IRC log for #brlcad on 20150717

01:30.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:MeShubham99 * 9035 /wiki/User:MeShubham99/GSoc15/log_developmen: /* Week 8 */
02:04.10 *** join/#brlcad ignacio (~IgnacioUy@2001:4830:134:7::11)
02:04.10 *** join/#brlcad ignacio (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy)
03:02.37 starseeker this is pretty hard core...
03:04.19 starseeker writing low level dns by hand from memory...
03:37.14 *** join/#brlcad gurwinder (3b5b7739@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:25.59 *** join/#brlcad ignacio (~IgnacioUy@2001:4830:134:7::11)
04:25.59 *** join/#brlcad ignacio (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy)
06:44.14 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
06:44.14 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || Congrats to all GCI 2014 winners Peter & Marc! || Congratulations to our 12 GSoC students! || Don't ask if someone is here, just ask your questions and wait for a response. ;-)
07:28.32 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
09:23.17 *** join/#brlcad teepee-- (bc5c2134@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:05.04 *** join/#brlcad ignacio (~IgnacioUy@2001:4830:134:7::11)
10:05.04 *** join/#brlcad ignacio (~IgnacioUy@unaffiliated/ignaciouy)
13:05.21 starseeker hmm - the breakage seems to be more serious than usual this time...
13:08.34 ``Erik I kinda feel like sf jumped the shark years ago, the modified binaries scandal and outages seem... on par?
13:09.06 ``Erik wonders how big a darcs conversion would be O.o
13:12.16 ``Erik pines for the days of clean and svelte cvs checkouts :)
13:40.49 brlcad they had an outage like this .. 2 years ago? maybe 3?
13:41.04 brlcad but I think this is the first on allure
13:41.19 brlcad looks like everything is down including lists
13:41.31 brlcad sent out a news announcement yesterday
13:44.58 ``Erik this outage is insane, but it seems like there are frequent short outages *shrug*
13:45.23 ``Erik github has frequent outages as well, but git is still usable when github is gone :D
14:20.51 *** join/#brlcad ih8sum3r (~ih8sum3r@
14:22.12 brlcad true true
14:55.55 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
14:57.49 ``Erik is sorta wishing he wrote this app in swift instead of objc :/
14:58.55 starseeker ``Erik: there are frequent short outages - I checked their twitter feed
14:59.19 starseeker
15:00.22 starseeker pretty much at least once a month
15:00.30 starseeker for 2015 anyway
15:06.16 starseeker github does seem to have a few outtages, but they seem to cope with them quickly and are informative about what's going on:
15:22.11 *** join/#brlcad vasc (
15:29.24 starseeker remembers back in the day when the slashdot admins did an in-depth review of what happened during an outage as a post-mortum
15:31.23 starseeker ah yes
15:31.34 starseeker long long ago now
15:32.41 ``Erik heh, I read slashdot via rss now, and it's very rare that I click past a headline :/
15:53.40 *** join/#brlcad Izakey (~Isaac@
16:06.05 Izakey brlcad, ``Erik, starseeker, Stragus, vasc Any tips on restoring my GUI, Kinda tired of console already.
16:06.21 Izakey doesn't know exactly where to start
16:27.55 *** join/#brlcad bhollister2 (~brad@2601:647:cb02:7a00:2885:f5e9:dd21:1625)
16:30.36 vasc console?
16:31.32 vasc svn: E000111: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
16:31.36 vasc those guys are really incompetent
16:36.52 Izakey vasc , Any suggestions ?
16:37.00 vasc i don't get it
16:37.03 vasc which console?
16:37.16 vasc i need context here.
16:48.33 Izakey vasc, I have no GUI any longer, I only have the command line to work with
16:50.00 vasc for what? the operating system?
16:50.07 vasc and which operating system are we talking about
16:50.21 vasc or is it the brl-cad application itself
16:51.22 Izakey No GUI for Fedora 21 vasc
16:52.00 vasc so what happened for you to lose the gui?
16:52.10 vasc driver issues? kernel upgrade?
16:57.26 vasc oh and try the #fedora channel
16:59.08 vasc i won't be much help. i use ubuntu.
16:59.49 Izakey Thanks vasc
17:05.56 bhollister2 starseeker: hi. here for our 10 AM PST mtg. just need some feedback on the latest subcommands proposed.
17:06.39 bhollister2 starseeker: also, if you can point me to code that is responsible for setting the color of the geometry in the real-time viewer.
17:11.44 vasc
17:11.47 vasc moore's law hits a bump
17:15.23 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 9036 /wiki/User:Gurwinder_Singh/GSoc15/log_developmen:
17:16.26 *** join/#brlcad gurwinder (75c765a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:16.48 gurwinder Izakey: Hi
17:17.07 Izakey Hi gurwinder
17:17.24 gurwinder how are you?
17:17.31 Stragus Izakey, first step is figuring out what fails exactly
17:17.42 Stragus Did you reinstall libpng 1.2?
17:18.29 Izakey Updated and deleted libpng1.6
17:18.35 gurwinder Izakey: I want to tell you that I export 8 primitives till now. Sorry I didn't count the remaing 2 on that day.
17:18.50 Stragus If you type something like ldd /usr/bin/gimp | grep "png" what do you get?
17:19.01 Stragus (used gimp because I have no idea what WM you are running)
17:19.02 Izakey Which two are those gurwinder ?
17:19.28 gurwinder Izakey: Those two are sphere and cylender
17:19.43 gurwinder total 8 are exported
17:20.13 gurwinder Now am working on rhc, I am trying to make a macro.
17:20.30 Izakey That's the right direction gurwinder. Keep working.......
17:21.02 vasc anyone knows when SVN comes back up?
17:21.05 gurwinder Izakey: Want to tell you that I will be busy tommorow in admission work at college
17:21.38 gurwinder So can't able to work more that 2 to 4 hrs
17:28.27 Izakey That's fine gurwinder, atleast within those 4 hours just build the MACRO ;)
17:28.59 gurwinder Izakey: haha I'll try my best
17:57.15 *** join/#brlcad sofat_ (~sofat@
18:42.36 bhollister starseeker: didn't see the earlier comments on the mailing list. thanks for the input.
18:44.28 bhollister starseeker: i'll be sure to address my response / questions on the mailing list as well.
18:48.21 Izakey vasc, patience is a virtue ;)
18:48.49 vasc well i expected better from considering it has been like this since yesterday
18:49.24 vasc today is friday i doubt they'll do much in the weekend if they don't fix it today
18:50.52 *** join/#brlcad ih8sum3r (~ih8sum3r@
18:58.01 vasc well i got some reduce and scan kernels in opencl from pyopencl. now to actually integrate this...
19:15.41 *** join/#brlcad Yash (75de4581@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
19:28.26 ``Erik heh, $10,000 fuse.. (lemme look in my garage for a big fat nail... :D )
19:30.10 *** join/#brlcad ries_nicked (
19:41.05 vasc it's called 'innovation'
19:41.16 vasc the art of selling things to people
19:41.36 vasc while making them think they are special
19:42.37 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Deekaysharma * 9037 /wiki/User:Deekaysharma/logs:
19:43.42 Stragus It's also a way to associate with a herd that reflects an arbitrary but desirable set of values
19:50.38 vasc it's something they are selling to the Tesla P85D model users
19:50.46 vasc which is like the most expensive model they sell
19:50.51 vasc so yeah its a ripoff
19:54.04 vasc they need the money to make all those capital investment into battery plants and whatnot
19:59.01 ``Erik it is pretty insane how capable the thing is, though... 3.1 0-60 is pretty batshit insane, 2.8 is ... yeh :D
19:59.45 vasc well its an electric. so you get max power right off the bat.
20:00.04 vasc its not like a combustion engine which needs to spool up
20:01.05 vasc it's probably more limited by the tires and the power system than anything else
20:01.07 ``Erik yeah, keeping the balance of applying torque vs static friction is the challenge for dc motors.. 2.8 is still pretty remarkable
20:01.21 *** join/#brlcad konrado (~konro@
20:01.41 ``Erik my old clunker supposedly could do 4.8 at one time, and it can be quite a thrill ride
20:25.45 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
20:48.05 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Konrado DJ * 9038 /wiki/User:Konrado_DJ/GSoc2015/logs: /* 17 JULY 2015 */
20:48.38 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Konrado DJ * 9039 /wiki/User:Konrado_DJ/GSoc2015/logs: /* 17 JULY 2015 */
21:08.20 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 9040 /wiki/User:Hiteshsofat/GSoc15/log_developmen:
22:12.25 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bhollister * 9041 /wiki/MGED_Commands: /* N */
22:21.17 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983 (dracarys98@nat/iiit/x-sgwyjrlpgadaapfw)
22:22.20 dracarys983 What's up with sourceforge?
22:26.05 vasc its borked since yesterday
22:26.32 dracarys983 Ugh.
22:26.35 vasc
23:14.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bhollister * 9042 /wiki/User:Bhollister/DevLogJuly2015: /* Fri, July 17, 2015 */
23:16.50 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bhollister * 9043 /wiki/User:Bhollister/DevLogJuly2015: /* Fri, July 17, 2015 */
23:44.25 starseeker bhollister: apologies for being offline at the wrong time :-/
23:44.51 starseeker the mailing list comments are the right place to start
23:47.46 starseeker vasc: that's the outage on OSDN from 2001
23:47.56 starseeker (slashdot article)
23:48.18 vasc right
23:48.26 vasc well its still fscked
23:48.29 starseeker woudl be nice to get a similar postmortum from whatever is going on now, but we'll see
23:48.43 starseeker yeah, not too reassuring
23:48.58 starseeker brlcad's right - this did happen once before some years back
23:49.22 vasc no dice from dice
23:50.24 starseeker new tweet in the last hour:
23:52.17 vasc all i need to do the grid construction wholly on the gpu now is to compute the prefix sum there
23:53.48 vasc well it would be better if i had proper error handling as well...
23:54.03 vasc i'm just ignoring errors right now... pfeh
23:55.18 vasc also need to think of some other name for this file other than foobar... hmmm
23:55.33 starseeker yeah, foobar is too popular ;-)

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