IRC log for #brlcad on 20141203

00:11.14 Notify 03GCI:ankitmukherjee * 6359310477033472 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #3: Needed Information - Are the logo files available for use in either SVG, AI, or...
00:14.47 maths22 brlcad: I like the new archer splash screen
00:14.53 maths22 I also finally got a working windows build.
00:15.10 maths22 (I had to reclone the sources, and then make 1 minor change)
00:40.23 brlcad yeah, it's definitely better than it was... :)
00:43.01 brlcad andromed`: not following, it takes 6.75 minutes to run it 10 times? so approximately 40 seconds per run and you reduced that by 9 seconds each?
00:43.25 andromed` brlcad: I think so
00:43.38 brlcad didn't realize those numbers were aggregated over 10 runs
00:43.43 brlcad that's not nearly as bleak
00:43.48 andromed` I mentioned in parentheses in the timing.txt that the run time was for 10 iterations
00:44.06 andromed` sorry if that wasn't clear
00:44.10 brlcad I looked at it for all of 10 seconds, not your fault
00:44.19 brlcad while doing other things
00:44.51 brlcad so what did you change to get that reduction?
00:45.12 brlcad is that the result lookup you were thinking about doing?
00:45.27 andromed` brlcad: so basically
00:45.45 andromed` this calculates the centroid by effectively averaging all the points inside the figure
00:46.20 andromed` so when it is ready to calculate the next precision up
00:46.27 andromed` a bunch of those points are the same as they were on the last one
00:46.29 Notify 03GCI:peachdew * 4975346856230912 Write manual page documentation (for g-euclid1): Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
00:46.35 andromed` so it basically just doesn't compute those points at all
00:46.43 andromed` and just adds the new ones into what it had computed from before
00:47.32 Stragus I'm fluent in SSE/AVX/multithreaded-lockfree if you have some critical functions to optimize
00:48.49 Notify 03GCI:peachdew * 4975346856230912 Write manual page documentation (for g-euclid1): Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
00:51.22 brlcad andromed`: how are you determining whether a point has been computed yet or not?
00:52.11 andromed` The function currently basically assumes that if its n parameter (number of points computed so far, used for the divisor of the average) is nonzero
00:52.14 andromed` than the precision is double
00:52.23 andromed` which works because that is how it is called by rt_sketch_centroid
00:52.30 andromed` and some simple math works out which points on the grid
00:52.32 andromed` were already used
00:54.01 brlcad andromed`: that's my question ... what simple math works out which points on the grid?
00:54.18 brlcad what's the algorithm
00:54.20 andromed` instead of iterating through every point
00:54.29 andromed` it does two separate loops to go through rows
00:54.46 andromed` one goes through the rows that would have been added totally (the second row, and every other one after that)
00:54.50 andromed` and computes it for every column
00:54.58 andromed` and then it does the same for the first row and every other one after that
00:55.11 andromed` except that for those rows it only computes every other column
00:56.54 brlcad so it sounds like you're not actually iterating over every point and deciding (if (...need to skip?...) { continue; }) but, rather, you visit the unvisited gaps
00:57.04 brlcad is that a true statement?
00:57.04 andromed` brlcad: exactly
00:57.34 andromed` I'm pretty sure that the math works out, and the final results seem the same apart from a little bit of floating-point rounding error...
01:00.03 brlcad okay, so good news is that's probably good enough for now
01:00.31 brlcad bad news is a different approach will probably be an order of magnitude faster :)
01:01.00 andromed` brlcad: Oh well... what approach is that?
01:01.05 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:01.14 andromed` are you thinking of the adaptive quad-tree stuff that you mentioned a little earlier?
01:01.47 brlcad no, but that'll probably get close to cutting the time by an order
01:02.30 brlcad iterate over all loops, convert them to highly detailed polylines. compute centroid of the resulting polyline soup.
01:02.45 andromed` ohhhh.
01:03.02 andromed` I didn't realize that we could already easily compute the centroid of a bunch of polylines...
01:03.54 andromed` I think I understand why that might be faster...
01:04.09 andromed` I thought about trying to compute the centroid of each curve and then average them together
01:04.18 andromed` but I couldn't figure out how to compute the centroid for all of the curves
01:04.29 brlcad I think the polyclip library we have will even calculate the centroid for you
01:05.33 andromed` Oh well, that's a shame
01:05.38 brlcad the only complexity would be creating the inputs to polyclip
01:05.40 andromed` (that I didn't realize that was there)
01:05.59 brlcad since sketches have parity logic for determining what's solid or not
01:06.13 andromed` true
01:06.40 brlcad yeah, I didn't even think of using it until just now because it'll give an exact result for simple shapes build from linear segments
01:06.43 andromed` hopefully this is enough for now at least... I think I might like to take a little break from these centroid tasks
01:06.52 brlcad :)
01:07.27 andromed` so to finish up what I do have implemented
01:07.27 brlcad you mean you're not going to do the most useful one? :)
01:07.32 brlcad (nurbs)
01:07.42 andromed` is there a task for nurbs centroids?
01:07.45 brlcad is half-kidding, it's crazy harder
01:07.59 andromed` thought that it would be really hard
01:08.10 brlcad no, didn't add it because it's so complicated
01:08.23 brlcad no way doable in a day
01:08.25 Notify 03GCI:mandeep * 6359310477033472 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #3 Logo Yes,...
01:08.35 andromed` I though it probably wouldn't be
01:08.54 andromed` except... for an approximation
01:09.17 brlcad it's almost identical to sketch really
01:09.51 brlcad you'd either sample the entire volume with rays like you're doing in 2D now (that's almost exactly what our gqa tool does)
01:10.21 brlcad or you create a super high-resolution mesh and calculate it's centroid (which is akin to the method I just described, converting to polylines)
01:10.35 andromed` right.
01:10.39 brlcad mesh centroids are trivial
01:11.11 andromed` makes sense
01:11.48 brlcad andromed`: so we should at least take the work you've done to completion, if you are up for it
01:11.57 brlcad i.e., expose it through the analyze command
01:12.38 andromed` brlcad: sure
01:13.01 brlcad let me know when you're ready to come back to centroids too, because this is an area with 20-30 tasks possible easily
01:13.08 andromed` brlcad: hmm...
01:13.12 andromed` interesting
01:13.13 brlcad actually probably 40-60
01:13.17 andromed` I might come back fairly soon
01:13.23 andromed` To start with, though, for this one
01:13.40 andromed` if you can make the task for the timing script I'll upload that & same with the performance improvements
01:13.52 andromed` and then I believe that I have some simple patches to analyze.c that I worked on earlire
01:14.02 andromed` that I can upload wherever you want them
01:15.08 brlcad we need to make sure each object is in analyze, then we need to quick-validate each (that's 20+ tasks there), and we need an API function in libanalyze, gqa refactored into libanalyze, gqa updated, centroids implemented for all the remaining object types via the new analyze API (comb, nurbs, ...)
01:17.05 andromed` interesting
01:17.17 brlcad basically tying it all together as a cohesive feature, so you can report the analysis properties of anything
01:17.29 andromed` brlcad: so that goes above and beyond centroids, right
01:17.31 andromed` ?
01:17.36 brlcad what do you mean?
01:17.50 andromed` sorry if I'm just confused about parts of the BRL-CAD architecture
01:18.14 andromed` it sounded to me like you were talking about changing a bunch of things (including moving gqa into libanalyze) to make it possible to analyze practially any property of anything
01:18.37 brlcad yes
01:19.08 brlcad gqa is the general way to determine volume, centroid, moments of *any* object
01:19.17 brlcad right now it's a tool, but it needs to be an API
01:19.31 andromed` that makes a lot of sense
01:19.48 brlcad some objects have custom centroid/volume/area functions that will run several orders of magnitude faster than gqa's method
01:20.13 brlcad and others like combs and nurbs can only be evaluated that way right now
01:20.27 brlcad so to hook them up, a lot has to get moved around
01:20.58 andromed` that makes sense
01:20.59 brlcad there are going to be a number of gqa tasks get added regardless
01:21.21 andromed` I'll definitely work on some more of this kind of thing later
01:21.33 andromed` However, I had another idea for a couple of tasks to do first
01:21.43 andromed` basically, last year I added a bunch of tests that fail to libbn and libbu
01:21.43 brlcad like right now it only shoots a fixed grid of rays down the x y and z axes, but there needs to be a way to specify a view like rtweight
01:22.07 andromed` so it would be nice to have a few tasks to fix some of the failing implementations
01:22.13 brlcad yeah, we fixed several of them
01:22.25 brlcad some were bugs in the tests, some uncovered issues in implementations
01:22.38 andromed` don't have the report handy right now, but I know there were a few more that haven't been fixed
01:22.52 andromed` which is why I was suggesting looking into those as a couple of GCI tasks
01:22.59 brlcad yes, running make test still has a few failures
01:23.14 brlcad yep, remind me later when I'm in task-adding mode
01:23.36 andromed` sure
01:23.53 andromed` would it be possible for you to add the tasks we talked about earlier for me to upload my backlog of submissions?
01:29.45 andromed` I've kind of run out of things to do now...
01:35.52 brlcad what are you talking about, there are 100+ unclaimed tasks? :)
01:36.09 andromed` stacking changes in my working directory is starting to get hard, at least
01:36.31 andromed` and I don't want to claim another one until I can finish these ones...
01:37.01 brlcad suggest separate trees/checkouts
01:37.14 andromed` That makes sense
01:37.33 andromed` However, if it would be possible for you to make the tasks, I'd like to get the work up now
01:37.44 brlcad has a dozen brl-cad dirs with different activities ongoing that cannot be committed but aren't worth making a branch for either
01:37.46 andromed` (at the very least, its a way to make sure I don't foregt about it)
01:38.41 brlcad I already told you earlier that I'm in not able to create tasks right now or I would have earlier today
01:38.47 andromed` brlcad: oh, okay
01:38.59 andromed` sorry, I assumed you just meant that was something specific about earlier in the day
01:39.06 andromed` and I was curious if you would be able to do so now
01:39.06 brlcad also implied by the "I'm not in task-adding mode" :)
01:39.18 andromed` sorry I misunderstood...
01:39.41 brlcad i'm not even at the right computer where I'm keeping track of everything
01:39.45 andromed` ah, okay
01:40.01 brlcad (and that computer is 50 miles away atm) ;)
01:40.27 brlcad no worries, I get it ... I like closure too!
01:42.36 brlcad i'll try to get them in later tonight, but realistically it'll probably be tomorrow
01:43.00 brlcad in the meantime, separate checkouts ftw!
01:43.33 andromed` brlcad: okay
01:43.51 andromed` brlcad: thanks for the information
01:44.20 brlcad if you want something completely different for a change, you could try to convert doc/burst to doxygen
01:44.27 andromed` true
01:44.34 brlcad currently, that's all troff macros (old school stuff)
01:44.50 andromed` I'll probably stick to doing some more coding ones for now
01:44.52 brlcad you can run make in that directory and it'll generate ps/pdf output
01:45.11 brlcad the doclifter tool "should" convert everything for you, but that's the task ;)
01:45.47 brlcad we were just talking about docs a couple hours ago and will be adding a dozen or so conversion tasks
01:46.21 brlcad no worries if you want to stick with the coding ones -- what's next on your radar?
01:46.24 andromed` brlcad: also, what is the actual bug at I can never seem to figure it out...
01:46.59 andromed` not entirely sure what to do next...
01:47.03 andromed` the open task lisk seems to have shrunk to 36
01:47.38 brlcad did you try running those commands?
01:48.02 brlcad really?!
01:48.13 andromed` for the closedb I did
01:48.15 andromed` it seems like it was working fine
01:48.16 brlcad that means 120 or so are claimed or completed already
01:48.39 brlcad hum, someone must have fixed the bug then already
01:48.40 andromed` after closedb but before opendb creating geometry didn't work, but that seems like the correct behaviaor to me
01:49.41 brlcad yeah, it already exists
01:49.50 brlcad but it wasn't even reporting that
01:50.09 brlcad the command line literally stops working .. you can type the commands, but nothing happens, nothing outputs
01:50.35 brlcad so, maybe you can peek through closedb's commit history and pinpoint who made the fix so we can document it in our release notes
01:50.40 brlcad easy claim
01:50.48 andromed` hmm....
01:51.02 andromed` Are you planning on deleting the task from Melange since it is actually working?
01:51.13 brlcad nope
01:51.25 brlcad someone gets a freebie
01:51.27 andromed` can I claim it and upload something showing the fact that it actually works then?
01:51.49 brlcad the task does say to tell us which revision caused the bug
01:52.02 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5240672755908608 Fix closedb: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
01:52.19 brlcad :)
01:52.26 andromed` oh, true
01:52.55 andromed` I'd probably start with svn annotate on the file
01:52.57 brlcad but seriously, that'll probably take all of 10 minutes to discern as it's likely a "recent" commit
01:53.03 brlcad svn log
01:53.23 brlcad it very well might be in the commit log
01:54.22 brlcad otherwise, there is a slim slim chance that the bug is platform specific or something, and you're just unable to reproduce it
01:54.35 andromed` true
01:54.38 brlcad gotta find evidence one way or the other
01:54.48 andromed` r26489 mentions refactoring the db closing
01:55.10 brlcad that's a very long time ago...
01:55.13 brlcad look at the date
01:55.21 andromed` indeed
01:55.41 andromed` the most recent thing to touch f_closedb seems to be something like 55617 though
01:56.21 andromed` so if it was fixed, it was probably by accident
01:56.22 brlcad you're on linux I presume?
01:56.25 andromed` indeed
01:57.00 brlcad try the vm image (don't update the svn checkout)
01:57.05 brlcad in theory, the bug exists there
01:57.21 andromed` hm. okay
01:58.07 brlcad svn info to see what revision that checkout is at
01:58.20 brlcad if you svn up and it works, you've confirmed it's fixed
01:58.47 brlcad then it's just a matter of some quick binary searching through the revision numbers to figure out what/who fixed it
01:58.49 andromed` is trying to install virtualbox on arch
01:59.48 brlcad not so freebie after all, but it's the same effort one of us will go through, so it's worthwhile
02:00.09 andromed` indeed.. Unfortunately, the VM image wants to take 7 hours to download
02:00.18 brlcad whaat?
02:00.22 andromed` don't know why, my connection is usually faster than that
02:00.48 brlcad try stopping and restarting it, get a different server
02:00.56 andromed` okay
02:01.01 brlcad it is a big download, but .. not that big
02:01.27 brlcad wanders off to finish what he was working on!
02:01.58 brlcad nice work by everyone thus far, keep it up :)
02:03.35 andromed` brlcad: last thing, I was also wondering if you had an example of a model that failed with
02:03.39 andromed` s/with/for
02:47.05 *** join/#brlcad andromeda-galaxy (
03:03.08 Notify 03GCI:mandeep * 5240672755908608 Fix closedb: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andromeda Galaxy. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
03:20.22 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
03:38.10 starseeker andromeda-galaxy: you'll have to look in the bot code for that - the last I recall (which is a long time ago) the bounding box worked when the functionality was integrated with the prep routine but not when the stand-alone function was used
03:39.01 starseeker if you look in src/librt/primitives/bot/bot.c, you'll see a rt_bot_bbox routine
03:39.20 Notify 03GCI:fernozzle * 5170304011730944 Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
03:41.11 starseeker it should be used in g_bot_include.c (I think) but that bot code is a bit of a maze
03:42.21 starseeker or rather, rt_bot_prep should be calling that before it goes to the rt_bot_prep_double (or one of the others)
03:42.55 starseeker but (IIRC) when you set the bounding box in rt_bot_prep itself, it doesn't come out right
03:43.40 Notify 03GCI:ranjith_1998 * 6189423246966784 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #4: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
03:44.02 starseeker andromeda-galaxy: so the thing to do would be to use the bb command to make a bounding box now, change rt_bot_prep and friends to do the bbox with rt_bot_bbox (disabling the min/max setting code in g_bot_include.c) and see what the differences are
03:44.18 starseeker then, if those differences still exist, figure out why
03:44.42 starseeker to make an example, just use the facetize command with a sphere
03:44.56 starseeker make sph.s sph and then facetize sph.s
03:45.21 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5829693697687552 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #7: None - Guys?
03:49.23 starseeker brlcad: the transcription task for the report is #40
03:49.53 starseeker that's for the generator set, which IIRC maths22 did get fully transcribed (we just haven't been able to successfully assemble it for comgeom-g yet)
03:50.12 maths22 That is correct
03:52.52 Notify 03GCI:rishisharma7361 * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
03:58.08 Notify 03GCI:rishisharma7361 * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Query about Splash Screen - Do you want the splash screen to be animated (in .gif format)?
04:01.57 starseeker maths22: how many pages would you say make for a good task (transcription)
04:02.28 maths22 starseeker: do you have the link to the one from last year right there?
04:02.32 maths22 Otherwise I will find it
04:02.40 starseeker\
04:02.42 starseeker
04:03.40 starseeker maths22: was thinking for that task, rather than closing it out, we could make it about trying to finish tweaking my awk et. al. scripting to generate something comgeom-g can eat
04:04.12 maths22 starseeker: what do you mean by "closing it out"
04:04.35 starseeker well, it's #40 in the current list this year, but you already completed it
04:05.17 maths22 starseeker: makes sesne
04:06.08 starseeker is defining a new set of tasks for the one we'd really like to have: the helicopter
04:06.10 maths22 I'm thinking ~1/2-2/3 the length of the one I did last year would be ideal per task
04:06.23 starseeker but that's a couple hundred pages
04:06.38 maths22 Send me the link and I will divide by pages into tasks
04:06.54 maths22 (As in, x-y would be a good length task_
04:07.00 starseeker
04:07.15 maths22 Wow-that is long
04:08.46 starseeker the first seventy pages or so are background and images
04:09.56 starseeker I like that report because the images appear to relate the shapes to their renderings with number labels
04:13.22 starseeker so (in principle) once we get it converted there will be a way to check correctness
04:16.27 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
04:20.02 Notify 03GCI:jmore64 * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
04:20.19 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
04:21.58 Notify 03GCI:jmore64 * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
04:24.28 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: getting better - Aditya, Your design is getting better but there's still more room for improvement. Here are some...
04:26.14 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to...
04:30.51 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (bc1a92f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:31.10 MarcTannous Good morning #brlcad
04:31.36 MarcTannous any mentors here who can take a look over my beginner task? I already got an "okay" from brlcad on IRC, I think the task just needs to be closed :
04:34.36 Notify 03GCI:zynatrix * 5516399187329024 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #8: Sorry for the late reply - Hello, Sorry for the late reply. So basically i have to to change the font used, change a different...
04:36.10 ignacio Good night!
04:36.55 MarcTannous night ignacio!
04:38.22 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: an improvement - Hi Engelo! This is definitely an improvement over your previous two versions, but it feels like there's still much...
04:48.33 brlcad ignacio|sleep: buenas noches!
04:49.36 brlcad ignacio|sleep: you still have a chance to take on brl-cad tasks, or is your heart set on sugar? :)
04:50.20 brlcad MarcTannous: i'm reviewing all pending right now
04:50.35 MarcTannous thanks a lot :)
04:50.46 brlcad but do realize that reviews can actually take upwards of 36 hours
04:51.04 brlcad our org's personal goal is to have all tasks reviewed within 12 hours
04:51.15 MarcTannous can you start with mine please? Gotta leave for highschool in 30 minutes, want to claim another task before leaving
04:51.28 brlcad it really depends heavily on which mentors are around and available
04:51.30 MarcTannous you already saw it last night I think
04:51.57 brlcad heh, "last night"
04:52.08 MarcTannous was last night for me here in Romania
04:52.12 brlcad I call that lunch ;)
04:52.17 MarcTannous time zones are probably way different
04:52.26 MarcTannous Are you from the US?
04:52.31 brlcad indeed
04:53.04 maths22 7-10 hour difference depending on where in the US
04:53.13 MarcTannous oh hi maths
04:53.16 maths22 Not counting Alaska and Hawaii
04:53.19 maths22 Hello
04:53.39 brlcad I've got to stop chatting if I'm going to get to your review in time. reviews are always in FIFO order to be fair to all participant
04:54.12 MarcTannous I'll be quiet
04:59.45 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Rishi. You have 96 hours to complete this task, good luck!
05:00.33 MarcTannous did you guys change the time limit from 100h to 96h?
05:02.11 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: GIF - It should be a still image to display while the program is loading.
05:03.50 brlcad nope
05:05.44 starseeker brlcad: I've got an NACA task in - let me know if it needs any tweaking
05:06.11 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5170304011730944 Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
05:09.31 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5170304011730944 Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD: interesting design - Thanks Michael! Interesting design you came up with there that kind of mirrors the gap between the two pieces on...
05:10.42 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 6189423246966784 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #4: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy...
05:13.28 Notify 03GCI:vladyordanov * 6433230555185152 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #5: None - Thank you for your reply. I will try again and submit.
05:13.32 Stragus Where can I see these BRL-CAD tasks? It sounds fun, almost relaxing perhaps
05:16.19 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 6189423246966784 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #4: If I'm not mistaken... - ... these designs looks identical to your sticker submission made last year. Like the description says, you...
05:16.59 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5829693697687552 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #7: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
05:17.34 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5240672755908608 Fix closedb: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
05:17.49 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5829693697687552 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #7: nice toggling - I like the toggling of colors going from title to content. Effective transitioning. Nice improvements all...
05:18.04 MarcTannous brlcad: is there any task regarding that thing you mentioned earlier? With the looping logo
05:21.15 *** join/#brlcad gjeet (caa43575@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
05:22.26 Stragus Found the list, I assumed some more would be related to optimization
05:24.31 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5591216443883520 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
05:25.22 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10 questions Did you turn our logo into a pinwheel?!...
05:25.27 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to...
05:25.37 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 5591216443883520 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Marc Tannous. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
05:37.01 brlcad Stragus: not all our tasks have been added yet
05:37.15 brlcad which includes most of our programming tasks
05:42.33 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: gave up?
05:45.13 brlcad starseeker: so #40 is complete? yank it?
05:45.51 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
05:46.07 brlcad ironically, it's claimed right now
05:46.55 maths22 brlcad: starseeker wants that one to instead be to try to make comgeom like my work for last year
06:25.57 Notify 03GCI:fernozzle * 5170304011730944 Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD: None - Thanks! I was going to render the model with ambient occlusion, but that option alone seemed to cause rt to fail. I'm gonna...
06:37.25 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Query - Sir, 1.)Please tell me which files to continue editing as of right now I have 4 file (option1,option2,new...
06:40.09 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (c35a6e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:43.00 andrei_ Hello
06:50.00 Notify 03GCI:anmolberi07 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
06:50.50 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Anmol Beri. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
06:55.49 Notify 03GCI:anmolberi07 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
06:57.58 andrei_ he finished it in 5 min?
06:59.00 Notify 03GCI:fernozzle * 5080466516344832 Create a VOL wiki page: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
06:59.59 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5080466516344832 Create a VOL wiki page: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Michael Huang. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
07:03.09 *** join/#brlcad ries (
07:07.14 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (59eef606@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:34.52 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (~androirc@
07:36.29 Notify 03GCI:rishisharma7361 * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
07:42.29 Notify 03GCI:harman052 * 6433230555185152 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #5: Feedback - Hi Vladimir, I liked the simplicity of your design. Good job. Fonts are...
08:01.55 Notify 03GCI:vgeorgiev * 6487841399898112 Design a BRL-CAD business card #4: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:08.48 Notify 03GCI:harman052 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8 Feedback Hi Anmol, As stated in the...
08:08.58 Notify 03GCI:thevk * 5249781911781376 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #4: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
08:09.03 Notify 03GCI:harman052 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
08:12.06 Notify 03GCI:harman052 * 5249781911781376 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #4: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Vladimir Kuznetsov. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good...
08:23.28 *** join/#brlcad YashM (75de15ce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
08:25.14 *** join/#brlcad deepak_ (~chatzilla@
08:25.38 YashM Will designing tasks keep coming or have they stopped
08:26.27 andrei_ YashM: What do you mean? If there will be more?
08:26.52 YashM Like designing stickers, banners
08:26.55 YashM they've all gone :(
08:27.17 andrei_ do you have anything in mind, that you'd like to design?
08:28.10 YashM Well, I am more inclined towards user interface design but there must be tasks for me to do
08:28.32 andrei_
08:28.40 andrei_ this task is open and seems to fit your description
08:28.56 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:29.14 YashM That's one, but after like 15 days everything will be gone
08:29.20 YashM So will more come in? :)
08:30.46 andrei_ Generally, I believe so. Tasks are usually part of a larger project, therefore some depend on others
08:31.39 andrei_ you shouldn't worry, I'm sure we can find something you can enjoy working on in 15 days as well :)
08:32.21 YashM This is my first and last time with Code in :)
08:32.53 *** join/#brlcad gjeet (75c76ce7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
08:32.58 Notify 03GCI:zynatrix * 5516399187329024 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #8: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:33.38 andrei_ if you want to tackle a task but you're afraid you can t finish it in due time, that's not a problem, we can extend the deadline if there is progress :)
08:34.13 YashM Nah that's not the problem
08:35.03 andrei_ if you believe there's anything we can do to help you out
08:35.11 Notify 03GCI:zynatrix * 5516399187329024 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #8: Png Format - Hello, this is my second attempt, do you want the png or jpeg version of this one now? Or do I have any changes to...
08:35.23 andrei_ just ask, regardless! :)
08:35.51 Notify 03GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5828441244958720 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:36.43 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:39.23 Notify 03GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5828441244958720 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker: some changes made - thanks for reviewing. i have changed the sticker accordingly. please tell me if further changes are required.
08:40.24 Notify 03GCI:ekansh_mahendru * 4607354058309632 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites): Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:40.29 *** join/#brlcad deepak_ (~chatzilla@
08:43.09 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6487841399898112 Design a BRL-CAD business card #4: Little more in front - Hey vgeorgiev, Great job! I love your card's back design. But you can enhance card's front...
08:43.20 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6487841399898112 Design a BRL-CAD business card #4: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
08:45.57 MarcTannous Andrei, deepak did you guys like my take on Archer's splashart & GUI? Even though the tasks are now closed, if you think there's something I should change please tell me, in the end I want to deliver a complete product
08:47.05 MarcTannous Only have Sean's feedback on them
08:47.40 andrei_ Marc, from what I recall, you ve done an awesome job! There's no need to change anything, you can tackle another task if you wish, and you haven't done so already
08:48.20 deepak +1 from my side too :)
08:48.35 MarcTannous I claimed a book layout as it seemed challenging, will submit my design later today, hope to get some web dev tasks soon
08:48.44 MarcTannous Andrei by the way, are you from Romania?
08:48.49 andrei_ yes :)
08:48.55 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 5531256888492032 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #9: One more thing - Hey Stefan Filipescu I just checked the file, you did it almost right,...
08:49.26 MarcTannous Poti sa imi trimiti un mesaj privat pe irc? Mi-am instalat acum irc pe telefon si ma bate interfara
08:49.30 MarcTannous Interfata*
08:50.24 andrei_ Marc, please try to keep the channel in english :)
08:50.32 MarcTannous Yep, sorry for that
08:50.46 andrei_ no worries
08:57.03 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
08:57.10 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to...
09:12.07 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2 Hey Rishi You are going good. I just felt there can...
09:12.17 Notify 03GCI:anmolberi07 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
09:13.12 Notify 03GCI:anmolberi07 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
09:16.06 Notify 03GCI:anmolberi07 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
09:16.16 Notify 03GCI:anmolberi07 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
09:20.45 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Why did you removed claim ? - Hey anmol, I was just wondering why you removed your claim for this task. I guess there's a...
09:23.02 Notify 03GCI:nikhilojha271119991 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
09:23.57 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to nikhil ojha. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
09:34.19 Notify 03GCI:rishisharma7361 * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
09:59.24 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
10:10.59 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to...
10:16.46 *** join/#brlcad ries (
10:20.56 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Yeah that looks good - It's much better as compared to previous one. Nicely done. Just a few more quick suggestions.. The text...
10:22.05 *** join/#brlcad gjeet (75c76ce7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
10:44.42 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~textual@
10:54.58 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (~androirc@
10:56.20 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous_ (bc1a92f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:04.53 Notify 03GCI:rishisharma7361 * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
11:16.26 Notify 03GCI:npcwarrior * 6360824117460992 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #4: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
11:16.46 *** join/#brlcad npcwarrior (~NPC@
11:19.35 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:21.51 Notify 03GCI:somikdhar * 4968306935070720 Find, reliably reproduce, and report any bug in Archer: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
11:23.01 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 6165028705140736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
11:23.54 MarcTannous_ Deepak or Harmanpreet, you are the mentors on the book layout task.
11:24.17 MarcTannous_ Can I go a little wild and add an interactive preview for it instead of just some basic pdfs for you to check out?
11:31.34 ``Erik brlcad: we don't have a way to compute center of mass for non-homogeneous combinations right now, do we? would that be on par for an "expert" gci task (or a handful)?
11:32.13 andrei_ O_o
11:35.20 Notify 03GCI:ekamjot01 * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
11:35.38 npcwarrior How does one go about applying a patch for a BRL task
11:36.05 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: New files - Sir, I have uploaded a new file,"final.pdf" along with its raw files. I tried to make the desired...
11:36.35 Notify 03GCI:ekamjot01 * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Re-Uploaded - Here i uploaded new colors of t-shirts that you asked. Regards. Ekamjot
11:36.47 ``Erik npcwarrior: if the patch is going to be for the source code: check out trunk with svn, do your edits, do "svn diff > myfile.patch" at the top level checkout dir
11:41.02 *** join/#brlcad ries (
11:41.21 Notify 03GCI:pulkit10mehta * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
11:42.25 *** join/#brlcad npcwarrior (~NPC@
11:43.31 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Pulkit Mehta. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
11:44.56 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:58.45 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 6360824117460992 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #4: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Nicklas. You have 100 hours to complete this...
12:02.18 andrei_ npcwarrior: did you succeed with svn diff?
12:11.05 Notify 03GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9 None Hi Aditya! You are definitely...
12:11.20 Notify 03GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to...
12:14.16 npcwarrior adrei: svn diff?
12:14.33 npcwarrior andrei: svn diff?
12:14.47 andrei_ you asked how to apply a patch
12:14.50 andrei_ to brlcad
12:15.08 andrei_ [13:35] <npcwarrior> How does one go about applying a patch for a BRL task
12:16.08 npcwarrior andrei: I did, I just don't know what svn diff means
12:16.35 andrei_ svn diff is a command which outputs the differences between your local copy of the source code
12:16.45 andrei_ and the revision on our servers
12:17.59 npcwarrior adrei: ok. No I am still downloading the virtual machine; it's a huge file and I'm getting a lot of download errors
12:18.43 andrei_ download errors?
12:19.35 npcwarrior andrei: Yeah, my compuer likes to download a quarter of it then tell me it has finished dowloading
12:20.22 andrei_ that sounds a lot like I used to "download" homework :p
12:22.25 ignacio|sleep Hi all, sorry, we turned on the leaderboard again.
12:22.41 npcwarrior andrei: Yeah, one of the grievances of living in China..poor internet
12:23.08 npcwarrior is there any better way to view the source code?
12:23.09 andrei_ are you downloading it as a torrent? perhaps that will help you
12:23.20 andrei_ there is, what operating system are you using
12:23.40 andrei_ ?
12:23.53 npcwarrior andrei_: Windows 8
12:24.12 andrei_ I recommend you keep donwloading the virtual machine as a torrent, but in the meantime
12:24.21 andrei_ there's an application called tortoiseSVN
12:24.25 andrei_ from what I recall, it's freeware
12:24.31 andrei_ you can install that on windows
12:24.52 andrei_ let me know when you have installed it
12:25.06 npcwarrior andrei_: Thanks
12:25.17 andrei_
12:25.22 andrei_ you can find it here
12:25.28 npcwarrior Do you know of any good torrent applications
12:25.58 andrei_ I honestly think it doesn't matter too much, as it can't affect your download speed
12:25.58 npcwarrior ?
12:26.36 andrei_ guys, do we have the virtual machine set up as a torrent?
12:26.44 andrei_ I only found
12:27.04 npcwarrior andrei_: Speed isn't the issue. LAst time i got a torrenting software, my computer was filled with PUPs and adware for a week; it was a nightmare :(
12:27.42 andrei_ Personally, I use utorrent and it does have indeed a lot of third party software which you have to uncheck during installation
12:27.54 andrei_ but I haven't had further issues with them
12:28.04 andrei_ In any case, I don t think you need to install a torrent application until I m sure
12:28.13 andrei_ we have the torrent for the virtual machine, I can't seem to find it
12:28.29 andrei_ just get tortoiseSVN
12:28.31 andrei_ and we ll get it working :D
12:29.07 MarcTannous_ ignacio: is the leaderbord open to the general public or just mentors?
12:29.22 ignacio MarcTannous_, general public
12:29.23 npcwarrior andrei_: Alright. I'm installing Tortoise now
12:29.32 andrei_ great!
12:29.57 andrei_
12:30.18 MarcTannous_ ignacio: can I get a link? :)
12:30.43 andrei_ npcwarrior: replace the "URL of the repository" in the image
12:30.43 andrei_ with
12:30.45 ignacio MarcTannous_,
12:30.51 andrei_
12:31.54 andrei_ for checkout directory, place it wherever you see fit
12:31.54 MarcTannous_ ignacio: how is it done? Does gci have an API?
12:32.07 ignacio MarcTannous_, GCI have jsons files with tasks
12:32.43 andrei_ I think our GCI bot works in a similar fashion, ``Erik knows more about it, I believe
12:33.10 MarcTannous_ ignacio: great web app, if I could just give you a small tip, reduce the size of the font as the screen scale goes down
12:33.24 MarcTannous_ I see the webpage is built with a responsive fashion in mind, but the font is in matter of px and not em
12:33.41 ignacio MarcTannous_, I will work on it asap :)
12:35.46 andrei_ npcwarrior: is it working?
12:35.58 npcwarrior andrei_: I pasted the link in the repository, it says it is intializing
12:36.09 andrei_ alright, it should work
12:37.45 npcwarrior andrei_: How long should it take?
12:38.42 andrei_ a couple of minutes
12:41.13 npcwarrior andrei_: There we go. I figured out I used the wrong link. I believe I am in the repository now
12:41.42 andrei_ you are in a local copy, if you change a file
12:41.52 andrei_ "svn diff" would reflect that
12:41.56 andrei_ it would look like
12:42.00 andrei_ +
12:43.49 andrei_ in the brlcad folder, there has to be a readme file, it will tell you how to compile BRL-CAD
12:46.32 npcwarrior andrei_: Thee is but it is a tmp
12:47.29 andrei_ a tmp ? it should be named README or so
12:47.32 andrei_ I don't have the source at hand at the moment
12:49.40 npcwarrior andrei_: It is in the trunk directory, it says readme but is a tmp file
12:54.36 andrei_ can you open it?
12:54.49 andrei_ I don't know why it's displayed as a tmp file
12:55.03 andrei_ also, you should look here doc/README.Windows
12:55.29 MarcTannous_ there goes my phone battery
12:58.12 mihaineacsu_away npcwarrior: or look here
13:01.19 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
13:01.21 npcwarrior andrei_: I can open it in my browser just not in the svn
13:02.09 andrei_ uhm
13:02.19 andrei_ <PROTECTED>
13:02.37 andrei_ if you checked out, you should have your own local copy of the files
13:02.45 andrei_ that can be opened similar to any directory
13:03.44 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: New Files - Sir, I have uploaded 2 new files, 1.) "1vfinal.pdf" with its raw files. 2.) "2vfinal.pdf" with its...
13:03.46 npcwarrior andrei_: Where would my checked out directory be located?
13:04.09 andrei_
13:04.17 andrei_ at the "Checkout directory" path
13:04.43 andrei_ whichever you set
13:06.38 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
13:07.07 *** join/#brlcad ries (
13:07.13 andrei_ if you can t find it, you can use windows' search functio
13:10.42 npcwarrior andrei_: How do I edit the files?
13:11.11 andrei_ depends on what file, but you can open them with at ext editor
13:11.21 andrei_ or with visual studio/any other ide in case of source code
13:11.53 npcwarrior andrei: thanks
13:12.04 andrei_ you're welcome
13:15.25 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5591216443883520 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book: Thought process - After looking through your documentation and the manual found in this task's reference links, I wrote...
13:15.36 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:17.31 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5591216443883520 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
13:17.38 MarcTannous_ just finished working on my task, uploaded psds and used turn.js to create an interactive preview of my work, did I go overboard too much with it?
13:17.41 MarcTannous_
13:23.38 Notify 03GCI:npcwarrior * 6360824117460992 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #4: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
13:30.20 andrei_ npcwarrior, what was the issue with the task? :)
13:35.03 ``Erik MarcTannous_, andrei_, ignacio: Notify is handling gci stuff in a twisted way... googles gci project emails a mailing list on sourceforge (brlcad-tracker), which emails me, which procmail catches and shoves in a 'parse' directory, then a lisp program parses the email and sends the pertinant info to channel
13:36.34 npcwarrior andrei_: I didn't feel comfortable with the task
13:37.11 andrei_ alright :) just know you don't have to solve it in a matter of hours, the given time is of a few days for a reason
13:38.54 npcwarrior andrei_: Mainly, I didn't know what I was doing.
13:40.05 andrei_ there's no problem with that, I was just saying that there's no pressure, no rush, take time to understand things :)
13:40.16 andrei_ you can pick whichever task you want :)
13:42.13 npcwarrior andrei_: Thanks for all your help
13:42.25 andrei_ no problem
13:43.53 MarcTannous_ ``Erik : wow, thought there's an API behind it
13:44.11 MarcTannous_ ``Erik : If you are in charge of that page, great work on the simple UI, I dig it. Only small issue
13:44.12 ``Erik andrei_ summed it up perfectly... from our side of the table, we want you to stretch yourself, succeed, learn, have fun... and the completed tasks are nice to have as well :) don't struggle with something you don't like and are not good at, it helps no-one
13:44.30 MarcTannous_ I found is the font size being in px instead of em but that is easily fixable
13:44.51 ``Erik MarcTannous_: there might be an api now, but a couple years ago it was just email :/ which page are you talking about?
13:44.59 MarcTannous_
13:45.04 ``Erik that's not mine
13:45.20 MarcTannous_ haha
13:45.22 andrei_ I m quite sure that's not ours
13:45.26 ``Erik loads it up to see what the hell it is :)
13:45.36 MarcTannous_ either way, it's great
13:46.06 MarcTannous_ oh yeah, it's ignacio's, he just said that a few minutes ago, I forgot
13:46.38 ``Erik "svineet"
13:46.41 YashM No I think it's svineet
13:46.47 ignacio I neveder added my name
13:46.56 MarcTannous_
13:46.57 ignacio I'm committer but dont added my name to about.
13:47.04 MarcTannous_ ignaciouy
13:47.11 ``Erik neat little python hack :)
13:47.11 MarcTannous_ oh
13:47.15 Notify 03GCI:plaffontj * 5264182400253952 Categorize all of BRL-CAD's commands into a spreadsheet: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
13:47.24 ignacio btw, the Code on GitHub is not updated
13:47.30 ``Erik my software just makes those 'Notify' posts to irc
13:47.44 ``Erik like that one irght there *point* 5264182400253952
13:47.52 ignacio miss gcibot
13:47.55 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5264182400253952 Categorize all of BRL-CAD's commands into a spreadsheet: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to phil.laff. You have 100 hours to complete this...
13:48.12 MarcTannous_ how is that accomplished? You said you receive stuff via e-mail, is there some kind of script to integrate automated messages into irc?
13:48.19 ``Erik ignacio: why?
13:48.42 ``Erik MarcTannous_: yeh,
13:48.50 ignacio ``Erik, because, I added a lot of 'easter eggs' last year to bot :P
13:49.25 ``Erik !notify year
13:49.26 Notify BRL-CAD: starseeker:1415, brlcad:685, tbrowder2:547, n_reed:334, carlmoore:305, zhaoanqing:91, indianlarry:71, r_weiss:37, bob1961:28, d_rossberg:22, peter-sa:22, j-schulte:21, ejno:20, vladbogo:16, iiizzzaaakkk:7, maths22:6, agkphysics:4, phoenixyjll:1, Inderpreet:1, jordisayol:1, Gauravjeet:1, stefanmirea:1
13:49.27 Notify BRL-CAD Wiki: Clouddrift:200, Sean:90, Inderpreet:87, Ankeshanand:60, Hcurtis0010:41, Krajkreddy:40, Pulkit Mittal:39, Richajain1912:37, Foposseleger:34, Popescu.andrei1991:28, Shainasabarwal:26, Albertcoder:24, Harman052:21, Starseeker:20, Vladbogolin:18, NyahCh3ck20:17, Gaganjyotsingh:16, MariusKintel:14, Todor nikolov:14, Tbrowder:14,, Maths22:12, KeshaSShah:12, Rishabhsharma:11, Erik:11, Michaljagielski:9, IIIzzzaaakkk
13:49.45 ``Erik hugs Notify
13:49.49 MarcTannous_ anyone that has some spare minutes, could I please get a review on and whether the small codepen snippet is nice
13:49.58 ``Erik hm, it was supposed to respond to that
13:50.59 ``Erik hugs Notify
13:51.13 andrei_ what are those stats, ``Erik?
13:51.13 ``Erik weird :/
13:51.21 ``Erik commits by person for the last year
13:51.26 ``Erik !notify week
13:51.27 Notify BRL-CAD: carlmoore:9, brlcad:4, starseeker:4, peter-sa:1
13:51.28 Notify BRL-CAD Wiki: NyahCh3ck20:4, Starseeker:4, Juliacoleratings:2, Sharonsleeper:2, Amit.adhaye:1, Mungase Dipak:1, MegaDCRobin:1, Valadares61:1, Jordi Ibort:1, Gauravjeet:1, Sean:1,, Marlos Jose Ribeiro Guimaraes:1
13:51.56 andrei_ weird, I would've thought carlmoore has thousands
13:52.20 ``Erik he has a fit, then goes dormant for a long time
13:52.30 ``Erik a bit ocd :)
13:52.47 ``Erik iirc, he also likes to walk through the parking lot memorizing license plates
13:52.53 mihaineacsu_away :))
13:53.07 andrei_ :))
13:54.05 ``Erik very interesting guy, not a social butterfly, but very smart and aggressively focused
13:55.19 ``Erik hugs notify
13:55.22 Notify I need an adult! I need an adult!
13:55.27 ``Erik there it goes, heh
13:55.35 ``Erik case sensitive, I should fix that
13:56.23 Notify 03GCI:helix * 5347907083436032 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #10: Submitted work. - Submitted banners and the PSD. Any changes can be made. The PSD got...
13:56.33 Notify 03GCI:helix * 5347907083436032 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #10: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:00.26 YashM Submitted a banner - 5347907083436032
14:08.29 Notify 03GCI:plaffontj * 5264182400253952 Categorize all of BRL-CAD's commands into a spreadsheet: Getting started - Hello, I'm excited to help develop this application. As I understand, I must take the...
14:13.50 Notify 03GCI:kengwee * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:15.52 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (
14:15.52 gcibot Hey, I'm a bot written by aviraldg who inserts metadata about GCI links!
14:15.52 gcibot Source at:
14:16.07 MarcTannous_ we are being conquered by robots
14:16.22 YashM xD
14:19.21 YashM more people were on at this time yesterday :P
14:19.24 ``Erik izza maths22?
14:19.58 maths22 ``Erik: Hello
14:20.05 ``Erik gcibot?
14:20.08 maths22 Yes
14:20.28 maths22 I can attach it to more channels; I just haven't looked them up yet
14:20.40 ``Erik what's it offer that notify doesn't? :D
14:20.50 YashM Hey maths22, check out this banner 5347907083436032
14:21.20 maths22 EX: if I post "I have a question about"
14:21.21 gcibot Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10
14:21.21 gcibot Status: NeedsWork (2 days, 6 hours left)
14:21.21 gcibot Mentor(s): Hardeep Singh Rai, Gauravjeet Singh
14:21.25 maths22 It does that
14:21.38 ``Erik cool
14:21.53 ``Erik puts the baseball bat with 10 penny nails driven through it down O:-)
14:23.01 MarcTannous_ can I somehow claim a task while waiting for review on another one?
14:23.07 maths22 MarcTannous_: no
14:23.07 ``Erik though if it's just pulling from a plain rest api, would be trivial to implement
14:23.18 MarcTannous_ :(
14:23.21 maths22 gcibot: info
14:23.21 gcibot maths22: Hey, I'm a bot written by aviraldg who inserts metadata about GCI links!
14:23.21 gcibot Source at:
14:23.38 maths22 ``Erik: take a look at that source
14:24.20 MarcTannous_ 3 bots in this chat already
14:25.14 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5494813218570240 Fix bounding box function for our polygonal mesh (BoT) primitive: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
14:27.25 maths22 infobot example
14:27.25 infobot somebody said example was enough to reproduce the behavior we see from ipkg.
14:27.32 maths22 ~svn
14:27.32 infobot Subversion (aka SVN) is version control software that aims to be a better CVS than CVS. See
14:29.04 ``Erik yes, I'd been hoping that notify would eventually replace infobot O:-)
14:29.06 ``Erik !notify ask
14:29.07 Notify Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:29.40 maths22 ~nickometer brlcad
14:29.47 YashM !notify hi
14:29.57 maths22 ~nickometer YashM
14:30.04 maths22 ~nickometer maths22
14:30.14 YashM what is this
14:30.23 maths22 I'm not sure, but its fun
14:30.44 MarcTannous_ ~nickometer MarcTannous_
14:30.53 MarcTannous_ damn
14:31.10 ``Erik ~nickometer ``Erik
14:31.11 YashM ~nickometer ankesh11
14:31.16 ``Erik w00t, high score!
14:31.19 YashM ~nickometer hsrai
14:31.33 YashM ~nickometer KimK
14:31.46 MarcTannous_ How is the lameness percentage determined?
14:31.47 YashM I guess its 0 lame for all alphabets only names
14:31.53 YashM and more for special chars and numbers
14:31.58 MarcTannous_ Activity in chatroom? Doesn't seem random
14:32.02 YashM ~nickometer Ch3ck
14:32.06 YashM see
14:32.17 MarcTannous_ I've got a special char in my name and still 0%
14:32.20 YashM ~nickometer n_reed
14:32.21 ``Erik probably if(!isalpha())lame++;
14:32.38 MarcTannous_ I think it ignores underscores after the name
14:32.39 YashM ~nickometer javampir1
14:32.48 YashM ~nickometer kanzure
14:32.53 YashM lol works
14:32.55 MarcTannous_ yep, you figured it out
14:33.18 maths22
14:34.04 MarcTannous_ 300 lines of code for a lameometer. Not even gonna question the determination on that guy
14:34.15 YashM ^_^
14:34.47 MarcTannous_ It has special cases, come on. Who is this guy
14:35.08 YashM But it does not work with underscore at last
14:35.09 YashM :(
14:36.01 MarcTannous_ Yeah, because IRC adds an underscore at the end of the name if it's a duplicate
14:36.20 MarcTannous_ so he's only rewarding people with lameness if they have an underscore placed by theirselves in the name
14:36.42 YashM if thats hardcoded then the coder deserves an osca
14:36.43 YashM r
14:37.33 ``Erik it's in the clients, by convention... ircd-hybrid will simply reject a duplicate name, so clients will add an underscore after getting a rejection
14:37.44 MarcTannous_ YashM, you're a contestant waiting for review on tasks?
14:37.52 ``Erik (bear in mind, irc is older than www)
14:37.53 YashM Yep
14:38.17 MarcTannous_ AFAIK, Sean said yesterday his timezone is pretty much 7 hours behind mine, so it should be something like 9 AM here
14:38.32 MarcTannous_ there*
14:38.36 YashM I submitted one this time yesterday and it got reviews fast
14:38.40 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (
14:38.40 gcibot Hey, I'm a bot written by aviraldg who inserts metadata about GCI links!
14:38.40 gcibot Source at:
14:38.40 YashM so i guess someones busy
14:38.41 ``Erik it's 9:38 am in sean's timeszone
14:38.50 MarcTannous_ I'm just idling here until I can claim my next task, saw a really nice one I'd like to get next :D
14:38.58 maths22 MarcTannous_: which one
14:39.11 MarcTannous_ which one I like or which one am I waiting for review on?
14:40.01 maths22 Would you like.
14:40.27 MarcTannous_ how can I trust you will not claim it ? :(
14:40.48 YashM lol
14:41.53 andromeda-galaxy maths22: do you have an example bot that the bounding box malfunctions on for
14:41.54 gcibot Fix bounding box function for our polygonal mesh (BoT) primitive
14:41.54 gcibot Status: ClaimRequested
14:41.54 gcibot Mentor(s): Isaac Kamga, Daniel_R
14:42.32 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: no. Actually, I haven't ever done anything with BoT
14:42.43 andromeda-galaxy ah well, I'll play around and see if I can find one
14:45.03 Notify 03GCI:rossberg * 5494813218570240 Fix bounding box function for our polygonal mesh (BoT) primitive: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andromeda Galaxy. You have 100 hours to complete...
14:45.38 ``Erik O.O should be a trivial fix
14:46.11 ``Erik boggling that there'd be an issue on that one, even
14:46.54 ``Erik brlcad's doc makes it sound like any abitrary bot geometry will show the issue
14:47.07 ``Erik arbitrary
14:49.09 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: hmm... I tried making aa couple of simple things with `make bot' and it didn't seem to work
14:49.31 andromeda-galaxy out of curiosity, what should happen if the BoT contains vertices that aren't used by any triangles?
14:49.35 andromeda-galaxy should the be included in the bounding box?
14:50.13 ``Erik andromeda-galaxy: then it shouldn't be a legal bot... did you try importing geometry from stl or obj, like the description says?
14:50.40 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: Not yet, I don't have any stl lying around unfortunately
14:50.44 andromeda-galaxy but that was what I was going to try next
14:51.13 ``Erik tons of stl files on the web, google 'em :)
14:52.45 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5828441244958720 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker: Much better - I like that a lot more. The background color is nice, along with the big logo. I would either put a similar shadow on the...
14:52.46 maths22 thingiverse
14:53.05 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I just tried a file from thingiverse, stl-g complained about a abunch of unrecognized lines
14:53.10 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5828441244958720 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy...
14:53.37 maths22 Lovely-I haven't played with the stl importer, so I'm not sure whats up with that
14:53.54 andromeda-galaxy I'll try another one in a minuete
14:57.29 andromeda-galaxy worked, but the bounding box still seems to be correct. hmm.
14:59.04 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 4607354058309632 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites): Initial comments - Overall I like the concept; however, there are a few changes I would...
14:59.05 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 4607354058309632 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites): Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to...
14:59.49 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
15:03.06 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: just curious, do you know why the current bbox iterates through triangles and looks at their vertices instead of just iterating through the list of vertices?
15:03.21 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Nice work - Looks nice with most of those backgrounds (except grey-the logo blends in for me and probably for most red-green...
15:03.22 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to...
15:04.20 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:04.37 ``Erik andromeda-galaxy: nope
15:05.09 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (bc1a92f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:06.15 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: is it possible that r54560 actually fixed the bug?
15:06.23 andromeda-galaxy the code that was there pre-r54560 was claerly wrong
15:08.05 maths22
15:09.38 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Improvements - I like the new color scheme much more! I don't really like the way the text changes colors when it...
15:09.54 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
15:11.01 andromeda-galaxy maths22, ``Erik: can I submit my investigation along with a patch to re-enable the rt_bot_bbox function (previusly, rt_bot_prep wasn't calling it and was using variant defined in XGLUE(rt_bot_prep_, TRI_TYPE)
15:11.29 maths22 maths22: That would seem reasonable to me
15:11.44 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: I did not mean to send that to myself :)
15:12.44 andromeda-galaxy maths22: okay, graet
15:12.48 andromeda-galaxy I'll submit it in a second
15:13.54 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5591216443883520 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book: Looks good - Marc, This looks really nice to me. I like the attention you placed on each of the elements of the book,...
15:14.04 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5591216443883520 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
15:14.08 andromeda-galaxy maths22: also, I've removed the UNUSED bn_tol tolerance argument
15:15.05 maths22 MarcTannous: I reviewed your task now
15:16.02 MarcTannous maths22: Did you check out the codepen mockup? That was fun to make
15:16.13 maths22 It looked really nice
15:16.33 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5028266490462208 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for qmath.c: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
15:16.35 MarcTannous I set up the Debian VM, no errors encountered this far except for some warnings
15:16.43 maths22 Great
15:16.44 MarcTannous Hope everything goes smooth
15:17.07 MarcTannous first time using a VM, so I'm just amazed that it somehow works
15:17.37 andromeda-galaxy maths22: can you review quickly?
15:17.38 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5494813218570240 Fix bounding box function for our polygonal mesh (BoT) primitive: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:17.39 gcibot Fix bounding box function for our polygonal mesh (BoT) primitive
15:17.39 gcibot Status: NeedsReview (4 days, 3 hours left)
15:17.39 gcibot Mentor(s): Isaac Kamga, Daniel_R
15:18.39 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: I´m working my way through the tasks in order (I think there are 2 left before yours)
15:18.56 andromeda-galaxy maths22: sorry, didn't see those earlier
15:19.07 maths22 It´s fine
15:19.14 maths22 You have no way to see how many there are
15:19.40 MarcTannous maths22: After setting up the VM, I went into chromium and into this bookmark is this the readme you mentione?
15:19.47 MarcTannous mentioned*
15:20.13 maths22 The one I am referring to is somewhere in your home directory
15:20.25 maths22 open up the file browser, and there should be 2 readme files
15:20.46 MarcTannous oh, there we go
15:20.47 MarcTannous thanks
15:21.32 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 5028266490462208 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for qmath.c: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Marc Tannous. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good...
15:21.57 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5347907083436032 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #10: None - Overall, I really like this banner. I like the logo in the corner, and the box...
15:22.07 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5347907083436032 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #10: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk...
15:23.22 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:25.31 MarcTannous this is awesome
15:28.24 Notify 03GCI:alexbard * 4632172593938432 Write a wiki page on joining the BRL-CAD project: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:30.55 MarcTannous maths22: is the latest revision 63588 ?
15:33.00 andromeda-galaxy MarcTannous: looks like it
15:33.27 MarcTannous andromeda-galaxy: do you have an environemnt on a native Debian host or are you running a VM?
15:35.41 andromeda-galaxy MarcTannous: I've used the VM, but mostly I have a local checkout
15:35.51 andromeda-galaxy I run Arch or Gentoo linux on all my machines
15:36.01 andromeda-galaxy also, the websvn interfaces are always useful
15:36.16 MarcTannous do you remember how much building brlcad took you on the VM?
15:36.27 andromeda-galaxy No, sorry...
15:36.34 MarcTannous because I'm getting a lot of missing files in the config.log and it seems to be taking way more than it should
15:36.50 Notify 03GCI:pulkit10mehta * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:36.58 andromeda-galaxy hmm.. BRL-CAD is a very large project, that might be right.
15:39.04 MarcTannous ah okay, thanks anyway. Hope to get this configured and built before I go to sleep today
15:41.31 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:42.56 Notify 03GCI:ekamjot01 * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:43.29 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: what does your change do in this file: src/librt/primitives/bot/g_bot_include.c
15:44.06 Notify 03GCI:ekamjot01 * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Re-Uploaded - Hii I uploaded all design in zip format as you said. Is that okey. Regards. Ekamjot
15:45.37 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Good - Looks good. Thank you!
15:45.42 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
15:46.00 MarcTannous maths22: Should building on the VM take so long? I'm 10 minutes in it and build.log shows only 5% complete
15:46.24 maths22 That is reasonable-It will take a long time
15:47.04 MarcTannous once I'm done I should just go into source files of my choice, make my edits according to the task, and then svn diff it?
15:47.09 andromeda-galaxy maths22: those lines would previously have overwritten the changes
15:47.15 maths22 yes
15:47.30 andromeda-galaxy that the rt_bot_bbox function did
15:47.36 MarcTannous oh that was easy then
15:47.38 MarcTannous thanks
15:47.47 andromeda-galaxy those were how it was computing the bbox before using rt_bot_bbox
15:48.07 maths22 MarcTannous: you will want to compile it with changes to test
15:48.10 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: thanks
15:48.25 maths22 does it now call rt_bot_bbox, or is that handled internally?
15:48.42 andromeda-galaxy maths22: that function doesn't, but the
15:48.49 andromeda-galaxy actual rt_bot_prep function now does
15:49.01 maths22 OK
15:49.07 MarcTannous I will try to figure out how to do that then :D
15:49.21 andromeda-galaxy those changes are based on r46127
15:50.23 andromeda-galaxy maths22: if the changes look OK to you, can you mark it as complete?
15:50.36 maths22 Just checking 1 last thing...
15:50.51 andromeda-galaxy maths22: ok
15:51.38 Notify 03GCI:ekamjot01 * 6157982744182784 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3: Thanks - Thanks sir.
15:52.18 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
15:53.33 Notify 03GCI:maths22_m * 5494813218570240 Fix bounding box function for our polygonal mesh (BoT) primitive: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
15:54.55 andromeda-galaxy maths22: should I commit those changes?
15:55.12 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: I would think so
15:55.21 andromeda-galaxy maths22: ok, I will in a few more minutes
15:56.00 Notify 03GCI:helix * 5347907083436032 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #10: Submitted - Used a more modest font for the tagline. Also integrated the description in a...
15:56.10 Notify 03GCI:helix * 5347907083436032 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #10: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:56.57 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
15:57.40 YashM maths22, see if you like the updated banner
15:58.10 maths22 YashM: I appreciate the creativity in making it interplay with the text placed there by Facebook
15:58.49 maths22 However, the darkening at the bottom makes it instead look a bit strange in my opinion
15:59.08 YashM Is the 30+ good enough
15:59.17 YashM so maybe i can bold everything else
15:59.45 YashM I'm talking about "30+" which is bold
16:01.08 MarcTannous YashM, your design is quite smart
16:01.19 ``Erik MarcTannous: building in a vm will be insanely slow. painfully. every time.
16:01.31 YashM MarcTannous, thanks
16:01.32 MarcTannous However there is a problem that I cannot find a solution for with your design : How does it work on lower resolution displays? for example a smartphone
16:02.38 YashM I think that is a mobile safe area
16:02.44 MarcTannous internet traffic at the moment is pretty much 45% on mobile devices such as phones and tablets, would your design hold up on these devices?
16:03.49 ``Erik hm, "responsive design"
16:03.51 YashM I tried putting the text in the top
16:03.58 YashM but it was quite smal
16:04.01 YashM so i thought of this
16:04.21 MarcTannous ``Erik: Pretty much only form of design at the moment due to the huge traffic coming from mobile devices.
16:04.31 MarcTannous :)
16:05.22 ``Erik I do it plenty on, but i haven't tried hitting with the various viewers... how bad is it? is the real minimum width 480 or 240?
16:05.25 MarcTannous ``Erik: And Holy Lord does the building take a lot of time. 30 minutes into it, I'm only at 20%
16:05.50 maths22 MarcTannous: go into the vm settings
16:05.56 ``Erik if you're using the vm, understand that every single file system call is 100x as expensive, because it's a vm
16:06.02 maths22 System->CPU and set the cap at 100%
16:06.05 ``Erik and that building is 99% file system calls
16:06.11 maths22 I think the default is 60%
16:06.43 MarcTannous ``Erik : Minimum width up until 2014 was considered best practice to be 480, but right now there's a new measurement unit ( better than ems, forgot what it's called, only read about it a few weeks ago on reddit ) that can do responsive design without minimum width and media queries.
16:07.03 ``Erik if you use anything but windows, ditch the vm and just do it for real... if you use windows, well, stop
16:07.07 ``Erik :)
16:07.12 MarcTannous maths22: thanks, am doing it right now, hope to get this built ASAP so I can get started on working
16:07.22 maths22 ``Erik: I got a working build on windows yesterday
16:07.31 MarcTannous ``Erik: Is windows that bad in dev?
16:07.36 ``Erik maths22: native?
16:07.39 maths22 Yes
16:07.42 maths22 MSVC12
16:08.04 maths22 I had to make one source change (reordering includes)
16:08.06 ``Erik MarcTannous: it is... you can grab an msvc, tortoise and cross your fingers, but it'll still be slow and "weird"
16:08.17 MarcTannous Oh wow if getting a working build on windows something worth noting, I am not so optimistic about it now
16:08.34 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:08.37 maths22 MarcTannous: the vm will work fine (if a bit slow)
16:08.44 ``Erik core developers are using osX, linux and fbsd...
16:08.58 MarcTannous Don't really mind it being slow as long as it works
16:09.02 ``Erik (aight, osX and linux... I'm the fbsd weenie)
16:09.15 MarcTannous Pardon me asking, what's fbsd?
16:09.20 ``Erik the vm should be running a redhat linux variant
16:09.25 ``Erik
16:09.28 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: vm is Debian
16:09.30 maths22 ``Erik: the vm id esbian
16:09.38 ``Erik deb? ok, that's better
16:10.16 MarcTannous ``Erik : I've been nudging myself to give Linux a try for a few weeks, but I never get the time to do so.
16:10.23 ``Erik real debian, not ubuntu? :D I was a big debian supporter before switching to fbsd, so that's cool
16:10.32 Notify 03GCI:ekansh_mahendru * 4607354058309632 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites): Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:10.48 maths22 Real debian
16:11.58 MarcTannous Don't know why, but I like Debian's UI way more than I expected for some reason
16:14.20 Notify 03GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5828441244958720 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:14.43 ``Erik my mistake for assuming redhat :) anyway, a non-windows machine will make things a lot nicer, native windows will probably have some hiccups, vm will be the slowest, but will probably work
16:16.46 Notify 03GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5828441244958720 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker: Further Changes Made - I added the shadow and uploaded the new file : STICKER 1_3.png
16:17.06 YashM maths22, i have submitted another version
16:17.16 YashM a normal one
16:17.53 maths22 That looks better
16:18.03 maths22 The little bit of overlap doesn´t get in the way for me
16:18.21 maths22 ``Erik: have you heard of nmake on windows?
16:18.21 YashM I think that much is fine
16:18.28 maths22 I agree
16:18.37 maths22 Could you submit the new psd?
16:18.44 YashM It's the extra padding on top and bottom
16:19.21 maths22 ``Erik: it acts like make on posix systems, and cmake generates the nice colored output with percentages for it
16:19.49 maths22 It´s much less painful than msvc
16:20.27 MarcTannous maths22: what's msvc?
16:20.39 maths22 microsoft visual studio compiler
16:23.46 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:26.54 *** join/#brlcad deepak_ (~chatzilla@
16:28.50 ``Erik iirc, nmake was a part of msvc
16:29.12 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
16:38.08 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
16:39.26 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5028266490462208 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for qmath.c: Question - I require a bit of help : Over IRC, one of the mentors, maths22, helped me setup a debian VM...
16:43.52 starseeker has been wanting to try ninja on Windows with the msvc compiler
16:44.24 MarcTannous *
16:45.24 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: New files - Sir, I made the changes you asked for in the two new files. Please review the task. Regards, Aditya
16:58.03 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
17:08.34 *** join/#brlcad andromeda_galaxy (
17:09.06 andromeda-galaxy Is there anyone here who can create new tasks on Melange?
17:10.32 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
17:10.36 *** join/#brlcad swetha (~swetha@
17:13.48 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Good job but little mistakes - Hey Engelo, I love your all designs and this design too. Present design is quite good...
17:13.53 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
17:15.40 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: only Sean can publish tasks because he is the org admin
17:15.52 maths22 nmake is part of msvc
17:20.25 andromeda-galaxy maths22: ah, thanks. I didn't realize that...
17:33.39 MarcTannous finally, the brlcad build is done, it took 2 hours. maths22 : is there any way to quickly test it or I should just go ahead and modify source code?
17:35.09 maths22 Make test (I think)
17:36.10 MarcTannous Do you have any idea how much it takes?
17:36.18 MarcTannous Don't want to run it if it takes more than a few minutes on a VM
17:36.48 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
17:38.25 Notify 03GCI:rexey29 * 4931863265148928 Transcribe Geometry Model Data from a PDF report to an ASCII file: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:44.11 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5910857036857344 Create an utility library (LIBBU) API unit test for any file: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
17:44.52 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5910857036857344 Create an utility library (LIBBU) API unit test for any file: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andromeda Galaxy. You have 100 hours to...
17:49.27 Notify 03GCI:kengwee * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:51.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:peter-sa * 63589 (brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/bot.c brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/g_bot_include.c): Apply GCI task that re-enables the rt_bot_bbox function, making rt_bot_prep use it.
17:51.11 gcibot Fix bounding box function for our polygonal mesh (BoT) primitive
17:51.11 gcibot Status: Closed
17:51.11 gcibot Mentor(s): Isaac Kamga, Daniel_R
17:51.24 MarcTannous any mentor here?
17:51.40 maths22 MarcTannous: Hello
17:52.06 MarcTannous hello, it seems brlcad has been built sucesfully but I need a little bit of help with my task.
17:52.30 maths22 What is your task, and what difficulty are you having with it?
17:52.38 MarcTannous I have to create a unit test for qmath.c
17:52.48 MarcTannous src/libbn/qmath.c
17:53.20 MarcTannous the basic idea behind the test should be : return 1 if a function has provided the correct result, return 0 otherwise, correct?
17:53.25 Notify 03GCI:dobomark * 4959197779197952 Write manual page documentation (for off-g): None - Hi. I have a problem again... How can I create a file? I can only save with .g file extension... Can you help...
17:53.45 maths22 Someone else will need to answer your question then. I am not familiar with brlcad´s unit tests, and I don´t have time to figure it out right now.
17:54.36 MarcTannous Do you at least know what a quaternion is?
17:55.08 MarcTannous Because this library handles operations with quaternions and as far as wikipedia told me, it's a number system that go beyond complex numbers, and this is not something I know of.
17:55.32 MarcTannous Was wondering whether someone who does could provide the expected results on various cases, and I coulde code them.
17:56.04 maths22 I do not
17:57.01 Notify 03GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5828441244958720 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker: None - I have also uploaded one without a background
17:57.17 MarcTannous do you know Hardeep Singh Rai's or Gauravjeet Singh's IRC username so I can ping them if they show up?
17:58.06 Notify 03GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5828441244958720 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker: None - I mean - without a shadow
17:58.28 MarcTannous deepak : are you here?
18:02.42 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5028266490462208 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for qmath.c: Quaternions not a highschool topic, can I please get some help? - Highschool mathematics never goes...
18:04.02 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: More to do - Engelo, There are still small mistakes. There must be no full stop in between the two words " Source and...
18:04.08 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
18:04.31 deepak Marc, Hello
18:05.21 MarcTannous Hello, could you please help me with
18:05.22 gcibot Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for qmath.c
18:05.23 gcibot Status: Claimed (4 days, 1 hours left)
18:05.23 gcibot Mentor(s): Hardeep Singh Rai, Gauravjeet Singh
18:07.45 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
18:09.22 MarcTannous ?
18:10.07 MarcTannous deepak: you here?
18:11.46 MarcTannous :(
18:12.25 deepak Yes! I'm here. Oops! I missed your message. I accidentally signed-out.
18:14.27 MarcTannous could you please help me with
18:14.27 gcibot Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for qmath.c
18:14.27 gcibot Status: Claimed (4 days, 1 hours left)
18:14.27 gcibot Mentor(s): Hardeep Singh Rai, Gauravjeet Singh
18:14.34 MarcTannous wrote my problem as a reply
18:14.50 MarcTannous basically, quaternions outsmart me and I need some basic test outputs
18:17.38 MarcTannous deepak: any clues?
18:28.16 Notify 03GCI:kengwee * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: I increased but.. - I increased the font size but when I enlarge it a bit, the text goes out of the t-shirt. Shat should I do?
18:29.37 MarcTannous mentors please?
18:31.20 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
18:36.25 deepak Marc, Sorry to say but I haven't worked on unit test before. AFAIK unit test means to input some value to a function and the received value / output must be correct. For this we compare the output with pre-defined or pre-known output.
18:36.26 deepak For example : we know 2 + 2 = 4
18:36.28 deepak and when we'll write a function to add the two numbers say add(2,2) then the output must be 4 (which is pre known).
18:37.29 MarcTannous Yes, I realised that.
18:37.51 MarcTannous What I wanted was some pre-defined tests, like input : 2,2 and output : 4 except for quaternion numbers
18:38.18 MarcTannous I do not know what quaternion numbers are and they seem like a really vast chapter in mathematics, am I supposed to learn how to do these operations on them by hand?
18:41.43 *** join/#brlcad swetha (~swetha@
18:45.49 andromeda-galaxy MarcTannous: If you have access to something like Mathematica, Maple, etc. you can have them do some of the computations for you
18:45.53 andromeda-galaxy also, sage may work
18:45.56 andromeda-galaxy
18:46.17 MarcTannous andromeda-galaxy: I saw you took on the "fix closedb" task and then abandoned it
18:46.28 MarcTannous did you not manage to figure it out or did you just find something you liked more?
18:46.30 andromeda-galaxy MarcTannous: Yeah, it turns out that that ws already fixed
18:46.39 MarcTannous oh :-s
18:46.41 andromeda-galaxy so the task would have become finding out a) when it started happening and b) when it stopped
18:46.46 andromeda-galaxy which I didn't really feel like doing
18:46.52 andromeda-galaxy so I moved on to fixing the rt_bot_bbox function
18:46.53 MarcTannous Here I was staring at the source code and not realising what the error was for like 20 mins
18:51.55 deepak Marc, I'm not familiar with quaternion numbers. Wait for Erik, brlcad they may help you :)
18:52.22 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (~DarkCalf@
18:53.22 MarcTannous ``Erik : message when you're here please
19:00.40 andromeda-galaxy deepak: Is test code allowed to use %zu (for size_t) in sscanf() calls?
19:01.16 MarcTannous andromeda-galaxy: are you also doing unit test tasks right now?
19:01.42 andromeda-galaxy MarcTannous: I am, for bu_str.c
19:02.08 MarcTannous is it in include or src?
19:02.30 andromeda-galaxy sorry, for file src/libbu/bu_str.c
19:02.57 andromeda-galaxy I need to read in a size_t from a string, but %z isn't ISO C90, so using %zu for size_t doesn't compilne
19:03.14 MarcTannous andromeda-galaxy: my build doesn't even have bu_str.c :O
19:03.46 andromeda-galaxy hmm... are you at r63589?
19:03.49 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
19:04.01 MarcTannous 63588 was the latest for me
19:04.05 andromeda-galaxy oh, sorry,
19:04.07 MarcTannous when I updated a few hours ago
19:04.08 andromeda-galaxy got the filename wrong
19:04.11 andromeda-galaxy src/libbu/str.c
19:04.13 andromeda-galaxy not bu_str
19:04.16 andromeda-galaxy the test filename is bu_str.c
19:04.18 andromeda-galaxy sorry
19:04.36 andromeda-galaxy also: 63589 is the commit that I just pushed to re-enable rt_bot_box
19:04.55 MarcTannous oh, that I do have
19:05.13 MarcTannous which function are you testing?
19:05.21 andromeda-galaxy all the functions in str.c
19:05.43 MarcTannous write something in here when you're done, really curious as to how you're approaching it
19:05.54 andromeda-galaxy sure
19:06.08 andromeda-galaxy it's pretty much the same was as a bunch of the tests that I wrote last year for bu and bn
19:06.21 andromeda-galaxy src/libbu/tests/bu_color.c is a simple example
19:06.42 MarcTannous I'm not experienced with the source, so for the past hour I've been staring at code trying to figure it out
19:06.52 MarcTannous thank you, checking it right now
19:09.21 MarcTannous that actually is really simple
19:16.23 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5028266490462208 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for qmath.c: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
19:16.38 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5344998316834816 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for rand.c: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
19:18.28 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5344998316834816 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for rand.c: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Marc Tannous. You have 100 hours to complete this...
19:32.49 MarcTannous andromeda-galaxy: are you still here?
19:33.22 andromeda-galaxy MarcTannous: for a little while
19:33.54 MarcTannous andromeda-galaxy: all the tests are taking as parametres an int, argc and a string, argv
19:34.06 andromeda-galaxy indeed
19:34.29 MarcTannous where are those declared and what is their use? It's something obvious that I'm missing, thought you could help me out as you have more experience with the source code
19:34.44 MarcTannous Test parametres probably, but why are they always argc and argv
19:34.47 andromeda-galaxy basically, each test is compiled as an executable
19:35.03 andromeda-galaxy and the main function is called with two values that are, by convention, called argc and argv
19:35.13 andromeda-galaxy that contain information about the commandline parameters
19:35.42 MarcTannous what does argc define? for example in the bu_color.c you immediately exit if argc is 4 stating that the input is not okay
19:36.04 MarcTannous <PROTECTED>
19:36.13 MarcTannous is different frm 4 *
19:36.13 Notify 03GCI:xscept * 6664196716494848 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #9: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
19:36.15 andromeda-galaxy in this case, I exit if argc is not 4
19:36.42 andromeda-galaxy
19:36.54 MarcTannous yes, why is that? the input format is something like a,b,c ints and x,y,z floats
19:37.21 andromeda-galaxy the individual test cases are stated in CMakeLists.txt
19:37.22 MarcTannous oh
19:37.25 andromeda-galaxy and the input format is documented there
19:37.33 MarcTannous okay, that link cleared everything up, thank you so much
19:37.44 andromeda-galaxy you're welcome :-)
19:37.59 MarcTannous if you ever need help on the design part, I'm here to return the favor :)
19:39.21 andromeda-galaxy good to know, thanks
19:39.22 andromeda-galaxy !
19:42.02 Notify 03GCI:andreitudorica * 5063523340124160 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
19:42.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63590 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Add a make check target that will run the ctest targets after building their required dependencies.
19:47.47 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Adjust font-weight - Instead of font-size try to increase font-weight. Check if it works or not or try to implement in...
19:48.10 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~textual@
19:52.38 *** join/#brlcad ries (
19:54.18 Notify 03GCI:arojas_1597 * 5042004748664832 Reproduce any 5 unconfirmed open bug reports: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
19:55.29 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5042004748664832 Reproduce any 5 unconfirmed open bug reports: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Alex Velasco. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good...
19:58.35 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
19:58.37 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5344998316834816 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for rand.c: Did I understand the task correctly? - I have to create a unit test, similar to the others in the source...
19:58.55 MarcTannous can I get some feedback on ?
19:58.56 gcibot Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for rand.c
19:58.56 gcibot Status: NeedsReview (4 days, 3 hours left)
19:58.56 gcibot Mentor(s): Isaac Kamga, Jacob B
19:58.57 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5344998316834816 Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for rand.c: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
19:59.18 MarcTannous first unit test, hope things are alrightt
20:00.32 andrei_ MarcTannous: even if they aren't, there's no stress, it s not a run against the clock, we would never "remove" a task from you, but rather guide you to a better form
20:00.33 andrei_ argh
20:00.44 andrei_ I should talk less
20:01.02 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
20:01.53 Notify 03GCI:judebirch * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10: Question - Thanks for the feedback! I've lightened the red text, I was wondering whether you could tell me if the sticker is...
20:03.53 Notify 03GCI:judebirch * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10: Sorry - Sorry, this is the first task I've done in google code-in. When I saw 'Needswork' I thought I hadn't clicked 'Mark task...
20:04.34 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63591 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/pixhalve.xml: remove an underscore and a period
20:05.43 maths22 andrei_: talking is good :)
20:05.52 Notify 03GCI:arojas_1597 * 5042004748664832 Reproduce any 5 unconfirmed open bug reports: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
20:06.04 maths22 Just notice who you are (or aren´t) talking to...
20:14.24 Notify 03GCI:kengwee * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:15.39 Notify 03GCI:daniemil198 * 4968306935070720 Find, reliably reproduce, and report any bug in Archer: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
20:16.29 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 4968306935070720 Find, reliably reproduce, and report any bug in Archer: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Ed. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good...
20:18.40 Notify 03GCI:daniemil198 * 4968306935070720 Find, reliably reproduce, and report any bug in Archer: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
20:19.02 Notify 03GCI:geronikolov * 5063523340124160 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
20:19.57 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5063523340124160 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Gero Nikolov. You have 100 hours to complete...
20:21.16 andromeda-galaxy deepak, maths22: if you're in task reviewing mode...
20:21.23 andromeda-galaxy
20:21.24 gcibot Create an utility library (LIBBU) API unit test for any file
20:21.24 gcibot Status: NeedsReview (4 days, 1 hours left)
20:21.24 gcibot Mentor(s): Kesha Shah, Mandeep Kaur
20:21.36 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5910857036857344 Create an utility library (LIBBU) API unit test for any file: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:21.46 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: right now i´m in math studying mode, but that may change soon
20:22.00 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: is o7p9bxbnyj your melange username?
20:22.11 andromeda-galaxy maths22: it is
20:22.18 andromeda-galaxy I don't remember how I got it
20:22.29 maths22 just because it looks a bit strange
20:22.32 andromeda-galaxy I think that it was autoassigned to me the first time (2 years ago) that I did codein
20:22.37 maths22 aha
20:22.58 maths22 this year, i´m maths22_m because I switched emails
20:23.04 maths22 _m for mentor
20:23.51 andromeda-galaxy makes sense
20:33.00 Notify 03GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5862007957880832 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
20:36.15 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6079349140750336 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
20:37.35 Notify 03GCI:ejozyazgan * 6360824117460992 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #4: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
20:38.51 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6360824117460992 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #4: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to EJ Ozyazgan. You have 100 hours to...
20:40.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 63592 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/bigE.c: ged_E must initialize freesolid member to avoid NULL dereference
20:43.30 Notify 03GCI:nick_sturges * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
20:44.00 Notify 03GCI:adarshkulk * 5845550716944384 Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #2: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
20:44.15 Notify 03GCI:adarshkulk * 5845550716944384 Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #2: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
20:44.30 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Nicholas Sturges-Bresley. You have 100 hours to complete...
20:45.05 Notify 03GCI:nick_sturges * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
20:45.16 Notify 03GCI:adarshkulk * 5338260117127168 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #2: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
20:45.55 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5338260117127168 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #2: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Adarsh. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good...
21:39.42 Notify 03GCI:ejozyazgan * 6360824117460992 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #4: Get Files - I can't figure out how to access the files. Do I need to install SVN to access the...
21:41.38 Notify 03GCI:alonzo_ * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
21:45.39 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 6360824117460992 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #4 Indeed ...
22:03.39 Notify 03GCI:simmomic000 * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
22:05.15 Notify 03GCI:simmomic000 * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
22:06.00 Notify 03GCI:mister * 5615680309166080 Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #10: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
22:17.05 Notify 03GCI:ejozyazgan * 6360824117460992 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #4: Thank You - Thank you for such a speedy response
22:17.36 *** join/#brlcad TurkishBoss (
22:21.57 Notify 03GCI:alonzo_ * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++: Configure road block - Hello, I am currently trying to configure the build using the gui version of cmake, however when I specify the...
22:22.34 *** join/#brlcad ofnlut_ (
22:23.25 ofnlut_ hello?
22:34.27 maths22 Hello
22:35.14 ofnlut_ Hi I joined because I had a question about one of the gci task
22:38.12 maths22 ~ask
22:38.13 infobot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:39.40 ofnlut_ I am trying to create a build of brl-cad using cmake and Dev-C++ however there is no generator for Dev-C++
22:40.01 ofnlut_ I am using the cmake gui
22:48.30 andromeda-galaxy maths22: the single precision floating point build is broken again...
22:48.44 maths22 Remind me how to do that
22:49.17 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I changed the typedef for fastf_t from double to float
22:49.25 andromeda-galaxy in include/bu/defines.h
22:49.28 maths22 Thanks
22:49.35 andromeda-galaxy and icv_writepixel() now expects a double but is passed a fastf_t
22:50.04 maths22 Let´s ask brlcad, but I´m guessing that is wrong
22:50.05 andromeda-galaxy also, src/libbu/tests/bu_color.c apparently sscanf()s into a fastf_t with %lf which breaks with float fastf_ts
22:50.36 andromeda-galaxy for the icv thing, I'm not sure which side is doing it wrong...
22:50.49 andromeda-galaxy I believe that r56243 introduced the problem
22:51.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63593 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/regress/CMakeLists.txt): Use ctest to run the sh regression scripts in the regress directory. By default, only a summary will be printed - if something fails, the full output is displayed.
22:51.48 andromeda-galaxy for the bu_color tests, I figure it's probably better to make them use double all the time and upconvert the fastf_t's (implicitly, by comparison) if necessary, but I was wondering what you thought
22:53.59 andromeda-galaxy actually, that doesn't work because the scanned value are passed to the color functions.
22:54.14 andromeda-galaxy oh well, I'll talk to brlcad about it more when he comes back online
22:55.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63594 (brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ply/g-ply.c brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ply/ply-g.c): Use bu_strcmp and bu_strlcat
23:01.12 starseeker ofnlut_: is Dev-C++ an IDE or a compiler?
23:01.23 ofnlut_ It is an ide
23:02.24 ofnlut_ well the task asks to compile using the ide so i guess it can do both
23:03.33 starseeker Um. Can the ide import (say) makefiles?
23:04.12 starseeker
23:04.25 starseeker maybe generate the Makefiles with CMake and then try that?
23:04.49 maths22 ofnlut_: I believe you want MinGW Makefiles
23:05.33 ofnlut_ I figured that would be the next option
23:05.35 starseeker Might be some info here...
23:06.45 starseeker ofnlut_: could always suggest to the dev that he add CMake support :-P
23:08.09 ofnlut_ well the task asked me to try to compile it and see what happens
23:08.13 ofnlut_ oh man errors
23:13.39 andromeda-galaxy Does brl-cad support uv-mapping meshes?
23:16.51 Stragus Isn't Dev-C++ using obsolete mingw32? mingw64 is the project that kept up-to-date with GCC versions
23:17.34 Stragus So shouldn't the task aim for mingw64 rather than mingw32?...
23:19.19 ofnlut_ they wanted to see if it could compile on Dev-C++ they tested other compilers but its been a while since they tried this ide
23:21.42 maths22 One of brlcad´s strengths is its ability to compile and run on old systems with old compilers, so this is a test of that
23:21.56 Stragus All right then
23:35.40 starseeker the mingw systems in general are problematic with BRL-CAD as matters stand
23:36.10 starseeker MSVC is normally used to build on Windows, so we don't have anyone shaking out the mingw bugs
23:36.29 starseeker is waiting to see what comes of the native Windows clang efforts...
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23:37.21 starseeker
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23:40.18 andromeda-galaxy can anyone point me to some information on how the uv-mapping function for extruded sketches for should behave?
23:40.19 gcibot Implement a UV-mapping callback for extruded sketches (EXTRUDE)
23:40.19 gcibot Status: Open
23:40.19 gcibot Mentor(s): Harmanpreet, Dishank
23:40.24 starseeker thinks trying out the lastest Windows clang would be interesting as a GCI task:
23:40.34 starseeker might be a bit too hard though...
23:50.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63595 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/DiffCache.cmake: UNITIALIZED values were causing trouble in the cache diffing - duck them for now, although an ideal solution would handle them somehow...

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