IRC log for #brlcad on 20150502

00:35.09 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
00:49.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 64834 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/gcv/gcv.cpp: experiment checkpoint
00:55.16 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
02:36.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 64835 brlcad/trunk/src/other/PoissonRecon/Src/Geometry.h: missing standard lib, compilation failures on bsd
02:47.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 64836 brlcad/trunk/src/other/PoissonRecon/Src/SurfaceTrimmer.cpp: conditionally include omp.h (even though unused here?)
02:47.44 *** join/#brlcad ries_nicked (
03:09.31 *** join/#brlcad hiteshsofat (~androirc@
03:11.37 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
05:25.19 *** join/#brlcad Stragus (
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08:27.02 *** join/#brlcad ujjwal (~ujjwal@
09:39.00 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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16:28.21 *** join/#brlcad ih8sum3r (~chatzilla@
16:41.50 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
17:03.24 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
17:34.14 brlcad waves
17:34.36 brlcad gaganjyot: what time is it for you?
17:36.18 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
17:40.58 gaganjyot brlcad, its 11:10 PM
17:41.07 gaganjyot :)
17:41.23 brlcad okay, that's what I figured ... and what day? :)
17:41.42 gaganjyot its saturday at the moment
17:41.49 gaganjyot in 1 hour it will be sunday :)
17:42.09 brlcad okay, so I was right and they're just not here
17:42.14 brlcad gracias
17:42.14 gaganjyot who?
17:42.19 ih8sum3r brlcad: Hi!
17:42.32 gaganjyot you meant deepak
17:42.34 gaganjyot and other one?
17:42.37 gaganjyot for the oGV?
17:42.38 brlcad looking to talk to our OGV students about disambiguating their projects
17:42.46 brlcad deepak and shubham
17:42.52 gaganjyot as I guessed :)
17:42.55 ih8sum3r Deepak is present SIr :D
17:43.05 brlcad ih8sum3r: ah, excellent!
17:43.19 brlcad ~seen deepak
17:43.24 infobot deepak <~chatzilla@> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 140d 21h 54m 43s ago, saying: 'Seems interesting. I want to explore it more and more. Can you just tell me where to start so that the concept get exactly clear for me. '.
17:43.54 brlcad ih8sum3r: so did you see my e-mail?
17:44.06 brlcad and why do you d8 sum3r? :)
17:44.13 brlcad s/d8/h8/
17:45.02 ih8sum3r Yes! I have checked that email, reading that only and was going to reply.
17:46.36 brlcad welcome to reply, but that was just meant to help frame the discussion here
17:46.42 brlcad thoughts?
17:46.45 ih8sum3r Because I literally hate summers. And I found it interesting writing like this :)
17:47.37 brlcad you hate summers because you hate summers? my question was why, not about how you wrote it :)
17:47.57 brlcad summer certainly means different things to different people I suppose
17:51.13 ih8sum3r Sun is over the head all the time, temperature nearly about 45-50 degree Celsius and I can't go out for fun. I hate sweat. I get skin burns in summers, I roasted like a toast.
17:51.25 brlcad ~convert 50 C to F
17:51.39 brlcad nice, hot
17:52.05 brlcad fair enough
17:52.54 brlcad so, thoughts on working front-end usability vs back-end functionality?
17:56.48 Stragus 50C? Are you located in the Sahara desert?
17:57.11 brlcad wonders if ih8sum3r is splitting his time elsewhere? I have limited amount of time to discuss this particular matter, which was the point of scheduling a meeting time.
17:57.17 Stragus brlcad, 122 Farenheit
17:57.23 brlcad Stragus: yep, got that
17:57.36 brlcad gogle ftw
17:57.47 ih8sum3r I want to work on front-end functionality.
17:58.08 ih8sum3r Plus documentation work.
17:58.17 *** join/#brlcad dracarys_ (~dracarys9@
17:58.52 Stragus still really wonders where ih8sum3r is located
17:59.23 Stragus IP says Delhi, India
18:00.48 ih8sum3r Temperature not exactly 50 but it remains between 45 to 50 :D
18:01.37 brlcad Stragus: maybe types very slowly, is not only focused on the discussion here, or is feeding everything through translate ... but you have the rough location right :)
18:02.44 brlcad does seem a bit hot for the location, but wikipedia confirms that extent is common enough
18:03.32 *** join/#brlcad Shubham (dfb0a35b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:03.37 brlcad there he is
18:03.39 brlcad hi Shubham
18:03.46 Shubham Hey
18:04.05 Shubham Sorry to be a bit late
18:04.16 brlcad better late than not, was going to decide for you ;)(
18:05.18 brlcad Shubham: do you have any thoughts on what I wrote? usability vs infrastrucutre, front vs back?
18:05.20 Shubham Anything to summarize about things you have decided or come up with
18:05.29 brlcad nothing yet decided
18:05.45 Shubham I would prefer working on backend
18:06.00 brlcad just getting started with the discussion, but ih8sum3r seems to be very slow and intermittent in responding
18:06.24 Shubham Just because I can learn more in back-end
18:06.41 ih8sum3r One of the drawback that I found using it error messages are not displayed in may of the scenarios. I think absences of these messages may hinder the usability. Secondly when something is uploaded no notification is shown regarding the time or anything else where success or failure.
18:06.52 brlcad that's a good fit then because he'd indicated he wanted to work more on front-end
18:06.54 Shubham I can contribute in front-end whatsoever
18:07.32 brlcad ih8sum3r: good observations on some of the usability issues
18:07.38 brlcad i've encountered many of those myself in testing
18:08.01 ih8sum3r Even I can contribute in back end also :) I would be better if we divide a task front-end as well as back-end
18:08.20 brlcad so then lets call that decided: Shubham can work back-end / infrastructure and ih8sum3r can work on front-end / usability
18:08.27 brlcad i know you can both do both :)
18:08.37 brlcad you both proposed aspects of front-end and back-end work
18:08.52 *** join/#brlcad dracarys_ (~dracarys9@
18:08.58 brlcad that's why I figured it wouldn't be hard to split the work and get you both working productively and independently
18:09.21 brlcad that said, it will be great if you guys work together to test each other's work
18:09.42 Shubham Exactly
18:09.42 brlcad maybe even do pair testing, where you work on a feature and send the other a pull request, and repeat
18:10.35 ih8sum3r Yes! if we work like this we can even enhance our knowledge and would be a great fun and learning doing both of the things.
18:10.52 Shubham Here's what I think:
18:10.58 brlcad yep, and you can give each other feedback
18:11.16 brlcad there is *always* room for improvement, so the reviews should focus on the limited intent / scope of each change
18:11.35 brlcad but it can also be a great way to get OGV reay for production use
18:11.36 Shubham Brlcaf;provide us with some points for a single proposal. Combine both our submitted proposals.
18:11.47 brlcad hm?
18:11.51 brlcad some points?
18:12.10 brlcad we're past the proposal phase, we're working on project plans :)
18:12.11 Shubham And then we can work on things together
18:12.17 Shubham Me and deepak
18:12.26 brlcad ah, so that is not strictly possible
18:12.40 brlcad the projects must be separate, not one project
18:13.05 brlcad if one of you gets lazy or hit by a bus or goes on vacation, it cannot affect the other
18:13.08 Shubham Hmm. I get that.
18:13.25 ih8sum3r brlcad: Yah! production ready was also not done last time so was thinking to implement that too.
18:13.26 brlcad that's why it's good to have separate goals for front and back
18:14.01 brlcad ih8sum3r: it's currently ill-defined what production-ready actually means, especially as features keep getting added and improved
18:14.17 brlcad so you/we will have to define what exactly that menas
18:14.25 brlcad s/menas/means/
18:14.47 brlcad so...
18:16.16 brlcad what I think is needed next is a set of objectivs for the front-end and the back-end from both of you, scoped accordingly so that you're done adding anything new by midterm and after midterm focuses on polish/improvements
18:16.52 sofat starseeker, brlcad hello
18:17.11 brlcad maybe look over each other's proposals and figure that out over today, tomorrow, and we can see what goals you arrive at (unless you already know now, we can discuss)
18:17.12 ih8sum3r AFAIK production ready means to make it implemented on BRL-CAD server so that anyone can use it. In short it means to deploy it on the server. Am I right?
18:17.16 brlcad maybe by Monday?
18:18.08 Shubham Ok
18:18.12 sofat I am working on altassian confunce i am try to import the docbook in this but plugin gave me the error "page not found"
18:18.15 brlcad ih8sum3r: the current code could be deployed onto the server today, but I would argue that is not sufficient to be production ready
18:18.34 Shubham Yeah
18:18.39 Shubham The login itself
18:18.45 Shubham Is too buggy
18:18.50 brlcad exactly
18:19.04 brlcad so we need a list of what exactly is needed to be considered production ready
18:19.20 ih8sum3r Yah! when we upload .g files some of them work some do not.
18:20.07 brlcad can one of you update with a list of what tasks you think are needed to be production ready?
18:20.24 Shubham Making it "production ready" will be our priority till mid term eval
18:20.35 ih8sum3r Agree!
18:20.54 brlcad emphasis on tasks that are measurable (e.g., unmeasureable: make logins robust ; measurable: make oauth logins work every time)
18:21.18 *** join/#brlcad Shubham (0e62388b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:21.37 brlcad there's a TODO at the end of that has some ideas for front/back end work that might be of use
18:23.04 brlcad volunteer to update the wiki with a section for required/desired production-ready tasks?
18:23.08 ih8sum3r brlcad: Is there any plan to make it mobile first site?
18:24.31 ih8sum3r I want to contribute but my exams are going on so can I get a bit of time to update it?
18:24.32 brlcad ih8sum3r: that'd be a good question to decide amongst ourselves, but to me having it work on mobile is "nice to have but not strictly necessary"
18:25.29 Shubham @ih8sum3r: Share your proposal with me, please. mail me or something. I'll share mine with you. Let's get this done by Tuesday MAX. I'll take care of updating the wiki.
18:26.14 ih8sum3r So if this is the case we can make it fully responsive so as not to work separately for mobile first site.
18:26.15 brlcad Shubham: ah that reminds me
18:26.28 brlcad you both haven't added your details to yet
18:26.38 brlcad if you do that, you'll be able to get to each other's proposal
18:26.59 brlcad sofat: sorry, not trying to ignore you -- this was just a scheduled meeting
18:27.20 Shubham yes, because I guess we had to update our proposals right. make them independent of each other
18:27.31 brlcad sofat: cool that you're trying confluence, maybe you can try a simple docbook test file first
18:27.41 brlcad sofat: and you have two incomplete entires at
18:28.09 brlcad Shubham: you can upload your proposal and have a separate link for your project plan
18:28.39 brlcad e.g., "Project Plan (Original Proposal)"
18:28.46 brlcad each being a different link
18:29.00 brlcad make sense?
18:29.13 ih8sum3r I know that we have to upload our proposal but I was getting some problem during the creation of an account ( something captcha problem) but now it is done and most probably my tomorrow or day ofter tomorrow I'll upload it.
18:29.15 Shubham sure
18:29.22 brlcad of have one link and update it from there -- the original proposal will still be in the wiki hisotry
18:29.43 ih8sum3r s / often / after
18:29.52 brlcad ih8sum3r: great
18:31.49 ih8sum3r brlcad: I would like to apologizes first as I would be little inactive till 16 of May due to my exams but after that I'll be available here only.
18:32.48 Shubham Any final comments then? :)
18:33.10 ih8sum3r shubham: If you want to discuss something or anything else please leave a message.
18:33.52 Shubham when do we talk next? what do we do before our next meeting?
18:37.14 sofat brlcad, sorry I will check
18:39.35 brlcad ih8sum3r: how much time do you have? doing the wiki edit and updating you plan probably won't take more than an hour
18:40.40 brlcad *shouldn't that is
18:42.00 *** join/#brlcad ries_nicked (
18:42.05 ih8sum3r Okay so I need to look up. Can I do it on Monday please? As I have exam on monday and there are lot many things yet to be done :D
18:45.03 brlcad ih8sum3r: yes, thats fine
18:45.16 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
18:45.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Hitesh sofat * 8197 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015:
18:45.33 brlcad I'm more concerned that your impression was to delay this two entire weeks
18:47.10 brlcad ih8sum3r: Shubham: can you both at least add your existing details to the page today .. it takes all of 5 minutes
18:47.40 brlcad then the project plan edits can be later, maybe by next weekend?
18:48.09 brlcad Shubham: were you willing to add the production-ready section?
18:48.34 Shubham I'll work on that, yes
18:49.27 Shubham ih8sum3r: you can give me your inputs as well, that way it'll be easier
18:49.37 ih8sum3r Okay on it. I'll do it by today.
18:49.39 Shubham open to any suggestions
18:50.40 ih8sum3r Sure shubham i'll
18:51.58 brlcad if you need help figuring out exactly what you need to do to edit the wiki, I can walk you through it
18:53.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Hitesh sofat * 8198 /wiki/User:Hiteshsofa:
18:54.06 brlcad basically log in, hit edit button, copy-paste a copy of the openscad block, edit the links to yours and save the page; then edit each of the red links, pasting your info for the proposal and a stub for your logs
18:56.26 brlcad so, both will have wiki edited today with existing data, Shubham will update with a section for production-ready status, and then both will have an updated proposal/plan for back/front-end work by next Sunday? agreeable?
18:57.03 ih8sum3r Yes agree.
18:57.23 sofat brlcad, when you free please ping me
18:58.34 Shubham sure
19:00.28 brlcad okay, excellent, then meeting adjourned .. thank you both for your efforts!
19:01.54 brlcad would one of you write a quick summary e-mail to the mailing list (to Inderpreet), just to say that one will be working front/usability and the other back/infrastructure, regarding who is working each, and that details of the objectives will be sorted out this week?
19:02.01 brlcad brlcad-devel
19:05.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 64837 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/comgeom/read.c: Clear set but unused warning
19:07.06 sofat starseeker, you know about this plugin ? "docbbook importer atlassian conflunce".
19:16.17 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
19:23.01 brlcad sofat: you can try to ask a question on the atlassian site
19:23.08 brlcad
19:23.18 sofat ok thanks
19:23.38 brlcad sofat: did you try a simple docbook file?
19:23.44 sofat yes
19:23.47 brlcad didn't work?
19:24.18 sofat yes plugin not import the docbook file the gave me the error "page not found" after submission
19:24.34 brlcad sofat: are you trying this on our server or somewhere else?
19:24.53 sofat my local machine
19:24.55 brlcad okay
19:25.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Deekaysharma * 8199 /wiki/User:Deepak: Created page with "=Online Geometry Viewer Proposal= '''Name:''' Deepak Kumar Sharma '''Email Address:''' '''IRC Username:''' ih8sum3r ===Background Information=== Fin..."
19:26.07 brlcad sofat: it looks like it's also open source (the importer) ...
19:26.21 brlcad could try the sources here:
19:26.25 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:26.43 sofat ok
19:26.54 brlcad if anything, you can make sure you followed the instructions there and can contact the author there
19:27.02 sofat i will check this
19:27.28 brlcad wouldn't be unreasonable to fork his code and make it work if changes are needed
19:27.38 brlcad or if you can make it better
19:28.04 brlcad that could be hugely beneficial
19:30.01 sofat i think code written in java so i am not more comfortable with java
19:30.20 sofat I have knowledge about php
19:41.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Deekaysharma * 8200 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015: /* Accepted Projects */
19:42.33 brlcad hm, getting a lot of -Wdocumentation errors with gcv.cpp and the optionparser.h header
19:44.05 ih8sum3r brlcad: I have uploaded my proposal. Please check|
19:53.02 brlcad ih8sum3r: usually suggest uploading it to a URL separate from your Username: link
19:53.38 brlcad example:
19:53.47 brlcad and
19:55.11 ih8sum3r okay I'll do it like that.
19:55.14 brlcad basically, just go to and add it there
19:55.27 brlcad User:Deepak is not technically valid since that's not what you named your account
19:56.16 ih8sum3r Okay I'll correct it.
19:57.07 brlcad if you'd like that username, you should be able to register it .. doesn't look like Deepak is taken
19:57.32 brlcad but that means logging out, and registering the new name
19:58.18 ih8sum3r No worries DeeKay Sharma will be fine. As I reflects my full name :).
19:58.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8201 /wiki/User:MeShubham99: Created page with "Hey, I am Shubham Chauhan, and I'll be working one the Online Geometry Viewer: Backend Project, which is an online web app, where users can upload, view and share 3D CAD mode..."
20:03.02 brlcad :)
20:22.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8202 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: Created page with "=Personal Information= Name: Shubham Chauhan Email Address:, IRC Username: Shubham, Shubham_ =Background Information..."
20:24.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8203 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* Project Vision */
20:24.49 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8204 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* Personal Information */
20:26.58 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8205 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015: /* Accepted Projects */
20:27.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8206 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015: /* Online Geometry Viewer (OGV): Backend */
20:28.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8207 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015: /* Online Geometry Viewer (OGV): Backend */
20:29.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8208 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015: /* Online Geometry Viewer (OGV): Backend */
20:32.01 *** join/#brlcad ries_nicked (
20:32.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8209 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/OGV_production_ready_plan: Created page with "Shall Consist of the TODO list for making Online Geometry Viewer, production ready at the end of GSoC'15"
20:34.27 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8210 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015: /* Online Geometry Viewer (OGV): Backend */
20:36.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8211 /wiki/User:MeShubham99:
20:38.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8212 /wiki/User:MeShubham99:
20:42.19 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8213 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* Personal Information */
20:42.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Deekaysharma * 8214 /wiki/User:Deekaysharma/GSoC2015/Proposal: Created page with "=Online Geometry Viewer Proposal= '''Name:''' Deepak Kumar Sharma '''Email Address:''' '''IRC Username:''' ih8sum3r ===Background Information=== Fin..."
20:42.47 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8215 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* Background Information */
20:42.56 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Deekaysharma * 8216 /wiki/User:Deepak: Blanked the page
20:46.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8217 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* Project Information */
20:47.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8218 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* My Preparation */
20:47.22 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8219 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* My Preparation */
20:47.36 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8220 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* Why BRL-CAD? */
20:48.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 8221 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/proposal: /* Why Me? */
20:48.26 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Deekaysharma * 8222 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015: /* Accepted Projects */
20:51.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Dracarys983 * 8223 /wiki/User:Dracarys983: /* Profile */
20:52.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Dracarys983 * 8224 /wiki/User:Dracarys983/Proposal: /* Project Proposal */
20:52.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Dracarys983 * 8225 /wiki/User:Dracarys983/Development_Logs: /* Dev Logs */
20:52.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Dracarys983 * 8226 /wiki/User:Dracarys983/Abstrac: /* Abstract */
20:53.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Dracarys983 * 8227 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015: /* Accepted Projects */
22:35.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Chnsastryforu * 0 /wiki/User:Chnsastryforu:
23:34.56 *** join/#brlcad andrei_il (~andrei@
23:36.54 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)

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