IRC log for #brlcad on 20141205

00:21.37 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
00:26.49 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5604954702086144 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #2: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work...
01:31.58 *** join/#brlcad ofnlut (
01:31.58 *** join/#brlcad ofnlut_ (
01:36.43 ofnlut is there a mentor available?
01:51.07 andromeda-galaxy does anyone know where I can find some documentation on the exact meanings of the terms shell, face, loop, etc. as used in NMG?
01:54.31 *** join/#brlcad andromedagalaxy (
01:59.53 starseeker andromeda-galaxy: you might try
02:01.46 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: thanks! I'll take a look at it, though it seems to be taking a while to download...
02:03.26 starseeker it's a thesis - 340 pages
02:04.53 andromeda-galaxy ahh... it just loaded, does look useful
02:06.12 starseeker figure 17 (pg 200 in the report, 218 in the pdf) may be helpful
02:06.39 starseeker er - 17-8.
02:06.43 starseeker couple others around there
02:07.02 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5230915127083008 Compile BRL-CAD with GCC trunk: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
02:07.14 andromeda-galaxy thanks! The definitions in chapter 10 also look useful..
02:10.08 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5797874164039680 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #2: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
02:43.53 maths22 ofnlut: Hello
02:43.55 maths22 ~ask
02:43.55 infobot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
02:44.11 *** join/#brlcad YashM (75de1552@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:44.43 ofnlut Hello I needed assistance with one of the task involving me to compile the program in Dev-C++
02:44.56 maths22 What was your difficulty?
02:45.58 ofnlut theres no clear option in cmake that uses Dev-C++ I tried using MiwGW File Maker however i came across errors
02:46.10 maths22 Looking at your log, I can see that.
02:46.37 Notify 03GCI:brinlyt * 5230915127083008 Compile BRL-CAD with GCC trunk: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
02:46.40 maths22 I'm not sure what's up with that; maybe some other mentor will know.
02:46.47 maths22 reference:
02:46.48 ofnlut Maybe I am using the wrong configuration?
02:46.48 gcibot Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++
02:46.48 gcibot Status: NeedsWork (3 days, 1 hours left)
02:46.48 gcibot Mentor(s): Jacob B, Harmanpreet
02:47.13 maths22 I don't think so, but when I was a student participating last year, I tried this task, and I think I ran into a similar issue.
02:47.38 maths22 I moved on to trying something else, so I never got it solved
02:47.49 ofnlut ahh I see
02:48.43 ofnlut this is the second task I have tried involving me compiling a program
03:08.33 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5670223239708672 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #7: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
03:24.16 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6399086370488320 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #2: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
03:27.54 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
03:32.47 starseeker kind of interesting - video to create a bearing in FreeCAD:
03:44.20 *** part/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
03:44.26 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
04:37.55 ignacio Good night guys
04:45.23 YashM gn
04:53.46 *** join/#brlcad Marctannous (bc1a92f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:54.32 Marctannous mentors
04:54.59 Marctannous anyone here?
04:55.00 Marctannous
04:55.01 gcibot Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image
04:55.01 gcibot Status: NeedsReview (3 days, 12 hours left)
04:55.01 gcibot Mentor(s): Popescu Andrei, Ishwerdas
05:17.45 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6648047639461888 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #10: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
05:23.16 Notify 03GCI:pulkit10mehta * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: None - Sir, By mistake previous files were also compressed in the package. Kindly ignore the previous files.
05:28.44 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6353662997692416 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #3: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
05:31.05 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 4931863265148928 Transcribe Geometry Model Data from a PDF report to an ASCII file: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work...
05:38.29 *** join/#brlcad YashM_ (~YashM@
05:40.23 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6178630262587392 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #6: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your...
05:46.25 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5853389636239360 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #3: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
05:48.10 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6068206720516096 Design a BRL-CAD business card #2: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
06:11.27 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (c35a6e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:12.42 andrei_ any mentor out here?
06:14.04 Stragus It's 1am in their time zone, but ask away, they don't seem to get much sleep lately :)
06:23.54 Marctannous andrei_ did you get a chance to look over my VM task?
06:24.20 andrei_ nope :)
06:24.27 Marctannous :(
06:24.33 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 6375681818624000 Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image: Solutions! - Marc, the virtual machine guide cannot be merged with installing BRL-CAD guide for the reason that one...
06:24.34 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 6375681818624000 Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
06:24.59 andrei_ :)
06:29.59 andrei_ Stragus, you got any task, how's it going?
06:30.50 andrei_ also, not all mentors have the same timezone. For example, for me and mihaineacsu it's 8.30 AM :)
06:32.21 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
06:32.28 Stragus Oh. :) I assumed most mentors were part of the standard crew in Maryland
06:33.03 Stragus I'm not involved in the tasks, I only contributed some code over the years that is being used in BRL-CAD, I work on parallel projects
06:33.32 andrei_ ah
06:34.06 andrei_ ~seen d_rossberg
06:34.07 infobot d_rossberg <> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 107d 15h 25m 12s ago, saying: 'or ?'.
06:35.08 YashM nice
06:36.01 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10: Nice work! - Hey, Jude! Can you please upload a pdf version of t-shirt final as well? Aside of that, it looks nice! Good...
06:36.36 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 6375681818624000 Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image: Even more solutions! - 1) Regarding the two terminals, at first I thought that's how it's supposed to happen, but...
06:40.47 Notify 03GCI:moret * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
06:47.38 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 5307330648342528 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #5 Suggestions Hey, Krassen! You've been doing...
06:47.39 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 5307330648342528 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #5: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to...
06:48.53 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 5307330648342528 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #5: time - I forgot to mention, don't worry about the task time running out, if you can't manage to do it in the remaining time, I...
06:51.39 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 4949440150372352 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #4: jpg or pdf - Hello, Andrew! Can you please upload a jpg or pdf version of your work? Not everyone can open psd and it's...
06:51.44 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 4949440150372352 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #4: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task...
06:52.49 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5516399187329024 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #8: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
06:53.34 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Moretti Georgiev. You have 100 hours to complete this task,...
06:53.44 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5516399187329024 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #8: better! - Ivan, that's looking a lot better. Looks like something we might even be able to use in a future version of BRL-CAD....
06:58.35 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 6375681818624000 Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
06:59.10 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5265491291537408 Design new API function to reduce duplication: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
07:00.40 Marctannous brlcad: are you here?
07:01.20 andrei_ brlcad: if you can, have a look at Marc's task, it looks OK to me, considering there weren't any actual issues.
07:04.43 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5265491291537408 Design new API function to reduce duplication: excellent analysis - Andromeda, thanks for providing a detailed rationale write-up that explains the two choices. My...
07:15.31 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 6375681818624000 Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image: None - Is the 2.pdf file the second page or the second version? If it's the second page, merge them into a single...
07:15.32 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 6375681818624000 Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
07:20.08 ofnlut brlcad are you available?
07:20.47 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 6375681818624000 Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
07:20.52 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 6375681818624000 Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
07:21.13 andrei_ ofnlut: do you need to speak specifically to brlcad, or do you need help with something?
07:21.56 ofnlut yes I need help with one of the task about compiling the program in Dev-C++
07:23.25 andrei_ then ask away
07:23.27 andrei_ perhaps I can help
07:23.41 andrei_ (or any other mentors)
07:23.56 Stragus (or any other non-mentor too :) )
07:24.10 andrei_ ^
07:24.39 ofnlut theres no clear option in cmake that uses Dev-C++ I tried using MiwGW File Maker however i came across errors
07:24.55 ofnlut so am i using the wrong configuration?
07:25.03 Stragus Dev-C++ is really just an IDE around mingw32
07:26.24 andrei_ what errors did you come across? do you have an error log?
07:26.52 ofnlut yes i can pull up a pastebin
07:27.06 andrei_ try something permanent, like a text file uploaded to melange
07:28.50 ofnlut oh i did upload a log to melange in the task page
07:29.02 andrei_ alright, let me look
07:32.40 andrei_ Stragus: do you usually build brlcad on windows?
07:33.22 andrei_ I've previously reviewed ofnlut's task and I was the one who asked him do join IRC
07:33.30 andrei_ but I don t use windows, I don't know what to make of those errors
07:33.54 ofnlut no this is my first time
07:34.52 andrei_ what do you mean?
07:34.55 Stragus I don't use Windows either, never tried to build BRL-CAD there, but I have experience with mingw32 and mingw64
07:35.45 andrei_ gcc.exe: error: unrecognized command line option '-Qunused-arguments'
07:36.17 andrei_ mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lc collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
07:36.20 andrei_ these seem to be the issues
07:36.50 Stragus Uh... That's not a GCC flag
07:36.59 Stragus It's a Clang flag too, apparently, or so says Google
07:37.19 Stragus Apparently, it's trying to target the wrong compiler
07:37.24 Notify 03GCI:nikhilojha271119991 * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
07:37.29 andrei_ CheckIncludeFiles.c:2:19: fatal error: regex.h: No such file or directory compilation terminate
07:38.18 Stragus regex isn't a standard library on Windows, it will have to be installed if required
07:41.58 ofnlut so is that the source of my issue?
07:42.38 andrei_ it might be
07:42.46 andrei_ let me figure out how to install it
07:43.12 Stragus If it's trying to pass Clang options to GCC (including mingw32 and Dev-C++), that's certainly an issue
07:45.01 andrei_ yeah, but if the regex error dissapears, we can see if that's what breaks the build or not
07:46.18 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
07:46.51 andrei_ ofnlut: can you search for regex.h on your system, to see if it exists?
07:47.55 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 4949440150372352 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #4 Thoughts on your design Hey Andrew, you can do the...
07:47.59 Stragus I can confirm mingw32 doesn't come with regex.h, the same is probably true for Dev-C++
07:49.24 ofnlut yes it exist in cygwin64 folder
07:49.32 ofnlut in my*
07:51.03 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5609694466932736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
07:51.34 andrei_ hm
07:51.42 andrei_ Determining if files regex.h exist failed with the following output: Change Dir: E:/Users/Devin/Documents/brlcad-7.24.2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
07:52.14 andrei_ it fails to find pthread.h and regex.h
07:52.25 ofnlut so maybe it does not work because it is not looking in cygwin64?
07:53.26 Stragus cygwin64 is completely different from mingw32
07:53.49 Stragus Mingw32 is just GCC for Windows. Cygwin64 is a complete Unix emulation layer for Windows, of course it will have regex
07:53.59 andrei_ there's no way pthread can be in mingw
07:54.00 andrei_ yeah
07:54.31 andrei_ ofnlut: mark your task ready for review
07:54.37 andrei_ someone has to have a better look at it
07:54.58 andrei_ I'll add a comment to it
07:55.13 Notify 03GCI:alonzo_ * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
07:56.15 *** join/#brlcad ishwerdas (75dcad6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:57.58 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++: None - the build seems to fail to find regex.h and pthread.h in cygwin folder although it exist. Also, mingw receives Clang...
07:59.33 Stragus I think the point was compiling with Dev-C++/mingw32, not Cygwin
07:59.48 Stragus Cygwin is pretty much guaranteed to work, it features complete Unix emulation
08:00.00 andrei_ well yeah, but he mentioned using the mingw make
08:17.41 *** join/#brlcad blessing (~blessing@
08:53.24 Notify 03GCI:rossberg * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++ Please retry with current developer version CMake...
08:53.34 Notify 03GCI:rossberg * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to...
08:58.30 andrei_ ofnlut: if you need help getting the latest revision, ask away :)
09:00.48 Notify 03GCI:mirco_wave * 5609694466932736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
09:03.05 *** join/#brlcad ries (
09:03.42 brlcad GCI students: andromeda-galaxy: Marctannous: others: a bunch of new tasks were just uploaded (~70), so check 'em out! even more on the way.
09:04.10 brlcad ~ask
09:04.11 infobot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
09:06.36 ofnlut andrei: how do i use the command exactly with tortoisesvn?
09:06.55 andrei_
09:08.08 andrei_ using the link found on the wiki
09:10.41 ofnlut the url is not valid so should I use the<module>/trunk <module> portion?
09:12.20 brlcad ~cadsvn
09:12.20 infobot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
09:12.38 ofnlut thank you
09:12.39 andrei_ oh, new tricks :))
09:18.54 *** join/#brlcad blessing (~blessing@
09:20.44 Notify 03GCI:helix * 6408871916601344 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #13: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
09:23.15 ofnlut andrei_:I ran CMake again using the same settings and it still returned errors
09:24.11 Notify 03GCI:ch3ck * 6408871916601344 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #13: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Yash. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
09:27.49 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task...
09:28.03 andrei_ ofnlut: can you upload the same logs again ?
09:28.08 ofnlut will do
09:28.37 ofnlut I named the new ones as developer
09:28.39 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~mihaineac@
09:28.44 Notify 03GCI:alonzo_ * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
09:35.49 Notify 03GCI:ekamjot01 * 5235927756570624 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #12: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
09:37.31 Notify 03GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5609694466932736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5: None - That looks great! On the right side you have some gray layers that overlap each other. Can you add another version...
09:37.36 Notify 03GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5609694466932736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task...
09:37.46 Notify 03GCI:rossberg * 5235927756570624 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #12: Task Reopened - This task has been Reopened.
09:41.49 Notify 03GCI:ekamjot01 * 5235927756570624 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #12: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
09:42.46 Notify 03GCI:ch3ck * 5235927756570624 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #12: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Ekamjot Singh. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
09:45.50 *** join/#brlcad ishwerdas (75dcad6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
09:49.24 Notify 03GCI:andrei23 * 4949440150372352 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #4: None - I will try to do a better work but i need another 2 days more to do that, thank you for the suggestions and i promise...
09:50.00 Notify 03GCI:samarpita * 5564670123442176 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #3: None - sir, I am thinking to claim this task . Can I have 1 or 2 examples? actually I didn't...
09:52.42 Notify 03GCI:rossberg * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
09:56.09 Notify 03GCI:rossberg * 6680593089691648 Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++: Follow-on task: Fix a configuration error - Will be there soon.
10:04.48 Notify 03GCI:helix * 6408871916601344 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #13: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
10:05.28 Notify 03GCI:sakshamarora7313 * 5231299258220544 Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
10:08.13 Notify 03GCI:ch3ck * 6408871916601344 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #13: Perfect! - Very nice and daring design. Like it :)
10:09.12 YashM Ch3ck, I am uploading the PSD sec
10:13.14 Notify 03GCI:ch3ck * 6408871916601344 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #13: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
10:15.28 YashM Can I claim more than one similar tasks
10:15.35 YashM with different submissions?
10:17.45 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5797874164039680 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #2: New Files - Sir, I have compressed the files to make an rar file named book layout.rar. And the psd of all the...
10:26.13 YashM the new website is screwed up
10:35.40 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
10:37.59 *** join/#brlcad ries (
10:41.11 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannousPhone (~androirc@
10:41.26 MarcTannousPhone Brlcad: please tell me you are here
10:41.48 MarcTannousPhone I really was happy when I saw that you introduced web design tasks
10:42.05 MarcTannousPhone But I cannot claim them as I have already completed my 2 beginenr tasks
10:42.55 YashM theres another web design task
10:43.03 YashM which is not beginner
10:43.07 MarcTannousPhone These are responsive landing pages we are talking about, I consider this harder than designing a sticker, do you consider thkse beginner tasks?
10:43.22 MarcTannousPhone Yes but it's regarding an icon set which is way less challenging
10:43.50 MarcTannousPhone ...
10:43.54 YashM no
10:43.55 YashM this
10:43.56 YashM
10:43.56 gcibot Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #3
10:43.57 gcibot Status: Open
10:43.57 gcibot Mentor(s): Isaac Kamga, Harmanpreet
10:44.11 MarcTannousPhone This one is way easier
10:44.17 MarcTannousPhone Than the frontpage
10:44.19 andrei_ MarcTannousPhone, can you give me a link?
10:44.22 MarcTannousPhone That is my concern
10:44.37 MarcTannousPhone
10:44.37 gcibot Design a website icon set for #2
10:44.37 gcibot Status: Open
10:44.37 gcibot Mentor(s): Deepak, Gauravjeet Singh
10:44.41 MarcTannousPhone Oh no
10:44.43 MarcTannousPhone Not that one
10:44.44 MarcTannousPhone Sec
10:45.02 MarcTannousPhone
10:45.03 gcibot Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10
10:45.03 gcibot Status: Open
10:45.03 gcibot Mentor(s): Mandeep Kaur, Sean
10:45.24 MarcTannousPhone This is by far the most challenging task this far, I really consider the beginner tag inappropriate
10:45.33 YashM its not a beginner task, yeah
10:46.10 MarcTannousPhone And I cannot claim it because my 2 beginner tasks are done
10:46.55 andrei_ Marc, relax, if what you say is justified
10:46.59 andrei_ I l remove the beginner tag
10:47.06 andrei_ I ll*
10:47.17 MarcTannousPhone Thank you
10:48.03 andrei_ there are 10 of them, it's more than fair that you are able to work on one of them
10:48.12 andrei_ Alright, I ll remove the beginner tag
10:48.29 andrei_ and I ll discuss with brlcad if they should all be removed
10:48.34 andrei_ (to be fair to others)
10:48.37 MarcTannousPhone Thabk you
10:48.44 MarcTannousPhone Will deliver a spectacular design
10:49.00 YashM andrei_, Can I claim more than one similar tasks
10:49.00 YashM with different submissions?
10:49.23 andrei_ YashM, I wouldn't advice it, but, technically, yeah...
10:49.33 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5517402733281280 Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
10:49.42 andrei_ is there a reason for which you wish to do so?
10:49.58 YashM its open and i can do it
10:50.11 YashM but have done it before
10:50.29 YashM not a specific reason though
10:50.31 andrei_ what task?
10:50.39 YashM the sticker one
10:50.49 andrei_ if it's "reduce duplicated code" for example
10:50.57 andrei_ I consider it perfectly ok to do so
10:51.00 andrei_ ah
10:51.13 andrei_ so, there's no other task that interrests you?
10:51.23 YashM there is
10:51.24 YashM :P
10:51.27 YashM but just asking
10:51.29 Notify 03GCI:ch3ck * 5517402733281280 Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Marc Tannous. You have 96 hours to complete this task, good luck!
10:51.56 andrei_ you can do it, of course
10:52.16 andrei_ but the number of tasks, in an absolute way of speaking is not that relevant
10:52.51 andrei_ it's way more important to see that you've progress and learned than to see you ve done the most tasks, while all tasks being essentially in the same spectrum
10:53.05 andrei_ it s not forbbiden to do similar tasks, either
10:53.09 andrei_ just do as you see fit :)
10:53.21 YashM ok :)
10:53.59 Notify 03GCI:helix * 5237391803547648 Create a BRL-CAD style guide / cheat sheet #5: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
10:55.25 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 5237391803547648 Create a BRL-CAD style guide / cheat sheet #5: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Yash. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
10:55.28 YashM Also, how do i open a .lib file? sorry for the stupid ques
10:57.51 andrei_ ~question
10:57.51 infobot rumour has it, question is If you have a question and want people to give useful answers, make sure you have read this first:
10:57.58 andrei_ oops
10:58.04 andrei_ not what I wanted
10:58.14 andrei_ YashM, there are absolutely no stupid questions
10:58.28 andrei_ ask anything you need/want to know
10:58.38 andrei_ I don t think you can open a lib file
10:58.45 andrei_ as it might be a binary, let me look
11:26.01 Notify 03GCI:shashank1245 * 5309919842533376 Design a website icon set for #2: Query - The first two sites are not working.Please check for solution.
11:27.21 Notify 03GCI:otamegami * 5604954702086144 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #2: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
11:28.21 Notify 03GCI:popescuandrei * 5309919842533376 Design a website icon set for #2 None Hello! both...
11:29.22 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~mihaineac@
11:31.47 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 4949440150372352 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #4: Deadline extended - The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 16 hours.
11:35.56 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:37.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Enriuealcalde * 0 /wiki/User:Enriuealcalde:
11:38.40 ``Erik the torrent of activity during gci, sheesh, spend half my time trying to read backlog just to get my bearings in this maelstrom :)
11:38.58 ``Erik last time I tried, BRL-CAD and cygwin don't mix
11:39.54 ``Erik even doing it in the shell, there were some very weird deep issues with tcl that made it a non-starter
11:39.55 andrei_ ``Erik, daniel closed that task, the point was to find out what breaks, not to actually build
11:40.04 ``Erik :)
11:41.26 ``Erik I thought there was a dev-c++ generator for cmake, but it looks like I was wrong O.o second hit on "cmake dev-c++ generator" is a BRL-CAD gci task
11:41.41 andrei_ haha, we're famous :)
11:42.00 andrei_ maybe we should make a gci task to write one ? :p
11:42.47 ``Erik a dec-c++ cmake generator is a lot more than a gci task, more like a gsoc task... for the cmake project.... :)
11:42.51 ``Erik s/c/v/
11:43.21 andrei_ I suspected so
11:43.27 andrei_ but was joking
11:44.04 ``Erik it's a good idea that we'd benefit from, just not our task to own :)
11:44.56 Notify 03GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
11:46.02 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5781103189164032 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Rohit Agarwal. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good...
11:47.01 deepak Is someone working on brlcad new website. AFAIK few days before I looked into it, it seems good but now everything messed up. Please check Is problem really exists or I'm the only one facing this.
11:47.17 Notify 03GCI:ekansh_mahendru * 5833974572122112 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #15: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
11:48.17 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5833974572122112 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #15: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Ekansh. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
11:48.18 mihaineacsu deepak: looks good on my side;
11:48.33 ``Erik what do you mean by "messed up"?
11:48.34 mihaineacsu what seems to be out of place?
11:49.32 deepak Everything aligned to left side and no image displaying.
11:51.11 andrei_ ``Erik: is there actually anyone who uses Dev-C++ ?
11:51.17 andrei_ <PROTECTED>
11:51.17 ``Erik that's what it looks like for me, deepak
11:51.26 mihaineacsu deepak: images are missing here as well
11:52.00 mihaineacsu I thought it was my slow internet, I'm in a public place
11:52.07 ``Erik andrei_: for BRL-CAD? no... msvc is the supported tool for making a windows package
11:54.36 deepak It looks good few days before if I'm not wrong. Everything seems perfect I can see images too plus over effect on images. Any idea who is working on this website presently?
11:54.53 deepak s / hover / over
11:55.58 ``Erik deepak: I think maths22?
11:57.58 ishwerdas deepak: I guess we had maths22 managing everything and recently there was a pull request from sofat
11:58.52 Notify 03GCI:mirco_wave * 5609694466932736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5: None - Sure thing!
11:58.53 ishwerdas I am also working a bit, but due to other commitments haven't been able to commit something
11:59.44 ishwerdas Also it's a work in progress so you can expect it to be broken at times :P
11:59.59 ishwerdas if you have time, you can really help us there :)
12:01.28 Notify 03GCI:mirco_wave * 5609694466932736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
12:01.56 deepak Ah! I love to help you guys. I'm not familiar that work is in progress.
12:02.11 ishwerdas Just checked again, it's sofat's pull request that's applied
12:02.54 ishwerdas has caused this effect
12:03.22 ishwerdas what images are you talking about ?
12:03.52 deepak I think problem is in PR. Can you move one head back and check if error still exist. As I'm on the way to clone it.
12:05.56 deepak Images that are on the alternative sides of landing page.
12:06.03 ishwerdas I am sure it's in PR, i have cloned it before the PR was applied and problem wasn't there (regarding squashed logo and everything on left)
12:06.14 ishwerdas that images were never there on wp theme
12:06.21 ishwerdas they were on
12:06.27 ishwerdas a mockup i made a year ago :(
12:07.57 deepak Please check this :
12:08.55 ishwerdas what to check for ?
12:10.00 Notify 03GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5609694466932736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5: None - Fantastic! Good work!
12:10.15 Notify 03GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5609694466932736 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
12:10.15 ishwerdas I think instead of copying the whole web root in git repo we should just have a repo for wiki theme and wp theme. maths22, what do you think ?
12:10.47 ishwerdas #brlcad-gcimentors
12:11.11 ishwerdas oops
12:11.27 andrei_ haha
12:12.06 YashM the beta website is screwed up or is it me
12:12.24 mihaineacsu :)
12:12.26 ishwerdas aah! YashM yes it's pretty screwed up
12:12.34 ishwerdas but we are working on it
12:12.47 YashM okay :)
12:13.04 ishwerdas How are your tasks going on ?
12:13.48 YashM I am making a cheat sheet currently
12:15.15 ishwerdas great :)
12:26.01 *** join/#brlcad ishwerdas (75dcad6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:46.30 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~mihaineac@
12:46.48 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannousPhone (~androirc@
12:52.40 Notify 03GCI:programmingluko * 5254428328198144 Design a website icon set for #3: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
12:57.56 Notify 03GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5254428328198144 Design a website icon set for #3: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to ProgrammingLuko. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good...
12:59.10 *** join/#brlcad ries (
13:01.57 Marctannous @any mentor
13:02.25 andrei_ ?
13:02.41 Marctannous does the new website in the task have to have a login form?
13:02.51 Marctannous that's not javascript html & css and
13:03.01 Marctannous not really design-related
13:03.19 Marctannous also don't know what to log in to
13:04.28 mihaineacsu Marctannous: care to share the link to the task?
13:04.42 Marctannous
13:04.43 gcibot Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10
13:04.43 gcibot Status: Claimed (3 days, 21 hours left)
13:04.43 gcibot Mentor(s): Sean, Popescu Andrei, Mihai Neacsu, Mandeep Kaur
13:06.43 mihaineacsu Marctannous: for the moment, focus on design, the login form doesn't have to work;
13:06.56 Marctannous but is it necessary in the layout?
13:07.07 Marctannous out of the two examples provided, none of them work
13:07.17 Marctannous wanted to know what the intended feature is with the login
13:07.51 andrei_
13:07.52 andrei_ this one works
13:08.12 Marctannous it redirects to a wordpress login
13:08.45 Marctannous
13:09.21 andrei_ also, since you enjoy web design so much, you could try to do one with login layout, that can be removed later on :)
13:09.33 andrei_ tho I doubt it will be
13:09.50 ishwerdas Marctannous: it would be better if you remove that login form
13:10.20 ishwerdas we earlier discussed and we concluded that we want to give that space to something else
13:10.27 ishwerdas making log-in form not so prominent
13:10.31 ishwerdas in design
13:10.37 andrei_ alright, there's your answer, then
13:13.15 ankesh11 There was an AMA by Carl Bass, the CEO of Autodesk yesterday
13:13.41 Marctannous I've read it
13:13.51 Marctannous ishwerds: thanks, did not know the purpose of the login form
13:14.47 ankesh11 BRL-CAD got mentioned a couple of times.
13:15.27 mihaineacsu cool!
13:16.03 Marctannous it was advertised by users as an open source,free and available on multiple platforms program
13:16.17 Marctannous mostly when people were asking bout autodesk's very very high price on software
13:16.18 ankesh11 Yeah.
13:16.36 ankesh11 One of the comments that struck me though was: "Are there actual brlcad users? When open source cad gets mentioned, people bring it up but have never used it."
13:17.19 ankesh11 Really hope we can reduce the traction involved in working with BRL-CAD.
13:18.02 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:18.03 Marctannous that's because the learning curve of the program seems too steep
13:18.35 ankesh11 Having a revamped website to attract new developers should definitely help.
13:18.36 ishwerdas oh! that brings to me another gci task idea :)
13:18.51 YashM advertise?
13:18.53 ishwerdas agrees with ankesh11
13:18.56 Marctannous some cooly-designed tutorials would help
13:19.09 Marctannous don't worry, the website is on its way
13:19.11 Marctannous :D
13:19.46 YashM a website, a better GUI and some youtube tutorials and we're set
13:20.31 ankesh11 Marctannous: Right, maths22 and ishwerdas have designed a prototype that looks pretty good.
13:20.51 Marctannous I really liked one of them
13:20.55 Marctannous don't know whose it was tho
13:21.00 ishwerdas YashM, exactly!
13:21.11 Marctannous but but
13:21.24 Marctannous
13:21.25 gcibot Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #2
13:21.25 gcibot Status: Closed
13:21.25 gcibot Mentor(s): Jacob B, Hardeep Singh Rai
13:21.29 Marctannous a BETTER gui? :(
13:22.40 YashM Marctannous, it's great
13:23.07 ankesh11 Marctannous: The mockup looks great.
13:23.10 YashM I think the icons are too big though
13:23.22 Marctannous I explained it somewhere in that huge comment on the task
13:23.41 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
13:23.41 Marctannous Archer's current UI really has a lot of white space. White space is generally good in design, but the toolbar left more than half of the screen unused
13:23.44 ishwerdas anyone with any skill in Qt design creator ?
13:23.51 ishwerdas sry Qt designer ?
13:24.04 Marctannous give me a link
13:24.10 Marctannous to QT designer
13:24.32 ishwerdas
13:24.39 ishwerdas it's pretty easy to learn
13:25.00 ishwerdas if you are interested, at-least we can generate .ui files in Qt.
13:25.02 YashM oh WYSIWYG we meet again
13:25.12 Notify 03GCI:codingcow_boy * 5056785140416512 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
13:25.16 Marctannous not WYSIWYG editors please :(
13:26.18 *** join/#brlcad Vijfhoek (quassel@
13:26.31 ishwerdas By Qt designer I meant if we can create the .ui files for current gui mockups
13:26.47 ishwerdas using Qt framework
13:27.15 ishwerdas then may be they can be later directly used in new GUI for BRL-CAD
13:27.29 ishwerdas which I have seen in BRL-CAD's to-do list last year
13:27.56 ankesh11 isherdas: I have used Qt in the past but how do you avoid the native look it generates?
13:28.01 YashM oh, there isnt an other way round?
13:28.06 ishwerdas there is
13:28.17 ishwerdas you can write xml for it
13:28.19 ishwerdas if you want
13:28.24 ishwerdas sry QML
13:28.31 ankesh11 QML, yeah
13:28.48 ishwerdas ankes11 I din't get your question
13:28.53 andrei_ the whole web is pretty much *ML ...
13:29.17 ishwerdas I guess the problem people say about Qt is that it does not give a native feel
13:29.23 YashM i think it means the "Qtness"
13:29.49 ishwerdas but that's the price you pay for having cross platform consistent GUI
13:30.06 andrei_ isn't the only other alternative GTK?
13:30.07 andrei_ for C++?
13:30.30 ishwerdas no, we have Qt
13:30.31 teepee- nope wxWindows / fltk / ... :)
13:30.38 ishwerdas and many more
13:30.59 andrei_ ishwerdas, I meant aside of Qt, of course
13:31.05 ishwerdas :P
13:31.09 *** join/#brlcad mihainea_ (~mihaineac@
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13:34.28 andrei_ am iesit, ne vedem acolo
13:34.32 andrei_ oops
13:34.40 Marctannous haha
13:34.50 andrei_ bye ppl
13:35.01 YashM ciao
13:35.17 Marctannous oh my god
13:35.35 Marctannous I finally have the chance to implement a web page with the new html canvas and not go overboard because it really fits
13:36.45 teepee- haha, that's software development... finding the right problem for the solution
13:36.47 teepee- ;)
13:37.05 Marctannous this is really new technology
13:37.26 Marctannous I'm so pumped
13:37.46 teepee- fears Marctannous will find out about WebRTC :)
13:38.04 teepee- yep, there's always cool new stuff going on
13:38.15 Marctannous reddit's my friend to accomodate new technologies
13:38.26 Marctannous the web design sub started small, but now we're pretty huge
13:39.14 Notify 03GCI:programmingluko * 5254428328198144 Design a website icon set for #3: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
13:39.20 mihainea_ Marctannous: you should try hackernews
13:39.34 Marctannous let me google it
13:40.11 Marctannous this one : ?
13:40.18 ankesh11 The very same
13:40.27 mihaineacsu careful, it might get you put things off in order to check it
13:40.44 Marctannous or
13:41.00 mihaineacsu I'm off to a local hackathon with Andrei_
13:41.05 mihaineacsu bye guys!
13:41.05 Marctannous what's it called?
13:41.27 mihaineacsu I don't think it has a name, it's organised by IBM; should be fun though
13:41.36 Marctannous good luck and have fun guys
13:41.40 YashM good luck
13:43.06 ``Erik hackernews is/was good stuff, very startup oriented
13:44.40 Notify 03GCI:ishwerdas * 5254428328198144 Design a website icon set for #3: Can be better - Nice try ProgrammingLuko but I guess you can do better. The colors are bit dull and the strokes are...
13:44.41 Notify 03GCI:ishwerdas * 5254428328198144 Design a website icon set for #3: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to...
13:47.14 *** join/#brlcad wltan (~wltan@
13:48.27 Marctannous has anyone here tried brackets?
13:48.38 Marctannous similar to Sublime, it's growing pretty big
13:49.11 ankesh11 Marctannous: I haven't but have good things about it.
13:49.22 ankesh11 PyCharm does the job for me though.
13:49.27 Marctannous I'm reinstalling Sublime to start coding my task
13:49.39 Marctannous was wondering whtehr I should try brackets or not
13:49.43 Marctannous whether*
13:49.57 deepak What about vim or emacs ;)
13:50.15 ankesh11 The instant feedback thing in brackets is great.
13:50.40 Marctannous also it's open source
13:50.51 Marctannous damn, I'd really love to try it. time to install it :D
13:52.15 Marctannous oh my god
13:54.11 ishwerdas I have tried brackets
13:54.17 ishwerdas it's nice
13:54.30 Marctannous did you find anything bad about it?
13:54.55 Marctannous most of my friends in the industry have already switched over to it from sublime
13:55.05 ishwerdas when I tried, it was little tough to install plugins on linux
13:55.10 ankesh11 Marctannous: I doesn't have web framework support yet. Also, I have heard there's a lack of plugins
13:55.18 ankesh11 s/I/It
13:55.26 Marctannous but it has live preview
13:56.12 Marctannous that on its own is so good for a dual monitor setup
13:56.31 deepak I think we can get live preview functionality with sublime too.
13:57.30 Marctannous this is how to do it in sublime
13:57.58 Marctannous I tried it and didn't like it to be honest, something was clunky
13:58.24 Marctannous Brackets feels better at live updating, I'm going to start coding right now, will repot back later with further info :D
14:01.20 *** part/#brlcad gauravjeet (75dcad6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
14:13.53 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 4989712045441024 Improve performance of extruded sketch centroid calculations: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
14:15.48 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 4989712045441024 Improve performance of extruded sketch centroid calculations: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andromeda Galaxy. You have 100 hours to...
14:18.09 Notify 03GCI:ekansh_mahendru * 5833974572122112 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #15: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:27.40 Notify 03GCI:akshattripathi * 5512189783834624 Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #6: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
14:30.29 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5512189783834624 Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #6: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Akshat Tripathi. You have 100 hours to complete this task,...
14:34.19 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
14:35.35 Notify 03GCI:krassen * 5307330648342528 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #5: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:43.16 Notify 03GCI:kalradaksh * 4949239830413312 Transcribe Geometry Model Data from a PDF report to an ASCII file Helicopter: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
14:44.16 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 4949239830413312 Transcribe Geometry Model Data from a PDF report to an ASCII file Helicopter: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Daksh kalra. You have 100...
14:45.18 Notify 03GCI:rossberg * 5056785140416512 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:48.18 *** join/#brlcad teepee- (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:55.20 Notify 03GCI:codingcow_boy * 5063523340124160 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
14:55.50 Notify 03GCI:zynatrix * 5516399187329024 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #8: Thank you - Hello, Thanks, and I apologise for having to redo it so many times.
14:56.51 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 4989712045441024 Improve performance of extruded sketch centroid calculations: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:57.56 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 4989712045441024 Improve performance of extruded sketch centroid calculations: Timing - In timings.txt, this version of the code is listed as "Optimized new version" (the third...
14:58.26 Notify 03GCI:krassen * 5307330648342528 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #5: My name and my e-mail address - My name: Krassen Angelov My e-mail: I dont know: Open Source Solid Modeling...
14:59.37 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5063523340124160 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to codingcow-boy. You have 100 hours to complete...
15:06.48 Notify 03GCI:akhilha * 4639899508539392 Write manual page documentation (for g-jack): Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
15:09.21 Marctannous is broken
15:13.53 maths22 In what way?
15:15.21 Marctannous open it up
15:15.32 Marctannous it shows you the index of it, instead of a landing page
15:23.08 ankesh11 is the correct link I believe.
15:23.15 andromeda-galaxy maths22, ankesh11: do you know, in functions that take pointer arguments that are set as output parameters, does the BRL-CAD style allow the function to mutate that argument's value internally using it to keep state?
15:23.52 Notify 03GCI:comptsy * 4639899508539392 Write manual page documentation (for g-jack): Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
15:24.13 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 4639899508539392 Write manual page documentation (for g-jack): Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Comptsy. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
15:29.47 Notify 03GCI:programmingluko * 5254428328198144 Design a website icon set for #3: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:30.10 brlcad Marctannous: what the others said -- this is a setup site, not a production one
15:30.25 brlcad Marctannous: go to /wp for the wordpress portion and /wiki for mediawiki
15:31.03 brlcad the tasks should have all said /wp but a couple probably didn't get it tacked on
15:32.31 starseeker ishwerdas: if you want to check out Qt work, there is a branch with some experimental Qt interface work
15:33.14 Marctannous brlcad: check my PM please
15:34.08 starseeker so far we haven't put up GCI tasks for the Qt bits yet because it's *very* early experimental stages, but if there is interest we might be able to come up with a few...
15:35.31 ishwerdas we had a lot of mockup tasks even last year and may be even before that, so i thought it would be nice if instead of creating images they could straight away create .ui files
15:35.55 starseeker hmm... maybe, but so far we haven't been using .ui files - we've been working in straight C++
15:36.03 starseeker well, Qt C++
15:36.15 ishwerdas oh! okk.
15:36.41 Marctannous ishwerdas: some of us (me) know how to create UI's in Photoshop/HTML+CSS but have never worked with QT before and would probably provide a better result with what we are used to
15:37.00 Marctannous obviously, learning new technology like QT would be awesome too
15:37.02 starseeker branch with Qt work is here:
15:37.28 starseeker specifically
15:37.51 starseeker Needs Qt 5.3
15:38.36 starseeker pass the configure flag -DBRLCAD_ENABLE_QT=ON to build it
15:38.58 ishwerdas Marchtannous: a task could be to convert one of your created mockups into Qt if any student has that skill-set or interest. Also learning curve is not that steep, so any one can give a try.
15:39.22 ishwerdas starseeker: thanks, I'll look into it.
15:39.46 starseeker ishwerdas: don't expect too much - it doesn't have any of the 3D view bits enabled
15:39.55 brlcad Marctannous: landing page tasks fixed, marking them beginner was not intentional
15:39.58 starseeker (or even implemented, for that matter)
15:40.21 Marctannous brlcad: thank you. did you check out the image I sent in the PM? Is that okay?
15:40.22 brlcad a couple were reserved beginner for variety, but there are several non-beginner to choose from
15:40.47 maths22 brlcad: I´ll make that redirect
15:43.09 maths22 brlcad: fixed through htaccess
15:44.57 brlcad YashM: andrei was looking for this earlier:
15:44.58 brlcad ~ask
15:44.58 infobot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:45.52 Notify 03GCI:pulkit10mehta * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Please review my task. - It has been 24 hrs.... Nobody has reviewed it yet..
15:48.32 YashM oh okay
15:52.13 brlcad ankesh11: thanks for sharing the reddit link
15:52.23 Notify 03GCI:ishwerdas * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
15:52.26 brlcad he seems rather full of himself
15:53.00 YashM who?
15:53.03 Notify 03GCI:ishwerdas * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Sorry for the delay - Hi! pulkit. Sorry for the delay. The logo in the slides look a little jagged to me. Title and BRL...
15:53.42 brlcad ishwerdas: there is actually a super secret effort going on right now getting an interface up in Qt by starseeker
15:53.45 brlcad did I say that out loud?
15:53.58 Notify 03GCI:wolfcrisis * 5042004748664832 Reproduce any 5 unconfirmed open bug reports: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
15:54.21 brlcad (you can check out his branch if you want to see where it's at, eerily similar to Marctannous' earlier GUI design submission)
15:54.44 brlcad (Marc's icons can be improved, but they're still better than what we got)
15:55.00 brlcad there are a slew of icon tasks now (and more coming)
15:57.32 brlcad YashM: autodesk ceo
15:57.39 ishwerdas hmm, looking forward to see some nice icons. I liked the new interface that openscad has, they use flat simple icons and they really look great.
15:57.57 ishwerdas Almost the same icons that we have in our new website design.
15:58.10 brlcad YashM: probably not a fair assessment, I don't know him nor him I
15:59.32 YashM It's for promotion of the new 3D printer
16:03.16 Notify 03GCI:darion2399 * 5001720170020864 Write manual page documentation (for g-step): Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
16:05.42 Notify 03GCI:amaric * 6356614713966592 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #11: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
16:07.42 Notify 03GCI:darion2399 * 5001720170020864 Write manual page documentation (for g-step): Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
16:08.47 Notify 03GCI:magejohn * 5283195146731520 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #3: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
16:11.01 Marctannous did anyone manage to eliminate dead code?
16:11.13 Marctannous I think I saw 10 people removing claims on these tasks in the last week
16:18.35 Notify 03GCI:judebirch * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10: Okay! - I have now
16:18.40 Notify 03GCI:judebirch * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:18.44 Notify 03GCI:borislavrusinov * 6356815033925632 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #9: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
16:22.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Laurentang01 * 0 /wiki/User:Laurentang01:
16:25.36 Marctannous brlcad: are you here?
16:26.42 ishwerdas ~ask
16:26.42 infobot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:27.59 Marctannous oh
16:28.17 Marctannous just a second, I'll link a task. I'm writing my "about" comment because it's a landing page design.
16:32.17 *** join/#brlcad deepak (~chatzilla@
16:36.22 Notify 03GCI:calapsss * 5263538490703872 Design a website icon set for #4: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
16:38.17 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 6356614713966592 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #11: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Ante M. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
16:38.37 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5263538490703872 Design a website icon set for #4: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Charles. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
16:40.12 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5517402733281280 Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10: About - My design style is minimalist, simple and flat. I find it beautiful, and this is how all my designs...
16:41.13 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5517402733281280 Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:41.24 Marctannous I'd love if every one of you would look over my task and offer some feedback into this design, been working on it for 6 hours
16:41.25 gcibot Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10
16:41.25 gcibot Status: NeedsReview (3 days, 18 hours left)
16:41.25 gcibot Mentor(s): Sean, Popescu Andrei, Mihai Neacsu, Mandeep Kaur
16:41.42 Marctannous Most of your questions should be answered in my comment there too
16:49.37 brlcad Marctannous: my first impressions are those two fonts, british spelling, and triangle soup
16:50.10 brlcad especially the font on BRL-CAD being a bit too stretched or too small, hard to put my finger on it
16:50.55 brlcad the triangle soup part is really fundamental, so while I really like the desing, the implication is off
16:51.57 brlcad triangles are a staple of the content creation modeling systems (e.g., maya, 3dstudio, blender, sketchup, etc), not of the CAD and especially not of the solid modeling systems (catia, solidworks, brl-cad, etc)
16:52.25 deepak Also spelling of modeling is wrong.
16:52.27 brlcad that said, it's still highly geometric, and the polygonal implication isn't very strong
16:53.29 Marctannous what do you mean by british spelling?
16:53.47 Marctannous
16:54.11 brlcad modelling vs modeling, colour vs color, defence vs defense, etc
16:54.56 Marctannous oh, is that "wrong"?
16:55.40 brlcad well our project has long decided that all spelling would be AE so we can be consistent
16:56.02 Marctannous oh okay, did not know that, can be fixed easily
16:56.11 brlcad sure, not a big deal
16:56.14 Marctannous the triangle soup though I'd really like to give it a few points
16:56.29 Marctannous it's not a triangle soup, it's actually vertices in 3 dimensions being randomly connected
16:56.41 Marctannous theer are polygons in there, but most commonly, triangles
16:56.45 brlcad but it definitely jumps out when we talk about our solid modeling system every day for years on end, and then see modelling in big letters ;)
16:57.09 Marctannous yeah, I'm not used to american english spelling
16:57.20 brlcad triangle soup, polygon soup, the implication is the same
16:57.24 Marctannous what I'd like to defend is the vertices effect
16:57.45 Marctannous but you also have those polygon soups in BRL-CAD & Archer!
16:58.05 brlcad only when importing geometry through a non-CAD format
16:58.17 brlcad if you create a sphere, there are no vertices
16:58.32 Marctannous doesn't any polygon have vertices?
16:58.37 brlcad yes
16:58.42 brlcad if you create a sphere, there are no polygons
16:59.00 Marctannous yeah but spheres can't be turned into such a nice effect
16:59.24 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
16:59.40 brlcad like I said, I DO like the design, but the implication is definitely misleading for our domain
16:59.47 brlcad consider this image:
17:00.06 sofat maths22, please tell me some more updates regarding the theme
17:00.21 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
17:00.45 Notify 03GCI:wltan * 6127620076863488 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013: About the uploaded files - There are a few copies of uploaded. To anyone reading this, you...
17:01.08 Marctannous brlcad: If I take out that effect, I'd most likely have to start from scratch as it is pretty much the pillar of the design, so to speak.
17:03.08 deepak On slide 1, "scroll" word and image of scroll part not displaying fully. I can see it only in full-screen mode. Check this :
17:03.12 brlcad Marctannous: so three comments on that point -- 1) you certainly completed the task, 2) the design is certainly good, and 3) I'd still like to see a slight font change and the spelling fixed as those would have to happen for it to be useable at all
17:03.38 Marctannous brlcad: sure thing
17:03.43 Marctannous deepak: what resolution is that
17:03.52 brlcad i'm not suggesting we wouldn't use it, but the implication does make me very uncomfortable as it sets expectations that will not be realized
17:04.28 brlcad the appealing aspect of it is that it is still geometric in nature, and generically so
17:04.54 YashM I can't see scroll text either
17:05.02 Marctannous brlcad: I'm not trying just to complete tasks, as I would've taken sticker designs for that matter, but to design something usable. If I complete this task, can I get a new landing page design task and create a new layout?
17:05.07 deepak Marc, it's 1396 x 768
17:05.11 Marctannous Yashm: what res?
17:05.19 YashM 1080
17:05.27 Marctannous yashm: 1920x1080?
17:05.31 YashM yeah
17:05.42 brlcad Marctannous: absolutely
17:05.43 Marctannous deepak: please send me a full scren print
17:05.53 Marctannous yashm: send me a full screen print
17:06.01 Marctannous yashm: it works perfectly fine on my 1920x1080 monitor
17:06.18 brlcad Marctannous: design tasks are two-fold -- potentially something we can directly use OR a design that is inspired and we can leverage through derivation
17:06.45 Marctannous brlcad: did you introduce any of these php tasks you were talking about last night/day?
17:07.01 Marctannous brlcad: the one with last commits seemed really challenging and would've loved to try it
17:07.02 brlcad e.g., the notion of that design is good: simple small text front and center with a subtle geometric background with some highlight interest
17:07.16 brlcad I can certainly run with that type of idea using different background imagery
17:07.29 deepak Marc, Check this full screen print
17:07.45 Marctannous I'll sleep on it and as I get more accustomed with solid modelling, maybe I'll get a new idea that fits better
17:07.55 Notify 03GCI:rexey29 * 4931863265148928 Transcribe Geometry Model Data from a PDF report to an ASCII file: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:08.21 Marctannous deepak: is the "first slide" not full screen on your page?
17:08.41 YashM Marc,
17:09.02 deepak No
17:09.23 Marctannous deepak: are you running it in fullscreen mode? can't see how that is possible
17:09.42 Marctannous yashm: try making your startbar hide,it should show
17:09.47 brlcad Marctannous: the academic overview is covered pretty well here:
17:10.44 Marctannous brlcad: I'm a picture guy. The pictures you sent above helped me understand the topic better than its definition :D but yeah, I tottally see where you are coming from
17:10.50 brlcad what you're probably used to thinking of with triangles and polygons is but a small subset of the "Boundary representation" section (most CAD systems use a far more complicated NURBS boundary representation)
17:11.07 brlcad hold on, I have a better picture how it pertains to CAD
17:11.27 deepak Marc, this is what I get in full-screen mode
17:11.27 Marctannous yashm: I am working with a scrollbar that hides automatically and did not realize the text is being hidden if you do have it locked there, will fix it though as it should work on every screen
17:11.30 YashM Marc, it shows but thats not supposed to happen
17:12.05 Marctannous yashm: yep, I am working on it
17:12.10 YashM ok
17:12.13 Marctannous deepak: the resolution of that picture is width: 1353px; height: 1900px; }
17:12.18 brlcad
17:12.45 Marctannous brlcad: I suppose brl-cad handles the second option, the brep nurbs, right?
17:12.53 brlcad brl-cad has support for all three of those, but really the first two dominate
17:13.06 brlcad we're pretty much the best at the first
17:13.25 brlcad we're furiously expanding support for the second form (brep/nurbs)
17:13.29 Marctannous yep, it's clear now why my design does not fit
17:14.05 Marctannous My understanding of geometry is pretty limited, and in what I've done so far, vertices were everywhere
17:14.13 Marctannous but I now know what you meant
17:14.31 Marctannous deepak: I have no idea what screen 1353x1900 is
17:15.06 brlcad it fits, it's just not a strong fit
17:15.16 Marctannous deepak: the issue comes from the fact that my picture scales perfectly at 16:9 and 16:10 and just goes to width:auto ( 100% ) but your monitor is of a resolution I've never seen before
17:15.31 brlcad it's a strong fit to that third category, which we try to avoid if at all possible ;)
17:16.13 Marctannous why is that though?
17:16.28 brlcad think of the purpose of using a CAD system
17:16.38 Marctannous I mean, ignore the whole design part and that, but why do you guys try to avoid vertices and stuff and go for csg?
17:17.00 brlcad you're trying to design something for a real purpose like manufacturing or (as in our case) analysis
17:17.14 brlcad the analysis propeties of mesh geometry are just terrible
17:17.14 Marctannous yep
17:17.21 Marctannous why is that/
17:18.03 brlcad the short answer is numerics, sampling artifacts, and data explosion
17:18.13 brlcad you literally can study this for an entire year in university
17:18.13 Notify 03GCI:vladyordanov * 6433230555185152 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #5: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:18.41 brlcad to analyze something simple, like mass for example
17:18.46 Notify 03GCI:devinjohnson1999 * 4954452779859968 Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #5: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
17:18.50 Marctannous let me just google what sampling artifcats means
17:19.05 brlcad you have to have something solid, solid geoemtry
17:19.41 Marctannous let me see if I udnerstand this correctly, basically the same sphere could be defined by only radius and center
17:19.51 brlcad solid geometry is a huge domain of geometric representation which basically has some fundamental properties that must be upheld for something to be considered "solid" and hence be possible to analyze its mass
17:19.51 Marctannous or by a bunch of vertices and segments
17:20.01 brlcad yes
17:20.09 brlcad so say I want to calculate the mass of that sphere
17:20.11 Marctannous working with only radiuses and centers is by far easier than with a hundred dozen of other variables
17:20.18 Marctannous okay, that makes sense
17:20.35 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
17:20.45 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 4954452779859968 Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #5: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Devin Johnson. You have 100 hours to complete...
17:20.51 maths22 Marctannous: these spheres offer a nice looking example:
17:20.57 brlcad basic algebra tells me that the volume is (4 / 3) * pi * radius^3
17:21.09 brlcad so if I have a radius and a density, I can tell you the mass
17:21.23 brlcad if I have polygons ... well things just got a hell of a lot more complicated
17:21.32 brlcad to the polygons actually attach to each other?
17:21.42 brlcad do the polygons actually enclose a volume?
17:21.42 Marctannous and on the other hand, working with vertices you'd have to add up all the small volumes to get the big volume of the sphere and then multiply that by its density
17:21.49 Notify 03GCI:vgeorgiev * 6487841399898112 Design a BRL-CAD business card #4: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:21.52 Marctannous yeah
17:21.53 brlcad are you sure there are no tiny cracks?
17:21.59 brlcad is it inside out?
17:22.14 Marctannous are there any advantages to working with vertices then?
17:22.15 brlcad just working with floating point numbers makes all of that easily possible
17:22.30 brlcad depends on the purpose, but absolutely
17:23.03 brlcad vertices are very simple and easy to understand, easy to model with
17:23.13 Marctannous so these 3 types of primitives should co-exist, each having its advantages and disadvantages, the ones with as little variables as possible being the ones brl-cad focuses on
17:23.17 brlcad easy to teach, easy to render, easy to manipulate, etc
17:23.39 brlcad that's why the content modeling system, the gaming industry, etc all use polygonal modeling
17:23.52 brlcad you're not doing manufacturing or analysis work there ;)
17:24.11 brlcad it's basically why the CAD and solid modeling industry (and their different representation schemes) exist
17:24.20 Marctannous I'd suppose some of the games that heavily rely on physics use solid modelling like brl-cad though, right?
17:24.40 brlcad that chart I showed you outlines several of the advantages/disadvantages
17:25.07 Marctannous I mean calculating how much volume of water should "splash" when an object drops into it seems way easier with the first type of primitives
17:25.18 brlcad very few do because they don't actually do real physics simulations, the do heavily approximated ones where errors are quite acceptable
17:25.59 brlcad actually water is usually represented with yet another form that isn't on that chart
17:26.26 Marctannous is it a mesh
17:26.27 Marctannous ?
17:26.52 brlcad games will fake it with a mesh
17:26.54 brlcad but no
17:27.00 brlcad fluids are usually volumetric models which are an implicit+explicit representation hybrid
17:27.04 Marctannous I know something about modelling!!!
17:27.09 Marctannous oh
17:27.14 Marctannous nevermind
17:27.16 brlcad it gets complicated
17:27.43 brlcad if you think of even a popular movie like Finding Nemo
17:28.16 brlcad LOTS of water simulation going on there ... and not for an analysis purpose, but they put a lot of effort to make it look good so they use about a half dozen *different* representation types
17:28.26 brlcad depending on what type of water is being rendered in the movie
17:28.52 brlcad the scene where nemo is in the whale's mouth and water is sloshing all around has 4 or 5 different water models in there
17:29.04 Marctannous :O
17:29.55 Marctannous design-wise, representing vertices is so much easier than basically, "automatically-generated structures"
17:30.15 Marctannous I for example have no idea of how to represent a sphere only by its radius
17:30.22 Marctannous in any coding language
17:30.52 Marctannous obviously, I would just go and 3 dimensionally "trace" every point in the plane but there has to be a better way
17:31.13 Marctannous every point in the plane that is at distance radius from the sphere's center *
17:31.27 Marctannous while connecting vertices is so easy
17:32.23 brlcad with solid modeling, you have to be able to answer 100% correctly whether a point is inside or outside of the geometry
17:32.39 brlcad inside, outside, or on the surface are your only three options
17:32.41 Notify 03GCI:pulkit10mehta * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:32.46 Notify 03GCI:borislavrusinov * 5818109499801600 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
17:32.53 Marctannous doing that with a sphere knowing its radius is easy though
17:32.59 brlcad exactly
17:33.08 Marctannous just check its distance to the center and compare it to the radius
17:33.17 Marctannous oh, I see your point
17:33.19 brlcad which is exactly what we do
17:33.25 brlcad but if I gave you a set of points that merely "look" like a sphere ..
17:33.38 brlcad now you have to ascertain whether those points are properly connected
17:34.22 brlcad is it the space inside the circle that's solid or is it the space outside the circle? maybe I'm looking at a hole in a box
17:34.45 Marctannous I suppose you could do a "convex wrapper" as we call it in romanian
17:34.53 Marctannous not sure if that's how american
17:34.59 Marctannous americans use it
17:35.07 Marctannous basically trace it
17:35.23 brlcad even worse, as I get really close to the surface, I"m going to get wrong answers if the tessellation is insufficiently sampled
17:35.29 andromeda-galaxy This talks lots about how complex polygonal mesh-based modeling can be: (starseeker mentioned it to me tomorrow)
17:35.34 Marctannous but yeah, that's like O(vertices) while with solid modelling you have O(1)
17:35.36 andromeda-galaxy s/tomorrow/yesterday/
17:36.19 Marctannous this is actually interesting
17:37.29 Marctannous let me quickly fix the webpage, and then I'll start reading that link andromeda-galaxy sent
17:37.30 brlcad ah yes, weiler's thesis ... so that entire 250+ page thesis is one method for representing a solid polygonal mesh with properties that let you answer with mathematical certainty what is inside or out
17:38.25 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: is that what the BRL-CAD nmg primitive is based on?
17:38.30 andromeda-galaxy it looks like it is to me...
17:38.36 Marctannous while with solid modelling you need 3 lines of code
17:39.07 Notify 03GCI: * : -
17:41.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Mystiquelady * 0 /wiki/User:Mystiquelady:
17:41.20 brlcad Marctannous: this is actually a good pic to explain the sampling problem with tessellated (polygonal or triangle) geometry
17:41.23 brlcad
17:42.00 brlcad consider a simple 2D circle
17:43.06 brlcad in CAD-terms, lets say the "actual" mathematical circle is either the purple or black circle or halfway in between
17:43.48 Marctannous yup
17:43.49 brlcad the red depiction is that same circle in what we refer to as a polygonal boundary representation (polylines)
17:45.03 brlcad if I give you a random real 3D point in that picture and ask you "is the point inside, outside, or on the circle ... the red will always be wrong given the right sample point
17:45.52 brlcad I can of course add more detail, increase the resolution further and further (which has costs in terms of memory and cpu time) to reduce that likelihood
17:46.03 brlcad but I'll always be able to provide a point that will return the wrong answer
17:46.27 Marctannous it's the same with vectors vs non-vectors
17:46.42 brlcad you mean like if that was an SVG circle?
17:46.54 Marctannous a SVG element vs a basic PNG
17:47.09 Marctannous given the right sample point, the PNG will always be "bad"
17:47.13 Marctannous no matter the PNG
17:47.37 Marctannous except in solid modelling you allow no mistakes, while in design we do
17:47.44 brlcad pixel representations are basically the same problem, yes
17:48.21 brlcad svg vs png in 2D is basically the same problem as NURBS vs triangles
17:48.29 Marctannous at a theoretical level, yep
17:48.48 brlcad if your theory is not reliable, neither is your analysis result
17:49.04 brlcad which would make for a terrible analysis CAD tool ;)
17:49.35 Marctannous agreed
17:49.53 brlcad that's why pretty much no CAD tool works with polygonal geometry by default as the preferred representation type -- it's usually but an approximation of something else
17:50.10 brlcad our website really needs a whole section dedicated to explaining all of this ;)
17:50.29 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: how about now?
17:50.50 brlcad I got maybe a half hour
17:50.52 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sure!
17:50.58 Marctannous I think one of the pictures above, if added to a wiki page would explain it single-handedly
17:51.50 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: and don't get to expecting this in the future, you've just been almost patient waiting for the tasks to get created so you have 3-4 days of karma to burn ;)
17:52.04 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: indeed!
17:52.05 brlcad so this is catch-up
17:52.48 andromeda-galaxy okay, that sounds fair...
17:57.19 Notify 03GCI:codingcow_boy * 5063523340124160 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:57.52 Marctannous brlcad: added version2, fixing the typing mistake and the font sizes
17:57.58 gcibot Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10
17:57.58 gcibot Status: NeedsReview (3 days, 16 hours left)
17:57.59 gcibot Mentor(s): Sean, Popescu Andrei, Mihai Neacsu, Mandeep Kaur
17:58.27 Marctannous I will take another landing page design task if I come up with a new idea, now that I know the subject way better. Is that okay?
17:58.44 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 4989712045441024 Improve performance of extruded sketch centroid calculations: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
17:58.59 brlcad Marctannous: I look forward to it
17:59.25 brlcad Marctannous: so can you tweak the font and change the spelling quick, I can mark it closed
17:59.28 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5580955767013376 Expose and validate sketch and extruded sketch centroid analysis: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
17:59.34 Marctannous that's what I did
17:59.46 brlcad did I miss that?
17:59.53 Marctannous there's a new rar file uploaded, font is tweaked and the spelling corrected
18:00.05 Marctannous "version2.rar"
18:00.08 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5580955767013376 Expose and validate sketch and extruded sketch centroid analysis: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andromeda Galaxy. You have 100 hours to complete this...
18:00.33 brlcad ah, I'd apparently refreshed too quickly, I see it now
18:00.48 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5580955767013376 Expose and validate sketch and extruded sketch centroid analysis: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
18:00.58 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5818109499801600 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Borislav Rusinov. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
18:01.45 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5517402733281280 Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
18:02.07 brlcad Marctannous: the animation is pretty cool
18:02.18 Marctannous html canvas element in action
18:02.28 brlcad Marctannous: are you familiar with csg?
18:02.42 Marctannous
18:02.43 brlcad constructive solid geometry, boolean operations
18:02.44 Marctannous this?
18:03.20 brlcad indeed
18:03.54 Marctannous not familiar with it, trying to understand how it works but it isn't really well explained on wikipedia
18:04.01 Marctannous gotta dig a bit deepe
18:05.34 brlcad what I had in mind was related to the mesh animation turning into some sort of dynamic CSG animation
18:06.21 Marctannous not sure how I would go about doing it
18:06.36 brlcad like have the cursor randomly dropping circles, squares, and triangle pairins that randomly intersect, union, subtract
18:06.55 brlcad might be able to use csg.js if the view can be fixed to 2D
18:06.57 brlcad
18:07.05 brlcad helps explain CSG too ;)
18:07.19 brlcad note those canvases are interactive
18:07.53 Marctannous I'll have to see how much does this alter the pageload
18:08.15 Marctannous also how to transpose it all into 2D
18:08.41 Marctannous also, is the font tweaking okay? or does it need more altering?
18:09.54 brlcad it's better
18:09.55 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 6487841399898112 Design a BRL-CAD business card #4: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
18:10.00 brlcad you certainly made it a lot bigger
18:10.05 brlcad mixed feelings about that :)
18:10.23 Marctannous takes away the attention from the triangle soup going on in the background :D
18:10.39 brlcad so is that canvas animation just looping or is it's behavior changing?
18:11.24 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 6433230555185152 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #5: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
18:11.25 brlcad i.e. are you drawing those vertices and lines and animating them or just looping through frames of a pre-prepared animation
18:11.34 Marctannous not looping
18:11.48 Marctannous I find the 5 closest points to each point
18:12.02 Marctannous create segments between those
18:12.19 Marctannous color the segments according to distance
18:12.41 Marctannous that's done with a circle
18:13.06 Marctannous and do this every time the mouse cursor hcanges position
18:13.15 Marctannous according to the mouse's X and Y coordinates
18:13.37 Marctannous everything is done in 2D, looks pseudo-3D and I just love the effect
18:13.46 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 4959197779197952 Write manual page documentation (for off-g): Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
18:14.16 brlcad yeah, it's really nice
18:14.36 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 6433230555185152 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #5: Great Design - Hey Vladimir, your design is simply great, you are going good. Could you...
18:15.27 YashM Marc, you made it yourself?
18:15.45 Marctannous nope
18:15.51 Marctannous the canvas element is really new
18:16.03 brlcad what it made me think of was having something almost identical in the basic logic but instead of vertices, you create 2D primitives (sphere, box, triangle) at those points
18:16.05 Marctannous remembered seeing these on reddit a few weeks ago
18:16.23 Marctannous everyone is still experimenting with it
18:16.35 YashM wouldn't that become too cluttered?
18:16.39 Marctannous search for "vertices canvas" loads of people trying this thing
18:16.58 Marctannous brlcad: the primitives would be really altered
18:17.23 brlcad you still retain the motion they have, but instead of drawing line segments between them, you depict a boolean relationship
18:18.11 brlcad i.e., you evaluate the booleans as they move
18:18.26 brlcad which would great this moving geometric soup
18:18.31 brlcad s/great/create/
18:19.06 Marctannous brlcad: I think this would look good if I only create hexagons instead of multiple types of primitives
18:19.36 Marctannous but I'd still have to somehow connect hexagons between them to create something good looking, not sure how I'd do that
18:19.48 Marctannous probably randomly choose one of its vertices and seek the closest hexagon
18:20.24 Marctannous new technology is very great to work on because you can really just come up with something that changes everything
18:20.42 brlcad that sounds like it'd still be emphasizing a polygonal construct with hexagons
18:20.43 Marctannous when z-index was introduced in CSS, the guy who first came up with parallax scrolling must've felt like a genius
18:20.52 brlcad you want something smooth, like a circle
18:20.59 brlcad in fact, could be only circles
18:21.12 Marctannous brlcad: circles are really hard to draw though
18:21.35 Marctannous let me get a snippet of how an average user draws a circle
18:21.39 Marctannous in, let's say CSS
18:22.16 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 4861494520971264 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
18:22.33 Marctannous #circle { margin: 20px auto; background-color: #000; height: 250px; width: 250px; border-radius: 125px; -moz-border-radius: 125px; -webkit-border-radius: 125px; }
18:24.18 brlcad here's kind of the gist:
18:24.25 Notify 03GCI:ishwerdas * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Good work! - Yeah that looks better, thanks! :)
18:24.30 Notify 03GCI:ishwerdas * 5899163250196480 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
18:24.51 Notify 03GCI:adityagulati * 5797874164039680 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #2: A Humble Request - Sir, I have made the files for my next task. Please review my task fast since I can't claim...
18:26.27 Marctannous not sure how the intersection is colored tho
18:26.53 Marctannous looks like drawing red over blue makes it turn pink in js
18:26.55 Marctannous weird
18:27.12 *** join/#brlcad gjeet (75dcad6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:27.25 brlcad globalCompositionOperation
18:27.48 brlcad you could probably get a nice effect by only doing xor
18:28.20 brlcad so you create your shapes in place of vertices, have them moving around the same, but apply an xor amongst pairings
18:28.36 Marctannous xor is the only boolean operator out of the ones mentioned there that I know of :))
18:28.44 brlcad heh
18:29.03 brlcad xor is a dual subtraction operation
18:29.04 Marctannous the difference would be that I'd have to work on color opacities
18:29.32 Marctannous because doing the effect on a dark colored background with two colors would mess everything up
18:29.35 brlcad A XOR B is (A MINUS B) UNION (B MINUS A)
18:29.52 Marctannous each shape should be colored with different opacities so that their intersections actually are visible
18:29.58 Marctannous yup
18:30.06 Marctannous never heard of the others though
18:30.46 Marctannous xor is used in game theory in basic C algorithms
18:31.00 Marctannous and not even that is thought in normal high schools
18:31.05 Marctannous taught*
18:31.14 brlcad opacities might be a neat effect too, but xor just making both sides disappear would be interesting as that creates new shapes
18:31.22 brlcad you no longer see circle and box
18:31.28 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 5307330648342528 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #5: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
18:31.37 brlcad you see notched shapes and long curves
18:31.44 Marctannous hmm
18:31.46 brlcad you'd probably want to vary the size of these entities
18:31.55 Marctannous but I also need to keep in mind a minimum distance between objects
18:31.57 Notify 03GCI:devinjohnson1999 * 4954452779859968 Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #5: None - Do I need to make an entire website or just a page featuring the contributors.
18:32.20 Marctannous vary the sizes between a given interval so that I know the upper boundary and can use it to make sure I don't intersect entities I don't want to intersect
18:32.52 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5580955767013376 Expose and validate sketch and extruded sketch centroid analysis: Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
18:33.02 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: is ID_SKETCH already exposed?
18:33.06 brlcad to analyze
18:33.20 Marctannous I'm actually going to start a discussion on reddit regarding global composite operations in html canvas and see what the guys over there think of it
18:33.35 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: ID_SKETCH is already exposed to analyze_sketch()
18:33.41 andromeda-galaxy where I added the centroid computation
18:33.42 brlcad okay
18:33.51 andromeda-galaxy ID_EXTRUDE isn't, so I just added it to analyze_general()
18:33.56 Marctannous by the way, is there any way you can manually claim a task for me? or close the other one? I can't work on two tasks at the same time this year, I remember being able to take 2 tasks in previous years of gci :-s
18:34.00 brlcad anyways, just a thought and boolean operations definitely would be a solid fit (pun intended)
18:34.23 andromeda-galaxy also, is this a bug in bu_vsscanf:
18:34.32 brlcad "where I added the centroid computation" <-- no comprendo
18:34.39 andromeda-galaxy sscanf(", 32.0032, 32.1102", ", %n", &c) gives 0 return value and 2 in c
18:35.08 andromeda-galaxy the patch includes a segment to make analyze_sketch call the centroid function and display it
18:35.31 andromeda-galaxy whereas bu_sscanf() with the same arguments gives 0 return value and 1 in c
18:36.13 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 4954452779859968 Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #5 Just the contributors page ...
18:36.38 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: so I think you're saying "yes", but you're telling me what you did :)
18:37.00 andromeda-galaxy about the bug in bu_sscanf()? I wanted to check that there wasn't
18:37.01 brlcad I see the block where Centroid is printed for ID_SKETCH
18:37.14 brlcad I didn't cross apply the patch to see where that bit is
18:37.19 andromeda-galaxy ah...
18:37.36 brlcad my question is if I run "analyze mysketch" will it report that sketch's centroid?
18:37.39 andromeda-galaxy it will
18:37.44 brlcad okay :)
18:37.54 brlcad and ditto for "analyze someextrude"
18:37.59 Marctannous brlcad: please? :)
18:38.10 brlcad being the new analyze_general() call I presume
18:38.14 andromeda-galaxy indeed
18:39.01 brlcad okay, sounds great .. next task? :)
18:39.06 brlcad that sounds like a bug
18:39.07 andromeda-galaxy just claimed
18:39.14 brlcad but what does sscanf do?
18:39.18 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5048599469621248 Implement bu_scan_fastf_t() function to scan floating point values from strings: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
18:39.33 andromeda-galaxy So calling the stdio() sscanf() gives 0,2 (return,c)
18:39.38 andromeda-galaxy whereas bu_sscanf gives 0,1
18:39.48 brlcad so yeah, a bug
18:39.51 andromeda-galaxy that's why the patch I'm going to put up for uses sscanf() instead of bu_sscanf()
18:39.52 gcibot Implement bu_scan_fastf_t() function to scan floating point values from strings
18:39.52 gcibot Status: ClaimRequested
18:39.52 gcibot Mentor(s): Sean, Daniel_R
18:39.57 andromeda-galaxy I couldn't figure out why my code wasn't working....
18:40.32 brlcad gjeet: thanks
18:40.34 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5836136417067008 BRL-CAD Promotional Video: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
18:40.35 Notify 03GCI:gjeet * 5048599469621248 Implement bu_scan_fastf_t() function to scan floating point values from strings: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andromeda Galaxy. You have 100 hours to...
18:41.04 Notify 03GCI:jack4ga * 5604954702086144 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #2: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
18:41.15 gjeet brlcad: what for ?
18:41.24 Notify 03GCI:jack4ga * 5604954702086144 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #2: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
18:41.28 brlcad Marctannous: no I cannot but you can unclaim and reclaim tasks
18:41.29 Marctannous :(
18:41.33 brlcad and your other task was reviewed
18:41.52 brlcad gjeet: you accepted the claim before I could get to it :)
18:42.14 Notify 03GCI:blakec2298 * 5870280601763840 Write manual page documentation (for tgf-g): Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
18:42.30 gjeet :D
18:42.37 Marctannous any idea why they only allow a task per student at any given time? maybe let people who have their only task in "waiting for review" be able to claim other tasks?
18:42.52 brlcad Marctannous: another idea would be to create bezier curves between pairs of points, and xof/whatever/booleanize them ;)
18:42.55 brlcad
18:43.10 brlcad but I like the idea of using fundamental primitives more
18:43.29 Marctannous yeah, basic shapes seem nicer
18:43.34 brlcad Marctannous: just to keep things simple and give everyone a fair chance at grabbing things
18:44.36 brlcad Marctannous: if i'm not mistaken, you currently have nothing claimed
18:44.43 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sorry, uploaded for but forgot to mark complete...
18:44.43 gcibot Implement bu_scan_fastf_t() function to scan floating point values from strings
18:44.44 gcibot Status: NeedsReview (4 days, 3 hours left)
18:44.44 gcibot Mentor(s): Sean, Daniel_R
18:44.45 Notify 03GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5048599469621248 Implement bu_scan_fastf_t() function to scan floating point values from strings: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
18:44.45 Marctannous yeah, I'm looking for a code task
18:44.57 brlcad ahh
18:44.59 brlcad very good
18:45.14 Marctannous as I struggled for an entire day to get a working environment of brl-cad on a debian VM and want to use it
18:45.21 Marctannous only did 2 tasks related to that so far
18:45.22 brlcad Marctannous: please try the icon tasks at some point :)
18:45.37 Marctannous the ones with drawing icons for translate/sheer/etc?
18:45.42 brlcad yep
18:45.53 Marctannous if there's no exciting coding task, I'll get that one
18:46.11 brlcad the massive horde of coding tasks is still being written up
18:46.34 Marctannous I was wondering whether anyone actually managed to complete a task that reduces code duplication or cleans dead code
18:46.38 Marctannous do you have any idea?
18:46.41 brlcad about 2/3's of yesterdays bulk update were design and the remaining 1/3 was half coding half docs
18:46.52 brlcad nobody has been able to do that
18:46.52 Marctannous saw more than a dozen guys removing claims on those
18:47.07 brlcad it sounds really easy and ... if you know C, it is
18:47.51 brlcad and, as you noticed, a big part of those tasks is simply getting set up
18:47.57 Marctannous Yep
18:48.07 Marctannous but removing dead should that be approached?
18:48.08 brlcad to find dead code, you have to have all the sources in place and be ready to build
18:48.50 brlcad that's basically the task
18:48.58 brlcad there are so many ways you can go about finding dead code
18:49.03 brlcad simply reading the sources
18:49.11 brlcad could write a script and count usages of functions
18:49.17 brlcad could use a static analysis tool
18:49.25 Notify 03GCI:rahul_mahajan1331 * 5107273286287360 Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD #2: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
18:49.32 Marctannous the global variable tasks seem nice
18:49.41 Marctannous powering up my VM to seek global variables :D
18:49.48 brlcad with some code tools like eclipse or msvc, you could run "find all references" which is a poor-mans' way to count usages
18:50.08 brlcad Marctannous: have you written C programs before?
18:50.26 Notify 03GCI:blakec2298 * 5870280601763840 Write manual page documentation (for tgf-g): Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
18:50.41 Marctannous here in Romania I was at one point in time one of the top 5 C programmers of my generation ( given that was when we were 14, the competition wasn't too big ) and knowing algorithms was the way to go
18:50.51 brlcad Marctannous: this looks really promising:
18:51.03 Marctannous but what we studied for competitions is waaay different from real life usage like BRL-CAD
18:51.11 brlcad nods
18:51.22 Marctannous object oriented programming was non-existant
18:51.35 Marctannous we just had to optimize basic tasks as much as possible
18:52.03 Marctannous it got to a point where the difference between getting first place and second place was
18:52.17 Marctannous whether you were doing the adding/extraction on bits or not
18:52.49 Marctannous used to work with complicated code, all in one file. using files and objects from other files is completely new to me
18:57.00 Marctannous brlcad: besides what you sent, is there an easy way for seeking variables in more than one file?
18:57.04 Marctannous and see al its usages
19:00.57 Marctannous would grep work?
19:03.12 Marctannous oh my god
19:03.13 Marctannous grep works
19:03.17 Marctannous this is amazing
19:03.52 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5028787255246848 Eliminate any library global variable #5: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
19:10.29 Marctannous can someone please allow me this task? I already have the patch for it
19:11.06 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6717116350726144 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #2: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your...
19:15.50 *** join/#brlcad blessing (~blessing@
19:20.24 andromeda-galaxy Marctannous: I've been considering doing one of those as well, which global did you decide to eliminate? (I don't want to do the same one)
19:20.37 Marctannous nmg_eue_dist
19:20.55 andromeda-galaxy I considered that too... How did you manage to remove it?
19:21.14 Marctannous I serached the whole directory for it
19:21.19 Marctannous found it in really few places
19:21.28 Marctannous used the actual value there instead of nmg_eue_dist
19:21.28 andromeda-galaxy Did you see the uses in conv/
19:21.29 andromeda-galaxy ?
19:21.49 Marctannous I found uses in nmg_plot.c
19:21.53 Marctannous that's it
19:22.09 andromeda-galaxy look in conv/euclid/g-euclid.c, conv/g-x3d.c, cnov/ply/g-ply.c... lots more
19:22.50 Marctannous in what folder is conv
19:22.59 andromeda-galaxy brlcad-trunk/src/conv/
19:23.13 Marctannous oh I only searched librt
19:23.17 Marctannous np, let me search the whole src
19:23.32 Marctannous can you help me with one thing though?
19:23.37 andromeda-galaxy what?
19:23.45 Marctannous when I run svn diff, it also adds the changes I did in previous days for other tasks
19:23.52 Marctannous and that weren't commited yet to the actual version
19:23.56 andromeda-galaxy svn diff <path to file 1> <path to file 2> ...
19:23.58 Marctannous should I just keep them there?
19:24.03 andromeda-galaxy or alternative svn changelists
19:24.14 Marctannous oh ok
19:24.17 Marctannous ty
19:24.47 Marctannous tell me which one you will do here or on private message
19:24.50 Marctannous so that we don't overlap
19:25.02 Marctannous at the moment I will just do nmg_eue_dist
19:25.49 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 4951935593480192 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #8: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your...
19:25.58 andromeda-galaxy Marctannous: still deciding right now...
19:26.22 Marctannous did anyone except me & you do any code tasks yet?
19:26.31 andromeda-galaxy I don't think so...
19:26.34 Marctannous so we can speak with him and tell him to mention what variable he is doing
19:26.37 Marctannous overlapping is not nice
19:26.55 andromeda-galaxy ofnlut_ and codingcow-by did compilations, but that's all
19:27.05 Marctannous oh ok
19:27.16 Marctannous which list are you using for checking who did what task?
19:27.16 Marctannous
19:27.18 Marctannous this one?
19:27.24 andromeda-galaxy just the one on the melange website
19:27.28 Marctannous oh
19:27.47 Marctannous nmg_eue_dist has only 40-50 uses, should be able to do these fairly soon
19:27.55 Marctannous I only need someone to give me the task xD
19:30.51 Notify 03GCI:sfurti06 * 6390082307096576 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #2: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
19:50.26 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5028787255246848 Eliminate any library global variable #5: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Marc Tannous. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
19:50.41 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5028787255246848 Eliminate any library global variable #5: Task finished - Ignore : CMaketest.txt and rand.c tests as these were used in a previous task, and when I ran SVN...
19:50.51 Notify 03GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5107273286287360 Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD #2: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Rahul Mahajan. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
19:51.06 Marctannous deepakkumarsharma: please
19:51.06 gcibot Eliminate any library global variable #5
19:51.06 gcibot Status: Claimed (4 days, 3 hours left)
19:51.06 gcibot Mentor(s): Hardeep Singh Rai, Ch3ck
19:52.11 Notify 03GCI:plaffontj * 5264182400253952 Categorize all of BRL-CAD's commands into a spreadsheet: Question - Is there a text file which contains the description of the commands listed in man? Thanks!
20:01.58 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6127620076863488 Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
20:02.08 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5765799415382016 Create a BRL-CAD presentation template: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
20:02.43 Notify 03GCI:devinjohnson1999 * 4954452779859968 Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #5: None - By a working webpage mockup do you mean an image or an html file with links and the...
20:11.10 Notify 03GCI:moret * 5323479725375488 Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7: Compilin just one file - Hello, How to compile just one file not the whole project. For example if I make changes...
20:18.42 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5028787255246848 Eliminate any library global variable #5: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:39.08 Marctannous good night mates
20:42.52 *** join/#brlcad witness___ (uid10044@gateway/web/
20:50.10 starseeker Marctannous: removing a global isn't always replacing with a value
20:50.42 Marctannous did you see my diff file? did I make a mistake anywhere?
20:50.52 Marctannous all the other uses were for better visualziation, not affecting anything else
20:51.17 Marctannous I understand what you mean, and have checked not to be removing anything that would cause malfunctions
20:52.59 starseeker I can't see the diff right now - just making the point that if the global gets anything assigned to it you can't just yank it and replace it with hardcoded values
20:53.47 starseeker even with the values, if they are all the same you probably want to #define a name with the value and use the name, so if the value every has to be changed it can be done once
20:54.32 Marctannous the only case in which it was changed for anything else other than "better visualization" was inside of a struct
20:54.37 Marctannous and I just re-initialized it there
20:54.48 Marctannous I hope that makes sense
21:04.50 ignacio Leaderboard works again, now in port 5001,
21:07.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 63601 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/sketch/sketch.c: fix compiler-reported uninitialized error
21:10.37 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5028787255246848 Eliminate any library global variable #5: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task...
21:11.21 Marctannous brlcad: what goes wrong?
21:11.37 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 4531831353376768 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #8: Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
21:15.04 starseeker hmm - looks like Fortran -> C++ doesn't appeal so far :-)
21:16.11 Marctannous welp my task needs more work
21:16.15 Marctannous but I don't know what's wrong
21:16.15 Marctannous xD
21:16.21 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6741580216008704 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #5: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
21:22.38 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 4632172593938432 Write a wiki page on joining the BRL-CAD project: Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
21:23.04 *** join/#brlcad andromeda_galaxy (
21:27.10 Marctannous please, when one of the mentors has some time, provide some feedback on what I need to workn on
21:27.11 gcibot Eliminate any library global variable #5
21:27.11 gcibot Status: NeedsWork (4 days, 2 hours left)
21:27.11 gcibot Mentor(s): Hardeep Singh Rai, Ch3ck
21:32.15 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5028787255246848 Eliminate any library global variable #5: behavior changed - So you certainly eliminated the global, but not without eliminating the feature that variable provided....
21:35.26 Notify 03GCI:tannousmarc * 5028787255246848 Eliminate any library global variable #5: None - Is there any way to revert the repo to the current version on sourceforge? By that I mean, ignore my changes...
21:36.11 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5048599469621248 Implement bu_scan_fastf_t() function to scan floating point values from strings: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk...
21:37.11 Notify 03GCI:tardis * 4531831353376768 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #8: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
21:39.56 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5048599469621248 Implement bu_scan_fastf_t() function to scan floating point values from strings: looking pretty good - The only two things noticed on quick review are that the...
21:43.01 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5833974572122112 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #15: nice! - I like this design! Please also submit your raw working files (PSD, XCF, AI, whatever you used) too and make for review. What...
21:43.11 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 5833974572122112 Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #15: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy...
21:45.27 Notify 03GCI:mandeep * 4531831353376768 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #8: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Aiden. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
21:47.12 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5538296809652224 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #4: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your...
21:48.17 Notify 03GCI:jack_vaughan * 5309919842533376 Design a website icon set for #2: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
21:49.12 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6690570030284800 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD: Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
21:56.14 Notify 03GCI:mandeep * 5797874164039680 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #2: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this...
21:57.54 Notify 03GCI:mandeep * 5797874164039680 Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #2: File Format - Hi Aditya, Have some patience and don't worry about tasks. We can create more tasks if required. Can you...
21:58.34 Notify 03GCI:mandeep * 5309919842533376 Design a website icon set for #2: Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Jack_Vaughan. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
22:09.02 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 4544323332866048 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #6: Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
22:09.27 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 5987394427813888 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #10: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
22:15.13 Notify 03GCI:emily_shannon * 5604954702086144 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #2: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
22:15.58 Notify 03GCI:emily_shannon * 5604954702086144 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #2: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
22:18.09 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6390082307096576 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #2: No more Work can be submitted - Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted...
22:20.14 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 6390082307096576 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #2: Deadline extended - The deadline of the task has been extended with 2 days and 2 hours.
22:20.54 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 6390082307096576 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #2: Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to...
22:26.36 Notify 03GCI:brlcad * 6390082307096576 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #2: a good start - Sfurti, This is a good start and you just might be the first person to submit a women's design too, so thank you for...
22:32.08 Notify 03GCI:jack_vaughan * 5309919842533376 Design a website icon set for #2: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
22:45.48 Notify 03GCI:maryamdawood * 5604954702086144 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #2: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
22:46.28 Notify 03GCI:maryamdawood * 5604954702086144 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #2: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
22:47.08 Notify 03GCI:tardis * 4531831353376768 Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #8: Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
22:52.10 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6182685047259136 Design a BRL-CAD splash screen: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your work soon.
22:52.35 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 4956557716488192 Fix at least 8 spelling mistakes in at least 8 different files #5: Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the...
23:09.40 Notify 03GCI:Melange * 6359310477033472 Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #3: Task due soon - There are less than 24 hours left until the deadline, please submit your...
23:30.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63602 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: improve running of make check target
23:31.54 Notify 03GCI:mcjose23 * 6068206720516096 Design a BRL-CAD business card #2: Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
23:36.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63603 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Better way to exclude regression dependencies from check
23:39.54 Notify 03GCI:icyjuban * 5173865613361152 Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors: Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
23:46.34 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63604 brlcad/trunk/regress/CMakeLists.txt: Add the regress log file to the clean list

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.