:08.46 sofat maths22, please create my user account in this link
17:08.49 sofat
17:09.08 sofat simple user
17:09.42 *** join/#brlcad gjeet (75dc9439@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:15.26 gjeet Hey
17:15.52 *** join/#brlcad Marc____ (bc1a92f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:15.54 *** join/#brlcad andromeda-galaxy (
17:15.55 Marc____ hello
17:16.01 maths22 Notify is evidently not working
17:16.03 Marc____ is Sean here?
17:16.28 gjeet how can one task be claimed by two different persons ?
17:16.37 gjeet
17:16.37 gjeet check this task
17:17.10 maths22 That is bad.
17:17.35 maths22 That second person should not be able to claim it. In fact, we can't approve it or reject it for them
17:17.41 gjeet yeah exactly
17:17.51 andromeda-galaxy maths22: on the student end, it looks impossible to claim for me
17:18.45 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I've been lurking on the mailing list for a while now, looking forward to seeing the new website launch for
17:18.47 maths22 That is good. I wonder what went wrong
17:18.57 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: Should be soon now
17:19.11 maths22 brlcad: brlcad-tracker is not getting updates
17:20.19 andromeda-galaxy maths22: on the doubly-claimed task, I wonder if there is a bug in melange that posts the "Task Claimed" comment whenever it gets a request without checking its datastore? (i.e. not our fault)
17:20.25 *** join/#brlcad Daksh (~Daksh@
17:23.00 maths22 It is clearly not our fault; lers see if it keeps happening, and if it does I will contact the melange devs
17:23.26 *** join/#brlcad ishwerdas (75dc9439@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:24.28 andromeda-galaxy maths22: sounds good! btw, I see you're a mentor on, what is the expected behavior?
17:24.40 andromeda-galaxy I tried to do that one last year, but I couldn't figure out the expected behavior
17:26.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Sean * 0 /wiki/Brlcad-logo:
17:26.38 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: mentors are assigned randomly, but I will take a look
17:26.54 andromeda-galaxy maths22: okay, good to know, thanks!
17:27.16 *** part/#brlcad Daksh (~Daksh@
17:27.38 maths22 The bug appears to be that calling closedb makes mged stop working, but it should be possible to open a db after calling closedb without neededing to reopen mged
17:27.55 maths22 sofat: doing that now
17:28.34 andromeda-galaxy maths22: Hmm... Last time I tried it, at least, opening a new db with opendb made it start working.... I'll test it out again as soon as my checkout finishes downloading and building
17:29.10 *** join/#brlcad ignacio (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy)
17:29.23 maths22 That is what I remember (I think I tried it last year and was confused)
17:30.39 andromeda-galaxy Okay, I'll look into it more later
17:41.26 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (
17:42.58 andromeda-galaxy BRL-CAD doesn't have a numerical integration library yet, does it?
17:43.45 andrei_ whoa. so many people around. Hello!
17:44.04 ishwerdas hi :)
17:44.38 maths22 ``Erik, brlcad: brlcad-tracker is not recieving task updates. Can we fix that?
17:46.06 maths22 Cool thing I discovered:TapChat
17:46.20 maths22 I am connected to IRC through irssi/screen
17:46.57 maths22 I have it configured as a proxy through TapChat, which can be used on mobile and in a web browser
17:48.54 *** join/#brlcad jrullman (uid54856@gateway/web/
17:49.30 brlcad maths22: nice, merge update worked without a problem (that I'm aware of!)
17:50.01 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: we've added and removed a couple over the years
17:50.05 maths22 brlcad: great
17:50.35 maths22 Is brlcad-tracker an org-admin setting?
17:50.49 jrullman does anyone have a high-resolution BRL-CAD logo?
17:51.18 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: there's often a better way than integration, or it begs for highly customized for performance ... so when we find another way, the library method goes away
17:51.27 brlcad jrullman: see
17:51.46 brlcad jrullman: in short, no, but one of our GCI tasks is to create a proper logo set
17:51.52 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: ah, okay... Some of the geometric structure property-finding stuff requires integrating for the really correct answer, unfortunately
17:52.46 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: that can be said of pretty much every prior use we've had too
17:53.03 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: makes sense
17:53.05 brlcad doesn't mean a custom integrator won't easily outperform a numerical integration library :)
17:53.10 jrullman brlcad: thanks! perhaps i'll tackle the logo task after this current one.
17:53.14 andromeda-galaxy true
17:53.28 brlcad when you know the domain, you can often get an order of magnitude better
17:53.30 andromeda-galaxy I was just thinking about it in terms of some of the things that I started but didn't finish last year
17:53.40 brlcad such as?
17:53.47 brlcad and good to see you again :)
17:53.56 andromeda-galaxy lots of the things with ellipsoids, at least, are hard to approximate really well without elliptical integrals
17:54.16 andromeda-galaxy and it's nice to be back, too!
17:57.03 andrei_ brlcad: I checked out rt^3 and there are no unit tests in tests/coreInterface. Did you guys moved them or there aren't any at all?
17:57.22 andrei_ I plan to make a task to create a unit test per each primitive
17:57.42 andrei_ 1 : 1 : 1
17:59.05 *** join/#brlcad alebard (57ca11cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:01.18 alebard Hi Im doing the task on making a wiki page on joining the brl-cad project .How can I show you my work ?
18:03.39 maths22 alebard: make it on the wiki at
18:03.55 maths22 Submit the link to the page where you made it
18:04.03 brlcad maths22: no idea what's up with tracker e-mails .. the list is configured as it was last year and it looks like outbound addresses are the same
18:04.09 brlcad my guess is that it's not sending
18:04.28 *** join/#brlcad David___ (60f20f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:04.34 maths22 That would seem to be the issue. So it is listed in the org admin interface like it should get all emails?
18:08.40 brlcad can you file a melange bug report?
18:08.50 brlcad I just tried a different address, and it doesn't seem to be sending
18:08.58 brlcad someone else might have already filed
18:10.59 maths22 brlcad: sure
18:11.50 maths22 What is the name for these "master emails
18:15.21 andromeda-galaxy Does anyone else see "request for implicit conversion" warnings treated as errors messages on r63576?
18:19.02 brlcad maths22: it's the "Notifications email"
18:19.13 brlcad set in our organization profile
18:20.13 brlcad ours is set to and I confirmed our list is not receiving or blocking messages
18:20.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63577 brlcad/trunk/src/util/pix3filter.c: implement h and ? (turn off error messages for that)
18:20.20 brlcad set a personal e-mail address and none were received
18:21.31 maths22 thanks
18:24.44 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I'm getting rtserver.c -Wc++-compat warnings-turned-errors when building... I've fixed them with a couple of explicit casts (the return value of Tcl_GetHashKey is void* but it's being used as char*), but I'm curious if anyone else is observing this. If you have a minute, can you try building r63577?
18:37.23 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: by the way, I also remember having looked at this task last year: However, then and now, I haven't actually been able to see any unexpected behavior... do you know what the problem was originally?
18:46.53 brlcad maths22: java .. seems to be out of control, any ideas?
18:47.12 brlcad it's not the first time, I only noticed because your leaderboard wasn't responding
18:47.33 maths22 One moment...
18:53.04 maths22 brlcad: fisheye disabled for now.
18:53.09 maths22 Will diagnose later
18:58.36 brlcad can create a gci task for that ... ;)
18:59.03 brlcad feel free to create any you think would help for backend infrastructure -- you have a solid grasp on all that now
18:59.12 maths22 Will dosoon
18:59.29 brlcad I know, right?! busy day :)
18:59.41 brlcad you miss being the participant?
18:59.58 maths22 Yes
19:00.27 maths22 Right now I am trying to work out an improved IRC usage pattern (sometimes SSH gets in my way)
19:04.56 *** part/#brlcad maths22 (
19:05.00 *** join/#brlcad maths22 (
19:05.44 andromeda-galaxy can we safely assume that extruded sketches all have a uniform density of 1?
19:05.56 andromeda-galaxy I can't find any other references in the code to density with respect to sketches
19:07.00 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: that is an unusually hard task so keep track on how much time you spend on it
19:07.10 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: Okay!
19:07.15 brlcad we can break it down into subtasks if it gets crazy
19:07.58 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: near the bottom of they talk about a way to find the coordinates of center of mass (= centroid for uniform density)...
19:08.20 andromeda-galaxy if we assume that rho(x,y,z) = 1, then we can turn those integrals into nice (relatively_ easy exressions
19:09.35 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: by the way, they're not uploaded yet, but as you were heavily involved last year and will remember, we have a lot of these geometry functions ... and they need to get validated, so lots of validation tasks possible if you're interested
19:09.56 brlcad maths22: what do you mean? screen+irssi ftw
19:10.17 maths22 But irssi is painful on my phone
19:10.33 brlcad oof, isn't nearly everything ;)
19:10.52 andromeda-galaxy brlcad, maths22: I'm also trying to figure out a good IRC setup... my problem is that I like ERC in Emacs
19:11.02 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: and yes, can assume uniform density
19:11.14 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: great! I'll start working on that now
19:11.20 brlcad all primitives have uniform/no density
19:11.31 brlcad region objects are where shapes take on mass
19:11.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 7815 /wiki/Talk:Joiningthebrlcadprojec: Joining the BRL-CAD project
19:11.44 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: okay, good to know
19:12.05 brlcad regions are just combination (comb) objects with a flag set to say "these have mass"
19:12.24 andromeda-galaxy ah, that makes a lot of sense
19:12.25 andromeda-galaxy thanks
19:12.27 andromeda-galaxy by the way, do we have an IRC bot for announcing GCI activity? (or is Notify malfunctioning)
19:12.52 brlcad melange is not sending out notifications at the moment
19:13.00 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: melange is not sending the notifications tou our bot
19:13.04 andromeda-galaxy Ah, okay!
19:13.55 alebard <PROTECTED>
19:18.39 maths22 brlcad: tapchat does push notifications when your nick is mentioned or you are messaged, and has a decent mobile interface
19:18.48 maths22 I still use irssi when I am at my computer
19:46.31 *** join/#brlcad TieSoul (~TieSoul@
19:50.52 *** part/#brlcad TieSoul (~TieSoul@
19:52.53 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: would you mind an approximate solution for
19:53.42 andromeda-galaxy Finding the centroid of the sketch is a little hard, but can be approximated by treating the sketch as a finite set of points...
20:23.22 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Marlos Jose Ribeiro Guimaraes * 0 /wiki/User:Marlos_Jose_Ribeiro_Guimaraes:
20:30.50 *** join/#brlcad andromed` (
20:33.11 maths22 andromed`: in terms of finding a good IRC setup, I suggest you use irssi + screen for a persistent connection, and if you want to use ERC, connect to IRC using irssi as a proxy
20:33.55 maths22 Also, you can setup irssi to mark you as away when you disconnect from the proxy, so it is clear if you are online
20:51.25 andromed` maths22: sounds like a good idea... I was also wondering about using something like ZNC as the proxy, but I'll try out irssi+screen when I have a chance
21:01.20 maths22 irssi+screen is nice because it is also a full-fledged client with a backlog, even when you are not connected into it
21:02.03 andromed` maths22: makes sense... thanks for the recommendation!
21:24.21 *** join/#brlcad kanzure_ (~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure)
21:25.36 *** join/#brlcad andromeda-galaxy (
21:25.53 *** part/#brlcad andromeda-galaxy (
21:26.18 *** join/#brlcad andromeda-galaxy (
21:27.03 *** part/#brlcad andromeda-galaxy (
21:27.06 *** join/#brlcad andromeda-galaxy (
21:29.33 andromeda-galaxy How can I test new primitive functions?
21:33.02 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: src/librt/primitives/table.c
21:33.25 maths22 Add your function to that table, and you should be able to test it in mged
21:33.32 maths22 What primitive function are you looking at?
21:33.35 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I stuck my _centroid function in src/librt/primitives/table.c, but that doesn't seem to make `analyse' pick up on it for some reason
21:33.54 andromeda-galaxy specifically, rt_sketch_centroid and rt_extrude_centroid
21:34.10 maths22 Did it go on the corret row?
21:34.29 maths22
21:35.37 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I believe it did
21:35.47 andromeda-galaxy I put it on the same row as the other centroid functions
21:35.59 maths22 5th to last?
21:36.17 andromeda-galaxy maths22: Indeed
21:36.26 andromeda-galaxy maths22: RTFUNCTAB_FUNC_CENTROID_CAST(rt_sketch_centroid)
21:36.33 maths22 void rt_sktech_centroid(point_t *cent, const struct rt_db_internal *ip)
21:36.58 andromeda-galaxy that's the signature in sketch.c
21:37.02 maths22 OK.
21:38.22 *** join/#brlcad martinhesa (c1997d0d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:39.39 andromeda-galaxy Then I used `make sk1 sketch' to make a simple sketch, but `analyze sk1' doesn't print out the centroid
21:39.47 maths22 One moment.
21:42.53 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: I´m not sure what´s up with that. Does it work for other primatives?
21:44.04 maths22 I´m running my own build now
21:44.29 andromeda-galaxy Let me check
21:44.49 maths22 I have not built since last year, so I am cleaning first
21:45.20 andromeda-galaxy I just tried with a hyp, analyze outputs a line with the centroid
21:46.40 andromeda-galaxy also, my `make regress' just now complained about finding two instances of strncat and for of strcmp, even though I didn't touch ply-g.c org g-ply.c; can I safely ignore that?
21:49.23 maths22 I can´t remember right now what I did.
21:49.29 maths22 There is a way to add it...
21:50.55 *** part/#brlcad martinhesa (c1997d0d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:51.17 andromeda-galaxy The patch from your 2013 task just adds it... I don't know why it doesn't work for mine
21:51.29 andromeda-galaxy I'm doing a clean rebuild just in case, I'll let you know if it helps
21:58.18 andromeda-galaxy maths22: analyze doesn't seem to want to pick it up for some reason...
21:59.30 andromeda-galaxy maths22: ah, got it! analyze_sketch() is used for sketches, instead of analyze_general()
21:59.36 andromeda-galaxy and analyze_sketch() doesn't check for a centroid!
21:59.40 maths22 That would do it
22:00.50 maths22 I had some issues when I did this last year, but I think I had not discovered the table
22:01.00 andromeda-galaxy I'll add something to print out the centroid to analyze_sketch
22:01.05 maths22 It being in analyze_sketch() will mess it up
22:01.38 maths22 You should be able to take the code from analyze_general()
22:02.11 andromeda-galaxy I haven't had time to test it yet, but I've added a centroid point_t to analyze_sketch and copied the printing code from analyze_general, which I think should do it
22:02.35 maths22 I would hope that would
22:02.53 andromeda-galaxy it does! thanks for all the help
22:03.06 andromeda-galaxy Now, I just have to make sure the function works
22:07.07 maths22 testing is always useful :)
22:11.42 andromeda-galaxy maths22: indeed :-)
22:26.10 *** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK_awa (~YatharthR@
23:09.20 maths22 Notifications should be fixed tomorrow
23:14.59 maths22 ``Erik, brlcad: Do you know if bz has 1 or multiple IPs?

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