IRC log for #brlcad on 20150114

00:02.59 *** join/#brlcad n_reed_ (
00:17.50 *** join/#brlcad ankesh11 (sid8015@gateway/web/
00:28.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63945 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.h: Comment tweaks
00:29.09 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
00:32.10 *** join/#brlcad ankesh11 (sid8015@gateway/web/
00:57.18 *** join/#brlcad ankesh11 (sid8015@gateway/web/
00:57.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63946 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.cpp: More more code to library
01:04.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63947 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.cpp: Need to dupliate surface here, not just cast.
01:22.29 andromeda-galaxy brlcad, ``Erik, starseeker: I'm thinking about eventually committing the changes to mkbundle.c that I've been doing, but there's the issue of rt_raybundle_maker(), which I had to change to use an rt_shootrays()-style api... what is the best way to handle that while preserving the deprecation policy? Create a new and renamed version that has the new behavior and convert all calling sites to use it/mark the old depre
01:32.45 *** join/#brlcad mikolalysenko (sid34553@gateway/web/
02:16.01 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
02:21.24 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
02:51.47 *** join/#brlcad mikolalysenko (sid34553@gateway/web/
03:15.14 andromeda-galaxy brlcad, maths22: for the 'PROJECT: Implement web applicatoin for testing commit ranges' series of tasks, what is the web server being used for mechanism is used for dynamic content? (being able to use websockets for the live updating would be really fun...)
03:21.50 *** join/#brlcad jfjhh (
03:23.36 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: can you link to that?
03:24.00 andromeda-galaxy maths22:
03:24.03 andromeda-galaxy
03:24.03 gcibot [[ PROJECT: Implement web application for testing commit ranges || BRL-CAD || Open || Mihai Neacsu, Dishank ]]
03:24.08 andromeda-galaxy that's the first one in the series
03:29.20 andromeda-galaxy maths22: my thinking (in the best case) is be 1) some kind of POST handler on the server to stick files in a queue directory, 2) a cron job to execute them in series (or something started from the POST handler, i.e. CGI script) and 3) a websockets server that can be notified of status updates and send push notifications to the connected clients... maybe 3) should incorporate 2) in a long-running process that uses i
03:29.43 andromeda-galaxy maths22: if that cut off, let me know and I'll resend the end of it (unfortunately, irssi doesn't tell me when message length limits are exceeded)
03:48.02 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
03:51.54 starseeker maths22: was talking with brlcad - is there any way, when we have a successful build of trunk with buildbot, to also run the "make dox" target and copy the results to the website?
03:53.03 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
04:01.12 *** part/#brlcad jfjhh (
04:01.28 *** join/#brlcad jfjhh (
04:05.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63948 brlcad/trunk/db/faa/CMakeLists.txt: Add README with info about report with images
04:11.06 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
04:11.24 *** part/#brlcad jfjhh (
04:14.03 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: I suggest that you look into at/batch (
04:14.48 maths22 starseeker: I think that would be doable...
04:15.05 andromeda-galaxy maths22: those might be useful, but I'm not sure how well they would mesh
04:15.09 andromeda-galaxy with live status reports...
04:15.28 andromeda-galaxy if it would work to write a process that acts as a websockets server,
04:15.35 maths22 What sort of status do you expect?
04:15.42 andromeda-galaxy maths22: well, reading some of the later task descriptions,
04:15.59 andromeda-galaxy mostly just things like how far through the commit range + script return results for each commit
04:16.45 andromeda-galaxy so my idea had been to run a websockets server process that also picked up on things added to a queue directory by a dumb server and ran them, sending status update messages to all connected clients
04:16.50 maths22 I would think that we would write a wrapper script that then writes status to a log file
04:17.17 andromeda-galaxy but how does that help with client live updating? (ideally, not polling)?
04:17.53 maths22 You would want the server to be doing something equivalent to tail -f
04:18.10 maths22 You don't want the script to die just because the users' connection died
04:18.30 andromeda-galaxy hmm? I'm talking about running a daemon that runs a websockets (not HTTP) server
04:18.39 andromeda-galaxy with websockets, you get notifications when clients connect/disconnect
04:18.44 andromeda-galaxy and can push-update messages
04:19.10 maths22 In my opinion, the websockets server should not be responsible for managing the jobs
04:19.27 maths22 It should only be responsible for conveying status updates about jobs that are running "in the background"
04:19.41 andromeda-galaxy maths22: that makes sense, I just thought either way would work...
04:19.51 maths22 starseeker: does make dox generate any kind of archive?
04:20.00 andromeda-galaxy is the HTTP server Apache with some set of the *CGI modules enabled?
04:20.15 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: in your mind, how would it work?
04:20.17 andromeda-galaxy (sorry to askyou about it, but I don't have a shell account and I can't find the information anywhere on the website)
04:20.23 andromeda-galaxy maths22: in this case, something like:
04:20.31 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: yes
04:20.43 maths22 What language would you be looking for?
04:20.55 andromeda-galaxy user submites request -> server drops file in queue dir -> jobs are processed in sequential order (background websockets server sends updates as necessary)
04:21.19 *** join/#brlcad mikolalysenko (sid34553@gateway/web/
04:21.21 andromeda-galaxy I was thinking about using Haskell, but if the Haskell RTS is too heavyweight I can try something else
04:21.40 maths22 That is what I am describing- use "at" to start the job in the queue
04:22.02 andromeda-galaxy right, that makes sense
04:22.14 maths22 I think we were agreeing the whole time :)
04:22.32 andromeda-galaxy probably :) is using haskell for the websockets server too depency-heavy?
04:23.26 andromeda-galaxy maths22: so just to confirm, the workflow should look something like:
04:23.32 andromeda-galaxy 1. status reporting daemon is started on server (maybe at boot)
04:23.39 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: in my opinion, no
04:24.06 andromeda-galaxy 2. user submits request, server creates any necessary files and schedules the job with at
04:24.09 maths22 As in-haskell would be fine
04:24.25 andromeda-galaxy 3. daemon uses *notify apis to get nice notifications about status and sends results
04:24.28 andromeda-galaxy oh, good to know
04:24.43 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
04:24.54 andromeda-galaxy I enjoy writing things in haskell... last thing --- which of the *many* Apache CGI extensions is currently using?
04:25.57 maths22 Let me check..
04:26.02 maths22 Why do you want to know?
04:26.13 andromeda-galaxy maths22: thanks! just so that when writing the part that handles the user submitting the form
04:26.33 andromeda-galaxy which cgi api to deal with, since, e.g. fastcgi/wcgi sometimes need slightly different code
04:26.48 andromeda-galaxy one other thing that I forgot about, sorry --- the server is fbsd, right? so no inotify
04:26.52 maths22 Yes
04:27.31 maths22 fcgi/scgi
04:27.40 andromeda-galaxy okay, then, I'll probably use for the websockets server
04:28.02 maths22 If you are using haskell though, you probablly don't want to use cgi
04:28.30 maths22 You probably want something like
04:28.34 andromeda-galaxy maths22: true, though there is is there a better system for integrating it into the current server (running Yesod under url rewriting does seem a little to heavy)...
04:28.47 maths22 Not really too heavy
04:28.56 maths22 I do that for some other things
04:29.01 maths22 apache mod_proxy
04:29.03 andromeda-galaxy yeah, snap is kind of interesting, I've been doing stuff with Yesod before, but caan look into snap
04:29.11 maths22 I don't care between yesod and snap
04:29.22 maths22 I think my cs professor mentioned snap; that was all
04:30.02 maths22 Also, if you have any questions about haskell stuff, I can pass them along to my professor (his specialty is haskell)
04:30.18 andromeda-galaxy in that case, sounds good! so, you think that it would work well to use yesod/snap to server the main interface pages & respond to post requests (with batch for scheduling) and a separate daemon for the websockets?
04:30.30 andromeda-galaxy (just checking that I have everything straight)...
04:30.46 andromeda-galaxy thanks! just curious, who is it? I might of heard of him...
04:30.52 andromeda-galaxy *have heard
04:33.01 andromeda-galaxy maths22: well, I'll start working on the frontend pages for the first task for now...
04:33.09 maths22 stuart kurtz
04:33.36 maths22 see something like
04:33.45 maths22 They really should probably be one daemon
04:35.00 andromeda-galaxy mahts22: true, I was still thinking of using two because of the original cgi idea, they should be easy enough tto combine...
04:35.07 andromeda-galaxy do you still think that the job running should be separate?
04:35.40 maths22 Yes
04:36.14 maths22 That way, the jobs don't get messed up even if the haskell web interface goes down
04:36.39 andromeda-galaxy makes sense... I'll get started then; thanks for discussing it with me / explaining the server infrastructure :)
04:39.19 andromeda-galaxy maths22: oh, and what about authentication/authorization/running jobs in a container? there isn't anything specific mentioned in the task pages, but not having anything seems like a really bad idea
04:39.51 maths22 I agree...
04:40.41 maths22 I would use chroot and a dedicated user with limited permissions
04:41.38 andromeda-galaxy maths22: sounds good! just have the web server process chroot & drop permissions right at the beginning?
04:42.03 maths22 The webserver doesn't need to worry about it
04:42.17 maths22 That is really a job for the wrapper script that runs the user supplied script
04:42.36 andromeda-galaxy true, well have that script do it then...
04:44.00 maths22 Once GCI ends, I can pitch in and work on stuff that doesn't get done
04:44.04 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 4948190365220864 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to NGenius. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
04:44.16 maths22 Also, do you know if the doxygen output is all in one file?
04:44.36 andromeda-galaxy maths22: for the html output, at least, I don't think it is, but there might be an archive version...
04:45.03 andromeda-galaxy (for now, I'll assume a preconfigured chroot environment with, e.g., bash in it for running the scripts in)
04:45.15 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 4958060736937984 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Martin. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
04:45.25 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 6118055788675072 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Zenon. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
04:48.00 *** join/#brlcad raptor_ (~raptor@
04:49.07 starseeker maths22: it creates a directory of files in doc/doxygen_output
04:50.27 maths22 OK
04:51.30 starseeker or rather, doc/doxygen_output/html
04:51.40 starseeker index.xhtml is the "starting" toplevel file
04:52.13 starseeker it's about 970 megs of output
04:53.24 starseeker quite a lot of files
04:53.53 starseeker > 33000
04:54.32 starseeker needs a (reasonably) new doxygen and the graphviz tools installed
04:55.30 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5050736735944704 : kerning - Raptor, is there a reason the kerning (spacing between letters) is inconsistent?
04:56.48 starseeker not 100% sure, but it may be important to remove the old directory before re-generating the output
04:58.16 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (4f733b36@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
04:59.21 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5886097942904832 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
04:59.46 Notify 02GCI:mihaineacsu29 * 5886097942904832 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Raptor. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
05:00.52 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5886097942904832 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
05:02.06 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5867661997113344 : indeed - Rohit, ah using Sharan's is fine. It looked like the black link was smaller than the red link, but I see now it's simply because the red link is shaking...
05:02.46 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5886097942904832 : About this work - Calculations for finding V and A, B did my script
05:07.16 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
05:17.47 maths22 Only ~136 meg compressed into a tgz
05:22.49 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 5222964656078848 : Nice and Different. - Hey this is a nice animation, I would like to know how are you making it. Like what software packages are used for such animation. Also please...
05:22.50 Notify 02GCI:gjeet * 5222964656078848 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
05:23.40 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5340178071683072 : regions within regions - A "region" in BRL-CAD is supposed to indicate a single part, eg, a single piece of metal. That means each link and pin will likely be...
05:23.41 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5340178071683072 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
05:25.17 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6466077978525696 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
05:25.32 Notify 02GCI:deep10 * 5222964656078848 : Software - I used powerpoint to animate the bits, then rendered it as an mp4. I uploaded that mp4 and got a gif. There were no original files as such since it was...
05:27.01 Notify 02GCI:deep10 * 5222964656078848 : Uploaded - I have uploaded the powerpoint and mp4 video. Please take a look.
05:31.45 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5222964656078848 : what is BRL - So Ko0lGuY, this is pretty fun, interesting, and unexpected. However, I'm wondering why you stopped at "BRL-"? Our trademark is "BRL-CAD" and...
05:32.14 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: are you going to create another one for dealing with the rest of rt?
05:39.32 Notify 02GCI:deep10 * 5222964656078848 Animate our logo! #11 Edits Thank you for your suggestion I will add CAD in there. I...
05:39.34 gcibot [[ Animate our logo! #11 || BRL-CAD || NeedsWork || Popescu Andrei, Ishwerdas ]]
05:43.17 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5886097942904832 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
05:46.17 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5886097942904832 : None - O), what is the underlying?
05:48.18 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5886097942904832 : no regions? - Raptor, this is creative and nice, but it looks like you didn't define any regions in your model. This means while your model does define some...
05:50.02 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5886097942904832 : None - Okay, I will do
05:53.43 Notify 02GCI:zehata * 6118055788675072 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
05:54.13 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5886097942904832 : your other model - the "BRL-CAD" was so close! ... are you going to go back to work on that one?
05:57.23 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6118055788675072 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
05:57.27 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: yes, but first ... one more pattern!
05:57.33 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5886097942904832 : None - Yes going, but it's better to upload more ready)))
05:57.37 brlcad and this can be two tasks as it's a bit more tricky
05:58.02 brlcad I'm going to just describe it here and will get the tasks up in the morning
05:59.02 brlcad basically, a pattern of rays based on some input geometry
05:59.20 andromeda-galaxy what kind of geometry?
05:59.24 brlcad any
05:59.48 brlcad so the function will take one of the object containers like a struct rt_db_internal *
06:00.14 andromeda-galaxy but where should the rays start/end?
06:00.54 brlcad you don't define where a ray ends .. only start and direction ;)
06:01.39 brlcad so the caller specifies the geometry and a direction vector
06:02.23 brlcad you shoot rays at the geometry in the direction of that direciton vector through the entire grid that spans it's bounding box, effectively sampling it fully
06:02.32 brlcad for each ray that hits, those are the rays you keep
06:03.04 brlcad so if I shot through an "H" for example, I'll end up with a grid of rays that look like an H
06:03.07 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
06:03.34 andromeda-galaxy so it basically uses a gen_rect() style bundle of rays but throws out all the ones that aren't useful?
06:03.43 andromeda-galaxy (also, is mkbundle.c now in a state to commit?)
06:03.59 brlcad technically, any of the patterns that have been done to date could apply to this "object template" generator, but it's a fair bit more complex from an API perspective
06:04.18 brlcad yeah, basically
06:05.04 andromeda-galaxy so it should infer the "start point" based on direction & bounding box?
06:05.11 brlcad the pattern is useful for projecting geometry onto other geometry
06:05.24 andromeda-galaxy (i.e. a point outside the bounding box such that the centroid of the geometry is in <direction>)
06:05.38 andromeda-galaxy that makes sense... sounds like a very interesting (if computationally intensive) pattern...
06:06.39 raptor_ brlcad, i'm upload bicycle_chain
06:07.17 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: yeah, it's a real-world example that has a lot of potential uses
06:07.51 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that makes sense... did you see my question about the start point used for the current patterns?
06:08.24 andromeda-galaxy also, would it make sense for it to support, i.e., both perspective & orthogonal grid generators? also, there should probably be at least one gridsize parameter...
06:08.28 brlcad like say I wanted to drop a pencil on a table, I could sample the pencil shape and then shoot those rays at the table to see where/when it will hit (imagine there are many objects on the table that it might hit too)
06:09.24 brlcad there needs to be some sort of grid density parameter, not sure about whether the start point must be specified or can be inferred
06:09.40 brlcad unlike the other patterns, simply specifying the geometry and a direction is sufficient
06:09.48 brlcad at least for orthogonal rays
06:09.57 brlcad and I think only orthogonal make sense
06:10.18 brlcad perspective would be .. exploding geometry of some sort
06:11.00 Notify 02GCI:casanova_9898 * 5791674965950464 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
06:11.08 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: indeed... gen_rect() probably makes the most sense then... gridsize would need to be specified, but start could definitely be inferred from the geometry
06:12.09 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: do you think it would be okay to always center the grid on the centroid of the geometry?
06:12.56 andromeda-galaxy in any case, finding the extent of the grid to sample could be somewhat, annoying depending on direction: if it's pointing at a face of the bounding box it's easy, but otherwise it gets a little harder...
06:13.02 andromeda-galaxy (to determine maximum possible extents)
06:13.36 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: are there existing functions for doing that (basically, taking the geometry and a direction and giving the largest plane orthogonal to that direction in the bounding box)?
06:15.27 brlcad a grid spacing or density would work too
06:15.47 brlcad should match what the other one is doing
06:15.54 brlcad (the gen_rect routine)
06:16.09 andromeda-galaxy yeah, sorry I meant to say grid density (the equivealent of gen_rect's da/db)
06:16.35 brlcad and while this is shooting a regular grid, I don't quite see it as being the same notion .. it's like the gridded cylinder routine
06:16.52 brlcad which is consequently the pattern you'd get by specifying a sphere as the object, nice test case ;0
06:17.53 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: look at what nirt does, as it has a back-out option to make sure you're always shooting a ray from behind the geometry you're shooting at
06:18.30 brlcad src/nirt follow logic for do_backout
06:18.31 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: the problem that I was thinkinga bout wasn't only getting out of the bounding box
06:18.41 andromeda-galaxy but also finding the size of the grid to shoot
06:18.56 andromeda-galaxy if it's pointed directly at a face of the bounding box, it's easy :just the width/height of that face
06:19.12 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: but if it's at some weird angle relative to the bb, I'm not quite sure how to calculate that...
06:19.24 brlcad it's exactly what rt does
06:19.54 andromeda-galaxy you mean the auto view stuff? good point... is that in any libraries, or is it in the rt application itself?
06:20.36 Notify 02GCI:zehata * 6118055788675072 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
06:21.05 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
06:21.26 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: if it's currently custom to rt, that might be another candidate for something to factor out into librt...
06:24.42 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: both
06:24.56 brlcad it's in the application, but there's also the autoview command that you can check out in src/libged/autoview.c
06:26.29 brlcad you'll notice it's quite simple .. 2x the extents
06:26.52 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that's one approach... I was curious if there was a more optimal versioni anywhere
06:26.56 brlcad that's gauranteed to always show the entire model, no matter the angle
06:27.07 andromeda-galaxy i.e. that's always big enough, but it's (almost always) too big
06:27.36 andromeda-galaxy it seems like it should be possible to compute the exact sizes, but I'm not sure how... well, if that turns out to be too difficult, I'll just waste a few rays on sampling extra space..
06:27.47 brlcad there's not currently a better version ... that's be a great function/task/feature too ;)
06:28.26 brlcad if you work on it and make a function, let me know before friday so I can get the tasks all uploaded for you to claim
06:29.35 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sure, thanks! I'll work on it some tomorrow and see if it can be done easily
06:30.22 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I'll start by doing the new pattern generator with 2x extents & submit that, then see about refining that view... it would certainly be an interesting algorithmic problem
06:31.26 brlcad excellent!
06:32.33 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I probably should go for the night soon, I'll start working on all that in the morning... can you ping me when the new bundling tasks are up so that I know what name to look for?
06:32.43 *** join/#brlcad dhs (~dhs@
06:33.12 dhs Hello, I am trying to run mged to make my image black and white, but it is returning an error.
06:34.30 Notify 02GCI:harman052 * 5791674965950464 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Danny. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
06:34.48 brlcad dhs: hello
06:34.54 brlcad dhs: more details?
06:35.15 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: yep, will do
06:35.23 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: thanks!
06:35.39 dhs I am trying to run the png-bw command in mged
06:35.43 dhs Or should I do it in terminal?
06:38.15 brlcad dhs: terminal
06:38.37 brlcad some commands are mged commands, many others are unix command-line commands
06:38.46 dhs OK thank you!
06:38.56 brlcad sure np
06:39.18 brlcad hang around on IRC and many others here will eventually help you if you wait for an answer ;)
06:39.28 brlcad for me, have to run off for a bit -- cheers!
06:39.41 dhs Have fun, Mr brlcad!
06:48.34 *** join/#brlcad andromeda_galaxy (
06:49.22 *** join/#brlcad andromedagalaxy (
06:54.21 Notify 02GCI:deep10 * 5222964656078848 : 2nd Version - The 2nd Version is up and includes the "CAD". I do apologize for not putting it in the first place. As for uses, I was thinking maybe on a website or...
06:56.11 Notify 02GCI:noobboy69 * 5218710037987328 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
06:58.41 Notify 02GCI:deep10 * 5222964656078848 : Powerpoint did not save :( - It had just come to my attention the powerpoint did not save. I will recreate the animation and upload it.
07:08.28 Notify 02GCI:casanova_9898 * 5791674965950464 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
07:32.53 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (c35a6e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:35.45 andromedagalaxy brlcad: one other thing about the rt work that I just remembered: as I mention end,the perspective tests are still failing, but the differences in pixel coordinates appear to be rounding error... What should we do?
07:43.47 Notify 02GCI:csh12231223 * 5802485667069952 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
07:45.01 dhs exit
07:50.37 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 6118055788675072 : None - Zenon, You've done a good job designing this splash screen, it looks good and it's a clean, simple design! The one thing I would address is if you...
07:51.01 andrei_ are these two too similar ? and ?
07:51.02 gcibot [[ Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #57 || BRL-CAD || NeedsReview (4 days 2 hrs 43 min) || Gauravjeet Singh, Ch3ck ]]
07:51.02 gcibot [[ Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #15 || BRL-CAD || NeedsReview (2 days 4 hrs 45 min) || Isaac Kamga, Mihai Neacsu ]]
07:54.12 Notify 02GCI:izak * 5218710037987328 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
07:54.54 andrei_ ...
08:00.57 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 5222964656078848 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements...
08:03.32 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 4596346644332544 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
08:03.52 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 5791674965950464 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
08:12.03 Notify 02GCI:zehata * 6118055788675072 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:16.11 Notify 02GCI:zehata * 6118055788675072 : Review - Dear Mentors, I have tried my best to make the necessary changes. I have set the ppi to 600 and zipped the files as BRL-CAD Splash Screen v2.1. If the...
08:17.51 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 6118055788675072 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
08:19.11 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 5222964656078848 : None - Sure thing, I was just trying to give you a starting point, not a forced guideline. Feel free to do as you please, the more creative you are, the...
08:20.11 Notify 02GCI:csh12231223 * 5802485667069952 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:23.24 Notify 02GCI:martizor56 * 4958060736937984 : None - I can't seem to submit my design as a psd format. Would it be okay if i just submit my design as a png format?
08:23.30 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
08:24.19 Notify 02GCI:martizor56 * 4958060736937984 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:25.19 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
08:29.46 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 4958060736937984 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements...
08:30.26 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 5802485667069952 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
08:31.11 Notify 02GCI:martizor56 * 4958060736937984 : None - i already put submitted a reference documented of all websites i used to get my images
08:38.04 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
08:40.56 Notify 02GCI:deep10 * 5222964656078848 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
08:42.06 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 5222964656078848 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
08:43.46 Notify 02GCI:deep10 * 5222964656078848 : Thank you - Thank you for your guidance, suggestions and constant feedback. Deep B (Ko0lGuY)
08:56.17 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
09:41.09 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (
09:42.35 *** join/#brlcad Notify (
09:43.00 Notify 02GCI:martizor56 * 4958060736937984 : None - i put submitted new reference document just letting you know :)
09:58.58 Notify 02GCI:hideyoshi1 * 4639899508539392 : Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
10:02.13 Notify 02GCI:hideyoshi1 * 4956557716488192 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
10:02.28 Notify 02GCI:hideyoshi1 * 4956557716488192 : Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
10:11.25 *** join/#brlcad merzo (~merzo@
10:14.28 Notify 02GCI:thevk * 5340178071683072 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
10:20.39 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 4958060736937984 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements...
10:28.23 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
11:10.05 *** part/#brlcad andrei_ (c35a6e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:10.10 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (c35a6e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:11.24 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
11:23.02 *** join/#brlcad MarcTannous (4f733b36@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
11:31.37 MarcTannous good afternnon guys
11:31.51 raptor_ good)
11:33.43 andrei_ hello
11:48.02 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5867661997113344 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
11:50.29 Notify 02GCI:krishnab2014 * 4632441281052672 : Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
11:54.08 Notify 02GCI:rohit_agarwal * 5867661997113344 : None - I made the links as stable as I can. Sorry I cannot keep the image size smaller than this. The quality is better now. Hope you like it. And one more...
11:55.28 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:51.20 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
13:27.20 Notify 02GCI:martizor56 * 4958060736937984 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
13:30.05 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
13:30.17 Notify 02GCI:martizor56 * 4958060736937984 : None - i managed to submit my psd file. It was just that before the psd file was too big,it exceeded the 35mb limit.
13:35.52 ignacio Good morning...
13:47.52 MarcTannous morning ignacio
13:48.24 *** join/#brlcad shardulc (~shardul@
13:51.41 shardulc brlcad: are you there?
14:01.16 andrei_ shardulc: is there a particular reason why you need brlcad?
14:01.49 shardulc andrei_: yes, I wrote a script to detect dead code and he's the only one who knows about it (I think)
14:02.05 shardulc he said he'll create a task for me to submit it
14:02.25 YashM shadulc, if I am not wrong, you've been waiting for over a week?
14:02.45 shardulc YashM: well yeah, I did other tasks
14:03.20 andrei_ shardulc: I could create a "dummy task" just so you get credit for it, but I'm not sure if that's the best approach
14:03.40 shardulc andrei_: ?
14:03.59 andrei_ I don't know the details, so I could create a task with no description that you could claim, submit your file
14:04.02 andrei_ then close it
14:04.33 shardulc yes, but I'm doing another task currently
14:04.40 andrei_ well, after
14:04.52 andrei_ hm, I think we ll do the following thing
14:05.24 maths22 andrei_: you actually can't exactly
14:05.36 maths22 brlcad will have to publish it after you create it
14:05.49 andrei_ maths22: not really, I can create it directly on melange
14:06.01 andrei_ just like mihaineacsu did with some other task
14:06.18 andrei_ shardulc: here's my idea. you keep working on other tasks, and if brlcad doesn't answer until the end of the week, I(or other mentors) will create that dummy task for you to claim, then close it ?
14:07.01 shardulc as soon as my current task is reviewed, I'll claim this one
14:07.04 maths22 andrei_: maybe I'm wrong, but I thought he has to check the "publish" box in essence for any task that we create, even if we do it in melange
14:07.17 shardulc I'll tell you when I'm done on this channel
14:07.33 andrei_ maths22: if you go to dashboard, you have a create task link/file
14:08.03 andrei_ those tasks appear instantly on Melange
14:08.37 shardulc andrei_: is that fine?
14:08.38 mihaineacsu I did create a task directly on Melange, I wasn't aware at that time
14:09.12 andrei_ shardulc: that depends when you finish your task. if you finish it today, you can claim another
14:09.38 mihaineacsu the task should be first created on your list on (@maths22)
14:09.45 shardulc it will probably be reviewed 14-15 hours from now (timezone problems!)
14:10.10 andrei_ that depends what task it is, I've reviewed all, except modeling ones until now
14:10.23 shardulc no, it's an apertium task :)
14:10.28 andrei_ oh
14:12.12 MarcTannous so much activity on the channel today :D
14:13.19 andrei_ Marc: you've taken a break? I haven't seen you asking anyone's opinion on your tasks in a while?
14:13.51 MarcTannous trying to catch up with real life, should submit something today though
14:14.10 MarcTannous so I
14:14.22 MarcTannous will ask about people's opinion pretty soon, no worries
14:14.43 andrei_ how many tasks you've got?
14:14.52 MarcTannous 40 something I think
14:14.52 andrei_ my retarded proxy is blocking the ranking website for some reason
14:15.46 MarcTannous 43
14:24.22 andrei_ that's a lot :)
14:33.00 Notify 02GCI:tratigen * 4975346856230912 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
14:36.27 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 4975346856230912 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Joel Teo. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:37.32 Notify 02GCI:tratigen * 4975346856230912 : Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
14:37.47 MarcTannous has anyone seen This is amazing
14:42.50 Notify 02GCI:tratigen * 4956557716488192 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
14:43.55 Notify 02GCI:popescuandrei * 4956557716488192 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Joel Teo. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:44.01 andrei_ if he unclaims it again...
14:52.15 Notify 02GCI:tratigen * 4956557716488192 : Claim Removed - The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.
14:54.50 andrei_ right, let him take a break now
14:57.50 Notify 02GCI:shivam691999 * 4596409726664704 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
15:08.17 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5340178071683072 : It has still the "regions within regions" issue - For example link.r has the regions linkers.r and linkers3.r inside. You should read Sean's comment again. ...
15:08.23 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5340178071683072 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
15:10.55 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
15:16.12 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:18.49 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5886097942904832 : More regions - A region is a building part of the over all geometry. In this sense cil2 isn't one but 6 regions/parts. Same for the other regions. As the...
15:18.54 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5886097942904832 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
15:25.21 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5867661997113344 : Looks nice - but I'm still convicted that the red link should cover the black one (red link in foreground, black link in background).
15:25.31 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5867661997113344 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
15:29.07 *** join/#brlcad andrei___ (c35a6e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:42.25 *** part/#brlcad shardulc (~shardul@
15:44.54 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5252586642866176 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
15:46.59 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
15:47.08 raptor_ I added more regions
15:49.40 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5886097942904832 : Almost - The regions are OK and the grouping of the regions is OK too - but you should set the color in the regions, not in the higher groups.
15:49.50 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5886097942904832 : Task Needs More Work - One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to...
15:52.09 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (c35a6e7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:54.16 raptor_ ooh)
15:55.41 raptor_ 3d printer or machine for color is not needed?)
16:04.46 raptor_ i'm added color
16:04.52 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5886097942904832 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
16:05.47 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5340178071683072 : Hey! - You have 15 links which means you need 15 regions for them. Then you have 10 pins which require another 10 regions. Together you should come up with 25...
16:12.16 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5886097942904832 : Even closer - The top level group containing all relevant elements is missing. And, when you are on it, you can remove the region_id attribute from cil1, cil2,...
16:17.02 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5867661997113344 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
16:24.19 raptor_ im add
16:25.50 d_rossberg raptor_: the region_id attribute is still in the cil1, cil2, ... groups
16:26.17 raptor_ hm
16:26.32 d_rossberg value is -1
16:27.08 raptor_ How to remove it?
16:28.18 d_rossberg attr rm ...
16:29.44 raptor_ attr rm cil1 region_id ?
16:32.38 d_rossberg attr rm cil1 region_id
16:33.51 raptor_ i did it
16:34.14 raptor_ all groups
16:34.24 *** join/#brlcad YashM (~YashM@
16:34.34 raptor_ thanks!!!
16:34.50 Notify 02GCI:rossberg * 5886097942904832 : Task Closed - Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
16:35.05 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
16:35.40 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5798062521843712 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
16:39.05 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
16:43.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63950 (brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.h): Start working on how to identify primitive candidates from subsets of the subbrep data.
16:58.03 Notify 02GCI:ch3ck * 5798062521843712 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Raptor. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!
16:58.19 *** join/#brlcad nmz787_i (~nmccorkx@
17:12.43 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
17:15.03 Notify 02GCI:ralpt3748752_qejwhe * 5798062521843712 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:37.59 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
17:40.55 Notify 02GCI:Melange * 4596409726664704 : No more Work can be submitted - Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
17:58.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63951 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.cpp: More work on subset identification - need to think about this, whether a face can be used more than once in this context...
18:07.52 MarcTannous umm
18:07.54 MarcTannous any mentors around?
18:08.19 MarcTannous Yet another task copied that got accepted
18:08.40 MarcTannous and
18:08.41 gcibot [[ Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #8 || BRL-CAD || Closed || Daniel_R, Gauravjeet Singh ]]
18:08.42 gcibot [[ Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #4 || BRL-CAD || Closed || Sean, Harmanpreet ]]
18:08.43 MarcTannous are dentical
18:08.46 MarcTannous identical*
18:09.50 MarcTannous actually, one of them is the same design with the triangle being flipped vertically..
18:23.58 MarcTannous _andrei : Just submitted a task after the long hiatus :P
18:24.00 Notify 02GCI:tannousmarc * 6103408255696896 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
18:36.55 brlcad pretty awesome, genetic algorithm hardware solution:
18:38.22 *** join/#brlcad darshpreets (~darshpree@
18:45.58 brlcad andromedagalaxy: per your question about rounding error, the source of the error has to be identified before a determination can be made about what to do about it
18:46.37 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: ahh... I spent a couple of hours during the last task looking through it, and it looks like the error just comes from the fact that
18:46.58 andromeda-galaxy gen_rect() uses a slightly different method to generate the values (and there are a couple of VSCALEs to make things neater)
18:47.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63952 brlcad/trunk/src/util/pixcount.c: edit some comments; implement h for help
18:51.44 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I tried a couple of other possibilities in gen_rect(), but none of them improved it by much... It might just be that sending the data throguh a general purpose api can't be done without some amount of fp rounding error
19:03.32 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
19:14.31 *** join/#brlcad raptor_ (~raptor@
19:22.36 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
19:25.06 *** join/#brlcad LordOfBikes (
19:27.51 starseeker brlcad: that's pretty weird (genetic chip algorithm)
19:29.11 starseeker in a way, it didn't really solve the problem though - it was so specific to that particular hardware/environment that it couldn't be copied to other FPGA hardware and work reliably
19:30.18 starseeker wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work reliably as a function of time/tempature/humidity/etc. either...
19:30.57 starseeker still, I suppose it has potential applications
19:37.45 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
19:46.20 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5338260117127168 : follow-on -
19:46.21 gcibot [[ Create script to detect dead code || BRL-CAD || Open || Sean ]]
19:47.08 andromeda-galaxy starseeker: indeed... possible the largest problem is that it's impossible to make an ASIC from, and so rather difficult to scale up...
19:48.06 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5338260117127168 : also - Also, all the remaining tasks to eliminate dead code are no longer marked as beginner tasks. Let me know if you need more! :)
19:50.33 *** join/#brlcad gcibot (ignacio@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
19:50.35 brlcad MarcTannous: the performance of that particles site is quickly pretty abysmal, but yeah, awesome work
19:52.27 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: there's nearly always a source of rounding error that can be accommodated, but it can be difficult if you've never dug that deep before
19:53.16 brlcad starseeker: but it did work .. if you want it to work on multiple chips, you factor in multiple chips into the GA fitness
19:53.28 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: makes sense... I'll try looking into it a little bit more after this next pattern...
19:53.57 brlcad GAs are *very* specific in that they will strictly converge to optimal solutions, which it most definitely did there
19:58.34 brlcad andromeda-galaxy:
19:58.34 gcibot [[ Investigate and fix source of rounding error || BRL-CAD || Open || Sean ]]
19:58.58 brlcad but seriously, do the object ray generator task first ;)
19:59.19 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: did you put that one up? I was planning on it, but I've checked a couple of times this mroning
19:59.19 brlcad MarcTannous: I have a set of icon tasks that I'd love for you to try if you're interested, before GCI is over
19:59.23 andromeda-galaxy (remembering to reload)
19:59.29 andromeda-galaxy and it didn't show up
19:59.39 brlcad I just put it up now
19:59.52 MarcTannous brlcad: Sure thing. Is there any way I can get a follow up task of "mergin all the web galleries in one web page"? Because I'm pretty much done with these
19:59.59 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: by the way, on the rounding error one --- I have it printing *all* ray values, and it's still not making much sense... definitely not a much of a cumulative effect
20:00.01 brlcad MarcTannous: yep!
20:00.07 MarcTannous br
20:00.27 MarcTannous brlcad: Also, saw that the "think.invent.create" I came up with for Archer stuck with people
20:00.38 MarcTannous saw it on loads on designs
20:01.02 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: what did you call the other ray one?
20:04.07 brlcad MarcTannous:
20:04.07 gcibot [[ Create a gallery of all galleries || BRL-CAD || Open || Sean ]]
20:04.45 MarcTannous brlcad: if you've got 1min, check this one out so that I can claim the one you just made
20:04.46 gcibot [[ Create a web gallery of GCI sticker designs #3 || BRL-CAD || NeedsReview (2 days 17 hrs 35 min) || Ishwerdas, Ch3ck ]]
20:04.48 MarcTannous thanks btwe
20:04.50 MarcTannous btw*
20:04.57 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I can't find the one for making the object bundles, what didyou call it?
20:07.46 brlcad MarcTannous: also:
20:07.47 gcibot [[ Create a gallery of all 3D models #3 || BRL-CAD || Open || Sean ]]
20:09.13 MarcTannous hmmm
20:09.17 MarcTannous that one will take a while
20:10.06 MarcTannous but I'll do it and then do the follow-up task
20:10.53 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I've tried reloading the page a couple more times, it's still not showing up... (object ray generator task
20:10.56 andromeda-galaxy )
20:15.17 brlcad andromeda-galaxy:
20:15.18 gcibot [[ Implement a single function to generate rays based on an object stencil || BRL-CAD || Open || Sean ]]
20:15.43 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: thanks! I don't know why it took so long to show up
20:15.45 brlcad MarcTannous: how long is "a while"? :)
20:16.09 MarcTannous brlcad: if I can claim the 3D task tonight, I'll probably get it done by tomorrow
20:16.15 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: oh, you want the user to specify the plane,not just a direction?
20:16.26 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: let me know if the description isn't clear -- I tried to keep it simple
20:17.01 Notify 02GCI:o7p9bxbnyj * 5250537473703936 : Task Claimed - I would like to work on this task.
20:17.04 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: one thing, is for vertical/horizontal density the user would have to input one of vertical or horizontal
20:17.13 brlcad but it could be even simpler still if you get stuck, like having to clamp rays to the input plane ... they could be behind it if that's easier, we could fix that later
20:17.28 brlcad either separate or a single density, don't think it matters
20:17.52 brlcad single density is probably fine, but double might make the api more consistent with the rect pattern .. your call
20:18.04 andromeda-galaxy makes sense... I thought we were discussing using something like the nirt backing out to not need a plane and only need a direction?
20:18.45 andromeda-galaxy (just thinking about it mentioning a plane instead ofjust a direction)
20:18.54 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: also, why would you want to sample from inside the object?
20:19.06 andromeda-galaxy The output is a set of rays parallel to the input ray and at or in front of the plane defined by that ray (so you could shoot from inside an object).
20:29.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63953 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/pixfade.xml: fill out pixfade.xml, and stop its underscore of >
20:34.10 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
20:42.25 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 63954 brlcad/trunk/src/util/pixfade.c: remove [-h] from Usage, and touch up comments
20:46.34 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63955 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.cpp: Start separating out faces into candidate primitive subsets. Need to be more selective when evaluating candidate faces - right now the only check is on type of surface, which isn't adequate.
20:50.22 *** join/#brlcad Ko0lGuY (uid61616@gateway/web/
20:56.22 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
21:09.28 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 5907391937773568 : follow-on - There are now a slew of additional icon tasks added! Just search on the title or tags for icons and you'll see there are five other icon sets we would...
21:09.43 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6380328235040768 : follow-on - Yash, There are now a slew of additional icon tasks added! Just search on the title or tags for icons and you'll see there are five other icon sets we...
21:10.13 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6436162138800128 : follow-on - Aditya, There are now a slew of additional icon tasks added! Just search on the title or tags for icons and you'll see there are five other icon sets...
21:10.33 Notify 02GCI:brlcad * 6143905720434688 : follow-on - There are now a slew of additional icon tasks added! Just search on the title or tags for icons and you'll see there are five other icon sets we would...
21:12.25 Notify 02GCI:deepakkumarsharma * 5250537473703936 : Task Assigned - This task has been assigned to Andromeda Galaxy. You have 120 hours to complete this task, good luck!
21:15.35 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: it's pretty trivial to project backed-out rays onto a plane later, that's why I said it doesn't matter if you do it one way or the other
21:15.58 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: right, I think I was just confused by what you meant by in front of the plane
21:16.17 andromeda-galaxy i.e. when first reading it I thought you meant closer to the object then the plane, which doesn't really fit either scenario
21:16.25 brlcad the silhoette of an object is potentially quite different from a given cut plane
21:17.06 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: not sure I understand...
21:17.34 brlcad imagine a chair being my object, looking at it from a corner ... fully backed out, I might see four legs, but from an interior plane, there may be other 3, 2, or 1 leg
21:17.44 brlcad don't worry about it :)
21:17.51 brlcad do whatever you can get working :)
21:18.14 brlcad shooting the object and getting hit points, so you know which rays to keep is enough for one task anyways
21:18.34 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sounds good :) I'll try to figure out nirts backing-out right now
21:18.43 andromeda-galaxy more globals...
21:19.02 andromeda-galaxy wait, why isn't the bounding sphere stuff in librt?
21:19.32 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: it looks like nirts backing-out uses the nirt bsphere functionality which isn't in librt and so can't be accessed by the gen functions...
21:20.23 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I see what you mean about the difference between the silhouette and the cut plane, projecting the rays back onto the cut plane shouldn't be hard
21:24.06 raptor_ brlcad: that is a lot of tasks at the end )))
21:25.00 raptor_ eyes diverge
21:28.15 brlcad raptor_: there was a huge dump at 20%, another at 40, and another at 75% ... there's only been a few more added here at 90%
21:28.42 brlcad the 75% was late, supposed to be nearer to 65%
21:29.05 brlcad oh, and 0% ;) the initial dump
21:29.43 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: "why isn't the bounding sphere stuff in librt?" ... pretty much the same answer anywhere in our code
21:30.10 brlcad either it's only used in one place, or nobody has gotten around to refactoring it into an api function
21:30.44 raptor_ :)
21:31.01 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: okay, that makes sense!
21:31.51 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: just to clear up a terminology thing quickly: when something refers to the front of a model/scene it means the side closest to the observer, right? so for example the ... in front of the plane ... in the task description refers to moving in the opposite direction as towards the object?
21:32.16 andromeda-galaxy also, should the function take an rt_i structure, or is there some other container of geometry data it should use?
21:32.30 raptor_ good night guys!
21:33.59 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: if I pastebin you the current state of mkbundle (the other changes to it prevoius to adding this function) can you tell me if it's ready to be committed? the main thing that I'm worried about is the set of chagnes to rt_raybundle_maker()
21:35.45 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: a plane is defined by a point and a vector ... progressing "forward" means going in the direction of the vector
21:36.19 brlcad imaging a ground plane ... the vector would point up (0,0,1) and in front of the ground is the air, behind the ground plane is .. dirt
21:36.56 andromeda-galaxy hmm, that makes sense... I was just confused by the usage of "in front nof the plane" in the task description, because I had thought that we were discussing making the rays start either on the plane or behind it...
21:37.49 brlcad well, the function is creating rays that will start behind it ... it has to in order to ensure a hit
21:38.09 brlcad but the *result* from the function is a set of rays that start on the ground plane
21:38.24 andromeda-galaxy here's the sentence that was confusing me:
21:38.31 andromeda-galaxy The output is a set of rays parallel to the input ray and at or in front of the plane defined by that ray
21:38.33 brlcad i'm not in a position to evaluate mkbundle at the moment with any sort of justice
21:39.01 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
21:39.12 brlcad yes, I realize what was confusing you ... just not sure if you're still confused :)
21:39.18 maths22 brlcad: starseeker said you were discussing doing something with the automatic builds and doxygen
21:39.26 maths22 What is your idea?
21:39.32 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I don't think I'm confused anymore, thanks
21:40.08 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: on mkbundle, I'm a little worried aobut the rt_raybundle_maker changes, since the entail a reasonably large change at call sites (people now have to use rt_shootrays() instead of rt_shootray_bundle())
21:40.10 brlcad maths22: basically, needing/wanting to tie in doxygen output into our nightly builds ... ideas on the best way to do that?
21:40.49 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: the easy answer would be to leave that function alone and create a different one named consistent with the other new functions
21:40.57 brlcad (though I think they all need to be renamed)
21:41.23 andromeda-galaxy what do you think they should be renamed to?
21:41.54 maths22 brlcad: I think we should have a special target-called "nightly" or something like that, that will run the applicable steps
21:42.19 maths22 I.E. normal make all + make dox
21:42.30 maths22 And anything else we want to add
21:42.31 brlcad hmm, interesting
21:42.42 brlcad I was thinking that this could be all buildbot
21:43.10 brlcad since it's already doing (or should be doing) checkouts and builds
21:43.19 maths22 That makes sense.
21:43.22 maths22 I will look into it
21:43.26 brlcad awesome
21:43.48 brlcad I figure it's already got some testing logic that we wouldn't want to be part of the build system
21:44.02 brlcad (or maybe we do)
21:44.28 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I can do the making-a-new-function-to-replace-raybundle-maker thing in aa little bit, but what do you think that the rest of the functions should be renamed to?
21:44.42 brlcad maybe the buildbot scripts that it uses should live in the repo, so it uses them when it does a checkout
21:44.59 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: not worried about the name, just noting that they suck
21:45.23 brlcad can sort that out later ... thinking that through is subjective and will take some time, but very untechnical
21:45.35 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sounds good..
21:46.15 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63957 (brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.h): Start setting up to collect more information on which to base an include/no-include decision.
22:51.56 *** join/#brlcad circ-user-0UMVh (~circuser-@
22:51.56 circ-user-0UMVh Hi
22:52.22 circ-user-0UMVh Hi
22:59.31 Notify 02GCI:Melange * 5002699137351680 : Task Reopened - Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
23:02.04 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@gateway/tor-sasl/teepee)
23:05.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 63959 (brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition.h): Will need to think about tolerances at some point - this is a test of a shape in NIST model 2, which doesn't satisfy 0.01 on the tolerances for cylinders but does satisfy a looser tolerance.
23:09.56 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: what about having a parameter to control whether or not the function should back out? then for simple objects where that is desired, it happens, and for complex objects where it might be intentional to look a the object from within the object, that's possible too...
23:16.47 Notify 02GCI:maitreyav * 4635701832318976 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
23:32.04 Notify 02GCI:vs37nx * 5860136425881600 : Ready for review - The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
23:41.41 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: currently, any function wanting to override a_hit()/a_miss() for rt_shootrays() has lots of boilerplate to implement... what do you think of making the default a_hit() and a_miss() functions available publicly as, e.g., rt_shootrays_default_bundle_hit/rt_shootrays_default_bundle_miss? Then people implementing new a_hit/a_miss functions for use in an rt_shootrays() call could just call those functions and be
23:42.00 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (

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