IRC log for #brlcad on 20160125

00:05.18 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
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02:01.41 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
02:23.40 *** join/#brlcad LordOfBikes (
04:26.43 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki: * 9516 /wiki/ARL_Technical_Reports:
07:09.20 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
07:09.52 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
10:25.52 *** join/#brlcad ries_ (
11:54.02 *** join/#brlcad DaRock (
11:56.55 DaRock Hi guys. I'm hoping someone can help me, I'm just starting (like a few hours) with brlcad. I've been lead to it in order to solve a specific problem - coverting a stp file to stl (which creo was unable to do due to lack of memory). I modeled it quite a while ago, and don't want to have to go back and do it again as it took days, and it can't change as such as its a replacement of a specific part that is no longer available.
11:58.08 DaRock unfortunately, when I convert from step using step-g, the file is small, and when I try to confert to stl it asks for objects, and I can't figure out which it is talking about, and when I open in mged it shows absolutely nothing
11:58.57 DaRock what am I doing wrong?
12:01.08 ``Erik mged doesn't load objects when you first start it, try running the "tops" command at the mged command line after the .g file is opened
12:01.21 DaRock nada
12:01.25 DaRock tried that already
12:01.37 DaRock all my googling has not helped
12:01.45 DaRock tried ls, summary as well
12:02.11 DaRock basically comes up 0 in all summary
12:02.27 ``Erik hm, then I guess step-g failed (exactly how big is the .g file and how did you invoke step-g ?)
12:02.53 DaRock step-g -o output.g input.stp
12:03.11 DaRock exactly as the docs and -h says
12:03.40 DaRock files size of the g file is 208 bytes
12:05.18 DaRock command output of step-g says instances found, 0 warnings 0 errors, a list of (seems) approx features, but nothing seems to actually go into the g file
12:05.34 DaRock 1205 instances created
12:05.44 DaRock instances valid
12:06.09 ``Erik huh, I'd think step-g would want some object names to convert
12:06.22 DaRock ?
12:06.27 DaRock really?
12:06.36 DaRock doesn't say so in any docs
12:06.49 DaRock should be just one object anyway
12:07.35 DaRock last lines: Used 49 entities of the available 254 in schema "Config_Control_Design
12:07.35 DaRock Writing output file [handle.g] ...done!
12:10.02 DaRock this is directly from the step-g command: step-g -h step-g: illegal option -- h
12:10.02 DaRock Usage: step-g -o outfile.g infile.stp
12:10.55 DaRock so
12:11.06 DaRock file->open handle.g
12:12.25 DaRock file loaded info dialog pops up with: Output from STEP coverter step-g. (units=mm)
12:12.46 DaRock tops:
12:12.54 DaRock ls:
12:14.08 DaRock summary: 0 primitives, 0 region; 0 non region combinations, 0 total objects
12:14.41 DaRock and there is no objects listed in the stp file either
12:15.04 DaRock plenty of text, no object names as such though
12:15.27 DaRock file size of the stp: 77.5k
12:15.47 DaRock original prt file from creo is 341k
12:16.16 DaRock actually... not sure. thats prt.1, prt.3 is 810k
12:26.51 DaRock just opened the file in mged directly, and it came up with the stp file contents ok, but still no objects and a whole bunch of errors in the form of: db_scan Error: bad record
12:33.16 DaRock weird. tried a different step file from a different source and it worked
12:33.31 DaRock tops actually output something :)
12:33.49 DaRock unfortunately, the one I want seems to be screwed
12:35.47 ``Erik might be the file you're using has some unsupported aspect :/ starseeker would be the go-to guy I think, maybe he'll be online in a couple hours? (I don't think his work is open today due to that blizzard, but he might get online)
12:36.33 ``Erik is the step geometry something you'd be able to share to help solve this?
12:45.50 DaRock could... but I think it may have just been some quirk it wasn't happy with. It was showing elsewhere just fine, but I couldn't convert it as such. Anyway, I went back to creo and re-exported it as step. When I went back and did the convert using step-g again it responded differently, and it seemed to have worked. I went into mged then and opened the g file, and ran tops and it showed an object - yay! :) I'm just running draw on it
12:46.18 DaRock its taking some time, but its outputting a whole lot of crap at least in the cli wondow
12:47.29 DaRock that blizzard looks like some fun hey? Wouldn't want to be caught in the middle of that... then again, it'd probably suit me better than the heat we have here atm :)
12:51.47 DaRock I have a wireframe now :) so to clarify how does the g-stl work then? What objects are required? If I run ls in mged it says ''0.r/R and ''0.s
12:52.51 DaRock do I run g-stl -o handle.stl handle.g ''0.r/R
13:01.50 *** join/#brlcad ries (
13:02.36 DaRock running it on "''0.r" is saying tesellation failure
13:10.32 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
13:15.44 ``Erik the /R just says that the region flag is set, just 0.r should work... um, what does 'rt' in the cmd window do? does it raytrace correctly? (tesellation failure is something that was being worked on, I'm not sure what the current state is... once again, a starseeker issue ;) )
13:16.33 ``Erik if creo can output a facetized format, that might be a workaround?
13:18.28 DaRock facetized format? Like stl? lol.... oh wouldn't that be nice :)
13:19.31 DaRock main reason for taking this road is that creo runs out of memory while tessellating in stl, or other formats mind. PITA of a program if you ask me
13:20.17 DaRock I upped the page file size, but basically it goes over around 2G of memory which a 32bit ssytem can't handle as far as I can tell
13:21.28 DaRock 0.r came up with unknown object
13:21.47 DaRock mged has frozen atm... give it a bit
13:22.47 DaRock I'm trying to get away from creo, but it keeps dragging me back kicking and screaming :)
13:24.03 DaRock when I do finally get rid of it I might have to have a ritual burning or something... kick its ass to the curb :)
13:26.24 DaRock how does rt work?
13:26.40 DaRock I've used rt ''0.r and it fails
13:30.50 ``Erik if you have the wireframe up in the display window, just 'rt'
13:31.12 DaRock so I have to draw first?
13:32.05 ``Erik yeah, or 'e', if you just want to call 'rt' with no arguments... otherwise it'd be "rt 0.r" (and may take quite a while if your nurbs are hairy)
13:32.56 ``Erik but it'll let you know if the nurbs's (?) converted correctly and seem valid
13:36.12 DaRock how long should it take?
13:38.59 *** join/#brlcad JulytoNovember (~ubuntu@2602:306:3b33:9ac0:c906:a4f7:2483:b739)
13:40.58 DaRock I have an ogl lingering window open, the graphics window is the same, and the cli says the command has finished - I think. The ogl window is black though, and I still only see wireframe
13:42.04 *** join/#brlcad teepee` (bc5c2133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:50.11 DaRock well the ogl window is not so black now, but still not in any expected form - just some weird shape atm
14:02.08 DaRock I'm going to have to call it a day, but thanks for the help ``Erik
14:02.28 DaRock finally finished after 1017s cpu time
14:03.07 DaRock recognisable shape, but I'm not 100% sure what I'm expecting to see as such
14:03.27 DaRock not sure what errors should come up either
14:03.59 DaRock did get a lot of assumptions made though about faces and seams
14:56.34 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
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17:20.20 andromeda-galaxy ``Erik, brlcad: are either of you still around?
17:47.48 *** join/#brlcad skat00sh (uid103741@gateway/web/
18:12.36 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
18:41.20 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
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23:25.10 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)

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