IRC log for #brlcad on 20150724

00:01.03 *** join/#brlcad witness (uid10044@gateway/web/
00:38.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Bhollister * 9081 /wiki/User:Bhollister/DevLogJuly2015: /* Thurs, July 23, 2015 */
01:17.25 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
01:17.25 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || Congrats to all GCI 2014 winners Peter & Marc! || Congratulations to our 12 GSoC students! || Don't ask if someone is here, just ask your questions and wait for a response. ;-)
02:35.03 *** join/#brlcad gurwinder (~chatzilla@
03:27.38 *** join/#brlcad Shubham (6719e766@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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08:54.17 andrei_il Hi ! I am currently reading perplex README.txt in order to understand better how to configure the CSG importer scanner.
08:56.58 *** join/#brlcad dracarys983 (dracarys98@nat/iiit/x-ywsaabdrhlwofevf)
09:04.18 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
09:06.40 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
09:14.56 dracarys983 d_rossberg: I am planning to implement the centroid and surface area functionalities today as well as their caller functions in C++ interface.
09:15.13 dracarys983 So that when svn is up I can start testing them without delay
09:16.04 dracarys983 d_rossberg: Should I send you my present implementation for volume and the Volume() function patch in a mail? -- so that you can review it ASAP.
09:18.31 dracarys983 brlcad: I'd need help in the view manipulation as I said in my mail. I'll be up here, so we can discuss whenever possible. :)
09:25.57 d_rossberg dracarys983: sending the patch in a mail would be good, the mailing lists should work again; but is the patch tracker still broken too?
09:39.31 *** join/#brlcad gurwinder (~chatzilla@
09:59.42 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
10:10.40 ``Erik history of computing at BRL mentioned on hacker news
10:17.26 *** join/#brlcad sofat_ (~androirc@
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10:38.31 dracarys983 d_rossberg: No, I guess the patch tracker is working. I'll submit one there then?
10:39.57 d_rossberg yes, using the patch tracker is better
10:41.45 dracarys983 d_rossberg: Okay.
10:43.09 dracarys983 One thing, I have to implement arbitrary view support in my implementations as Sean also mentioned that it should be possible to leverage gqa or rtweight's functionalities using the new implementation.
10:43.33 dracarys983 So that'll be the immediate target once I implement the basic ones I guess.
10:43.38 dracarys983 Do you have any other plans?
10:46.55 dracarys983 d_rossberg: Also, should I submit the patch with the change of code I did to test it using analyze?
11:11.41 d_rossberg yes, for completeness you should add the analyze part too
11:13.46 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
11:31.11 *** join/#brlcad Izakey (~Izakey@
11:47.44 *** join/#brlcad ih8sum3r (~deepak@
12:06.44 dracarys983 d_rossberg: I'll submit the rt^3 changes later after testing, once svn is up. :)
12:27.49 *** join/#brlcad luca79 (~luca@
13:15.19 starseeker aaaand svn is still down
13:16.21 Izakey yes starseeker
13:17.02 Izakey wonders how much development time this will cost
13:20.43 ``Erik you can develop without svn...
13:21.01 Izakey Definitely ``Erik ,
13:21.47 ``Erik one way would be to tar up the latest unmodified svn checkout you have, then for each 'commit' you want to do, extract it out, cp files before you edit them, then create patches. When svn comes up, apply the patch (fixing as necessary) and commit.
13:22.28 ``Erik (or just keep coding and piss people off with one huge mega-commit)
13:23.05 Izakey prefers the latter ``Erik
13:24.34 ``Erik preferring to piss people off? :D
13:27.24 ``Erik if you have the bandwidth and hdd space, you could grab the git clone at (or and work with that, then create the right patches out of that to apply to svn when it comes back *shrug*
13:29.19 Izakey tried cloning the other day but my bandwidth didn't permit
13:31.27 ``Erik if you have an acct on the server, you could always do your work on it?
13:31.53 ``Erik *shrug* there're ways to continue making progress :)
13:34.30 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
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14:07.10 brlcad thanks to everyone for responding as requested
14:07.34 brlcad andrei_il: working on that status summary?
14:09.08 brlcad dracarys983: that is not exactly what I was suggesting -- I don't want to end up with 3 generic ways for calculating volume
14:10.01 brlcad the solution may be to replace your implementation with rtweight or gqa's so the question is whether you've made that easy or difficult ;)
14:12.08 brlcad Izakey: if we were OpenBSD, they voluntarily halt development like this once or twice a year (during releases) :D
14:12.30 brlcad slight exaggeration ;)
14:15.49 Izakey Ok, brlcad
14:24.44 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
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14:30.59 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
14:30.59 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD || || logs: || Congrats to all GCI 2014 winners Peter & Marc! || Congratulations to our 12 GSoC students! || Don't ask if someone is here, just ask your questions and wait for a response. ;-)
14:36.35 andrei_il brlcad: not yet, I just read some documentation to find some answers
14:36.58 andrei_il I will update my logs now
14:48.55 *** join/#brlcad gurwinder (~chatzilla@
14:54.07 *** join/#brlcad vasc (
15:02.31 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
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15:44.51 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
15:46.18 dracarys983 brlcad: Oh. Right. I'll have to improve the basic implementations anyways. Can you help me with the view manipulation in my present code? You can refer to my latest patch for that :
15:47.28 dracarys983 Actually my main concern is whether using a method like rtweight does (do_ae()) would be a good idea or something else.
15:53.13 sofat brlcad, I have done my stylesheet work so now I add this stylesheet in building system ?
15:53.48 sofat means I need to create new micro for this ?
15:59.18 *** join/#brlcad bhollister2 (~brad@2601:647:cb02:7a00:5550:4df0:68ec:ffe7)
16:00.22 brlcad dracarys983: the ultimate algorithm for calculating mass and surface area will almost certainly center around quasi-random spherical sampling convergence with adaptive refinement
16:00.42 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
16:00.57 brlcad that's a GSoC project in itself, which is why daniel suggested focusing on just doing what rtweight does or migrating gqa code (lower risk)
16:01.28 brlcad lets you focus on your task at hand, and when the better algorithm is eventually implemented, users will just get more accurate results
16:02.47 dracarys983 brlcad: Okay, agreed. I can focus on the spherical convergence algo once I'm done with the basic gqa/rtweight style generic method.
16:02.51 brlcad dracarys983: as for your patch, I suggest you actually match what rtweight is doing as closely as possible, so when you're done rtweight could be updated to call your libanalyze function and there should be no change to the user
16:03.04 gurwinder brlcad: Hi, as you know I'm working on elliptical torus. Torus is working correctly but I'm not able to use its C and D minor and major axis in my macro
16:03.37 brlcad or if you're already doing a gqa-style grid-aligned approach that you mimick gqa as closely as possible, so it could be updated to libanalyze
16:03.57 dracarys983 brlcad: Okay, awesome :)
16:04.21 brlcad sofat: url example?
16:04.31 gurwinder brlcad: Torus's normal center are working well and it elliptical torus just as in brlcad.
16:04.43 dracarys983 I although do want to try to implement the arbitrary view manipulation in my gqa-style implementation like rtweight.
16:05.19 brlcad gurwinder: does povray have support for elliptical tori?
16:05.38 brlcad or surface of revolution where we can revolve an ellipse
16:05.57 brlcad or sweep surface where an ellipse can be swept in a circle
16:06.13 brlcad if not, then I'm not sure what you're working on :)
16:06.25 sofat for style sheet or web view of presentation output ?
16:06.40 *** join/#brlcad Izakey (~Izakey@
16:06.46 dracarys983 brlcad: So, I'm trying to figure that part out since some time now. Can you give me some pointers for that? :)
16:06.56 brlcad dracarys983: I'm sure you do, but remember that the only way this code will survive is if it can fully replace what is in rtweight or gqa
16:07.18 brlcad and even then, it may be short-lived once someone implements spherical sampling
16:08.08 brlcad dracarys983: you have exact code ... I'm not sure I understand
16:08.24 brlcad sofat: web view
16:10.09 brlcad dracarys983: you can't lose sight of the bigger picture for your project given you're behind schedule, you don't have time to explore methods of calculating mass/weight -- this should not be approached as an implementation exercise
16:10.13 brlcad it's already implemented
16:10.17 sofat i am not merge this part with web site now because I am doing some experiments on output looks
16:10.36 brlcad sofat: okay, that's fine .. still like to see work in progress
16:11.05 sofat are you want to see my stylesheet ?
16:11.15 sofat its ready now
16:11.18 brlcad dracarys983: so you should use the existing code (as is, as much as possible), so you can focus on exposing the calculations in rt^3 and libanalyze, etc
16:11.29 brlcad sofat: you already showed me the stylesheet yesterday
16:11.35 sofat yes
16:11.38 brlcad a stylesheet is useless without seeing the result
16:11.43 sofat okay
16:11.46 brlcad it's just a bunch of text :)
16:11.54 brlcad I trust you have more text ;)
16:12.15 sofat haha :- (
16:13.14 dracarys983 brlcad: Okay. So, this implementation works for now? It has got the way gqa calculates volume. Just that tolerance estimation and gridSpacing / gridSpacingLimit estimation is a bit modified.
16:13.16 brlcad I know it's hard work and good progress, but there's nothing I'm going to understand without actually running the stylesheet and seeing the output :)
16:13.21 *** join/#brlcad Izakey_ (~Izakey@
16:13.38 brlcad dracarys983: modified how?
16:14.18 *** join/#brlcad shaina (~shaina@
16:14.20 sofat hmm i will show you after 2 hour.
16:14.29 dracarys983 For gridSpacing / gridSpacingLimit estimation I have calculated the max_span in the present view and then divided it by a defined factor.
16:15.05 gurwinder brlcad: Yes, they support elliptical torus but for that I have to use function.
16:15.13 dracarys983 And I have kept the refinement limit at 7 times right now.
16:15.47 *** join/#brlcad konrado (~konro@
16:16.33 dracarys983 For tolerance estimation, the factor in gqa is 1000 I guess. I have kept it at 2500, because according to my grid setup, 2500 works better.
16:17.01 gurwinder brlcad: Here is f_torus function
16:17.02 brlcad gurwinder: source?
16:17.20 gurwinder in last of it
16:18.23 brlcad hm, so that's interesting but concerning that they say the result is merely "similar" to an elliptical torus
16:19.26 brlcad indeed that rendered example could very well not be one
16:20.18 gurwinder brlcad: Ok,
16:20.32 gurwinder brlcad: here is another method
16:20.51 gurwinder but it doesn't gave result similar to f-torus function
16:24.14 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Andrei.ilinca24 * 9082 /wiki/User:Andrei.ilinca24/logs: /* Coding Period (2nd half) */
16:25.42 brlcad gurwinder: hm, that might work ... eto are described with a quartic equation
16:26.02 brlcad but figuring out the mapping could get tricky
16:26.18 brlcad another possibility, looking at their documentation, is a surface of revolution
16:26.41 brlcad that will definitely work too
16:26.48 brlcad BUT...
16:27.05 brlcad why are you working on ETO? :)
16:27.26 gurwinder brlcad: Oh ok, I will put my full effort on it
16:27.32 brlcad you were working on eto two months ago
16:27.59 brlcad you haven't gotten it by now and it's not anywhere near as important as several other object types
16:28.24 brlcad so you're putting in less than full effort? :)
16:28.32 brlcad that's a terrible expression :)
16:28.47 gurwinder brlcad: No that was just torus if I remember correclty
16:29.18 gurwinder brlcad: Is there any priority of primitives so that I out my efforts in right direction
16:30.01 gurwinder I'm just taking primitives randomly and exporting them
16:31.02 brlcad gurwinder: make a list of them all and indicate which ones are complete, partial, or not yet
16:31.46 brlcad on that list, I can more easily indicate their priorities
16:32.20 gurwinder brlcad: the primitives that I have exported before mid term even before getting selected iin GSoC are complete and working properly
16:32.35 gurwinder OK, I will make a list and show you.
16:32.38 brlcad :)
16:33.48 Izakey_ gurwinder, You could just list the ones you already having working til now (to avoid any confusion)
16:33.49 *** join/#brlcad Shubham (6719e766@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:34.23 gurwinder Izakey_: Hi, Ok
16:35.46 brlcad this can be a text file or on the wiki, e.g., where you can summarize import/export support information
16:36.50 Izakey_ brlcad++
16:37.37 Izakey_ So gurwinder you know what you have to do, could take you less than 20 minutes :)
16:37.49 gurwinder brlcad: is this a page where I should write about my primitives?
16:38.23 Izakey_ gurwinder, Just a short report of the primitives which you've exported already
16:39.56 gurwinder Izakey_:Ok
16:42.56 gurwinder Izakey_: How to edit in it?
16:43.46 Izakey_ Just the way you created your GSoC proposal page gurwinder - the same way you update your logs :)
16:45.29 gurwinder Izakey_: On google log page there is edit option but there is no option to edit
16:51.14 brlcad gurwinder: nice visual overview of povray entities if you have not seen it yet:
16:52.12 brlcad gurwinder: what are the menu options...
16:52.22 brlcad Page ... Discussion ...
16:53.09 gurwinder brlcad: Yes I'm taking reference of that povray entities page.
16:53.26 gurwinder brlcad: yes there are two options page and discussion
16:55.39 gurwinder brlcad: two links, search for this page title, search the related logs
16:59.57 bhollister2 starseeker: i'm here for our 10AM PST mtg. however, i need to bring my car into the garage once again for an air bag recall. not sure how long that will take. still working to get vertex labels working for nmg edit mode.
17:01.00 Izakey_ gurwinder, that report needs to be on the BRL-CAD website
17:03.07 gurwinder Izakey_: Yes, I'm writing primitives on seperat text file and will upload on brlcad website
17:05.09 Izakey_ gurwinder, Look at a page like - Just need a little Introduction and then the POV-RAY exported primitives in bullet formats
17:08.04 gurwinder Izakey_: Great example. Thanks
17:08.40 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~sofat@
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17:16.27 brlcad gurwinder: perhaps you are not logged in
17:18.19 brlcad gurwinder: also see for a visual to go with the short name labels ... it's not a complete list of object types
17:19.14 vasc is slow as molasses but up. seems like they are working on it.
17:20.31 brlcad vasc: thanks
17:21.13 vasc i couldn't update svn yet though
17:21.48 gurwinder brlcad: oK
17:22.05 gurwinder yes, I'm creating new account on it
17:25.58 brlcad gurwinder: what? how have you been updating your dev log?
17:27.44 brlcad gurwinder: ah, I see you have done most of your edits anonymously .. this is not good
17:27.54 gurwinder brlcad: I just went to
17:27.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Gsbains123 * 0 /wiki/User:Gsbains123:
17:27.58 brlcad please don't create another account, log in with the account you created
17:28.09 brlcad *sigh*
17:29.09 gurwinder ok, sorry I forget my username thats why I'm getting user name error. and I thought that I haven't created yet
17:29.34 brlcad look at the log on your page
17:29.37 brlcad History
17:30.01 brlcad heck, even your user link on has it
17:33.19 Izakey_ People tend to forget usernames and passwords which they don
17:33.33 Izakey_ s/don/don't use ofter
17:33.49 Izakey_ s/ofter/often
17:35.19 brlcad this is true
17:35.57 brlcad but that's also in their hands, not anyone else, and can be easily managed
17:36.00 brlcad keeps a ledger
17:36.53 Stragus Some U.S. government contractor registration thingy (CMR or so) has some absurd password requirements
17:37.17 Stragus Like >16 characters long, at least 4 numbers, at least 4 special characters, mix of lower and capital case
17:37.47 brlcad it's been that way for many years, all federal systems adhere to a standard policy
17:38.02 brlcad you also have to change it every NN days (which I think is 45?)
17:38.04 Stragus Well, I remember all my password except *that* one
17:38.08 Stragus passwords*
17:38.40 Stragus Right, it's terrible
17:38.50 Izakey_ I now understand why you need a ledger brlcad
17:39.55 brlcad I would completely understand forgetting a wiki password, maybe even forgetting that one had created an account... except that wiki account creation is part of our gsoc checklist, and pretty much everyone puts there dev log there
17:40.36 brlcad it's fine, life will certainly go on ;)
17:40.51 brlcad probably lunchcranky
17:41.28 brlcad goes to slurp some ramyun
17:41.42 Izakey_ Forgetting your wiki username is weird
17:57.41 vasc when i forget the password i just go to the saved passwords dialog in firefox and see what was the password i used
17:57.55 vasc i just save the passwords there
17:58.10 vasc anyone can get them but i could care less. it's my computer.
18:17.47 vasc most passwords i use are really weak
18:17.58 vasc i only bother using strong passwords on the really important stuff
18:18.52 vasc like tqbfjotl
18:20.21 vasc most sysadmins i knew just generate a random password and write it down in a piece of paper
18:21.11 ``Erik pwgen -s
18:22.17 ``Erik piece of paper is horrible, though... encrypted file seems better to me (something like 1password if you want it automagic)
18:49.18 ih8sum3r ``Erik: I'm getting this error : when run this command PORT=3000 MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost:27017/myappdb" node bundle/main.js. I searched and found run make install in /usr/ports/misc/compat6x I did but getting same error again and again any idea what to do?
19:15.07 ``Erik well, the error form the ports dir thing is probably a permission error, lemme look at some stuff
19:15.30 ``Erik where did you get the node binary? is that system?
19:16.25 ``Erik oh, this isn't on bz
19:17.23 ``Erik there's really no good reason for you to need compat6x... that's there to run binaries compiled against freebsd 6
19:18.07 ``Erik I'd think recompile the bcrypt npm module
19:18.53 ``Erik huh, fbsd's libm is currently at 5... are you running an old linux executable on fbsd? :D
19:19.09 ``Erik is now confused
19:19.30 ih8sum3r I created bundle for meteor and move that bundle to VM. From there it is getting node modules
19:19.43 ih8sum3r I'm following this tutorial :
19:20.09 ``Erik what os/version did you create the bundle on, and what's running in the vm?
19:20.44 ih8sum3r I created bundle on Ubuntu 14.04 and in VM I have freebsd 10.1
19:20.56 ``Erik (also; fbsd11 is -current, stable is 10)
19:21.51 ``Erik so you're making an executable for linux and trying to run it on fbsd?
19:23.01 ``Erik maybe fire up the vm and try to build the bundle/executable/libs inside of it?
19:23.10 ih8sum3r Yes, what I have read according to that it is doing something like that only.
19:24.12 brlcad ``Erik: who said anything about paper?
19:24.36 ih8sum3r I found only this tutorial to install meteor on freebsd. I have also asked on IRC and meteor forums but didn't get any response about freebsd and meteor :(
19:24.47 ``Erik brlcad: vasc did, in the line that starts "most sysadmins i knew"
19:24.58 brlcad ahh, missed that
19:25.08 brlcad thought you were referring to my ledger comment
19:25.21 brlcad ledger == encrypted file == digital wallet
19:25.26 ``Erik ih8sum3r: "here be dragons", you're in uncharted territory :) makes me glad I've found a reason not to use meteor every time I've done framework shopping ;)
19:26.42 ih8sum3r I also tried to clone this and install it on freebsd : But this thing also produce same error i.e : This OS is not supported yet.
19:26.46 ``Erik brlcad: I use scrypt, vim and scrub... there's that spot of insecure memory while editing, but *shrug*
19:27.39 ih8sum3r brlcad: I want to dicuss a little about OGV can you please spare a little time for me.
19:27.49 ih8sum3r s / dicuss / discuss
19:27.52 ``Erik ih8sum3r: since meteor on fbsd is such a ... challenging combination, and the server is fbsd, is it worth reconsidering using meteor?
19:27.53 brlcad ih8sum3r: if you created the bundle on linux, then you need to also copy over the linux libs it was linked against (
19:28.41 brlcad given someone got it working on fbsd 11, it's certainly doable
19:29.18 brlcad ih8sum3r: "This OS is not supported yet." is not a stopping point -- you're in developer land
19:29.30 brlcad you find where that message is coming from and you modify the code to bypass it
19:29.44 vasc i hate those kinds of messages
19:29.48 brlcad that's a user stopping point
19:29.52 brlcad you're not a user
19:30.01 ``Erik puny mortals
19:30.52 vasc you should complain about lack of necessary capabilities not that you didn't test it with the OS that the user is using
19:31.02 vasc or browser or whatever
19:31.26 vasc at worse it should be a warning not a fatal error.
19:31.40 ih8sum3r brlcad: I can create bundle only where meteor is installed because meteor bundle xyz will create bundle for app. freeBSD couldn't create meteor bundle because there is no meteor installed.
19:32.01 ``Erik ya'll remember before autoconf got popular and it was "make -f Makefile.linux32" 'n stuff? :D those were dark days
19:32.42 vasc yeah i know. i used to work on a MUD codebase that was like that
19:32.52 ``Erik "meteor bundle" is probably just calling npm... which is supported
19:33.08 ih8sum3r brlcad: Okay I'll tried to bypass that thing.
19:33.29 brlcad ih8sum3r: are you using virtualbox?
19:33.32 vasc it also did silly things like include system function declarations for SunOS because quite often SunOS did not come with includes
19:33.41 ``Erik vasc: mud weenies... I admin'd a linux box in the mid 90's that some friend of the owner put a circle mud on, then they started asking me C questions.. what a horrible codebase :D
19:33.48 vasc so you had system function declarations inside the app code
19:33.52 ih8sum3r brlcad: Yes
19:34.14 vasc well i ran a mud derived on merc mud
19:34.20 vasc it was reasonably well written
19:34.28 vasc actually it was quite well written
19:34.40 vasc except for little things like that
19:34.58 ``Erik I've never looked at (or heard of) merc... circle and diku were the two big ones :)
19:35.01 brlcad ih8sum3r: then I suggest a different approach altogether
19:35.14 vasc if you think the circle mud codebase was bad you should look at the SillyMUD codebase
19:35.17 ``Erik (then I started hacking together even uglier C to make a mud client... 'bmud')
19:35.36 ih8sum3r brlcad: Like?
19:35.37 brlcad set up a new disk image, install ubuntu and whatever else you need, and get the site set up
19:35.44 vasc back then we used tinyfugue i think
19:36.05 brlcad we can run that vbox image on .bz and see how responsive it is
19:36.27 brlcad also has the added benefit of clean sandboxing
19:36.33 ``Erik tinyfugue was nice, I wanted to use gtk+/gnome *shrug* :)
19:37.13 vasc oh an automapper. kewl.
19:37.44 brlcad ih8sum3r: just make sure your web root is neatly organized and well documented in the VM
19:37.59 brlcad so we can later move it to fbsd when we upgrade to 11
19:38.13 vasc
19:38.25 brlcad ih8sum3r: do you understand?
19:38.38 sofat brlcad, hello
19:38.42 sofat there is link
19:38.42 vasc i learned more about C working on that in the college classes
19:38.46 sofat
19:38.55 sofat please check
19:39.03 ih8sum3r brlcad: Yah approx. let me read it one more time.
19:39.49 ih8sum3r Okay okay understand :).
19:40.15 ``Erik C in college classes? I thought they quit that 20 years ago O:-) yeah, college lessons are fine for touching on basics, but a real project definitely pushes you
19:40.27 ih8sum3r For this I'm going to use ubuntu 14.04. Is that okay to you?
19:40.45 brlcad sofat: looking good
19:40.57 sofat thanks
19:41.01 brlcad sofat: is this mid-progress or do you think you're done with everything?
19:41.03 starseeker here's the sf latest:
19:41.14 vasc they thought us C in 2 hours of lab classes
19:41.21 vasc basically we had to learn it ourselves.
19:41.31 vasc taught
19:41.31 brlcad sofat: because I still see Spainsh and Spainish which are wrong :)
19:41.44 sofat ohh
19:42.07 vasc well i did enter college like 20 years ago.
19:42.23 brlcad haha, "has completed 22 letters, 4 remain"
19:42.33 brlcad so 'b'rlcad is definitely in one of those 4 then :)
19:42.36 ``Erik spanglish?
19:42.53 vasc i think they start with scheme as their first language now
19:42.55 brlcad sofat: it's "Spanish"
19:42.59 vasc used to be pascal when i started
19:43.22 brlcad and really, all of the itemized languages should be written in their native language :)
19:43.31 brlcad Español
19:43.35 ``Erik mit switched from scheme to python for intro a few years back, caused a bit of a stir in the lithp communities
19:44.06 vasc Espanhol
19:44.17 brlcad sofat: now when I select on of the google translations, it gives a dialog saying "Error: Could not find Google translate frame."
19:44.42 sofat re fresh page then try
19:45.04 vasc you can get that from wikipedia
19:45.21 vasc
19:45.28 brlcad sofat: refreshed, still error
19:45.31 ``Erik 日本語
19:45.39 ``Erik terminal doesn't like kanji :(
19:45.56 vasc i can read it fine in xchat
19:46.23 ``Erik woops, terminal likes it fine, ssh/tmux/irssi doesn't like it
19:46.28 sofat but on my side its working
19:46.44 vasc some apps don't like utf-8 still
19:47.02 ih8sum3r brlcad: I have doubt in this "also has the added benefit of clean sandboxing". Can you please it.
19:47.04 vasc irc clients were quite bad at it
19:48.42 brlcad ih8sum3r: yes it's okay -- it really doesn't matter which OS just as long as you keep it really simple and only install what you need (i.e., you probably shouldn't install X11 or any GUI) -- which is probably just apache, meteor, mongodb, php, python, and a shell environment
19:48.48 sofat brlcad, it is working on chrome and firefox my side
19:48.55 sofat without any error
19:49.08 vasc
19:49.34 vasc that one's supposedly good
19:50.27 ih8sum3r brlcad: Ah! I see, Okay I'm on it.
19:51.31 brlcad sofat: I'm not sure what to tell you ... it's not working here and it looks like that error message is from code you used from the web, not code you wrote yourself, so you have to debug it
19:52.43 brlcad searching the web, I see "Error: Could not find Google translate frame" is from snippets on how to use this -- you need to evaluate every line to make sure you understand how the code would get to that condition
19:53.47 brlcad ih8sum3r: as for "also has the added benefit of clean sandboxing" is merely to say that this web service will be running in a VM, which is a sandbox -- it's an enclosed environment
19:53.57 ``Erik ah, it got accepted :)
19:54.07 brlcad so if there's a security vulnerability in OGV, for example, it doesn't put the rest of the server at risk if running from a VM
19:54.23 brlcad it'll just be slightly slower than if running native
19:55.03 brlcad ``Erik: heh, congrats!
19:55.07 ih8sum3r brlcad: Sorry for silly question so I need to install ubuntu server 14.04 on VM for testing? This one: Please pardon.
19:55.49 ``Erik also; mother-effer, competing app was approved while mine was in the queue! beaten to the punch O.o
19:57.02 ih8sum3r Okay I'll check that sandboxing thing will make sure that everything goes in a perfect way.
19:57.28 ``Erik thanks, brlcad :)
19:57.32 vasc never programmed anything in objective c. i tried it in the 90s but i couldn't wrap my head around that method call syntax
19:57.44 brlcad ih8sum3r: that looks like it's probably right
19:58.33 ``Erik vasc: it's easy, [obj method:arg]; instead of obj.method(arg);
19:58.53 ``Erik swift has a more java smelling syntax
19:59.25 ih8sum3r brlcad: Okay, I'll start downloading and will report you asap.
19:59.37 vasc i remember it getting weirder in some cases
19:59.57 vasc well whatever. it can't be worse than ML
20:00.26 vasc i had to program in caml light at one point
20:01.01 ``Erik heh, objc does have some weird invocations... [obj meth1:arg meth2: meth3:arg1, arg2, arg3] type stuff... what do ya expect, it's related to smalltalk (and sml/ocaml)
20:01.47 vasc puke
20:01.54 vasc i hate ml
20:02.53 vasc so you basically can chain method invocations in the same call?
20:03.17 vasc seems really message passing oriented
20:08.57 Stragus ``Erik, what would that mean in C?
20:09.10 Stragus never learned objc, just seemed weird and pointless
20:10.04 Stragus meth1( obj, arg, meth2( obj, meth3( obj, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ); ?
20:12.45 *** join/#brlcad konrado (~konro@
20:15.01 vasc i remember hearing all these wonderful things about NeXTSTEP so i actually tried learning Objective C at one point. then i gave up. i thought it wasn't bound to have much impact. until i heard about steve jobs getting back to Apple.
20:15.25 vasc well i would have never guessed it would spread so far
20:29.08 *** join/#brlcad sofat_ (~sofat@
20:30.38 vasc i did know that apple was basically safe when i heard they were gonna switch from macos to nextstep (later macos x) though
20:31.01 vasc shame i was never into investing....
21:07.23 brlcad nifty
21:07.57 sofat_ brlcad, i did some change please check one time more .
21:09.18 brlcad sofat_: .... still Spainsh
21:09.31 brlcad all the lessons ...
21:09.47 brlcad and I still get the Google Translate error
21:10.55 vasc
21:11.14 vasc it also has 'create from image'
21:11.20 vasc you can upload your own image
21:11.32 vasc and it generates a palette from it
21:12.08 brlcad you also still need to fix the two errors that were in the screenshot (style.css:432 and the brlcad.css 404)
21:14.02 brlcad yeah, pretty cool too .. hadn't seen that
21:15.58 brlcad sofat: other errors are base.css:248 (invalid property at '*'), style.css:432 (extra ;), foundation.min.css:1 (invalid css property decl at '*'), and brlcad.css missing at wordpress/css/brlcad.css
21:16.12 vasc i saw a site some time back which said the palettes in fashion for the season but i don't remember where it was
21:19.11 brlcad also translateelement.css:2
21:23.39 brlcad sofat: please recheck all of the issues itemized in the last two e-mails - I still see several of them and it's wasting time for me to keep looking when some items are clearly not fixed yet
21:24.12 brlcad if you don't understand an item, ask what was meant if you don't see what needs to be fixed or improved
21:29.33 brlcad the progress is good, but there are several little issues like getting google translate working ... it was working in your first version, so maybe look at what you've changed since then
21:30.06 sofat_ me , konrado and vasc check this
21:30.14 sofat_ he told me all is working
21:30.42 sofat_ brlcad, but I don't know what is problem your side
21:32.03 vasc it works here...
21:32.36 vasc google translate
21:33.07 ih8sum3r working on my side too
21:33.08 vasc firefox
21:35.16 konrado sorry for the misdirection sofat_, now I get the error with google chrome.
21:35.35 sofat_ but is error
21:35.36 sofat_ ?
21:35.46 konrado but I had no error with firefox
21:38.32 konrado Error say "The page at says: Error: Could not find Google translate frame."
21:38.54 sofat_ refresh and try again
21:38.59 vasc i have no problems with chrome either. it asks me if i want to keep translating that page and i just ignore that dialog.
21:39.09 sofat_ may be slow internet problem
21:39.44 sofat_ i am also tested on chrome
21:43.35 konrado Ok it now works for me on chrome.
21:43.54 sofat_ brlcad, please tell me what i do ?
21:44.31 vasc just figure out when that error happens and just return the untranslated page in case of error
21:44.42 sofat_ ok
21:45.21 vasc the "Could not find Google translate frame." error
21:47.15 sofat_ hmm
21:48.43 sofat_ so now need to change this error. if any problem came then page reload without any changes
21:49.04 vasc it's my opinion
21:49.19 vasc it's better to give the user something other than just an error
21:49.33 sofat_ haha.
21:49.51 vasc for all i know google translate or google services could be banned on someone's corporate network
21:49.53 vasc or something
22:27.38 ``Erik Stragus: nothing. by the time you got C to do it, it wouldn't be C anymore... :D
22:28.19 ``Erik vasc: yes, objc is message oriented (very smalltalky)
22:31.41 Stragus ``Erik, so what would that mean in assembly? :p I don't really believe it can't be expressed in C
22:33.49 vasc i think its just:
22:34.13 vasc obj.meth1(arg).meth2().meth3(arg1, arg2, arg3)
22:34.56 vasc assuming the methods return the object...
22:35.12 Stragus Uh.
22:35.26 *** join/#brlcad Notify (
22:35.34 vasc or obj.meth1(arg);obj.meth2();obj.meth3(arg1, arg2, arg3);
22:35.34 Stragus So, meth1( obj, arg ), meth2( obj ), meth3( arg1, arg2, arg3 );
22:35.39 vasc yeah that
22:35.40 Stragus Right
22:36.05 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Gsbains123 * 0 /wiki/User:Gsbains123:
22:36.29 Stragus claims we have demonstrated here today that Obj-C is useless
22:36.31 vasc you have an object and you do RPC calls on them
22:37.05 vasc well it makes sense if you are using remote calls
22:37.33 vasc coz you can bundle calls together in the same message packet
22:38.00 vasc if you aren't it seems useless
22:39.10 Stragus Remote calls?... That's an Obj-C compiler feature or these calls are just sent over the network?
22:39.53 Stragus Because the C comma operator also performs the 3 function calls independently as a single statement
22:41.00 vasc you can do message passing inside a machine too
22:41.04 vasc its just a paradigm
22:44.11 *** join/#brlcad sofat (~androirc@
22:44.49 vasc i said it in the context of RPC because, at least to me, it makes the point of using a construct like that more obvious
23:08.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Konrado DJ * 9083 /wiki/User:Konrado_DJ/GSoc2015/logs: /* 24 JULY 2015 */
23:14.15 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
23:22.30 vasc
23:22.34 vasc :-D
23:29.07 brlcad sofat: I told you what you could do -- you had translate working when you first added google translate ... then you changed it to this drop-down menu and it stopped working. so you can compare what the differences are.
23:30.59 brlcad sofat: either way, you have to debug the problem. asking others if it works for them is not debugging. saying it works for you is not debugging. I provided the error message and that is a message from your code, so you should inspect and try to find the cause of the error.
23:34.29 brlcad ignoring the error is will result in unexpected behavior. the message should be more user-oriented like "Automatic translation is currently unavailable." but this should only display when Google is down.
23:36.51 vasc since he can't reproduce the bug himself his only alternative is to desk-check his code...
23:39.14 brlcad sofat: to help with debugging, let me know what google address you're using for the translation service and I can try ruling out it being a cookie issue
23:40.03 brlcad vasc: or write it himself so he understands what it's doing -- he's using a snippet he pulled from stackoverflow
23:40.59 brlcad he had/has a version where it was working, so he should be able to compare and find the differences

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