IRC log for #brlcad on 20150707

14:50.15 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
14:50.15 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || Congrats to all GCI 2014 winners Peter & Marc! || Congratulations to our 12 GSoC students! || Don't ask if someone is here, just ask your questions and wait for a response. ;-)
14:53.52 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:06.49 *** join/#brlcad vasc (
16:21.24 brlcad waves
16:22.19 brlcad bhollister: it's technically supposed to be n-manifold (the docs are inconsistent on this point), where n can be 0 (non-manifold) or greater
16:30.00 brlcad bhollister: do you have an example that builds a box?
16:33.17 vasc hello sean
16:33.48 vasc thanks for the positive evaluation. i would have liked things be even further ahead than they are though.
16:36.52 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
17:05.00 brlcad vasc: you've been making decent progress, and at pretty much the rate I expected ...
17:05.17 brlcad that's why I kept mentioning to just focus on one piece of this problem.. dragons everywhere
17:09.43 sofat starseeker, I have submit the patch on menu file so please accept this patch.
18:03.13 *** join/#brlcad ih8sum3r (~ih8sum3r@
18:08.05 ih8sum3r Hi brlcad, are you there I want to discuss about my next milestones. Can you spare so time.
19:55.32 ih8sum3r s / so / some
19:57.04 brlcad sofat: he's on vacation this week so I suspect he won't see your message for a while ..
19:57.19 brlcad I can do better, stand by (sofat)
19:57.21 sofat ok
19:57.24 sofat no problem
19:57.41 brlcad ih8sum3r: yes, let's go
19:59.54 brlcad ih8sum3r: did you get through all the feedback items I gave you a couple weeks ago?
20:00.04 ih8sum3r I think I'm almost done with the front end part except two things. In that two things, maybe there is a problem at the backend or something else, even shubham tried it. So shall I join shubham and complete the things at the back-end too.
20:00.33 ih8sum3r Yes, except one i.e using default model image.
20:01.11 *** part/#brlcad krishna_ravi732 (~krishna@
20:01.19 *** join/#brlcad krishna_ravi732 (~krishna@
20:02.23 *** join/#brlcad andrei_il (~andrei@
20:03.54 andrei_il Hei, guys! I'm having some trouble with the CSG Importer that I'm working on and I would need your help.
20:04.47 andrei_il I'm working on interpreting the rules proposed for the grammar and I'm using dom2dox as an example but I'm not sure if I'm understanding everything in there
20:07.49 andrei_il For example , I don't understand what END_EXAMPLE; in the dom2dox_parser.lemon file does. If its a terminal, its not declared anywhere and I don't know what to understand from that
20:11.15 andrei_il Also, the app_data_t structure was created to suit dom2dox parsing but I don't know how to modify it to work for csg
20:15.46 andrei_il is there any other lemon and re2c importer that I could look and perhaps , understand better? I couldn't find any in src/conv
20:24.50 brlcad andrei_il: did you try grepping for END_EXAMPLE ?
20:24.57 brlcad it's in a header
20:25.38 brlcad notes that "END_EXAMPLE;" is technically injecting a stray semi-colon ... boo
20:29.00 sofat brlcad, I have some question regarding my milestone. milestone is "provide the authority to user to contribute new document. " my question regarding CMakeList.txt file means who is update this file user or admin(online).
20:32.29 *** join/#brlcad Chan__ (~Chan@
20:35.47 andrei_il ups, didn't thought of searching there, thanks. But how is it injecting a semi-colon ? I see that its concatenating "\n\\endcode\n\n" to &appData->description
20:35.48 brlcad sofat: ideally anyone, but I don't think this is a priority to work on next -- maybe not at all for gsoc
20:36.12 brlcad andrei_il: your END_EXAMPLE macro is different than the one I was looking at
20:36.54 sofat brlcad, means
20:38.22 andrei_il so its just a substitute for some code
20:38.39 brlcad andrei_il: bingo
20:39.30 brlcad arguably unnecessary complexity for this very reason
20:39.43 brlcad macro layering can cause confusion, especially for macros only used few times
20:40.14 bhollister brlcad: i have the proc-db/nmgmodel.c as an exemplar. however, my routine currently has a check for ID_NMG. so, applying cmface to models produced via nmgmodel return without effect. when using nmg models produced via 'make,' there is a problem in a call to nmg_findeu(). am trying to verify face addition with cface instead, since the routine returns without error, just no visible geometry.
20:40.34 andrei_il got it, I will try not to use them ,if possible
20:40.58 sofat brlcad, I am not understand.
20:41.04 *** join/#brlcad ih8sum3r (~ih8sum3r@
20:41.33 brlcad bhollister: one of us misunderstands :)
20:42.25 brlcad bhollister: you overarching goal involves implementing a command-line way to create nmg objects ... I'm interested in seeing an example of what that looks like (or will look like)
20:42.54 brlcad otherwise, adding all those nmg files to src/libged isn't right... :)
20:43.34 brlcad sofat: I'm saying forget about that milestone for now
20:43.56 sofat ok
20:43.56 brlcad sofat: focus on the other points that starseeker mentioned a couple weeks ago
20:45.17 sofat ok
20:47.54 bhollister brlcad: yes. i believe the best way is for the interface not to provide the same level of user control as the internal api. likely, subcommands that map to adding vertex uses, etc. will be removed. right now, adding faces to achieve a simple object needs to work. so i've been using the make command that already exists for the initial nmg object, and then alteration of that.
20:47.54 ih8sum3r The feedback form that had a validation problem is made using and in that it doesn't support the validations for safari so need to change it completely.
20:49.24 bhollister brlcad: there's something fundamental to the nmg object from make that isn't allowing the application of cmface at the moment, or how i'm handling the vertex list provided for nmg_cmface.
20:51.15 bhollister brlcad: perhaps the best way is to build up a model from nmg_mm, first adding regions and shells after a null model has been created. that can be done with the subcommands.
20:51.56 bhollister brlcad: then track down what might be missing in the subcommand impl of ged_nmg_cmface
20:53.14 brlcad bhollister: but do you have a mock up of what that interface is going to look like? a design?
20:53.59 brlcad I get that you're struggling with a cface issue that's frustrating, I'm asking about the bigger picture direction
20:54.33 brlcad is your plan to expose the nmg api as is first, and then see what you can eliminate?
20:54.47 bhollister brlcad: for the most part yes.
20:56.31 bhollister brlcad: perhaps add some higher level functionality. the nmg api provides the ability to add faces only. everything else is very fundamental and doesn't apply to the CLI.
20:57.57 bhollister brlcad: we can add verts, edges and n gons via a variable number of verts passed to cmface subcommand
20:58.01 brlcad I would like to see a design of the higher level functionality before you go implementing it
20:58.34 brlcad (if you get that far)
20:59.15 bhollister okay. i'd like to get cmface subcommand working first.
21:00.08 bhollister since adding faces is certainly part of the high-level subcommand list.
21:03.45 brlcad sounds good
21:04.05 brlcad if you really get stuck (i.e., spent a couple days, no progress), send a shout out
21:04.14 brlcad might see something you're missing
21:05.30 bhollister brlcad: cool. in terms of the mock up, can you give me an example of the sort of higher level routines you have in mind for manipulations on the nmg objects beyond what the internal nmg api offers?
21:06.26 brlcad it's really a question of how one might want to describe a polygonal object manually
21:06.34 brlcad solid polygonal object
21:07.16 brlcad I could see something that automatically fuses just given face descriptions
21:07.29 brlcad since the strings will match exactly if the points were intended to be coincident
21:07.41 brlcad so you could define a box with something like...
21:08.42 bhollister i see. so functions that facilitate an object creation by minimizing the amount of numerical data needing to be provided
21:09.25 bhollister or that take existing data in the object already, and doing the same
21:09.29 brlcad in nmg nmg face 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 face 0 1 0 0 1 1 etc
21:09.43 bhollister got it.
21:09.47 brlcad either way
21:09.55 brlcad could be an nmg command that lets you incrementally build it up
21:10.22 brlcad probably will need subcommands that let you validate/solidify
21:11.35 bhollister is there perhaps an example of these with other CAD systems in use?
21:13.13 brlcad I don't know of any CAD system that lets you do this :)
21:14.13 brlcad the way covers the topic is pretty canonical though
21:14.45 brlcad support definition of vertices, edges, faces
21:15.06 brlcad could be the way to go for starters
21:17.30 brlcad bhollister: have you read this:
21:18.00 brlcad resulted in this:
21:18.33 brlcad that low-level without the tcl {} wrapping may be the way to go initially
21:33.00 bhollister brlcad: thanks. these docs should be useful. i had not seen them previously.
22:16.47 *** join/#brlcad ries_nicked (
23:21.32 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)

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