IRC log for #brlcad on 20150328

00:04.18 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (~kvirc@
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11:39.49 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
12:38.18 ``Erik mwahahahha, tablet with a camera and ffmpeg, 7yo is completely focused on making a stop motion video and the house is calm and quiet :)
12:51.18 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
13:01.48 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983 (dracarys98@nat/iiit/x-tzwnvbqebgzkrroh)
13:22.17 sofat starseeker, hello
13:22.38 sofat i have some question regarding .cmake file for docs
13:22.45 starseeker which one?
13:22.47 sofat and CMakelist.txt
13:23.07 sofat when i am use ADD_DOC command the they gave me error
13:23.11 sofat command not found
13:23.28 starseeker where are you using it?
13:23.42 starseeker that's a macro we define, so you have to have the right .cmake file included
13:23.57 starseeker if you're adding it in our existing docbook directories it should "just work"
13:25.33 sofat yes,
13:26.00 sofat Please tell me the procedure how to run CMakeList.txt file
13:26.13 sofat is used cmake command to run this file
13:26.30 starseeker sofat: um. you don't usually "run" the file
13:27.19 starseeker you add your new docbook file to one of the lists in doc/docbook/* (probably articles if you're working on the .tr conversions) and then do a BRL-CAD configure/build
13:27.58 sofat Yes i have done this work
13:28.21 starseeker so why do you need your own "ADD_DOC" command?
13:28.28 starseeker or even your own CMakeLists.txt file?
13:29.15 starseeker why not just add your file to the docbook_articles_EN list in doc/docbook/articles/en/CMakeLists.txt
13:29.38 sofat okay
13:29.55 starseeker then in your build directory for BRL-CAD, you can do "cd doc/docbook/articles/en" and run make
13:30.00 starseeker it will build just that subdirectory
13:30.06 starseeker and its dependencies
13:30.12 sofat okay
13:30.37 sofat so now i convert .tr file into xml using docbook tags
13:30.47 starseeker sounds good!
13:31.09 sofat i want to submit these files as my patch after testing.
13:32.00 starseeker OK - it should be pretty easy to add them to the existing CMakeLists.txt logic, if you already have a BRL-CAD build up and working
13:32.08 starseeker that's the best way to test it
13:32.20 starseeker docbook conversion is not a "stand-alone" process for BRL-CAD
13:32.28 sofat okay
13:33.03 sofat I am using xsltproc to convert xml to html output
13:34.37 sofat and i successfully converted the doc into html using docbook style sheet
13:36.23 sofat so now i need to test these files according your way or its ok because I also check in .cmake files you also used xsltproc command to convert the xml doc into html ?
13:41.18 starseeker it's better if you test them in BRL-CAD's own framework
13:41.45 starseeker we don't just convert them, there's also a validation process
13:41.53 sofat okay
13:42.04 starseeker and the simplest patch to apply is the svn diff that adds the file and adds them to our CMakeLists.txt file
13:42.45 sofat ok
13:42.50 starseeker it's find if you want to do your own testing, but really it should be a *lot* simpler just to add your xml file to our build from the get-go...
13:43.09 starseeker that's how I do docbook writing or conversion myself - use our own build framework
13:43.31 starseeker er, it's fine
13:43.39 starseeker attempts to wake up...
13:43.54 sofat yes i understand.
13:46.44 starseeker also, for testing pdf builds you can install Apache FOP and we handle all the nasty "how to run the tools" aspects of the process
13:47.00 starseeker hasn't done a PDF build in a while, should make sure that's still working...
13:54.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 64520 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Protect the CMP0021 setting
14:06.16 starseeker well, it's clear our PDF formatting still leaves a lot to be desired overall, but it does work
14:32.22 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983 (dracarys98@nat/iiit/x-drfnkhjflnbqhpeu)
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16:56.34 pujani Hello to all, My Name is Sameer Pujani an undergraduate 3rd year student of Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, India. I am participating in GSoC 2015 under project of Materials Database. I need some guidance, So Please help me.
16:58.41 pujani Hello to all, My Name is Sameer Pujani an undergraduate 3rd year student of Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, India. I am participating in GSoC 2015 under project of Materials Database. I need some guidance, so Please help me.
17:02.56 albertcoder Hi pujani welcome!
17:03.08 albertcoder Have you checked the previous code?
17:03.37 albertcoder If not check it and try to understand.
17:04.22 albertcoder Get yourself warmed up with this and try to submit a few patches or pull requests.
17:17.10 *** join/#brlcad lemur (
17:20.38 lemur Hi, I was wondering about submitting a patch. Sorry if its a bite late, I've only just wrapped up my finals (for the most part). Is it just a case of pick something out the bug tracker and fix it?
17:21.15 lemur Never contributed to a project like this, so just double checking, hah
17:22.39 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
17:23.07 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
17:23.10 gaganjyot brlcad, hi! can I get my proposal editable ? My team is discussing and i may beed to make changes
17:23.14 gaganjyot need*
17:23.19 *** join/#brlcad pujani (~pujani@
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17:23.48 Ch3ck gaganjyot: do you have a link to it on brlcad wiki?
17:24.33 gaganjyot Ch3ck, no not on BRL-CAD wiki
17:24.41 gaganjyot though directly to melange
17:24.59 Ch3ck well you could make changes to it on brlcad wiki and comment on melange,
17:25.05 gaganjyot I see
17:25.08 gaganjyot fine Ch3ck :)
17:25.34 lemur Do we have to post our proposal to BRL-CAD wiki?
17:25.39 Ch3ck gaganjyot: your proposal on melange is only editable if the org admins permit
17:25.52 Ch3ck so you just have to *ask* :D
17:30.14 *** join/#brlcad albertcoder (~quassel@
17:33.25 sofat I want to add my proposal on brlcad wiki site how i do this?
17:35.00 albertcoder Hi sofat, just go to a URL like replacing it with your name and edit that page to add your proposal.
17:35.05 gaganjyot Ch3ck, I asked to make it editable to brlcad :-o
17:35.55 albertcoder sofat: you will have to create that page since it does not exist before.
17:47.27 Ch3ck Step -1: Create an account firs
17:47.31 Ch3ck s
17:48.16 Ch3ck s/firs /first/d :) sofat
17:50.43 *** join/#brlcad pujani (~pujani@
17:52.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Hitesh sofat * 8113 /wiki/User:Hitesh/Proposal/: Created page with "Name: Hitesh Sofat E-mail id: IRC username: sofat Phone Number: +91 977 917 3996 Brief Background I am a final year graduate in Information Techn..."
17:58.20 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
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18:46.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Pujanibrlcad * 0 /wiki/User:Pujanibrlcad:
18:47.36 lemur im having problems picking a bug to fix - anybody got anything that's been annoying them?
18:49.31 teepee lemur: try one from the "Contributor Quickies" ?
18:50.03 lemur gotcha thanks. was sifting through subversion
18:50.06 lemur its like
18:50.17 lemur ooh, why /does/ that happen
18:50.35 lemur then the next bug is just as distracting
18:57.39 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983 (dracarys98@nat/iiit/x-yppdummcsvtysktd)
18:59.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Pujanibrlcad * 8114 /wiki/User:Pujanibrlcad/Proposal/: Created page with "Name: Sameer Pujani E-mail address: IRC username: pujani Phone number: +91 98767 53998 Brief background: I am 2nd year undergraduate IT student a..."
19:01.30 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
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19:31.06 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
19:55.10 lemur So, I've found something that I'm having a go at fixing
19:55.33 lemur basically in libicv in fileformat.c we're using BUFSIZ
19:57.16 lemur instead of calculating explicitly the buffer size; I kind of know how to fix it - dealt with something similar-ish, but I was hoping to quickly outline my approach and see how your standard coding formatting is
19:59.44 lemur I was thinking just use setbuf and change the size of BUFSIZ, but only if we neeed to?
20:00.14 lemur but I am not 100% of any knock-on effects that would have
20:00.21 lemur *100% sure
20:00.58 lemur and I was just going to stick a new method or two at the bottom of fileformat.c
20:03.43 ``Erik chnage the size how?
20:04.11 ``Erik and which bufsiz are you looking at, the icv_guess_file_format() one?
20:04.17 lemur yes
20:04.18 lemur lol
20:04.28 lemur sorry, the comment stuck out at me
20:04.33 lemur when i was reading through the source
20:05.34 lemur um, not really change the size, more just pass it another value for buffer size
20:05.37 ``Erik ditching the buffer and using vls is probably the 'right' way
20:05.40 lemur using sizeOf operations
20:05.50 lemur never done it
20:06.03 lemur where could I read about vls? I keep getting other things when I google for it
20:06.07 ``Erik vls is a self-managing string object from libbu
20:06.18 ``Erik (it's part of BRL-CAD)
20:06.20 lemur I'll take a look
20:06.27 lemur ah, that will explain why hah
20:07.34 lemur so instead of passing *trimmedname as a char, use vls?
20:07.42 ``Erik yeah
20:08.49 lemur I'm away from my linux worktop, so searching through the source is a bit of a pain
20:08.55 lemur how exactly does the trim work?
20:09.51 ``Erik um, trimmedname is a destination buffer for the actual file name to handle a fake name like "PNG:myimg.png" (so only "myimg.png" is put in trimmedname and can be fopened)
20:10.09 *** join/#brlcad pujani (~pujani@
20:10.10 lemur ah okay
20:10.12 lemur thank you
20:10.17 lemur I'll take a look at vls
20:10.40 ``Erik when you get back to a linux machine, what the file with cpp or gcc -E to see how the macro expansion happens (I'd pipe it through indent to help make it readable)
20:10.45 ``Erik s/what/whack/
20:11.09 lemur unlikely to happen for a weekend
20:11.12 lemur at my parents
20:11.13 lemur :P
20:11.23 ``Erik ah, no sshd's? :D
20:11.24 lemur unless they jump to linux, I'm using windows haha
20:11.36 lemur oh no still sshd
20:11.40 lemur did that myself
20:11.48 lemur killed the complaints about slow pc
20:11.50 lemur :P
20:24.18 ``Erik well, either way, I'd strongly advise expanding the macros to read the function... I was on a bit of a macro binge that day (I think starseeker complained about macros right before I wrote it, so'z I had to abuse him with macro insanity)
20:26.47 *** join/#brlcad Shubham (6719e766@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:08.35 dracarys983 brlcad, In case I provide a -n option in exporting bot to dxf/sat, should I dump the surface normals in a separate file? Because maybe it might cause a problem in reading the dxf/sat.
21:09.17 dracarys983 Or should I append the surface normals at the end?
21:10.26 dracarys983 ``Erik, starseeker : Any suggestions?
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21:38.37 lemur Erik, when you mentioned macros you meant vls right?
21:52.48 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
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23:09.11 lemur Is there a good bit of the code where vls is used?
23:09.26 lemur I'm just looking for an example now, pretty solid on the whole thing
23:29.22 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
23:32.16 lemur no, found one no problems

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