IRC log for #brlcad on 20160114

00:03.14 brlcad hmm
00:04.43 brlcad so we either git-annex them (to files hosted on or put the repo itself on
00:05.04 brlcad I like the idea of git-annex, never used it though
00:05.58 brlcad or
00:06.05 brlcad
00:06.38 maths22 brlcad: Trying irssi plubin for quassel
00:06.41 maths22 It works!
00:07.04 maths22 I'll look into those for the repository
00:07.58 brlcad maths22: how does quassel deal with logging? I presume it does the logging...
00:08.18 maths22 What logging? If you mean the back-log, I'm not really sure
00:08.26 brlcad wonder how it compares with irssi's logging too
00:08.33 maths22 see
00:09.58 brlcad ah, that sounds cool and sucky all at the same time
00:10.08 brlcad looks like it stores all the chatter in a database
00:10.36 maths22 I'm trying it out for a few days, and I'll see what I think
00:10.46 brlcad and you have to manually dump to a file, instead of there being a backlog AND on-disk log that is always up-to-date
00:10.53 maths22 The mobile support is particularly nice-I don't really like mobile ssh
00:11.07 maths22 Regarding logging, this is part of why I am running it through an irssi proxy
00:11.24 maths22 I still have my irrsi session up and logging as I always do, this just layers on top of it
00:11.39 brlcad test what happens if you kill quassel-core .. if log data persists (I would expect it to as it says it's in an sqlite database)
00:12.13 maths22 exit normally or force-kill?
00:12.18 brlcad right, but running irssi from different locations on a client instead of the server means my logs are not in one place
00:12.25 brlcad force-kill
00:12.31 brlcad kill -9
00:12.43 maths22 brlcad: I'm saying I run irrsi on the server, and then connect to that from quassel
00:13.07 brlcad oooh
00:13.09 brlcad huh
00:13.18 brlcad that would be kind of cool
00:14.19 maths22 History persisted across restart
00:15.17 maths22 I could still talk through my screen+irssi session-Quassel connects on top of that, so it going down doesn't result in me losing anything, including the ability to talk
00:17.21 maths22 There exists a nice node-based client for it
00:18.09 maths22
00:18.40 brlcad sweet
00:55.03 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:26.16 andromeda-galaxy maths22: should I start running a downloader client locally?
01:26.58 maths22 Not yet. I need to make some updates first
01:28.29 andromeda-galaxy maths22: so, you'll update the java script and then send the updated version to me, so that I can run a download locally? I like the idea of doing that so that I can poke around and double-check that everything looks good, since more eyes on data are always better.
01:28.52 andromeda-galaxy maths22: also: java? ouch...
01:29.36 andromeda-galaxy maths22: if you don't mind, I might try rigging up a version of it with bash + jq for ufn
01:29.37 andromeda-galaxy *fun
01:29.50 maths22 I know java better than other languages, and didnt really know a better tool when I did it
01:30.08 maths22 It actually isn't too bad
01:30.37 andromeda-galaxy yeah, it's pretty well written. I don't suppose that I could convince you that we should do it in Haskell?
01:33.19 andromeda-galaxy maths22: as I mentioned, I might mock something up in bash, just for fun though
01:34.08 maths22 You could, but then I would need to refresh my Haskell memory :)
01:34.30 maths22 Haskell version may happen tonight
01:34.50 maths22 If I'm bored enough
01:34.54 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I can probably do a Haskell or bash version tomorrow, unless something unforseen comes up
01:35.28 andromeda-galaxy (bash is actually probably pretty simple: jq + some cmdline xml parser... honestly, that might be my first instinct for this problem)
01:35.44 maths22 The java one is functionally fine, but rewiting is fun
01:37.34 andromeda-galaxy maths22: indeed, that's the only reason I'm playing around with bash
01:38.57 andromeda-galaxy maths22: by the way, why do you create a new url from the key, instead of using operations/row/link ?
01:39.35 maths22 Which line are you referring to?
01:40.08 andromeda-galaxy maths22: the way that you construct the per-task urls from the json from the main page
01:40.27 andromeda-galaxy you use <url fragment> ++ id (parsed from the json) instead of the url in the json
01:41.01 maths22 Probably the JSON format changed (or I wasn't paying much attention when I wrote it)
01:41.10 andromeda-galaxy maths22: ah, okay
01:41.17 andromeda-galaxy oops, it looks like I have to levae now suddenly, sorry
01:41.20 brlcad since GCI has moved to a completely different system, remember that this is a ONE-SHOT deal.. doesn't matter what it's written in ;)
01:41.24 andromeda-galaxy I might talk to you again a little later tonight..
01:41.34 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: of course! this discussion is just for fun
01:41.42 brlcad nods
01:42.15 maths22 I also have the unused variable "name"
01:42.27 brlcad there are many other fun coding exercises that could use that attention too -- like the web interface that runs jobs on a checkout ;)
01:42.59 maths22 brlcad: What are you referring to?
01:44.00 brlcad we made it into a set of GCI tasks, I think andromeda-galaxy worked on it iirc
01:44.42 brlcad basically, there's a pattern we seem to do a LOT on our code where we're either graphing some property over time or searching for when something happened, given some range of commits
01:45.29 brlcad so we came up with a task idea to create a simple web interface where you provide a shell script, the range of commits, and it goes to town for you
01:46.41 brlcad ideally automatically keeping track of the patching that you often need between broken commit versions, and optionally collapsing "series" of commits where the same author made N commits in a row around the same time
01:47.33 brlcad but even a simple one that just runs the script on each commit would be useful without that
01:56.17 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66866 (brlcad/trunk/include/fft.h brlcad/trunk/src/libfft/ditsplit.c brlcad/trunk/src/libfft/splitdit.c): A little doxygen rework on libfft. Still not at all well documented, but at least it's something...
02:22.28 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66867 (brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/libbn.dox brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/libbu.dox): Slight clean-ups for libbu/libbn doxygen
02:34.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66868 brlcad/trunk/CHANGES: list rle specific tools for deprecation
02:34.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66869 brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/libbn.dox: shorten name
02:38.46 *** join/#brlcad zorryglguvddijgf (
03:17.57 andromeda-galaxy brlcad, maths22: yeah, I still have code for that lying around somewhere (though I only got the "simple" version working before I ran out of time)... I'm still not sure what its security model should be, though
03:56.17 maths22 brlcad: Web client dark screen
04:05.02 starseeker maths22: out of curiosity, do you have any experience with review-board?
04:06.22 starseeker has been wondering if the newer versions can be teased into an effective post-commit review system for BRL-CAD, but as yet I've not been able to put all the pieces together...
04:24.27 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
04:27.41 maths22 starseeker: I have not heard of it
04:27.59 maths22 I'll take a look tomorrow
07:13.15 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
07:50.42 *** join/#brlcad gaganjyot (~gaganjyot@
09:00.59 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I think that I have a fairly decently robust implementation that properly handles multiple files with the same name and handles the fact that you can submit links as well as files in ~65 lines of bash. I've downloaded 2014 & most of 2013; the data dir size (uncompressed, with html versions of each task page + all task files) is 2.6 GB
09:30.24 *** join/#brlcad infobot (
09:30.24 *** topic/#brlcad is || We're busy preparing a major release 7.26 (eta January) and getting archer/mged to Beta status (eta April) || SEEKING: web devs to finish setting up our new website!
09:59.24 *** join/#brlcad teepee` (bc5c2134@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:17.07 *** join/#brlcad merzo_ (
10:34.41 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Seniadrian * 0 /wiki/User:Seniadrian:
14:10.01 *** join/#brlcad poxip (~poxip@unaffiliated/mrpoxipol)
14:24.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66870 brlcad/trunk/include/wdb.h: Doxygen tweaks for wdb.h
14:27.30 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66871 (brlcad/trunk/include/rt/timer.h brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/librt.dox): Group the rt timer into librt doxygen.
14:36.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66872 brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/libmultispectral.dox: Add a brief note about libmultispectral - need much better docs explaining all this...
14:42.46 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66873 brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt: reorder libraries, add a note that this order is important to doxygen and not arbitrary.
14:48.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66874 (brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/libbg.dox brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/libbn.dox and 2 others): Don't library names in definition labels - context makes it clear.
15:02.04 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:07.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 66875 (svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,3 ## and 3 others): create a branch for work on extracting NMG to a library
15:11.28 andromeda-galaxy brlcad, maths22: I have 3.1GB uncompressed of data. Also, be warned that the Melange-generated pages aren't valid (x)html, in some cases they even have invalid unicode characters
15:11.58 maths22 Not surprising. Did you unzip the files, or are they still in the zip format from when they were downloaded?
15:12.51 andromeda-galaxy maths22: curl --retry 3 -s "$link" | gunzip - > "$file" # line from the script
15:12.54 andromeda-galaxy so yes
15:13.20 maths22 OK. Could you share the script with me? I would like to see it
15:14.00 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: if you have a list of categories to file the tasks into, I can make a tiny little script to make refiling them easier
15:14.07 andromeda-galaxy maths22: sure! how do you want me to?
15:14.16 maths22 pastebin?
15:16.25 andromeda-galaxy maths22: sounds good, hold on one second
15:17.53 andromeda-galaxy maths22:
15:18.38 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: Thanks!
15:19.08 andromeda-galaxy maths22: no problem. There were some particularly annoying problems with Melange though:
15:19.22 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:20.57 andromeda-galaxy The main one was that for some reason, one html file included an ASCII code 5 "ENQ" character, which isn't legal in xml. I used to use hxnormalize instead of xmlstarlet fo on like #26, but that passed the ENQ character through, and the xmlstarlet sel invocation then errored out, and no files were downloaded. Luckily, I have an assertion that, through the complexities of wc, ensures that the number of files found,
15:20.57 andromeda-galaxy was downloaded, so I caught it.
15:21.09 andromeda-galaxy that'll be important if you take a similar approach on any other scripts
15:22.01 maths22 interesting
15:22.08 andromeda-galaxy maths22: fun idea: extract the comments, intersperse them with links to the downloaded file, and then run the whole thing throuph pandoc to get a nice little markdown document for each task with task title, task description, and files interspersed with comments
15:22.52 andromeda-galaxy (e.g. use pandoc to build the markdown from html)
15:23.29 andromeda-galaxy currently, the tasks are written as ${year}/${org}/${task-key}/files/${date-uploded}/${filename}
15:23.34 andromeda-galaxy or, if that's ambiguous,
15:23.47 andromeda-galaxy ${year}/${org}/${task-key}/files/${date-uploded}/${filename}/$n where n = [0..]
15:23.51 andromeda-galaxy s/0/1
15:24.00 andromeda-galaxy maths22: does that seem like a deceent scheme to you?
15:24.20 maths22 It does seem reasonable
15:24.58 andromeda-galaxy oh good. Now we have to figure out what to do with 3.1 GB of task data
15:27.23 maths22 zip it up and upload it to
15:28.05 andromeda-galaxy maths22: sure, should I try generating the abovementioned markdown summaries quickly?
15:28.14 maths22 Sounds reasonable
15:29.10 andromeda-galaxy maths22: great, I'll try to do that quickly,
15:29.32 andromeda-galaxy after I send it to, are we planning that you'll double-check that everything looks good & we'll stick the files on (so that we can set up the git annex repository)?
15:29.39 maths22 yep
15:31.04 andromeda-galaxy maths22: sounds good. Do you think that we should we upload all the files (including task pages and Markdown summaries) or just the large files?
15:31.35 maths22 Probably all of them, but once we have the zip on the server, we can play with it however we want
15:31.56 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 66876 (brlcad/branches/libnmg/include/nmg.h brlcad/branches/libnmg/src/CMakeLists.txt and 23 others): remove rt includes and separate rt-dependent code (in progress)
15:33.29 andromeda-galaxy wait, are we going to put a zip on the server? I don't think that git-annex will be able to deal with that...
15:33.48 maths22 I'll unzip it once it is there
15:34.16 andromeda-galaxy maths22: good, just checking
15:34.33 andromeda-galaxy are you planning on handling everything that needs access to the server?
15:36.49 andromeda-galaxy (I've never played with it before, and thus don't have any access to it)
15:38.47 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
16:01.10 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
16:17.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 66877 (brlcad/trunk/src/conv/gcv/gcv.c brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/gcv.c and 2 others): add a decimation filter
16:40.54 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 66878 brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/plugins/decimate/decimate.c: print decimation statistics
16:52.39 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: Indeed
16:57.21 andromeda-galaxy maths22: great! I have a few other things to do this morning, but I should have an archive with the Markdown summaries for you in a few hours at most
16:57.37 maths22 Ok. Sounds good. No hurry
16:58.24 andromeda-galaxy also: what do you think of using ${year}/${org}/${task-key}/${date}/${filename}/${n}/${filename} for the tasks with more than one copy of a filename at a given date? (previously, it ended at /${n}); that way, tools that rely on file extensions will still work
17:00.01 maths22 This is a very good idea (or you could rename to ${filename}.${n}.${ext})
17:01.12 andromeda-galaxy maths22: the reason that I was planning on continuing to use directories was that I figured that it might otherwise be ambiguous whether somebody submitted ${basename}.0.${ext} and ${basename}.1.${ext}, or if they submitted ${basename}.${ext} twice...
17:01.34 maths22 That is reasonable
17:02.19 andromeda-galaxy excellent, I'll rework the script & inplace update all the data before sending it to you
17:08.16 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
17:08.16 andromeda-galaxy maths22: another possibility (which would keep more ordering information) is ${date}/${n}/${filename}, with $n uniformly increasing throughout the tasks... thoughts on benefits/tradeoffs of that approach?
17:08.58 maths22 I actually like that idea. What again is the reason for the date folder?
17:09.14 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66879 (brlcad/trunk/CHANGES brlcad/trunk/include/CMakeLists.txt): Remove conf.h - has been deprecated since 7.0
17:10.50 andromeda-galaxy maths22: just to hold on to the information about when it was submitted (for ordering purposes, injecting into the comment stream, etc.)
17:11.30 maths22 Shouldn't that be encoded into the file's creation date?
17:12.17 andromeda-galaxy maths22: hmm, that's an interesting idea...
17:12.39 andromeda-galaxy by the way, I just realized that I meant to say throughout the task---e.g. the 50th task downloaded wouldn't start with n=320
17:13.10 andromeda-galaxy maths22: the advantage of the folder structure (to me) is that it's less "fragile" than the dates---any number of archival methods modify the various dates on the file,
17:13.46 andromeda-galaxy including, IIRC, git. In addition, if we end up moving tasks around between directories a lot to manage a queue, making sure that everyone who checks out the repo has everything set up right so that creation dates get preserved is a big pain
17:14.48 maths22 That is fair; I just feel like one should be able to list a single directory and find all the files assosciated with the task (or n folders with one file per folder)
17:15.08 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I was assuming that people wouldn't mind find $task/$files -type f
17:15.19 maths22 andromeda-galaxy: I always forget about find :(
17:15.20 maths22 Never ind
17:15.25 maths22 s/ind/mind/
17:15.45 andromeda-galaxy maths22: oh okay. so are we agreed on ${date}/${n}/${file}, with $n starting at 1 and counting up through all the files for a given date?
17:15.55 maths22 yes
17:16.05 andromeda-galaxy maths22: great, I'll rework the scripts
17:16.50 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I just got a test of the markdown conversion going though, and it's a little worrying: pandoc doesn't seem to do a very good job, probably because it doesn't read any css and the comments are all horribly nested divs
17:16.58 andromeda-galaxy so I'm probably going to have to do markdown by hand :(
17:17.31 maths22 That's dissapointing
17:18.14 andromeda-galaxy yeah, now I'm trying to decide between 1. making html summaries and no text-readable ones, 2. making markdown summaries through text concatenation, and 3. doing both of the above
17:18.54 andromeda-galaxy part of the problem is that I'm actually not at all sure how to get the markdown to look any good, since we need to put a number of properties under each comment heading
17:19.12 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66880 (brlcad/trunk/include/optical/light.h brlcad/trunk/include/optical/shadefuncs.h brlcad/trunk/include/optical/shadework.h): Add liboptical headers to liboptical group
17:20.43 andromeda-galaxy maths22: you get markdown like:
17:20.49 andromeda-galaxy div id="c" class="single-comment"><span class="single-comment-author">[Marc Tannous](/gci/student_tasks/google/gci2014/tannousmarc)</span><span class="single-comment-meta">on December 1 2014 17:03 UTC</span><span class="single-comment-title">Task Claimed</span>
17:20.51 andromeda-galaxy which is reallyjust html
17:20.57 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66881 (brlcad/trunk/include/dm/bview.h brlcad/trunk/include/vmath.h brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt): Add the two clearly public headers that are not (at the moment) associated with a library.
17:20.59 maths22 This is not markdown :(
17:21.21 andromeda-galaxy exactly
17:35.33 Notify 03BRL-CAD:ejno * 66882 brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/gcv.c: remove the initial tessellation filter for now, until it works correctly
17:51.52 andromeda-galaxy maths22: I've got to leave now, but if you have any thoughts on good ways to do a presentation of the data while avoiding that problem, let me know
17:52.09 maths22 I'll take a look later
18:24.25 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
18:42.52 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 66883 brlcad/trunk/doc/STRATEGY: renamed strategic areas and converted TODOs to org-mode headlines
19:10.13 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
19:42.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66884 (brlcad/trunk/CHANGES brlcad/trunk/include/bu/cmd.h brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/cmdhist_obj.c): Deprecated the bu_cmdhist functionality as public libbu API. Need to decide what libged level functionality we'll eventually want, for now provide tclcad the logic internally.
19:59.02 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: responding to your earlier comment, the design gallery page has a list of the design categories of interest (plus icons or misc for any remaining design tasks), plus 'code', 'docs', and probably 'infrastructure' or 'etc' ... we can subdivide
19:59.32 brlcad if it can be done hierarchically, that would be cool, to just start with "design", "code", "docs", and "etc", see what that looks like
20:00.40 brlcad I see your shell scripting skills have improved considerably too :)
20:01.26 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sounds good, I'll try to set it up heirarchically like that
20:01.54 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: yeah, I got a lot better at bash after writing bash completion for ovs-vsctl (from Open vSwitch)---that's a really complex command, so we used a few hundred lines of bash
20:02.35 brlcad fyi, we don't need (or want) year or org delineation other than to maybe order integration better .. it's all categoric work that has to be processed
20:02.45 brlcad the task-key should be chrono hopefully
20:03.20 andromeda-galaxy we can probably get rid of that at some point, but I left it in to the script to make sure that we don't accidentally overwrite things, since I have absolutely no idea how the task keys are generated---the 2014 and 2013 ones both look like random strings of numbers to me,
20:03.27 andromeda-galaxy although 2012 is slightly shorter random strings
20:04.08 andromeda-galaxy I'm trying to figure out what sort of "task summary" file we want to give someone opening a new task, I originally thought that I' d just render an html page with comments & inline links to the files that we scraped to markdown (so that people can look at it in an editor), but it looks like that's somewhat difficult, since html->markdown isn't very good
20:04.21 andromeda-galaxy also: xmlstarlet & jq are awesom
20:04.26 andromeda-galaxy s/$/e
20:07.22 brlcad still reading backlog, liked maths22 notion that we should be able to list a single dir to find all the files / folders for a given task instead of date nesting but only because the date is pretty much irrelevant for integration purposes
20:08.22 brlcad yay, caught up
20:08.45 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that was about the setup for inside one task, though---I thought that the date would be relevant for while a contributer was trying to figure out which files to actually use
20:09.15 brlcad you're right for the script, it needs to be careful, just saying it's of no use for the repo structure
20:09.46 andromeda-galaxy also, if we go the git annex route, we can just stuff all of the data up on in a relatively unstructured format and then move around annex's marker files in the repo, right?
20:09.47 brlcad what's the $n ?
20:09.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66885 (brlcad/trunk/include/bio.h brlcad/trunk/include/bnetwork.h and 3 others): Doxygen work for bio/bnetwork
20:10.01 andromeda-galaxy in case there's more than one file for the same datetime with the same name
20:10.09 andromeda-galaxy the time resolution is only good to within a minute, so that really does happen
20:10.53 brlcad it's not a big deal really either way .. if someone is processing a task, they will almost certainly look at all the files
20:11.08 brlcad so the easier it is to look at all of them, the faster it will be to et through 795 tasks
20:11.14 brlcad s/et/get/
20:11.24 andromeda-galaxy (I was thinking that we should just upload files with the maximum of structure---it seems like this kind of repetitive structure will be easier to get rid of than to add back in)
20:11.37 brlcad knowing the submission order is obviously helpful for knowing what came before/after what
20:12.52 andromeda-galaxy we could also do ${task-key}/files/${n}/${filename}, cutting out the ${date} folders but keeping the ordering in the ${n}... I worry a bit about putting all of them in the same directory, though, it seems like it would be too easy to overwrite older files
20:13.03 brlcad can do that, but then there will almost certainly be up-front work to immediately break it down to something minimal
20:13.22 andromeda-galaxy (well, ${task-key}/files/${n}-${filename} might work too)
20:13.22 brlcad this isn't surviving post integration, it's all about making them as fast as possible to review
20:14.19 andromeda-galaxy I just wanted to download files with enough structure to put it all back in if we want it, a few lines of bash sshould be enough to move things back around
20:14.43 andromeda-galaxy I see your point about one directory now, though---lots of tools are conducive to "open everything in this directory"
20:14.44 brlcad what about ${title}-${year}-${task-key}/${n}-${filename}
20:15.13 brlcad or something similar ... really flat hierarchy but guaranteed to not conflict
20:15.18 andromeda-galaxy that's nice
20:15.24 brlcad and guaranteed to order correctly
20:15.36 maths22 Title should then be at the end
20:15.41 andromeda-galaxy encoding ${title} might be kind of annoying though, since we have #'/etc. in there
20:15.42 brlcad sure
20:16.01 brlcad could just strip non-alphanum chars
20:16.09 andromeda-galaxy e.g. it's easy to just use "" and stick any random set of characters in there, but it might annoy people later
20:16.14 andromeda-galaxy oh that's true
20:16.26 andromeda-galaxy sed s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g
20:17.05 andromeda-galaxy or tr -cd '[[:alnum:]]'
20:17.18 brlcad yep
20:18.10 andromeda-galaxy or actually, we might want to replace spaces with dashes first, but anyway
20:18.14 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 66886 (brlcad/trunk/include/bsocket.h brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen/libbu.dox): handle bsocket like bio and bnetwork
20:18.35 brlcad sed 's/[^[:alnum:]_-]//g
20:18.55 brlcad underscores probably, but yeah
20:19.36 brlcad so we end up with something like:
20:19.50 andromeda-galaxy we might want a /files in there after task before ${n}-*, though
20:19.59 andromeda-galaxy that way we can stick the task description in there, and have a different folder for links
20:20.27 andromeda-galaxy (since students can submit links to work online, or to websites related to the task in any way, and we probably don't want to accidentally crawl too much)
20:20.46 brlcad docs/2013_8234829392_Convert_to_Doxygen/178218383-file1.doxygen
20:20.47 andromeda-galaxy right now, those get done as ${task-key}/links/$n, with $n monotonically increasing for the task
20:21.17 andromeda-galaxy where'd the 178218383 come from? are you talking about using the id from the html file instead of a new counter?
20:22.09 brlcad doesn't matter, as long as it's ordered somehow
20:22.16 andromeda-galaxy are the ids ordered?
20:22.17 brlcad could be the date or counter
20:22.49 brlcad I assumed they were based on what I thought I saw when the program started, but don't know
20:22.55 andromeda-galaxy well, date doesn't work, since there could be duplicates; we could do ${date}-${counter} or just ${counter} (which seems simpler, and doesn't lose anything since we still have task html file
20:23.44 brlcad the discussion in the html file, though, is chrono, so won't really know what file is being talked about without a date somewhere
20:24.37 brlcad ${n}-${date}-${filename} sounds pretty good
20:24.58 andromeda-galaxy yeah, true, though to some degree that goes back to what I was saying earlier about providing a summary file in some human friendly format
20:25.26 andromeda-galaxy (${n}-${date} would have ${n} increasing throughout the whole task?)
20:25.42 brlcad yeah
20:26.26 andromeda-galaxy okay, that sounds like a good plan: ${category}/${year}-${key}-${title}/files/${n}-${date}-${filename}
20:26.30 andromeda-galaxy (for the files)
20:26.42 brlcad doesn't matter how, as long as it's easy to tell what file came before what others and that map to the conversation/html, we'll be good
20:26.45 andromeda-galaxy ${category}/${year}-${key}-${title}/task.html for the task descr
20:26.48 brlcad I assume you're not doing html re-writing
20:27.04 andromeda-galaxy and ${category}/${year}-${key}-${title}/links/${n}-${date} for the links
20:27.19 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that's what I was discussing with maths22 earlier,
20:27.39 andromeda-galaxy at this point task.html is just a cleaned-up copy of the Melange page (using xmlstarlet fo --recover to clean it up)
20:27.55 andromeda-galaxy but it would be nice to provide a summary with links to the local copies of the file
20:28.05 andromeda-galaxy but I don't know if html (which would be easy to do using xmlstarlet) is the best idea or not
20:28.35 andromeda-galaxy since that would require one to open a web browser for each task to look at a nicely formatted version of the page
20:28.41 brlcad or even ${n}-${date}-${link}
20:28.51 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 66887 brlcad/trunk/doc/STRATEGY: convert cross-over designations to org-mode tags
20:29.22 brlcad if we can avoid the subdir and get everything in one dir, it will be that many cd's fewer * 795
20:29.31 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 66888 brlcad/trunk/doc/STRATEGY: fix typo
20:29.48 brlcad how are you handling the urls?
20:30.03 brlcad just embedding them in a text file, or the name of the file is the url?
20:30.13 brlcad or creating an html with that link in it?
20:30.21 brlcad something else?
20:30.35 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: right now, lins/${date}-${n} is a plain text file with one line containing the value of the href attribute of the a element which generated the link
20:30.45 andromeda-galaxy since ${n}
20:31.09 brlcad cool, that works
20:31.24 andromeda-galaxy is monotonically increasing, we could write all the links to files named ${n}-${date}-link and hope that no-one confuses them with files, since we probably won't have ${filename}==link
20:32.12 andromeda-galaxy (by the way, links are currently detected by finding <a> elements with rel=nofollow, there doesn't seem to be anything else to distinguish them, except that they aren't to a subsite of
20:36.47 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: also, what do you think of providing a file like this for a "landing page" for each task:
20:37.22 andromeda-galaxy (the names & first few times are from a real datafile, but I embellished the end & avoided copying in the description)
20:38.32 andromeda-galaxy the main problem is that I'm not sure how to actually get markdown (or similar) versions of the task description and comment texts, pandoc does a horrible job with it...

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