IRC log for #brlcad on 20150619

00:01.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Ngassafinjap * 8739 /wiki/User:Amalia/Development_logs: /* Tuesday June 16th */
00:10.46 *** join/#brlcad amalia237 (~amalia237@
00:20.31 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:01.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bhollister * 8740 /wiki/User:Bhollister/DevLogJune2015:
01:09.26 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
02:31.56 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
02:51.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65399 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/en/CMakeLists.txt: Add patch #380 from Hitesh Sofat adding a php menu for wordpress
02:52.29 starseeker notes that eventually that menu should probably be generated, but that'll do for a start
03:15.41 brlcad was that clean?
03:15.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 65400 brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: at this point, sofat has made both documentation and code contributions including extensive docbook work and getting docs ready for web round-tripping
03:38.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 65401 brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/query.c: DM_TK doesn't use dpy_string
03:49.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 65402 brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-tk.c: this should be calling Tk_FreeColormap() not XFreeColormap. also need MAC_OSX_TK to be set (which Tk's build sets when compiling Tk, but ours does not) before including the Tk's Xlib header. would be better tied to an aqua define but don't want to add build system support until it's confirmed that any of this even works.
04:34.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 65403 brlcad/trunk/TODO: need an alternative to Tcl_SplitList()
05:02.26 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 8741 /wiki/User:Gurwinder_Singh/GSoc15/log_developmen:
05:14.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 65404 brlcad/trunk/TODO: tcl hash tables also need to go. used by enf-g, concat command, librt, and just a few other places.
05:22.30 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983 (dracarys98@nat/iiit/x-lekiezlwholdwpqn)
05:36.03 *** join/#brlcad milinda (~milinda@
05:37.06 milinda Can we directly read a .step file from functionalities that we have in BRLCAD or do we need to first convert that file to .g file in order to read it from the brlcad code. ?
05:44.22 brlcad milinda: I'm not sure your question is validly stated...
05:45.10 brlcad or I don't fully understand, which is also possible ;)
05:45.29 brlcad you directly read .step files with a stepcode parser
05:46.05 brlcad the step standard defines this via SDAI (application instance)
05:46.57 dracarys983 brlcad: Can you access github gists right now? I want to show you my implementation for volume.
05:47.23 brlcad via sdai (which is generated by stepcode for us, given an application protocol), you can process the step data .. we do this in our step-g importer
05:48.28 brlcad dracarys983: I can but I'm not in a frame of mind to absorb much more..
05:48.36 brlcad it's late and I just achieved something pretty fantastic, unexpected
05:48.43 brlcad
05:49.48 milinda brlcad: Okay here is what I want to do. I have a OGLView. I need to visualize a step file in the view. Startskeer mentioned that I should first read the step file and browse the triangles (using brlcad functionality) and view all the triangles in the OGL view.
05:50.36 milinda brlcad: As you mentioned we can directly read the step files right ? no need to convert it to .g file right ?
05:51.17 dracarys983 brlcad: Whoa! That looks pretty intricate and awesome :D
05:51.49 dracarys983 No problem. I'll send it later sometime.
05:52.56 brlcad milinda: your questions still imply you misunderstand how it all works together .. we do read the step files but that logic is made available per application (and that application is step-g)
05:53.55 brlcad you could probably modify it to read the file in to our in-memory format without writing out the actual .g file, but the data is meaningless until it's translated (to our in-memory format)
05:54.01 dracarys983 brlcad: Why's it named "haj.g"?
05:54.16 brlcad dracarys983: that screenshot has absolutely nothing to do with the model
05:54.28 brlcad I just opened up a random .g I had handy
05:55.03 dracarys983 Oh okay
05:55.07 brlcad dracarys983: what you're seeing there is mged running natively on mac os x without X11 for the first time
05:55.27 brlcad at least the first time where it's actually usable... :)
05:56.55 dracarys983 brlcad: Isn't that Graphics Window using X11?
05:57.34 brlcad nope
05:57.42 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 65405 brlcad/trunk/src/mged/update.c: if we have Tk, we have X11 because they provide compatibility. we don't need or want to stub empty.
05:58.08 brlcad that's a vanilla mac that actually doesn't even have X11 installed, just to be certain
05:58.27 milinda brlcad: FYI, I am not working with the libdm view. I am working with a standalone OGL view.
05:59.34 brlcad milinda: there's no such thing as a standalone ogl view
05:59.58 milinda brlcad: I mean no connection with libdm view :)
06:00.22 dracarys983 brlcad: So, without X11, what's it using for the GUI? Tk?
06:00.46 brlcad milinda: I know, I've been following the logs loosely
06:01.16 brlcad it's a qt window, iirc, yes? with an embedded ogl view
06:01.28 milinda brlcad: yes. :)
06:01.29 brlcad dracarys983: yes
06:02.12 brlcad milinda: so you both saved yourself some hassle dealing with libdm and you've created slightly more work for yourself when it comes to displaying the actual data ;)
06:02.33 brlcad it was a double edged sword
06:03.40 milinda brlcad: yes I know :) but I tried my best with libdm. Because I am less familiar with libdm I thought I should go with OGL
06:03.57 brlcad libdm is automagically set up for displaying polygonal data that you will eventually be extracting from librt/libbrep
06:04.33 brlcad now you'll have to do that all yourself and probably deal with converting the data into a qt container
06:06.00 milinda I can display polygonal data in OGL view. The problem is how to extract them ? Does BRL-CAD have any functions to extract polygonal data form a .step file without converting it to . g file ?
06:06.12 brlcad milinda: have you talked with cstirk at all about your progress?
06:07.20 brlcad milinda: of course you can display polygonal data, nothing I said even hinted that you could not ... and you saying that implies you probably misunderstood what I just wrote... :/
06:07.42 milinda Not yet. I haven't communicated with him
06:08.11 brlcad there are a couple of ways for extracting a representation
06:09.01 brlcad my previous point was that libdm was merely that libdm is automatically set up to display an extracted representation (it's in a struct container that libdm understands)
06:09.33 brlcad you will have to write code (i.e., more work) to translate data OUT of that struct container into something that qt handles
06:09.44 brlcad is that more clear?
06:11.00 brlcad you definitely should be talking more with charlie and actively engaging him in your development (he's a busy guy, but you can at least update him and others on your progress on the stepcode mailing list)
06:12.16 milinda But the drawback in that approach (libdm) is we transparently convert the .step file to .g file . So finally we are showing the .g file not .step file. Is this okay ? Can we ensure that step-g conversion is 100% preserve the geometry topology ?
06:12.57 milinda okay I will update my progress in the stepcode mailing list ?
06:12.59 milinda :)
06:13.30 brlcad libdm approach is not coupled to ".g file" ...
06:13.51 brlcad I think you're getting confused by the different data representations involved
06:14.13 milinda brlcad: Can we directly show a .step file libdm view without the conversion ?
06:14.36 brlcad milinda: just stop :)
06:16.03 brlcad i'm not ignoring your questions, I'm trying to answer them in a way that is correct without confusing you further
06:16.26 brlcad if you'll allow me a minute to summarize, I think it'll help
06:16.27 milinda brlcad: okay :)
06:16.55 brlcad there is .step files, they contain ascii text data
06:17.21 brlcad call that text-serialized stepcode data
06:17.44 brlcad there is .g files, they contain binary data
06:17.54 brlcad call that binary-serialized BRL-CAD data
06:18.35 brlcad there is also unserialized binary STEP data (this never lives on disk, only in memory)
06:18.51 brlcad there is also unserialized binary BRL-CAD data (this never lives on disk, only in memory)
06:19.45 brlcad so there you have *4* data formats
06:21.11 brlcad our step-g tool reads .step file (format1) via SDAI into binary STEP (format2), translates into binary BRL-CAD (format3), and writes out to .g (format4)
06:21.48 brlcad you cannot extract triangles from any of those formats except format3
06:24.35 brlcad our libbrep library deals in a subset of format3 that pertains to the highly complicated NURBS geometry representation, which is usually what you find in format1&2
06:24.58 brlcad our librt library deals in format3 and format4, coupled with libbrep
06:27.19 brlcad libdm talks format3 directly (it understands the data containers and librt can directly send data to libdm without changes)
06:28.39 brlcad for your project, you have to get .step file data (format1) into memory (format2 -> format3) so you can get triangles via librt/libbrep
06:29.03 brlcad that's the case regardless of libdm, qt, or any other gui
06:30.43 brlcad there is code that goes from format1->format2->format3->format4 (step-g) which you could modify/fork/turn-into-lib to stop at format2 (step in-memory data) or format3 (brl-cad in-memory data)
06:32.20 brlcad there is no way to get triangles from format2 and it's non-sensical to talk about getting triangles from format1 (.step serialized) or format4 (.g serialized)
06:33.26 milinda brlcad: okay Thank you very much for the clear explanation. This is really helpful.
06:33.28 brlcad one could try to develop a library to get triangles from format2, but accomplishing that within gsoc is almost certainly impossible
06:35.01 brlcad it tooks us months to get triangles for step data out of format3 (brl-cad in-memory), and thats a format that is incredibly more simple than format2 (step in-memory)
06:36.16 brlcad milinda: you're welcome, I hope it clears some things up
06:37.10 brlcad it's a little more complicated than what I just described (the triangle-mesh representations themselves introduce formats4 and formats5), but it's the gist
06:39.34 milinda brlcad: What I should do is modify the step-g library to stop at format 3 If I want to visualize in the openGL (without libdm) but you think this is hard. In your point of view what easy to do is initialize libdm view somehow and use STEP2G(without modifying) to get .g file in hard disk (format 4) and then visualize it. Am I correct ?
06:42.36 brlcad libdm vs qt is pretty irrelevant at this point -- if you have qt up and running, just use it unless charlie says otherwise or until you run into a problem displaying format6 (qt triangle mesh data)
06:44.17 brlcad libdm would have directly received format5 (brl-cad triangle mesh data), that you get from format3 (brl-cad in-memory geometry), but you can write a format5 to format6 function easily enough
06:44.43 brlcad that's the extra work I was referring to, unavoidable because format6 is unique
06:45.39 brlcad modifying step-g to sop at format3 is not hard .. turning it into a library call that does that will likely take several days effort
06:47.56 milinda So the task I should do now is to modify STEP2G to stop at format3 ? Okay You explained me a lot. Thank you very much for that :)
06:48.16 brlcad that said, you are probably best off starting with just running step-g in your application, opening the .g file using librt (format3), extracting the polygons (format5), and feeding them to qt (format6)
06:49.21 brlcad once/if you get that working, you can always go back and replace calling step-g with calling a library that stops at format3
06:49.22 milinda Okay Thanks. I will do that :)
06:50.44 milinda Okay. You normally at brlcad channel at this time of the day ?
07:17.18 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
07:20.49 *** join/#brlcad Davi3 (~Davi@
08:11.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Konrado DJ * 8742 /wiki/User:Konrado_DJ/GSoc2015/logs: /* 19 JUNE 2015 */
08:11.56 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
08:46.51 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983 (dracarys98@nat/iiit/x-kxckshefmqtyircx)
09:30.15 *** join/#brlcad milinda (~milinda@
10:01.49 *** join/#brlcad milinda (~milinda@
11:49.36 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (~luca@
12:38.42 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
12:41.00 sofat starseeker, I have made some changes in main_menu.xml file and i submitted this as patch please accept this as soon as possible.
13:16.17 starseeker brlcad: yes it was clean (sofat patch)
13:16.47 sofat starseeker, thanks
13:17.13 sofat I am submitted new patch more please accept it
13:18.06 sofat starseeker, I have one question if you free I want to ask this question.
13:20.13 sofat i am checked file and i see you include this root xsl stylesheet :-- <xsl:import href="file:///@DOCBOOK_BINARY_DIR@/doc/docbook/resources/other/standard/xsl/xhtml-1_1/docbook.xsl"/>
13:20.33 sofat An d am replace this xsl sheet with + <xsl:import href="../other/standard/xsl/xhtml/docbook.xsl"/>
13:21.37 sofat because output after conversion into php is not right , they make all content as hypertext so please use this + <xsl:import href="../other/standard/xsl/xhtml/docbook.xsl"/>for php work
13:27.08 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (
13:33.18 starseeker sofat: patch applied
13:33.23 sofat ok
13:33.25 sofat thanks
13:33.29 starseeker brlcad: patch applied cleanly
13:33.36 sofat ;-)
13:35.26 starseeker sofat: I'd have to revisit why we use the @DOCBOOK_BINARY_DIR@ approach in the others - I have a vague recollection there was a reason, but in the case of php output I'm not too worried
13:35.59 starseeker the HTML and MAN formats are they key outputs used by BRL-CAD proper - the PHP output is for the website, so it can be optimized for that application
13:36.15 sofat hmm
13:52.15 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (~luca@
13:57.53 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
14:16.40 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65406 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/resources/brlcad/ Apply patch #382 from Hitesh Sofat updating wordpress menu
14:17.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65407 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Forgot returns
14:20.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65408 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Match arg
15:12.06 *** join/#brlcad milinda (~milinda@
15:19.02 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
15:25.32 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:52.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 65409 (brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/conv/fastgen4/NOTES brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/conv/fastgen4/fastgen4_write.cpp): update NOTES
16:03.38 *** join/#brlcad vasc (
16:09.11 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
16:11.21 brlcad ejno: conventionally, primitives outside of regions are treated as regions at the primitive level
16:13.10 brlcad so if you had a hierarchy of combs that lead to a set of primitives (without any regions), it treats each primitive as a region (regardless of the boolean ops above it)
16:13.56 brlcad it's an interesting notion to consider changing that convention so that there's a notion of a global aggregate region in the absense of one defined .. have to think about that some
16:19.08 brlcad this is pretty cool...
16:19.51 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
16:20.00 sofat brlcad, hello
16:20.17 sofat I want to show you my work if you free.
16:21.37 vasc yeah that's pretty cool
16:21.51 vasc most mac users don't like having to install x
16:21.55 vasc had that issue before..
16:28.06 *** join/#brlcad bradh (~brad@2601:647:cb02:7a00:11c5:e8b5:3bc9:c04c)
16:55.29 ejno brlcad: ah, thanks for that information
16:58.14 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
17:03.15 bradh starseeker: hi, i believe we have a mtg @ 10AM PST. i've fleshed out many of the nmg_* construction routines as ged_* CLI functions. may need a third week to finish that. but since i have destruction routines scheduled for w5/6 this should be okay.
17:06.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65410 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwscale.c: relocate a line to get better physical resemblance to pixscale.c
17:07.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65411 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/en/main_menu.xml: fix spelling
17:08.00 bradh starseeker: do you have any suggestions for consolidating the CLI nmg construction routines, possibly with a simpler interface than the internal functions? up until now, it has been instructive to approach those routines with a simple mapping, as that has exposed weakness in that approach.
17:08.41 bradh starseeker: you may have answered this already on the mailing list. soon as i get to my office i'll check those emails.
17:12.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65412 (brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/en/main_menu.xml brlcad/trunk/src/conv/csg/csg_parser.lemon): remove trailing white space
17:13.35 brlcad wonders where the ogv guys are at?
17:13.42 *** join/#brlcad ih8sum3r (~ih8sum3r@
17:13.52 brlcad there's one
17:14.39 brlcad brad_h: can you show an example that creates a nmg box?
17:16.37 ih8sum3r Hello brlcad
17:17.11 brlcad sofat: maybe in a bit, there's supposed to be a meeting here now (16 min ago actually)
17:17.11 brlcad ih8sum3r: ready?
17:17.44 ih8sum3r Yah! me ready. Seems like shubham is not present :-/
17:22.15 sofat brlcad, i am waiting.
17:22.38 ih8sum3r brlcad, I wanted to inform that my almost all the milestones are over except responsiveness and displaying error message of the two issues out of all. I have little difficulty in handling issues for the error message but I'll soon complete it. As I discussed earlier that one of my milestone "User upload model without login" is needed at the later stage, so if there is some time left shall I join Shubham and work a little at the back? Or search something
17:23.08 brlcad ih8sum3r: I'm sure there is more front-end work :)
17:23.20 brlcad so is the latest code up and running somewhere?
17:24.09 ih8sum3r Not till now as we need to merge our branches.
17:25.00 ih8sum3r Until or unless they both are merged, we'll not be sure about is working and what not.
17:25.17 ih8sum3r s / about is / about what is
17:26.45 ih8sum3r Today, I'll send the PR about what is done till now. Shall we merge the branches or post a mail to Inderpreet to do so?
17:36.59 brlcad ih8sum3r: but I presume you've tested your half and can talk about the new features there?
17:37.56 brlcad rather, you should be able to demonstrate your work independently of the backend changes and vice versa
17:39.26 brlcad ih8sum3r: I'd like to see a demo of each of your work before the end of next week
17:39.48 brlcad if we can do that today, that would be fantastic .. and it kind of what I was expecting we were going to be doing
17:41.36 ih8sum3r Okay I'll deploy my app on the meteor server for the demo purpose but there will the problem as I used BRL-CAD source so as to convert it from .g to .obj
17:42.12 ih8sum3r How should I link up with the server i.e the path settings?
17:45.09 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983 (dracarys98@nat/iiit/x-ecdjwkzwdufegmgg)
17:45.51 brlcad ih8sum3r: don't understand what you mean?
17:45.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65414 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwscale.c: shift fill_buffer and init_buffer to get better match with the pixscale.c file
17:46.41 brlcad you mean how can it call g-obj on your deployment? that's a question for you :)
17:47.13 brlcad or if you mean deploying to and are asking where g-obj is installed?
17:48.04 ih8sum3r I'm asking what is path of mged and g-obj on the server :)
17:49.51 brlcad /usr/brlcad/bin/g-obj should work
17:50.40 ih8sum3r Okay let me check this
17:51.53 starseeker bradh: howdy
17:52.09 starseeker sorry, been running around dealing with stuff
17:52.52 ih8sum3r Not working at my end. Here is my app : Please check I have deployed it.
17:52.56 bradh starseeker: hi. just about to head to the campus lab. i should be back online in about 30 min.
17:53.01 starseeker ok
17:54.26 starseeker brlcad: cool. Does Archer run?
17:54.30 bradh brlcad: will have something that can construct basic primitives soon. been working at the level of the api functions but it should be easy to write such a function. can ged_make already do this?
17:55.01 starseeker brlcad: nevermind, I remember now - it doesn't do Tk display by default. OSG *might* work...
17:56.14 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 65413 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ls.c: test for NULL dpv before using it; remove unused variable
17:57.21 brlcad ih8sum3r: thanks, this is looking great .. give me a few minutes to explore :)
17:57.31 brlcad then I'm sure i'll have questions/comments :)
17:57.42 starseeker bradh: one thought - there should be one public ged_nmg command, and the individual sub-commands should be private, internal functions
17:57.54 ih8sum3r Okay sure :)
17:58.06 brlcad starseeker: haven't tried it yet but I still have a few build system issues to chase down that are affecting runtime
17:58.41 brlcad archer certainly can work, but will likely need a few minor mods to allow dm-tk
17:58.43 starseeker nods - yeah, I'm remembering back to my last Aqua attempt now. Had to manually hack Archer to point it at the Tk display
17:59.16 starseeker The osgl dm might actually work in principle...
17:59.27 brlcad nods
17:59.34 starseeker built it on the Mac at one point, but that was the X11 route
18:00.18 brlcad that'll be something to test but there are a slew of little things that I had to hack to make it work that'll probably take a while to fix properly (almost all build system related, but easy stuff)
18:00.21 starseeker sooner or later we'll need to figure out how to handle non-ogl displays in Archer - some features need to turn off
18:00.27 brlcad like GL/gl.h vs OpenGL/gl.h
18:00.28 starseeker nods
18:00.38 starseeker not surprised
18:01.24 brlcad actually been working on this for months, nibbling on it here and there
18:01.36 brlcad it just finally all started coming together really fast
18:01.47 starseeker I think our FindGL.cmake is already more sophisticated than CMake's vanilla version, and that's without properly handing Aqua vs X11
18:01.54 starseeker cool!
18:03.00 brlcad I ended up bypassing most of the find logic because of the problems I was having with tcl/tk
18:03.03 starseeker will be very curious to see what the new Tk does with tooltips and icons in Archer - iirc those were problem areas
18:03.08 starseeker ah
18:03.32 brlcad ended up just compiling it by hand, manually editing link and flags.make
18:03.39 starseeker winces
18:03.59 starseeker probably we should just ditch our Tcl/Tk setup and go with the default CMake FindTCL
18:04.25 brlcad it wasn't the only issue, opengl had some issue too
18:04.28 starseeker so far the complexity of our version has worked out to a net negative
18:04.49 starseeker had the distinct impression our FindGL.cmake was better than the default CMake version, but I could be wrong
18:04.57 brlcad what the issues are quickly are becoming a blur because I just moved on
18:05.04 starseeker nods
18:05.37 brlcad the cool part is seeing it working means that it's worth putting the time in to fix the build so it can do what I made it do manually
18:05.58 brlcad the whole app definitely feels differently, better
18:06.56 starseeker excellent
18:07.14 brlcad did you see both screenshots?
18:07.20 starseeker did
18:07.36 starseeker does this mean it's time to jump the src/other Tcl/Tk to 8.6?
18:07.53 brlcad few minor stylistic things to sort out, like n_reed's dialog having a nice default background, but all the rest having an overcrasting white bg
18:07.59 starseeker heh
18:08.21 starseeker isn't sure, but there may be Tk vs. Itk issues at play there...
18:08.32 starseeker or tk vs ttk
18:08.34 brlcad the ones in the screenies are all tk
18:08.47 brlcad well, and including ttk if we use that
18:09.18 starseeker n_reed may have done something in a more "modern" way with his dialog - thought I recalled something about that, but been way too long
18:10.12 starseeker Tcl/Tk 8.6 will be quite a jump for us, based on the last time I tried it...
18:10.48 brlcad the aqua tcl/tk with all the latest bells and whistles was done on 8.5
18:10.53 brlcad I don't know what 8.6 looks like
18:13.12 sofat brlcad, now free ?
18:13.25 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65415 (brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwcrop.c brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwscale.c): more shifting of routines: init_buffer and get_args placed just ahead of main, then place binterp behind (not in front of) ninterp
18:14.04 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
18:14.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65416 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwcrop.c: remove the fprintf's which I had committed in error
18:16.05 ``Erik man, aquatk would be awesome O.o posting BRL-CAD on the mac app store might become a reality this year
18:17.14 brlcad sofat: half-ready
18:17.40 sofat when you complete ready ping me please
18:20.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 65417 brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwscale.c: fix blank lines in bwscale.c for sake of comparison with pixscale.c
18:27.16 brlcad ih8sum3r: so I'm encountering a whole variety of different login issues :)
18:27.42 starseeker brlcad: ah, very good
18:28.20 ih8sum3r brlcad, what kind of issues?
18:29.37 brlcad ih8sum3r: first was the feedback form on the bottom -- it sent me to formspree but I never received anything
18:29.46 brlcad and that page doesn't return back
18:30.21 brlcad and it says all fields are cumpulsory, but just clicking Send goes to formspree too
18:31.28 brlcad for the main login, it gave me an "Internal error"
18:32.08 brlcad error when trying to register, error retrieving password (thinking maybe it was reusing an earlier registration)
18:32.24 brlcad but then seemed to let me log in
18:32.38 brlcad again didn't receive confirm e-mail so the rest of the site won't let me see anything
18:32.50 brlcad and the main page still has a sign-in button once logged in ;)
18:33.45 ih8sum3r I have got your mail for the confirmation from formspree. But whatever the work regarding login registration all is done by shubham I have worked upon front-end for this. He's has used some new package and due to that all the functionality changed.
18:33.47 brlcad "Internal server error" is the actual error message retrieving password
18:34.13 ih8sum3r Try to login with this. Username : Password : ogv123
18:34.48 brlcad done
18:35.23 brlcad so I'm sure it's merely a css / front-end issue, but once logged in, the "Sign-In" button should disappear :)
18:36.00 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65418 brlcad/trunk/include/ This define does not seem to appear anywhere in our source tree...
18:36.03 brlcad the Models and My models pages need "something" to let the visitor know there is intentionally nothing there
18:36.18 brlcad showing a title with a blank page makes it look like it errored
18:36.47 brlcad even if it's just a simple statement like "There are currently no models available, try [uploading one]~"
18:37.41 ih8sum3r The things appear there they are present when I uploaded the .g file it vanishes
18:38.03 brlcad ih8sum3r: I realize that -- that's my point
18:38.13 brlcad it needs to do something less confusing for the first-time user
18:38.27 brlcad it looks broken just displaying an empty page
18:38.45 ih8sum3r Should I show you the screenshots who it's look like?
18:39.29 brlcad ih8sum3r: er, you can but I don't know why -- this is about what it looks like without anything uploaded yet
18:40.15 brlcad hm, we should itemize the issues so we can refer to them...
18:40.37 brlcad a) feedback form says everything is required but doesn't actually require anything
18:41.14 brlcad b) feedback form doesn't link back to OGV (I realize this may all have already changed due to backend work)
18:41.57 brlcad c) "Internal server error" creating an account
18:42.06 brlcad d) "Internal server error" requesting password
18:42.25 brlcad e) main page still shows Sign-In button once logged in
18:42.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65419 brlcad/trunk/src/other/tk/CMakeLists.txt: Add MINGW build setup for Tk from Byron Bradley
18:42.45 brad_h starseeker: read your responses on the mailing list about the single cmd approach + brlcad's answer too. will write a stub / patch for the interface as suggested. will also remove CLI access to the subcommands.
18:43.05 brlcad f) Models page needs some statement when there are no models to display, preferably encouraging them to upload a model
18:43.44 brlcad g) My Models page needs some statement when the user has no models uploaded, preferably encouraging upload
18:44.46 brlcad let's see
18:44.48 starseeker brad_h: sounds good. The brep command is an example of a top level command with subcommands
18:45.16 starseeker brad_h: when you prepare a patch stubbing in a toplevel nmg command, make sure it builds cleanly and applies cleanly
18:45.33 starseeker brad_h: ideally we want to get you commit access so you can work in trunk directly
18:45.48 ih8sum3r a) Validations working on my side perfectly. Actually these are HTML5 validations, meteor validations are in progress.
18:46.08 ih8sum3r b) Okay, I'll change it's route
18:46.11 brlcad h) Model upload is requiring an image?? I don't think it should (it can/should autogenerate an image and allow an override)
18:46.21 brlcad ih8sum3r: you don't need to respond to all of them :)
18:46.32 brlcad I just wanted a letter associated with each so we can talk about them
18:46.58 ih8sum3r Okay sure :)
18:47.01 brlcad i) upload form title elements present themselves as selectable links, but don't do anything
18:48.22 brlcad j) once uploaded (with image), nothing appears in Models or My Models
18:48.42 brlcad (given green successfully uploaded/saved message
18:49.15 brlcad which I suspect wasn't genuine .. I specified a big image and it responded green immediately
18:50.41 brlcad ih8sum3r: don't let these all give you an idea that this isn't looking good
18:50.46 brlcad it is looking really nice
18:51.21 brlcad these issues may even be browser specific to some extent that will need to be debugged
18:52.37 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65420 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Go ahead and add the HAVE_<NAME> define if we do one of these underscore definitions...
18:52.39 ih8sum3r Actually the problem is the path only everything is working we can upload the file it is shown in the models also. I'mm just very much curious to show you everything but I don't know what path is to be give. Please look the screenshots
18:52.48 ih8sum3r Models :
18:52.50 brlcad so on Chrome, (a) worked in that it prevented me from submitting feedback until I'd filled in all three fields
18:53.13 brlcad except then it proceeded to link to localhost:3000 (and obviously failed)
18:54.23 ih8sum3r I got your feedback ;)
18:56.51 brlcad ih8sum3r: so on Safari, (f) only displays the "Models" title and nothing under it
18:57.49 brlcad looking at the console, it's saying line 1 of the .css file is invalid (it's a @import() line)
18:58.11 starseeker brlcad: any idea why fb_log is defined to bu_log on Windows?
18:58.17 brlcad @import url(;
18:58.19 starseeker sees the define but no helpful comments...
18:58.48 ih8sum3r Yah! I know what is happening after deploying the app I uploaded .g file and it vanished.
18:59.04 ih8sum3r Can you please tell me which safari version you are using?
18:59.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65421 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Where there is windows.h assume winsock is to be found...
18:59.34 brlcad starseeker: not off the top of my head, but I do recall that being a bit complicated
18:59.56 starseeker brlcad: can I just base if off of windows.h for now until we sort out what's going on?
19:00.28 brlcad on chrome without login, I still get a blank Models page (f)
19:01.08 brlcad after login too
19:02.19 brlcad I'm actually getting identical behavior for all the other issues b through j
19:04.08 brlcad ih8sum3r: I just saw the settings page -- there's no way /usr/brlcad/bin/g-obj and /usr/brlcad/bin/mged are going to work ... you deployed to AWS
19:04.16 brlcad or are those supposed to be local commands??
19:04.32 brlcad it says server, which is what i'd expect
19:05.00 ih8sum3r No this is what I'm asking what is the path else everything is working it is just the problem of path.
19:05.25 ih8sum3r <PROTECTED>
19:05.34 brlcad the path is wherever YOU put it when you deploy on the server ... and you probably have no way to deploy brl-cad on an AWS server
19:05.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65422 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/include/ Remove some more bits from
19:05.54 brlcad best you could do would be to create static binaries and upload them when you deploy
19:06.11 brlcad or deploy someplace different (our server) where we can ensure there is an install
19:06.55 brlcad ih8sum3r: basically "it's not going to work on" :)
19:07.18 brlcad without some additional back-end work
19:07.39 ih8sum3r Yah! agree with you totally. I need something where BRL-CAD is installed :-/
19:07.45 brlcad that's okay
19:08.12 brlcad not having brl-cad doesn't actually affect issues a-j, so you should have plenty to work on ;)
19:08.37 brlcad alas, I'm running out of time now and need to talk to sofat quickly before I go
19:08.43 brlcad this is looking great
19:08.59 brlcad please keep me updated when you think you have those 10 issues sorted
19:09.37 ih8sum3r heh :) Most of the issues are sorted only as it is the path problem ;). Rest I'll work upon
19:09.37 ih8sum3r :D
19:09.49 brlcad sofat: will have to try later
19:10.09 sofat ok
19:10.25 sofat today or another day ?
19:10.44 ih8sum3r I need to tell you lot of the things. should I conclude them in a mail and send to you?
19:11.07 sofat brlcad, so now i need commit access to complete my editing work.
19:11.18 ih8sum3r With full-fledged summary of everything.
19:23.05 sofat I have important question i want to change my next week milestone. milestone ("HTML TO XML CONVERT SCRIPT"). because now i am using html anywhere in editing so this work not needed right now. I want to work on admin section and editing work in next week. If you allow me to change my next week milestone.
19:23.56 sofat s/i am using html anywhere in editing so this work not needed right now/i am not using html anywhere so this work not needed right now
19:24.18 brlcad sofat: i'm back for a few min again
19:24.25 sofat ok
19:24.36 brlcad ih8sum3r: except I don't see a-j as having anything to do with path
19:24.43 sofat then ping me please i am waiting for you
19:24.55 brlcad I could have no brl-cad and those are still front-end interface/usability issues
19:25.45 brlcad maybe it's a matter of gracefully handling failures from not having a path, but it could/should present that error
19:26.00 brlcad and at least (a) was portability-related (safari)
19:26.12 brlcad most seemed related to account management
19:26.33 ih8sum3r brlcad, please check this initially when no model is uploaded it looks like this
19:27.09 brlcad ih8sum3r: okay, that's great!
19:27.25 ih8sum3r Only my-models page is empty I'll put something there
19:27.49 brlcad so then the issue is maybe just that it needs to display an error -- for me, they're both blank
19:28.37 ih8sum3r Agree with you. I'll figure out this and report you.
19:29.00 sofat now i show you my work ?
19:29.24 brlcad k) needs a better 404 page ;)
19:29.28 brlcad a-k ;)
19:29.46 ih8sum3r Okay :D
19:30.06 ih8sum3r btw, is there brlcad installed on our server?
19:30.22 brlcad e.g.,
19:30.32 brlcad yes
19:30.50 brlcad ih8sum3r: anything else?
19:31.06 ih8sum3r Can I please get the access so that I can show you my work.
19:34.25 brlcad anything else?
19:34.57 sofat now i start or wait ?
19:35.07 brlcad still ih8sum3r's turn :)
19:35.18 brlcad ih8sum3r: anything else?
19:35.55 ih8sum3r No that's it I'm done. If anything left I'l send you the message.
19:36.03 ih8sum3r Thank you for your time :)
19:36.04 brlcad great, okay sofat you're up! :)
19:36.12 brlcad ih8sum3r: thanks for all your efforts, looking good
19:36.23 sofat
19:36.34 sofat start form this link
19:36.39 sofat from
19:37.14 brlcad ih8sum3r: I suggest before midterm evals that you get one other person to stress-test the interface for you, to see if they can find other issues after you address/fix a-k
19:37.30 brlcad sofat: before that, to answer your question
19:37.49 brlcad sofat: I don't have a problem with milestones changing, but you should talk that over with starseeker in more detail
19:38.00 brlcad i'm not as familiar with the implications
19:38.23 brlcad but from your description, I can't imagine that being a problem
19:38.45 brlcad plus you should demo your work with him one-on-one too, it's great
19:38.54 ih8sum3r Okay, I'll put mail to inderpreet, harmanpreet and shubham to test it as a user and find out more mistakes.
19:41.41 *** join/#brlcad sofat_ (~sofat@
19:42.53 sofat_ ok I will show my work to starseeker soon
19:43.30 sofat_ starseeker, hello
19:44.24 sofat I want to show you my work demo(with back-end) if you free.
19:46.32 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
19:48.57 brlcad sofat: okay, so I have a few items :)
19:49.00 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
19:49.26 brlcad it's coming together well, but a good bit of polish will be needed to make this easier to use
19:50.04 sofat ok tell me
19:50.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 65423 brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/en/TEMPLATE.xml: update to our newer logo urls
19:51.03 sofat ok
19:51.26 brlcad a) the main menu is conceptually the right idea, but that massive list of docs won't work :)
19:52.04 sofat ok
19:52.33 brlcad is a good example of a cleaner hierarchical organization
19:53.16 sofat ok i want to tell you one thing
19:53.51 sofat our menu made in xml and then converted php and html
19:54.40 brlcad nods
19:54.40 sofat in this conversion the tags of all document same in html and php
19:55.38 brlcad it's a content problem so there might not even really be much for you to do other than to maybe start with a similar menu or multi-level menu
19:56.17 brlcad the content is not really your problem ;)
19:56.41 brlcad the presentation of the content is though, and right now a) is one big long long list :)
19:57.20 brlcad so maybe make the php output expandable/collapsed-by-default?
19:57.56 sofat yes but If i made static menu in php language not using xml
19:58.11 brlcad brb
19:58.46 sofat xml have a problem
19:59.02 sofat problem is after conversion of xml to php and html
19:59.17 sofat all section contains the same id's
19:59.31 sofat so i am not able to apply jquery effect to this
20:03.34 sofat If i do separate coding in php then its possible but then its not part of xml or brlcad document it is working on directory read method and get the file name as menu item according to category language. Then its possible to made this page same as blender page
20:03.59 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65424 brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/ulp.c: float.h is C89
20:06.04 sofat brlcad, ?
20:15.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65425 brlcad/trunk/include/dm/dm_xvars.h: Tk provides X11 types
20:15.41 vasc brlcad, i should only be able to port the M3 (grid acceleration) code to OpenCL after I get back from France i.e. in two weeks
20:16.47 sofat brlcad, please gave me commit access
20:17.04 vasc i have worked on some bits and pieces like getting a working prefix sums opencl code but it ain't integrated yet
20:17.07 sofat my next step depends on this
20:22.44 *** join/#brlcad starseek1r (
20:24.19 *** join/#brlcad andrei_il (~andrei@
20:25.44 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
20:25.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 8743 /wiki/User:Hiteshsofat/GSoc15/log_developmen:
20:31.48 ``Erik sagonet! hooray! \o/
20:41.49 andrei_il is there a problem with wiki? I can't access any page.
20:44.19 ``Erik bz's uplink crapped itself
20:45.12 ``Erik brlcad is semi-actively searching for a new home for bz, this isn't an isolated instance of the coloc host dropping the ball :)
20:51.20 andrei_il <PROTECTED>
21:02.28 *** join/#brlcad ih8sum3r (~ih8sum3r@
21:04.12 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
21:04.18 brlcad that was weird
21:04.59 andrei_il yay, wiki is back again
21:05.05 *** join/#brlcad ejno (~ejno@unaffiliated/kazaik)
21:05.11 vasc bz?
21:05.12 brlcad ISP issue of some sort
21:05.31 brlcad we're not going to be with them for much longer
21:05.32 *** join/#brlcad Ch3ck (
21:05.43 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (
21:06.59 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
21:11.17 *** join/#brlcad maths22 (
21:12.01 *** join/#brlcad Notify (
21:23.07 brlcad starseeker: r65419 implies he's using a 32-bit version of mingw, and he should probably be using a 64-bit version unless he talked to hoa
21:23.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65431 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: process.h is used by libbu/backtrace.c - test for it.
21:29.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65433 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/include/ Add regex.h check
21:30.45 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65434 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: skip the test - HAVE_REGEX_H is not present in current codebase.
21:38.09 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65435 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/include/ Remove more of config_win.h
21:47.10 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65436 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/include/ Make a stab at handling the stat/lseek logic
21:55.24 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65437 brlcad/trunk/include/ This looks like it pertains only to misc/win32-msvc/dll
22:13.55 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65427 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindGL.cmake: Tweak FindGL.cmake
22:19.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65432 brlcad/trunk/include/ remove more defines from config_win.h
22:29.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65428 (brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/include/ More Windows config_win.h work
22:29.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65429 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Try a different approach to GetFullPathName test.
22:30.11 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 65426 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindGL.cmake: Look for gl.h regardless.
23:29.26 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)

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