IRC log for #brlcad on 20150218

00:32.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 64227 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition_cylinder.cpp: notes about finding axis intersections.
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17:17.04 brlcad nmz787_i: get your question answered? keep is for across databases, cp is within a database
17:17.46 nmz787_i hey
17:17.52 nmz787_i i think keep was what I wanted
17:18.34 nmz787_i mroeso though, I've been looking at the convolute gear example I think you posted on which used an rpc... was trying to determine if a parabola is actually the same as the involute equations when rotated
17:18.52 brlcad nmz787_i: bot is a triangle mesh, nmg is a polygonal mesh, dsp is a height field (e.g., terrain)
17:19.10 nmz787_i and also, how to use an rpc section in a curve, like a toroid (i need to model fluidic channels which get etched away, and often leave a parabolic profile)
17:19.30 brlcad ars is a waterline solid (which is presently faceted so it looks like a bot)
17:20.39 brlcad nmz787_i: I don't think rpc is an exact fit, but I haven't done the math
17:20.56 brlcad rather, it could be parabolic, but not necessarily
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17:23.40 nmz787_i does dsp the same as bot or nmg, except one side is flat (the side opposite the 'terrain')?
17:23.56 nmz787_i I like the input format of dsp, the bitmaps are easy to understand
17:24.11 brlcad ``Erik: you noticed anything odd about .bz performance? seems back to normal now after I restarted a few things, but it was incredibly sluggish (but seemingly not thrashing)
17:24.40 nmz787_i i.e. if i had to calculate points for a parabola, then throw it through asc2dsp... and get what I assume would be a super-thin slice
17:32.45 nmz787_i hmm, I can't find any refs online for 'waterline cad' regarding what a 'waterline' is
17:35.17 brlcad five sides of a dsp are "flat" :)
17:35.24 nmz787_i 'any of a set of structural lines of a ship, parallel with the surface of the water, representing the contour of the hull at various heights above the keel and drawn on shipbuilding plans.'
17:40.59 brlcad I don't have a handy online reference for you, but a waterline object is basically that
17:42.07 brlcad structural lines of a ship, depths in a lake/ocean/river, contours up a building, etc
17:42.36 brlcad here's a pretty advanced example:
17:42.42 nmz787_i so it's a polygon mesh?
17:43.16 nmz787_i hmm, that looks more like a pointcloud with points grouped by 'waterline'
17:43.34 *** join/#brlcad Izak (
17:44.14 nmz787_i dang, what I really want is a way to just use the involute or parabola equations to create a parametric curve... so I guess that would be NURBS
17:44.35 nmz787_i so I won't have to compute more points to feed into a bot or dsp or whatever
17:46.31 *** join/#brlcad sirnam (~swetha@
17:57.28 brlcad yeah, bot and dsp (and ars's implementation) are all sampled solutions
17:57.44 brlcad if you want parametric, you're looking at other primitives, and nurbs does sound like your best bet
17:58.31 brlcad C examples in src/proc-db/*.cpp and src/other/openNURBS/example*/
18:01.35 nmz787_i is there some boundary-rep stuff I could use to say, feed a bunch of parabola line points, and get a NURBS primitive out?
18:01.42 nmz787_i I see lots of commit messages in here about brep!
18:01.43 nmz787_i :)
18:03.08 nmz787_i .tell nmz787 does this message bot exist in here?
18:04.39 *** join/#brlcad amalia (~amalia@
18:04.52 nmz787_i brb, won't be able to see messages until I get back (and the web log has a delay of about a day it seems)
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18:11.14 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
18:11.25 amalia Hello
18:11.38 amalia Who's the admin of this organisation ?
18:14.29 amalia Why's everybody quiet? is it because I'm a girl ?
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18:24.08 sofat amalia, no all is here
18:24.53 amalia thinks it's too quiet here
18:25.37 Ch3ck a
18:28.20 ``Erik brlcad: I was just doing a port update that rebuild two openjdk's, those default to -j8... might explain todays slowdown? I've noticed other times when the machine has low load but is still very slow to respond, I'm assuming it's a memory constraint issue...
18:30.23 ``Erik tries to murder the machine with some memory subsystem butchery
18:31.22 ``Erik nice, swapoff: /dev/ad4s1b: Cannot allocate memory
18:33.57 Ch3ck amalia: relax Big Sean is not around perhaps ;) Welcome btw!
18:38.00 ``Erik amalia: I'd hope gender is irrelevant. Ask the actual question you want to ask, then wait and someone with the answer will eventually speak up
18:38.04 ``Erik !notify ask
18:38.05 Notify Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:39.03 amalia Thanks ``Erik
18:41.02 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
18:42.49 amalia !notify gsoc
18:44.27 ``Erik what information are you looking for? (and did you look at ?)
18:45.13 amalia Nope. not yet
18:47.40 sofat amalia, what you want to ask?
18:50.05 amalia I'll like to take part in Google Summer of Code. What should I do ?
18:51.28 sofat find the organization and the start the work
18:52.17 ``Erik read the wiki pages on gsoc, make sure you can check out, compile, install and run the software, take a look at the various 'idea' pages and bugs... and hang out here and the mailing list to get a feel for the community
18:52.26 sofat solve the bugs and then submit the solution as a patches
18:53.46 ``Erik will probably be updated once we get acceptance confirmed (and someone who knows we're in gets around to updating it), but the checklist and other info there is still good
18:56.08 amalia Okay. Thanks ``Erik
18:56.15 amalia You're quite kind
19:04.42 Izak amalia make sure you discuss the idea you like on this channel or on the mailing list
19:05.45 Izak What skills do you have btw amalia ?
19:06.10 amalia You mean the languages that I code in ?
19:07.16 Izak Yes. Which programming languages do you code in ?
19:08.20 amalia Ok. I code in C and C++.
19:09.10 amalia Can this help me program during GSoC in BRL-CAD ?
19:09.37 nmz787_i I think most of the code is C-style
19:10.22 Izak Yes. Of course. The BRL-CAD project is primarily developed in C and C++. Just follow the recommendations that ``Erik gave and jump right in :)
19:10.55 ``Erik a lot is ANSI C, c++ is creeping in due to third party libraries (openstep, opennurbs, etc), and a lot of ui and scripting stuff is tcl/tk
19:12.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 64228 (brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition_cylinder.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/swidgets/scripts/tkgetdir.itk): fix spellings
19:12.52 amalia Thanks ``Erik
19:13.00 amalia Thanks Izak
19:14.16 brlcad ``Erik: huh, maybe .. I didn't see any cc's pop to the top of top
19:15.05 ``Erik jdk's are half cc and half javac, often short lived
19:15.44 ``Erik the amount of swap consumed is ... interesting. bsd is aggressive about pushing unused pages to swap, but 2g is a bit much
19:16.04 brlcad i noticed that
19:16.39 brlcad also noticed it had 2GB free and had pushed out 2GB..
19:17.09 brlcad I wtf'd
19:17.27 brlcad any plans on upgrading to 10? :)
19:17.44 ``Erik heh, it was full of cache pages and had 2g swap, I ran a program to force cache and buffer expirations which freed up 2 gigs, but wasn't able to swapoff it
19:17.51 brlcad let me know if you do .. I need to run a full backup and a reboot might be in order
19:18.26 ``Erik um, 10 is find by me, but the installworld/mergemaster/reboot phase will clobber service for a little bit...
19:19.34 ``Erik is running a fever, so doesn't want to do anything that... "exciting" right now. :)
19:19.42 brlcad oof, sorry to hear that
19:19.57 ``Erik thnx
19:19.59 brlcad that's what a little exertion will do eh?
19:20.06 brlcad shoveling? or kids? :)
19:22.07 ``Erik heh, I made her shovel! :D I think I had it before the snow day family fun time project yesterday, but it hit me harder today (99.6, not doctor worthy, but not 100%)
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19:22.43 nmz787_i ah, snow... i miss it sometimes
19:26.30 ``Erik feel free to swing by and take some of mine ;)
19:27.37 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
19:30.10 nmz787_i would be funny to see snow on amazon prime!
19:41.35 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
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20:35.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 64229 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/src/libbrep/intersect.cpp: Replace ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE with the more appropriate isect_tol to avoid missing good curve-surface intersections.
21:10.43 ``Erik (wee, 100.4! high score!)
21:32.21 brlcad you can do better than that
22:40.36 *** join/#brlcad nmz787_i (nmccorkx@nat/intel/x-uiogmfowextkmefi)
23:01.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 64230 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition_cylinder.cpp: Don't rush to handle more complexity than you need to - get simpler cases working. Handle the simpler capping scenario and deal with the more complex case (if needed) later.
23:29.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 64231 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition_cylinder.cpp: one and two end cap cases need to be considered.
23:36.34 starseeker nmz787_i: we don't have any user-level tools for creating/manipulating NURBS BRep objects, except for rotate/translate/scale and making them out of CSG primitives
23:37.34 starseeker basically have to make your own C program (like the previously mentioned proc-db examples) to create any from scratch
23:38.05 starseeker most of the NURBS brep stuff you see flying by is related to other efforts (conversion, raytracing, etc.)
23:51.20 nmz787_i hmm
23:51.40 nmz787_i I'm OK with writing C.
23:51.54 nmz787_i but will I actually have to create the control points and such?
23:52.38 nmz787_i I actually /have/ created a NURBS parabolic surface before, but for equation-based input, I would ideally push that to some other magic :)
23:53.07 nmz787_i ( I am hoping that magic exists in one of the 'to-NURBS' converters)
23:54.53 nmz787_i checking src/proc-db now
23:57.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 64232 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/shape_recognition_cylinder.cpp: Assemble edges associated with each cap - this may be unnecessary - intersecting the planes with the cylinder axis may tell us what we need here - but checkpoint before removing.

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