IRC log for #brlcad on 20150113

00:02.17 andromeda-galaxy another approach would be to have do_frame() actually turn the bu_list into an array, which would give really easy random access...
00:21.02 *** join/#brlcad unicodesnowman (~unicodesn@unaffiliated/unicodesnowman)
00:37.34 ``Erik andromeda-galaxy: perspective is the big one, I think it's horizontal angle, um, and I vagually recall some other flag for rt that tweaked the ratio, I want to say it was needed for non-square rendering?
00:47.19 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: hmm, interesting...
00:47.43 andromeda-galaxy is it better to use perspective and calculate the other angle from the ratio, or to get the angle from the width/height?
00:48.02 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: also, did you see the question about bu_list nth element?
00:49.35 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: ah, it looks like it's rt_perspective for the horizontal angle and aspect for the aspect ratio
01:08.30 *** join/#brlcad sofat_ (~sofat@
01:18.32 starseeker andromeda-galaxy: I think you have to iterate over lists
01:22.40 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: ah well... I was hoping that there was a utility function to do it already
01:23.02 andromeda-galaxy I think that I'll just copy the linked list into an array..
01:23.07 starseeker recalls wishing the same thing... I usually end up using bu_ptbl arrays rather than lists
01:23.26 starseeker not always the best move, but I've always been a little uncomfortable with bu_list
01:23.37 starseeker (probably another reason to use them, actually...)
01:25.19 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: hmm, interesting --- what do you think of the copying into array approach?
01:25.36 andromeda-galaxy it seems like the simplest way to get the random access needed for minimally-invasive changes to rt
01:25.49 starseeker andromeda-galaxy: sounds like it's worth a shot
01:26.42 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: sounds good! I've just done the initial conversion effort for orthogonal, and now rt is segfaulting ;(...
01:44.27 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: is there any way to ask make benchmark to only run the tests that use orthogonal rays?
01:47.08 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: also, it looks to me from the code like rt defaults to rt_perspective = 0 (which would result in orthogonal), but I'm slightly worried thata the global is being set somewhere that I can't see; is that correct?
01:47.28 starseeker uh... I don't think benchmark can do orthogonal rays only offhand...
01:48.02 starseeker you might want to check the global read in gdb to be absolutely sure
01:48.23 starseeker andromeda-galaxy: sorry, you're deep in a part of the code I know relatively little about
01:51.19 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: oh well... if it's doing orthogonal by default, then it doesn't matter since moss, at least, seems to use the default
01:55.33 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~chick@
03:41.11 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5568169431269376 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
03:41.22 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6458111619497984 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Niels Mentink. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
03:42.42 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5247354030522368 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
03:45.06 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5323147989483520 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
04:00.25 andromeda-galaxy brlcad; what is wrong with
04:00.26 gcibot [[ Visualize ray bundling #2 || BRL-CAD || NeedsWork || Kesha Shah, Daniel_R ]]
04:04.09 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5323147989483520 : one minor thing - Oof, you're definitely starting to poke a hornets nest now... ;) So this looks fantastic, the visualizations are perfect. Heck, I didn't even...
04:04.55 brlcad ``Erik: TMOUT is only commented-out in my dotfiles, you sure you don't have an unset in yours? :)
04:05.35 brlcad ``Erik: and no idea about denyhost seizures .. it's not been working for many months (ever) -- adds to the file but that file isn't used, so maybe that's the issue?
04:06.59 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: I'd rather move away from bu_list for the rays
04:07.00 Notify 02GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5323147989483520 : -l/-c - -c is the number of rays per <ring/radius/length>, whereas -l is used to specify what the length actually is
04:07.06 brlcad how to do that is something to discuss
04:08.19 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: there's perspective and an aspect ratio, -V option
04:09.26 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: regarding moving away from bu_list for the rays, I agree --- copying them into an array is just something that I was going to use temporarily
04:09.29 andromeda-galaxy for the rt task
04:09.56 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: let me document the options in xml quickly and then I'll resubmit it, take a look at my comment regarding -l vs. -c
04:10.04 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: and no, there's no way to get benchmark to change the work it's doing .. that would violate the benchmark analysis
04:10.21 brlcad you can certainly just run a couple traces yourself
04:10.29 brlcad rt moss.g all.g
04:12.41 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: and I think you misunderstood my options comment
04:13.20 brlcad it's not so much to explain it .. it's how to say that without repeating the word "length" because you're basically mixing a 1-tuple with a 2-tuple
04:14.48 andromeda-galaxy ahh
04:14.54 andromeda-galaxy okay, let me try to reparase that quickly...
04:15.25 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: on another note, converting rt to use these is being quite annoying...
04:15.46 brlcad if -l # # is a width and height for the rect type (only? what about frustum?), then probably using the word "dimensions" would fix the mixing
04:16.19 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: for frustum, the angle is used instead
04:16.36 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sure, I've just changed it to dimension in the rtshot help
04:16.38 brlcad okay, so it's accurate
04:18.09 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: okaya, I've uploaded a new diff with docbook & fixed rtshot help
04:18.10 Notify 02GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5323147989483520 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
04:18.16 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: on the topic of updating rt,
04:18.39 andromeda-galaxy for some reason, the rays created by the gen function are being correct for a while, and then getting off... it's really weird
04:18.49 andromeda-galaxy I've been trying to track down the problem for ~4hrs already...
04:23.35 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5323147989483520 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
04:24.33 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: not sure what to tell you other than debugging hints .. print the rays with -x 0x00000001
04:25.04 brlcad if it's crashing, that should be much easier to diagnose .. maybe paste a backtrace
04:25.18 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: it's not crashing, which is annoying
04:25.26 andromeda-galaxy I have some of my own ray printing going on, because I forgot about -x
04:25.32 andromeda-galaxy and it's doing some really weird things
04:25.40 andromeda-galaxy for hundreds and hundreds of rays it's working gread
04:25.42 andromeda-galaxy *great
04:25.50 andromeda-galaxy and then it suddenly jumps to totally the wrong
04:25.51 andromeda-galaxy place
04:26.58 andromeda-galaxy it looks almost like it's coming up with slightly too few or too many rays, so when a given processor skips ahead, it skips too far...
04:27.38 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: by the way, why does per_processor_chunk increase with the number of processors? It seems to me like it would make more sense to set per_processor_chunk at the beginning so that each processor had an equal chunk of the image (getting smaller as more processors appeared)
04:30.15 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: if I don't get it working soon, would you mind if I submitted the mostly-working solution and we repurposed #2 to be finishing getting it working?
04:33.26 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: another thought is -P1 to limit processing to single-threaded operation, just to rule out any concurrency/access issues
04:33.48 brlcad and if it's hundreds of rays, perhaps it's at the end of the first scanline?
04:33.48 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: good point, let me try that, thanks! I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier...
04:34.18 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: it's possible... it looks like it's after more than one though... (thousands of rays, maybe)
04:35.47 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: oh, and one other thing that's been nagging at me --- why do so many of brlcad's commands output routine information on stderr?
04:35.50 brlcad and the comment above per_processor_chunk says why it increases
04:36.01 brlcad the more you have, the more will be completed, so they take ncpu larger bites
04:36.27 brlcad which in practice is roughly still the time it would have taken 1 cpu to do N/cpu work
04:37.02 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: this is the comment that I'm seeing in worker.c, at least: ' /* The more CPUs at work, the bigger the bites we take */'
04:37.28 andromeda-galaxy that makes mor sense now...
04:37.29 brlcad yep, that's what I was referring to
04:37.47 andromeda-galaxy it wasn't exactly transparent at first, my intuition was that the bite size should go down as the num went up
04:37.59 andromeda-galaxy because otherwise eventually there wouldn't be enough bites left to go around...
04:38.12 brlcad (and that is set at the beginning)
04:38.40 brlcad npsw is going to be the number of cores you have, so 4 or 8 or 12 pixels at a time
04:38.53 brlcad (or 1 with -P1)
04:39.27 brlcad a few of the tracers override that value and make them calculate scanline at a time
04:40.26 andromeda-galaxy hmm, that makes more sense...
04:40.39 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: it is, apparently, being overidden to 512
04:45.25 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: btw, I'm actually changing p back to A on rtshot
04:45.34 andromeda-galaxy *back to P
04:45.39 andromeda-galaxy because -p conflicts with 'point'
04:45.51 andromeda-galaxy don't know why it didn't show up earlier, sory
04:50.14 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: would you mind taking a quick look at the png from the raytrace and telling me if something jumps out at you from that?
04:58.48 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: ha, I've got it! the gen_rect() function needed to not include the upper/right end of its range....
04:58.56 andromeda-galaxy (I think that was it, at least)
05:06.05 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: rt gets to overrule rtshot
05:06.16 brlcad rtshot is a dev tool, rt is our oldest tool
05:06.36 andromeda-galaxy ah, right --- is using -P instead of -p for rtshot alright, though? It's fairly similar...
05:06.41 brlcad a point can be -O (origin) or seomthing else
05:07.14 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: or, we could make -P be the origin point, and -p the perspective... it's not only for perspective though, it's also used for the conic...
05:07.31 brlcad similar is not the same .. if there's going to be an option that has the exact semantic meaning as an existing rt option, it should use the rt nomenclature
05:07.57 brlcad -P is num_cpu to rt, so if anyone ever goes to make it shoot in parallel, that'll get changed
05:08.08 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that's true... I guess my question is really, is it actually exactly the same semantically, since it's also used for conic? If you think it's close enough semantically, I'll change to -O/-p
05:08.14 brlcad rt uses almost every letter/number, so there's always going to be a conflict :)
05:08.43 andromeda-galaxy indeed :) unfortunately, rtshot already has o taken... maybe s for start?
05:08.59 andromeda-galaxy it's even documented as "set starting point"...
05:09.02 brlcad what's -O ?
05:09.18 andromeda-galaxy <PROTECTED>
05:09.18 andromeda-galaxy <PROTECTED>
05:09.41 brlcad ah, that's messed up
05:10.09 brlcad -o should universally be the -o output option
05:10.35 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: true.... I don't think rtshot has any output
05:10.39 andromeda-galaxy option
05:10.58 andromeda-galaxy so someone decided to use it for onehit instead... for now, what do you think of using -s for start?
05:11.02 brlcad it outputs text, but you're right that tit doesn't "really"
05:11.15 brlcad s for start sounds fine
05:11.25 andromeda-galaxy I wouldn't mind overhauling rtshot's interface sometime, but maybe not right now ;-)
05:11.35 brlcad really doesn't matter -- it's only where we introduce options that do match rt, it should use rt's letter and rtshot should adjust to accommodate
05:11.43 andromeda-galaxy now that's odd... my modified rt went through regress fine, and now it's doing this:
05:11.46 andromeda-galaxy ERROR: bu_malloc(0)
05:11.50 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: makes sense
05:12.20 brlcad there will be a bomb log file from that bu_malloc(0)
05:12.34 brlcad s/will/shou/d
05:12.37 brlcad should*
05:13.26 andromeda-galaxy there is, but there's no backtrace in it...
05:13.30 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (bc192333@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
05:14.45 brlcad that's unusual in itself.....
05:15.01 brlcad well, you can run in a debugger and put a breakpoint on bu_bomb
05:15.14 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I don't remember now, but it's possible that cmake has decided to build in release mode or some such, would that disable the backtraces?
05:15.36 brlcad release mode doesn't disable backtracing
05:16.23 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: hmm... and it's not even in release mode(just checked)... this is odd.
05:16.36 brlcad does it say "WARNING: Unable to obtain a call stack backtrace"?
05:17.03 brlcad maybe just paste it somewhere
05:17.33 Notify 02GCI:tannousmarc * 5607116194709504 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
05:17.34 andromeda-galaxy say that where?
05:17.55 brlcad in the crash log
05:18.44 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5607116194709504 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Marc Tannous. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
05:18.45 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5050736735944704 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Raptor. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
05:18.50 andromeda-galaxy brlcad:
05:19.08 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: it doesn't, it just says there's a backtrace and then doesn't show it
05:19.51 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: if you want, I can put the diff up on Melange and you can try running it and see if the same thing happens
05:55.12 Notify 02GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 6381493563686912 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
05:57.17 Notify 02GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 6381493563686912 : Status - This appears to make rt work correctly while using the new rt_gen_rect() function for orthogonal mode (make benchmarak and make regress both appear to...
06:03.51 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: huh, is the file still empty? it could just be taking a VERY long time
06:04.58 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: I'd be glad to try it (tomorrow)
06:10.04 brlcad with the latest task, modifying gen_rect to be a half closed and half open set is a little concerning...
06:10.31 brlcad that's not exactly consistent behavior whereas the prior documented form (always a closed set) was consistent
06:11.14 brlcad feels like making the interface match your tolernaces instead of making your tolerances match your interface
06:12.23 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6381493563686912 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
06:14.19 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that's true, I also like the idea of fixing that
06:14.27 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6381493563686912 : not commitable - Comments left on IRC, but this does not look at all in shape to be committed. Many questions and issues. Plus, refactoring to a function, the code...
06:14.55 andromeda-galaxy (making it not half-open/half-closed)
06:16.18 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: the problem is that as far as I can tell there is no way to make the behavior consistent without making the output of rt be slightly different (at the very least, having an extra row of pixels along/removing a row of pixels from the top/right)
06:16.33 andromeda-galaxy and, of course, ideally rt continues to make the same output forever...
06:17.56 brlcad eh? rt could certainly call the ray generator with parameters accordingly to keep the evaluated pixels identical
06:18.52 brlcad there's nothing that says the values in rt must get passed to some function as-is and that function must behave the same, for example, if rt is doing a closed to open set sweep across scanlines
06:19.47 brlcad if anything, it could throw the row away post generation
06:20.48 brlcad recall that you introduced this notion of a center ray, and that could be complicating matters for getting them to match ;)
06:21.11 brlcad (or rather elaborated on it's use by the existing generators)
06:23.31 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: true... changing the center ray generation might work
06:24.10 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: having rt throw away the extra rows is another approach that I considered, it might be best
06:24.38 andromeda-galaxy with the current interface to rt_gen_rect(), at least, it can't get the same set of pixels that it previously used since reducing to the next size down closed set would result in a missing left/bottom row
06:25.43 brlcad i'd still first question if/why the generator parameters cannot be made to exactly produce the same set of rays as before
06:25.46 brlcad and if not, why not
06:25.48 andromeda-galaxy I just like having the center_ray with symmetrical generation parameters because that's what everything else is using...
06:26.14 brlcad that's why an integration task was created, not just a matter of using the function, but to find out where the function is failing in design
06:26.39 brlcad note that there really is no "center ray" ... there's maybe a center/direction vector
06:26.44 brlcad and starting point
06:26.58 brlcad happen to be using a ray construct that has a point and direction vector embedded
06:27.09 brlcad but it shouldn't be confused with being an actual raytrace ray
06:27.13 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: indeed... would you mind creating a second integration task to try to fix the failings of this one? I'd enjoy doing it, but think that that combined with what I did for this is probably enough work for two tasks
06:27.52 andromeda-galaxy it might be possible to get the right behavior with the fully closed set behavior
06:28.05 andromeda-galaxy by moving the center ray to be on a half-pixel boundary down and left from the center
06:28.34 andromeda-galaxy and then changing the a/b len vectors as required...
06:29.20 brlcad there is already
06:29.20 gcibot [[ Update rt to utilize new ray sampling functions #2 || BRL-CAD || Open || Kesha Shah, Deepak ]]
06:29.45 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: the current task description basically says that that one should be about perspective, since this one was about orthogonal, right?
06:30.12 brlcad it was just to chop up work into multiple tasks as this was known to be a complicated goal
06:30.33 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sure, then I'll claim that one and try to polish some of this work a little more tomorrow
06:30.59 andromeda-galaxy if it doesn't take too long, I'll combine it with the submission for perspective, if it does, I'll make it separate and ask if you can create another task for perspective
06:31.30 Notify 02GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 6466077978525696 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
06:31.59 brlcad that's fine, let me know how it goes
06:32.13 brlcad reminds that task count is mostly irrelevant
06:32.43 brlcad tasks that can't be integrated / used will generally get ranked lower than those that can be used
06:32.51 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sure, if I run into anything too problematic, I'll mention it on IRC... hopefully the perspective migration will go slightly more smoothly now that I have some experience from the orthogonal one
06:32.51 brlcad so better to take something to a useful completion
06:33.12 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: indeed :-) I really want to get this into a workable state & have it merged
06:34.12 brlcad my main concerns are the generator getting defined to be a quirky open/closed set definitino, that it actually expanded rt's line count substantially (this should be justified or corrected), and it obviously must be validated with testing
06:35.58 brlcad the result might be the elimination of a center pt+dir view notion or maybe defining a view and defining sampling within that view separately, or it might be a simple matter of tweaking tolerances consistently or something else entirely
06:36.06 brlcad (just food for thought)
06:36.33 brlcad keep an open mind, not lost in where you've been but where you're going
06:37.04 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that makes sense, thanks for the advice! I'll start with the simple verson tomorrow, and see how it does by those metrics, if it gets too bad I'll try some of the more radical changes.
06:37.19 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6466077978525696 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andromeda Galaxy. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
06:37.29 brlcad it's still fantastic progress either way
06:37.39 brlcad hopefully you'll be able to sort it all out :)
06:37.47 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: thanks! I hope so too :)
06:37.50 brlcad if anything, though, those visualizations are gold
06:38.09 brlcad my only lament is that you didn't get to this sooner so you could have tackled some of the OpenCL work :)
06:38.57 andromeda-galaxy ah well... maybe this year I'll actually manage to stay more involved post-GCI and do some things like OpenCL
06:39.16 andromeda-galaxy though for that, I'll have to get my graphics drivers working with OpenCL, mesa/Gallium still doesn't really wor
06:39.19 andromeda-galaxy *work
06:43.41 *** join/#brlcad andromeda_galaxy (
06:50.45 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
07:47.40 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (c35a6e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:56.38 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
14:56.38 *** topic/#brlcad is Topic for #brlcad: BRL-CAD || || logs: || Welcome GCI 2014 participants! If you're participating, be patient when asking questions... we're very busy and sometimes have packed schedules. We will respond if you are still on IRC: learn screen+irssi.
15:07.15 brlcad andrei_: do you have the link to the tasks that parth copied?
15:07.36 brlcad please report any instances of blatant plagiarism to me
15:07.54 brlcad Ch3ck: keep an eye out especially on design tasks .. there is cheating going on
15:08.18 andrei_ brlcad: one moment
15:08.59 andrei_ and are the same
15:09.00 gcibot [[ Animate our logo! #9 || BRL-CAD || Closed || Mihai Neacsu, Daniel_R ]]
15:09.01 gcibot [[ Animate our logo! #5 || BRL-CAD || Closed || Mihai Neacsu, Ishwerdas ]]
15:09.41 andrei_ for once, let me dig a bit
15:10.13 andrei_ also, it's worth pointing out that I removed his claim once for repeatedly doing this
15:12.15 andrei_ these are also forged
15:12.18 gcibot [[ Design a new website favicon! #2 || BRL-CAD || Closed || Sean, Jacob B ]]
15:12.18 gcibot [[ Design a new website favicon! #5 || BRL-CAD || Closed || Deepak, Ch3ck ]]
15:12.37 andrei_ I mean not forged, but identical
15:13.04 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5867661997113344 Animate our logo! #14 also not using the right logo Rohit, you're also using the old...
15:13.06 gcibot [[ Animate our logo! #14 || BRL-CAD || NeedsWork || Kesha Shah, Ishwerdas ]]
15:14.31 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
15:16.50 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6362007112515584 : not acceptable - Parth, copying the work of others is not acceptable.
15:19.50 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5867661997113344 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:20.57 *** join/#brlcad chick_ (~chick@
15:27.16 brlcad andrei_: I see how the logo animation is a copy, but the favicon?
15:28.05 andrei_ his favicon is aditya's favion with a different background?
15:28.19 andrei_ actually, if you see aditya around, ask him/her, he was regularly complaining/warning us about that
15:28.43 andrei_ you can even see his/her comments on some tasks
15:31.20 brlcad andrei_: I know, several students tasks have already become marked invalid and the students disqualified for such behavior
15:31.46 brlcad my point was merely that the favicon actually was technically different, just not very much
15:32.05 brlcad enough for there to be an argument
15:32.36 brlcad i.e., looks like they imported the animated gif into photoshop and reordered /deleted layers
15:33.23 brlcad let me know if you see any others and hopefully Ch3ck can be more careful to at least reject crappy submissions like that one a few times even if he doesn't notice they're copies ;)
15:33.24 andrei_ Sorry, I have to go right now, I ll have a look later to see what he did, I ll see if I can search posts on melange(i.e tasks he claimed and I unclaimed or so)
15:33.42 brlcad the blatant one is enough and has been reported
15:33.48 andrei_ alright, great
15:33.54 brlcad i mean any other students
15:35.27 YashM is a forge of
15:35.27 gcibot [[ Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD #2 || BRL-CAD || Closed || Popescu Andrei, Hardeep Singh Rai ]]
15:35.27 gcibot [[ Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD || BRL-CAD || Closed || Kesha Shah, Deepak ]]
15:37.31 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: in case you were curious, I just found that using closed sampling and shifting the center over half a scanline to the left and down appears to be working
15:38.13 andromeda-galaxy (at least, it's right visually --- I'm running regress right now to finish checking that it's pixel-perfect)
15:41.43 brlcad YashM: that one is already known and being delt with
15:41.56 YashM ok
15:42.02 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: do any of the benchmark/regress tests use perspective rendering? I couldn't find any by grepping through the bench/regress directories
15:46.50 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:53.18 raptor ooooh
15:56.51 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: yes, the solids-simple and solids regressions set perspective mode
15:57.13 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: oh, good to know, thanks! I don't know why I didn't see that when grepping regress/
15:58.05 brlcad they set perspective via a script
15:58.42 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: ahh, that must be it --- thanks
15:59.18 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5867661997113344 : None - the quality of logo has degraded a little
16:00.22 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: also, I'm mildly worried that this whole set of changes is going to create at least a small increase in rt line count, since it has to running the gen_* functions, whereas before it just calculated point... is that acceptable?
16:00.53 brlcad wow, that's just great ... there's a new intrusion botnet that tries a distributed crack
16:01.04 brlcad ``Erik: pain-in-the-ass
16:01.26 brlcad time to get denyhosts actually using the ips it wants to block... :)
16:01.39 brlcad mentally shelves that task for later today
16:02.02 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: it has to be justifiable
16:02.34 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: e.g., and worrying about a few lines here or there isn't the issue .. especially if it improves readability or modularity
16:02.46 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that makes sense...
16:02.59 andromeda-galaxy I think that there are currently two things causing it to expand somewhat
16:03.07 brlcad from what I saw in the first patch, though, that wasn't the case .. there was a couple dozen lines of code added that looked like maybe remarshalling of data
16:03.21 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: the calling sequence for gen_rect?
16:03.26 andromeda-galaxy that's the bit that I'm most worried about as well
16:03.44 brlcad that's a net negative and might indicate the container api is maybe not right
16:03.54 andromeda-galaxy but I think that the best way to fix it is to revisit using an array instead of a bu_list for the gen_* results
16:04.31 brlcad I'd suggest first just getting an actual line count, then looking at where the lines are extra/added .. and just ask yourself why and then ask what *could* you do about it and think if it'd be worth it
16:05.06 brlcad frankly, the caller probably shouldn't be so tightly coupled with a data type
16:05.20 brlcad the API should probably handle it as a ray set and have an accessor/iterator
16:05.39 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that's true, and it would make it really easy to support
16:05.41 brlcad so under the hood it can be a list or array or whatever, and what's handed to the caller is simple (e.g., an array)
16:05.44 andromeda-galaxy the streaming/generator model from before
16:05.50 andromeda-galaxy *that we discussed before
16:06.14 brlcad it's related to streaming, but how it shakes out isn't so strictly needing to be a streaming API
16:06.19 andromeda-galaxy of course, as long as the underlying data structure is a linked list, the api around it will never be able to *efficiently* give random access..
16:07.15 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: right, it's just that those apis could be set up to access the (opaque) data structure in any way they wanted, including on-demand generation and caching or some such
16:07.54 ``Erik if the underlying data structure is appropriately encapsulated, the data structure can be changed if needed...
16:08.18 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: what do you think of my going ahead with getting perspective working for now, then looking at it and seeing if this is still a problem (which itt probably will be) and then trying to implement encapsulating apis for the bundles?
16:08.29 ``Erik brlcad: what's a pita, the distributed crack attempt, denyhost going nuts, or ya just calling me one? :D
16:09.31 ``Erik brlcad: I tried restarting the denyhosts daemon to see if that'd do the trick, it did not. Not sure why it'd start now, the program was last written aug30
16:10.02 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: indeed... the problem is that the current api just returns a bu_list and there aren't any functions to access rays, it expects the caller to walk them...
16:14.14 ``Erik hm, what about making a second function that fills an array? then uses could be migrated to the new approach one at a time?
16:15.09 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: there aren't that many functions, so it wouldn't be too hard to do it to all of them at once, the big problem is (for the older functions) deprecation policy
16:15.31 andromeda-galaxy which I already ran into when trying to move rt_raybundle_maker off of the old rt_shootray_bundle() api
16:15.46 andromeda-galaxy the newer functions haven't been released yet, so they're fine
16:17.32 andromeda-galaxy but since rt is only using the newer functions (right now, at least), it might make sense to make the new api (with better-encapsulated functions) and convert at least those two to use it
16:17.37 andromeda-galaxy and then one-by-one try to convert the rest
16:22.35 ``Erik fun, libbu fails on osX.10 with ntohll redef
16:25.01 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: what do you think of that approach}
16:25.03 andromeda-galaxy ?
16:26.37 brlcad ``Erik: distributed cracking <= pita
16:26.54 ``Erik andromeda-galaxy: it sounds like we're violently agreeing? :D
16:27.07 brlcad just one or two attempts from dozens/hundreds of different IPs
16:27.23 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: I think so :D
16:28.08 andromeda-galaxy last -clear
16:28.31 andromeda-galaxy sorry, irssi cmd with a missing /
16:28.41 ``Erik brlcad: yeah, is it worth changing the listening port or something until it blows over? finding a blacklist would be nice...
16:29.58 brlcad denyhost gets them when they attempt an admin account
16:30.15 ``Erik andromeda-galaxy: have you looked at ""? it's an irssi mod that helps figure out where to start reading from :) change windows and it'll put a bar where it was, then change back after a whiel and scroll up to find the bar... magic!
16:30.37 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: I did see that, I keep meaning to either install it or write my own
16:30.57 ``Erik brlcad: so we're taking the "grit your teeth and weather it" approach...
16:31.14 andromeda-galaxy since sometimes I have a number of tmux windows connected, it would be nice to have an approach that kept track of the number of 'readers' currently looking at any window
16:31.20 andromeda-galaxy and interpeted tmux lock events as leaving
16:33.18 ``Erik tmux is good stuff, too :) only problem is when you use it with a lot of scroll on a mac using an xquartz xterm, it gets really sluggish. I moved to because of that. Otherwise, it tromps screen
16:33.48 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: I've only been using it on linux, so I haven't noticed that, but I do generally like it better than screen (which I used to use)
16:34.49 ``Erik yeah, it takes a very specific set of circumstances to get that issue to crop up... it works great with xterms on linux, fbsd, console on both, putty on windows
16:35.12 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: interesting... have you made a bug report?
16:35.45 ``Erik nah, not sure if it's a tmux or xquartz (or xorg) issue
16:35.53 andromeda-galaxy ahh, true..
16:37.29 ``Erik xterm was the last thing keeping X running on my macbook, so I bit the bullet and configured to not suck, problem routed around :)
16:37.46 andromeda-galaxy that makes sense
16:45.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63937 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/pixborder.xml: revise comments about default portion of image
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17:11.20 Notify 02GCI:thevk * 5340178071683072 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:20.45 starseeker ``Erik: does that mean you've got the native aqua build of BRL-CAD working on Mac? :-P
17:25.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63938 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/pixhalve.xml: remove 'both' and combine 2 sentences
17:32.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63939 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/pixhalve.xml: move period
18:12.19 ``Erik starseeker: brlwhat?
18:15.46 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: just in case vmath already has a function for this that I can't find:
18:15.51 ``Erik hasn't compiled BRL-CAD on his laptop since... aug08
18:16.29 andromeda-galaxy is there an easy way to compute the term k such that normalize(normalize(a+b+c)-k) = normalize(a+b)?
18:17.02 ``Erik woops, wrong machine, aug04
18:18.22 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: figuring that out is currently annoying my efforts to make perspective rendering use gen_frustum(), since gen_frustum takes an angle and a vector and normalizes the vector result internally... which makes sense for it's usual use case, but is a pain for rt
18:18.52 ``Erik andromeda-galaxy: dunno, but wouldn't k be a set of possible values, one of those being =c?
18:19.27 andromeda-galaxy hmm... I don't think so, because of the normalizatoin
18:19.31 andromeda-galaxy *normalization
18:19.36 andromeda-galaxy let me grab a concrete example quicky
18:19.38 andromeda-galaxy *quickly
18:19.56 ``Erik not sure why you'd need that computation, generating rays given a frustum is pretty straight forward
18:20.36 andromeda-galaxy gen_frustum needs the center of the grid and the angle, I'm having trouble reverse-engineering the angle to give it from width/height...
18:21.05 andromeda-galaxy (and I've tried using rt_perspective/aspect*rt_perspective, but that's not workign correctly, so I wanted to try it this way and see if it gave me more information about what's wrong)
18:23.06 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: see what I mean?
18:24.40 ``Erik wouldn't the angle between the center of the grid and the edge be rt_perspective/2.0 ? I'm not sure what number you're looking for...
18:26.04 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: I'm not sure if there are some off-by-one errors or not, so I wanted to try to get the angle from the atan of the width/height instead and compare it
18:26.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63940 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/pixmorph.xml: in pixmorph.xml , do not underscore punctuation, and place right parentheses properly, and add a new comma
18:27.36 ``Erik could always tweak the existing code to printf what you want and do comparisons against that, right?
18:29.04 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: well, that's the problem --- I'm trying to figure out what to print...
18:29.21 ``Erik (or just shove your code in and run the benchmark regression stuff and see if the result image is 'right', should let you know if you're wrong pretty quickly... not necessarily if you're right, but ...)
18:30.18 andromeda-galaxy it's definitely wrong, I'm just trying to figure out *why* it's wrong
18:33.17 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: it's a really annoying kind of wrong, becauase by the end the cumalitive error is still < 0.001
18:33.21 andromeda-galaxy (in pixel coordinates)
18:36.08 ``Erik huh, I d'no, that sounds like it could just be plain old floating point fuzz from doing a different order of operations... it could be that if you did the two calculations with infinite precision, they'd come up the same... and it could even be that the existing approach is MORE divergant than your new one.
18:36.46 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: I know, that's why errors at that level are so annoying for me...
18:37.00 andromeda-galaxy *I find errors ...
18:37.38 andromeda-galaxy and, of course, since the difference is in the *coordinates* and not the actual computed value, it makes regress* fail catastrophically
18:38.29 ``Erik well, I'd wait for brlcad to weight in, it might be irrelevant... if it's really bugging you, what about implementing the two approaches using something with better numbers (mathematica, maple, commonlisp/scheme, java bignum, libgmp, etc) and see how close THOSE are, then how close the ieee754 approaches come to the arbitrary precision approaches?
18:39.06 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: that might work.. well, thanks for the advice! I'll try checking a couple of intermediate results quickly as well to see if I can easily eliminate it
18:39.31 ``Erik aight, good luck
18:40.05 ``Erik <-- thought the error was small enough that regress passed
18:48.37 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: no, the problem I was having is that it is really small, just not quite small enough
18:49.07 andromeda-galaxy I think it's probably that because the difference is in the coordinates, it can cause a (relatively) large fluctuation in pixel values
18:49.19 andromeda-galaxy though to a human eye it still looks pretty similar
18:53.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63942 (brlcad/trunk/src/util/pixembed.c brlcad/trunk/src/util/pixmerge.c): in 2 utilities, implement h? for help; this necessitated ending a -h for high-res
19:36.27 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: what do you think about this one? the error appears to be cumulative, and by the end of a 512x512px run, it is ~0.0005...
19:52.39 andromeda-galaxy brlcad, ``Erik: I'm pretty sure that the ``error'' stems from the fact that gen_frustum() scales the vector that was passed in (viewbase_model - eye-model) to be unit and then adds equivalent numbers determined from the angle, as opposed to the main code which does everything with bigger vectors and then normalizes at the end
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20:21.56 Stragus andromeda-galaxy, indeed. Adding x repeatedly to a number is less accurate than multiplying right away
20:22.27 andromeda-galaxy Stragus: I just tried another version that comes up with int j/i and multiplies them,
20:22.32 andromeda-galaxy but it is still slightly less accurate
20:22.35 andromeda-galaxy probably due to the scaling...
20:29.25 ``Erik ieee754 numbers tend to behave best if you can try to keep them close to the 1.0-2.0 range... they get fuzzier as you get really really big or really really small
20:30.09 ``Erik there're a few papers in the "what every programmer should know about ieee754" or floating point or 854 or ...
20:31.00 ``Erik here's one
20:32.03 Stragus It's more a matter of understanding mantissa and exponent than keeping to the 1.0-2.0 range...
20:32.37 Stragus Precision is the same everywhere over the normal range, it's just a matter of scale
20:32.52 andromedagalaxy ``Erik, Stragus: indeed! In a few more minutes , I'll try a couple of alternative computations...
20:32.58 Stragus (plus denormals and other quirks to know about)
20:34.07 ``Erik Stragus: yeh, but if you want an easy rule of thumb, I find the 1-2 idea to be a decent heuristic :)
20:34.53 ``Erik (damn, pedantry is annoying when I'm not the pedant *cough* O:-) )
20:39.01 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik, Stragus: the simplist thing that I'll start by doing is just delaying the VUNITIZE() call, because even though that results in working with larger numbers (5000), it's what the old rt coode does
20:39.26 ``Erik 5000 is still pretty small, should be fine
20:41.07 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: that was my thought as well
20:51.07 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik, Stragus: any idea how close pixdiff needs things to be to comparea correctly?
20:52.37 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik, Stragus: the pixel *coordinates* (no idea about the values though) are now within 0.0003 of each other by the end of a 512x512 raaytrace
21:00.06 andromeda-galaxy except that that made the *beginning* coordinates go 0.0004 out of sync with each other...
21:00.34 Notify 02GCI:deep10 * 5222964656078848 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
21:02.15 raptor_ All a good night!
21:09.59 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: are you still here?
21:19.24 andromeda-galaxy it looks like the problem is that when you tell rt to trace a 512x512 grid with angle theta, it actually does the equivalent of traacing a 513x513 grid and throwing away the topmost row and rightmost column
21:19.28 andromeda-galaxy this is, to say the least, problematic
21:21.52 ``Erik andromeda-galaxy: that is... interesting. this behavior is old?
21:22.09 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: I think so... it seems to be being confirmed by the tests
21:22.12 ``Erik source code to microsoft basic from '78:
21:22.19 andromeda-galaxy there's a similar issue with orthogonal rays, it always uses half-open sets
21:22.33 andromeda-galaxy it traces on the boundary for the left/lower sides, but not for the right/upper
21:23.23 ``Erik andromeda-galaxy: have you tried emulating the +1 behavior in your code to see if it "fixes" things?
21:23.50 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: At one point, at least, I had it tracing using the grid of width+1/height+1 rays
21:23.56 andromeda-galaxy and for the first scanline everything was perfect
21:24.13 andromeda-galaxy but then the last pixel of that scanline was rendered as the first of the next, and everything broke
21:24.37 ``Erik heh, slanted? what about width/height+1 ?
21:26.09 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: hmm... the problem is that it does the spacing as if it was width+1/height+1
21:27.03 andromeda-galaxy also, something else has suddenly stopped working while trying to fix that issue, now it goes wrong halfway trhough the first scanlinei...
21:28.38 ``Erik has a feeling that this has crept beyond the appropriate scope :/
21:29.19 andromeda-galaxy hmm?
21:31.21 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: I think it may be that the originala way that rt worked was that it divided the view into NxN cells, and sampled the lower left corner of each cell
21:31.42 andromeda-galaxy that naturally caused this behavior, which is now being a real pain to make work with code that doesn't sample that way
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21:37.00 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik: now this brings usback to my original concerns about trying to get angle from width/height instead of rt_perspective; doing so would allow adjusting the values to maake everything work (hopefully)
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22:01.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63943 brlcad/trunk/db/CMakeLists.txt: Add public FAA models as fastgen db files.
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22:47.39 ``Erik brlcad: seen ?
22:53.57 andromeda-galaxy pixdiff output on solids is down to 24 by 1, 6 by many...
22:58.16 andromeda-galaxy I have now discovered that the regression tests will fail if certain pixel coordinates are off by 2e-8
23:04.05 andromeda-galaxy there are now thirty pixels failing regression, all of which seem to have coordinates that differ by only something like 1e-7 (apparently not cumulative)
23:15.42 Notify 02GCI:martizor56 * 4958060736937984 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
23:30.05 Notify 02GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 6466077978525696 : status - This patch includes the changes from the last task (since those were definitely not ready for production) and adds another 5.75-6hrs work which...
23:30.10 Notify 02GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 6466077978525696 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
23:30.45 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: status report on rt-using-ray bundles: everything nearly works, but there are a couple of problems (which I outlined in the task); if you create a #3 task I'll happily fix them now, or I can do them post-GCI

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