IRC log for #brlcad on 20141223

00:02.24 *** join/#brlcad ries (
00:11.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63813 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp: typo
00:13.38 starseeker maths22: does 63810 + ctest -LE NOT_WORKING do what you need?
00:17.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63814 brlcad/trunk/bench/CMakeLists.txt: ws
00:19.54 maths22 starseeker: Will check...
00:28.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63815 (brlcad/trunk/src/librt/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp): test is for planar objects period, not just arbn
00:32.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63816 (brlcad/trunk/src/librt/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp): more notes
00:33.12 andromeda-galaxy starseeker, maths22: anyone know of a decent tool for turning lots of points with floating-point coordinates into decent (better than gnuplot/dumb terminal) ascii art? the gnuplot/dumb terminal has too much distortion...
00:34.54 starseeker erm
00:36.11 starseeker aa-lib?
00:37.47 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: I'll take a look at it, thanks!
00:38.08 andromeda-galaxy I have my code outputting essentially gnuplot data files, but translating circles b hanad is really annowing
00:38.14 andromeda-galaxy *by hand is really annoying
00:38.49 starseeker for really tight diagram sizes I'm not sure how well it will do - someone did some 3d diagrams for some of our docs a while back, but I don't recall what tool they used
00:39.28 andromeda-galaxy ahhh
00:39.55 starseeker if you have a lot of trouble might be worth fishing through the logs
00:40.08 andromeda-galaxy indeed... I might try that if I can't get aalib to do what I want
00:43.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63817 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/CMakeLists.txt: Just use a configure define rather than trying to keep this commented out for commits
00:47.41 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: do you mind if I don't have ascii art diagrams for rt_raybundle_maker()? getting all the circles done is ascii art seems quite challenging...
00:52.01 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63818 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp: Add a note to look at arbn tessellation routines.
00:52.05 starseeker andromeda-galaxy: I wouldn't worry about it - the diagrams are less important than the functionality
00:52.49 starseeker if ascii art won't cut it, we can put together something in DocBook with images
00:55.04 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: from above, brlcad wanted me to do another task to get some visualizations of what is already there
00:55.29 andromeda-galaxy for doing ray bundle creation, he mentioned that ideally there would be ascii art images that we could include in the function docstrings
00:57.10 andromeda-galaxy once visualized, lets make the "final product" a simple ascii art depiction of the pattern annotated with the generator args
00:57.28 andromeda-galaxy sorry, didn't mean to send that twice...
00:59.01 andromeda-galaxy starseeker unfortunately ascii art + (lots of nested) circles != simple as far as I can tell...
01:00.53 andromeda-galaxy at least if I'm trying to make everything look really correct (what I was trying to do was one '*' for each point to be plotted that was shown in the gnuplot output)
01:02.47 andromeda-galaxy actually, in general, ascii art for some of these patterns seems likely to get very messy...
01:10.09 andromeda-galaxy brlcad, starseeker: also, aa-lib &c seem fine for getting the general gist of normal images across, but they don't seem to do too well with precision grapahs...
01:19.29 maths22 Does anyone know why www launches so many svn processes on bz?
01:21.15 maths22 This first error does not look good:
01:22.35 andromeda-galaxy maths22: that does look bad...
01:46.38 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I think that I actually have a reasonable gen_conic implemented...
03:34.25 Notify 02GCI:Melange * 5218710037987328 : Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
03:49.55 starseeker that's (mostly) more of the step warnings, probably coming from the step-g build and friends
03:50.00 starseeker I'll try to quiet it tomorrow
03:52.30 starseeker one of our students is doing some work with the simrt code, so that may be part of it...
03:53.37 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
03:54.10 ignacio good night n_n
04:24.02 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 5857438834098176 Design Coreinterface logo #6 Yeah that looks good It looks good. Just a few tweaks...
05:03.27 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
05:23.36 *** join/#brlcad alisha (~alisha@
05:44.46 Notify 02GCI:hunarmalik * 4938019295461376 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
05:48.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:maths22 * 63819 brlcad/trunk/CTestConfig.cmake: Updated CTestConfig file
05:53.52 *** join/#brlcad YashM_ (~YashM@
06:34.21 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
06:41.22 Stragus Woah. Europa Report is one amazing movie.
06:56.37 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (5679c4d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:56.55 MarcTannous @any mentor, please.
07:03.43 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
07:42.52 Notify 02GCI:shardulc * 6620713125412864 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
07:47.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Nmaditi123 * 0 /wiki/User:Nmaditi123:
08:17.38 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
08:59.38 *** join/#brlcad shardulc (~shardul@
09:00.01 *** join/#brlcad ries (
09:02.38 shardulc hello everybody, I'm a GCI student doing this task: <>
09:02.44 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 6620713125412864 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to shardulc. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
09:02.50 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 4938019295461376 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Hunar Malik. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
09:02.55 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 4938019295461376 : Task Reopened - This task has been Reopened.
09:03.50 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5823454855036928 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
09:03.51 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 4938019295461376 : Melange bug - Hey hunar, please claim it again, By mistake I pressed assign button twice.
09:04.59 shardulc I read a little about Archer, but I can't find anything which would tell me a bit more about what Archer actually does (is this what I'm supposed to do?)
09:05.35 shardulc could anyone point me to a resource, or explain a bit so that I can get started on my own?
09:07.15 shardulc
09:07.15 gcibot Write manual page documentation (for archer)
09:07.15 gcibot Status: Claimed (4 days 3 hrs 54 min)
09:07.15 gcibot Mentor(s): Popescu Andrei, Jacob B
09:07.23 YashM_ shardulc: the best way to know about Archer is download the application
09:07.52 shardulc you mean get BRL-CAD?
09:07.57 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
09:08.04 YashM_ yep
09:08.48 shardulc I already have the sources and I can build BRL-CAD successfully, and I've written docs for three or four commands in the past.
09:09.21 shardulc so do I start using archer directly?
09:09.47 YashM_ look for the mged.xml, play with archer and write docs in a similar way
09:10.39 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5823454855036928 : patch and more - I think patch format will indeed help reviewing this kind of change where multiple files are affected. Some minor stylistic points to work on in...
09:11.20 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
09:12.07 shardulc YashM_: ok, thanks!
09:22.09 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5863782450462720 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
09:22.10 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5863782450462720 : Deadline extended - The deadline of the task has been extended with 2 days and 2 hours.
09:22.24 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5863782450462720 : which timeframe? - Aditya, notice that the task description identifies three different potential timeframes. Which is this supposed to address? That said, this...
09:24.35 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
09:43.52 shardulc hello everybody, I'm a GCI student doing this task:
09:43.52 gcibot Write manual page documentation (for archer)
09:43.52 gcibot Status: Claimed (4 days 3 hrs 18 min)
09:43.52 gcibot Mentor(s): Popescu Andrei, Jacob B
09:44.19 shardulc I can build BRL-CAD successfully, but when I run
09:44.28 shardulc <PROTECTED>
09:44.44 shardulc I get a splash screen and an error dialog.
09:47.48 shardulc The error dialog says "An unexpected error occurred", and gives me a backtrace
09:52.09 shardulc has the error message
09:59.33 *** join/#brlcad shardulc (~shardul@
10:15.05 Ch3ck_ shardulc: is it not ./build/bin/archer?
10:16.59 Notify 02GCI:edisonlee55 * 4928791491117056 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
10:17.35 Notify 02GCI:ch3ck * 4928791491117056 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Edison Lee. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
10:18.15 Notify 02GCI:edisonlee55 * 4928791491117056 : Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
10:35.16 shardulc hello all, where can I find the sources for archer?
10:36.35 Ch3ck_ shardulc: archer?
10:36.48 Ch3ck_ do you have a fresh checkout for brlcad
10:36.49 Ch3ck_ ?
10:37.15 shardulc yes, I do
10:37.29 Ch3ck_ shardulc:have you properly compiled it?
10:37.43 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5880415785058304 : Correcting Some Old Mistakes - Before doing this task I would like to correct my mistakes in two tasks that I had completed before. In the task - ANIMATE...
10:37.44 shardulc yes.
10:37.59 Ch3ck_ what is the nameof the build directory?
10:38.11 Ch3ck_ brlcad_build,brlcad-build?or what
10:38.34 shardulc it's .build under the checked-out directory brldcad
10:38.41 shardulc *brlcad
10:38.48 Ch3ck_ that's wrong shardulc
10:39.07 Ch3ck_ you were supposed to create a separate directory from the build
10:39.31 Ch3ck_ shardulc: create a brlcad_build dir outside of brlcad
10:39.45 shardulc and then?
10:39.54 Ch3ck_ ok shardulc let's do this
10:40.08 Ch3ck_ 1.) run "svn status" inside brlcad checkout
10:40.30 Ch3ck_ show me output on
10:40.39 shardulc nothing's been changed except for the .build directory which I created
10:40.56 Ch3ck_ 2.) "svn up"
10:41.04 shardulc inside .build, I ran cmake and then make to build BRL-CAD
10:41.15 Ch3ck_ nope i don't like it that way
10:41.16 shardulc svn up does nothing, it's already up-to-date
10:41.26 Ch3ck_ good
10:41.40 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5564446986469376 : A Correction - I found a mistake in my work and have uploaded a new file with corrections in the task - Design Coreinterface logo #10...
10:41.41 Ch3ck_ 3.) mkdir brlcad_build outside brlcad
10:42.10 shardulc ok
10:43.02 Ch3ck_ 4.) do the cmake *magic* "cmake ../brlcad-checkout-dir -DBRLCAD_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -BRLCAD-BUNDLED=ON;make"
10:43.15 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 6424327624851456 : A Correction - I found a mistake in my work and have uploaded a new file with corrections in the task - Design Coreinterface logo #10...
10:44.07 Ch3ck_ shardulc: hope your run that inside brlcad_build
10:44.18 Ch3ck_ s/run/running/
10:45.36 shardulc ok, that's running now
10:46.55 Ch3ck_ shardulc: let me know when you're done
10:53.46 Notify 02GCI:jatish * 5311760286351360 : Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
10:53.50 *** join/#brlcad rohitagarwal (~Rohit@
11:09.19 Notify 02GCI:jatish * 5219416023236608 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
11:12.00 Notify 02GCI:jatish * 5219416023236608 : Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
11:28.55 shardulc Ch3ck_: I'm getting a warning (read as error because of the compilation flags) saying that empty translation units are forbidden.
11:30.00 shardulc I've fixed it for now with a dummy typedef (I got that from
11:32.58 shardulc Ch3ck_: my build is done now
11:33.23 Notify 02GCI:adityagulati * 5863782450462720 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
11:39.04 Notify 02GCI:Melange * 5220441446678528 : Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
11:44.15 Notify 02GCI:sfurti06 * 5828248575410176 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
11:46.38 *** join/#brlcad adityagulati (dfe1f2cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
11:50.51 Ch3ck_ shardulc: i got that same error too
11:51.05 Ch3ck_ so have your successfully launched archer?
11:53.44 shardulc it launches, but gives an "unexpected error"
11:54.06 shardulc is the trace it gives me
11:54.39 shardulc otherwise archer works without glitches
11:56.09 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5880415785058304 : None - MOOSE is a concept for a new library that bundles BRL-CAD's core functionality and provides them with an object orientated interface. First steps are...
11:56.44 *** join/#brlcad adityagulati (dfe1f2cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
11:57.01 Ch3ck_ shardulc: alright looks like a bug
11:57.12 Ch3ck_ could you file the bug?
11:57.38 Ch3ck_ has not succeeded in compiling brlcad with the iso-c error hanging
11:58.29 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5828248575410176 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
12:01.18 Notify 02GCI:rishisharma7361 * 4938019295461376 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
12:01.32 *** join/#brlcad adityagulati (dfe1f2cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:02.00 shardulc Ch3ck: yes, I'll do that
12:02.44 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
12:25.05 *** join/#brlcad kanzure (~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure)
12:25.14 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
12:26.42 *** join/#brlcad adityagulati (dfe1f2cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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12:27.00 *** join/#brlcad adityagulati (dfe1f2cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:27.00 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~mihaineac@
12:27.00 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (ignacio@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
12:27.00 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck_ (
12:27.00 *** join/#brlcad mpictor (
12:28.08 *** join/#brlcad adityagulati (dfe1f2cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:28.50 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
12:32.24 Ch3ck_ shardulc: good
12:42.35 Notify 02GCI:utkarshsingh341 * 6062225777229824 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
12:43.46 Notify 02GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 6062225777229824 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to utkarshsingh. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
12:44.40 Notify 02GCI:utkarshsingh341 * 6062225777229824 : one doubt - i wanted to know, do we have to make the cheat-sheet designs for websites and webpages?
12:50.57 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
13:03.56 Notify 02GCI:ishwerdas * 4938019295461376 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Rishi. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
13:06.07 Notify 02GCI:ishwerdas * 5863782450462720 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
13:08.23 Notify 02GCI:utkarshsingh341 * 6062225777229824 : None - i also wanted to ask whether the design has to be pertaining to the logo of BRL - CAD and the design cheat-sheet has to be submitted in a single...
13:27.53 shardulc where are the archer sources?
13:37.32 ``Erik src/archer and src/tclscripts/archer (and many others, since it uses libged)
13:52.10 Notify 02GCI:adityagulati * 5781659991408640 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
13:52.15 *** join/#brlcad ries (
14:14.03 Notify 02GCI:judebirch * 5857438834098176 : I have now done that too. - I have uploaded a new file
14:14.28 Notify 02GCI:judebirch * 5857438834098176 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
14:15.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63820 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simrt.c: Include common.h so we don't get an empty file when bullet is disabled.
14:16.49 starseeker maths22: 63820 should address the first (simrt.c.o) issue
14:36.23 starseeker maths22: and 63821 should avoid the false positive keyword hits from the step/express logic
14:36.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63821 (brlcad/trunk/db/nist/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/CMakeLists.txt): Redirect output from various step commands to logs
14:39.25 Notify 02GCI:sharan1998 * 5798062521843712 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
14:51.54 shardulc would someone clarify what archer expects at the command line?
14:52.01 shardulc my understanding is:
14:52.22 shardulc <PROTECTED>
14:53.07 shardulc <PROTECTED>
14:53.45 shardulc <PROTECTED>
14:53.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63822 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp: Automatically create the rcc primitives. We won't be able to manually debug NMG insertion, so it's time to add r/w to the mix.
14:54.02 shardulc <PROTECTED>
14:54.48 shardulc since I can't get anything to work, this is probably wrong, so could someone tell me how to proceed?
14:55.05 shardulc and are there any other command-line options?
14:59.39 shardulc (note: I was looking at src/tclscripts/lib/GeometryIO.tcl)
15:13.33 maths22 ``Erik: could Notify be modified to perform a get request to a particular url to trigger a build?
15:13.36 Notify 02GCI:samrat_singh * 5337594732740608 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
15:18.56 *** join/#brlcad martinhesa (
15:19.03 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
15:19.26 *** join/#brlcad adityagulati (dce32db2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:19.59 adityagulati could someone assign me this task?
15:20.00 gcibot Design Coreinterface logo #3
15:20.00 gcibot Status: ClaimRequested
15:20.00 gcibot Mentor(s): Popescu Andrei, Ishwerdas
15:24.53 Notify 02GCI:sharan1998 * 5798062521843712 : Silly - Can u tell me how to create a hyp I tried in hyp.s hyp and inserted the attributes but it returned an error everytime I tired..
15:26.33 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5337594732740608 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Sammy. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
15:28.28 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5798062521843712 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Sharan Narayan. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
15:31.07 adityagulati could someone assign me this task?
15:31.08 gcibot Design Coreinterface logo #3
15:31.09 gcibot Status: ClaimRequested
15:31.09 gcibot Mentor(s): Popescu Andrei, Ishwerdas
15:31.13 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (5679c4d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:32.44 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5798062521843712 : What error did you get? - From which values did you wanted to create the hyp?
15:33.19 shardulc would someone clarify what archer expects at the command line?
15:33.24 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5781659991408640 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Aditya Gulati. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
15:34.05 shardulc I tried reading src/tclscripts/lib/GeometryIO.tcl but what I gathered was not enough to make anything work.
15:36.35 Notify 02GCI:adityagulati * 5781659991408640 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:39.51 Notify 02GCI:adityagulati * 5781659991408640 : New Files - Sir, I have made two variants by the name moose1 and moose2. Hope you like it. Regards, Aditya
15:44.35 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5857438834098176 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
15:46.08 maths22 anyone know what is going on here:
15:46.37 *** join/#brlcad ishwerdas (3b5bee53@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:48.05 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5781659991408640 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
15:50.06 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
15:51.47 starseeker maths22: there's a system zlib in place, which the linker is warning us may interfere with our own zlib
15:52.33 starseeker we can work around this by doing -DBRLCAD_ZLIB=SYSTEM at the cmake configure (IIRC) but of course that doesn't test our zlib
15:52.46 starseeker I don't know of a way to suppress those linker warnings - let me check
15:53.55 Notify 02GCI:adityagulati * 5221204004700160 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
15:55.38 shardulc hello, could someone help me?
15:55.56 shardulc what does archer expect at the command line?
15:56.20 starseeker it can accept a filename (.g file)
15:57.20 shardulc I got that bit, but what else?
15:57.36 shardulc I was reading src/tclscripts/lib/GeometryIO.tcl
15:58.03 shardulc that talks about what it does if it gets, say, a .asc file, and so on
15:58.15 shardulc but I can't get it to work.
15:58.29 starseeker what error are you getting?
16:00.01 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5221204004700160 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Aditya Gulati. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
16:00.03 shardulc it says 'invalid command name "::run_conversion_config{../../db/cube.asc"'
16:00.14 starseeker this is with latest trunk?
16:00.16 shardulc then 'Unexpected error, aborting'
16:00.21 shardulc yes, latest trunk
16:00.47 shardulc the command was `bin/archer /path/to/cube.asc'
16:07.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63823 (brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.hpp and 2 others): refactor rt collision algorithm (in progress); is now generating a circular grid of rays
16:12.21 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63824 (brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/GeometryIO.tcl brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/gui_conversion.tcl): Fix geometry loading logic
16:12.35 starseeker shardulc: try 63824
16:13.54 YashM
16:13.55 gcibot Fix closedb
16:13.55 gcibot Status: Reopened
16:13.55 gcibot Mentor(s): Jacob B, Ch3ck
16:14.01 YashM closedb works fine for me?
16:14.08 Notify 02GCI:rishisharma7361 * 4938019295461376 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:21.10 YashM is anyone able to produce the closedb bug
16:24.59 andromeda-galaxy YashM: no... I discussed that task with brlcad, you can see if you can find it in the logs at
16:26.56 YashM so why'd you unclaim it?
16:27.03 YashM did you find the svn revision
16:30.59 andromeda-galaxy YashM: no, I went 1-2 years back in history and it was still working as far as I could tell
16:31.12 YashM O.O
16:31.12 andromeda-galaxy and there were some algorithmic ones that I'd been looking forward to doing, so I switched to those
16:31.37 andromeda-galaxy I think that the base svn revision from the vm had it still working
16:33.02 YashM possibility that it gave an error on a specific machine?
16:35.03 andromeda-galaxy not sure... I suppose that that's a possibility...
16:35.28 *** join/#brlcad geekgrl (~geekgrl@
16:38.54 martinhesa The "design a new website" task mentions that two designs must be done, for large and small screens. Should I design two separate versions or a responsive one?
16:43.54 d_rossberg i would prefer a responsive one
16:44.50 martinhesa d_rossberg: Great!
16:49.16 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5880415785058304 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:51.13 MarcTannous d_rossberg, you around?
16:51.36 MarcTannous talked to Sean yesterday regarding introducing some basic Vector3D operators/functions for rt^3, he said it would be better to talk to you
16:51.49 MarcTannous Simple stuff like overflowing the =, ==, +, -, *, / etc. operators
16:51.55 MarcTannous Would help, at least in unit tests
16:52.12 MarcTannous Creating/adding these in a library would be possible and helpful?
16:54.35 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
16:55.33 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5880415785058304 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
16:57.10 d_rossberg i also thought about adding some helpers to primitives.h
16:57.51 d_rossberg but first your patches have to work (currently they don't)
16:58.18 d_rossberg i'm writing down some ideas for follow-on tasks
16:58.19 *** join/#brlcad alisha (~alisha@
17:00.01 d_rossberg furthermore, to implement these helpers the right way a little bit C++ experience is required
17:00.01 maths22 starseeker: is there anything you think I should do about those zlib errors?
17:01.13 *** join/#brlcad rohitagarwal (~Rohit@
17:01.19 *** join/#brlcad adityagulati (dce32db2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:02.39 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5880415785058304 : Description - I uploaded Coreinterface Logo 1 in .png as well as .xcf I thought of making it simple. I attached moose horns with BRL-CAD logo to show both...
17:05.09 alisha Hello
17:05.31 alisha I am a newbie but I want to contribute to BRL-CAD
17:05.48 alisha So please guide me about how should I start
17:07.35 d_rossberg alisha: you should try
17:08.55 alisha d_rossberg: Thank you for the link. I will have thorough look at it
17:09.52 d_rossberg and what kind of contribution would you like to provide? code, documetation, tests, design, ...
17:10.32 alisha code
17:11.30 *** join/#brlcad mihaineacsu (~mihaineac@
17:12.31 d_rossberg are you here for the Google Code-in?
17:13.22 alisha No, i want to participate in GSOC-2015
17:14.16 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5890868175175680 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
17:16.45 d_rossberg then i recommend to download, compile and install BRL-CAD froum sources:
17:17.08 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63825 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp: Make a stab at nmg creation. Wireframe suggests we have the right general idea, but raytrace crashes and facetize has trouble - more debugging ahead.
17:17.12 alisha okay
17:17.15 d_rossberg that's the base for writing code for it
17:18.21 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5890868175175680 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Rohit Agarwal. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
17:18.48 alisha d_rossberg: I'll have a closer look at it
17:20.38 maths22 For now, if you want to launch a build after a commit, go to this url:
17:20.52 maths22 It will launch a build that will be posted to the dashboard
17:21.09 maths22 I will get it hooked into notify so we don't need to manually run it.
17:22.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63826 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp: Flip the trim reverse interpretation
17:23.30 Notify 02GCI:thebradbain * 5260504901615616 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
17:25.20 maths22 starseeker: see above
17:25.21 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5260504901615616 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Bradley Bain. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
17:28.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63827 (brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simulate.cpp): add physics objects to the rt_i
17:41.40 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
17:42.37 Notify 02GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 6062225777229824 Create a BRL-CAD style guide / cheat sheet #4 None The design has to be...
17:43.24 YashM g'night
17:48.11 *** part/#brlcad shardulc (~shardul@
17:49.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63828 (brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp and 2 others): enable ray shots
17:59.22 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
18:10.03 maths22 Is there a reason for not using bu_strncmp as seen here:
18:22.20 Notify 02GCI:shubham2810 * 5232150064398336 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
18:44.47 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
19:07.32 Notify 02GCI:andrewb39 * 5625032667561984 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
19:09.27 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
19:14.31 *** join/#brlcad winghouchan (~winghouch@
19:18.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63829 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp: give the contact points to Bullet
19:38.37 Notify 02GCI:tannousmarc * 5823454855036928 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
19:53.47 *** join/#brlcad alisha (~alisha@
20:13.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63830 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp: scale distances
20:13.28 starseeker maths22: I'm not sure what we can do - it would be nice to filter them but I don't know how
20:13.36 starseeker brlcad: is there any way we can quiet the linker?
20:14.02 starseeker maths22: nice work! (build trigger)
20:15.21 Notify 02GCI:utkarshsingh341 * 6062225777229824 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:17.00 starseeker the strncmp is a work in progress - I asked the guy working on that file two switch it out
20:17.26 Notify 02GCI:thebradbain * 5260504901615616 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:18.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63831 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simulate.cpp: use libbu string comparison functions
20:23.15 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~capslock@
20:31.37 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63832 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simulate.cpp: use strlen() to get the prefix length; correct an error message
20:35.25 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63833 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp: Start introspecting the more complex shapes to see what is present.
20:45.42 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
20:58.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63834 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp: correct scaling
21:04.12 ``Erik maths22: yes... I'd have to fix some stuff (the shell exec manager I was using had some issues, so I disabled it... but that was how the git mirror was being updated.). I think it'd need some kinda lock to prevent many parallel builds to avoid clobbering the machine (that'd be a lame denial of service vuln)
21:15.21 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63835 (brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simulate.cpp): add 'seconds' parameter to the simulate command
21:40.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63836 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp: scaling
21:47.13 maths22 ``Erik: I already have a lock
21:49.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 63837 brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Add a right-click menu to Archer's command window with an entry for pasting the selected path in the tree/list view.
22:06.52 Notify 02GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5625032667561984 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andrew. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
22:10.23 Notify 02GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 6062225777229824 : None - Looks good and clean! Great job! Just make sure to add the raw editing file (.psd, .ai, ...) you worked with.
22:10.33 Notify 02GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 6062225777229824 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements...
22:14.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63838 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_shape_recognition.cpp: Start working on analytical routines to spot digestable cylindrical surfaces.
22:25.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 63839 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/killtree.c: fix bad substitutation from r60263's db_search parameter change; fixes crash running killtree from archer
22:26.25 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 63840 (brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/collision.hpp and 2 others): use constants for conversion factors between mm and meters; correct style for floating-point numbers

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.