IRC log for #brlcad on 20150520

00:05.15 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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01:11.04 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983_ (~dracarys@
02:33.03 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
02:33.03 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || Congrats to all GCI 2014 winners Peter & Marc! || Congratulations to our 12 GSoC students! || Don't ask if someone is here, just ask your questions and wait for a response. ;-)
02:55.21 sofat brlcad, i want to talk with you are you free?
02:59.40 *** join/#brlcad sofat_ (~androirc@
03:44.06 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
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07:59.03 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
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13:48.57 starseek1r brlcad: I know, but misc/tools is deliberately independent of BRL-CAD's 'main' build, like src/other
13:49.32 starseek1r brlcad: I need to get it off of libbu - once I do it'll go back in misc/tools
13:56.50 ``Erik nifty, vim 7.4 does interesting things if you set both number and relativenumber
13:57.04 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65013 (brlcad/trunk/CHANGES brlcad/trunk/include/bn/vlist.h and 24 others): Move some of the vlist functions in librt into libbn.
14:04.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65014 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gdiff.c: Enable test drawing of red/white/blue visual output. Should probably turn this into an example of how to do minimalist drawing of display manager lines...
14:09.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65015 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gdiff.c: fix comments
14:16.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65016 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gdiff.c: Use a local vlist instead of relying on the RTG global.
14:31.21 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
14:46.38 *** join/#brlcad sofat_ (~androirc@
14:48.12 sofat_ brlcad, today are you free ? i need guidance from you .
14:56.09 *** join/#brlcad cardinot (~cardinot@unaffiliated/cardinot)
15:03.55 ``Erik sofat_: maybe say what you need help with. Then if brlcad hops on when you're not at the keyboard, he can answer. (or someone else with the answers might offer to help)
15:04.01 ``Erik !notify ask
15:04.02 Notify Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:19.15 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~androirc@
15:29.25 brlcad sofat: hi!
15:29.44 sofat Hello
15:29.52 sofat I waiting for you
15:30.11 brlcad sofat: great, so we have a little bit of time sync'd finally :)
15:30.27 brlcad timezones can be a bitch
15:30.49 sofat I want some discussion on docbook importer
15:30.52 brlcad sofat: so where are we at with your plan?
15:30.57 brlcad sure
15:31.35 brlcad the last we talked on the mailing list, I detailed a need to understand our options
15:31.46 brlcad and you responded by chasing down an option .. :)
15:32.06 sofat I am try to article but it not support i am checked the code of this plugin and found this only work with
15:32.07 sofat Books
15:32.07 sofat Structure
15:32.36 sofat Means ? Please use simple english
15:32.53 brlcad I will try to simplify
15:33.21 brlcad I think there is a misunderstanding about what is needed "next"
15:33.32 sofat Yes yes
15:33.48 brlcad it's great that you re-checked the plugin (and got it to work with books)
15:34.02 brlcad but the next step is not then to fix it
15:34.14 brlcad the next step is to understand what our options are
15:34.22 brlcad that was the A B C D E F e-mail I sent
15:34.45 brlcad we need to document our choices, and evaluate them
15:35.04 brlcad so for example
15:36.03 brlcad one option (call it option #1) is to use confluence, and that can be described in those ABCDEF terms
15:36.40 brlcad another option #2 is to develop something custom for mediawiki, which should also be described in ABCDEF terms
15:36.43 sofat Yes
15:37.40 brlcad another option #3 might be something custom with wordpress
15:37.56 brlcad we've talked about 5-6 different options
15:38.46 sofat If i go with 1 option then we need make the changes in plugin
15:39.25 brlcad I don't have a good perspective on what our options are yet
15:39.40 brlcad which means we can't yet decide which option is worth working on
15:40.11 brlcad that's fine if option 1 requires changes to the plugin .. you write that down and move on to describing option #2 .. then #3
15:40.19 brlcad and so on
15:40.49 brlcad and when I say describe them, I literally just mean the one-sentence ABCDEF summary like the example I provided
15:41.20 brlcad with that information, I think we'll have a better idea for which path to work on
15:41.27 brlcad does that make sense?
15:41.36 sofat Yes
15:42.00 brlcad the point (for now) isn't to solve all the problems for *any* of the options
15:42.25 brlcad it's to understand what will be required IF we decide to go with that option
15:42.25 sofat But i want to say something about option 3 for wordpress
15:42.38 brlcad ok
15:42.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65017 (brlcad/trunk/misc/tools/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/src/util/CMakeLists.txt): More tweaking of dom2dox build, move back to misc/tools. Add instructions on how to build to README.txt
15:43.33 sofat Which plugin you send me in mail this plugin is not working according our needs
15:43.49 sofat The working is very different and difficult
15:43.57 brlcad okay
15:44.22 sofat Option one is good for us if i friendly say
15:44.35 brlcad back up
15:44.42 brlcad we still do not have options identified
15:45.01 brlcad we have #1 .. there is no #2 or #3 beyond me saying what they COULD be
15:45.55 brlcad do see what I mean?
15:45.58 brlcad this is called cost evaluation
15:46.21 brlcad you're trying to make a decision based on partial information
15:46.38 brlcad I'm saying lets stop and get more information, write our options down
15:46.58 brlcad this project is going to have a huge impact
15:47.40 brlcad it's important to spend just a little time (and we're talking just about a day or two effort) to consider these options but consider them methodically
15:48.33 brlcad we may still decide to go with option #1 and that'll be fine, but right now it seems like a very incomplete perspective
15:49.50 *** join/#brlcad snowlove (~albertcod@
15:50.14 brlcad for example, option #1 has other negative considerations like requiring full migration off of mediawiki (doesn't make sense to have two wikis)
15:50.33 sofat Yes i know this
15:50.36 brlcad it's not a show-stopper, but it's certainly not ideal
15:50.42 sofat And its paid
15:50.50 brlcad looking at all the options side by side, that consideration can be compared
15:51.01 sofat Okay
15:51.06 brlcad it's free for us, but right -- not open source
15:51.20 sofat Yed
15:51.23 sofat Yes
15:52.04 brlcad can you write down the 5 option's that have been discussed, on the wiki?
15:53.22 sofat Not yet but will do this
15:53.56 brlcad I think that will be very helpful
15:54.09 brlcad I can then put those options into a decision matrix with our evaluation criteria
15:54.43 brlcad hi snowlove
15:55.25 snowlove Hi brlcad
15:56.24 brlcad sofat: I have another topic to discuss if you have a couple more minutes
15:56.44 sofat Yes please tell me
15:56.59 brlcad here's a reminder of ABCDEF characterization if you don't have it handy:
15:57.10 brlcad so the other topic is your patches...
15:57.21 sofat Yes
15:57.22 brlcad you've been doing a fantastic job creating and submitting patches
15:57.29 sofat Yes
15:57.34 brlcad but there's a pattern :)
15:57.46 sofat Means
15:57.54 brlcad if I'm not mistaken, every one of them so far has had some minor problem
15:58.37 sofat Please elaborate more
15:59.19 brlcad basically, when patches get reviewed, the committer makes a note of whether they had to change or do anything
15:59.25 brlcad besides apply the patch and commit
15:59.48 brlcad every one of your patches has had something minor wrong with it
16:00.25 brlcad for example, I think your most recent mispelled a file "megd" instead of "mged" or something like that
16:00.30 brlcad and that was the only error
16:00.35 brlcad VERY minor
16:00.53 brlcad but the point (of our patch system) is to try and get "perfect" patches
16:01.00 brlcad that require no changes, none whatsoever
16:01.14 brlcad because if you can do that a couple times, then you don't need to be submitting patches :)
16:01.30 brlcad and we can just grant you commit access at that point
16:01.57 brlcad which we WANT to do .. but can't because each has had some minor issue
16:02.24 brlcad so really just saying keep up the great work .. but try to notice the details a little more
16:02.58 brlcad make sure the patch applies cleanly, that there are no mistakes/typos/spelling issues, that it compiles, that it validates, etc
16:02.59 sofat Sorry again not happen this.
16:03.05 brlcad no no
16:03.07 brlcad don't be sorry
16:03.09 brlcad you're doing great!
16:03.32 sofat I have last question
16:03.33 brlcad it's frustrating for us because you've done more than enough work to be granted commit status
16:03.45 brlcad we want you to work more efficiently :)
16:04.15 brlcad so yes, please do not misunderstand
16:04.45 brlcad you're doing great and you should keep doing what you're doing -- just try to verify that there are no issues
16:05.01 brlcad watching the commits can be great to learn what issues there were when your patches get applied
16:05.35 brlcad if starseek1r or someone else had to commit changes after applying a patch from you, that means it probably needed something
16:05.40 snowlove brlcad, How are you doing? Last time we had chat on materials database's database design. You gave suggestion to create another table having all the material properties in it and another table having just key ->value( property->value). This was an alternative to forbid the dynamic creation of tables. But this way whole code has to be written again because of the change in database design. I just want to know do we really have any shortcoming if we create
16:05.40 snowlove tables dynamically ( although I have been warned by a few ;-) )?
16:06.22 brlcad snowlove: yeah, dynamic tables are definitely suboptimal
16:06.34 brlcad they're great for proof-of-concept to make sure the feature can/will work
16:06.45 sofat Ok
16:06.46 brlcad and I think that was the sole consideration when you started
16:07.12 brlcad but now that it's proven, the next improvement would be to eliminate that dynamism
16:07.23 snowlove yes. we had momentary brain storming on it.
16:07.37 brlcad sofat: thank you!
16:08.01 snowlove Does that mean changing the database design and code eventually?
16:08.07 brlcad sofat: do you think you'll be able to write down some options with ABCDEF steps this week?
16:08.21 brlcad snowlove: I think so
16:08.23 sofat Last question please
16:08.25 sofat Yes
16:08.31 sofat I will do
16:09.00 snowlove alright brlcad we will do it if that's an improvement.
16:09.32 brlcad snowlove: I think it's the natural next step for that code maturing
16:09.59 brlcad and I'm sure there will be other change (probably not quite so impacting) as we roll it into production use too
16:10.16 archivist as a database person it is never ok to need dynamic table creation :)
16:10.21 brlcad sofat: did you have another question for me, or were you saying no more questions? :)
16:10.44 brlcad there ya go ;)
16:11.06 snowlove alright, brlcad I am ready for any change now. ;-) thanks archivist
16:11.14 brlcad archivist: so you've not worked with nosql databases? everything dynamic? :)
16:11.44 brlcad a schema of schemas of data
16:12.07 archivist brlcad, no I am a relational database person
16:12.33 sofat I have no question
16:12.43 archivist I think some of the nosql is a bit oversold
16:12.49 brlcad sofat: okay, then thanks again
16:13.01 sofat From today discussion I understand this is period which i found best option for ABCDEF work. But do not do any coding
16:13.08 sofat I am right ?
16:13.25 brlcad archivist: I agree though the same can be said of relational too ... applied to domains entirely inappropriately
16:13.26 snowlove brlcad, I am also going to explore mongo db. Does mediawiki support mongo db? Have any idea?
16:13.56 brlcad sofat: right, don't worry about coding/fixing anything -- just understand where it's at
16:14.20 brlcad if it helps you do look at code to understand how HARD it might be, that's fine .. but yeah, do not need to modify code just yet
16:14.33 sofat Ok
16:14.51 brlcad snowlove: no idea
16:15.19 snowlove alright brlcad , I will see if it supports mongodb
16:16.51 snowlove I will show you db schema with the desired changes in database to eliminate dynamism in a couple of days.
16:18.05 archivist snowlove, you can make key/value pairs even in a relational database
16:18.37 snowlove archivist, absolutely! we are using mysql right now.
16:19.05 archivist I know, I downloaded the materials db a loooong while ago
16:19.39 snowlove did you have a look at the database design?
16:20.40 snowlove I might need your help in shedding off the dynamism. :)
16:23.02 archivist looks like it was a year ago :)
16:24.17 snowlove this is the older code, I have rewritten it.
16:25.06 archivist it did need "some" modification
16:26.06 snowlove You may see the latest code here.
16:26.25 snowlove the database filename is wikimaterial.sql
16:27.49 snowlove What actually happens is that we have separate table for each material property and when any user adds a new property, a new table is created.
16:28.23 snowlove So I was having problem to update the database schema in MediaWiki after the addition of every new property.
16:29.12 snowlove So archivist we have to get rid of this dynamism.
16:30.16 archivist properties should be just one table, then a join table between materials and properties
16:35.34 archivist but what about form of a material :)
16:35.34 archivist uts varies with temperature
16:35.34 snowlove alright. Do you mean join or linking materials and properties with foreign keys? Because some materials might not show certain properties.
16:35.34 snowlove We can have a separate table for forms and link each material with foreign key.
16:35.34 archivist so you dont have entries in the join table then
16:35.35 snowlove Please elaborate how this can be done. Am I right about linking with FKs.
16:35.36 snowlove ?
16:36.54 archivist FKs are used in joins, FKs help maintain referential integrity
16:37.32 archivist you can join without FKs also
16:39.48 snowlove Alright archivist I will show you the new database design soon and you may point out shortcomings if any.
16:44.03 archivist also some of the database design needs some though of the queries to be made
16:44.10 archivist thought
16:44.52 archivist eg will you want the curve of UTS with temperature of a steel
16:46.28 snowlove How can we handle this?
16:47.34 archivist something like rowid,materialid,temp,uts,units
16:48.07 archivist so when you join your material to this you get many rows returned
16:53.50 snowlove that's fine. If I have got you right then UTS being a property will be contained in properties table. And we will have the attributes like materialid, value, temp in the key-value table. And the attributes like property_name, units in property table.
16:54.49 snowlove there will be just a few more entries for UTS of materials at different temps.
17:07.02 archivist snowlove, another thing to be aware of is over normalising the data, eg a melting point is likely to always be 1 to 1 if you are using standard temperature and pressure
17:10.37 snowlove archivist, are not we concerned with material properties only at standard conditions of temperature and pressure?
17:11.02 snowlove because changing them can change the values of many properties.
17:11.37 snowlove For example boiling point also changes with change in pressure.
17:16.54 snowlove brlcad, please refer to the above lines.
17:22.41 archivist let me pick one line from your latest .sql, from the boiling point table you have `mat_id` int(20) unsigned NULL, why allow NULL, a boiling point without a material is non existent
17:30.30 snowlove oh thanks. that's a mistake I will correct it.
17:31.24 snowlove archivist, did you understand what I intended to ask above?
17:31.53 archivist that null problem is repeated :)
17:33.33 snowlove I will correct that. I did not have much experience with database last year. :)
17:33.59 snowlove you would find a few more mistakes if you keep on looking. ;-)
17:34.34 archivist you wont get all the experience if I find them all :)
17:42.22 snowlove yeah absolutely.
17:50.48 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
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20:35.07 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65018 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/gencolor.xml: add comment about use of RGB values
20:35.31 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
20:36.02 andrei_il cmake doesn't work on revision 65018.
20:36.31 andrei_il
20:45.21 andrei_il actually, it might be on my end, but it doesn't make any sense
20:45.32 andrei_il I run rm -rf brlcad/misc/tools and then svn update
20:45.44 andrei_il and svn still says I have differences between main repo
20:59.52 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (56794836@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:27.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65019 brlcad/trunk/src/util/pix-ps.c: add 'h' to comment
22:36.01 *** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
22:54.00 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)

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