IRC log for #brlcad on 20160209

00:12.43 *** join/#brlcad qux (944a2b81@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:40.00 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:55.57 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:58.34 brlcad starseeker: libpng change recently (last 3-4 weeks)? getting new failure on mac
01:59.20 brlcad yeah, that collection is pretty insane ... so many gems in there I found
01:59.44 brlcad old photos, lots of baltimore maps and drawings, letters, sheet music, ...
03:17.01 nmz787 anyone in here know much about CAM? I am interested in getting my BRL-CAD designs out into the world, and have been thinking of how to implement a g-code exporter. I've seen the shell script that's out there, but it had too many dependencies and wasn't amenable to g-code optimization (i.e. if you're targeting a laser versus a traditional mill)
04:01.05 brlcad nmz787: variety of thoughts on the matter
04:01.34 brlcad the shell script method (projected polygonal tessellation) is an approach, but not a very good one at all for a variety of reasons (particularly for brl-cad models)
04:03.22 brlcad another is to use export via stl or some other polygonal form and feed that to existing software -- also an approach riddled with issues less than ideal
04:18.06 brlcad nmz787: better approach is to keep the models in implicit or parametric form and evaluate slices as needed
04:21.17 nmz787 brlcad: yeah I've got the slicing-in-brlcad figured out. It is the edge-walking/stepping that I am not sure of... I guess some kind of ray shooting (but non-random aim) could be used ?
04:21.32 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
04:21.35 brlcad this is an approach I had a summer student work on a few years ago:
04:21.41 brlcad
04:21.48 nmz787 i've thought maybe slice in BRLCAD, then export to STL, then evaluate elsewhere
04:22.01 brlcad basically shoots rays to sample layers through the geometry, outputs corresponding gcode directly
04:22.04 brlcad simple program
04:22.59 brlcad with that, you can shoot rays at whatever resolution your printer/laser/cutter supports so you will have perfect paths
04:23.35 nmz787 any way to shoot rays via mged?
04:23.41 nmz787 or another cmdline tool?
04:23.46 nmz787 (existing binary)?
04:23.57 nmz787 something I can hack with Python ;)
04:23.58 brlcad certainly can shoot rays, sure
04:24.13 brlcad nirt was made for exactly that purpose
04:24.18 nmz787 that file seems easy enough to port
04:24.20 brlcad can run inside or outside mged
04:24.24 brlcad has a detailed manaul
04:24.45 nmz787 ok, cool
04:25.14 brlcad
04:27.49 nmz787 nice! timing is everything in this chatroom!
04:28.12 brlcad nirt run outside of mged will be far more flexible for this kind of use
04:30.03 brlcad someone doing something similar from inside mged was talked about on the list:
04:30.14 nmz787 well so far I've been shoving python-crafted tcl strings to mged via subprocess... and recently used subprocess to also grab the output of the 'l' command for a make_bb temp-object
04:30.19 brlcad but that will convert trivially to python outside mged
04:30.27 nmz787 so I can interact/parse other commands similarly
04:30.58 brlcad :)
04:31.36 brlcad there is a difference in this instance in that mged has it's own view and state which gets passed to nirt when run from within mged
04:31.56 brlcad e.g., it shoots at the objects you've drawn from the center of the current view, whatever that may be
04:32.04 brlcad outside mged, you specify those things to nirt
04:33.30 brlcad basic approach will be to create a nirt script file which tells it what point and direction to shoot ray(s)
04:33.33 nmz787 btw I see you using osuosl in a screenshot, are you in OR?
04:33.43 nmz787 (I prev guessed MD)
04:33.51 brlcad MD
04:34.33 nmz787 and the output is the intersection point?
04:34.40 nmz787 (of a shoot event)
04:34.53 brlcad output is customizable, but yes default is hit point and thickness
04:35.13 nmz787 so it doesn't matter if I hit the same point from different viewpoints
04:35.15 brlcad see the manual, there are a couple other installed output forms that will be more useful, more easily parsed
04:35.39 brlcad inhit and outhit points in one of them, not just inhit and thickness
04:35.56 brlcad nirt -L
04:40.23 nmz787 hmm, i opened a spiral model (union of rpp) in nirt and used 's' from the starting menu
04:40.35 nmz787 I got 3 point triplets
04:40.57 nmz787 all from the same model-region
04:41.07 nmz787 (region name)
04:41.10 brlcad screenshot or output?
04:41.18 nmz787 console output
04:41.52 nmz787
04:42.02 nmz787 I catted a bit of the tcl script at the top
04:43.01 brlcad ah, that looks right
04:43.20 brlcad notice, you're shooting from 0,0,0 in the direction -1,0,0
04:43.34 brlcad i.e., from the center of the spiral, out
04:43.39 brlcad so it hits it three times
04:44.55 brlcad first time at -12 (exiting at -26), then at -47 (exiting at -53), then at -79 (exiting at -84)
04:46.03 brlcad it might make more sense for you to open up the model in mged and run nirt and spin the view to understand what's going on
04:46.15 brlcad it'll actually show you these segments visually inside mged
04:47.54 nmz787 i'll do that now, all I can tell from your reply otherwise is that the X coord got subtracted from it LOS
04:50.09 brlcad something like this is going on:
04:50.23 brlcad oops, this:
04:52.56 nmz787 this is what mged shows with "e spiral.r" :
04:52.57 brlcad default ray is useless, be intentional about your 'pnt' and 'dir' (from where and in what direction)
04:53.09 nmz787 so apparently I haven't finished my spiral script!
04:53.22 brlcad so it's hitting three of those boxes
04:53.47 brlcad you can refire the same ray inside mged
04:53.49 nmz787 one ray or three?
04:53.56 nmz787 did the ray bounce?
04:54.02 brlcad one ray
04:54.02 nmz787 reflect?
04:54.10 brlcad nope
04:55.00 brlcad "center 0 0 0" in mged will set your view center point to the same as what nirt used outside of mged
04:55.53 brlcad "view dir" to see what your view is, but I think view dir -1,0,0 may get you oriented right so you can just run "nirt" inside mged to get the same output
04:56.22 brlcad if nirt hits anything, you can rotate the view and you'll see the segments of intersection as colored line segments
04:57.28 nmz787 view doesn't seem to have dir
04:57.33 nmz787 in mged
04:57.47 nmz787 (release 7.24.0)
04:58.59 brlcad ah, my mistake
04:59.04 brlcad help view :)
04:59.33 nmz787 anyway, I don't want to waste your time since I have to read the manual and such! you've given me a ton to go on for a while!
04:59.41 nmz787 thanks!
05:00.39 brlcad ah, fount it
05:00.42 brlcad just run "front"
05:00.47 brlcad that will face -1,0,0
05:03.42 nmz787 with that and then "nirt" , and "top" I see
05:03.49 nmz787 (and some zooming)
05:04.09 brlcad there ya go, that's the three segments it hit
05:04.31 brlcad center -47.1519 0.0000 0.0000
05:04.54 nmz787 it looks like the rightmost segment went through 4 distinct boxes
05:04.57 brlcad or one of the other points nirt reported, and you'll see it's right there
05:05.14 nmz787 the middle through 2, the leftmost through 1
05:05.16 brlcad yes, but you unioned them all together -- it's just one mass of material
05:05.29 nmz787 ah
05:05.47 nmz787 I do remember something about hiding those lines
05:05.57 brlcad you even unioned the disparate boxes, but it knows when it leaves and enters different portions of something
05:06.06 brlcad rtedge
05:06.53 nmz787 hehe, well rtedge crashed mged
05:07.00 brlcad wot? really?
05:07.22 nmz787 well, it seems to have recovered
05:07.35 brlcad you on debian?
05:08.03 brlcad try "rtedge -F/dev/X"
05:08.45 nmz787 ubuntu
05:08.46 brlcad there's a bug on some platform that causes X11 to go haywire (black screen) until the raytrace finishes
05:09.26 brlcad something screwy with opengl and/or direct render mode or X11 calls or .. dunno, haven't been able to diagnose, but I have heard it reported
05:09.52 nmz787 that worked
05:10.00 brlcad so something with opengl
05:10.04 brlcad or direct rendering
05:10.09 nmz787 here's the output of the plain command
05:11.29 brlcad yeah, bug in the opengl driver of some sort
05:12.17 *** join/#brlcad ofnlut_ (~ofnlut_@2601:143:8001:646d:701a:226:11ad:2011)
05:12.31 nmz787 hmm, so maybe I want to take a slice, then shoot rays at the slice cross-sectionally
05:12.46 nmz787 so I only ever get one intersection
05:13.21 nmz787 hrmm, this is a bigger problem than I imagined when I started thinking about it a month or so ago
05:13.22 brlcad that's what that g-gcode.c program does
05:13.39 nmz787 ah, mm
05:14.21 brlcad basically shoots across a line of rays, then shoots the next line, then the next, etc.. outputting (very primitive) gcode instructions as it goes
05:14.59 brlcad the cool part is that it's arbitrary resolution and independent of the geometry representation format
05:15.46 nmz787 mmm, which is good for me, as I am working on MEMS devices (nanometers) that integrate into macro devices (millimeters or cm)
05:15.49 brlcad this makes it far more robust than any polygonal method could possibly be
05:15.54 brlcad and better quality unless you want to get into sub-resolution tessellation
05:16.12 nmz787 not that I'd be exporting g-code from the two scales at the same time
05:16.35 nmz787 smartly in-filling is what is kind of scaring me now!
05:16.43 nmz787 but alas, I need to go consume food
05:16.44 brlcad you'd probably have trouble getting a sub-resolution tessellation to complete successfully (and you might end up with TB size models)
05:16.54 *** part/#brlcad ofnlut_ (~ofnlut_@2601:143:8001:646d:701a:226:11ad:2011)
05:17.11 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
05:17.34 nmz787 thanks a lot brlcad ! you have given me plenty to work on and think about
05:17.43 brlcad nods, glad to help!
05:18.31 brlcad if you need an interim solution, you might check out "slic3r" -- it already does smart in-filling
05:18.42 brlcad but it requires tessellated input (stl)
05:18.59 brlcad which is a real pain to get brl-cad to export sometimes
05:19.33 brlcad it has to evaluate all of the boolean expressions apriori, which is an unstable problem
05:31.44 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
05:58.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 67067 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/bundle.c: rework the rt_shootrays() logic to preallocate all rays at once, initialize them in a separate pass, and then dispatch them all at once. while more coherent, we're not going to see huge gains due to other stalling. however, this sets the stage so that we can dispatch these rays in parallel more easily.
07:40.01 *** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
09:53.37 *** join/#brlcad teepee` (bc5c2134@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:12.49 *** join/#brlcad ofnlut_ (~ofnlut_@2601:143:8001:646d:691e:3aac:1af3:1256)
11:47.56 *** join/#brlcad ofnlut_ (~ofnlut_@2601:143:8001:646d:5439:2d60:14b8:3ee8)
12:54.19 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
13:01.23 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
13:10.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 67068 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/bundle.c: looks like the standard setup of the gcc compiler (-Werror=c++-compat) requires an explicite cast here
13:23.55 starseeker brlcad: yes, recent libpng change
13:24.00 starseeker brlcad: what's the failure?
13:28.46 starseeker (don't have a mac to test on anymore...)
14:37.56 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:31.14 *** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
15:34.17 brlcad morrison$ bin/rt
15:34.18 brlcad dyld: Library not loaded: libpng16.16.dylib Referenced from: /Users/morrison/brlcad.trunk3/.build/bin/rt Reason: image not found
15:34.20 brlcad Trace/BPT trap: 5
15:35.35 brlcad maybe something wrong during CMake
15:36.42 brlcad cache says:
15:36.55 brlcad yes also
15:36.56 brlcad PNG_LIBRARY:STRING=/Users/morrison/Applications/lib/libpng.dylib
15:37.53 brlcad and more confusing is another set of vars in the same cache further down:
15:39.48 brlcad looks like the actual link line is using that locally detected version
15:41.11 brlcad /Applications/ -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -msse3 -std=gnu89 -m64 -ggdb -Qunused-arguments -fstack-protector-all -pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wfloat-equal -Wshadow -Wbad-function-cast -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wc++-compat -Winline -Wno-long-long -Wno-variadic-macros -Wdocumentation
15:41.18 brlcad -Wno-c11-extensions -Werror -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -m64 -ggdb CMakeFiles/rt.dir/do.c.o CMakeFiles/rt.dir/main.c.o CMakeFiles/rt.dir/opt.c.o CMakeFiles/rt.dir/worker.c.o CMakeFiles/rt.dir/heatgraph.c.o CMakeFiles/rt.dir/scanline.c.o CMakeFiles/rt.dir/view.c.o -o ../../bin/rt ../../lib/libfb.20.0.1.dylib ../../lib/liboptical.20.0.1.dylib ../../lib/libicv.20.0.1.dylib -lm .
15:41.24 brlcad ./../lib/libpkg.20.0.1.dylib ../../lib/librt.20.0.1.dylib ../../lib/libgdiam.dylib ../../lib/libvds.1.0.1.dylib ../../lib/libbrep.20.0.1.dylib ../../lib/libbg.20.0.1.dylib ../../lib/libopenNURBS.2012.10.245.dylib ../../lib/libp2t.1.0.1.dylib /usr/lib/libc.dylib /usr/lib/libz.dylib ../../lib/libtinycthread.dylib -framework tcl ../../lib/libbn.20.0.1.dylib ../../lib/libbu.20.0.1.dylib -ldl -lm ../../lib/liby2
15:41.30 brlcad 038.dylib /Users/morrison/Applications/lib/libpng.dylib -Wl,-rpath,/Users/morrison/brlcad.trunk3/.build/lib
15:47.21 brlcad starseeker: so problem seems to be runtime rpath-related .. not finding the auto-detected lib it decided to compile against
16:04.46 brlcad presumably something related to RPath_Setup.cmake ?? I'm at a loss here as setting the library path manually works, just not when recorded in the libs/binaries
16:21.11 brlcad hmm, progress .. so looks like the cmake Find macro is either searching the PATH dirs, finding the lib relative to those paths, or finding the installed png_config but not using the LDFLAGS png_config says must be used
16:25.53 brlcad manually linking with `png-config --ldflags` which is "-L/Users/morrison/Applications/lib -lpng16" vs the "/Users/morrison/Applications/lib/libpng.dylib" above, seems to work
16:45.22 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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17:57.16 Notify 03BRL-CAD Wiki:Ickby freecad * 9530 /wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
17:59.02 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 67069 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/csg/CMakeLists.txt: this should help to solve the lemon issue here: explicitely initialize the lemon package
18:25.20 starseeker brlcad: I'm not sure -lpng16 would pull libpng.dylib
18:26.08 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 67070 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/csg/csg_parser.lemon: reverting changes from revision 66191: I can't confirm a clean build with gcc 4.9.2 without these additions
18:26.13 starseeker brlcad: if you're using the system libpng, I wouldn't have expected the recent changes to break that...
18:26.34 starseeker curious
18:27.15 starseeker wonder why PNG_FOUND was set to not-found if the LIBRARY was set.
18:37.23 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
18:40.05 starseeker brlcad: when you use the -lpng16 linking command, is it actually finding the dylib at /Users/morrison/Applications/lib/libpng.dylib or is it locating some other library?
18:40.18 starseeker i.e. what does the binary end up with per otool?
19:33.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67071 brlcad/trunk/src/bwish/CMakeLists.txt: These are local dirs, and need to come ahead of any system dirs contributed by the libs
19:44.48 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67072 brlcad/trunk/src/other/tinycthread/tinycthread.h: Avoid clang Wdocumentation warnings
21:23.54 brlcad starseeker: libpng.dylib is the first of a series of symlinks that ends up at libpng16.16.16.0.dylib
21:24.08 brlcad all in that App lib dir
21:31.34 brlcad something got mixed up in my testing, looks like the png-config ldflags *doesn
21:31.44 brlcad *doesn't* actually fix it
21:37.53 brlcad otool/ldd still just lists libpng16.16.dylib .. the problem is it either needs to embed the full rpath (which curiously I would have expected cmake's version to work) or the find script shouldn't have been nosing into PATH dirs without linking
21:38.13 brlcad <-- seems to be related as renaming the link does work
21:43.04 *** join/#brlcad ickby (
21:54.59 brlcad I think I found the underlying cause ... libpng's build does not appaer to set a proper install_name in the dylib file
21:56.41 brlcad so when it gets linked by something else (via full path or -lpng16), it embeds the wrong linkage that won't work without extra steps (set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, use install_name_tool)
21:58.48 starseeker brlcad: sounds like a worthwhile patch to png
21:59.08 starseeker brlcad: does the ENABLE_ALL version of the build work?
21:59.20 starseeker I found a test machine here and it seemed to work for me...
22:00.16 brlcad hadn't tried an enable all yet, but I would expect that to work
22:01.24 brlcad it's probably a case of PNG needing what you added to our build from
23:33.15 *** join/#brlcad teepee_ (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)

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