IRC log for #brlcad on 20160223

00:01.22 starseeker ah, I see - they're using a union for different key types.
00:01.24 starseeker hmm
00:07.22 starseeker so char * is the alias for a pointer... wonder why they're storing it that way instead of using actual pointer types...
00:19.04 starseeker nods - OK, so if char * is holding the "pointer key" and not a pointer to a string key, the code has to interpret it differently - a "0" value as numerical value in char * is legal and can be mapped, but that same value treated as an (invalid) char *array* address blows up. And that may be the fundamental issue we have, since we don't have that union key structure Tcl is evidently using to han
00:19.10 starseeker dle that situation...
00:22.16 brlcad starseeker: seem to consistently get this on a first cmake run:
00:22.16 brlcad CMake Error at misc/CMake/FindBRLCADTCL.cmake:306 (file):
00:22.16 brlcad <PROTECTED>
00:22.19 brlcad <PROTECTED>
00:22.41 starseeker do you have a system Tcl installed?
00:23.03 brlcad the default mac tc
00:23.22 brlcad *tcl
00:23.46 starseeker that would seem to indicate that the tcl_version.tcl file isn't working
00:24.03 starseeker can you try running the system tclsh with CMakeTmp/tcl_version.tcl and see what happens?
00:24.50 brlcad k
00:24.57 brlcad this is the stack trace it reports next:
00:25.02 brlcad Call Stack (most recent call first): misc/CMake/FindBRLCADTCL.cmake:730 (TCL_GET_VERSION) misc/CMake/FindBRLCADTCL.cmake:938 (VALIDATE_TCL) misc/CMake/ThirdParty.cmake:199 (find_package) src/other/CMakeLists.txt:328 (THIRD_PARTY)
00:25.32 starseeker nods - it's trying to find out what version of Tcl is installed, to be able to do a version based validation check
00:25.41 brlcad is it supposed to output anything?
00:25.41 brlcad morrison$ tclsh CMakeTmp/tcl_version.tcl
00:25.41 brlcad morrison$
00:25.50 starseeker should create a TCL_VERSION file
00:26.18 brlcad morrison$ cat CMakeTmp/TCL_VERSION
00:26.19 brlcad 8.5.9
00:26.21 starseeker in CMakeTmp
00:26.31 brlcad I'd already run cmake though, hold on
00:26.40 brlcad (a second time)
00:26.45 starseeker blinks - the error indicated that file wasn't there previously
00:27.26 starseeker flinches every time he looks at FindBRLCADTCL.cmake... it's so bad...
00:27.28 brlcad yep
00:27.50 starseeker soo... what tclsh does CMake think it's running?
00:28.02 brlcad if I rm -rf CMakeTmp ; cmake .. again, it repeatably gives the TCL_VERSION not found error
00:28.22 brlcad first cmake fails, second cmake (without deleting CMakeTmp) succeeds
00:28.36 starseeker my next move would be to instrument the TCL_GET_VERSION macro in FindBRLCADTCL - use message to print out what tclshcmd is
00:28.38 brlcad seems like some code that assumes it's generated is coming before it's generated
00:28.54 starseeker is it always line 306?
00:29.04 starseeker because that's supposed to be *after* the line that does generate it...
00:29.14 starseeker immediately after, in fact
00:30.47 starseeker brlcad: is this your laptop?
00:31.00 brlcad looking, yes my laptop
00:31.10 brlcad waiting for a --trace to complete
00:31.12 starseeker brlcad: I'll be glad to take a crack at it tomorrow in person if you like
00:31.55 brlcad yes, line 306 consistently
00:32.09 starseeker 's first thought is that somehow OSX isn't instantiating the file on the file system fast enough to get it there before the file(READ command tries to run, but that seems unlikely
00:32.47 starseeker because at some point TCL_VERSION *does* appear (right?)
00:33.36 starseeker if tclshcmd isn't set somehow, that would also produce that result
00:33.46 starseeker except then it would never work...
00:33.55 brlcad the next time cmake is run, so presumably it later runs tclsh and generates it
00:33.59 brlcad here we go
00:34.04 brlcad trace shows this: EXEC_PROGRAM(/Library/Tcl ARGS \"${tclversion_scriptfile}\" OUTPUT_VARIABLE EXECOUTPUT )
00:34.15 starseeker yeah, that's not right
00:34.29 starseeker is tclsh in a subdirectory of Library/Tcl ?
00:34.40 brlcad
00:35.08 brlcad woah, that's a big file
00:35.17 brlcad kills the upload
00:35.21 starseeker yep, my browser's not likeing it either
00:35.32 starseeker they need some intermediate logging levels
00:35.45 starseeker what directory is tclsh in?
00:36.43 starseeker is suspecting a path quoting issue now, if OSX has set up Tcl with spaces in it's pathname...
00:36.54 brlcad here we go:
00:37.17 brlcad if you search on TCL_VERSION, it's the second one
00:38.12 brlcad rather, search on CMakeTmp/TCL_VERSION, second occurance
00:38.51 starseeker yep, see it - that Library/Tcl is suspect/wrong
00:38.53 brlcad tclsh is simply in /usr/bin, but I think it's seeing /Library/Tcl and somehow thinking that directory is tclsh
00:39.05 starseeker what's in Library/Tcl?
00:40.06 brlcad bunch of tcl package resources, something you'd probably find in a /usr/share/tcl/8.x dir on linux
00:40.23 brlcad morrison$ ls /Library/Tcl/
00:40.23 brlcad Misc Sources Tk.icns Tk.tiff basekits demos licenses pkgconfig tap8.5 tap_help_repository tcl8 tcldebugger_attach tcldevkit teapot
00:40.37 starseeker is tclsh buried under there somewhere?
00:41.34 starseeker TCL_TCLSH_EXECUTABLE is getting the wrong value to get fed into TCL_GET_VERSION
00:42.25 starseeker hmm - what's in /Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/
00:45.23 brlcad
00:45.51 brlcad morrison$ find /Library/Tcl -name tclsh
00:45.52 brlcad morrison$
00:45.55 brlcad (nope)
00:45.57 starseeker ah - that's what's doing it
00:46.21 starseeker our CMake find script around line 650 is assuming the tclsh exectuable will be inside TCL_EXEC_PREFIX
00:46.30 starseeker apparently, that's not true on the Mac
00:47.20 starseeker all of the tests there fall through, and we're out of luck
00:47.54 starseeker in fact, I'm not seeing *anything* in this file that will help us find tclsh
00:48.36 starseeker blegh.
00:48.51 starseeker all right then...
00:50.39 brlcad so apparently TCL_EXEC_PREFIX only applies to "internal" tcl applications/resources, or more likely ... this is just a result of trying to get a strongly *nix based installation to fit the mac ecosystem where there's a stricter definition where resources must go
00:51.03 brlcad or nobody ever used that var and didn't realize it points to nothing useful :)
00:51.58 brlcad should still be helpful for finding the tcl packages/modules, just not necessarily tclsh
00:52.18 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67103 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindBRLCADTCL.cmake: Ugh. Leave it to Mac... if tclsh isn't *anywhere*, try plain tclsh as a last resort since all the others are already guaranteed to fail...
00:52.27 starseeker sighs - see if that works
00:53.46 starseeker fundamentally, we're helpless at this point - there's no way to guarantee any tclsh is associated with the Tcl installation specified by that unless we start picking apart binary library paths from otool/ldd an trying to tie *those* to the paths
00:55.15 starseeker by the by, that's a pretty old version of Tcl - not sure if it'll work...
00:57.44 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67104 brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindBRLCADTCL.cmake: finish the comment.
00:58.25 brlcad it works
00:58.53 starseeker brlcad: I've never seriously tried to test against the Apple native Tcl/Tk, since we've needed X11 all along anyway. It's theoretically possible with the OpenSceneGraph display manager now, but I think that's bitrotted some and there were still a few fine points to iron out anyway...
00:58.56 brlcad I mean that system Tcl work, still testing the build file update
00:59.12 starseeker nods
01:01.54 brlcad ironically, it's failing on this and it's a BRLCAD_BUNDLED_BUILD=ON
01:02.27 starseeker try BRLCAD_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON ?
01:02.56 brlcad sorry, that's what I meant
01:03.06 brlcad told you I have to look that var up almost every single time :)
01:03.07 starseeker that's even worse
01:03.16 starseeker uses -DENABLE_ALL=ON
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01:03.44 starseeker it shouldn't be doing the system test...
01:03.54 starseeker try BRLCAD_BUNDLED_LIBS=BUNDLED maybe?
01:05.14 starseeker brlcad: just use the configure rosetta script and be happy ;-)
01:05.35 starseeker it's there specifically to help with this kind of nonsense...
01:06.06 starseeker must someday try to convince the CMake devs to support autotools style options exposed through the CMake command...
01:07.01 starseeker huh - OSG still builds and runs here. cool
01:07.06 starseeker thought it was busted
01:07.32 starseeker now if I can only figure out why it's notions of center are wrong...
01:08.00 starseeker middle click on the dot and everything shifts right and down
01:08.14 starseeker offset hiding somewhere...
01:08.27 starseeker s/it's/its
01:08.27 starseeker grr
01:16.04 starseeker brlcad: remind me tomorrow and I'll try to figure out why you aren't getting a bundled build
01:16.41 starseeker ON should work, per the logic at toplevel CMakeLists.txt:1027
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03:31.26 Stragus Thanks ``Erik!
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05:18.39 brlcad starseeker: I got a bundled build with the latest
05:52.54 brlcad starseeker: also, I'll have to look again, but I thought I recalled seeing bu_hash's implementation supported more than storing strings.. the keys are char*'s but you can cast just about anything to that and use it as the hash key
05:54.06 brlcad just a different way of doing things, dropping type safety instead of exposing a bunch of type functions / macros
05:54.16 brlcad but again, will have to check and confirm
05:55.14 brlcad starseeker: also, clean rebuild made the rtshot crash go away, so something must have been stale or fixed in one of those commits you mentioned
05:57.52 brlcad GAH ... I gave you the wrong reproduce test.. crash is still there
05:58.12 brlcad this is what I should have said: bin/rtshot -R 1 -p 0 0 0 -d 1 0 0 share/db/havoc.g havoc
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13:15.06 Notify 03BRL-CAD:d_rossberg * 67105 brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/CMakeLists.txt: poly2tri: use dashes rather than underscores
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15:49.39 starseeker brlcad: OK, that crash I can reproduce
15:54.08 starseeker brlcad: two problems - first one is trying to strlen something that's not a string. If I change that to sizeof reg_bit, we get to bu_hash - that's where we end up treating the key as a string
15:55.00 starseeker is going to try to rethink/rework the bu_hash setup a bit... I'll study what Tcl does and see if I can set something up that'll do the job
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17:04.39 brlcad starseeker: I saw the strlen() but didn't hunt down the source. presumably it didn't used to be there as that -R option used to work...
17:18.38 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I know that you're really busy with the new release &c, but have you had a chance to decide on how we should make the task data accessible for reviewing? It's all up on the server, it seems like a shame to let it sit... One though that just occured to me was that we could also try using a separate git repo which just has files with task numbers/file names/etc, and have a separate script be used for actual
17:18.39 andromeda-galaxy data: ./ review <task id>, look through files, ./ archive-task <task id>
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17:45.08 andromeda-galaxy by the way, I was just seeing a bunch of excitement about the new site (it looks quite nice!) and was wondering how much testing we've done for accessibility (people with screen readers or no pointing device or even just no javascript, etc. the landing page on especially seems to use a bunch of javascript for all of the navigation, with no fallback...) If this is a silly question, sorry! I haven'
17:45.09 andromeda-galaxy this issue recently...
17:45.26 ishweradmin brlcad: Inderpreet here, was fixing stuff with new webpage and found this in my server. It has almost all the issues solved (except moving signup page below). I think I created it much before GSoC , or before I designed the wiki theme as prototype. It's consistent, it looks good and it just works. Why don't we use this instead?
17:48.23 andromeda-galaxy ishwardas: I like that design as a landing page..
17:48.45 ishweradmin I understand the part about using GCI stuff, but for this html based temporary landing page I feel like it would be duplication of effort. We would still be using GCI created wordpress theme anyway, so GCI stuff is still being used. I can do some changes in this (would take an hour max) and we are good to go, what say?
17:49.41 ishweradmin thanks andromeda-galaxy, I am glad that i just stumbled across this one. :P
17:51.03 ishweradmin brlcad: Let me know what you think here or on github and whatever we decide, we will get the page up by tomorrow (IST)
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17:53.37 ishweradmin is going to sleep
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18:06.58 ishweradmin andromeda-galaxy: Accessibility testing is good, but the priority here is to get something up asap. We can always perfect it later. The secodn design i showed has better accessibility but still not perfect. Like that level of perfection is a luxury IMHO we cannot afford at the moment.
18:23.59 andromeda-galaxy ishweradmin: ah, okay. I remmeber seeing in the old news that the last time that we did a website it was extremely compatibility tested first, so I was wondering if we'd do that again now or not.
18:37.38 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: definitely don't want the gci data to just sit -- all of the website buzz is actually me working through many of the design tasks (landing pages, icon sets, etc)
18:38.57 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: can you elaborate on what this is doing? is it pulling files for that rev?
18:40.06 brlcad and no testing or accessibility has been done yet, but making it work without javascript will be required (notice none of the navigation currently works ... they'll probably get quickly turned into <a href's to the current site so just the main page is updated)
18:40.30 brlcad ishweradmin: looking
18:45.31 brlcad ishweradmin: there definitely is duplication of effort -- there just wasn't any progress being made and we can't keep sitting on the old site
18:47.25 brlcad I started running with what was available on hand, what had been checked into the repo, and it was more work to clean that up than to run with the gci stuff in the interim
18:48.23 brlcad i may have been persuaded had I seen your WP theme fixes a few days ago... and it's definitely not wasted effort as the intent is still to have WP+MW in the mix, so the theme is necessary
18:51.32 brlcad I suggest we proceed by merging because even your version of the WP site is not ready to go -- that version of the logo on the menu is out-of-date, login needs to go away (they have no reason to log in or create an account), the Free & Open and Powerful images are not brl-cad, and the 'Trusted by U.S Military' section needs to go away...
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18:54.01 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: and you are right -- the old website was extremely and extensively tested, but that was 10 years ago and I don't particularly care how we look on B&W devices or browsers that don't support PNG any more :)
18:54.26 brlcad ishweradmin is right that the point right now, today, is to get something nice up as quickly as absolutely possible, ideally today
18:55.09 brlcad then keep bashing it with a hammer until it's better and in a stable state
19:04.09 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: that makes sense, thanks for explaining!
19:14.56 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 67106 (brlcad/branches/brep-debug/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/brep-debug/INSTALL and 84 others): merge changes from trunk r66850,67011-67068
19:19.43 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: so the script you mentioned?
19:20.13 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 67107 (brlcad/branches/brep-debug/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/branches/brep-debug/TODO and 65 others): merge changes from trunk r67069 through r67105
19:23.32 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: not yet written, just an idea
19:24.23 andromeda-galaxy that we we could have a small git repo that will fit on github because it's basically just a few files describing deltas on the version on the server (task name, category, review status, what files were used)
19:25.03 andromeda-galaxy and a little script that can "check out" a task (download a data dir) and can "check in" a reviewed task (deletes the local cop, modifies the delta/status files, pushes to github)
19:26.00 andromeda-galaxy that we have git for versioning reviews, and we don't have to put the files in the repo ourselves. basically, it would be a tiny little tool that does a specialized subset of what we were hoping that git-annex would do, with a few extra conveniences
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21:10.57 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: sorry, I missed your original query (and thus replied too late)
21:11.33 andromeda-galaxy by the way, are you looking at the design tasks using the dump on the server, or using the Melange interface?
21:20.35 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 67108 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/doc/docbook/system/implementation/en/bool_eval_development.xml: fix typo
21:30.53 Notify 03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 67109 brlcad/branches/brep-debug/doc/docbook/system/implementation/en/bool_eval_development.xml: promote sub-sub-sub sections to sub-sub sections
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22:30.01 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: by the way, do you have a record of which bits of the current website came from which gci tasks? I'm just curious about a couple of the images, etc.
22:39.03 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67110 brlcad/trunk/src/rt/rtshot.c: this is very very not right, but at least prevents bu_hash from going at key like it's a proper string. Still crashing, but now crash is in src/librt/bundle.c:734
22:46.25 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67111 brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/hash.c: Somewhat less wrong - do something with the pointer if the len is passed in as zero.
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23:24.29 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67112 brlcad/trunk/src/rt/rtshot.c: Getting better - don't send in the value, send in the pointer to the value.
23:30.32 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67113 (brlcad/trunk/include/bu/hash.h brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/hash.c): Using unsigned char * for a key type creates the (false) impression that keys need to be strings. Switch to uto uint8_t per suggestion from Sean.
23:34.39 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67114 (brlcad/trunk/include/bu/hash.h brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/hash.c): Same thing for the value - not limited to strings, so avoid that impression by switching to uint8_t
23:38.14 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: if you think that script can be written quickly and are willing to write it, go for it .. only concern would be that it's several GB or so of data and waiting for 900 scp's get completed would be annoying and slow
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23:41.16 brlcad andromeda-galaxy: so I started writing up this whole plan, but it's getting too complicated -- let's just put all the data into a git repo on the server, publish that git repo, and set it up so anyone with an account on the server can push changes up
23:42.07 brlcad people working on the data files need their local dev setups, desktop apps for reviewing images and videos, etc, so they need the whole shebang locally regardless.
23:50.22 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I'm fine with doing the script, it shouldn't be that hard (and might not be that slow since we can do http instead of scp, since we're in the webroot right now)
23:51.22 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: but if you want to go the one big git repo route that would be fine as well. I don't know much about how to host repos in a securely accesible fashion though. I can read about it some over the next few days and then run the plan by you or another admin to make sure that it looks sufficiently secure, if you want
23:52.15 andromeda-galaxy brlcad: I've got to run for most of the rest of the day, but let me know if you think of anything else around how to handle this
23:56.56 Notify 03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 67115 brlcad/trunk/TODO: Add a note to rethink the libbu API

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